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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #25 on: February 27, 2016, 09:41:11 PM »
I hope Zach does some Amazing race vines -_-

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2016, 08:24:48 AM »
They've been pretty invisible up till Leg 3, but they're starting to grow on me.  Loved how the local recognised Zach in the middle of Colombia.  :grins:
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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2016, 05:27:16 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2016, 08:31:01 AM »
Such UTR-fun people who derp around at tasks and randomly mess up :lol: <3

This part may have been missed by a lot of people, but I loved this very short part last leg:

Zach: I think Scott's doing the Roadblock because he's seen a car before.
*Camera zooms in to Blair not doing it and saying how inept she is*
Zach: I hope it's Blair ^_^

*Zach's face becomes this for a good 5 seconds*


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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2016, 09:03:36 AM »
That insider video with the taxi driver telling all of THEIR research/information to other taxi drivers and them just laughing about it :lol: I think they're so underedited because they're always in the middle of the pack :(

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2016, 06:22:09 AM »
what might have been

Offline gamerfan09

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2016, 06:53:10 AM »
omg on rewatch of last leg, "My room-mate Paul was from Armenia. He was a hairy guy" is also a really random and lulzy quote from them :lol: <3

These two are truly such UTR-fun <33333

That insider video with the taxi driver telling all of THEIR research/information to other taxi drivers and them just laughing about it :lol: I think they're so underedited because they're always in the middle of the pack :(

YES OMG too bad it didn't end up in the episode =/

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2016, 07:37:57 AM »
I really laughed with Zach when during the weaving detour he talks about Brodie  and says "He probaly thought that weaving is totally uncool but he might have to pick it up since Blair loves it" and at that point Rachel lets out a little laugh. They both seem to have an understated sence of humour.

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2016, 09:50:15 PM »
zach and rachel :(

here's hoping they return for AS 3
what might have been

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2016, 10:16:22 PM »
They were supportive of each other the whole way. Rachel gave that RB her best, it was just a bad fast decision. So impressed at how well she caught them up though, it gave them a fighting chance! Very sorry to see them go.
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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #35 on: April 22, 2016, 11:04:00 PM »
I love that they jumped off the ship. Epic exit  :luvya:

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2016, 11:28:29 AM »
It honestly doesn't feel like they made it to Leg 9 (lasted pretty dang long)--wish we saw more of them! What we saw was great though, that's why they were among my favorites this season.

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2016, 12:01:00 PM »
It honestly doesn't feel like they made it to Leg 9 (lasted pretty dang long)--wish we saw more of them! What we saw was great though, that's why they were among my favorites this season.
I love that they jumped off the ship. Epic exit  :luvya:

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2016, 11:22:01 PM »

Exclusive: 'The Amazing Race' eliminees Zach King and Rachel King talk (Part 1)
By Elizabeth Kwiatkowski, 04/25/2016

The Amazing Race eliminated "Newlyweds" Zach King and Rachel King during Friday night's broadcast of the CBS reality competition's 28th season.

Zach and Rachel became the sixth team eliminated from the around-the-world competition after they arrived at the Race's ninth Pit Stop at a sailing boat called Phinisi in Bali, Indonesia, in last place.

The team struggled when Rachel opted to take on a Roadblock task that was very physically draining. She was the only girl to attempt the task.

During an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Monday, Zach and Rachel talked about their The Amazing Race experience. Below is the first half. Check back with us soon for the concluding portion.

Reality TV World: It seemed like you got to the Pit Stop on the sailing boat like a minute or two behind Kurt Gibson and Brodie Smith. Is that accurate?

Zach King: Yeah, we were -- I think what I heard from the first and last place was that there was a 15-minute spread from the first check-in to us. So yeah, the whole day was so tight, and yeah, we were probably just about a minute behind Brodie and Kurt when we got to the boat, which was hard. We rowed our little hearts out.

Reality TV World: So obviously the issue in this leg was the fact Rachel took on the Salt Roadblock task. What was your mindset when deciding that? Did you assume the task would be something else, or were you just switching Roadblock tasks back and forth and it was her turn?

Rachel King: I think it was a little bit of both. I mean, we couldn't see what the Roadblock was because it was around the corner. We were pretty much blind-guessing. And I heard "salt," so in my mind, I think I thought maybe it was cooking or something like that. In addition, we had been doing our best to go back and forth for Roadblocks, and Zach had done the last one or two. So, it was my turn to do it.

Reality TV World: Rachel, you said you wanted to cry during that Roadblock task. How hard was it for you to not give up and hold your tears back?

Rachel King: Yeah, it was rough. It was physically probably one of the hardest things I've ever done just in terms of strength. And it's funny because I always joke with people about how I have no upper-body strength whatsoever, and that's exactly what I needed.

So, yeah. You definitely, in those moments, there's that temptation to sit in the sand and cry and just not do anything. But I knew, honestly, Zach was the biggest reason I kept pushing.

Just seeing him, I knew I didn't want to let him down, and I didn't want to give up. I feel like that's the worst part, and I'm not really a quitter. So, even though it was extremely hard, I knew that just stopping and crying would just be even worse because it wasn't going to help me in any way.

Reality TV World: Zach, what was it like to watch Rachel do that task? It must've been pretty brutal observing her as she struggled like that.

Zach King: It was so heartbreaking to see. When we walked around that corner after we had chosen [her] -- because we didn't know what it was and the clue was very vague -- and at this point, we were switching on and off.

And it was tough because we saw, as I walked around the corner, [Tyler Oakley] drenched in sweat. And then Kurt was there. And I knew these guys were, like, Kurt and Tyler are pretty -- they can lift stuff!

And they workout, and so, it was hard to know that Rachel had to do that. But she stuck through it and I was really proud of her. We just sat down, and I don't know, maybe it was an hour she was doing that in the hot sun, and it was humid. So, I was proud of her.

Reality TV World: Did you end up with a pretty bad sunburn, Rachel?

Zach King: Oh she did! It was bad.

Rachel King: Yeah. It was close to blistering probably. So, I sunburn easily anyway, and we had been out in the sun all day. Yeah, it was pretty bad, the sunburn.

Reality TV World: Zach, could you talk about the Kite Roadblock task you did afterward? Do you think you got it done quickly and it just wasn't fast enough considering Brodie had a huge jump on you time-wise, or did you struggle with it at all?

Zach King: You know, I kind of plowed through it fairly quickly. It was just one of those things you had to do and take your time, making sure you got it right. And I was going as fast as I could looking at the example.

But also, my example -- because we were the last team there -- we were probably a little bit further away from the actual example I had to look at to figure out how to build it. So, I had to keep running back and forth, up and down the beach a little harder than the other teams. But, no, I did it as fast as I could and made up a little bit of time, but not enough.

Reality TV World: Brodie and Kurt have pretty much won half the legs this season, but obviously Kurt has done all the Roadblocks. The times Brodie did them, they used their Express Pass and almost finished in last place. At the time you left the Race, did you predict their streak was going to end? Would you have viewed them as less of a threat if you all had stayed in it?

Zach King: We knew that luckily Kurt had used all his Roadblocks by that point and it, you know, Brodie isn't the best at puzzles and you saw with the kite, like tying the small knots and detail work -- he's more about heavy lifting and the really physical challenges, which he's great at.

So we were thinking, you know, if we had stayed in the Race past this episode, we would have that to help us, where we speed up generally during all the Roadblocks and the Detours. So, we were hoping that if we stayed in it, Brodie [doing Roadblocks] would be to our advantage.

Reality TV World: You two seemed to get along great during the Race, unlike couples who bickered a lot. Were you almost surprised by how well you two worked together? Because the Race is a stressful and hectic experience, it tends to bring out the worst in people.

Rachel King: Yeah, I think we went into the Race just very aware that those situations can bring out the worst in people, so we even, like, before the Race, talked about how we were going to make sure that we work well together, because that will be our biggest downfall, is if we fight.

Most teams, if they fight -- especially for us, like, we knew in real life that when we fight, we don't do things as productive. And so, we were very intentional going into the Race, making sure that wasn't going to be something that hindered us. And it worked well.

We did, I think, work even better than we expected together, which was a good thing. Because we were nervous having been married less than a year and doing the Race, but yeah!

Reality TV World: Did you learn anything new about each other on the Race?

Zach King: What was unique about the experience, I mean, there were probably a lot of little things that I learned through conversation, but you know, my job is so -- I'm always on my computer; I'm always on my phone.

And it was a weird experience. The only reason I was really hesitant about the Race was giving up, like, the month without a phone and a computer and any Internet access. So, Rachel and I really did have, like, 100% us time.

It was time to work on our marriage, talk through -- not only the Race, but we did have a lot of downtime in airports or hotels later after the legs. So, we just got to have a lot of heart to hearts and talks and kind of just very intentional time that we usually don't get in a very concentrated amount. 

Check back with Reality TV World soon for the concluding portion of Zach and Rachel's exclusive The Amazing Race interview.

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #39 on: April 26, 2016, 11:22:33 PM »

Exclusive: 'The Amazing Race' "Newlyweds" Zach King and Rachel King talk (Part 2)
By Elizabeth Kwiatkowski, 04/29/2016

The Amazing Race eliminated "Newlyweds" Zach King and Rachel King during the most recent broadcast of the CBS reality competition's 28th season.

Zach and Rachel became the sixth team eliminated from the around-the-world competition after they arrived at the Race's ninth Pit Stop at a sailing boat called Phinisi in Bali, Indonesia, in last place.

The team struggled when Rachel opted to take on a Roadblock task that was very physically draining. She was the only girl to attempt the task.

During an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Monday, Zach and Rachel talked about their The Amazing Race experience. Below is the concluding portion. Click here to read the first half.

Reality TV World: Which team would've been your perfect target for a U-Turn had you gotten the chance or needed to save yourselves?

Zach King: Our target for the U-Turn, we knew the "Roosters" [Ashley Jenkins and Burnie Burns] were a really strong team. They have slowly been staying in second place the last couple of legs. And so, we were keeping a close eye on them.

Obviously [Kurt Gibson and Brodie Smith] are very, very strong. But we did know that Brodie had to do the rest of the Roadblocks... so probably the "Roosters." And [Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl] would be up on our list too. We love them in real life, but you know, it is a game and they're very, very smart players.

And, you know, especially Korey. He knows the Race so well and is good at strategy. So, even hearing them talk, we were like, "We need to keep an eye on them, because we think they are going to make it to the end."

Reality TV World: Would you say you had an [sic] allies during the Race?

Zach King: And I think this last episode was the first one when we really noticed people weren't helping each other. We weren't saying, "Oh, it's over here," or, "This is what you need to do."

There was absolutely no helping. It was kind of a switching episode where we all realized like, "It's getting real and we need to focus on our own game now, because all these teams could potentially win the money or make it to the end."

So we wanted to be strategic, and up to this point, we had been helping each other. But the allies, kind of, information sharing went down, and it was your own game.

Reality TV World: How do you feel about Sheri LaBrant and Cole LaBrant. I remember Cole made some comment worried people might not think he and his mother would deserve to win since they got saved twice. He at least figured Racers would be annoyed about their multiple second-chances. Say if they did make it to the Final 3 or even won it all, what would be your perspective?

Rachel King: Well, I can tell you that when we found out they were saved again in Dubai, there was definitely a little bit of frustration, because you know, you want teams to start going away and not staying. But I think Zach and I both would agree that this is a game and there's a lot of luck involved.

We were unlucky because I did that [salt] Roadblock without knowing what it was, and I think they got some good luck being saved twice. It's not really a situation where you can be mad at them for that. It's just how their game played out. I know being in the Race, there was definitely frustration that they stayed, but this is how the game goes.

Reality TV World: When you two left the Race, was there a particular team you were rooting for to win?

Rachel King: I don't think there was a particular team. I mean, we really liked everybody, which you don't see I think in a lot of seasons. We actually enjoyed being with the other teams, and like Zach said, it definitely got competitive and everyone was playing their own game, but outside of the game, we really did like everyone. I think we even talked about, like, after we left, we'd be happy to see anybody win this thing.

Zach King: Yeah, there were a few teams like, we knew our biggest threat were the "Roosters" and Brodie. So, secretly, I think we were rooting for, compared to them, some of the underdogs, like Tyler and Korey, [Dana Borriello and Matt Steffanina]. And of course, we were rooting for Sheri and Cole because I honestly had no idea that they would make it this far when we first saw them on the first day.

We were kind of like, "Okay, 'Mother and Son' team, they're probably not going to make it." They were one of the first teams in our minds that we crossed out. The fact that they made it this far, I think we were secretly like, "Go Sheri and Cole!"

Reality TV World: If you were to race again, what might you do differently or how could you better prepare based on the experiences you had?

Zach King: Well, I think we were spot-on for packing. Our bags weren't too heavy. But I think one of the main things we could practice or be really conscious of is taking our time, slowing down, and going over all the clues and details -- not being in a rush, and before we even run off into a taxi cab, figure out what it is and where we are going.

And then focus on the details because we were missing, you know, we were kind of sloppy with a few small details, which made a big difference later down the road. And so, I think that's what I would have done.

Rachel King: Yeah, I think the only other thing would've been to train physically a little bit more. I think, you know, having watched the season a lot, Zach and I knew there was a physical level.

But we also focused more on like, "Oh there's a mental level and an adrenaline level with whether you can get over your fears or not." But there's definitely a physical level, even more than we imagined. I would've trained physically more. (Laughs) That way maybe I would've spread the water faster [in the Roadblock].

Reality TV World: Rachel, I think it's safe to say the toughest part for you in the Race was that salt Roadblock task. Zach, what would you consider the biggest obstacle you overcame or the hardest thing you had to do?

Zach King: I think the toughest thing, well, one of them, was the snake. I really, really hate snakes. So it was ironic that was in the last episode. And I think for me, another challenge was dancing. Just every challenge became harder when you're under pressure.

From watching it, it just looked so easy, but when you're really there experiencing it, the stress really makes it, like, probably four or five times harder than it really should be. And when you're doing memory and dancing and you're hot and sweaty, wearing a wig in Georgia, that was a tough one for me!

Rachel King: Also, the longer you stay in the Race, the more exhausted you are. So, some of these challenges -- just toward the end -- I feel would've been a lot easier had they been in the first couple of legs, just because your body is so tired at that point.

Reality TV World: I know you mentioned wanting to adopt children. Has there been any progress at all? And how is your relationship going now, any updates on anything?

Rachel King: Yeah! We always knew that [adopting] was a goal of ours in how we wanted to build our family. There's still definitely hope of international adoption, but probably more in the future. We're actually starting to foster, so we're going to start doing that process in the next coming year. It's a way to help kids and maybe even grow our family depending on the situations we come across.

Reality TV World: How were you cast on The Amazing Race? Were you fans of the show and actually applied, or were contacted by producers because of your social media presence?

Zach King: Yeah, we were contacted for social media because it was the theme, but it was a very generic email. So, we still went through the whole process and applied after that and made a video and went through the process. But I got the email, and I think that was one of the few emails that I got. I called Rachel right after and was like, "We got asked about casting for The Amazing Race. We have to do this!"

Rachel King: We were both fans with our families, like, we both remember growing up with our families completely separate (laughs) watching seasons. For both of our families, that was one of the main shows [we watched]. So it was kind of a no-brainer when we got asked to do it. We had talked to our families about doing the Race not knowing it was potentially right in front of us. So, we jumped on the opportunity to apply.

Zach King: Rachel even left school to do it!

To read the first half of Zach and Rachel's exclusive The Amazing Race interview with Reality TV World, click here.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 03:02:40 AM by Platrium »

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #40 on: April 27, 2016, 06:13:33 AM »
I like this team. I never heard them bicker, like when Rachel made a mistake in the Detour that almost cost the Race in Colombia. Zach never shouted or scolded her, instead, they did the task again and motivated each other. These type of couples are rare on the Race. I would love to see them return in All Stars or Unfinished Business 2.0

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2016, 06:44:22 AM »
I like this team. I never heard them bicker, like when Rachel made a mistake in the Detour that almost cost the Race in Colombia. Zach never shouted or scolded her, instead, they did the task again and motivated each other. These type of couples are rare on the Race. I would love to see them return in All Stars or Unfinished Business 2.0

I agree to this! I believe TAR should prioritize these types of teams over teams who would bicker for… drama?

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2016, 07:18:46 AM »
they have been listed for my top 10 favorites since the race started  <3

agree with TARUSAFan, they really love and support eavh other, proved in bus task in Colombia, when Rachel accidentally mistaken counting moneys, Zach was so patient <33

also looked for her Instagram and saw her with Zach and they were so beloved and comfort to each other
what might have been

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2016, 08:46:18 AM »
I like this team. I never heard them bicker, like when Rachel made a mistake in the Detour that almost cost the Race in Colombia. Zach never shouted or scolded her, instead, they did the task again and motivated each other. These type of couples are rare on the Race. I would love to see them return in All Stars or Unfinished Business 2.0

Yes pls. <3
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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #44 on: April 27, 2016, 10:45:48 PM »

Zach And Rachel King Reflect On Their Adventures During The Amazing Race

Zach and Rachel were the fifth team eliminated on Season 28 of The Amazing Race.

After traveling the world together, married couple Zach and Rachel King came up short during the latest episode of The Amazing Race and host Phil Keoghan had to give them the disappointing news that their adventure was over.

While the sweet duo didn't proceed to the next leg of the journey, they each walked away from the mat grateful for the experience and the new lessons they learned along the way. Read what Zach and Rachel had to say following their exhilarating experience on The Amazing Race.

1. Rachel, how much more time did it take you to finish the Roadblock after the second last team left?

Rachel: "I was there for probably another 10 minutes... I think."

2. How did you guys manage to be nice and smiley to each other in such a stressful environment?

Rachel: "We went into it with the intentions of being kind to each other and we were nervous if we would be able to execute that in stressful situations but [we] were able to."

Zach: "I guess it is just our natural state. We went into the Race not knowing if we would argue and what that stress would do to our relationship and I think our natural response was just to smile it off and be forgiving and loving to each other.

"We were nervous going into it because we’ve seen enough seasons to know that this puts a serious stress on relationships and we’ve seen a lot of couples fight and argue."

3. What has been the biggest thing you have learned from being on The Amazing Race?

Zach: "I think we learned what kind of encouragement and what kind of words we needed. She didn’t need, 'Hurry up,' she needed, 'I'm proud of you no matter what,' and that actually made her go faster. It brought our communication to the next level and helped us get to know each other even better."

4. When do you plan on adopting and what countries would you like to adopt your kids from?

Rachel: "We don’t have a specific timeline for when we are going to adopt. We know we are going to start our family sooner rather than later. We haven’t really discussed a whole ton about what countries. That is still a conversation we are discussing and having, but one country we are thinking of is China. We both have adopted siblings from China."

Zach: "I think we know what continents. We are hoping to adopt from Asia and/or Africa. We have a heart for those two continents."

5. How do you feel about one team losing in two non-elimination rounds and still being in the game?

Rachel: "I think we were frustrated for sure when we realized they were still in the Race after Dubai because you want teams to go, but you can’t be upset with the teams because it is not up to them. That is just a part of the Race."

Zach: "I was bummed to see that Cole and Sheri took that extra non-elimination spot but you never know… the Race is pre-planned so there is an element of luck. If Cole and Sheri hadn’t been eliminated [then] I think our leg would have been a non-elimination leg, so we were bummed that they had already taken that spot."

6. What was your favorite place you went to on the Race and why?

Zach: "Chamonix, France was the top of my list. I had never been that high on a mountain. It was absolutely breathtaking. I was getting a little distracted because, one, I am afraid of heights but, two, it was so beautiful. The show didn’t even portray how beautiful it was. I will always remember being up there."

Rachel: "That was my favorite as well."

7. Zach, how did you deal with having your creative process on hold and did the change of scenery inspire any new video creations once you were back?

Zach: "I didn’t have any direct correlations for videos. I know I was writing down ideas. Taking a break was inspiring. Not having to check emails [every day] was great. Just being in a new environment every day… that naturally will inspire anyone’s creativity."

Watch the episode where Zach and Rachel were eliminated now and all-new episodes of The Amazing Race on Fridays at 8/7c!

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2016, 11:03:45 AM »
Viner Zach King on his 'Amazing Race' experience: 'We became really good friends'

By Saba Hamedy

LOS ANGELES — Newlyweds Zach and Rachel King said goodbye to their prolonged honeymoon last week.

The duo, who rose to fame thanks to Zach's Vine videos, became the sixth team to get eliminated from CBS's The Amazing Race after a tough leg in Bali, Indonesia.

The duo chatted with Mashable about getting eliminated, and what it's like to going back to a regular routine as a married couple.

Mashable: How does it feel now that your Amazing Race journey is officially over?

Rachel: It is bittersweet for sure. We are bummed knowing that we are not in the episodes anymore, our Race is over, and there is no chance at the big prize. But at the same time, we are super thankful for the time we did have. We were really disappointed when we were eliminated but we were also really proud of ourselves for making it nine legs. That is a great accomplishment.

Zach: It is a bummer. We knew it was coming, so I am excited to see what happens [on the show] now that we are off.

What were the challenges and perks of competing as a newly married couple?

Zach: The challenge of being newlyweds is we haven’t honed in the communication skills that some longer married couples have. But we were able to refine those and figure out how we resolve issues.

What was something new you learned about each other after the race?

Rachel: I think we [each] just learned more about what the other person needs to be encouraged and to feel supported. We were able to really test that. We learned specifically what the other person would want and need to hear to feel loved and supported.

What was the first thing you guys did when the Race ended?

Zach: I went to the hotel and I ordered a giant cheeseburger. We ate fries and ketchup, caught up on the news and then just slept.

Looking back, would you do anything differently?

Rachel: We would read our clues better. There were a lot of times that we completed our tasks messily, and if we had read our clues better we would have had more details.

What was it like competing with an all-digital influencer cast? Did you feel there was a balance of camaraderie and competition, since you all came from the same space?

Zach: I think we all wanted to be careful, because it is a small word and eventually we may work with one another. But we were competitive. We all wanted to win and get the million dollars — but I don’t think there was much backstabbing. We became really good friends with most of the cast, especially those in LA. We were closer with the ones we spent more time with on the Race, but we did get a lot of friends from it.

What was your biggest takeaway from the experience?

Rachel: I think as a couple we really just took away a lot of growth in our marriage and our relationship with each other. We were tested with really stressful situations. It forced us to figure out things earlier than some. I think in a marriage, sometimes you are not tested with stressful situation 'til a few years in, so we grew a lot from this experience.

Would you do it again?

Rachel: I think we would do it again if it came in the right time of our lives. Right now, it may be hard since we are looking at starting a family. But now that we have done it and learned from the first experience, it is tempting to want to do it again.

Read the full article w/ tweets and clips here:
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Offline Platrium

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2016, 11:52:31 AM »
What was the first thing you guys did when the Race ended?

Zach: I went to the hotel and I ordered a giant cheeseburger. We ate fries and ketchup, caught up on the news and then just slept.

Did they use their remaining race allowance or was this provided by production? ??? Just curious.

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2016, 12:41:20 PM »
They would have spent the night there pending flights to Sequester, on productions $$ of course.

And if they stayed at the production's 5* hotel, they slept a lot better than those on the ship did!
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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2016, 06:33:53 PM »
RHAP exit audio is a good one!
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Offline ilhamrizki

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Re: TAR 28: Zach & Rachel King – Vine Star/Newlyweds
« Reply #49 on: April 29, 2016, 07:30:21 AM »
They join with Bopper & Mark and Andy & Tommy in the list of my favorite Teams :)
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