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Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:26:09 PM »
So now that it's official, let's go!  :trampb: :trampb: :trampb:

Who are you excited for next season?
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 06:30:49 AM by gamerfan09 »

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2015, 08:38:30 PM »
Cast Pool: (via Hollywood Reporter)

Kelly Wiglesworth (Season 1, Survivor: Borneo)
Kimmi Kappenberg (Season 2, Survivor: The Australian Outback)
Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper (Season 3, Survivor: Africa)
Peih-Gee Law (Season 15, Survivor: China)
Monica Padilla (Season 19, Survivor: Samoa)
Natalie Tenerelli (Season 22, Survivor: Redemption Island)
Stephanie Valencia (Season 22, Survivor: Redemption Island)
Mikayla Wingle (Season 23, Survivor: South Pacific)
Sabrina Thompson (Season 24, Survivor: One World)
Abi-Maria Gomes (Season 25, Survivor: Philippines)
Ciera Eastin (Season 27, Survivor: Blood vs. Water)
Keith Nale (Season 29, Survivor: San Juan del Sur)
Tasha Fox (Season 28, Survivor: Cagayan)
Kass McQuillen (Season 28, Survivor: Cagayan)
Kelley Wentworth (Season 29, Survivor: San Juan del Sur)
Shirin Oskooi (Season 30, Survivor: Worlds Apart)
Carolyn Rivera (Season 30, Survivor: Worlds Apart)

Jeff Varner (Season 2, Survivor: The Australian Outback)
Andrew Savage (Season 7, Survivor: Pearl Islands)
Shane Powers (Season 12, Survivor: Panama)
Terry Deitz (Season 12, Survivor: Panama)
Stephen Fishbach (Season 18, Survivor: Tocantins)
Jim Rice (Season 23, Survivor: South Pacific)                                                       
Troyzan Robertson (Season 24, Survivor: One World)
Vytas Baskauskas (Season 27, Survivor: Blood vs. Water)
Brad Culpepper (Season 27, Survivor: Blood vs. Water)
Woo Hwang (Season 28, Survivor: Cagayan)
Spencer Bledsoe (Season 28, Survivor: Cagayan)
Jeremy Collins (Season 29, Survivor: San Juan del Sur)
Joe Anglim (Season 30, Survivor: Worlds Apart)               
Max Dawson (Season 30, Survivor: Worlds Apart)                         
Mike Holloway (Season 30, Survivor: Worlds Apart)

Incidentally, as fans might notice, Rivera and Holloway are still competing on the current season. Should one of them be named the winner, they would become ineligible to return next season.

So Mike/Carolyn still have a shot to win!

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2015, 08:53:22 PM »
Cast Pool: (via Hollywood Reporter)

Keith Nale (Season 29, Survivor: San Juan del Sur)
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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2015, 08:57:31 PM »
Women: Kelly, Peih-Gee, Natalie, Stephanie, Sabrina, Abi Maria, Ciera, Kass, Shirin & Carolyn.

Men: Shane, Stephen, Troyzan, Spencer, Jeremy, Joe, Keith (Terry, Jim, & Vytas because I need 10 -_-)

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2015, 09:00:59 PM »

TV | Survivor 

Jeff Probst gives exclusive details on Survivor's fan-voted 'Second Chance' season

by Dalton Ross • @DaltonRoss

Posted May 6 2015 — 8:55 PM EDT

The big twist for the next season of Survivor was announced at the end of Wednesday night’s Worlds Apart episode, and we’ve got the exclusive scoop from both host Jeff Probst and the people that will be competing to play.

Thirty-two former (and current) players comprise a pool from which fans will vote to determine the entire cast for next season. The voting takes place at Unlike CBS’ Big Brother: All-Stars season in 2006, in which viewers voted in only some cast members while the network and producers picked the rest (including Mike Boogie, who went on to win), this time, fans will pick all 20 players (the top 10 men and top 10 women) for the season, which will air in the fall.

Voting is open now, and goes until 9 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20th, one hour into this season’s finale. The cast will be announced that night at the Worlds Apart live reunion show—all 32 nominees will be present, and they’ll find out their fates live like everyone else.

The 32 possible players (full list is below) all have two things in common: They have only played Survivor once, and none of them won in their first time out. Among the wannabe contestants are old-school selections like season 1 runner-up Kelly Wiglesworth (who lost the first million dollar check by one vote to Richard Hatch), Jeff Varner and Kimmi Keppenberg from season 2 (The Australian Outback), Andrew Savage (Pearl Islands), and Terry Deitz and Shane Powers (Panama). Also on the list are four names (Woo, Spencer, Kass, and Tasha) from the thrilling Cagayan installment, as well as five faces from the current Worlds Apart season.

In fact, the inclusion of two particular Worlds Apart players could lead to a bit of controversy. While this next “Second Chance” season is clearly being billed as a contest for non-winners, two of the possibilities on the list—Carolyn Rivera and Mike Holloway—are still in contention for Worlds Apart. The list, then, seems like a pretty major spoiler that neither of them will win their current season.

What does Probst have to say about that? Where did the inspiration for the twist come from? Is the host worried about giving viewers all that power? And should we expect that all the most current players will be voted in, similar to what happened on Big Brother?

We asked Probst all of that and more. Read on for his answers and then peruse the full list of eligible contestants below that. (Also make sure to check out our Survivor gallery to read exclusive pitches from the contestants themselves as they tell you how they will play differently their second time out, should they be selected to compete.) But first, here’s my Q&A with the hostmaster general:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: You guys have been listening to the fans a lot lately—like giving us three seasons in a row with all new players—and now you’re giving the fans even more power by letting them pick your cast. Tell me how this new fan-voted twist came about.
JEFF PROBST: Well, like a lot of Survivor ideas, we’ve wanted to do this one for a long time because we knew we had a group of really good players who didn’t last in the game long enough to warrant being put on an all-star type of season. But we believed they had great game inside them if they were to be given a second chance. So the key came down to timing, because we always wanted the fans to be the deciders in this group. We wanted the fans to make the decision, and then we immediately wanted to be able to go shoot the season. So this is the first time our shooting schedule has allowed us to pull that off, because we’re actually shooting earlier in the year than we normally do. So it lined up. And the minute it did, we pitched it to CBS and they said, “This is great, this is the perfect time to do it. Let’s do it.”

What I love about it is that all the people competing for votes have only played once, so we’re not getting folks that have played two or three times already. I have to imagine that was a conscious decision to keep it feeling fresh.
That was the point. The point was, we have all these great players—people that we liked enough to put on the show—but in most cases, they got cut early…too early to have made the jury. And if they didn’t make the jury, then they probably weren’t known enough to be an all-star. And yet, you would look at them and think, “Man though, they had great game. If they had just lasted a couple of more votes, who knows?” There’s always going to be people who deserve a second shot because they just didn’t get far enough the first time, for whatever reason. And then the no winners thing was the other part of it—it’s not a second shot if you’ve already won. So it was people who have only played once and have not won.

Big Brother did a fan voted all-stars season back in 2006, but only allowed the audience to pick half of the cast so they could make sure that certain players they really wanted in the show made it regardless of being voted in or not. Any concern about giving this much power to viewers to pick the whole cast?
We’ve been on so long that our philosophy has evolved. Six or seven or eight years ago, we would not have given them the power to choose everybody for the exact same reason you just said. But as more time goes on and as our relationship with our audience deepens, I’m certainly a proponent of taking bigger chances. You said at the top of this that we continue to let our fans be involved, and I like to have fun on Twitter and say, “I hate memory challenges.” And then people go, “We love them! We love them!” And I’m like, “Okay, they’ll be back.” Those aren’t do or die decisions.

The real truth is that fans are much better at telling you what they don’t want—they’re not always so good at telling you what they do want. It’s like [Henry] Ford said: “If I’d asked people what they wanted, they would’ve wanted a faster horse.” I believe that to be true. Sometimes fans will say this is what we should do and they don’t know what they’re talking about. This is a case where the whole premise was based on picking people that we think either played a great game and it got cut off early, or they barely got started and we think they have a better game. Or, in the case of a couple of people, the first time they played, they were maybe lambed…they were virgins. And we feel like maybe they learned something and it’d be fun to watch them play a second time—kind of like Amber when she came back and everybody said “Why Amber?” And I still remember Lynne Spillman and I talking and saying, “Because what if? What if she’s figured it out? That would be fun to watch.”

So that was kind of the idea from the beginning is, when we do this, let them choose. The power we had was putting the list together, and as people will see, we took some chances. We put some people on here that are obvious, and we put some people on there that fans may go, “Wow, really? Huh.” It’s your call: Who do you want to see? You pick!

One thing I remember from the Big Brother voting is that for the most part, the people voted in were all from very recent seasons—because, you know, out of sight out of mind. Are you concerned that you might get all very recent contestants, and that folks from the very early seasons like Kelly, Kimmi, Jeff Varner and others might not make it because of how long ago they were on the show?
I think that’s a good question. In a perfect world, having Kelly Wiglesworth—who is the ultimate second chancer, because she was the first runner-up; she lost by one vote to Richard Hatch in the first season, so there’s certainly a little bit of nostalgia for someone like Kelly that you’d love to see—but you give it to the fans. And the beauty is, the people who are watching the show are telling you who they want. So if they choose everybody from the last five seasons, let’s go. I’m good with that. We have great people. I look at the people on this list and I’m happy to have any collection of 20—10 men and 10 women—and really, honestly, ultimately I don’t care. It’d be great if we had it diverse going back to season 1 all the way to season 30, because that would represent our entire run. But if that’s not what they decide, that’s okay. What was important to us was that we give you the choice. We’re giving you people that span the globe—it’s up to you who you want.

You are calling this twist “Second Chance,” and you clearly mentioned it’s for people that did not win the first time around. But you have two people in Mike and Carolyn that are still in contention for the current season airing. By having them be potential contestants in a second chance season, isn’t that a huge spoiler in big neon letters that they do not win this season?
Oh my God, I didn’t even think of this! You’ve just caught me off guard! [Laughs] As you would expect from Survivor, we found a way to add a little twist, a little layer of mystery, into the Second Chance voting. So the definition of Second Chance is, contestants who have only played once and never won. So, that means either Mike and Carolyn both lost, or one of them could be, ultimately, ineligible.

So people could throw all of their voting into Carolyn, and then if she wins Worlds Apart, you have to tell them that their votes don’t count? That’s kind of a bummer for people wasting all that time voting for her!
Well, that’s the way it goes. This is an interactive, fun game, and this is, in a way, like being blindsided. And the good news is, if it was Carolyn who won and she had a bunch of votes but wasn’t able to play, then whoever was the eleventh woman would suddenly be in the game and that would be fun for them. It’s just a fun way to do it, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. There’s like an implied agreement that everything that happens on Survivor will have some sort of “Huh, is that all there is to it? Or is there something else?”

Not to lobby, but I really think Shane Powers and Jim Rice would be fun to see again.
You are hitting on what we hope will happen, which is true fans will vote for people they remember. They may have to think for a minute, but I agree with you—that’s why Jim Rice is on there, because he was a really interesting guy, very conniving, good player, but got voted out early. What would happen if he had lasted a few more weeks? Who knows? He could’ve been a perennial all-star—that’s what fun about Second Chance. I can tell you one thing: from talking to these guys, there is a level of motivation that rivals even the most hardcore fan who finally gets on the show, because some of these people—like, Savage has been waiting since Season 6. That’s what, 13 years or something like that? Pining over this, thinking over and over again. Kelly Wiglesworth thinking about one vote didn’t change my life—that one damn vote. And hers will have been almost 16 years. So those people have had a lot of time to think about it, and I think that makes the stakes for them really big. And yet, someone will still be the first person voted out of Second Chancers.

If Michael Skupin hadn’t fallen in the fire, Jeff Varner’s whole deal in Season 2 could have been completely different as well.
If Jeff Varner didn’t step down for peanut butter! Jeff Varner said he has not had peanut butter since, and that was Season 2, fourteen plus years ago—because he stepped down and got voted out. And he got voted out on a rule that we used to have, which is if there was a tie, then whoever had the most total votes at that point went home. We since got rid of it, because it didn’t really seem like that was an appropriate way to break a tiebreaker. So Varner could make the case that “I was voted out on something you guys don’t even use anymore.” Savage could make the case, “I got voted out on the Outcast twist,” which I’ve said is one of the few times I think we blew it. So there are those kinds of stories, and then there are stories like Natalie, who played with Boston Rob and the story about her was—a lot of people would say she was just a young girl who was dragged to the end. But, in being dragged for 39 days, she was being dragged by one of the best—did she pick anything up? I don’t know. If you’re interested, vote for her.

Woo kept saying after his season that he did not regret taking Tony to the end, and would do the same thing again. If he makes it back in, I would be fascinated to see if he would actually stick with that line of thinking or not.
Yeah, Woo is definitely a well-liked guy. The kids loved Woo. I’ve wondered—should I be in an alliance with Woo? Or does he still have some resentment and bitterness and maybe that’s a bad choice, I don’t know. But he’s a likeable guy. And all of the people we’ve mentioned so far—if all of those people made it, I’d be through the roof. They’re all great—no matter who you pick, I could give you a story about why I think they’d be fun.

So how is the announcement of who actually makes the cast going to work?
Here’s how this is going to work—you vote up until the first hour of the finale when we’re live. We’re in Los Angeles, we kick off the show, we start running that last episode. And for an hour, the polls are still open.

Up until 9 p.m. Eastern.
Then they close. Then we finish this season, we have a reunion show, and in the audience will be the 32 people with their suitcases ready to go. And at the end of the reunion show, we will do a live reveal of the new cast and they will literally leave the studio, get on a bus, and start heading out. And what I love about these guys is they know that—they know that it’s going to be in front of everybody, and you’re either in or you’re out. And that speaks to what I talked about: that motivation. They don’t care that they might be embarrassed by not getting the votes, because they want it bad enough that they’re willing to risk that. That’s a ballsy move, to sit in an audience on a live television show and know that you may be told yes or you may be told no. And if you’re told no, it really is being voted out. The audience of your favorite show just told you, “We don’t want to see you, sorry.”


Kelly Wiglesworth
 Season 1
Survivor: Borneo
 Previous Finish: Runner-up

Jeff Varner
 Season 2
Survivor: The Australian Outback
 Previous Finish: 10th place

Kimmi Kappenberg
 Season 2
Survivor: The Australian Outback
 Previous Finish: 12th place

Teresa “T-Bird” Cooper
 Season 3
Survivor: Africa
 Previous Finish: 5th place

Andrew Savage
Season 7
Survivor: Pearl Islands
Previous Finish: 10th place

Shane Powers
 Season 12
Survivor: Panama
 Previous Finish: 5th place

Terry Deitz
 Season 12
Survivor: Panama
 Previous Finish: 3rd place

Peih-Gee Law
 Season 15
Survivor: China
 Previous Finish: 5th place

Stephen Fishbach
 Season 18
Survivor: Tocantins
 Previous Finish: Runner-up

Monica Padilla
 Season 19
Survivor: Samoa
 Previous Finish: 7th place

Natalie Tenerelli
 Season 22
Survivor: Redemption Island
 Previous Finish: 3rd place

Stephanie Valencia
 Season 22
Survivor: Redemption Island
 Previous Finish: 14th place

Jim Rice
 Season 23
Survivor: South Pacific
 Previous Finish: 12th place

Mikayla Wingle
 Season 23
Survivor: South Pacific
 Previous Finish: 14th place                                                     

Sabrina Thompson
 Season 24
Survivor: One World
 Previous Finish: Runner-up                                                                     

Troy “Troyzan” Robertson
 Season 24
Survivor: One World
 Previous Finish: 8th place

Abi-Maria Gomes
 Season 25
Survivor: Philippines
 Previous Finish: 5th place

Brad Culpepper
 Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
 Previous Finish: 15th place

Ciera Eastin
 Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
 Previous Finish: 5th place

Vytas Baskauskas
 Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
 Previous Finish: 10th place

Kass McQuillen 
 Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
 Previous Finish: 3rd place                                                                           

Spencer Bledsoe
 Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
 Previous Finish: 4th place

Tasha Fox
 Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
 Previous Finish: 6th place

Woo Hwang
 Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
 Previous Finish: Runner-up

Jeremy Collins
 Season 29
Survivor: San Juan del Sur
 Previous Finish: 10th place

Keith Nale
 Season 29
Survivor: San Juan del Sur
 Previous Finish: 4th place

Kelley Wentworth
 Season 29   
Survivor: San Juan del Sur
 Previous Finish: 14th place 

Carolyn Rivera
Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
Previous Finish: ??? (still in game)

Joe Anglim
 Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
 Previous Finish: 10th place

Max Dawson
 Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
 Previous Finish: 14th place

Mike Holloway
 Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
 Previous Finish:: ??? (still in game)

Shirin Oskooi
 Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
 Previous Finish: 8th place

Also make sure to check out our ‘Survivor’ Second Chance gallery, in which the 32 potential contestants explain how they will play differently a second time out if chosen. And for more ‘Survivor’ scoop, follow Dalton on Twitter @DaltonRoss.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 09:06:21 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2015, 09:02:47 PM »
Kass- win :funny:
Shane- smile more :funny:

Not buying what their selling :funny:
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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2015, 09:04:05 PM »

Ciera Eastin
Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Previous Finish: 5th place

What will you do differently this time around?

I am so blessed getting to play Survivor once, let alone maybe twice! Getting a shot to play for a second time would be incredible. The first time I played Survivor, I learned so much about myself, and I grew so much as a person. The problem was that I found my stride too late into the game, and really learned how a core alliance is very important. If I were given an opportunity to play Survivor for a second time, I would definitely find an alliance and stick with them. The saying "You can't trust anybody, but you have to trust somebody" really rings true to me.

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« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 09:29:17 PM by gamerfan09 »

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2015, 09:11:15 PM »

Monica Padilla
Season 19
Survivor: Samoa
Previous Finish: 7th place

What will you do differently this time around?

Last time I played in Survivor: Samoa, I was young and fresh out of law school. I didn’t truly see the big picture. I am going into this season older and wiser —ready to prioritize my end game from day 1, always keeping day 39 in sight! In Samoa I made it to day 33, but I was worried about how I was perceived and not hurting anyone’s feelings. This time I am going ALL in, and holding NOTHING back. I was the only one who wasn’t afraid to step up to Russell before anyone even knew who he was! If you vote for me to play again, I won’t wait until my head is on the chopping block to make my million dollar threats!

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« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 09:19:40 PM by gamerfan09 »

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2015, 09:14:41 PM »

Stephanie Valencia
Season 22
Survivor: Redemption Island
Previous Finish: 14th place

What will you do differently this time around?

The first time I played, my fellow players and I were basically supporting cast for Boston Rob and Russell. If I should play again, I refuse to take a backseat while letting the notorious do their farewell tour. Here's an idea: I'll try not to be a soldier for a known super-villain. Instead, I'll create alliances with players I can cooperate with as equals so that I have a definite hand in the course of the game—no one likes a winner that was just the executive assistant to the real game player.

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« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 09:19:28 PM by gamerfan09 »

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2015, 09:16:06 PM »

Natalie Tenerelli
Season 22
Survivor: Redemption Island
Previous Finish: 3rd place

What will you do differently this time around?

As the youngest Survivor to play the game, I realize I was a bit naive in some of my decisions five years ago. I trusted blindly, and made many strategic mistakes. After 39 days, I lost to my main ally, Boston Rob, when he got the opportunity to redeem himself. Now it's time for my redemption!

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« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 09:19:15 PM by gamerfan09 »

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2015, 09:18:51 PM »

Stephen Fishbach
Season 18
Survivor: Tocantins
Previous Finish: Runner-up

What will you do differently this time around?

In 2009, sitting next to demi-god JT at the final Tribal Council in Tocantins, I became the only person ever shut out in a final 2 in Survivor history. Since then, I’ve been Thursday-morning quarterbacking Survivor strategy as one of the Survivor Know It Alls and through my People blog. I believe my biggest mistake on Tocantins was that I never stepped out of JT’s shadow and owned the game I was playing. And I’ve learned that real strategy isn’t about crunching numbers. You have to connect with people’s hearts, not just count their votes.

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2015, 09:21:03 PM »

Jim Rice
Season 23
Survivor: South Pacific
Previous Finish: 12th place

What will you do differently this time around?

What would I do differently? I have thought about this question every day for the past four years! Overall, I would look at every possible option available at every turn in the game rather than getting attached to one plan. I would constantly adapt to the game, because it is constantly moving. Last time, I didn't move with the game, and it cost me. This time, I won't make the same mistake!

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2015, 09:23:09 PM »

Teresa “T-Bird” Cooper
Season 3
Survivor: Africa
Previous Finish: 5th place

What will you do differently this time around?

The game has changed so much through the seasons and especially since S3, Africa. The immunity idol being introduced into the game is definitely a game changer and a definite added bonus to have or "pretend" to have. I will most definitely take advantage of this. Also, with Exile Island being a possibility, it creates more game play for me to be able to "get away" for a night with possible idol clues or an idol to locate without anyone knowing.

I will take advantage of every possible twist and turn this game puts in front of me. Also, with "Second Chances," I feel quite sure there will be a few big egos with much to try and prove (whatever their agenda). I will definitely work that in my favor! And of course, TRUST NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2015, 09:24:24 PM »

Peih-Gee Law
Season 15
Survivor: China
Previous Finish: 5th place

What will you do differently this time around?

I've come to realize that making strong social bonds and friendships will get you much farther in this game (as in life) than any amount of logic or strategy. I think one of my downfalls the last time I played was not having the numbers come merge time, but my biggest downfall was my lack of a social game. I wasn't very good at making friends with people around camp, which doesn't get people on your side. I was bossy and too opinionated. This time around, I am going to enjoy myself more, make friends, and try to keep my mouth shut.

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2015, 09:25:39 PM »

Andrew Savage
Season 7
Survivor: Pearl Islands
Previous Finish: 10th place

What will you do differently this time around?

I absolutely love Survivor, and I have been tormented by the Outcast twist for 12 years. I am physically and mentally tougher than I have ever been, and I am ready to do whatever it takes to be the last one standing. It would truly be an honor to play the game again.

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2015, 09:27:00 PM »

Tasha Fox
Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
Previous Finish: 6th place

What will you do differently this time around?

The first time I played I was consistently in a defensive position and focused on winning challenges in order to stay in the game. Assuming a more favorable position (i.e. tribe), I will be able to show the viewers some different aspects of my personality. This time I will also present myself as less of a physical threat until the time is right to unleash that part of my gameplay. My goal is to leverage my social and strategic abilities more than my athleticism.

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« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 09:33:44 PM by Bookworm »
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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2015, 09:27:18 PM »

Abi-Maria Gomes
Season 25
Survivor: Philippines
Previous Finish: 5th place

What will you do differently this time around?

My last time on Survivor, I allowed the environment and circumstances to control my emotions and dictate my actions. This time around, I want to keep my emotions in check and allow strategy to drive my game. There is nothing wrong with being feisty in certain situations, and being a caring team player in other situations. Ultimately, I want to be more calculated in terms of my relationships, alliances, and most importantly, the way I treat my fellow competitors.

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« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 09:35:27 PM by gamerfan09 »

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2015, 09:30:58 PM »

Brad Culpepper
Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Previous Finish: 15th place

What will you do differently this time around?

My first stab at Survivor was atypical. My #1 loyalty was my wife, Monica, who happened to be on the opposing tribe. All of my moves were calculated in regards to protecting her, thus handcuffing my ability to play within my tribe alliances. I look forward to being able to play as Survivor was meant—by myself!—with no agenda other than to maneuver my way as long as possible.

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2015, 09:32:35 PM »

Vytas Baskauskas
Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Previous Finish: 10th place

What will you do differently this time around?

The first time I played Survivor, I got to do it with my brother, Aras. If I had the opportunity to play again, it would be more of my own game. I'm so protective of my little bro that it made it difficult to focus on my own standing in the tribe. If I went back, I would also be sure to enjoy the moment more and have fun. How cool is it to have a “once in a lifetime” experience happen twice?!

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2015, 09:34:18 PM »

Sabrina Thompson
Season 24
Survivor: One World
Previous Finish: Runner-up

What will you do differently this time around?

What I would do differently this time around on Survivor versus last time is kick ass in challenges. Laying low for some challenges took a target off my back and I was able to get to the end. However, I always wonder, if I had gone harder for various challenges, would I have won? Life is too short to have regrets so if I'm awarded the chance to come back and play, it's about leaving it ALL on the field (or should I say "the sand") in what is by far the most fascinating competition on Earth.

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2015, 09:36:46 PM »

Troy “Troyzan” Robertson
Season 24
Survivor: One World
Previous Finish: 8th place

What will you do differently this time around?

I think from my last Survivor experience on One World, I learned that this is more of a social game than anything else. So I'll need to communicate better with the women. Quite a few women, but not all, who play this game are some of the most sly and most strategic castaways. Once I'm standing face to face with them out there on the sand, I'll use my jungle instincts to figure out which ones are down to earth, and which ones are the most deceiving.

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2015, 09:39:49 PM »

Carolyn Rivera
Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
Previous Finish: ??? (still in game)

What will you do differently this time around?

I would clearly focus on building long-term relationships this time around—getting to know people more deeply and accepting the differences that people bring as part of who they are. My first time playing, I wanted to play a straightforward game and I sometimes came across as hard and close-minded with my "Game Face" on all the time. I am truly a lighthearted funny person that enjoys cultural differences, and I want to be able to show Survivor fans that side of me. Survivor is the greatest game ever. One fabulous component of the game is that you form lifelong bonds with people because of what you go through together. What I learned is that it is okay to be different and not everyone has to have the same values as me. That is the magic of the game and why I would love to be able to put myself through it again. This game has opened my eyes to accept differences and accept people for who they are. Each one of us has our own quirks, and that is what makes the world a better place. I will play the game with this more accepting tone and understanding. This is personal development for me and a challenge that I want to endure. I feel like I can take home the prize. #1, #Sole Survivor. #Yeahbaby.

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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2015, 09:40:37 PM »
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 09:50:12 PM by alltsa »
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Re: Survivor 31: Second Chances (Cast Bios and Discussion!)
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2015, 09:43:33 PM »

Mikayla Wingle
Season 23
Survivor: South Pacific
Previous Finish: 14th place

What will you do differently this time around?

I got accused of being a temptress the first time, and I wasn't, but this time that's exactly what I'm going to do! I didn't even get a chance to play because cuckoo Hantz (and his inner demons) apparently wanted to sleep with me, so he voted me off! I plan on being loyal to my alliance but how they keep me around is going to be the fun part ;)

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