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Racing report TAR25, episode 12 is on page 1
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:19:08 AM »
Placeholder for title
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 08:59:47 AM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 1
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2014, 01:20:10 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 1, "Go Big or Go Home"
Film date: 31/5

The episode starts with Phil talking about the first season of the race which started 25 seasons ago at the Bethesda fountain in Central Park, New York. They then switch over to Times Square where the race has its first ever public start. Lots of fans, and some previous racers, have turned up even though this happens at 3am.

The teams arrive in yellow NY taxis and are:
  • Adam & Bethany, surfers from Princeville, Hawaii (#SoulSurfers)
  • Amy & Maya, food scientists from Madison, Wisconsin (#SweetScietists)
  • Dennis & Isabelle, accountant and model dating from Tustin, California (#TheDatingCouple)
  • Brooke & Robbie,dating pro wrestlers from Texas and New Jersey (#TheWrestlers)
  • Keith & Whitey, engaged from Nashville, Tennessee (#TeamNashville)
  • Kym & Alli, competitive street cyclists from New York City (#TheCyclists)
  • Lisa & Michelle, sisters and top real estate agents from Miami, Florida (#MiamiRealtors)
  • Michel & Scott, firefighters from Boston, Massachusetts (#TheFirefighters)
  • Tim & Te Jay, college sweethearts from Pasadena, California (#CollegeSweethearts)
  • Shelley & Nici, mother and daughter flight attendants from Detroit, Michigan (#MomDaughter)
  • Misti & Jim, married dentists from Columbia, South Carolina (#TheDentists)

Phil then presents the new twist for this season, which the winner of the first leg will win "The Save". This can be used to save yourself from an elimination anytime up to the end of the ninth leg.

The first clue lies on their bags on the top of the stairs at Times Square. It reads: "Begin the 25th Amazing race where the very first race ended". Teams must now figure out that they need to go to the Globe at Flushing Meadows Park. This is not hard since more or less everybody in the audience knows this. Teams jump into taxis and the race begins.

 "We want to get the save my ass pass", Kym & Alli

Adam & Bethany is the first team to arrive at the globe. No other teams are shown.

Route info "Fly to St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands". The clue also describes the flights and the fact that there are only room for five teams on the first flight.

Adam & Bethany is the first team to arrive at the airport but they miss the special check-in counter and instead just stand and wait by the general check-in area. Eventually they realize their mistake and become the 3rd teams to check in on the first flight.

The first flight is:
AA1074 JFK-SST 07:47 - 11:40  (scheduled 07:50 - 11:50)
and it carries:
 Tim & Te Jay
 Dennis & Isabelle
 Adam & Bethany
 Kym & Alli
 Misti & Jim

The second flight is:
DL454 JFK-SST 08:26 - 12:05  (scheduled 08:30 - 12:27)
and it carries:
 Keith & Whitey
 Amy & Maya
 Brooke & Robbie
 Lisa & Michelle
 Michel & Scott
 Shelley & Nici

Once teams land they must make their way to Vendor's Plaza and sign up for a seaplane flight to Lovango Cay. The planes are moored next to the vendors plaza, but the sign up board is located among the shops on the plaza. The top of the sign up board reads:
Sign up for a
First flight departs approximately

Teams end up on the following flights:
Flight #1
 Adam & Bethany (signs up as Dicks team)
 Tim & Te Jay

Flight #2
 Kym & Alli
 Misti & Jim, were first to arrive at Vendors plaza but missed the sign up board

Flight #3
 Dennis & Isabelle

Flight #4
 Keith & Whitey
 Shelley & Nici

Flight #5
 Amy & Maya
 Lisa & Michelle

Flight #6
 Michel & Scott
 Brooke & Robbie

There is a kerfuffle by the board between Lisa & Michelle and Michel & Scott. It seems to have gone something like this: Lisa arrives first at the board but Michel grabs the pen. Lisa then snatches the pen out of Michel's hand.

 "We can't be gentlemen anymore", Michel
 "I think it's just a courtesy to not throw up on other teams", Kym is feeling queasy on the flight
 "Hi mister Phil, Te Jay as he runs past Phil doing his stand up at the clue box after the seaplane ride

Route info: "Cross Carval rock and take a leap of faith to find a message in a bottle". Teams must now travel by boat to Carval rock. Which is a small rock sticking out of the sea. Here they must climb along and to the top of the rock before leaping two stories into the sea where they can pick up their next clue. This task is completely linear since there is no way of passing anyone. The jump is a little bit scary but nobody really struggles with this task.

 "Oh, my stupid butt hurts", Isabelle was in a sitting position when she hit the water

The clue contains a picture of an old pirate ship and it's name "Blackbeard's revenge". Teams are then driven by their boats to that ship.

On the ship teams meet Blackbeard himself who hand over their next clue and then tells them to get off his ship. The clue reads: "Haul yourself ashore in one of the ships boats to find your next clue". For added effect Blackbeard fires a small cannon as teams make their way off the ship.

The ships boat are small rickety things which lie next to the ship and under lines going ashore. The only team having any trouble with getting ashore is Brooke & Robbie who manage to sink their boat, but that doesn't delay them for long.

Teams find their next clue a bit down on the beach in the following order:
  1. Tim & Te Jay
  2. Adam & Bethany
  3. Kym & Alli
  4. Misti & Jim
  5. Dennis & Isabelle
  6. Keith & Whitey
  7. Shelley & Nici
  8. Amy & Maya
  9. Lisa & Michelle
 10. Michel & Scott
 11. Brooke & Robbie

In this road block teams must navigate the beach using a liquid compass and the handle of their shovel. The compass has sight lines and the side facing the user shows the direction they are facing, and this trips up a number of the racers who haven't seen this kind of compass before. Each team also gets a set of individual coordinates which reads something like this:
N13 NE21
This means that they should start at the barrels. Walk 13 yards to the north and 21yards to the northeast. Here their treasure chest is buried. Their shovel has markings indicating one yard on its handle. Each treasure chest is marked as well so each team know when they have found theirs.

This is a tough road block. Small errors in the measurements make them miss the spot where the treasure is buried. The fact that many teams struggle to understand the compasses doesn't help either.

 "I do have to go to the corner since I'm being stupid right now", Tim after having been digging at the starting line for a while
 "This looks like a bell but it's also an anchor", Alli hasn't found her correct starting line
 "I've got a compass in my watch, let's see if I'm right", Jim comes prepared
 "I think my compass is broken", Tim is struggling
 "That will get you up in the morning", Shelly when the cannon announces the arrival of yet anther team
 "North, take me north bro", Robbie tries to reason with his compass (to no avail)
 "The sun sets in the east and rises in the west", Lisa is confused
 "I don't think I have ever more displeased to be on the beach in my entire existence", Shelly did not enjoy the task

The last three teams have a really hard time. We get to see graphics showing how close they are, but they fail to find their buried chests. Eventually Keith & Whitney decide to take the 4h penalty since Keith is unable to dig any more. They then manage to convince the other two remaining teams to join them in taking the penalty. Quitting is made more attractive by the fact that the sun has set so it is pitch black and there are lots of insects about. According to local info the clock was past 21:00 when they finally left the digging site.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock)
1(+3)Misti & Jim*      (0-1)
2(-1)Tim* & Te Jay     (1-0)
3(+8)Brooke & Robbie*  (0-1)
4(-1)Kym & Alli*       (0-1)
5(-3)Adam* & Bethany   (1-0)
6(+2)Amy* & Maya       (1-0)
7(-2)Dennis* & Isabelle(1-0)
8(-1)Shelley* & Nici   (1-0)
DNFKeith* & Whitey   (1-0)
DNFLisa* & Michelle  (1-0)
DNFMichel & Scott*   (0-1)

Route info: "Make your way to your first pit stop". The pit stop is located at Fort Christian. Teams have to travel here by boat and taxi.

The last three teams which took the penalty seem to be released simultaneously on the mainland so there is a mad footrace to the waiting taxis. Keith & Whitney get into one taxis without problem but both Lisa & Michelle and Michel & Scott aim for the same taxi. This time it is Michel & Scott who get into it first.
 "I was a gentleman earlier, and it wasn't gonna happen twice", Michel

The third waiting taxis is off to the side and a lot slower than the others.

Teams reach Phil at the pit stop in the following order:
  1(+0) Misti & Jim, at 17:12, win the save
  2(+0) Tim & Te Jay. at 17:30
  3(+1) Kym & Alli, at 17:35
  4(-1) Brooke & Robbie, at 17:35 (seconds after #3)
  5(+0) Adam & Bethany, at 17:45
  6(+0) Amy & Maya, at 18:22
  7(+0) Dennis & Isabelle
  8(+0) Shelley & Nici, just after team #7
  9(+0) Keith & Whitey, at 21:20
 10(+0) Michel & Scott, at 21:20
 11(+0) Lisa & Michelle, just after #10 and are eliminated

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 2
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2014, 05:33:33 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 2, "When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go"
Film date: 1-2/6 - 2014

Note that all driving times are taken from Google and should be taken with a big grain of salt.

The last pit stop was in Fort Christian, US Virgin islands. Teams are released the next morning just in front of the fort in the following order:

1.Misti & Jim      04:21
2.Tim & Te Jay     05:40(+1:19)
3.Kym & Alli       05:43(+1:22)
4.Brooke & Robbie  05:44(+1:23)
5.Adam & Bethany   05:52(+1:31)
6.Amy & Maya       06:30(+2:09)
Not shownDennis & Isabelle??:??(+?:??)
Not shownShelley & Nici   ??:??(+?:??)
Not shownKeith & Whitey   ??:??(+?:??)
Not shownMichel & Scott   ??:??(+?:??)

Route info: "Fly to London, England". Once they land teams must travel by taxi to the Tower Bridge. Here they will find a pearly king and queen who will give them their next clue. There are two flights available and room for six teams on the first flight.

 "I've been to London a few times. I remember there's lots of really pretty flowers.", Bethany has seen the London highlights
 "Whoa, I just sounded really blond", Bethany realizes how that sounded

We also learn that Bethany lost one of her shoes in the ocean on the previous leg so she is running around in flip flops. Amy turns out to have the same shoe size and an extra pair of sneakers which she gives to Bethany.

 "You don't have to outrun the bear, you just can't be the last one", Shelly has a race philosophy

The first flight is probably:
 DL674 STT-ATL 14:25 - 18:17   (scheduled 14:30 - 18:25)
 DL84  ATL-LHR 21:29 - 10:58+1 (scheduled 21:31 - 11:05+1)

This carries:
 Misti & Jim
 Tim & Te Jay
 Kym & Alli
 Brooke & Robbie
 Adam & Bethany
 Amy & Maya

The second flight is probably:
 DL926 STT-ATL 16:42 - 20:29   (scheduled 16:45 - 20:40)
 DL10  ATL-LHR 22:46 - 12:15+1 (scheduled 22:49 - 12:20+1)

This carries:
 Keith & Whitey
 Michel & Scott
 Shelley & Nici
 Dennis & Isabelle

Once teams land at Heathrow we have the usual mad dash for the taxis.
 "Fast, but no speeding tickets", Maya to their driver

Some comments made after the race indicates that at least some teams used the tube while in London rather than taxis. This was probably a good idea given the local traffic situation.

The pearly king & Queen are easy to spot where they stand by the southwest tower on the bridge (32km 1:10). Teams reach them in the following order:
  1. Tim & Te Jay
  2. Misti & Jim, just after #1
  3. Adam & Bethany
  4. Kym & Alli
  5. Brooke & Robbie
  6. Amy & Maya
  7. Shelley & Nici
  8. Keith & Whitey
  9. Dennis & Isabelle
 10. Michel & Scott

Detour: "About face or pancake race"

In about face teams must dress up as British soldiers, yes the ones with the red coats and the big black fur hats, and perform a traditional change of the guard. This takes place in the courtyard of Somerset house (3km 0:16).

In pancake race teams take part in the traditional parliament pancake race. They must each dress up as parliament chefs (suit and apron) and cook a perfect pancake. When approved they will then run along a marked course while continuously flipping their pancakes. They must complete one laps in under 1:15, without dropping their pancakes. This takes place in the Victoria tower gardens next to the parliament buildings (4.5km 0:18).

Teams get help to dress properly for the changing of the guard, so the hard part is to memorize all the steps in the routine, and to walk in step. The task judge here fulfills all military stereotypes you may have and is really harsh on the teams who fail.

 "I feel like I'm wearing my high school marching band outfit", Amy has done marching before
 "Shocking, absolutely disgusting, guard commander get them out of my sight", The judge to Misti & Jim
 "We were both in the military... This is perfect for us" Shelly & Nici utters the famous last words
 "Swing your arms shoulder high, if yo do not I will tear it off next time and  beat your end with it", The judge to Brooke & Robbie
 "I'm so over this, I'm getting worse", Broke after they have failed their fifth attempt

To, spice up the pancake race there is a number of extras
also running the race, but they seem to keep out of the way of the racers.
 "We have watched every season", Dennis has been a fan for a long time
 "It's been judged that you have failed this task because there was insufficient tossing of your pancakes", The judge to Michel & Scott

During this segment we learn that Michel & Scott suck at making pancakes.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
  1(+2) Adam & Bethany, pancake race, on their 1st try with 22 seconds to spare
  2(+0) Misti & Jim, about face, on their 2nd attempt
  3(+1) Kym & Alli, about face, on their 2nd attempt
  4(-3) Tim & Te Jay, about face, on their 2nd attempt
  5(+1) Amy & Maya, about face, on their 2nd attempt
  6(+1) Shelley & Nici, about face, on their 2nd attempt
  7(+1) Keith & Whitey, pancake race, on their 2nd attempt, wit 6 seconds to spare
  8(+1) Dennis & Isabelle, pancake race, on their 2nd attempt, wit 19 seconds to spare
  9(+1) Michel & Scott, pancake race, on their 4th attempt
 10(-5) Brooke & Robbie, about face, on their 6th attempt

Route info: "Travel by train from Paddington station to the city of Oxford. Once there search the waters edge by Magdalen bridge to find your next clue."

At Paddington (5.5k 0:20) teams get onto different trains to Oxford.

Train #1 carries:
 Adam & Bethany

Train #2 carries:
 Misti & Jim
 Kym & Alli

Train #3 carries:
 Tim & Te Jay

Train #4 carries:
 Keith & Whitey
 Dennis & Isabelle
 Shelley & Nici
 Amy & Maya

Train #5 carries:
 Brooke & Robbie
 Michel & Scott

The trip takes just over an hour and once in Oxford teams find their next clue at Magdalen bridge (1.8km on foot, 3.7km 0:14 by taxi) without problems in the following order:
  1(+0) Adam & Bethany
  2(+0) Misti & Jim, at 16:15
  3(+0) Kym & Alli
  4(+0) Tim & Te Jay
  5(+3) Dennis & Isabelle
  6(-1) Amy & Maya
  7(+0) Keith & Whitey
  8(-2) Shelley & Nici
  9(+1) Brooke & Robbie
 10(-1) Michel & Scott

Route info: "Get ready to draw back and punt". I punt is a local flat-bottomed boat which is propelled by a long stick. One team member must propel the punt while standing on the flat Cambidge end while the other team member stands on the other, Oxford, end waving the Union Jack. Teams must complete one lap around an island to get their next clue.

Punting turns out to be hard, specially on the return leg when they have to go against the current. The boats are not all that stable so hilarity ensues when some contestants end up in the water.

 "You're punting from the wrong end. You have to go again", judge to Misti & Jim
 "Punting is a nightmare", Kym & Alli when they realize they also have to redo the punting (for the same reason)

 "Punting is something which was designed by the devil to punish the English", Shelly has a way with words

 "Doing good babe, going soo good. We're doing right, I've only fallen in once", Whitney just before she falls off the punt again

A special award has to go to Nici who gets an urgent call from mother nature while on the boat. She sits down over the edge and relieves herself in the water, even though there is another boat with four young men in right next to them. These men promptly fall over laughing when they realize what she is doing.
 "When you gotta go you gotta go", Nici gets the title

Dennis & Isabelle get stuck in the currents at the final fork. In interviews they say that they struggled for almost an hour here.

Teams complete this task in the following order:
  1(+0) Adam & Bethany
  2(+0) Misti & Jim, had to redo the task due to punting from the wrong end
  3(+0) Kym & Alli, had to redo the task due to punting from the wrong end
  4(+3) Keith & Whitey
  5(-1) Tim & Te Jay
  6(+4) Michel & Scott
  7(-1) Amy & Maya
  8(+1) Brooke & Robbie
  9(-1) Shelley & Nici
 10(-5) Dennis & Isabelle

Teams must now make their way to Christ Church college (1km) where they will be given a pair of bowler hats and umbrellas.

Adam & Bethany are at Christ Church college at 17:00 while Misti & Jim arrive around 17:40. Shelley & Nici arrive around 20:00.

The clue says "Tip your Bowler for the next pt stop". What it means is that the location of the next pit stop "Churchill's Birthplace" is printed inside the hat. This is tricky and some teams take a few tries before they figure this out.

The clue also seems to say "Pop your umbrella for a chance to earn the express pass". Inside the umbrellas is a note which reads:
You may now play it safe and go
directly to the pit stop.
Or - on foot, find the scholar outs,
the oldest established pub in Oxford
to pick up the Express Pass.

Adam & Bethany, who were the first to arrive, decide to go for
 "If I were to pick a challenge which I can't do physically", Bethany needs the safety next the express pass provides

They consult a lady with a smartphone and figure out that they need to go to the Bear Inn (300m). They get the express pass without any problems.

After picking up the express pass Adam & Bethany make their way back to Christ Church college. When they have almost arrived Adam drops his hat and then they see the text inside and realize where the pit stop is.

The two last teams know they are last and emotions are running high. Nici and Dennis both do all they can to get their respective team mates to move faster. Nici seems to use the tough love approach while Dennis seems to be more into encouraging. Finally in the taxi ride to the pit stop both teams realize that it is out of their hands.

 "It's too late, I can't, I just want this so bad. I don't wanna go home", Nici is in tears in the taxi
 "Baby it's okay honey. Babe I love you", Dennis tries to console Isabelle

The pit stop is at Blenheim Palace (16km 0:25) and here teams find Phil with a Churchill impersonator at the mat in the following order:
  1(+0) Adam & Bethany, win a trip to Sweden
  2(+0) Misti & Jim
  3(+0) Kym & Alli
  4(+0) Keith & Whitey
  5(+0) Tim & Te Jay
  6(+0) Michel & Scott
  7(+1) Brooke & Robbie, seems like less than a minute after #6
  8(-1) Amy & Maya, loses a footrace against #7
  9(+0) Shelley & Nici
 10(+0) Dennis & Isabelle, are eliminated

 "To be eliminated after being so careful and prepared, it doesn't feel real", Isabelle really wanted this

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 3
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2014, 10:19:16 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 3, "Get your sheep together"
Film date: 4-5/6 - 2014

The last pit stop was at Blenheim Palace, just outside Oxford, England. This also seems to be where teams are released in the following order:

1.Adam & Bethany   00:00
2.Misti & Jim      00:16(+0:16)
3.Kym & Alli       00:22(+0:22)
4.Keith & Whitey   00:36(+0:36)
?.Tim & Te Jay     ??:??(+?:??)
6.Michel & Scott   01:56(+1:56)
?.Brooke & Robbie  ??:??(+?:??)
?.Amy & Maya       ??:??(+?:??)
?.Shelley & Nici   ??:??(+?:??)

Route info: "Travel by land and by sea to the Shetland islands". Teams must now travel by train to Aberdeen. Here they will pick up a sponsor car and drive aboard the ferry to the Shetland islands. Once they arrive they must drive themselves to the Royal National Lifeboat Institute where they must find a Puffin who will hand them their next clue.

All teams hurry to the train station since they don't know when the next train leaves. On his way there Scott sprains his ankle, this looks like it may have huge implications since he can't run anymore.

At the Oxford train station teams learn that the first train to Aberdeen leaves at 06:36. Most teams decide to camp it out by the station.

 "The other teams are square, they're just boring", Kym
Kym & Alli think it is boring to just wait outside the train station so they play around a bit. They end up dancing on the sidewalk outside a pub.

All teams end up on the same set of trains:
  Oxford - Birmingham Int  06:36-07:37
  Birmingham Int - Haymarket 07:53-12:16
  Haymarket - Aberdeen 12:32-14:50

 "We've got an eight hour train ride so it's a good time to take in the nice countryside", Maya

In Aberdeen all teams run towards the car-park. That is everybody but Michel & Scott who can't run. When they reach their cars they realize that it feels very weird to drive on the left side of the road. Nevertheless, all teams make the same overnight ferry from Aberdeen to Lerwick in the Shetland islands. The ferry departs at 17:00 and arrives in Lerwick at 07:30 the following morning.

 "I got ice and elevated my ankle the best I could. But it still like looks like a football", Scott has done his best for his ankle

On the Shetland island teams drive themselves to the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (2km 0:05).
 "Oh God this is awesome, it's like majestic", Tim is floored by the scenery

Teams get their clue by a guy dressed up as a puffin in the following order (only the first four teams are shown):
 1. Amy & Maya
 2. Michel & Scott
 3. Keith & Whitey
 4. Misti & Jim
 ?. Adam & Bethany
 ?. Brooke & Robbie
 ?. Kym & Alli
 ?. Tim & Te Jay
 ?. Shelley & Nici

Route info: "Drive yourself to Scalloway and search for your next clue at the castle".

 "Sometimes, people on an island, they have island time", Michel gets stuck behind a slow car.
 "This is our three year anniversary leg", Whitney remembers that she got together with Keith met exactly three years ago

 "Oh, right, Well, you're on the wrong side of Shetland, for staters", Tim & Te Jay, who have trouble navigating, get help by a local

The castle (15km 0:10) turns out to be filled with skeletons and seems quite scary. Teams find their next clue in the  basement lying on the floor among skulls and other bones. Teams find the clue here in the following order:
 1(+2) Keith & Whitey
 2(+0) Michel & Scott
 3(+?) Adam & Bethany
 4(-3) Amy & Maya
 5(+?) Brooke & Robbie
 6(+?) Misti & Jim
 ?(+?) Kym & Alli
 ?(+?) Shelley & Nici
 9(+?) Tim & Te Jay

Detour: "Pony up or light my fire"

In pony up teams must first cut 50 blocks of peat using a special kind of spade. Them they must work with a Shetland pony to deliver two loads of dried peat to a house a bit up the hill. This task takes place at the Peats of Scalloway.

In light my fire teams must build a viking torch and deliver it to a horde of Vikings. Teams must first go to the DITT store in Lerwick and pick up the supplies. The clue also seems to point out that only six teams can do this side of the detour. After picking up the supplies teams must make their way to the Up-Helly-Aa galley shed where they will manufacture their torches. This process consisted of three steps and teams have to get each step approved before hey can move on. When their torch is approved they may make their way to Hayes dock where a bunch of vikings will receive it and give them their next clue.

 "From us watching the race in seasons past I feel like a physical challenges, if you can do them efficiently tend to be the quicker challenges", Jim has done his homework

 "Oh, he likes to run. Good boy", Jim is happy with their pony (to begin with)
 "You're gonna get kicked, get out of the way", Jim to Misti on their second run when the pony is not cooperating any more
 "We've got a beast over here. I told you these things were sassy", Misty
 "Come on Satan", Jim has named their pony
 "Cupcake, we can call her cupcake", Amy & Maya have a different naming strategy

Amy & Maya have trouble with cutting the peat, until they realize how you should use the tool. Then it's a breeze. On the other hand they are the only team not having trouble with their pony.

Brooke & Robbie wanted to do the pony but accidentally stumbled upon
the DITT store in Lerwick so they decide to do fire instead.
 "Robbie & Brook and fire don't mix well", Brook & Robbie have a mysterious past
 "Take out how much you can't stand me right now, on that nail", Alli motivates Kym
 "Mr Viking Sir", Michel tries flattery on the judge
 "Do you know how to bend this nail", Robbie asks Michel for help, apparently his all his nails in straight

The first teams getting done with the torches have trouble locating the correct dock so they get passed.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+5) Misti & Jim, pony
 2(+?) Shelley & Nici, pony
 3(+0) Adam & Bethany, pony
 4(+0) Amy & Maya, pony
 5(+4) Tim & Te Jay, fire
 6(-4) Michel & Scott, fire
 7(+?) Kym & Alli, fire
 8(-7) Keith & Whitey, fire, directly after #7
 9(-5) Brooke & Robbie fire

Route info: "Drive yourself to Berry farm on Bery road in Scalloway".

Teams arrive at Berry farm, just outside Scalloway, in the following order:
 1(+0) Misti & Jim
 2(+0) Shelley & Nici
 3(+0) Adam & Bethany
 4(+0) Amy & Maya
 5(+2) Kym & Alli
 6(+2) Keith & Whitey
 7(-2) Tim & Te Jay, just after #6
 8(-2) Michel & Scott
 9(+0) Brooke & Robbie, after the first 5 teams have left

Route info: "Get your sheep together".
Teams must now work like sheep dogs and corral a flock of 8 sheep through three gates and into a pen. The gates are only indicated by relatively short lengths of fencing so there is plenty of room for the sheep to go the wrong way, in which case the racers must start over

This task proves to be very difficult. The sheep are a lot faster than expected and are easily scared. It seems as if the best strategy is to calm down and not stress the sheep. But this is easier said than done.

 "This is damn near impossible", Jim after his first attempt

 "This is going to be easy and fun", Shelley, before she has met the sheep
 "Wait, they jump at you", She soon realizes that the task is hard

 "I didn't know sheep were that fast", Adam
 "Orderly fashion! Order! Orderly! Orderly!", Maya commands the sheep (which walks into the pen in an orderly manner)

Tim & Te Jay are creative and try to make a barrier with their clothing. It looks sort of okay but the sheep are not impressed and just go under it.

 "My legs are failing me", Scott has trouble on the uneven ground in the sheep pen
 "Four hours is way to much time here", Michel doesn't want to take the penalty

Teams complete this task in the following order:
 1(+0) Misti & Jim
 2(+2) Amy & Maya
 3(+0) Adam & Bethany, the task took them a little more than 30 minutes
 4(+2) Keith & Whitey
 5(-3) Shelley & Nici
 6(-1) Kym & Alli
 7(+2) Brooke & Robbie
 8(+0) Michel & Scott
 9(-2) Tim & Te Jay

The next clue is an ancient looking piece of jewelry. The clue giver also says "Go where this was found". Teams must now figure out that they need to go to St. Ninian's isle (28km 0:33) where the original treasure was found. This is where they will find the Pit stop.

The smart teams ask for directions in the Scalloway museum. Amy & Maya ask a couple of construction workers and are sent to the castle. Later we see them search a church, which they realize is pretty but not the pit stop.

Michel & Scott go into a local pub to get directions. Here they get directions to a silversmith in Weisdale who has made their replica. Unfortunately for them this is a long detour in the wrong direction.
 "Bad directions are worse than no directions", Michel

Teams reach Phil and the Puffin greeter at the pit stop in the following order:
 1(+0) Misti & Jim, win a trip to Dubai
 2(+1) Adam & Bethany
 3(+1) Keith & Whitey
 4(+1) Shelley & Nici
 5(-3) Amy & Maya
 6(+1) Brooke & Robbie, win a footrace against #7
 7(-1) Kym & Alli
 8(=1) Tim & Te Jay
 9(-1) Michel & Scott, are eliminated

 "It was a disappointing day, I didn't want to get knocked out because of sheep", Scott

It is not shown in the episode but after the pit stop teams got to spend the night in tents down on the beach. And they had to assemble their own tent first.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 03:44:29 PM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 3
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2014, 02:56:49 PM »

 "Sometimes, people on an island, they have island time", Michel gets stuck behind a slow car.
 "This is our three year anniversary leg", Whitney remembers that she got together with Brooke met exactly three years ago


Actually, Whitney met Keith, not Brooke, three years ago.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 03:48:13 PM by georgiapeach »

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 3
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2014, 03:45:45 PM »
Actually, Whitney met Keith, not Brooke, three years ago.

OOPS, you are of course right and I have updated the text.

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 3 is on page 1
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2014, 03:48:43 PM »
Thanks for these maf, I always learn something!
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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 3 is on page 1
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2014, 04:47:52 PM »
Seeing all those question marks makes me :(  :gaah:

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 4
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2014, 11:17:50 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 4, "Thinly Sliced Anchovies"
Film date: 6-7/6

The last pit stop was at St. Ninian's isle. After spending the night in tents on the beach teams are released from the same place the next morning in the following order:

1.Misti & Jim      10:36
2.Adam & Bethany   11:45(+1:09)
3.Keith & Whitey   11:53(+1:17)
?.Shelley & Nici   ??:??(+?:??)
?.Amy & Maya       ??:??(+?:??)
?.Brooke & Robbie  ??:??(+?:??)
?.Kym & Alli       ??:??(+?:??)
?.Tim & Te Jay     ??:??(+?:??)

Route info: Travel to Copenhagen, Denmark.
Teams must now travel by ferry back to Aberdeen and then fly to Copenhagen. Here they will find their next clue on a sponsor car at the airport.

The ferry to Aberdeen leaves at 17:30 so all teams make that one. The ferry arrives in Aberdeen at 07:00 the following morning.

Many teams try to get to a travel agency to arrange tickets before the ferry leaves, only to learn that there isn't any travel agency on the island. Misti & Jim go to the library where they research flights and book tickets over the phone. It seems as if other teams also researched flights, but this is not shown.

As they arrive in Aberdeen teams have the option of going to the travel agency, Ramsay World Travel which opens at 09:00, or go directly to the airport.

 "Are you ready for us?", the racers to Steven who opens the travel agency
 "I'm not sure", Steven didn't really expect this morning rush

Some teams go to the travel agency and some directly to the airport. Here we see where teams went and their scheduled arrival times:
 Kym & Alli, airport, 14:00
 Misti & Jim, internet in the Shetland islands,  16:00
 Adam & Bethany, travel agency,  17:10
 Amy & Maya, travel agency,  17:10
 Brooke & Robbie, airport,  17:10
 Keith & Whitey, travel agency,  17:10
 Tim & Te Jay, airport,  17:15
 Shelley & Nici, travel agency,  17:20

In the end teams probably end up on the following flights:

Kym & Alli
 KL1442 ABZ-AMS 09:33 - 12:03 (scheduled 09:10 - 11:45)
 KL1129 AMS-CPH 12:47 - 14:10 (scheduled 12:40 - 14:00)

Misti & Jim
 KL1444 ABZ-AMS 10:47 - 13:18 (scheduled 11:00 - 13:35)
 SK548  AMS-CPH 14:47 - 16:10 (scheduled 14:00 - 16:00)

Amy & Maya, Brooke & Robbie, Keith & Whitney and Adam & Bethany
 WF365  ABZ-SVG 12:28 - 14:32 (scheduled 12:40 - 14:55)
 SK1877 SVG-CPH 15:59 - 17:01 (scheduled 16:00 - 17:10)

Tim & Te Jay
 KL1444 ABZ-AMS 10:47 - 13:18 (scheduled 11:00 - 13:35)
 KL1131 AMS-CPH 16:31 - 17:52 (scheduled 15:55 - 17:15)

Shelley & Nici
 BA1307 ABZ-LHR 11:36 - 13:24 (scheduled 11:20 - 12:55)
 BA818  LHR-CPH 15:13 - 18:00 (scheduled 14:30 - 17:20)

Upon arrival in Copenhagen teams find their cars and the next clue on the top floor of garage P8. Kym & Alli also find Phil who narrates their progress as they open their clue. Teams find their cars in the following order:
 1. Kym & Alli
 2. Misti & Jim
 3. Brooke & Robbie
 4. Adam & Bethany
 5. Keith & Whitey
 6. Amy & Maya
 7. Tim & Te Jay
 8. Shelley & Nici

Shelly & Nici are having communication issues as they look for their car. This turns out to be a harbinger of things to come.

The clue tells teams to drive to Stortorget in Malmö, Sweden. Their car is a plug-in hybrid and if they drive efficiently and use less than 0.1 gallon of gas they will get their next clue directly.

If they do not drive efficiently they must answer a question from a local geography student. The question is laughingly simple, "Name the capitals of the Scandinavian countries" (they mean Norway, Sweden and Denmark).

Both detours take place in Copenhagen so teams must start by driving back over the bridge connecting Denmark and Sweden.

In Parking space teams must set up a parklet, a small "park" in a parking space, exactly as shown in a picture. There are two different parklets they can choose between. One garden-themed and one living-room themed. Teams have 30 minutes to set up their parklet. If they are not approved when the time runs out they have 30 new minutes to set it up in the adjacent parking space and so on. This task takes place in Sankt Jørgens Allé (46km 0:50).

In Wedding cake teams must complete a traditional Danish wedding cake and then transport it on a cargo bike known as a bullitt. The bike is hard to ride and the cake is very high and unstable. The cake is also decorated with a number of Danish flags and they may not drop any of them. Teams start at Konditori Henrik Jonsbak (46km 0:53) and deliver the cakes to restaurant Allegade 10 (1.6km).

Kym & Allie are smart and bring some extra icing with them on the delivery. This allows the to repair their cake just before they deliver it. On the other hand they have lost their receipt. Luckily for them they find it on the ground just outside.

 "Lord almighty, this is gonna be a disaster", Kym realizes how unstable the cake is
 "Do you have any baked good you can give us", Kym can't resist asking after they have performed the task (and they do get some)
 "I'm afraid to look at the bike we have to ride", Robbie is not looking forward to the bike ride
 "I don't remember if I still know how to ride a bike", Robbie is more of a car person
 "There is no way that another team should pass us", Jim is sure of their abilities when they arrive at the detour
 "Not going good at all", a little later Misti is not so sure

Misti & Jim are having serious trouble with the parking space detour. At the height of their troubles we get to see a flashback to 36 hours earlier:
 "I'd love to prove ourselves to be the most dominant team ever in Amazing Race history", Jim
There is a decorated flower pot which has eight petals on one side and seven on the other and they have placed it facing the wrong way. They do not see this and after having failed numerous times to spot their mistake they decide to switch detour.

 "God, this was way fricking easier", Jim finds the cake easier, but he hasn't tried cycling with it yet

Jim finds out the hard way that riding the cargo bike is harder than it looks. And they start by dropping one of the decorating flags on the ground without noticing. They learn this when they LATER deliver the cake and it is not accepted. They have to take the cake back to the bakery to repair it.

Adam & Bethany also realize they have to switch detours once they try the cycling. The fact that Bethany only have one arm makes this task more or less impossible for them.

Adam & Bethany and Tim & Te Jay also struggle a bit WITH THE PARKING SPACE DETOUR, but they BOTH find the error with the flower pot and are approved.

Shelly & Nici have communication issues but otherwise complete the task without much trouble.
 "Yes, you have trouble listening to mom", Shelly

Teams compete the detour in the following order:
 1(+0) Kym & Alli, wedding cake
 2(+4) Amy & Maya, parking spaces (living room)
 3(+1) Brooke & Robbie, wedding cake
 4(-1) Keith & Whitey, start wedding cake but switch to parking space (living room)
 5(+0) Adam & Bethany, start wedding cake but switch to parking space (garden)
 6(+1) Tim & Te Jay, parking space (garden)
 7(-5) Misti & Jim, start parking space (garden) but switch to wedding cake
 8(+0) Shelley & Nici, parking space (living room)

The next clue is a route info which tells them to drive to the Ida Davidsen Restaurant (4km 0:10) where they will find their next clue. Teams arrive at the restaurant in the following order:
 1(+0) Kym & Alli
 2(+0) Amy & Maya, long after #1 have left
 3(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 4(+0) Keith & Whitey
 5(+1) Tim & Te Jay, after the first four teams have left
 6(-1) Adam & Bethany
 7(+0) Misti & Jim
 8(+0) Shelley & Nici

Road block: "Who has a good memory for faces?"

Here contestants must first take an order, consisting of four numbers, from two customers. They must then go to the menu and memorize the ingredients in the ordered sandwiches. Finally they must relay this information to the chef.

 "I'm about to be the worst waitress you ever had", Kym has waited on tables before (but got fired)
 "We pro wrestlers get hit in the head a lot", Robbie is not feeling confident
 "Te Jay is a server", Tim is excited for the task which he feels matches his partner
 "That was gnarly", Adam & Bethany

The task is harder than it sounds since the list of ingredients may be long. Some teams fail multiple times while other seem to breeze right through it.

When Maya finally gets it and get to deliver the sandwiches to her customers they look hesitant. She starts to apologize that she got really excited, but it turns out they were only messing with her.

Misti have a hard time. She remembers the ingredients all right but misses the fact that she has to state the sandwich number as well.
 "Your order is incorrect", The judge gets to say this a lot
 "Misti, just relax", Jim provides support

 "This is the worst feeling ever", Jim after the last team, Shelly & Nici, arrives
 "Yeah, tell me about it", Shelly just laughs and points out that she is used to being in the back

Nici gets a lot of applause from the customers in the restaurant when she gets it. Maybe that is just because she is so obviously ecstatic for making it in apparently her first attempt.
 "Looks like the save's gonna burn tonight", Jim when they are the only ones left

After about an hour and 8 failed attempts Misti finally rereads her instructions and realize she have to say the sandwich numbers as well.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock)
1(+0)Kym* & Alli       (1-1)
2(+0)Amy & Maya*       (1-1)
3(+0)Brooke & Robbie*  (0-2)After 21:35
4(+0)Keith & Whitey*   (1-1)
5(+0)Tim & Te Jay*     (1-1)
6(+0)Adam* & Bethany   (2-0)
7(+1)Shelley & Nici*   (1-1)
8(-1)Misti* & Jim      (1-1)After 23:10

The next clue directs teams to the VM houses (7km 0:18) where they will find Phil and the pit stop.

On the way to the pit stop Shelly & Nici have even more communication issues. It goes so far as Shelly not pointing out where they should turn just to make a point.

Teams reach Phil in the following order:
 1(+0) Kym & Alli, win one new plugin in hybrid car each
 2(+1) Brooke & Robbie
 3(+1) Keith & Whitey
 4(-2) Amy & Maya
 5(+0) Tim & Te Jay
 6(+1) Shelley & Nici
 7(-1) Adam & Bethany
 8(+0) Misti & Jim, are saved by a non-elimination

The greeter is a woman with two enormous dogs. At one point one of them decides to lick Phil in the face and it turns out to be as tall as him when standing on its hind legs.

Shelly & Nici have a real meltdown on the mat.
 "Every time something isn't going according to plan there should not be a meltdown. When she goes there I'm just gonna stop until she decides to rein it in herself", Shelly
 "Because she did that I don't even feel that she wants to be here", Nici

It probably suffices to say that Shelly & Nici need to work on their cooperation issues and do it fast.

When Jim & Misti arrive at the mat they immediately hand over the save to Phil. But Phil gives it back because this is a non-elimination leg.

 "Every drop of confidence I had for the first three legs, It's all gone", Jim is not so cocky anymore

Next week the race is going to Marrakesh and there will be a double U-turn.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 01:14:30 AM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 5
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2014, 10:08:36 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 5, "Morocc'and Roll"
Film date: 8-9/6-2014

The last pit stop was in front of the VM houses in Copenhagen. Teams are released from the same place the following evening in the following order:

1.Kym & Alli       21:48
2.Brooke & Robbie  00:18(+2:30)
3.Keith & Whitey   00:22(+2:34)
4.Amy & Maya       00:37(+2:49)
5.Tim & Te Jay     01:00(+3:12)
6.Shelley & Nici   01:59(+4:11)
7.Adam & Bethany   02:19(+4:31)
8.Misti & Jim      02:29(+4:49)

Route info: "Fly to Marrakesh, Morocco". Once they land teams must make their way to Jemaa El-Fnaa and search this sprawling market place for the food cart garage where they will find their next clue.

Kym & Allie know they have a big lead so they travel by Metro rather than taxi to save money.

 "Maroccos are the circular things with all the bells around it", Robbie describes a Tambourine while thinking about Maracas (which are not called Moroccos)
 "I think this leg is our time to move on up, win that honeymoon", Whitney temps fate
 "We're ready to Morocc'and roll", Tim & Te Jay get the title
 "We had a long talk last night, so all's good", Shelley think they can avoid last leg's disastrous communication issues

At the airport Misti & Jim let the other teams know it was a non-elimination leg and they still have the save. Jim thinks this will cause teams to think twice before U-turning them since they can't really be eliminated.

All teams end up on the same flight via Milan:
 SK1685 CPH-MXP  08:26 - 10:28  (scheduled 08:25 - 10:30)
 AT655  MXP-RAK  13:05 - 15:16  (scheduled 12:55 - 13:15)

In the taxi from the airport Nici starts talking Spanish to the taxi driver. She negotiates a price per hour and asks him to wait with their bags in the car.

Jemaa El-Fnaa turns out to be vast and teams run around like chickens with their heads cut off while searching for the marked brown door. Eventually they all find it and it is not explicitly shown but we can infer that there was an hours of operations here so everybody have to wait for a while until the clock turns 17:00.

Once teams are allowed to run to the clue box they find a route info and a speed bump.

The speed bump is for Misti & Jim. They must make their way to "Le Cadeau Berbere" carpet shop and pick up eight carpets. They must then use a pole to hang them on the wall of a nearby hotel. The task is time-consuming and harder than it seems.
 "My hands are so pumped, I can't even", Jim wants to be done with the speed bump

The speed bump seems to take around 20 minutes.

Route info: "Cart it out". Teams must help a local mobile restaurant owner to set up his restaurant. First they must drag the unwieldy restaurant cart onto a marked spot on the main square and then help the restaurant owner to unload it and arrange everything properly. There does not seem to be much thinking needed since all you need to do is to follow the instructions by the owner.

The route info also warns teams that there is a U-turn ahead.

 "Now the food carts in New York city looks luxurious", Bethany
 "It smells so bad", Tim & Te Jay checks the ingredients for their cart

Phil turns up and live-narrates when Misti & Jim get their next clue. This time they are at leas then 12 minutes behind the other teams.

Teams complete this task in the following order:
 1. Keith & Whitey
 2. Kym & Alli
 3. Brooke & Robbie
 4. Shelley & Nici
 5. Amy & Maya
 6. Adam & Bethany
 7. Tim & Te Jay
 8. Misti & Jim

Route info : "Make your way on foot through the old city to the Bad Debbagh Tannery and look for your next clue".

Teams arrive at the tannery in the following order:
 1(+0) Keith & Whitey
 2(+3) Amy & Maya
 3(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 4(+2) Adam & Bethany
 5(+2) Tim & Te Jay
 6(-4) Kym & Alli
 7(-3) Shelley & Nici
 8(+0) Misti & Jim

Here teams find a road block. The contestants must scrape the hair off three goat hides. Once that is done they must deliver three bundles of prepared hides by bicycle to a nearby shoemaker shop. They must then return with their receipt to receive their next clue.

 "I've really wanted to get a roadblock under my belt", Bethany wants to contribute

The tannery uses traditional methods and therefore it stinks. This affects the teams differently. Some players do their best to cover their mouths and noses while others don't seem particularly bothered.

 "It smells like poo", Keith has almost correctly identified the curing chemicals (it's pee)
 "I feel like I'm going to throw up. This is not okay", Brooke
 "Just like shaving my back alright", Adam tries to lighten the mood (to Bethany)

Scarping the hair is disgusting but not very difficult. After that teams load their bikes and leave fro the shoemaker.

 "It didn't matter how fast I could go. I had to find it", Kym isn't helped so much by her biking experience
 "Finding where we needed to deliver the hides was very difficult", Amy

After a while all of the racers end up in the same spot looking for the shoemaker. So when they finally find him they are all together. Chaos erupts when everybody wants to unload and deliver at the same time.

 "I can not believe how awesome Bethany is at all these challenges, Brooke is impressed by what Bethany can do with only one arm

On the way back Tim and Amy get separated from the rest of the teams. So they lose some time. This means that they miss the confrontation between Keith and Shelley & Nici. Basically Keith is the first to stand in line by the clue-giver, but Whitney is not with him and the rules say that both team members must be present. Shelly & Nici are both there but Keith blocks them. Things gets heated.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock). There are only seconds between the first six teams.
1(+0)Keith* & Whitey   (2-1)
2(+5)Shelley & Nici*   (1-2)
3(+3)Kym* & Alli       (2-1)
4(+4)Misti* & Jim      (2-1)
?(-?)Brooke* & Robbie  (1-2)
?(-?)Adam & Bethany*   (2-1)
7(-5)Amy* & Maya       (2-1)
8(-3)Tim* & Te Jay     (2-1)

Route info: "Make your way on foot to Ben Youssef Medersa". There is more running through the confusing alleys of Marrakesh. Teams find the next clue in the following order:
 1(+?) Adam & Bethany
 2(+1) Kym & Alli
 3(+?) Brooke & Robbie
 4(-2) Shelley & Nici
 5(-4) Keith & Whitey
 6(-2) Misti & Jim
 7(+0) Amy & Maya
 8(+0) Tim & Te Jay

Detour: Twirl time or tea time.

In twirl time teams must join a troupe of musicians. One team member must twirl their tassel (hanging from the top of their hat) and play a rhythm instrument. The other team member must play the drum. Teams must spin their tassel for one consecutive minute while maintaining a beat. Teams start by making their way to "Bob magic music" to pick up their clothes and instruments.

In tea time teams must pick up a tea set from "Le Paradis Du Thée, Chez Avdellatij, No73" and carry it through the winding streets of the old city to Palais Gharnata. Once there they must learn the proper way to serve tea.

The proper way of serving tea is to use two tea kettles, and lift them up while you pour. All while your partner holds the tray with one hand. Teams must figure out all this from watching the demonstration.

Misti & Jim are having serious troubles with this task. Misti holds the tray with two hands and it takes a long time before they realize their error.

 "Any musical talent I have did me zero good in this challenge", Whitney though music ability would help
 "I'm getting so dizzy", Kym realizes that twirling for a minute is much harder than it seems
 "It's your head that is making us not succeed", Keith is hard on his partner

Maya is having serious problem keeping her hat with the twirling tassel on. It keeps falling of.
 "That thing literally would just not stay on my head", Maya
 "We amused all of the people in Marrakesh", Amy & Maya know they sucked at this

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+0) Adam & Bethany, tea
 2(+0) Kym & Alli, twirl
 3(+1) Shelley & Nici, twirl
 4(+4) Tim & Te Jay, tea
 5(+1) Misti & Jim, tea on their 10th attempt
 6(-3) Brooke & Robbie, tea on their 8th attempt
 7(+0) Amy & Maya, twirl
 8(-3) Keith & Whitey, start twirl but switches to tea (after everybody else is done)
 8(+0) Keith & Whitey, twirl after having spent a total of 2:09

Route info: "Make your way to Le Grand Balcon du Café Glacier and search for your next clue". This location has been used in earlier editions of the race. In this season teams encounter a double U-turn here.

As Shelly & Nici race towards this place we get a montage in black and white of the different confrontations they have been in on this leg. We see them considering U-turning Misti & Jim and Keith & Whitney. The decision is made easier when they look over the railing and see that Keith & Whitney are still doing the twirl.

Teams reach the U-turn board reach it in the following order:
 1(+1) Kym & Alli
 2(-1) Adam & Bethany
 3(+0) Shelley & Nici, U-turn Keith & Whitney
 4(+0) Tim & Te Jay
 5(+1) Brooke & Robbie
 6(-1) Misti & Jim, just after #5
 7(+0) Amy & Maya
 8(+0) Keith & Whitey, U-turn Amy & Maya

 "Karma takes care of lovely people. He played dirty and dirty came back and bit him", Shelly

Next to the U-turn board re the next clues which directs teams to the next pit stop at the Al Matjar Carpet Shop.

 "Alli, slow down I'm dehydrated and now I'm dizzy", Kym is not feeling all right as they sprint towards the pit stop

Shelly & Nici start by running back to their taxi so they can pay him and fetch their bags before heading for the pit stop.

Teams reach the pit stop in the following order:
 1(+0) Kym & Alli, win $5000 each
 2(+0) Adam & Bethany, seconds after #1
 3(+1) Tim & Te Jay
 4(-1) Shelley & Nici
 5(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 6(+0) Misti & Jim
 7(+0) Amy & Maya, very soon after #5
 8(+0) Keith & Whitey, are eliminated

 "It definitely was worth postponing the wedding to run the race
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 01:15:14 AM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 6
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2014, 01:03:48 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 6, "I feel like I just kissed a goat"
Film date: probably 10/6-2014

The last pit stop was in the Al Matjar Carpet Shop, Marrakesh. This is also where teams are released for the next leg.

1.Kym & Alli       08:15
2.Adam & Bethany   08:16(+0:01)
3.Tim & Te Jay     08:30(+0:15)
4.Shelley & Nici   08:34(+0:19)
5.Brooke & Robbie  08:39(+0:24)
6.Misti & Jim      08:41(+0:26)
7.Amy & Maya       08:42(+0:27)

Route info: "Go to work with the famous horse drawn carriages of Marrakesh". Teams must make their way to the stables at El Massi and deliver two marked bales of hay to a stable. They must then ride a carriage into town where they must reward their horses with an apple before receiving their next clue.

Getting to El Massi is harder than it seems. Some teams take off on foot and not until after a while do they learn that it is about 10km to the stables.

Amy & Maya can't find the marked feed station but instead just grab two random bales of hay and deliver those. The judge does not approve this. While searching for the right place they encounter Shelly & Nici and Tim & Te Jay who have found their hay. This leads them in the right direction. But they still can't find the place until some local boys show them the way.

Teams find the marked bales of hay in the following order:
 1(+1) Adam & Bethany
 2(-1) Kym & Alli
 3(+3) Misti & Jim
 4(+1) Brooke & Robbie
 5(-1) Shelley & Nici
 6(-3) Tim & Te Jay, just after #5
 7(+0) Amy & Maya, a few minutes after #6

 "Hay is not that heavy", Kym
 "Liar", Alli tries to lift one of the bales of hay

Along the way Broke can't resist body-slamming her heavy bale of hay.

The final step of the hay delivery is to lift the bales of hay up onto a roof via a very rickety ladder. After delivering the hay two horses are put before the cart and the team get a carriage ride back to almost where they started the leg.

As Adam & Bethany reach the end of the task they encounter both Amy & Maya and Shelley & Nici. They tell both teams they need to get into a taxi to reach the stables.

Teams complete this task in the following order:
 1(+0) Adam & Bethany
 2(+0) Kym & Alli
 3(+0) Misti & Jim, at 09:30
 4(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 5(+1) Tim & Te Jay
 6(-1) Shelley & Nici
 7(+0) Amy & Maya

Teams must now pick up a car and drive themselves to a pottery shop 15km outside Marrakesh and search for their next clue.

 "We believe we are on the right street but we don't really know because all the street-signs are in Arabic", Shelly find navigating hard

Shelly & Nici are having serious troubles locating the pottery stand. And for a moment it looks like they are about to slide back into their old mode of shouting at each other. But they snap out of it and work beautifully together. Unfortunately this doesn't help them much and they are way behind the other teams when they finally find the pottery shop.

Once teams reach the pottery place they must search for their next clue. The clue box is tucked away behind a bunch of pots inside a small shed so it takes a bit of effort to spot it. Teams find the clue here in the following order:
 1(+1) Kym & Alli
 2(+1) Misti & Jim
 3(-2) Adam & Bethany
 4(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 5(+0) Tim & Te Jay
 6(+1) Amy & Maya
 7(-1) Shelley & Nici, long after #6

Detour: Camp or cream

In camp teams must set up and furnish a traditional Berber tent.

In cream teams must first milk goats. Then they must churn aged milk into goat butter. The churning is done in the traditional way with the milk inside an inflated goat hide. They must make at least 3oz of butter.

 "We're doing camp. Let's take animals out of it", Jim prefers to not work with animals

Kym & Alli manage the goat milking without much trouble. But when they start shaking their skin to churn the milk into butter they realize this may take a while. They ask one of the judges and learn that it usually takes around 45 minutes. They decide to switch detours.

 "Babe, I'm gonna hold this bowl over here. You take care of the goat", Robbie turns out to be terrified of goats
 "Hey you, I've got my eyes on you. Your boobs are huge", Brooke to the goat she is chasing

Meanwhile Kym & Alli are struggling with their tent. They seem to have left their brains in the hotel this morning because they are going about it in abut the hardest way possible. Eventually they give up and go back to churning butter.

 I'm so glad we didn't switch honey", Adam when Kym & Alli come back to the butter churning

Churning butter is boring so when the person doing the demonstration starts to sing both Adam and Kym fill in. Even though they can't sing in Arabic they keep the same tone and hilarity ensues.
 "My momma she taught me how to shake it. It just never turned into butter before", Kym sings
 "Brook's chasing a goat and we're shaking milk. It's really hot and I forgot my sunscreen", Kym describes what is happening, but now the rhyming leaves a bit to be desired

 "Oh my god that's so gross. I feel like I just kissed a goat", Robbie gets the title after inflating the hide

Unexpectedly Amy & Maya turns out to be helped what they do in their real lives. Since Maya is basically getting her PhD in milk fat they know the process which turns milk into butter. And they are able to apply this knowledge to this task. It turns out that the way you shake the skin with milk in it matters a lot.

Shelly & Nici arrive at the detour location as teams #5 and #6 are leaving.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+1) Misti & Jim, camp, at 11:10
 2(+1) Adam & Bethany, cream
 3(+2) Tim & Te Jay, camp
 4(-3) Kym & Alli, cream, switched to camp and then back to cream again
 5(+1) Amy & Maya, cream
 6(-2) Brooke & Robbie, cream, right behind #5
 7(+0) Shelley & Nici, cream

Route info: "Drive to Terres D'amanar and search for your next clue".

Amy & Maya miss the turnoff to this place. But they soon realize that they have lost Brooke & Robbie who were right behind them. So they turn around and find the place.

Teams reach the clues at Terres D'amanar in the following order:
 1(+0) Misti & Jim
 2(+0) Adam & Bethany, meet #1 on the road leading up to the place
 3(+0) Tim & Te Jay, while #2 are doing the task
 4(+0) Kym & Alli, while #2 and #3 are doing it
 5(+1) Brooke & Robbie
 6(-1) Amy & Maya, soon after #5
 7(+0) Shelley & Nici, after all the other teams have left

Road block: Who has the knack for sliding things into place?

In this road block players must navigate the canyons on a set of daunting swinging bridges and zip lines. Halfway through the course they will encounter a puzzle which they must solve before continuing.

The rope bridges look terrifying. The first has planks you walk on, but after a while the planks end and all you have to go on are the three underlying steel cables. And this is pretty high up in the air.

 "This is awesome. It's a little scary with no planks", Misti slowly makes he way across
 "It's pretty wobbly", Misti realizes that the rope bridges can move quite a lot

Adam & Bethany decide that Bethany should do this road block. They try to be strategic and have her do all the road blocks it looks like she can do since she only ha one arm. She completes this task without problems. The hardest part for her is the puzzle, but when she starts using her feet as well that works out as well.

Alli is the one who really fly through this course. She more or less runs over the rickety rope bridges.

 "Oh my god, I don't like it. I wanna cry", Brooke doesn't like the rope bridges

 "Oh my god, can I smash it now?", Brooke is excited when she finally solves the puzzle

 "Getting my Indiana Jones on", Shelly starts off on the first rope bridge

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock).
1(+0)Misti* & Jim      (3-1)
2(+0)Adam & Bethany*   (2-2)
3(+1)Kym & Alli*       (2-2)
4(-1)Tim & Te Jay*     (2-2)
5(+0)Brooke* & Robbie  (2-2)
6(+0)Amy & Maya*       (2-2)
7(+0)Shelley* & Nici   (2-2)

When teams are done they each get a postcard showing a fortress-like building. All teams realize they must figure out where it is and get there. It is Casbah D'if and it is the pit stop for this leg. This is actually a hotelwhere the devloper ran out of money and it is located just a few hundred meters from where teams turned off the main road to go to the zip-lines.

The greeter for this leg is a man playing the banjo and who has a chicken sitting on his head. And to top it off there is a white dove sitting on the chicken.

Teams reach it in the following order:
 1(+0) Misti & Jim, win a trip to Brazil
 2(+0) Adam & Bethany
 3(+0) Kym & Alli
 4(+0) Tim & Te Jay
 5(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 6(+0) Amy & Maya
 7(+0) Shelley & Nici, are eliminated

 "We didn't win but yes, I have better relationship with my daughter", Shelly
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 01:15:53 AM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 7
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2014, 06:07:44 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 7, "Pretty fly for a food scientist"
Film date: 11-13/6

The last pit stop was on the roof of Casbah D'if. After a little more than 24 hours teams are released in front of the same structure in the following order:

1.Misti & Jim      21:44
2.Adam & Bethany   23:29(+1:45)
3.Kym & Alli       23:31(+1:47)
4.Tim & Te Jay     00:04(+2:20)
5.Brooke & Robbie  00:29(+2:45)
6.Amy & Maya       ??:??(+?:??)

From Jim's Facebook page we have learned that Kym & Alli got a 30 minutes time credit due to a production issue with their tent at the detour in the previous leg.

Teams are now instructed to fly to Palermo, Sicily. Once they arrive they must make their way to Teatro di Verdura where they will find their next clue. Teams still have their cars from the last episode so they have to self-drive to the airport.

 "This is probably the most fun we've had in at least our married 9 years together, maybe the entire 16 years", Misti is enjoying the race
 "I miss home but I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world", Brooke

It seems as if production has arranged for a travel agency to stay open late since all teams drive to the same place, Habti Voyages, to get their tickets.

Kym & Alli are the second team to arrive at the airport and they spot Misti & Jim's car. They can't resist having a little fun so they write "Team no-fun" in the dirt on the rear window. For good measure they draw a face as well with bulging eyes and sparkling teeth. We learn that Kym & Alli don't really like the dentists all that much.

All teams now fly to Palermo via Rome. There are multiple ways for teams to get to Rome and we are not told which flights they take. But they are split onto two different flights into Palermo:

Flight #1 is:
  AZ1769 FCO-PMO  19:00 - 20:15  (scheduled 18:50 - 20:00)

and carries:
 Misti & Jim
 Kym & Alli

Flight #2 is:
  AZ1791 FCO-PMO  19:30 - 20:35  (scheduled 19:30 - 20:40)

and carries:
 Adam & Bethany
 Tim & Te Jay
 Brooke & Robbie
 Amy & Maya

The first two teams landing are greeted with a gorgeous sunset. They have decided to work together so they share a van to the Theater. The second batch of teams are a bit more frantic as they scramble for the taxis.

At the theater teams find a band playing a merry tune, some dancers and a laid out table. There are also six tambourines  hanging with text like:
Dance the night away with the
Tarantella Group
Return at
To Receive your
next clue
There are three different departure times from 6:30 to 6:50.

So teams get to spend yet another night together, this time with wild dancing and food. The next morning teams depart in the following order:

At 06:30:
 Kym & Alli
 Misti & Jim

At 06:40:
 Amy & Maya
 Brooke & Robbie

At 06:50:
 Adam & Bethany
 Tim & Te Jay

Route info: "Make your way to Villa Constanza and search for your next clue".  The first challenge this morning is finding a taxi. The first two teams ask a local to call them taxis. The other run into town and eventually find taxis.

 "It took us 40 minutes to find a freaking taxi", Brooke is not happy

Teams arrive at the next clue box in the following order:
 1. Misti & Jim
 2. Kym & Alli
 3. Amy & Maya
 4. Adam & Bethany
 5. Tim & Te Jay
 6. Brooke & Robbie

Road block: "Who wants to put their foot to the florio?"

In this road block contestants must race part of the famous Targa Vincenzo Florio race route up mount Pellegrino on a go-cart. They must complete the course in under 4:07 in order to receive their next clue. They will then be driven down the mountain in a vintage car to be reunited with their partner at Antico Stabilimento Balneare (their partner has been transported there separately).

There is about 20 minutes between each heat so some racers will have to wait before they can race.

In the 1st heat we have:

In the 2nd heat we have:

In the 3rd heat we have:
 Te Jay

 "Pretty fly for a food scientist". Maya gets the title as she tries to provided goggles
 "Even though I was racing the clock I definitely did not wanna lose to Kym. I wanted to make sure that if I didn't make it in time that Kym didn't make it in time", Jim is a cutthroat racer

Maya is the only one failing the time check when she clocks in at 4:32 on her first attempt. She gets to follow a pace-car down the course and have to try again. Fortunately for her, the next heat have to wait until she has cleared the course so she can race together with them and try again.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock).
1(+0)Misti & Jim*      (3-2)In 4:00
2(+0)Kym* & Alli       (3-2)In 4:03
3(+3)Brooke* & Robbie  (3-2)In 3:47
4(-1)Amy & Maya*       (2-3)In 3:48
5(-1)Adam* & Bethany   (3-2)In 4:00
6(-1)Tim & Te Jay*     (2-3)In 4:02

The first two teams reunited wit their partners more or less simultaneously while the last four teams meet up also more or less simultaneously, but approximately 40 minutes after the first two teams.

 "He loves his brakes man", Brooke is not happy with her driver down the mountain

The next clue is a detour: Painters or posers

In painters teams must restore a fresco while lying on their backs on top of a high scaffold. There is only room for four teams at this task. This task takes place at Capella Sant' Antonio.

In posers teams must make their way to Teatro Politeama-Garibaldi where they must listen to 10 opera singers performing short sections from famous operas. They must then go to a second room and correctly identify the costumes worn by the performers. Each costume here is marked with the character name and name of the opera. They must write down these in the order the singers performed.

All teams want to do the painters task. So much that there is a footrace to the last two stations, which Amy & Maya lose so they have to go and do posers instead. This is actually good for them since painters turns out to be tedious, hot, hard on the arms and very time consuming. The task is made easier by the fact that this judge actually tells you what is not good enough in your painting. But she does so in Italian.

 "She doesn't sweat much", Jim about Misit
 "She just glistens", Alli completes Jim's sentence
 "Thank you, sparkle", Misti heard Alli
 "I don't sparkle, I sweat", Kym is realistic

 "I'm shaking like crazy. I'm working a muscle in my arm I didn't even know existed", Alli finds the painting tough

 "It needs two nipples and an arm pit", Jim guesses what the judge is saying

The opera task is much faster than teams were expecting. But they still fail once each before the two teams decide to work together.
 "Sorry for the chicken-scratch, bad handwriting I mean", Maya to the judge

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+0) Misti & Jim, painters
 2(+0) Kym & Alli, painters, a couple of minutes after #1
 3(+1) Amy & Maya, posers
 4(-1) Brooke & Robbie, posers, a minute or so after #3
 5(+0) Adam & Bethany, painters
 6(+0) Tim & Te Jay, painters, a couple of minutes after #5

Route info: Make your way to Villa Niscemi. This is the pit stop for this leg of the race. Teams reach it in the following order:
 1(+0) Misti & Jim, win a trip to Ocho Rios, Jamaica
 2(+0) Kym & Alli, a couple of minutes after #1
 3(+0) Amy & Maya
 4(+0) Brooke & Robbie, less than a minute after #3
 5(+0) Adam & Bethany
 6(+0) Tim & Te Jay, saved by a non-elim, probably a couple of minutes after #5

At the pit stop Phil points out that this was the 300th leg of the Amazing Race.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 01:16:30 AM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 8
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2014, 01:04:06 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 8, "Hot sexy knights"
Film date: 14-15/6-2013

The last pit stop was at Villa Niscemi in Palermo, Sicily. This is also where teams are released the next morning in the following order:

1.Misti & Jim      06:37
2.Kym & Alli       06:42(+0:05)
3.Amy & Maya       07:10(+0:33)
4.Brooke & Robbie  07:11(+0:34)
5.Adam & Bethany   07:40(+1;03)
6.Tim & Te Jay     07:44(+1:07)

Teams will now travel by ferry to Malta. When they arrive they must pick up an order of drinks from The Bridge Bar and then make their way up a long flight of stairs to serve the drinks to the waiting knights of Malta.

At the departure we learn that Amy injured her leg during her a little too intense workout regime before the race. It is now getting worse and she has a pronounced limp when walking.

Adam & Bethany tell us that they are going to use their express pass on this leg since it is the last leg it can be used.

There is only one ferry and it leaves at 19:30 so teams get to spend the day in Palermo before they all make the same ferry. The ferry arrives in Malta at 21:15 the same night.

On the ferry Kym & Alli sit by themselves. The other teams band together and decide to work together to U-turn them if he opportunity arises.

 "I can't stand the cyclists, I just don't trust them and they rub me the wrong way", Brooke

Once in Malta teams rush for the taxis and make their way to The Bridge Bar. Here each player is given a tray with an opener, a bottle of wine and two glasses on. They must carry it with one had above their shoulders to the waiting knights. if they drop anything and it breaks they must go back and get a broom to clean it up before they can try again.

The stairs are long and there is a windy corner at the top which gets some teams before they arrive at the upper Barrachien garden where the thirsty knights await.

 "Oh, these are the steps babe. This ain't gonna be pretty", Robbie reaches the bar via the long staircase
 "I don't know if I'll make it", Brooke find it hard to carry the tray

 "Ah, what a mess you've done. Clean it up!", One of the knights berates Bethany who just dropped her glasses
 "Better here than up there", Bethany to Amy & Maya who just dropped their glasses in the bar

 "High five some hot sexy knights", Kym gets the title

After a lot of broken glasses all teams finally make their drink deliveries in the following order:
 1. Kym & Alli, on their 1st attempt
 2. Brooke & Robbie, on their 1st attempt
 3. Misti & Jim, on their 2nd attempt
 4. Adam & Bethany, on their 2nd attempt
 5. Tim & Te Jay, on their 2nd attempt
 6. Amy & Maya, on their 6th attempt

The next clue directs teams to the boat house at Zurrieq Valley sea inlet where they must search for their next clue.

Kym & Alli arrive first at the one taxi. The driver calls for another for Brooke & Robbie, but once they leave the cyclists tells him to cancel it, it is not clear from the episode i he actually does this. But Brooke & Robbie don't trust the anyway and proceeds to waste lots of time running around looking for a taxi.

At the boat house teams find six necklaces hanging by some lights with different departure times on. Teams find them and gets the listed departure time in the following order:
 1(+0) Kym & Alli, 07:30
 2(+3) Tim & Te Jay, 07:30
 3(+0) Misti & Jim, 07:30
 4(+0) Adam & Bethany, 07:45
 5(-3) Brooke & Robbie, 07:45
 6(+0) Amy & Maya, 07:45

Teams are given foam-mats and blankets and are expected to spend the night outdoors.

 "No, I don't wanna camp again", Te Jay is not positive
 "Ready to sleep with the rats and stray cats?", Kym cheers him up, or something

The next morning teams are given their clues at the departure time. It is a road block: "Who's feeling blue?"

In this road block contestants must rappel 20 stories down into the blue grotto. They must then swim into the cave and retrieve their next clue. Meanwhile their partner is transported to the grotto by boat and will be waiting for them.

The rappel looks awesome and the water below is really blue

 "Bethany is like the terminator", Brooke feels a bit intimidated by the speed with which Bethany completes this challenge

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock).
1.Kym & Alli*       (3-3)
2.Misti* & Jim      (4-2)
3.Tim* & Te Jay     (3-3)
4.Adam & Bethany*   (3-3)
5.Amy* & Maya       (3-3)
6.Brooke & Robbie*  (3-3)

Route info: "Make your way to the church of St. Schoastica". Once teams arrive they must search for their next clue on Triq Antika.

Teams find the clue box here in the following order:
 1(+0) Kym & Alli
 2(+3) Amy & Maya
 3(-1) Misti & Jim
 4(+0) Adam & Bethany
 5(+1) Brooke & Robbie
 6(-3) Tim & Te Jay

Tim & Te Jay find their speed bump here. They must paint a Maltese cross on two shields before they can continue. This takes takes a few minutes but the judge is very lax and approves them on their first attempt.

The other teams find a detour: Flag or Shine

This is a blind detour, that is there is no information about what you actually need to do at the two tasks. Teams will get further information when the arrive at the different tasks.

In Flag teams have to try the Maltese game of Gostra. This game, which dates back to the middle ages, requires team members to run out on a greased pole and grab one flag each. There is one yellow flag and one red flag which is further out and a lot harder to reach. This task is very hard, actually so hard that nobody manages to reach the red flag.

 "I hate you for gettin' the yellow one", Alli to Kym

In Shine teams need to go to the gate of Provence. Here they will fetch a pair of breast-plates and helmets. These are in a despicable condition and teams must put them on and polish each others armor.

Misti & Jim and Tim & Te Jay both catch sight of Kym & Alli by the gostra challenge and run directly there. Both these teams get suited up and then they realize they are missing a clue and run to get it.

 Well, at least we know that we don't wanna do that detour", Misti has learned something

Amy & Maya decide to do Shine but end up at Flag so they try that. But after Amy has tested and realized she can't sprint up the pole due to her leg injury they decide to switch.

 "This is gonna be hard. This is gonna take forever", Brooke is negative before they even start polishing
Brooke really dislikes the polishing and after a while they decide to switch detours. They give the flag a try but fail to even grab the yellow flag. They decide to switch back and hope that the 30 minutes they have spent on this will not prove fatal.

 "Where do they come up with these sports?", Brooke
 "Oh my god, I just broke my butt", Brooke after landing with her posterior first in the water

The shining is tedious and a surprisingly physical task. The metal is very dirty and the judge is fairly strict.
 "More polish please", The judge
 "This part of the Amazing Race is not all that amazing", Brooke is negative

Tim & Te jay are having a hard time at the flag detour. They see other teams come and try and then go and after a while the realize that their only chance is to keep at this detour and make it since all other teams are at the other detour.

In the end Tim & Te Jay realize they will never manage to catch the red flag and rather than give up and quit the decide to switch. They get a round of applause from the spectators for perseverance. At this point they are convinced that they are last so they are quite surprised to find that Brooke & Robbie are still polishing.

 "Let me just say first of all that your tans and outfits are looking great today", Robbie tries to butter up the judges

As Brooke & Robbie leave the detour they are yet again having a hard time getting a taxi. The one standing just outside turns out to be waiting for Tim & Te Jay.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+3) Adam & Bethany, used the express pass
 2(+1) Misti & Jim, started flag but switched to shine
 3(-2) Kym & Alli, started flag but switched to shine
 4(-2) Amy & Maya, started flag but switched to shine
 5(+0) Brooke & Robbie, started shine switched to flag and then back again
 6(+0) Tim & Te Jay, started flag but switched to shine

The next route info tells teams to go to the pt stop at For Manoel. Here they find Phil and as greeter he has a guy with a real live Maltese falcon. Teams reach Phil in the following order:
 1(+0) Adam & Bethany, win $10.000 each
 2(+0) Misti & Jim
 3(+0) Kym & Alli
 4(+0) Amy & Maya
 5(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 6(+0) Tim & Te Jay, are eliminated

Maya is so pumped at the pit stop that she has to run a lap around the courtyard when Phil tells them they are fourth.
 "This is a life rush, I love life Phil. I absolutely adore it", Maya is very positive

Phil jokes with Robbie and asks him to tell which place they think they are in by flexing his pex.

 "You guys are fighters, Phil to Tim & Te Jay
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 01:16:46 AM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 9
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2014, 01:32:19 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 9, "You're taking my tan off"
Film date: 16-18/6-2014

The last pit stop was at Fort Manuel on Malta. This also seems to be where teams are released the following night.

1.Adam & Bethany   21:25
2.Misti & Jim      22:07(+0:42)
3.Kym & Alli       22:50(+1:25)
4.Amy & Maya       ??:??(+?:??)
5.Brooke & Robbie  01:07(+2:42)

The route info tells teams to fly to Singapore. Once there they should take a ferry to Pulau Ubin, run a mile into the jungle to a marked coconut stand. They will receive the next clue once they have finished their coconut. Teams are also told that there is a double U-turn ahead. They get $191 for this leg of the race.

The extra info contains "We have reservations for you from Malta to Paris. You are responsible for booking your remaining flights to Singapore. If you're able to book flights which that you find more advantageous, you may do so".

All teams make their way to the same travel agency "smsmondial". Adam & Bethany, who are first ask for the fastest flight to Singapore from Paris and get sold a direct flight which arrives at 06:40. Misti & Jim get the same flight.
 "We just met up with Adam & Bethany, they've already kind of done the legwork for us", Jim

Kym & Alli ask for the fastest flight to Singapore from Malta rather than from Paris and get an earlier flight via Rome. The dentists and surfers are not happy about having misread the clue, but the rule is that once you have booked a ticket you can't book another one. So they are stuck with their flight.

Kym & Alli decide to tell Amy & Maya about their flight. They want another team with them, which they think they can beat, in case something happens to their flights. Smart thinking!

In the end all teams end up on the following two sets of flights:

Flight #1
  KM612 MLA-FCO  08:44 - 10:00   (scheduled 08:35 - 10:00)
  SQ365 FCO-SIN  12:06 - 06:09+1 (scheduled 12:00 - 06:00+1)

This carries:
 Kym & Alli
 Amy & Maya
 Brooke & Robbie

Flight #2
 KM487 MLA-CDG  06:37 - 09:41    (scheduled 06:35 - 09:25)
 SQ333 CDG-SIN  12:15 - 06:40+1  (scheduled 12:00 - 06:40+1)

This carries:
 Adam & Bethany
 Misti & Jim

Many teams are disappointed that the plan to double U-turn Kym & Alli seem unfeasible now that the cyclists are on the first flight.

On they way over to Pulau Ubin the first three teams are treated to a wonderful sunrise. The teams stay together all the way to the coconut stand.
 "Oh my god, this is so god", Alli likes the coconut milk
 "Phew, I don't like it, can you down it?, Brooke trusts Robbie to drink theirs

Teams get the clue from the coconut vendor in the following order:
 1. Kym & Alli
 2. Brooke & Robbie
 3. Amy & Maya, seconds after #1
 4. Adam & Bethany
 5. Misti & Jim

The clue envelope here contains a route info and a fast forward.

The fast forward clue reads "Make your way to the Wavehouse on Sentosa island to attempt the fast forward". The route info reads: "Make you way to sky park of the Marina Bay Sands hotel and search the observation deck for your next clue."

Kym & Alli debate if they should go for the fast forward or not. They realize it is risky but fear the upcoming U-turn. In the end they decide to go for it.

As the first three teams are on their boat back to Singapore they pass the last two teams who are on their way to Pulau Ubin.

In the taxi to the fast forward Alli uses the drivers smartphone to check out the Wavehouse. They start having doubts. They realize this may be a surfing task and thus wonderfully suited to Adam & Bethany.
 "I'm starting not to feel so good about this Fast Forward", Alli

Meanwhile on the return boat Adam & Bethany open the fast forward clue and read the name Wavehouse. They suspect it has something to do with surfing  so they decide to go for it.
 "We could be committing race suicide", Bethany is worried while on their way to the Wavehouse

To win the Fast Forward teams will have to ride small surfboards for 2 minutes in a man-made wave. They both have to do it simultaneously. There is only room for one team at a time so teams will have to take turns until one completes the task.

Just as Kym & Alli are starting t get the hang if it Adam & Bethany turns up. Kym & Alli manage to stand up for just over a minute before Alli falls and Adam & Bethany can make their first attempt. Adam has trouble adjusting to the small board and he falls. Kym & Alli get to go again but this time Kym falls after just 15 seconds. On their second try Adam & Bethany nails at (the clock is now 09:30).

The pressure gets to Kym & Alli a bit and they start arguing as they get dressed and run for the taxi. Meanwhile Adam & Bethany starts to make their way to the pit stop.

Meanwhile the other teams arrive at Marina Bay Sands and take the elevator to the 57th floor where they find the clue box in the following order:
 1(+2) Amy & Maya
 2(+1) Brooke & Robbie
 3(+2) Misti & Jim
 4(-3) Kym & Alli


Who wants to be a

The clue inside reads:
Walk a tightrope
between the towers of
the Marina Bay Sands
Hotel - six hundred feet
above Singapore!

The performing team member will have to walk between two of the hotel towers, pick up a clue, and then walk back. To make this task a possible one there is a second line just above their heads which they can hang on to so that keeping the balance is not so hard.

There is only one wire so teams may have to wait while the previous team performs the task.

 "This is awesome", Maya is still high on life and not afraid of heights
 "I secretly want her to fall s that we're first", Brooke is not happy being #2
 "This is so scary", Brooke

As Jim is a little more than halfway across something happens to the guide rope he is holding on to and he falls. Fortunately the safety ropes hold and the staff can reel him back. When they have rigged everything again he gets to go again. He didn't look confident the first time and this time he is even more wobbly, but he makes it.

Kym & Alli choose wrongly at the detour and Kym, who is afraid of heights get to do the task. But their earlier animosity is gone and Alli does her best to support Kym. And Kym powers through the task without hesitation.
 "She's afraid of heights, but I think she can do it", Alli about Kym

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock).
1(+0)Amy & Maya*       (3-4)
2(+0)Brooke* & Robbie  (4-3)
3(+0)Misti & Jim*      (4-3)
4(+0)Kym* & Alli       (4-3)

Route info: "Make your way to the Center Square Raffles Place and search for your next clue."

The catch here is that there is no clue box at the square. Instead there is a man walking around with a red billboard with yellow text which reads "Onward Singapore".

Brooke & Robbie arrive just as Amy & Maya are leaving. Brooke asks and the sweet scientists point in the general direction of the clue.

 "Are we missing it?", Brooke just as she walks pass the clue giver
 "We're not stupid, we know it's here", Brooke still can't find the clue

Eventually they also realize that they should ask the guy with the read and yellow billboard. They are pissed at Amy & Maya for not telling them to look for the guy with the billboard.

Teams find this clue in the following order:
 1(+0) Amy & Maya
 2(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 3(+0) Misti & Jim
 4(+0) Kym & Alli

Detour: "China cups or Chili crabs"

In china cups teams will subject themselves to cupping. An old therapy meant to extract poisons from the body. The cupping is rather painful but feels mild in comparison with the "massage" and skin exfoliation which proceeds it. This task is basically to endure torture for a while. And the backs of the teams performing this do not look pretty afterward.

In chili crabs teams must crack open cooked crab covered in chili sauce and extract the meat inside. They must collect 2lb. The task is made harder by the fact that the crabs are very hot. This detour takes place at the Red house at the quayside.

 "Oh my god, this will be fun", Maya doesn't know what's in store for her
 "Ah, so relaxing", Amy is pleased at the first part of the massage
 "I told you this was going to hurt", Amy when Maya starts screaming

 "This is going to be awesome,  I love a free massage", Brooke is also looking forward to this
 "They are like skinning our backs right now", Maya

 "Ahh, this is wonderful guys", Brooke teases the scientists (but she hasn't reached the painful part yet)

 "You can't tell her to stop", Maya to Amy
 "I don't want to be here anymore", Amy is close to her breaking point
Amy seems to be close to cry uncle, but she pulls together and endures the rest of the torture.

 "You're taking my tan off", Brooke gets the title

Scenes of the contestants screaming in agony are cross-cut with shots of the rest of the staff who stands giggling in the doorway.
 "The foreigners have a low pain tolerance", a masseuse

Misti & Jim is the only team to choose the crab option. The place is decorated with yellow and red balloons and there are lots of applauding customers waiting. One guy is dressed up as a giant crab, and there is a small band which adds to the party atmosphere. That band also turns out to have another purpose and that is to annoy the players. The cymbals guy keeps banging his cymbals just behind them and the flute guy gets up real close. Jim gets out his whistle and starts counterattacking on the acoustic level
 "This is damn near impossible", Jim after they have been there for a while but only done half the required amount

Back at the cupping Amy & Maya propose a pact to Brooke & Robbie that they should U-turn both Adam & Bethany and Kym & Alli. The reasoning is that this way they are certain to get one team since only one of them may have completed the fast forward. The wrestlers agree to this plan.

 "Well, that was lovely", Amy hasn't lost her sense of irony

Once Amy & Maya have left Brooke drops the bravado and starts complaining about their treatment.
 "Oh my god, your back", Brooke see's Robbie's back after the massage

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+0) Amy & Maya, cupping
 2(+0) Brooke & Robbie, cupping
 3(+0) Misti & Jim, crabs, after 10:00
 4(+0) Kym & Alli, cupping

Route info: "Make your way to For Canning park and search near the fort gate for your next clue". Here teams encounter the double U-turn. Teams reach it in the following order:
 1(+0) Amy & Maya, U-turns Adam & Bethany
 2(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 3(+0) Misti & Jim
 4(+0) Kym & Alli

 "We got this, the surfers are out", Robbie feels so secure that they doesn't bother to use the U-turn 

Here teams also find a route info. This tells teams that the next clue box is located near one of five Merlion monuments. The statues are located at: Sentosa island, Tourism court, Mount Faber and two in the Merlion park. Teams are not told which of these the clue box is at.

Amy & Maya start their search in the Merlion park. Here they encounter Brooke & Robbie and learn that the latter didn't U-turn Kym & Alli. They try to get them to go back and use their U-turn, but Brooke & Robbie don't care.
 "What are they gonna do? Throw ice-cream at us?", Robbie feels secure

After the Merlion park Brooke & Robbie go to Mount Faber, and here they find a clue-box. Amy & Maya arrive here just as Brooke & Robbie are leaving. They ask the wrestlers if they found it and get a resounding no from Brooke. They trust her and drive one without checking.
 "I don't wanna tell them for their attitude and how they were", Brooke on why she lied

Kym & All are happy they are not U-turned and think they still have a fighting chance. They decide to make another risky move and skip the nearest Merlion and go directly to Mount Faber. This turns out to be a good choice.

Meanwhile Amy & Maya are visiting the other monuments. Once they have visited the last one at Sentosa island they decide to go to Mount Faber since they didn't personally check that location. And they realize that Brooke & Robbie may have lied to them.

Teams find the clue box at Mount Faber in the following order:
 1(+1) Brooke & Robbie
 2(+1) Misti & Jim
 3(-2) Amy & Maya
 4(+0) Kym & Alli

We get to see an exciting taxi-race between Amy & Maya and Kym & Alli. We don't see them in the same frame so we don't really know how close they are, but it is very exciting.

Route info: "Make your way to the next pit stop, the Fullerton Pavilion". Teams arrive here in the following order:
 1(+0) Adam & Bethany, win a trip to Bali
 2(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 3(+0) Misti & Jim, at 12:00
 4(+0) Amy & Maya
 5(+0) Kym & Alli, about 15 minutes after #4

 "It's been awesome. I've had such a great time", Alli
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 01:17:06 AM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 10
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2014, 01:14:26 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 10, "Smells Like Dirty Tube Socks"
Film date: 19-20/6

The last pit stop was at Fort Manuel on Malta. This also seems to be where teams are released the following afternoon.

1.Adam & Bethany   14:01
2.Brooke & Robbie  15:35(+1:34)
3.Misti & Jim      15:48(+1:47)
4.Amy & Maya       16:27(+2:26)

Route info: "Fly to Manila. Philippines". Once teams land they must pick up their next clue from a flower vendor in the market next to Baclaran Church.

Adam & Bethany and Brooke & Robbie go to a travel agency to get tickets. The find a direct flight, and learn that there aren't many free seats on it.

Jim & Misti jump into a taxi and head directly for the airport. Amy & Maya do the same, but they borrow the driver's phone and book tickets. That way they manage to get the last seats on the first flight so that when Misti & Jim gets to the airport the flight is full.
 "I'm so mad, we should have gone to a travel agency" Jim is not happy

At the airport Amy & Maya encounter Brooke & Robbie. Brooke pretend she didn't hear what they were asking about when she lied to them in the last leg. Amy & Maya doesn't make a fuzz about this.
 "Actually I don't think the candy girls know that i lied to them", Brooke (is mistaken)
 "You don't mess with pro wrestlers", Robbie feels strong

Teams end up on two different flights. The first fight is:
  SQ918  SIN-MNL 19:24 - 22:48  (scheduled 19:25 - 23:00)

This carries all teams but Jim & Misti.

Jim & Misti end up on:
  PR512  SIN-MNL 20:11 - 23:46  (scheduled 20:10 - 23:55)

At the airport in Manila there is the usual mad dash for the taxis and then on to Baclaran Church where the flower vendor is.
 "How do you say hello in Philippine?", Bethany tries to learn a little local language from their driver
 "We're in the Philippines and that's pretty goddamn awesome", Maya

All teams eventually find the flower vendor stall, which is closed but marked with a red and yellow flag. There is a sign "Pick up your clue from the flower vendor at 6:30 AM."

Jim & Misti are very relieved when they find this because it means that they have caught up. The next morning teams are released in an alley around the corner and all rush for the flower vendor and get their next clue.

Route info: "Make your way to Rosario Municipal Plaza". Once in Rosario they need to find Salinas Specials where they will get their next clue. Teams must travel to Rosario by a Jeepney. Teams will have to find normal Jeepneys on the street, which turns out to be rather easy.

 "I love it because we are immersed in the culture", Maya likes to travel with the locals
 "It kind of smells like dirty tube socks", Robbie gets the title while describing the smell of the Philippines

Even though they are split on different Jeepneys all teams are bunched as they search for Salinas specials. So when they find it they all get their clues right after each other.

Detour: "Catch or Coach"

In catch teams have to wade into Manila bay and use a big bucket to transport fish from the fishermen to a broker on shore. They must fill three large buckets on shore to compete the task. This equals approximately 300lb of fish. The task takes place in the Rosario fish port.

In coach teams must properly assemble a side-car and attach it to a motor cycle. This task seems to take place at E.P.Mongis bicycle shop.

In both detours teams must travel to the location in a tricycle. Amy & Maya miss this detail and starts to make their way on foot.
 "Where are you guys going? Read the clue!", Bethany tries to help Amy & Maya
Eventually Amy & Maya reread their clue and realize they have to go back and get a motor tricycle.
 "It's like; come on leg 10, guys read your clue", Maya know they made a stupid mistake

The catch task is very physical. The sea is rough and the bucket with fish is heavy and doesn't get lighter when water spills in. They end up having to do four trips. Brooke spends a lot of time complaining about how hard the task is and how bad the smell is.
 "Oh my god, it's so gross", Brooke doesn't like the Philippines

When Brooke & Robbie reach the buckets they have to fill the judge tells them that they must use their hands to move the fish from their carrying bucket to the storage bucket. This does not sit well with Robbie.
 "I can't, they're slimy", Robbie doesn't like to touch the fish
 "I think some of them are alive and they're biting", Robbie really doesn't like the, very small, fish
Eventually they get used to the task.
 "I know they're dead, but they're happy with the way I'm throwing them into this bucket", Robbie has a complicated relationship with the dead fish

In the coach detour teams must first select a sidecar to work on.
 "This one look pretty good. Kind of hippieish I guess", Adam selects a sidecar which matches his team
 "Between kids toys and tools, putting things together is kind of natural for me", Jim has confidence

Jim & Misti is the first team to ask for a judge on the coach task:
 "I know it's all right.", Jim is sure they will be approved
But alas, Jim has forgotten to attach one of the shocks. And it takes quite a number of attempts before they find this error.
 "No god", The judge is not a many of many words
 "My head's about to freaking explode", Jim can't see what they are doing wrong

As teams are working on their tricycles and fish hauling it starts to rain. A real tropical downpour actually. Brooke & Robbie don't really care since they are completely soaked anyway and the other teams have roofs over their work spaces.
 "Feels good. This is nice, I didn't shower today", Amy doesn't mind the rain

Teams complete this detour in the following order:
 1. Brooke & Robbie, catch
 2. Adam & Bethany, coach
 2. Misti & Jim, coach
 4. Amy & Maya, coach


Make your way to the
rice fields in Naic.

Teams travel by tricycle to these rice fields. It seems the extra information contains directions but they are still hard to find.

 "There's no way we're in first place", Robbie can't believe they are first
As Brook & Robbie run up to the clue box they encounter Phil who live narrates their progress.

Teams find the clue box by the rice fields in the following order:
 1(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 2(+0) Adam & Bethany
 3(+0) Misti & Jim
 4(+0) Amy & Maya


Plow up your next clue
with the help of a
Philippine Water Ox!

Here teams encounter a switchback from season 5. This is the task where Colin uttered the famous words "My Ox is broken" when his water ox decided to ignore him.

Teams must use a water ox to plow a rice paddy and in the process unearth their next clue. The clue is attached to a bunch of ropes and buried in the rice paddy. There are four rice paddies to chose from and each team must select one. Once they have selected they may not switch.

The paddies are of different sizes. Brooke & Robbie doesn't think this through and selects the nearest and biggest pond.
 "I think it's about to poop", Brooke realizes that the pond is filled by more than just mud and water
 "It's not that easy to make the ox go that way", Brooke has learned that it is hard to steer the ox
 "Oh, we're so stupid. We picked the biggest pond", Brooke

Eventually all teams arrive so they are all plowing for their next clue simultaneously.
 "Just like that our lead is gone", Brooke is not happy

Teams find their next clue in the following order:
 1(+2) Misti & Jim
 2(+2) Amy & Maya, just after #1
 3(-2) Brooke & Robbie
 4(-2) Adam & Bethany, seconds after #3

Route info: "Search on foot for Phil and your next pit stop. Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated." Teams must now search on foot for Phil and the next pit stop. This turns out to be rather easy to find since you apparently can see it from where the tricycle carrying their bags are parked.

We get two separate foot races for the finish. First we get to see Amy & Maya fail to catch Misti & Jim. The other footrace, to avoid last place, is more exciting. Brooke & Robbie start ahead of Adam & Bethany, but the latter manages to pass the wrestlers for a 3rd place finish.
 "I'm not gonna make it, I have no shoes on", Brooke

Teams reach Phil in the following order:
 1(+0) Misti & Jim, at 11:05, win a trip to Vietnam
 2(+0) Amy & Maya, very close after #1
 3(+1) Adam & Bethany
 4(-1) Brooke & Robbie, are saved by a non-elimination

This finish was very close. In fact we have all four teams on the mat simultaneously so there can only have been a few minutes separating the first and the last team.

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 11
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2014, 10:12:05 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 11, "Hooping it up"
Film date: 21/6-2014

Before the leg even start we learn that Misti cut her foot in the rice fields in the last leg. This will probably hurt and prevents her from running at top speed.

The last pit stop was at the Naic rice fields. Teams seem to be released in a different location where there is a fairly large road nearby.

1.Misti & Jim      09:01
2.Amy & Maya       09:02(+0:01)
3.Adam & Bethany   09:05(+0:04)
4.Brooke & Robbie  09:07(+0:06)

Route info: "Travel by Jeepney to Rajah Sulayman park in Malat, Manila". Here teams will find their next clue. The clue also says "You should catch a Jeepney at Palaria station and change Jeepneys at the Baclaran station". Teams get $1 for this leg.

Amy & Maya find a Jeepney which will reach the Palaria station in 30-40 minutes. Misti & Jim get on to the same Jeepney.

Adam & Bethany get told to catch a Jeepney on the other side of the road. As does Brooke & Robbie.

It turns out that Amy & Maya and Jim & Misti has made a big mistake. But since ignorance is bliss, they are happy.
 "We've saved some time", Jim
After a while their Jeepney needs to fill up. On the pump it is printed "RePhil". Teams takes this to be a good sign. Eventually Jim asks driver where the park is and gets told Manila. Maya immediately realizes that they are traveling in the wrong direction. Teams immediately go from happy to very stressed, but they get off the Jeepney and find one going the right direction.

Teams arrive at the park in the following order:
 1(+2) Adam & Bethany
 2(+2) Brooke & Robbie
 4(-1) Amy & Maya
 3(-3) Misti & Jim, a second after #3

Brooke & Robbie find their speed bump here. A street vendor's bike has broken down, production has helpfully taken off the front wheel and placed it on the ground. So they must transfer all his goods from the broken tricycle to a new one, and secure it. The cart is fully loaded, but the task seems fairly straightforward and not particularly complicated.
 "This is a long speed bump", Brooke immediately emits negative vibes
 "Actually I don't think it's long at all", Robbie disagrees
The task seems pretty quick and no other teams pass while they perform it.

The normal clue is a detour: "This or that". This must be the least informative detour clue ever. The extra information only tells where the the different options take place. "This" starts at the intersection of Bokobo street and Malvar street (800m). "That" starts at the intersection of Pedro Gil street and Pilar Hidalgo Lim (1.1km).

"This" turns out to be street basketball. Teams must try to shoot the hops which are guarded by a neighborhood team. Once they have scored at least 21 points they will get their next clue.
 "We're hooping it up", Adam gets the title

Bethany is her usual impressing self and does a lot better than one could expect at the basket ball. But it is Adam who have to score all their goals.

 "I played basket ball for years growing up", Brooke
Brooke feels confident but soon realize that her basket ball skills are very rusty. After a while she remembers what to do and starts scoring points. Robbie tries a career as actor and pretends to be fouled by the other player. The judge is not buying it.

"That" requires teams to race a Padyak 4 laps around a course in less than 17 minutes and 55 seconds. A Padyak is a three-wheeled passenger bike and the non-pedaling member must sit in the side-car. They must do two laps each.

The bikes are difficult to handle. There are no gears, the brake is a joke and the steering is very wobbly.
 "It's not the fastest thing in the world but we're going", Maya is doing her best
 "You can not steer very well", Amy gives a tip to Maya
 "I've got a big boy in here", Misti have Jim, ~250lb, as passenger

The steering is quite wobbly and just as Maya is passing Misti she loses control and crashes into the side of a parked car. Fortunately no real damage is done to them or their bike so they can continue.
 "I just can't get going that fast because I can't control it", Maya
The crash can't have been that bad because Maya manages to catch up to and pass Misti before the lap is over.

Lap timesAmy & MayaMisti & Jim
Lap #13:16 (Amy)3:14 (Jim)
Lap #24:26 (Maya)4:35 (Misti)
Lap #33:47 (Maya)3:39 (Jim)
Lap #44:06 (Amy)4:36 (Misti)

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+0) Adam & Bethany, This (basket ball), just as Brooke & Robbie arrives
 2(+0) Brooke & Robbie, This (basket ball)
 3(+0) Amy & Maya, That (bike)
 4(+0) Misti & Jim, That (bike), 30 seconds after #3

Route info: "Make your way to the corner of Santo Cristo Street and San Nicolas street in Divorsia market and search for a marked Jeepney".

On their way to the market (3.8km) Adam & Bethany realize that they have lost their clue. They remember one of the street names so they decide to just walk down Nicolas street.
 "The market was like a maze, just insane", Adam when they are trying to find the marked Jeepney

After searching the market for a while Adam & Bethany stop and search Adam's backpack, where they find the clue.

Teams find the marked Jeepney at the market in the following order:
 1(+1) Brooke & Robbie
 2(+2) Misti & Jim
 3(-2) Adam & Bethany, not long after #2
 4(-1) Amy & Maya

Road block: "Who goes coco for coconuts?"

In this road block players must deliver two different coconut products. Coconut husks called Bunot and brooms called Walis Tingting. A number of husks are tied together to make a big and heavy loop. They need to deliver one bunch of brooms and 1-3 loops of husks to three different shops. A list of how much should be delivered where can be found on the side of the Jeepney. Most teams miss this list initially and instead just start walking. The only one to actually see before she takes off it is Amy.

The delivery locations are
Intersection of Tabora and De SantosWalis tingting1
Intersection of Muelle de Binondo and ComercioWalis tingting1
Santo Cristo St. between Clavel and ComercioWalis tingting1

 "I just don't know where I'm going", Jim hasn't found the delivery list yet
 "Where the heck do we take these? This is ridiculous", Adam aimlessly walks the market looking for marked stalls
Eventually they read their clues and realize that they need to figure out where to go first.

The task is exhausting. The temperature is hot, the humidity extreme and the coconut husks are very heavy.
 "Oh my god, this is miserable", Amy is struggling to find the intersections

Adam & Jim end up walking together for a while but eventually Adam decides it is not worth waiting for Jim and starts walking faster. He soon leaves Jim behind in the dust.

Eventually Jim borrows a pushcart which makes things a lot easier. Meanwhile poor Amy really struggles with the heavy husks and the heat. But just as she thinks she can't go any longer she spots another pushcart which she can borrow as long as she returns it.
 "I don't know how to drive this[/i", But all is not roses yet for Amy

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock).
1(+0)Brooke & Robbie*  (4-4)
2(+1)Adam* & Bethany   (4-3)
3(-1)Misti & Jim*      (4-4)
4(+0)Amy* & Maya       (4-4)

Route info: "Make your way to the next pit stop". The pit stop is at Fort San Diego (Baluarte de San Diego in Intramuros, 3km). Teams jump into taxis and brave the horrible traffic. Editing shows all four teams in their taxis at the same time, so it is exciting to now know for sure who will arrive first.
 "We went from worst to first", Robbie

All teams do their best to make their taxis go faster and tension is extremely high.
 "Everybody move, ohh I'm having a baby", Brooke tries an old trick
 "Please quickly, quickly, one million dollars, forty million pesos", Jim thinks this will motivate their driver

Amy starts to shake in the taxi. She is dehydrated and has to struggle to not pass out. This continues as she reaches the pit stop mat so Phil calls out for water. Then things start happening quickly, the umbrella man comes with shade, a chair materializes as does a doctor (Amy's blood pressure is 100/70). She recovers enough to hear Phils verdict.

Teams reach Phil in the following order:
 1(+0) Brooke & Robbie
 2(+0) Adam & Bethany
 3(+0) Misti & Jim, as team #2 are leaving again
 4(+0) Amy & Maya, at 12:55

At the finish line Phil has a surprise for the teams:
 "For the first time in Amazing Race history, the final leg starts right now", Phil
He the proceeds to give them their next clue and a manila envelope marked "City of Los Angeles official business". The clue tells teams to fly to their final destination, the city of angels.

Another new twist is that four teams will be racing in the final. As one can guess Maya is extremely excited by this bit of news. Phil tells them that he will be eliminating one team sometime on the final leg.

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Re: Racing report TAR25, episode 12
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2014, 08:59:27 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 25, Episode 12, "All or nothing"
Film date: 22/6

The last pit stop was no real pit stop. Instead teams were told to keep on racing. There was also no elimination so there are four teams going in to this leg. All teams are told that Phil will be eliminating one team during the leg.

We last left the teams as they got their next clue from Phil in the afternoon of the 21st. It is not shown in the episode but since there are confessionals filmed at the last pit stop hotel we can guess that teams spent the night there again before their flight out the next morning.

The other teams are less than thrilled to see Maya & Amy at the airport.
 "I can not deny my utter frustration at seeing Amy & Maya walk through the airport.", Brooke
 "They're low hanging fruit", Jim see a silver lining with having Amy & Maya around

 "Being in the final leg man we have a chance to, aka we're going to, win a million dollars. It's petty much a sure thing.", Robbie has confidence
 "This is it, it's all or nothing", Maya gets the title

Teams probably flew:
  DL172  MNL-NRT  07:51 - 12:56  (scheduled 07:55 - 13:15)
  SL284  NRT-LAX  16:13 - 09:33  (scheduled 16:00 - 09:50)

In Los Angeles all teams exit the terminal together. They are now supposed to pick up a car and then listen to instructions from the on-board system. These are new cars from one of the race sponsors. Unfortunate for the racers it seems production have disabled the built in navigation system.

The clue they get to hear reads "Welcome to Los Angeles, entertainment capital of the world. Your manila envelop holds a film permit. Bring it to the FilmLA clerk at downtown city hall for approval".

Teams must now self drive to the downtown city hall.
 "I know where we're going. We're the only ones who know were we're going it seems like", Jim when the other teams turn the other way

 "I bet the wrestlers will just follow us to get there", Bethany
Bethany is right that Brooke & Robbie try to follow them. But Robbie makes a mistake and pulls up next to Bethany at a red light. Unfortunately for him it turns out that his lane continues straight while the surfer's lane leads to the freeway. So the wrestlers end up having to use their own navigation skills. They go into a rental car place and get a map and directions. Either the directions are wrong or they suck at following them. Anyway they end up hopelessly lost and is way behind the other teams when they reach the downtown city hall.

Meanwhile Jim realizes they are heading in the wrong direction.

Teams arrive at the FilmLA clerk in the following order:
 1. Amy & Maya
 2. Adam & Bethany, right after #1
 3. Misti & Jim, a couple of minutes later
 4. Brooke & Robbie

 "A manila envelope from Manila", Maya can't resist making the obvious joke

Teams are now told to bring the approved permit to the Southwest Marine Warehouse and hand it over to the assistant director.

Amy & Maya borrow a smartphone outside and as they are getting directions we seem Jim & Misti run past.
 "It's a little unnerving knowing that Phil will be eliminating somebody mid leg.", Amy

Adam & Bethany stop at the Terminal Island fire station No 24 to ask for directions. They get good directions and find a fan who recognizes Bethany.

Teams find the assistant director at the Southwest marine warehouse in the following order:
 1(+0) Amy & Maya
 2(+0) Adam & Bethany, a minute or so after #1
 3(+0) Misti & Jim
 4(+0) Brooke & Robbie

Teams get a clue in exchange for the film permit. This is a road block: "Who want's to be a Hollywood action hero?"

In this road block contestants must become stuntmen. They will prepare with a stunt coordinator before jumping out of a third floor window

As the first teams arrive at the warehouse we get to see that Brooke & Robbie, who still are looking for city hall get told that they are going in the wrong direction. They start to argue. It looks pretty ugly so let's not dwell on it.

Instead we jump back to where Maya and Adam are training. They have both put on lots of protective clothing. Maya hesitates before making the training jump on to the big mat

 "The glass I jumped through today was basically made of sugar", Maya shows her knowledge

When Brooke & Robbie arrive at the road block they get to watch a stuntman jump out of the window. Then Phil appears from behind a container. "This is bad news", Robbie guesses what is about to happen Their fears are justified and Phil eliminate them on the spot.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock).
1(+0)Amy & Maya*       (4-5)
2(+0)Adam* & Bethany   (4-4)
3(+0)Misti & Jim*      (4-5)

Route info: "Run to the US coast guard base at the end of Terminal Island and choose one of the marked rapid response boats at the pier to receive your next clue".

Amy & Maya takes off immediately and it is not until the have run a bit they realize that Maya must take off her protective clothing before leaving the film set. As they run back they pass Adam & Bethany. As Maya strips off her gear they see Jim do his jump. Fortunately for them Jim has trouble finding the clue in the satchel he got (it's in a zipped pocket).

Teams reach the marked boats in the following order:
 1(+1) Adam & Bethany
 2(-1) Amy & Maya
 3(+0) Misti & Jim, very soon after #2

Teams will now take part in an open ocean search and rescue training exercise. They will be driven out to open water. Here they must jump in, swim to a buoy. Set of a smoke signal and the tow a dummy person back to the boat.

 "It's like right back in our element", Bethany feels good
 "We're surfing in way gnarlier water", Bethany find the task easy

Even though Adam & Bethany may have an advantage they don't seem to gain much time on the other teams. There really isn't much room to make up time on this task.

Teams complete this challenge in the following order:
 1(+0) Adam & Bethany
 2(+1) Misti & Jim, about 10 minutes after #1
 3(-1) Amy & Maya, seconds after #2

Teams must now travel by taxi to Conglobal industries in Wilmington. They arrive in the following order:
 1(+0) Adam & Bethany
 2(+0) Misti & Jim, about 10 minutes after #1
 3(+0) Amy & Maya, seconds after #2

Road block: "Who can't contain themselves? Note if you did the Hollywood stunt road block your partner must do this one".

Players must now search through this container yard, holding more than 15.000 shipping containers. They must locate nine specific containers marked with nine different cities the visited during the race. Each city container has three colored digits, one for each team. Each team must remember their digits associated with the different containers and at the end write them down in the correct order (by which the cities were visited). They are not allowed to take notes.

When they get the correct 9-digit number the yard foreman will call for a new container holding their next clue.

 "Just take your time", Adam to Bethany
 "I felt the weight of the race come down on me", Bethany realize that this is it
 "It was all on me, so I was just like... I don't know, I had my knickers in a twist from the beginning", Misti
 "I knew I was just gonna suck it up and do it", Amy has the right spirit despite a bad leg

The city names are printed in large letters on the containers, but there are many containers to look at. The cities names they need to find are: St Thomas, London, Lerwick, Copenhagen, Marrakesh, Palermo, Valletta, Singapore and Manila.

 "Oh, this is hard", Misti

This seems to be a rather hard memory challenge. Not insofar that it tests what people remember from the race but you have to keep city names and numbers in your head and sort them. I would have a hard time doing this.

The task is exciting and everybody realize that this is probably where the race will be decided. Amy is the first to return to try to write her number. As she does we get a wonderful shot of Jim banging his head on a container.
 "This is hard to watch", Jim

Amy has the right number but as they are fetching the container with her clue Bethany arrives to try her number. And seconds later Misti arrives. Unfortunately for Bethany she has switched two digits so she is not approved. And Misti has misremembered the two last digits.

 "Oh, that was horrible", Bethany
Bethany seems to finish quite a bit after the other two teams. But she gets a consoling hug from Adam.

According to spoilers this task took a bit over an hour for the first team.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock).
1(+2)Amy* & Maya       (5-5)
2(+0)Misti* & Jim      (5-5)
3(-2)Adam & Bethany*   (4-5)

Route info: "At last, the finish line. make your way to Point Vincent Lighthouse".

 "You never know, their taxi could be messed up", Adam tries to find some hope

Amy & Maya's driver does not know where the lighthouse is. But Maya is trying to use his phone to get directions.
 "Ah, internet, come on", Maya tries to get directions

 "My hearth is going to explode in my chest right now, Maya is tense

Teams reach the lighthouse and the finish line in the following order:
 1(+0) Amy & Maya, win $1.000.000 and the Amazing race
 2(+0) Misti & Jim, about 30 minutes after #1
 3(+0) Adam & Bethany, about 30 minutes after #2

Maya runs right up to Phil on the mat and leaps onto him for a big hug. Meanwhile Amy limps up on the stage.
 "8 countries, 20 cities and more than 26.000 miles", Phil
 "The Amazing race was just an absolutely crazy experience. It something you can't really describe", Amy