Author Topic: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"  (Read 42263 times)

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Offline georgiapeach

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TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« on: December 04, 2015, 06:13:57 PM »
Thanks Oval!!


We Got A Chance, Baby” (Long Island, New York) – The final three teams race to Long Island, New York where, after five continents, 10 countries and more than 34,000 miles, one will be crowned winners and awarded the $1 million prize, on the season finale of THE AMAZING RACE, Friday, Dec. 11 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Phil Keoghan (@philkeoghan) is the host.

Thanks to Claude!
Finale episode title

« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 08:45:43 AM by georgiapeach »
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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2015, 06:14:27 PM »

Racing report
Amazing Race Season 27, Episode 12, "We got a chance, baby!"
Film date: 2015-07-14

The last pit stop was in Macau but it looks like teams are released from the Conrad hotel in Hong Kong after a 14h+ pit stop in the following order:
1.Logan & Chris       03:54
2.Kelsey & Joey       03:55+0:01
3.Justin & Diana      05:37+1:42

Route info: "Fly to Long Island, New York"

As usual teams are not free to select their flight for this last leg. The flight they all have to take is:
  CX830  HKG-JFK  09:36 - 13:16  (scheduled 09:20 - 13:05)

Once teams land they must travel by taxi to the N.Y. Fire Department training facility at Randals Island (15.9mi). Teams get into taxis in the following order:
 1. Justin & Diana
 2. Logan & Chris
 3. Kelsey & Joey

 "Going back to being photographers focus. Focus is the key word", Chris
 "We are going to be warriors instead of worriers", And the platitudes keep on coming from Chris

As they arrive at Randals island, Justin ask their taxi to wait. But the driver wants an extra $100 to do so. This is kind of much and they do not know how much money they will need later in the leg so they release their taxi. This will prove to be a pivotal moment in this episode.
 "What no tip?", Taxi driver after trying to get a lot of extra money
The other teams manage to get their taxis to wait.

In addition to the clue box the first teams find Phil here. Phil is live narrating their progress.

Teams reach the clue box here in the following order:
 1(+0) Justin & Diana
 2(+0) Logan & Chris, a few second behind #1
 3(+0) Kelsey & Joey, a couple of minutes later

Road block: "Who wants to play with fire?"

In this road block teams must take part in a fire fighting drill. They must start by putting on the heavy fire fighter equipment. Then carry a heavy hose to a truck before climbing up a ladder into a window on the third floor of a building (there are three ladders set up). Once in the building they will be fitted with breathing apparatus and must then search a set of rooms filled with smoke and fires for a victim (a child-sized dummy). Once they find the victim they must bring it outside and deliver it to a waiting ambulance.

 "These guys do not joke around", Justin

Once contestants have completed this task they will be faced with their first memory challenge. They are led to a fire truck and behind it they find a row of boots and a stack of helmets. A fire extinguisher holds the following text:

Arrange the
helmets with the
nine capitals of
the countries
you visited on
the Race, in
order from left
to right, on top
of the boots to
receive your
next clue.

To make the task a bit harder there are two extra helmets as well. The extras are labeled Rotterdam and Rio de Janeiro. The correct order is: Brasília, Buenos aires, Lusaka, Harare, Paris, Amsterdam, Warsaw, New Delhi and Beijing.

Justin is the only once who seem to ace the memory challenge and he leaves just as Joey arrive to the memory challenge. Joey and Chris both make a couple of wrong guesses before they get it. But they do not lose much time.

Teams complete the road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+0)Justin* & Diana     (6-6)
2(+1)Kelsey & Joey*      (6-6)
3(-1)Logan & Chris*      (6-6)

Route info: "Make your way to the location of the final race of the triple crown and search for your next clue"

All teams seem to know that they need to go to Belmont Park racetrack. Justin & Diana have a problem now as their taxi have left. They ask the two waiting cars if any of them want to take them. But they are both very uninterested. In fact Chris & Logan's driver is so uninterested about going to Belmont that he leaves instead.

Kelsey & Joey is the second team to reach the taxis, but they go back so that Joey can change out of his fire fighting gear. In the meantime Logan & Chris reach the one remaining taxi. They get into Kelsey & Joey's taxi just as Kelsey & Joey come running. There is a bit of shouting like "this is our cab" and Chris folds and exits the car. The fact that the driver said he wouldn't take them may have helped his decision as well. As the fact that Kelsey & Joey have left the meter running. Logan is very upset with Chris about him giving up the taxi. There is actually quite a lot of nagging about this during the rest of the race which I am skipping.

So the situation now is that we have Kelsey & Joey leaving in a taxi while the other two teams have to hop on a bus to go somewhere where they can hail a new taxi.
 "Damn we should have kept our cab", Justin

To make matters worse Justin & Diana get into a bus which first makes a lap around the island. So after a while they get back to where they boarded the bus.

At Belmont park teams will find a horse and rider waiting. They are not dressed up in yellow and red but still they have the next clue. Teams reach them in the following order:
 1(+1) Kelsey & Joey
 2(+1) Logan & Chris
 3(-2) Justin & Diana, probably about 45 minutes after #1

Route info: "Fly to the Hamptons in style and search for your next clue". Teams must now jump into one of the waiting helicopters which will take them to the Hapmtons.

Here we have another argument between Logan & Chris. It seems Chris is still wearing his fire-mans pants and boots and he wants to leave them behind. Logan points out that he has to have some sort of shoes. Chris ignores her.

The helicopters land in the same order they took off and the next cue box is hard to miss where it stands nearby.

Teams must now run to Shinnecock east county park. Here they will board a Sea-doo before heading out into the bay. They must then find a marked lobster boat.
 "Do you know what a lobster boat looks like?", Diana to Justin
 "Nope", At least Justin is honest as thy speed out into the bay

Teams board their lobster boats in the following order:
 1(+0) Kelsey & Joey
 2(+0) Logan & Chris
 3(+0) Justin & Diana

Teams must now pull up seven lobster pots from the sea and replace them with new ones.
 "Seems pretty straightforward, pretty easy. So it's pretty depressing", Justin had hoped for a harder task

The task sounds simple but teams soon find out that it is very heavy.
 "It was the most physically demanding thing I think we have ever done in our entire life", Kelsey

Once teams have replaced all seven lobster pots they get handed a small box filled with flags. Inside the lid is a note:

Arrange the Flags of the 9
countries you have visited,
in order, from the top down,
to receive your next clue.

* You may not use any
  manner of notes.

* You may not use any
  items to assist you in this

So here we have a second memory challenge. We learn that Kelsey & Joey and Justin & Diana have studied during the race and the flags were one of the things they studied so both teams are pretty confident when they go into this challenge. Logan & Chris are not so confident since they haven't studied the flags.
 "I don't know what Africa's flag look like", Logan

Teams also learn that there is an extra flag included.
 "I wish there was extra flags so somebody could make a mistake", Justin
 "There is, this isn't a flag we went to", Just then Diana find a flag she knows they didn't go to

Justin & Diana is the only team to pass the flag challenge on their first attempt. Kelsey & Joey were also pretty quick but got tripped up by the extra flag. Unfortunately for them Logan & Chris are stumped by this challenge.They do not know the flags so they have to guess, and that takes a long time.
 "We didn't study the flags, we're stupid", Chris has reached wisdom

Teams complete the lobster boat challenge in the following order:
 1(+0) Kelsey & Joey
 2(+1) Justin & Diana
 3(-1) Logan & Chris

The boats will now take teams to the beach where they will find some Dune buggies. They must then ride one of these along the beach to their next clue. The boats can't go all the way in to shore so teams have to swim the last bit.

Riding the dune buggy seems fairly straightforward. And you only need to follow the beach for about a mile so it is hard to get lost. So there are no changes in the order as teams speed to the next clue box.

The next clue tells teams they must assemble six Adirondack chairs and arrange them in the correct order according to the pictures on them. The pictures are:
 1. The water bike
 2. A tango couple
 3. A lion
 4. A windmill
 5. Taj Mahal
 6. A green Rolls Royce
None of the teams seem to have any problem with placing them in the correct order. However assembling them is a different matter. They have to use a hammer and nails to put them together. This is a very tedious and detail oriented task. And it turns out that the judge is fairly strict.

 "Joey's pretty handy", Kelsey

Justin & Diana arrive at this task while Kelsey & Joey are still working on their chairs. So it gets really exciting for a while.
 "We got a chance baby!", Justin gets the title
 "This is my forte, I'm a builder", Diana has unexpected strengths

Logan & Chris are last to arrive to this task. In fact they arrive to this task after the other two teams have crossed he finish line.

Justin & Diana are filled with confidence and we get to see Kelsey & Joey struggle a bit. And when the reporters call the judge over he points out that some of their chairs are not aligned well. So they must pull a couple of them apart and do them over.

The episode is cut so it looks like Justin & Diana are getting their chairs checked at the same time as Kelsey & Joey get their rechecked. This is very exciting. Unfortunately this is also very deceptive. The behind the scenes footage shows that Justin & Diana only have assembled three of the six chairs when Kelsey & Joey get their chairs approved.

Teams get their chairs approved in the following order:
 1(+0) Kelsey & Joey
 2(+0) Justin & Diana, about 20 minutes after #1
 3(+0) Logan & Chris

Route info: "At last, the finish line. Run to the nearby Southampton estate and find Phil. Go, Go, Go!". The clue also says "Follow the marked path to the estate".

The marked path starts just a little bit down the beach and is hard to miss. In fact the pit stop is only about 200 meters away Teams check in to the mat in the following order:
 1(+0) Kelsey & Joey, win $1,000,000
 2(+0) Justin & Diana
 3(+0) Logan & Chris

 "5 continents, 10 countries, more than 34,000 miles", Phil at the mat

 "For the two of us to experience what we have experienced, this is the best thing ever", Joey

« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 07:22:07 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2015, 06:15:07 PM »
Neobie's LEG 12 MAPS!

« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 06:57:42 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2015, 07:05:42 PM »
Leg 12: Hong Kong, China → Long Island, USA

AIR DATE: December 11

ROUTE INFO:   Fly to New York City, USA

(CX 830 HKG-JFK 0920-1305)

ROUTE INFO:   FDNY Training Facility, Randall's Island
 !  TASK:    Involves completing a fire drill

ROUTE INFO:   Belmont Park
 !  TASK:    Involves horses

ROUTE INFO:   Take a helicopter to South Fork, Long Island

ROUTE INFO:   Unknown
 !  TASK:    Involves jet skis

ROUTE INFO:   Ponquogue Beach
 !  TASK:    Pull crab cages out of the water

ROUTE INFO:   Unknown
 !  TASK:    Drive dune buggies along the beach to the final challenge

ROUTE INFO:   Unknown
 !  TASK:    Arrange six adirondack chairs with pictures of race items in order

FINISH LINE:  1620 Meadow Lane

« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 03:33:18 AM by ovalorange »

Offline jensweet19

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2015, 07:59:05 PM »
I will congratulate Chris and Logan in advanced..

Damn what happen why Justin and Diane failed the finale and settled for 2nd...

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2015, 10:16:53 PM »
The paddock at Belmont Park can be seen in the preview, as well as the FDNY training facility at Randall's Island. The finish line looks like it might be in the Hampton Bays area.

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2015, 11:30:07 PM »

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 08:43:10 AM by Alenaveda »
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2015, 11:30:39 PM »
Caps from the preview of the season finale!





























« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 11:33:08 AM by Alenaveda »
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2015, 11:31:07 PM »
Second part of the caps!





























« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 11:36:15 AM by Alenaveda »
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2015, 02:34:18 AM »
HD Cap analysis:

Teams seem to be at the New York Fire Department first. (Roadblock. [redacted] and Chris do it, Joey presumably does it based on Kelsey running to their cab). Via the first [redacted] pic, Chris is right behind him. [Redacted] is out of the fireman garb, and it's on the ground next to Chris who seems done. Hence, I think the RB positions are: Kelsey & Joey first (making the potential cab stealing below plausible, [redacted] second, and Logan & Chris third.)

Here's where things get interesting. [redacted] have their cab stolen by (I think?) Kelsey & Joey. The building behind [redacted] near the end of the promo looks like the same place as Logan & Chris. I also think a similar scenario to TARCAN3's penultimate leg occurs: - [Redacted] have their cab stolen by Kelsey & Joey, they steal Logan & Chris's cab, and Logan & Chris meltdown as a result.

The helicopters show all three teams... possible bunch after the Roadblock when they are brought to the Hamptons?

Dune Buggy task then horses. Horses and Dune Buggy are both Active Route Infos.

[redacted] is also clearly ahead of them at this rate (:res:) as their horse with the number two is shown. The task seems to look like something about decorating the horses with flowers.

Here's the interesting part though. Wouldn't [redacted] normally get the Number Two if he is first to the task? Therefore I think (at least for the horse task) Logan & Chris arrive first, [redacted] second, and Kelsey & Joey third.

Considering this is a beach, I think the teams then go to Ponquogue Beach.

Teams then drive jetskis to the boat.

The lobster cages are mentioned in MEDIA to be the FINAL Task. Per [redacted]'s post, it seems like it's a Memory Challenge.

Right after, I think teams drive the jet ski back and are told to run to the Finish Line. Considering the bushes behind Logan & Chris, they may well be en-route to the Finish Line at that point.

Looks like we have ONE Roadblock, three Active Route Infos, and two forms of special transportation (Jet Ski and Helicopter).

I'm really only gonna be okay with anyone but [redacted] winning, but let's hope the finale is decent at least! :hrt:
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 06:44:56 AM by gamerfan09 »

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2015, 03:02:09 PM »
I'm delighted that the race is heading to Belmont Park!  That's where American Pharoah won the Triple Crown!

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2015, 08:17:49 PM »
The Amazing Race - We Got A Chance, Baby! (Preview)

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2015, 09:19:29 PM »
Wow, Logan & Chris won? I hereby sign my promise to quit watching if this is so.

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2015, 09:26:43 PM »
Meet Max and Nick

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2015, 09:27:00 PM »
I don't think Justin & Diana won because they got the Brooke/Robbie style boasting before the credits rolled in the penultimate episode IMO.

Logan & Chris please <3

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2015, 09:33:45 PM »
Nothing new in the preview except confirmation that the fire task is the Roadblock AND it's definitely the first task.

"By Land by Air and by Sea..."

"They have to do a trial by fire."

The Roadblock seems to be something along the lines of: "Go inside a "burning" building and rescue a dummy to get your clue."

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2015, 09:34:57 PM »
lol the julie chen that suddenly appears cracks me up
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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2015, 09:37:40 PM »
lol the julie chen that suddenly appears cracks me up

cant say but first without julie chenbot <3

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2015, 12:20:38 AM »
Aren't there rumors about wooden chair's task or something that MIGHT be a final memory challenge?

I think Lobster's cage is just an ARI for them to pull the cage up and grab the clue or something. I don't see it as memory challenge? ???

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2015, 03:06:06 AM »
I think the helicopter footage is just stock footage. Probably in Phil's intro to the episode.......It is taken in the Hudson River with Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty and One World Tower in the background.....why would teams be flying in formation over the Hudson? Randall Island is in the East River and Belmont Park is in Elmont, NY east of Queens and back near JFL. The infield at Belmont is a perfect place to catch the helicopters to the Hamptons.....which is about 100 miles from NYC on the very eastern end of Long Island. Plus I would think that the copters would be flying alone and not in formation......
Matthew 7:15

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2015, 03:56:20 AM »
As of now, I'm for Logan & Chris. Kelsey & Joey is too bland for me and Justin & Diana is too boring. Now I will watch the finale, after just changing my mind.
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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2015, 03:45:46 PM »
Wow, Logan & Chris won? I hereby sign my promise to quit watching if this is so.

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2015, 05:05:42 PM »
Wow, Logan & Chris won? I hereby sign my promise to quit watching if this is so.

Chance favors prepared minds.

Offline strajkianya

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2015, 06:23:29 PM »
The lobster cages are mentioned in MEDIA to be the FINAL Task. Per [redacted]'s post, it seems like it's a Memory Challenge.

Although the task does seem like a memory challenge, I think Justin's post isn't about this roadblock, but that they assumed while in India what the final task will be.

And at this point that my favourites are all out, I hope for Logan to win, because of all the arguing she had with Chris. They'd probably run to first place and keep on arguing while Phil tells them they've won.
May the odds be ever in Joey & Meghan's favor <3

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Re: TAR 27 EP 12 FINALE! "We Got a Chance, Baby!"
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2015, 07:32:16 PM »
The lobster cages are mentioned in MEDIA to be the FINAL Task. Per [redacted]'s post, it seems like it's a Memory Challenge.

Although the task does seem like a memory challenge, I think Justin's post isn't about this roadblock, but that they assumed while in India what the final task will be.

And at this point that my favourites are all out, I hope for Logan to win, because of all the arguing she had with Chris. They'd probably run to first place and keep on arguing while Phil tells them they've won.

what might have been