Reality Fan WikiGreetings people of the Survivor Forum! This here is the official call to action for the Survivor section of our beautiful
Reality Fan Wiki.
In case you are not aware, we have been working to build up this wiki to contain all information relevant to The Amazing Race, Big Brother and, of course,
Survivor. In fact, the section for TAR is almost complete!
Now this is where
YOU GUYS come in. I do not watch Survivor, though I certainly have nothing against it. (In fact, I learned the rules of Survivor from a Mario fanfic back in elementary school). However, this is where all of you guys can help. The Reality Fan Wiki is completely free to edit by anyone! You do have to create an account, but it is free, it takes next to no time, and it enables you to edit any page on the wiki! If we all work together, then the Survivor section can be amazing!
I've been working for the last little bit to give you guys a little starting-off point. I've built up the
Survivor series page, and have created a basic page for almost all seasons of Survivor, both American and otherwise. Check them out to see where we stand so far. This, however, is where my involvement has to end because I know nothing about the series.
Contributing:All contributions to the wiki are greatly appreciated! Here are a few quick guidelines...
What the wiki needs:*
Information regarding some international versions: The information that I gathered so far has come directly from Wikipedia. However, there are some seasons of international Survivors that do not have Wikipedia pages (For example, the Arabian Survivor, the Czech Survivor, and the Portuguese Survivor). Having
missing data like this is something that drives me crazy, because I am a little bit of a completionist. So, this is the highest priority of information we need.
Missing tables of information: Some other international versions have information regarding contestants, but do not have information regarding the results of challenges ("Tribe Results") or Voting History.
A page for every contestant: "Red" Links have been set up for contestants. To create a page for a contestant, just click on one of the red links. Each contestant page needs an
infobox, and pages should generally not be created without one. See pages for Amazing Race contestants to see how to make an infobox (Or ask me).
A page for every tribe: These pages can be smaller and simpler, and generally just need a list of contestants who were a part of that tribe. If possible, please try to find or create an image of the tribe's
buffs and add it to these pages.
A page for every cycle(?): Pages for The Amazing Race are there for every
leg, which is where synopses of the gameplay are planned to go. For Survivor, I think it would be best to create a page for every "cycle", meaning the series of days that contains one or more challenges and then ends with a visit to Tribal Counsel. They should probably not be split up by episodes, because Episodes have varying lengths and content, and some international editions air half hour episodes every week which would mean a LOT of pages. "Cycles" may be the wrong term, so see if you can come up with a better one, lol.
Navigation Templates: See The Amazing Race pages for examples. Navigation templates exist for the series in general, and one for each season. This should be the same case for Survivor. Creating a navigation template is the same as making a page. Just make sure the page title begins with "Template:" (No space after the colon).
Pages for recurring elements of the game: Lower priority. For example, Tribal Swap or Immunity Idols.
What the wiki does NOT need:
*Vandalism, obviously. Please don't do stupid things.
Incomplete Pages: Now, what does this mean exactly? It's okay to leave a page as partially finished, such as the international versions that don't have voting histories yet. It is also perfectly okay to leave a bunch of Red links laying around. But please do NOT submit a task that you are working on in a halfway-finished state. This looks rather unprofessional. You can always store the wiki code on your computer (ie, Notepad), and come back to it later.
Screenshots (maybe): I believe this is currently being discussed, but at the moment direct screenshots can't be uploaded. Officially released photos, such as cast photos and logos, are fine.
A Few more notes:
Contestant page names: The convention that we are currently going with is as follows. The page title for a contestant's page is their full name (ie, Rob Marinaro). If a contestant goes by a nickname that is not their legal first name, then it will replace their first name in the title. For example, contestant Yung Hwang from Cagayan went by "Woo", and so his page title is "Woo Hwang". Which name we use will be whatever name is shown in the show's
opening credits. (Jud Birza from Nicaragua went by "Fabio", but he was still shown as "Jud" in the opening credits, and so his page title is Jud Birza). If an international version does not show names in the opening credits, then just use whatever is displayed at the bottom of the screen to identify them. If any of the "Red" Links that I set up are incorrect in regards to what I've said here, then feel free to change them. (Make sure you change the red link BEFORE trying to make the contestant's page).
Never put something in quotation marks into the page titles, please. (A certain TAR team is the exception)
Consistency: Consistency is important. Right now, since most of the tables are lifted from Wikipedia, there are inconsistencies across the pages that I just didn't have the time to correct. (For example, some international versions identify males and females with blue and pink boxes in the contestants table, while some do not). Please try to help keep all of the pages consistent. If most of the pages are doing something, and another page isn't, fix it please
IMPORTANT:-Hosting the wiki is not free. It's kind very
not free. We would really hate to lose all that we have there, so while you are browsing and editing the wiki, please please
please help us out by
not using an Ad blocker and
clicking on the ads. This is very much appreciated and all goes towards keeping the wiki up and running, so thank you very much!
I think that's all I need to say right now. Go wild, people! We need your help!

When you make an account on the wiki, it would be helpful if you made it the same as your user name here on the forum. This isn't a rule, per say, but we'd appreciate it ^^
If you have questions or need any help, you can ask here, ask on my
talk page, or send me a PM. I'm happy to help!