Author Topic: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop 1st Engaged>Now Married!  (Read 96870 times)

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #75 on: December 01, 2015, 07:59:42 AM »

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #76 on: December 02, 2015, 09:47:11 AM »

Justin, I would sincerely apologize to you if you see this. I think you and Diana are good person and personality outside of race, and I know that you really enjoy the experience of racing around the world with Diana, and I personally appreciate your enthusiasm on TAR.

I think the biggest problem on your team was your enthusiasm didn't translate well on TV and TAR fans, and it was rather annoying and irritating to enjoy. I have to say that it's not your fault at all for contributing the annoyance, so I'm 100% fully blame for producer and editor for not edit your team appropriately.

So once again I think you and Diana are good person outside of the race, but sadly I can't enjoy y'all as TV character because the producer and editor doing a very poor job to portrayed your team.
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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #77 on: December 03, 2015, 01:25:21 PM »
^ I agree with that so much.
And even though I FULLY UNDERSTAND it's not their fault and foremost, it's not THEM (aka annoying) in real life. But still, from a viewer's standpoint, this is what we all got. And I'm not liking my experience as a viewer towards such edit.

But really, Justin, I don't want you to feel like there are some personal attacks :( They are not, and I am sorry if I (or anyone else) made it seem that way. You're the one who knows best what your team was like on the race, and what it is portrayed like on TV.

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #78 on: December 04, 2015, 08:18:04 PM »



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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #79 on: December 04, 2015, 08:18:39 PM »



Joab watch our posts get deleted for "rudeness"!!!!1

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #80 on: December 04, 2015, 08:21:32 PM »
gamerfan, my reply would be:

)-**  )-**  )-**  )-**  )-**


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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #81 on: December 04, 2015, 08:21:39 PM »
I literally do not understand how someone could translate so badly onto the screen BUT it be the edit? Unfathomable.

Hopefully you can get over the hate, though I doubt you'll care if your back pocket is stuffed with cash..

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #83 on: December 04, 2015, 08:30:19 PM »
Diana <3

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #84 on: December 04, 2015, 08:41:05 PM »



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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #86 on: December 04, 2015, 11:08:43 PM »
I can't believe I say that but out of final 3, I root for the.  :stare

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #87 on: December 05, 2015, 07:18:28 AM »
They can't win. Not with such edit. There would be an uproar from the casuals.

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #88 on: December 05, 2015, 07:33:02 AM »
They actually have casual fans and quite a lot of them but also several thousand haters

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #89 on: December 05, 2015, 08:34:42 AM »
Lol @ first page of this thread compared to current page

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #90 on: December 05, 2015, 08:49:58 AM »

Offline gamerfan09

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #91 on: December 05, 2015, 08:57:20 AM »

almost everyone's vibe after pre-season <3

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #92 on: December 05, 2015, 09:02:55 AM »
Atleast Dustbin & Diana is better than WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE Dumpave & Connor.
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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #93 on: December 05, 2015, 10:41:16 AM »
Laughing at how out of control their hate base is. No wonder Justin needs to feel all the love from his 2000 number FB page.

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #94 on: December 05, 2015, 10:44:56 AM »
:yess: I just about had a heart attack during this episode. Hopefully the scene in the preview where they're extremely happy is after the scene where they're mad about a cab.

Can't enjoy the countries you're in or know that you're the best- that makes you a bad person.  :res:

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #95 on: December 06, 2015, 02:04:32 AM »
I really like them as as a team and as people right from the start. They have that superfan tag that, honestly, we all want if we ever have the chance to get on this show. Them being great on the show also shows that us superfans also have a chance of being great on the show. Justin's a bit obnoxious, but seeing what they have done, winning at least 7 legs at this point, isn't that a bit justified? Them fighting is showing them as people, they are not perfect. Though I do tend to side with Diana on their fights, especially when Justin gets a bit self-righteous at some moments. This is an effect of being a know-it-all, which I can relate to as I know I can be like that at times.

Jessica from RHAP, did point out something that made me more at ease with this team than most people, though. They are being given the Rob & Amber edit, they aren't the team that would win, they are the team to beat. So judging from the edit, they probably wouldn't win, but I still prefer them winning over the other two teams (with Chris & Logan being a very close second, and Kelsey & Joey being a very close, yet somewhat ironic third). Nothing but love from me for these teams, and this season I guess  :hearts:
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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #96 on: December 12, 2015, 03:05:47 AM »
Thanks for my extending my run of fave-teams-finishing-2nd streak!  :funny:

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #97 on: December 16, 2015, 10:43:22 AM »
Exclusive: 'The Amazing Race's runner-up team Justin Scheman and Diana Bishop talk (Part 1)


By Elizabeth Kwiatkowski, 12/14/2015

The Amazing Race's "Engaged Couple and Amazing Race Super Fans" Justin Scheman and Diana Bishop finished Season 27 as the runner-up team during Friday night's finale broadcast on CBS.

Justin and Diana were defeated by the $1 million winners Kelsey Gerckens and Joey Buttitta, who are "Dating Co-Workers and News Anchors" and conquered five continents, 10 countries and more than 34,000 miles. "Dating Paparazzi Business Partners" Logan Fazio and Chris Gordon finished in third place.

During an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Monday, Justin and Diana talked about their The Amazing Race experience. Below is the first half. Check back with us soon for the concluding portion.


Reality TV World: Justin, you said at the end of the finale broadcast you might never be able to get over losing. How do you feel now? Has the sting subsided at all?

Justin Scheman: A little bit I guess! Yeah. I'm sure I'll get over it at some point, but I don't think I can watch the episode without being emotional.

Reality TV World: Kelsey and Joey told me they think you guys arrived at the finish line about 45 minutes behind them? Does that sound about right?

Justin Scheman: No. (Laughs)

Diana Bishop: I was thinking closer, like, 15 or 20 minutes maybe. I think 35 would be generous, but I think it's more on the side of 20 minutes.

Reality TV World: I want to talk about what you guys called your biggest mistake. Why not give your cab driver the money he asked for? Was it just a matter of being stubborn, like you thought his request was absurd and you didn't want to give in, or, were you worried you might need that money later on in the leg and so you didn't want to blow most of it? 

Justin Scheman: I think it was both. I think, for me, it was two-fold. I think 1, is that it was like, "Come on dude, you're just trying to mess us up because we're on the island now." And 2, we had run out of money at least twice before that in a leg, and this leg was in New York -- the most expensive cabs in the world. So, I was kind of nervous about running out of money when we would need it most.

 And when we first got in the cab, I tried to negotiate to keep him for the whole leg, and that was the negotiation the whole time. And he wouldn't commit to it, and then when we got there, that's when he gave us a price. And it just seemed like I got caught up in the moment, I guess.

Diana Bishop: I think, too, they didn't show it, but I mean, Justin and I had cab issues I think every leg of the Race. In Brazil, we had run out of money and we got three free cab rides. In Argentina, some of the other Racers were paying less for their cabs. In Africa, one of our cab drivers wouldn't let us go because he wanted more money than we were given.

 I think towards the end, we just felt like we were being taken advantage of, and we took -- I think the other half of it is, we were so focused on the finish line that we forgot... it wasn't just A-Z and that's what we were thinking of.

 It was A to B, B to C, C to D. And I think when you're at the end, you just lose focus that there's more than one step, and we weren't thinking of the long-term. We were thinking of the short-term.

Reality TV World: Justin, did you feel having lived in New York for years ultimately proved to be an advantage for you guys or did it not make that much of a difference? And did cockiness affect you at all? You seemed worried, Diana, that Justin was going to become too confident over that.

Diana Bishop: I will answer that!

Reality TV World: Okay. (Laughs)

Diana Bishop: I don't think it was an advantage. I mean, there was nothing there that helped because Justin had lived there. I think, if anything, maybe it was our downfall. I think we were, I mean, to be more specific, I think Justin and I were just a little overconfident of where we were going to the final leg.

 But there was really no advantage as far as being a New Yorker. I mean, really, if anything, Justin should have known that being in Long Island, it was not the place to leave a cab.

 But I take as much blame for it as he does, because I didn't fight for it as well. I let the cab go just as much. I mean, we had gone through the scenario I think every day since we've been home, and you know, we have a bunch of "should've, would've could'ves." 

 Could we have convinced the other cab driver that said he was going home, you know, could we have tried to offer him more? Could we have pushed him more? It was just, I don't know.

Justin Scheman: I think that being a New Yorker didn't help much. If we had to do tasks where we had to get on subways and go places and that type of thing, I think it would definitely have been, like, an amazing advantage.

 But because it was pretty much just like any other city, where you go to a cab driver and a cab driver takes you anywhere you need to go, and the Belmont Stakes clue, I mean, that's one of the biggest horse races in the world and we just had a Triple Crown winner, so if you don't know where Belmont Stakes is now, you're never going to know it.

 It's not like being a New Yorker had any real advantage in that leg, except for the hometown curse, (laughs) where nobody wins in their hometown.

Reality TV World: I want to go back to the incident when Chris and Logan warned you Tiffany Chantell and Krista Debono had U-Turned you. You confronted the "Cheerleaders" about it, they whole-heartedly denied it, and then you determined you didn't like or trust Chris and Logan. What was your reaction when you learned Tiffany and Krista were actually the ones being dishonest? And would you have still U-Turned Chris and Logan had you known the truth? 

Justin Scheman: Hmm. (Laughs) I think that was the first chance -- the airport right before we went to India was the first chance that Diana and I had a chance to hangout with Krista and Tiffany and "Team Alabama" ["Mother and Son" Denise Williams and James Earl Corley].

 The other teams went through another connecting terminal -- another connecting country. So it was just the three of us and we really had a chance to bond. We really talked and we got to know each other.

 So we kind of trusted the "Cheerleaders" and "Team Alabama" at that point, and what they were telling us was that Chris was going around literally asking every single person -- not every single team -- every person individually their U-Turn plans and trying to influence them on the decision that they should make.

 Literally, it was to the point where they followed James Earl into the bathroom and [Chris] was talking to him on his way into the bathroom. He was just obsessed. So when he started at the train station, my eyes just instantly rolled. I'm like, "Here we go! It's our turn." And so, I didn't believe a word he said. (Laughs)

Reality TV World: In the penultimate leg, you guys got a fair time penalty at the Pit Stop for taking a different ferry than the one you were instructed. But then something that surprised me was producers tacked on an additional 25 minutes since the ride you took was shorter. I don't recall the Race adding minutes onto a time penalty for time gained -- like how a team might take a taxi instead of walking. As students of the game, how do you view that whole thing? Was it fair?

Diana Bishop: I do recall one other time when I think a team took a cab instead of walking and I believe they were penalized the time they gained from taking the cab. So, I mean, we were surprised but we weren't. It's to be expected.

 If you take a ferry that's 25 minutes closer, a half-hour penalty isn't exactly fair. I mean, 30 minutes for breaking [the rules] and not following them and then 25 minutes for our time gained. As much as I didn't like it, I think it was fair in the end.

Justin Scheman: Yeah. I think it was definitely fair. They've done it in the past. Not with, like, the same type of transportation. But usually when you take a different form of transportation than what was on the card, yeah, I don't think it was unfair.

 And even if we went home that leg, I wouldn't have blamed it on an unfair penalty. I would've been more mad that the taxi driver originally, when we got to the cab after our cell phone task, if he didn't know where he was going, he didn't just say, "I don't know."

 And we would just get out. Don't say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah," and then 15 minutes later say, "I don't know." (Laughs) So THAT would've been the thing I would've blamed it on. But if [Tiffany and Krista's] cab driver didn't get lost, we would've been gone too.

Diana Bishop: But I also go back to that time when the cab driver took us -- after we got the cell phone -- I mean, we jumped in a cab. It's hard for me to blame the cab driver, when in the end, it's always up to us and it's our call.

 I mean, we should have asked people around after we got the cell phone, we should have researched a little more and asked a couple more people, but I think we got caught up in getting a cell phone, jumping in a cab, and just taking off and that was it.

 I mean, sometimes it's easy to blame a cab, but in the end, every decision you make, whether it's trusting a cab driver, whether it's getting information from somebody, it's ultimately up to you.

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #98 on: December 16, 2015, 10:58:50 AM »
The Amazing Race's runner-up team Justin Scheman and Diana Bishop talk (Part 2)


By Elizabeth Kwiatkowski, 12/15/2015

The Amazing Race's "Engaged Couple and Amazing Race Super Fans" Justin Scheman and Diana Bishop finished Season 27 as the runner-up team during Friday night's finale broadcast on CBS.

Justin and Diana were defeated by the $1 million winners Kelsey Gerckens and Joey Buttitta, who are "Dating Co-Workers and News Anchors" that conquered five continents, 10 countries and more than 34,000 miles. 

"Dating Paparazzi Business Partners" Logan Fazio and Chris Gordon finished in third place. 

During an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Monday, Justin and Diana talked about their The Amazing Race experience. Below is the concluding portion. Click here to read the first half. 

Reality TV World: I know you basically watched every episode of the Race three times and set up your own race to practice. Were you just trying to memorize everyone's mistakes so you wouldn't make them? And did you do anything else to prepare?

Justin Scheman: Yeah, there's a lot we did! Go ahead, babe.

Diana Bishop: Well, I mean, I'll let you speak in terms of your preparation, but Justin did make -- we made up these 10 hard commandments and it was the result of why people win and why people go home. We referred to those commandments vigorously throughout the game.

 You know, Justin would be doing something and I would be yelling, "Remember No. 3! Remember No. 3!" It helped us focus when we were doing tasks. And I think that it definitely played a part in being successful.

Justin Scheman: Yeah, and I think knowing the Race and the way the clues are worded and things like that really, really helped. But we did a lot of preparation and a lot of those things directly reflected on the Race. Part of our fake race was analyzing French love poems and we ended up doing a French rap.

 Part of the race was a fireman task and I went and trained with the Phoenix fire departments to learn rappelling and firefighter challenges, you know, things of that nature.

 And so, things that we genuinely prepared for, like, me and Diana took a rock climbing and rappelling class so she'd be comfortable in a harness. She wound up getting in three, four harnesses, so she was much more comfortable doing it that first time.

 So I think all of these little things just take the edge off, or add a minute or two here and there. They just add up, and I mean, we only beat Kelsey and Joey a lot of times by five, 10 minutes. And I think it was a result of all these minutes gained here or there and being prepared.

Reality TV World: I think it was Tanner Kloven and Josh Ahern who told me they thought you mapped out every airport you traveled to so you could run out quickly. I want to confirm whether or not that's true because the guys weren't even sure. (Laughs)

Justin Scheman: (Laughs)

Diana Bishop: No, that's not really true. We heard some really, really funny comments that Tanner and Josh said. At one point, Tanner said that "The Green Team" needed to be tested for performance-enhancing drugs. The other teams were just getting so frustrated that they couldn't come close to us.

 We did not map out every airport. I mean, before we left for the starting line, we were watching the news to watch for maps and to see if we could find, you know, how to get to the airport if we needed to when we were in Los Angeles. But that turned out not to be helpful.

Justin Scheman: We just tried to gain any advantage we could and we were always -- and I think at the airports, the reason we got out of the airports faster was we were just more comfortable navigating, following signs and making decisions quickly.

 If you're used to subway systems and you see the subway points down, you go. If you're not used to subway systems, you look at it more and you're like, "Wait, is that where we need to go?" You just hesitate more, and that was such a big advantage for us.

Reality TV World: You guys work incredibly well together but at times, your bickering was pretty brutal. Were moments tough to watch back? I mean, even Phil Keoghan sort of scolded you once Justin to be nicer to Diana. Does that dynamic actually help push you both during the Race or hinder your efficiency? 

Diana Bishop: Justin and I have been together for eight years, so we really know the ins and outs of our relationship and how we communicate best with each other, and also how we start breaking apart when we're not communicating properly.

 So, I definitely think being together for so long and having such a close relationship really helped us get in and out of the tasks together. We can almost read each other. As far as the not-so-pleasant moments, I'll let Justin talk about those.

Justin Scheman: Yeah, obviously I hate watching every second of it. Who wants to see the worst side of themselves? And not only the worst side of themselves, but the worst side of themselves reacting to the person they care about the most. You're giving the person who you love the worst side of you in front of everybody. I mean, there's nothing that hurts more than watching something like that.

 I think it's something that eventually pushed us forward. It's something that I know I need to work on and something that's going to be great for our relationship, because we can see the problems that we have and need to work on. But it definitely gave us this inner-drive, like, even if it was just to prove each other wrong at that point, it was a drive forward. It gave us this energy.

Diana Bishop: And I always say, Justin and I, we love each other, and people that meet us think we have just met because we're still that in-your-face PDA, mushy-gushy couple. But you know, part of what I love most about him is I love his New York attitude.

 I love that I feel safe with him, that he can stand up for me if he needs to and he can protect me if he needs to. But also, I think that New York side of him is sometimes what, you know, frustrates me most, that he has this need to be right and he forgets who he's talking to.

Reality TV World: Do you have any marriage plans and how might you fit all of your prize winnings into that timeline? And you mentioned a babymoon at the end of the finale episode. Do you want kids right away?

Justin Scheman: I'm going to shoot for getting married by the end of next year, 2016. And I was thinking about it, if the opportunity arrives to do all-stars, it would probably be Season 30, which would probably be kicking off right now or even next year, so I wouldn't want to interfere with that. (Laughs) No, I'm just joking. I think the end of next year, regardless, we're getting married. There's nothing stopping us from getting married.

Diana Bishop: Even if we have to pick up and elope, we will be married by the end of next year.

Justin Scheman: Diana was like, "What are you talking about?! We're going to get married! I don't care!" (Laughs)

Reality TV World: I think it's safe to say you'd be shoo-ins for an all-stars season. What would you do differently if there was a next time or how might you prepare? I know you did so much to prepare for this past season, but...

Diana Bishop: Well, you know, going back to our 10 commandments, Justin and I would, I guess, revise some of those and keep the ones that worked. But I think we'd have to make 10 amendments to our commandments and one of those amendments would certainly be never letting go of a cab. For us, that's like Amazing Race 101 as well, like, don't let go of your cab.

Justin Scheman: And follow your gut. There were, like, three times on the Race when we truly didn't follow our gut. There was something that said, "Listen," and we didn't listen. And I think that's really important, like, your first instinct usually is the right one.

 Don't be in a rush, but follow your gut. And all-stars, yeah, I am going to stalk the producers and keep feeding them, have my fans feeding them, like, we want redemption! Season 30 Unfinished Business 2, please, let's do this!

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Re: TAR 27: Justin Scheman & Diana Bishop (Engaged)
« Reply #99 on: December 16, 2015, 02:22:44 PM »

 Don't be in a rush, but follow your gut. And all-stars, yeah, I am going to stalk the producers and keep feeding them, have my fans feeding them, like, we want redemption! Season 30 Unfinished Business 2, please, let's do this!
Please no :res:
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