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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2014, 08:33:14 PM »
I don't understand the negative comments towards Misti & Jim. They have made their confidence clear, BUT they have not crossed the line to arrogance. They have excelled in all the challenges, even helping a few teams along the way. They have not done anything harmful to any other teams and both of them work well together without bickering. Misti seems lovely and Jim comes off as a decent, interesting guy. I am yet to see why the viewers don't like them...

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2014, 08:47:31 PM »
I don't understand the negative comments towards Misti & Jim. They have made their confidence clear, BUT they have not crossed the line to arrogance. They have excelled in all the challenges, even helping a few teams along the way. They have not done anything harmful to any other teams and both of them work well together without bickering. Misti seems lovely and Jim comes off as a decent, interesting guy. I am yet to see why the some unperceptive viewers don't like them...

Fixed. and AGREE!
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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2014, 08:53:06 PM »
I think some teams just rub the general public in the wrong way.

I also have no idea why some "unperceptive viewers" loved the cowboys so much, but we'll leave that to another thread discussion.

Misti and Jim are a strong team like I've said before, but when asked to help, Jim agreed to offer his help without rejecting any single one of them. They're confident, and that's simply how they roll and they do it well even.

Some teams are smug confident about themselves and in the process try to be sneaky about it and wish bad for the other teams or even suck in the end. A very good example would John and Murray in TAR Aussie 3.

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2014, 02:43:55 PM »
I think my main issue isn't their confidence or anything personal about them.

I adore the cast this season and I think this is setting up to be one of the best seasons in recent history. The locations haven't been great yet, but the leg design has been awesome and I'm loving all the challenges and route info. I just hope it doesn't have a dominating team. I want to see them all scrambling and swapping out first places and spreading the love, I don't want to get the feeling "oh great, here come jim and misti for another win" and get bored by it. Plus, it'd be nice to see them struggle with the confidence and actually learn from mistakes and have to use their save and experience some sort of growth along the race. If they just mow down the competition, they are never in the face of adversity, and won't grow from it.

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2014, 03:40:12 PM »
EVERYTHING Sapphirepit said.  :<3  ^^^
.... The World is Waiting! ....

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2014, 05:27:54 AM »
Plus, it'd be nice to see them struggle with the confidence and actually learn from mistakes and have to use their save and experience some sort of growth along the race. If they just mow down the competition, they are never in the face of adversity, and won't grow from it.


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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #31 on: October 14, 2014, 06:04:35 PM »
I like them tbh. I hated hated HATED FOR SURE Dave & Rachel. These two are entertaining and likeable. Not just an alpha team.

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2014, 11:49:39 AM »
It'd be nice to see them use their save early on so they're vulnerable in the final 6.

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #33 on: October 17, 2014, 11:17:11 PM »

The Dentists' Episode 3 Commentary

 After a 30 hour pitstop we departed Oxford and headed for the Shetland Islands. Many people have asked us if we really have to carry everything in our back pack and how we wash clothes. Yes we do carry EVERYTHING and they do not wash our clothes for us. Pitstops are typically anywhere from 12-36 hours. After arriving on the mat every team must do a post-leg interview that typically from 40 minutes to an hour. Clips from this interview are used throughout the episode. For example, in episode 3 anytime you see Misti and me talking with water and mountains behind us that is from the post-leg interview. After the interview we have to wait for transportation to the hotel. We typically leave the hotel for the pit start an hour before start time. What this basically equates to is a 12 hour pitstop leaves us only about 8 hours in the hotel to sleep and get ready for the next leg. There is no time to do laundry during the 12 hour pitstops so the longer pitstops like this one allow us to do laundry and catch up on sleep. We can pay the hotel to do the laundry when available but we must use our leg money which is way too precious to spend on laundry. Clothes are washed in the bathtub, wrung out, wrapped in a dry towel, rolled up and wrung again and then hung to dry. Same routine for shoes, hairdryer often required.

 After departing Oxford we took a train to Aberdeen. Upon arrival in Aberdeen we picked up a Ford Focus in the rooftop parking lot of the mall adjacent to the train station. We then drove to the ferry terminal and took an agonizingly long 12+ hour ferry trip to Lerwick. After a short drive to Victoria pier to locate the puffin and a quick trip to Scalloway Castle we were on to the detour. Misti and I were wary about choosing a detour that involved an animal from watching previous seasons of The Amazing Race but felt like due to the physical nature of the challenge that this would be the faster detour for us. We had no idea Satan was waiting for us. Cutting the slabs of peat was pretty straight forward. After cutting 50 slabs we had to deliver 20 dried slabs of peat to the house up the mountain. We were only allowed to load 10 slabs at a time, requiring two trips. The terrain was very uneven with many large holes that you could not see because of the grass. Our camera man for that leg actually sprained his ankle on that hill and had to leave after this leg of the race. Satan was great on the first leg but after we tied him up to reload he had apparently decided that he was ready to rest. He was not happy to make the second trip. My biggest fear during the battle with Satan was that Misti would get kicked so I kept telling her to get away but she has to stay within 20 feet of me. Challenging. The second portion of this leg was much more physically difficult than cutting the peat due to the grade of the slope and the unevenness of the terrain.

 Next we were off to Berry Farm for sheep herding. I definitely did not expect the sheep to have the energy that they did nor the springs in their feet that they had. It was really pretty comical. The hardest part was definitely getting the sheep through the six gates together. We pretty quickly formed a strategy that I would contain to the left and Misti would contain on the right which worked really well.
 After that we just had to get them in the pen. Once we had a few in Misti became paranoid that I would let them out. I had to reassure her twenty times that I would keep them in but had to give the others enough room to get into the pen. After completing this challenge in between 15 and 18 minutes we received the Viking charm with instructions to go to where it was found. This would ultimately become Michael and Scott's undoing. At this point I was very confident that the other teams could not get through the sheep herding a whole lot quicker than we did and that if we did not get lost we would be able to secure another victory. The drive was about 40 minutes and after a few wrong turns we found that mat and our second victory.

 In January we were selected to be one of 30 teams to fly to LA from tens of thousands of applicants. From this 30 ultimately they would select 11. During our time in LA we were told over and over how much the casting director loved our confidence. Naturally, we amped it up even more and were selected to be one of the 11 teams. Before our post-leg interview we were "encouraged" to bring back the confidence that we showed in LA because we were "too humble" after winning the first leg. We came into the race with two goals 1) to win and 2) to win more legs than anyone ever had (Dave and Rachel-8) and become the most dominant team ever in Amazing Race history. I thought #1 was very possible and #2 was a long shot but I believe in setting huge goals that may not be attainable. When you set big goals you are forced to really get outside of your comfort zone and the end result is almost always positive, even when you fall short. The producers obviously thought it was an interesting goal too and kept asking us about it. Please don't misconstrue what I am saying. The producers never asked us to be anything other than what we are, they just encouraged a more entertaining, enhanced version of ourselves. This is after all TV first and reality second. From the producers to the camera men and sound crew they are all truly race purists. They all do their best to keep the playing field level for all teams and there is never anything that is staged.

 Sad to see Michael and Scott go. They were definitely not the powerhouse team that I feared they would be in NYC, but they are just good, solid, fun loving, hard working guys who didn't deserve to go out like they did.

 Favorite Line: Misti "I met a Shetland pony once. He was sassy. Not a nice pony."

 OMG, did I really say that "We knew were the team to beat coming into the race, the difference is now everybody else knows it too." Whoops, I just meant to think that not say it out loud.

 Episode 4 Spoiler: CBS PRESS:

 We decided we would give the haters something to cheer about. Tune in to watch the drama unfold. Warning: potential tragedy ahead.

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Offline Jobby

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #34 on: October 18, 2014, 02:17:05 AM »
Plus, it'd be nice to see them struggle with the confidence and actually learn from mistakes and have to use their save and experience some sort of growth along the race. If they just mow down the competition, they are never in the face of adversity, and won't grow from it.


Omg oracle jobby.

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #35 on: October 18, 2014, 05:56:54 AM »
Leg 4 indeed. Kthx

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #36 on: October 18, 2014, 12:17:32 PM »
Warning: potential tragedy ahead.

Was wondering if Jim was even allowed to reveal small teasers like this as part of his secrecy policy...

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #37 on: October 18, 2014, 01:42:45 PM »
I knew they were going to struggle, but I wasn't expecting them to drop ALL the way to last :o

So glad they had some sort of wake-up call and the Race isn't going to be easy to dominate.

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2014, 12:37:05 PM »

Jim and Misti Raman "Official Fanpage"

The Dentists' Episode 4 Commentary

Where do I begin? I have been dreading the airing of this episode since it
happened 4 months ago. Thank God CBS only had 42 minutes of air time and had to
edit out so much.

Instead of our typical pitstop in a hotel, we spent the
night camping on the beach at St. Ninian's Island. Although one team was very
vocally unhappy about the accommodations it was a truly once in a lifetime
experience. When would you ever camp on the beach in Scotland with sheep roaming
all around you? I would have never imagined such a beautiful place existed in
Scotland. Additionally, we were allowed to talk to the other teams at this
pitstop which is typically prohibited.

We were the only team to be able
to secure airline tickets before leaving the Shetland Islands. When we arrived
in Aberdeen the cyclists were able to secure tickets on the earliest flight
which gave them a two hour lead. We had spent about an hour trying to secure
tickets on that flight the day before to no avail. They showed as being
available online but we are not allowed to provide an email address when booking
tickets so online booking was not an option. According to the airline and the
travel agent who ultimately booked our flight it was sold out. Kym and Alli were
fortunate enough to get tickets on that flight. It was heartbreaking to see them
race off to a two hour lead. After a small period of time feeling like we were
racing for second I got my head back in the game. I realized that we had beaten
many teams by more than two hours in legs 1 and 3 and although improbable, a win
was not out of the question. If only I knew what was about to

When we arrived in Copenhagen we had about an hour lead on most
of the other teams. Our first error occurred in the airport when I purchased a
travel guide with a map of Copenhagen. We had about $30 extra left from the
previous leg so I felt like it was a safe purchase given the price on the book
was $19.99US. What I did not realize was that the price in Danish Krone was
about $50US. After we got our car we went to a hotel to get directions to Malmo,
Sweden. While there we left part of our instructions there which we later had to
go back to retrieve. After getting lost on the way and having to stop and get
directions again we finally made it to the Oresund Bridge where we discovered
that because of purchasing the travel guide we would not have enough money to

Upon arriving in the square, after having to answer a question
because we did not take a direct route and used too much gas, we had to find
someone to buy our travel guide so we would have enough money to pay the toll on
the way back. For the first time this season we were not allowed to beg for
money so we had to sell something we obtained after the start of the race. We
were able to find a girl who bought it and gave us the money we needed to make
it back to Copenhagen. After crossing the bridge we returned to the hotel where
we had left our instructions before moving on to the detour.

At "Parking
Space" we were able to get things assembled fairly quickly but just could not
see the 7 petal flower staring at us. We spent 90 minutes making the most minute
adjustments and had the judge check at least 30 times. There were so many things
that you could not see in the picture like the exact arrangement of the flowers
and we became obsessed with the minutiae. Obviously we failed to see the big
picture. What made this most frustrating is that this was a challenge we felt
like we would be really, really good at. We are both extremely detail oriented
and have watched in disbelief as other teams have had similar difficulties in
seasons past on this type of challenge.

"Wedding Cake Race" was not much
better. We dropped a flag along the way and had to return to the bakery to get
another flag. We knew before we went in to the restaurant that we were missing a
flag but figured it was worth a try. The maitre d actually approved our cake but
the producers check caught our missing flag. The frustration

After having difficulty finding Ida Davidsen we were shocked
to see that we were not the last team to arrive. We had decided early on that
Misti would do the early detours to give us flexibility later on in the event
that a physical detour would come up. What was not entirely clear from watching
the show was that Misti actually had all of the ingredients right the very first
time. She just didn't realize that she had to give the numbers. She attempted
6-8 times before taking out her clue to re-read and discover that she had to
give the numbers. Before going on the race we had made a rule that if you do
something twice and can't figure out what you are doing wrong you stop, re-read
the clue and take a minute to step back and re-evaluate. In MMA they say
everyone has a fight plan until they get punched in the face. On The Amazing
Race you have a plan until you buy a book you can't afford and your whole day
unwinds. It was the worst snowball effect ever. There is something about the
pressure and the cameras that you just can't explain and when things start going
sideways it is so hard to reign it in. It is so frustrating to look back and
know that you should have stayed calm but that is so much easier said than

Ultimately we were the last to arrive on the mat. When we received
"The Save" we were given written instructions (as were all the other teams) that
stated that upon being told that we were going to be eliminated that we would
hand over "The Save". When I asked one of the producers about how things would
play out in the event of a non-elimination leg I was told that we would have to
use "The Save" before we were told whether or not it was non-elim which was not
how the written instructions read. Obviously, he was mistaken. I handed Phil
"The Save" as I stepped on the mat and was so so happy to get it back.

The most frustrating part of the day was failing at tasks that we felt
we were strong at. We knew going in that there could be many tasks that did not
match our skill set and that we would struggle with them. It's hard to take a
task that you should be good at and just completely blow it. What was most
humbling was not that we were last, we knew that the Race was an unpredictable
beast, it was the manner in which it occurred.

Side note: Robbie was the
best "waitress" ever, hilarious.

Be sure to check out the video of Jack
Black from The Soup on our fan page. Hilarious.

Tune in Friday October 24
(Happy Birthday Misti) to see if we can overcome our Speed Bump and keep "The
Save" safe for another leg.
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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #39 on: October 24, 2014, 01:04:55 PM »

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #40 on: October 24, 2014, 03:03:25 PM »
According to Jim's episode 4 recap, the teams cannot beg for money anymore? He phrased it kind of weird, but that's the message I'm getting.

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #41 on: October 24, 2014, 03:24:39 PM »
Quote from Jim's recap

For the first time this season we were not allowed to beg for
money so we had to sell something we obtained after the start of the race. We
were able to find a girl who bought it and gave us the money we needed to make
it back to Copenhagen

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #42 on: October 24, 2014, 10:00:04 PM »
That probably explains why Misti and Jim were so far behind and lost so much time even though they were on the 4pm flight...

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #43 on: October 24, 2014, 10:53:42 PM »
Misti frazzled confusion <33

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #44 on: October 25, 2014, 12:51:23 PM »
Jim telling the rest he still has his SAVE so that they don't get U-TURN = Smart.

Gotta give credit when it's due.

Amazing edit going into Shelley and Nici's use of U-TURN too.

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #45 on: October 25, 2014, 02:02:13 PM »
The editors clearly do not like Jim

Editors love drama. They like him, he is great 'copy'!
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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2014, 02:08:57 PM »
I don't hate them but can I just request Jim to stop popping his eyes when speaking? It's scary. :funny:

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #47 on: October 25, 2014, 02:33:46 PM »
I think they start to become Nicole & Travis 2.0 (Start as strong team but end up with weak performance) minus the Travis negative behaviour towards Nicole.
TAR25/TAR29: Modern classic season.

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #48 on: November 01, 2014, 10:49:46 PM »
The Dentists' Episode 5 Commentary

After the tragedy of Leg 4 our only goal was to get past our speed bump and leg 5 without using The Save. We knew going into the race that any team is just one bad decision away from elimination but after our performance in Leg 4 it was hard to shake off the self-doubt. By the time Leg 5 started we had a chance to sleep it off and we knew if we carried the burden of Leg 4 with us it would be our undoing. The episode begins with us saying "Team domination is back" but the reality is we were still working through the self-doubt. Positive self-affirmations are just something I have always done when in a difficult situation that requires that I step up. Most of the things I say are more to motivate and focus me and Misti but of course this is not how it typically comes across.

The other teams were very unhappy that we still had The Save and we have received plenty of complaints online that Phil should not have given us The Save back. However, the rules are fairly clear. The "Save Pass Rules" read that "The Team in possession of the Save Pass (the "Save Pass Holder") can save itself from elimination by handing the Save Pass to Phil while standing on the mat." Since leg 4 was a non-elimination leg there was no need to save ourselves from elimination.

After arriving in Morocco, the episode was edited to look like we all arrived at the market at the same time but that is not the case. When we arrived at the brown garage door there was a sign that said we needed to come back at a later time. This effectively gave all teams an equal start. The producers probably knew this leg would have a tight time spread and wanted to keep it interesting. This also maximized the impact of our speed bump because we were in the first group of teams to find the marker.

The speed bump took us approximately 30 minutes and left us with a giant deficit to make up. The first task was to drag a food cart to the market area and help the vendor assemble it. This was the most ridiculous thing we had done because we had no directions and could not even communicate with the vendors who spoke zero English. We basically just watched them set up and helped when we could. Somehow we cut our deficit to about 15 minutes during this task but I have no idea how.

What followed was a ridiculously long run to the roadblock. When we got there we decided Misti would do the roadblock. Who knew she was a natural born goat skinner? She blew through the challenge completely closing the gap that the speed bump had created. She absolutely killed that challenge. Although Misti has been edited at times to look somewhat helpless, anyone who knows her knows how untrue that depiction is. In this challenge she proved how strong she is.

Next was another marathon to the Detour decision point and we were on to Tea Time. The most amazing part of this entire episode was that as we watched ourselves fail 9 times, neither Misti nor I had any recollection of the fact that she was using two hands. At this point the physical exhaustion was overwhelming. One team estimated that we had run between 6 and 8 miles that day based on a map they had acquired. While I think that is probably an overestimate we did run a lot, in the heat, with long pants on (per security staff instructions due to Morocco being a Muslim nation) carrying 50+lbs of packs. We were so spent apparently our memories were even failing us.

After another ridiculous run, we were fortunate enough to not be U-turned. Obviously, having the Save was a huge factor in other teams choosing not to U-turn us. I personally would not U-turn someone who could not go home and I think that definitely played into other teams decisions not to U-turn us. At this point we made a pact with the wrestlers to run the final segment together and that we would let them finish ahead of us. I actually had to stop at the mat and wait for Robbie to step on before us. Amy and Maya were just a few minutes behind us. Total time between the 7 remaining teams was approximately 42 minutes. I read somewhere that Keith and Whitney were over 2 hours behind the rest of the teams but cannot confirm. We liked Keith and Whitney but felt they were a top 5 team so we were obviously somewhat happy to see them go. Even happier to still have The Save.

Mission accomplished, speed bump overcome and The Save still in play.

Next episode...level ground and no speed bump.

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Re: TAR25: Misti Raman & Jim Raman "The Dentists"
« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2014, 06:28:52 AM »
I'm probably in the minority, but go Misti/Jim <3