Author Topic: JASE JETTISONED; A's NUMBER ONE  (Read 4137 times)

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Offline puddin

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« on: August 13, 2004, 11:40:32 AM »

Jase gets bounced by a near-unanimous vote with Cowboy the only holdout. For a moment before the vote, Jase thinks he might have slipped the noose yet again by using "reverse psychology" on Will and Karen. He keeps saying to Karen, and then to Will, that he wants them to promise to vote him out. For one hot second, he thinks that maybe his plan worked. He is, however, wrong, and finds himself doing the walk to talk to Julie Chen as opposed to the Jase victory dance. Adria, the first to compete in the HoH game, ends up the winner, becoming BIG BROTHER 5's third consecutive female HoH.


The fallout from the Nomination Ceremony is immediately felt as Jase blows off Drew's attempt to give him a quick man-hug. Clearly disappointed that Drew used the Veto, Jase simply walks right by as Drew attempts to commiserate--a diss of the highest order. Jase is upset, saying, "He lied. He lied. He lied."

Cowboy and Jase take a moment to discuss the sad turn of events. Jase tells Cowboy, "I let you down. If you hadn't gotten involved with us, you would be fine." Drew then comes in and wants to heal the rift, and Jase won't have any of it. Cowboy goes to town on Drew: "You let a girl get in your way. You told us you wasn't going to use it." He then asks Drew, again and again and again, if he cut a deal with the other folks. Drew emphatically denies having done so.

True to his word that he will wreak havoc on Drew and Diane's relationship, Jase begins to spew his venom: "I feel betrayed by a chick you won't like outside of this House." Leaving Drew and Cowboy, he walks into the kitchen, where Diane eggs him on: "How come you could use it save Holly, and he couldn't use it to save me?" She adds that Jase is just jealous because she and Drew have something real as opposed to what Jase and Holly had. Jase says that Drew could have any woman he wants, so why would he want her. This really flips Diane's switch, as she retorts, "You're not human, and the rest of us are." Drew enters the kitchen, and Diane tells him what Jase said. Drew replies that Jase had just said the same thing to him.

Diane then storms out of the House into the backyard and says that she just got attacked and nobody came to her aid. She is upset that Karen, who was eating a salad right there and witnessing it all, did not defend her. We later see her saying to Drew, "I need to sew my lips together." She and Drew are sitting quietly, and Jase tries to enter the room. He asks, "Diane, can I say something?" She says no and that she doesn't want an apology. Jase responds, "I wasn't going to. I wanted to tell you that you can kiss my ass."

Cowboy starts to lay into Drew, asserting that he thought they were both men of integrity. "I took your word as a man," says Cowboy, who appears very disappointed.

Trying to stir the pot immediately, Julie asks Drew how his week has been. She questions him about how he could have chosen Diane over Jase. Drew replies that it was tough, but Diane is a great cuddle buddy adding that he hopes Jase won't be leaving.

Next Julie turns to Natalie and wonders how it feels to be able to be herself and not have to pretend to be her twin. Natalie says it's wonderful, and she feels that it has been great to lift some crazy thoughts from the other HouseGuests about who Adria really is.

Finally Julie turns to the clean-shaven Cowboy and asks how it feels to not have Scott in the House. Cowboy knows that he and Scott will have a friendship outside the House and says he just lives one day at a time. In parting, Julie says to Cowboy that she does like "the new look."


We get into the time machine and go back to Big Brother 4 to catch up with HouseGuests from last summer's competition. We open with Erika, who says that Jack is the HouseGuest she speaks to the most. Next is some catch-up time with Robert, who says that he does speak to Erika occasionally, which never would have happened without the show. Robert makes it clear that he has no love in his heart for Alison, however. But he is in contact with Alison's ex, Justin, who is moving out West and staying with Robert in a couple of weeks.

Alison says she has no regrets about how she played the game. She talks about her experience on THE AMAZING RACE and how it negatively impacted her relationship with Donnie.

Jee gives a shout-out from Queens and says he does miss all the HouseGuests. He had no idea that his alliance with Robert and Justin was know as "The Three Stooges." He adds that after the show he spoke with Jun, who said to him that he was a bigger man than she had realized. We close with a montage of a happy Jun, who took her winnings and bought herself a pad in New York. She recounts with a tear the passing of her father, but says she was glad that she could give him something to talk about when he got to Heaven.


Julie Chen has a sit-down with outgoing HoH Nakomis, calling her by her given name, Jennifer. Showing her flair, after Julie says hello and lays out the interview plan, Jennifer throws out a "Cool beans." Julie asks how it felt to be present when Michael first saw a picture of his father. "It was cool. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see his and my father. Michael was so moved that I went ahead and gave him the picture."

Julie then wants to know if she would ever put Michael on the block, and Nakomis replies that while she would vote him off, she wouldn't put him on the block. The last question Julie has is why Nakomis targeted Jase with her six-finger plan. "I targeted Jase because he lies, he cheats, he pees on stuff, he intimidates people. He's just not the kind of person I want in the House." In parting, she gives Julie an "Awesome possum."


We get a chance to go back to Conway, South Carolina and meet Marvin's mother, Edna, who is proud of her son, but says that when he gets home, he's going to have to answer for some of the language he's used and the way he has been approaching the women. Like Natalie and Adria's family before, Edna was none too pleased at the way Scott treated her Marvin and that her son was lied to


Marvin keeps his au revoirs short and sweet. He thanks Will for the gay fashion advice and assures Halle Berry that he loves her and he's single. Jase goes around the horn, bidding ciao to everybody with his own unique, Jase-ian flair. He starts off by saying he forgives Drew, pointing out that he (Jase) was the guy who vomited in a toilet to save a girl. So it's cool if Drew wanted to save the girl. To Diane, Jase says he loved to push her buttons, but it was all in good fun, and as a parting gift gives her a ceramic cat. Jase tells Cowboy he's the best man in the House, adding that if the world were full of Cowboys, it would be a better place. He tells the twins he didn't like them separately, but together, he loves them. He reiterates that Karen is going crazy, and tells Nakomis she is wise beyond her years. He then gets the boot.


Jase takes it like a man, grabs his stuff and says, "Diane, baby, walk me to the door." There is much jubilation in the House when Jase is gone. Jase walks into the sunlight and across to sit down with Julie. Julie recaps Jase's skill at the game and asks why, after winning HoH and two vetoes, he is now sitting on the couch. Jase says it is because of how he played the game. Jase seems to feel good about how he played the game, and has no regrets. Julie asks how the Four Horsemen went down so far, so fast. Jase replies, "A girl got in the middle. Scott wanted to vote out Holly. If he hadn't voted out Holly, then there would have been no Adria and no Natalie.


Watching the goodbye messages from his former housemates, Jase gets an earful as nobody, save Cowboy, has any kind words for the volunteer firefighter from Decatur, Illinois. Diane says, "Thank you for beating me down to my lowest point." Adria calls Jase a total butt. Drew admits Jase might be surprised by his vote. After the goodbyes, Julie surprises Jase with a visit from his gal pal and former housemate, Holly.

Holly is very excited to see Jase, but Julie asks if the relationship will continue, both are noncommittal. Jase tells Holly that he lives in LA. Julie leaves the question of whether the relationship is real to another day when Holly and Jase return later in the show.


As the HouseGuests enter the backyard, they see a U-shaped, multi-colored shuffleboard game: most of the board is red, with a band of blue at the bottom opposite the starting point. The base of the U is a giant rubber band, and another rubber band stretches across the bottom of the board. The goal of the game is to fire the puck down the lane, bounce it off the base and have it land in the blue zone nearest to where blue meets red. HoH Nakomis will mark where each puck lands.

Adria goes first and fires a beauty: up the lane, off the base, down the other side and then, caroming off the rubber band at the opposite end, back up to stop in the blue, just short of the red. Karen goes next and gets nowhere. Will says, "Julie this one is for you," but misfires. Cowboy doesn't get far enough. Natalie can't quite best her twin. Drew doesn't either. Diane is, in the words of Julie, "Close, but no cigar." Marvin, "last but not least," also misfires. Adria is the new Head of Household, continuing the streak of female HoHs.

How will Adria deal with the power? Who will be next to go? With Jase gone, how, if at all, will the House dynamic change? Find out Saturday at 9PM ET/PT on BIG BROTHER 5.


Got an idea for a BIG BROTHER Competition? Next Tuesday, August 17, call in to HOUSE CALLS: THE BIG BROTHER TALK SHOW and tell your idea to guest Jym Buss, BB Senior Competition Producer. Whoever calls in with the best idea wins a prop from the House!

Offline mmcoffee21

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« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2004, 05:53:09 PM »
 ?:) Did you see the expression on Jase face.  He wasn't too thrill or happy to see HolyJust by looking at his body gesture.  Holly was leaching on to this arm and he was ready to take his arm back and move away from her. 
I also notice that they both dodge Julie's question whether they want to continue with the relationship.  His expression was like "STAY AWAY FROM ME WOMAN (HOLY)..'  B:) B:)

Offline RudyRules

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« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2004, 07:50:50 PM »
Jase was just using Holly while in the house.  Holly duhhh,,,didn't know it.  Then for her to greet Jase after his eviction? Triple duhhhhhhhhhh!  Whata quinella!  :()()
I wonder if it was Chen's or Holly's idea for her to be there?!! Probably Holly's... 88))

Offline puddin

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« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2004, 08:27:55 PM »

Run Jase Run ..Run very fast..don't look back..just keep running  **:)**

Offline RudyRules

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« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2004, 08:57:44 PM »
LOL! that's 4sure! Oy! For the first time, I actually feel sorry for Jase!!  ::)

Offline puddin

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« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2004, 07:55:39 PM »
Thursday Night by Rebecca Peterson   

  Big Brother 5
It should shock no one that Jase got the boot over Marvin this week. But I don't think anyone could have been more shocked than Jase when host Julie Chen reunited him with his "cuddle buddy," Holly, on live national TV. Did you all see how uncomfortable he was sitting next to her? He looked like his skin was crawling at her touch. The surprise of the night for me? Cowboy Michael shaved off that scraggly beard and — dare I say it — the boy looks... better! It just goes to show that you don't have to go under the knife on ABC to get an extreme makeover. Sometimes all it takes is a shave and a haircut.  :()()