Author Topic: I Should Have Seen It Coming”: An Interview with Big Brother 5’s Will  (Read 3024 times)

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I Should Have Seen It Coming”: An Interview with Big Brother 5’s Will
by David Bloomberg -- 08/20/2004

Will was nominated by Adria, not Vetoed by Adria, and evicted by Adria – all in one week. He left for sequestration Thursday, but not before RealityNewsOnline was able to get a few questions answered. Read on to find out what he had to say!

Will played much of the Big Brother game under the radar – until the main enemy of everybody was gone, and then suddenly he found himself nominated by somebody he thought was an ally. That same somebody ended up voting him out this week, but not before we saw Will change quite drastically from the weeks prior.

 Although he’s heading into sequestration, RealityNewsOnline had a chance to ask Will a few questions between leaving his first lock-up (the house) and entering his second (being sequestered). It’s a quick turnaround, so he only had time for a few questions before being shuttled away. Still, if you want to know how the last week affected him, whether or not he was surprised by this turn of events, what his strategy was, and more, read on to find out what he has to say!

RealityNewsOnline: By the end of your time, you seemed disgusted with almost everyone in the game. Did the level of backstabbing and deceit surprise you?

Will: I was mostly surprised with the way it affected me. By the time I left, my negative feelings toward Adria and Natalie were making me physically nauseous.

RNO: Were you surprised to be evicted, or did you see it coming once you were nominated?

Will: I should have seen it coming, but I was completely blown away initially. I will forever be disappointed with the level of trust I placed in the twins.

RNO: What was running through your head when the twin twist was revealed and Natalie walked into the game?

Will: I was initially relieved because it explained why Adria had weirded me out for five weeks.

RNO: What was your original strategy coming into the house?

Will: Make a secretive, small alliance and attempt to play both sides.

RNO: What would you have done differently?

Will: Nothing at all. I am so proud of the way I handled myself at all times. Big thanks to the support of all my fans.

RNO: Thanks, Will!

David Bloomberg is the Editor of RealityNewsOnline and can be reached at

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BB5's Gay Guy: He's Out!
by Angel Cohn

Will Wikle

Paging an optometrist, stat! Big Brother 5's token gay guy, Will Wikle, has suffered major visual trauma. First, he was seeing double (and then he was seeing red) when Project DNA backfired on him. Evil twin Adria conspired with her identical sister, Natalie, to evict the 26-year-old Mississippian registered nurse (and life of the party) from the house. Before being sequestered, Will dished his adventure with TV Guide Online, including his true opinion of those sneaky siblings

TVGO: What did you think of the twin twist?
Will Wikle: It explained a lot at first. Of course now I regret it and I wish them all the bad luck in the world.

TVGO: Will you ever eat PB&J again?
Will: I actually didn't mind peanut butter going into the house all that much. Not only will I continue to eat it, but I will also keep cans of it around for sentimental value.
TVGO: It seems to have gotten very cutthroat in the house — are you at all glad to be out?
Will: Yes! The level of lies and deceit were making me physically ill and I need a vacation. Thank God for the sequester [time].

TVGO: How do you feel about the Drew and Diane relationship?
Will: I think it will end the minute the cameras stop rolling.

TVGO: Was being in the house harder than you expected?
Will: Yes. It was difficult to be removed from all my support systems. It really made me appreciate my life.

TVGO: Did you do anything embarrassing that you wish you could take back?
Will: Of course! After you are in the house for a few weeks, you really do forget about all the cameras! There were several "sexually oriented" discussions that I probably shouldn't have participated in.

TVGO: Would you ever do anything like this again?
Will: In a second! I really learned so much about myself and my outside life in general. Because of my experiences on Big Brother, I will forever more live a more grateful, fulfilled existence.

TVGO: You said you desperately missed music. Who do you normally listen to?
Will: I am a hardcore hip-hop fan and adore Missy Elliott, Ludacris, Usher and Timbaland.

TVGO: Who do you think is the biggest fashion disaster?
Will: There were several fashion disasters but the biggest of all was Jase. From the bad highlights to the pit stains, he was always full of fashion don'ts.

TVGO: Were you disappointed that you never won a head of household or power of veto competition?
Will: No, I think it says a lot that I never won anything and managed to not be nominated until Week 7.

TVGO: You compared Jase and Adria. Which one is worse?
Will: Adria by far! Adria lied and manipulated under the guise of religion and true friendship and that is inexcusable.
