Author Topic: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (400-399 UP!)  (Read 17782 times)

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« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2014, 03:14:59 PM »
Russell was great in Samoa, got outplayed in HvV and I can't stand him in Redemption Island (which I am currently watching).

Offline Cagayawn

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« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2014, 07:29:54 PM »
Now, it's time to cut the worst of the worst for the females, which mostly consists of being both boring and awful simultaneously.

- 419 -

The ever-so prestigious title of the worst woman to ever appear on the show has only one candidate I deem deserving: Becky. If you have no idea who Becky is, you're in the majority. She's a forgettable yet horrible follower who hates anything or anyone that is fun or interesting all rolled into one revolting package.

If I was to do a ranking of Cook Island's cast, three of the four members of the Aitu 4 would make up the bottom three of the list. Why? All (except Ozzy lol) of them were completely uninspiring AND self-righteous entitled douchecanoes. You have Sundra, who was plain racist, Yul, who serves as the know-it-all self-righteous dominant male, and Becky, who is just like Yul except more boring and more vile.

I mean, at least Yul was trying to win the game by booting the few good members of the cast. Becky? She ACTUALLY counted the jury votes that Yul would receive. I wish I was joking. She (and Yul, who we'll get to very very soon) was so vile that Jenny voted for someone she had never even met over her. So, all-in-all, Becky is a boring, vile, repugnant waste of space who is correctly forgotten in Survivor's history.

- 418 -

I didn't mind Alicia in Australian Outback. She had a few positives and a few negatives, but overall, I didn't really care much about her either way. At most, I disliked her a bit for being ever-so-slightly entitled, but I let it slide.

However, she returned in AS and was absolutely DREADFUL. Since my rant on Becky was already long enough and since AS Alicia doesn't deserve a proper write-up, here's the three main reasons why AS Alicia was so mind-numbingly awful:

A) She criticized Jenna M. for quitting the game, which was due to the fact that her mother was dying of cancer. Do I have to explain this one?

B) She took her subtle entitlement complex from AO and amplified it by hundreds.

C) She was bitter towards Rob M. I definitely did NOT like Boston Rob in All-Stars, but, had he won right then and there, Redemption Island would never have existed. Bitterness is usually more entertaining and endearing than pandering towards the alpha-strategist, but bitterness can occasionally create horrible seasons down the line. Why couldn't One World's jury be bitter? I would have rather seen Sabrina win than Kim, but that's for another time.

ANYWAYS, Alicia is entitled and seems to be unable to understand others' emotions, so she gets cut in the bottom ten.

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I hate Yul too much to bother with a hint

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (419-418 UP!)
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2014, 08:37:53 PM »
Lol, i didn't like becky either

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (419-418 UP!)
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2014, 02:30:32 AM »
OMG, are you sure you did not like Boston Rob in AS? He played the smartest game of the first seven seasons imho. He had everyone in his hands and noone dared to try to vote him out. He was the complete puppeteer.


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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (419-418 UP!)
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2014, 05:39:04 AM »
Candice Woodcock-Cody should be 424.   :umn:

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (419-418 UP!)
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2014, 07:49:54 AM »
Candice Woodcock-Cody should be 424.   :umn:
I liked her in CI and loved her in HvV, am I the only one? :funny:
Was so bummed to see her voted out right off the back in BvV :( That was totally because the Codys were replacements and came in at the last second ....

Offline stekay

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (419-418 UP!)
« Reply #31 on: August 28, 2014, 08:11:29 AM »
I disliked Candice in every season tbh, or she was just irrelevant. Never knew why she was a callback for HvV but she was comical in BvW

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (419-418 UP!)
« Reply #32 on: August 28, 2014, 02:07:41 PM »
Candice Woodcock-Cody should be 424.   :umn:
I liked her in CI and loved her in HvV, am I the only one? :funny:
No, you are not. ;)

Offline Cagayawn

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (419-418 UP!)
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2014, 03:16:16 PM »
- 417 -

DEAR LORD. My hatred for Yul is so extreme that I'll probably forget a few of the almost endless reasons as to why he's the worst winner Survivor has ever produced.

Don't get me wrong - Survivor has had loads of bad winners. There's also been a lot of boring winners. However, only one combines these traits to form a perfect storm of AWFUL. That leads us to problem #1 with Yul - he's anti-interesting. While there's plenty of uninteresting contestants in Survivor's history, Yul is the only one who actively and purposefully sucks all of the fun out from everything he's a part of. It's almost ridiculous how freaking boring he is. Could you imagine trying to have a conversation with him? He would only want to talk about geometry or how great he is, etc.

That reminds me of problem #2, which is his arrogance. It's pretty obvious Yul thought of himself as the best person there, and exhibited this thought by being a self-righteous know-it-all asshole. Ugh @ his rambling about math/circumference during a challenge. I honestly can't STAND anyone who's like "actually it's  blahblah blahblah blahblah" (hence why I don't like Spencer), and Yul is THE WORST example of this I've ever seen.

Lastly, there's the rigging. Yul's win was completely rigged, and I refuse to acknowledge anyone that states otherwise. He finds the god idol and it JUST SO HAPPENS that it's completely valid throughout THE ENTIRE GAME. THE ENTIRE GAME!!!! There was no way Yul was ever going to get voted out, since wasting a TC on the god idol is not a good strategic plan.

Okay I need to stop now before I start to seize up with rage. There's still so much more but honestly I just can't deal right now.

HINT FOR 416/415:
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416. Male who was booted early
415. Female who made the final five

Offline Cagayawn

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« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2014, 11:21:41 PM »
- 416 -

You know someone's bad when they get more screen time than Russell while being on the same season as him  :res:

Is there really much to say about Ben? He was so disgustingly bigoted/racist that any amount of drama he brought was worthless. I'd much, much rather have the Kass VS. Trish fight than racism; I prefer to be entertained rather than to cringe. In a nutshell, Ben was an awful contestant and terrible bigot. Hard to elaborate on that.

- 415 -

I bet everyone saw this one coming. Although I don't hate when women follow the alpha males based on principle alone, in practice, it tends to lead to both the follower and the one being followed lacking any entertainment quality whatsoever. Essentially, that's the story of Boston Rob and Natalie in Redemption Island.

Natalie (along with Phillip) were key to ruining RI. While Phillip made the season unbearable, Natalie made the season completely predictable AND ruined one of my all-time favorite Survivors in the process. I've never dared to watch the season again, but from what I can remember, Natalie was so dumb she couldn't even string a set of words together. Stupidity can be very endearing (see Eddie), but Natalie's utter vapidity was beyond frustrating. She knew she would lose to Boston Rob and didn't care - in fact, she seemed to revel in that fact. It led to horrible TV, a pagonging, and me being unable to appreciate Boston Rob ever again. Thanks a lot, Notalie.

The next two people out both placed fourth on their original seasons.


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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (416-415 UP!)
« Reply #35 on: August 29, 2014, 06:02:00 PM »
I'm not surprised Natalie T is so low considering she held the record for most episodes without a confessional until Brenda in Caramoan

Offline Cagayawn

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (416-415 UP!)
« Reply #36 on: August 29, 2014, 08:23:33 PM »
- 414 -

In a cast as great as China's, Denise sticks out like a sore thumb. The main reason I hate her is because she lied about her work to gain sympathy, which earned her $50,000  :tantrum Along with that, she was also pretty boring? I don't remember much about Denise at all besides the moment listed above, but that enough is good reason to put her this low. Denise is a revolting human being, and not the kind that makes for good TV.

- 413 -


Most RTV watchers I know appreciate Tom for being a hilarious crazy mess (which isn't wrong), but I'll never join that bandwagon. Big Tom was awful to Clarence in Africa to the point where I wanted to stop watching, I could barely understand a word he said, etc. Unfortunately for me, he came back in All-Stars and managed to be even worse, with one of the worst jury speeches to ever grace the show. I legitimately gagged when he did that fake handshake thing to Rob. Ugh.

Big Tom is so disgusting that I can effortlessly and shamelessly overlook any entertainment he brought to either of his seasons. I tend not to appreciate condescending people who look down on others (exactly why I hate Yul), which is exactly what Big Tom is.

I've never realized that there were this many bad fourth-placers.

Next two out were both favorites in Caramoan.

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (416-415 UP!)
« Reply #37 on: August 29, 2014, 08:35:54 PM »
"Denise is a revolting human being"

I think this is a little harsh. I know she did wrong but in the game I found her interesting imo


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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (416-415 UP!)
« Reply #38 on: August 29, 2014, 08:39:32 PM »
My guess is Dawn and Corinne

Offline Cagayawn

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (414-413 UP!)
« Reply #39 on: August 30, 2014, 12:14:51 AM »
These people are really awful tryhards and I just want to get rid of them.

- 412 -


Corinne is advertised as some "mega-bitch" cutthroat backstabbing no-nonsense woman. That sounds kinda awesome, in my opinion. Unfortunately, Corinne failed to deliver on any of those promises outside of confessionals. Hyping yourself up is one thing, but not being able to back it up at all is horrible.

Since Corinne possessed none of the traits she claimed she did, she came off as awfully fake and forced. I guess she thought she had to be a mega-bitch to be relevant enough, but that's no excuse to be a phony. While not truly awful in principle like others out before her, the way she was implemented left a horrible taste in my mouth.

- 411 -

I could understand why someone would love Brandon - in contrast to Corinne, he was probably one of the most real contestants on the show and was a huge train wreck. However, I found Brandon's antics more uncomfortable than entertaining. Throughout South Pacific, he was consistently vile and sexist to the women and was generally icky the whole way through. However, he didn't completely ruin the season, so I didn't hate him too much.

Then, Brandon returned. Oh, did he ever return. Instead of being grossly sexist, Brandon instead decided to suck up any screen time not already devoted to Phillip, resulting in Caramoan's abominable pre-merge. This time, Brandon played a key part in ruining Caramoan (though it was mostly Phillip), which ruined any ounce of appreciation I had for him.

Brandon is the kind of trainwreck that isn't enjoyable to watch - his antics helped detract from any and all character development in his second season (much unlike, say, J'Tia), which made any sliver of entertainment he brought absolutely worthless. I really do hope that the only Hantz to ever appear on RTV again is Willie (<3).

The next two people out were insanely boring and lasted a very long time.

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (412-411 UP!)
« Reply #40 on: August 30, 2014, 11:42:34 PM »
- 410 -

Great, more of the Aitu 4  :res:

Sundra's main offense was being a huge bore, but my hatred for her goes so much deeper than that. Although she got little airtime, any attention she did receive sparked profound hatred from me. While there are many major issues with Sundra (refusing to mutiny when she promised Candice she would, helping to eliminate any and all entertainment from the season) the worst for me was the following quote:

SUNDRA: "Black, brown, and yellow power!"

Yep. Sundra topped off her dreary, colorless cake with a heavy dose of racism and a sprinkling of anti-entertainment. I just CAN. NOT. DEAL. with anyone who actively sucks the fun out of the season, and that's precisely what three of the Aitu 4 did. The Aitu 4 is the worst alliance in Survivor history, and I'm sure these rankings reflect that.

- 409 -

A world where Brian isn't the worst winner in Survivor history is one I dread. Unfortunately, that's the world we live in. Brian managed to be all of these awful things at the same time:

A) Insanely boring

B) A sociopath who completely disregarded the "social" aspect of the game

C) A puppy-shooter

D) A generally horrible human being

Brian isn't as low because he didn't ruin Thailand - that season never had a chance in the first place.

The next two people out were both men from recent seasons who made the merge.

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (410-409 UP!)
« Reply #41 on: August 31, 2014, 12:17:31 AM »
Denise 414 and Brandon 409? No way.
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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (410-409 UP!)
« Reply #42 on: August 31, 2014, 11:52:05 AM »
cagayawn is such a pessimistic human being, love it <3

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (410-409 UP!)
« Reply #43 on: August 31, 2014, 03:28:58 PM »
- 408 -

There are a lot of horrible Survivors  :res:

Jeff committed the following offenses during his run in the Philippines:

A) Was stunt-casted

B) Had a storyline about his foot that was pointless

C) Got tons of screen time despite doing very little to impact the game

D) Was a hateful bigot

E) His final words  :res:

Jeff is really the perfect storm of terrible, but (thankfully) his awfulness didn't impact the season much. While I hate his guts + he's one of the worst human beings to appear on the show, the ones he beat were either even more boring, even more awful, or both. He still sucks, though.

- 407 -

We're now at the stage where the horrible game-bots will start to fall > : )

Especially in recent seasons, there are a lot of (usually male) players who are heralded for their ""gameplay"" and their """"wit"""", although they rarely exhibit any personality in any of their confessionals except for jealousy. Of all of those players, Jim is the worst of the bunch. Why?

Other players like Jim, including Austin and Spencer, were awful but didn't negatively impact the season all that much. Jim, however? His sup-bar gameplay and bullying of Cochran led to the superior Savaii tribe failing against the boring/awful Upolu tribe. Things that Jim directly caused:

- Ozzy dominating RI  :res:
- Dawn and Whitney leaving earlier than the should have
- Indirectly causing Christine's early elimination
- Coach making the FTC  :res: :res: :res:
- Having to choose between an awful winner, a boring winner, or an okay winner (guess which one we got  :res:)

Jim ruined any part of South Pacific that wasn't doomed to fail from the start, and I absolutely HATE him for that. TBH, he should have been lower  :tantrum

Next two people out are men from seasons after Cook Islands.


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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (408-407 UP!)
« Reply #44 on: August 31, 2014, 10:44:55 PM »
I hated Jim because he he has the I can do all of this/know it all attitude kinda like  Spencer but annoying.

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (408-407 UP!)
« Reply #45 on: September 01, 2014, 12:41:28 AM »
- 406 -


Joel was an early boot yet still managed to leave a horrible aftertaste once he was gone. Joel's entire shtick was to gain control of the favorites tribe then booting the weaker members of the tribe. It's a common-ish strategy, but it's a boring one and Joel was particularly awful about it. Joel was HORRENDOUS to Chet because he wasn't as strong physically, which is/was/always will be very disgusting :/

Joel always seemed like someone who wanted to squash anything that wasn't 100% tough/masculine, and that kind of thing really bothers me on RTV. He wasn't that big of a piece in Survivor lore, but I've always hated him with intense vitriol.

- 405 -

Rob's zombies in Redemption Island were pretty much awful, and most will be cut very soon (two are already gone!). Of the remaining zombies, Matt was the worst simply because his idiocy was of the annoying kind. He was betrayed by Rob at the start of the game, tried to go against him once he returned from RI, then had a change of heart because "God told him to".  :res: :res: :res: :res: :res:

Once he was booted AGAIN, he spent the rest of his days dominating RI and converting its inhabitants to his own little Survivor cult  :tantrum :tantrum. His actions/stupidity led to both Rob winning and Zapatera being wiped out one after another (which is why RI sucks). Matt, along with Phillip & Natalie & Rob himself, turned RI from a bad concept to a horrible season. Thankfully, no season, not even Caramoan, has managed to match RI in awfulness.

The next two people out are men from seasons before All-Stars.

PS: This man-slaughter is not intentional  :)

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (406-405 UP!)
« Reply #46 on: September 01, 2014, 08:54:13 PM »
- 404 -

Ick. Roger Sexton is the typical conservative old man - he demonstrated lots of terrible beliefs, most notably sexism. He went on and on about how men are stronger than women and whatnot. That alone should bring him to an even lower spot, but it WAS kind of amusing how much everyone hated him <3

Since no one liked Roger, hating him was a lot more enjoyable than hating someone that most people liked (i.e. Yul). Hating him almost became a fun thing to do... almost. He's still awful, but ALMOST entertaining.

- 403 -

Yeah, he's not as enjoyable to hate.

Brandon SEEMS like someone I should like, but I have very good reasons as to why I hate him:

1) He reinforced negative stereotypes of gay people. After getting Richard Hatch, who actually progressed the gay rights movement, we get someone who could potentially have gotten rid of said progress.

2) He was horrible to Lindsey once she was eliminated. I don't like Lindsey all that much, but Brandon was absolutely awful to her once she was voted out.

3) He got rid of Kelly Goldsmith. Kelly left way too early, and it was thanks, in part, to Brandon.

So, yeah. I feel like I shouldn't hate Brandon at first glance, but when I think about him, I slowly fill up with contempt. He's the kind of horrible that isn't easy to recognize at first.

The last two people out before the Top 400 both made the top five.

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (404-403 UP!)
« Reply #47 on: September 01, 2014, 09:10:17 PM »
Watching Redemption Island for the first time I'll be surprised if any Ometepe (worst tribe ever) make it out of 350


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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (404-403 UP!)
« Reply #48 on: September 01, 2014, 11:55:52 PM »
Watching Redemption Island for the first time I'll be surprised if any Ometepe (worst tribe ever) make it out of 350

Boston Rob will.

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Re: Ranking EVERY SURVIVOR EVER (404-403 UP!)
« Reply #49 on: September 02, 2014, 06:33:02 PM »
Watching Redemption Island for the first time I'll be surprised if any Ometepe (worst tribe ever) make it out of 350

Boston Rob will.

Hopefully not

(No offense to BRob pre-RI)