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Online RealityFreakWill

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HOH Blogs
« on: July 02, 2014, 06:16:25 PM »
HoH Suite Spot: Caleb

So, i will start off by giving thanks to GOD for giving me this opportunity to be here in the big brother house. It is awesome being here and getting to know the other 15 house guest day by day. although we are only almost 2 weeks in, I'm still trying to figure everyone out and who i can trust. Most importantly at the end of the day i can only trust myself at 110%. I am honored to be the First HOH of Big Brother 16, I fought hard and won with battle scares to prove my fight inside. too bad i can't compete this week bc having this HOH room is great, But next week this cowboy will get to enter in the next rodeo so i am really excited to compete again for the next HOH competition. I should have no problem winning this season of big brother, There are a few other competitors in the house, but overall i am the one to beat, i am a different animal, i am victorious, and most of all i am a child of god and in phillipians 4:13 it says "i can do all things through christ which strengthens me" I believe i am the toughest and best competitor in this house and from what i hear i am the one to beat. Also feels great to be head of the alliance called "the bomb squad" we are truckin right along and feeling great about my team of soldiers i have recruited. I am missing my family a ton, missing my church family, but this is for sure the chance of a life time and so thankful to be here. I just have to play my game and leave my heart and emotions at the door. I am blessed and reassured that god has big plans for me when i leave the big brother house. keep rooting on this cowboy, for this rodeo is just another 8 second ride. Well thanks to all that is watching and blogging. keep your eyes open and always expect the unexpected. To all my fans, i love you and thanks you for your support. once again, thanks to my father above that made all this possible and saving my soul. Without him this would have never been possible. God deserves and gets all the Glory.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 08:44:01 PM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: HOH Blogs
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2014, 01:58:30 PM »
HoH Suite Spot: Devin

I want to start out by saying hi to the most beautiful girl in the world (my daughter) Jayden Sofia, and that I miss you every day that I am in here. Not being able to see your bright smile and your charismatic little self, full of energy sprinting around the house is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with. I love you Jayden and hope to see you soon. And to my daughter’s Mother, I thank you for taking on the task of being the greatest mother anyone could have ever asked for. I know it’s not easy right now but I’m so proud of you for being the amazing woman you are, Thank you. Being in the BB house has been a blessing in so many ways and I will forever be grateful for this experience. I would never call myself a super fan out of respect for all the true super fans out there, but I can call myself a student of this game. Before entering the house I watched season after season multiple times over to try and formulate a flawless strategy. I thought of every potential cover story of who Devin Shepherd is and where I come from, and in the end I decided to just come in here and be who I really am.

Days leading up to my entry into the house I wanted to play an honest and integral game, even if that meant an early exit for me from the game. But one thing is very, very clear when Julie sends you through the front door for the first time. "Expect the Unexpected"! When I walked into the living room for the first time, glanced left and looked right I couldn't help but instantly think about all my favorite BB players of the past, and what they had to do to win this game (Dan, Rachel, Hayden and Boogie). At that very moment I knew that I would be forced to make a lot of moves that would go against the person I am outside of this game. From day one I think it’s safe to say I’ve played this game pretty hard! But I’m a competitor at heart and not a floater, even if being a floater at times is a great strategy the only way I know how to play any game is hard. The day I exit the BB doors I will never have this opportunity again, so I made up my mind that I’m going to play as hard as possible while also hoping to be smart about my game play because one thing is certain, I don't want to have any regrets about leaving anything on the table when it’s all said and done.

Now for the fun stuff! I have never lived with more than three people in a single house setting before in my life (lol). Living with fifteen others has been both challenging and a learning experience for me. I grew up an only child because my sister is twenty-six years older than myself, so living in the BB house can be intense at times. Dishes pile up higher than a mountain on a daily basis, clothes are left dangling in the most random places of the house (not surprised to find underwear in the storage room next to the produce anymore haha) and if you ever get the opportunity to live in the BB house for a summer and like to stay clean; well you better make sure you have a well hidden stash of towels somewhere or you most definitely will be sharing your buddies for sure. The fifteen other cast members are some of the most unique and amazing people I have ever gotten the opportunity to meet and share time with.

We truly have it all this year, from the most talented Broadway performer (Frankie) who will impersonate you down to a "T" at any given moment. To the kindest southern bell who comes from the most humble backgrounds with a family of nine brothers and sisters. We have it all this year! Every single person regardless of what may be seen or said at times is beyond amazing. The hardest part about this game is that each week someone is going to be judged before they are really understood and they will be sent packing out the door. This week I was able to put myself in a position where I won HOH and could build back trust and show loyalty to people I pre judged early on in this game. This was my first blog ever! I’m really pumped for the world to read this and I hope everyone enjoys to the max! Can’t wait to see what this game has in store for us all next week. Truly don't ever want this time here to end but at the same time I can't wait for it to all be over…

Take care with much Love, -Devin Shepherd

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Re: HOH Blogs
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2014, 12:03:12 AM »
HOH Suite Spot: Derrick

Hey Guys!

Let me start by saying that I am sitting in the Big Brother house, blogging to you as the current HOH!!! It doesn't get any cooler than this!

First I would obviously like to thank my wife Jana for allowing me to take advantage of this opportunity. It's tough being in this house but she has also taken on a lot of extra responsibilities by taking care of our daughter Tenley and our two dogs, Mason and Rocky. She is one of the strongest people I know and I am extremely proud to call her my wife. Jana, I hope you know that I think about you and her every second of the day and although I love this game, I am doing this for us. Being in this game has really put in perspective how important family is and I cannot wait to see you and "T-Money" soon (But not until I win BB16!). You are my best friend and I love you so much.

To the rest of my family and friends, I want to say "Hi" to my Mom, Dad, brother Matt, and my sisters Meaghan and Aimee. I also want to say "Hi" to Tim a.k.a "Pops", Krissy, and Dillion. This would not have been possible without you guys. I miss all of you and I hope you are keeping Jana and Tenley company while I'm gone. By the way, whoever sent that horrible school photo of me…. I will get you back…haha. To the rest of my family, all my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, I know you are all rooting me on and I hope you guys are enjoying the show and I am making you all proud!

To all my brothers and sisters at CFPD, I miss you guys and I hope things are going OK this summer. I know it gets busy out there, especially this time of year, so good luck and stay safe. A special shout-out to the Midnight Shift guys! In addition to that, I want to pay my respect to all first-responders (Police, Fire, Rescue, etc.) Be safe out there guys! We may be a small city, but we're one of the best!

Ok, so a little game talk…I think I am in a pretty good position at this point. Ideally, I didn't want to win HOH this early in the game but with the current "Battle of the Block" twist, I want to avoid being one of the four houseguests nominated at all costs. I'm still trying to read everyone in the house but I'm starting to develop a better idea of who I can trust going forward in this game. I'm hoping to complete the first "big move" of the season on Thursday night so we'll see how that goes.

Finally, to my fans (By the way, still can't believe that I have fans! Crazy!!!), thank you for your support and voting for me to be part of "Team America." As a fan of the show and a fellow "feedster," it is a dream come true to be acknowledged by you guys and it is, in my opinion, the ultimate honor. Make sure you guys follow me so I can talk with all of you when I get out go this crazy house! Overall, I hope I am making you guys proud. This experience has been amazing so far and I really can't put into words how cool this has been. Although difficult, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I don't plan on wasting it. Thanks again to everyone for their love and support!


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Re: HOH Blogs
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2014, 01:41:13 PM »
HOH Suite Spot: Cody

I'M ON BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is such a surreal experience and I feel blessed to have been given this opportunity so I'd like to give a HUGE THANKS to the people that helped make it happen!

Daddyo!! I miss you! This house is crazier than we could have ever imagined while we were watching the seasons over the years. I bet you never thought I'd be one of the people volunteering to be a have not in the first week, but hey, it’s BIG BROTHER BABY!! That slop stuff is just no bueno... I lost so much weight and had the worst sleeping schedule. I hope everything I'm doing in this game is making you and everyone at home proud I'm kind of sorry I took one of your Father’s Day gifts but it must have had some luck because it ended up being the shirt I wore in the HOH challenge I won so WHADDDDDUPPPP!! I honestly never thought I'd miss messing with you on a daily basis as much as I do and I hope Mommy and Angelina are taking it easy on you! I hope everything is amazing at home and I can't wait to see you, I love you Daddyo! P.S I hope you’re not screaming at me through the TV.

MAMA!! I miss you so much! I hope I'm making you proud and I wish I was able to hear from you too when I won HOH. If you’re ganging up on Daddy with Angelina while I'm not home there's going to be serious issues when I get back! I try to think every single day about how you and daddy would want me to be making decisions in this house and I'm hoping that I'm making you guys proud. Try to keep daddy from losing it at home without me because I know he's been struggling :). I miss you more and more everyday mama and love you so much! I can't wait to see you! Paulino and Tiny Meanie!! I have to say (no offense mommy and daddy) I miss you guys the most :(. I think about you guys every single day and wish I could get 1 dang phone call to at least hear something from you guys. Tiny, I hope you saw one of my shout-outs to you on your birthday. It killed me to not be able to be there to spend the day with you. Hey Paul… you better be taking Angelina out with you everywhere you go or you’re getting a swift clean kick to the butt when I get out! I hope everything is going amazing with the gym at home, Paulino, and you’re tearing stuff up for when I get out. I hate not knowing what's going on with you because everything you do makes me want to do that much more for myself. I love you guys so much and can't wait to see you! Let Billy know that he's THE BIGGEST! Give Stryker and Apollo a HUGE hug and kiss from me!!

This game is so wild and being HOH makes it that much crazier. The whole flirty social game I'm playing is not an easy one to keep up with. I know as a fan watching the show I never thought it would be as tough as it was to look people in the face when you put them on the block. That is easily the toughest aspect of being the HOH in this house and I give props to everyone in the past for making it look so easy.

Everyone else out there that is watching and reading up on all of this, Thank you so much for the support that you give to us, it is amazing to know that we have so many people watching and rooting us on.

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Re: HOH Blogs
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2014, 02:17:48 PM »
HOH Suite Spot: Frankie

AHHHHHHH!!!!! I am SOOOO excited to be at a computer and talking to you all!!! This is CRAZY!! As someone who posts vids, tweets, pics, and vlogs constantly, being disconnected from you guys has been a real challenge so I am really going to make this one count… so let's get started shall we?

First off I have to say thank you to everyone who lent their support to me and my family during this extremely difficult time with the passing of my Grandfather, Frank Grande. He was one of the most remarkable men on this planet and raised me like a father so to lose him was a terrible blow and to not be able to grieve with my family and comfort them has been very very trying. I am doing much better now and will honor my grandfather's last wish for me to stay and play this game harder than ever, for that is the biggest lesson Grandpa Grande taught me… When faced with an obstacle, don't back down, but fight harder.

Which brings me to this game. BIG BROTHER 16 is actually INSANE!!!!! For a while I was trying to put my finger on just what has caused this season to be so out of control and originally I thought it was the BOB twist, but eventually I figured it had to be more than that and here is what I have come up with. I believe that when Julie said to us "some of you are super fans and some of you are students of this game" as we entered this house it was a clue to the main twist of the season which is… BIG BROTHER 16: SUPER FANS vs. STUDENTS. It is the only thing that can explain how so many ridiculous moves were made in the first few weeks and why proven strategies have failed in this house with this cast. I believe the super fans are: me, Derrick, Donny, Victoria, Christine, Nicole, Cody, Jocasta and everyone else is a "student", which I believe is a very nice way of saying they have no idea what they are doing. Joey's outbreak, Pow Pow throwing comps and terrible covering, Devin's erratic strategies, Britney's paranoia, Amber's INSANE paranoia, Caleb's obsession with getting to the Jury, Zach's ATTACKS. All explainable by the fact that they have never seen the show. And it also explains why I have had to fight SO HARD SO EARLY in this game. I have been cleaning up messes that NEVER should have been made. So far everyone we have gotten out has been a "student" and if this week goes as planned, there will be another one out of here. That should spice things up a bit. I ADORE THIS GAME and I ADORE THIS TWIST if indeed I am right, but regardless, I'm taking out the stupid players first because honestly I feel that in the end they are more dangerous cause they are harder to control and harder to predict.

I've learned a few things about myself as a person and an actor in this house as well. It has been really amazing how much this experience has turned into an acting exercise. I play a lot of different characters in this house. I am not only talking about the characters I have created for everyone's enjoyment like ClaraBell DuPree, Rhinestone Silversmith (sorry for what a mess he is), and of course Frank, but I am talking about the many different versions of Frankie I play in this house. When I walked into this house I quickly realized that I had to leave Frankie Grande at the door and become someone else entirely, not only to keep my identity safe but to get further in the game. As an actor I am trained to amplify certain character traits within myself to aid me in playing a character and that is exactly what I am doing in this house. For example I pump up the frat boy side of me with Zach, the Boca Boy side of me with Victoria, the religious side of me with Jocasta, the competitive side of me with Caleb… And while they are all parts of the whole that make up Me, outside of this house they would never be so much in the forefront. They help me get further in this game because the more people see in me that reminds them of themselves, the longer they want to keep me here and the more they trust me. At least that is what I have observed. My only regret is that the world isn't getting to see the TRUE Frankie that exists outside of this house while I am on this show.


One of the hardest things about being in this house is getting no information on what my sister is up to. When I entered into this house Ariana was taking over the pop music charts for the summer and I am DYING to know what's currently happening. Are you guys LOVING Break Free (prob my favorite song of hers to date), how's Problem doing? When is her album coming out? How have her live performances been? I LOVE MY SISTER WITH ALL OF MY HEART AND SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND AND I'M HER BIGGEST SUPPORTER SO THIS HAS BEEN TORTURE! But I believe she is the greatest thing to happen to pop music in many years and I know she is doing well… it's just fun actually knowing how well. I miss her.

Ariana, if you are reading this I can not thank you enough for your letter to me. It meant the world to me that it came from you and you said exactly what I needed to hear at that moment to get me further in this game. Now I will return the favor. I know how difficult Grandpa's passing has been for you, but I NEED you to stay strong and take care of yourself and Mommy and Nonna until I get back. Know that I am meditating on all of you every day to give you the strength to not only get by, but to kick a$$ over these next few months. Grandpa told me to stay here and fight and you have to do exactly the same thing on the outside. I love and I miss you so much and please please please remember the joy Grandpa gave us and try and continue to share that light with others. You're stronger then you've been before… Oh and I CAN NOT WAIT for my beaded insult bracelets and bedazzled dragon… I have no idea what to expect but you've managed to combine everything I love into crafts so… I'm pretty sure I will be obsessed. Oh and let's go to Gringots the MINUTE I AM OUT OF HERE! AND WATCH 5,000 SCARY MOVIES… And gossip girl… and lay in bed with our puppies, and never leave the house… :)

Mommy… I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!! Thank you for your letters of encouragement. Without them I would not be able to be writing you this letter as I would have probably been home right now, but I am extremely grateful that you have given me the strength to continue and the knowledge that you will be strong for the family in my absence. Please kiss my Nonna 500,000 times for me… I love you so much.

Nonna, please stay strong for me. I need you now more than ever. You are the apple of my eye. I love and miss you soooooooooo much and I can not wait to see you again. Everyone in the house thinks you are beautiful and can not get over what a gorgeous YOUNG woman you are.

To Derrick’s family, I am so saddened by the news of PePere Norman's passing and I assure you that I will look out for Derrick in this game as if he were my brother. America chose us to work together and we are now bonded in a way that no one but us can appreciate and it would be my honor to sit next to him in the final 2 and it will be my goal. I am already taking him to Africa with me to build the first school that my team America money has allowed me to build and I hope there will be a few more schools where that came from by the end of this journey. Much love to you all and stay strong.

To all of my amazing friends… I MISS YOU SO MUCH! I hope the viewing parties are going well, my apartment is in one piece and I am making you proud. I love you! OOOOhhhhhhhAAAAooooAAAHHHaaaaaAAAA!!!!!!!

To all the other BIG BROTHER fans, THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! It has been a crazy emotional roller coaster so far but I promise that my head is in the game and I am ready to make some GRANDE moves and get me and team America as far as I can in this game. THANK YOU FOR VOTING ME PART OF TEAM AMERICA AND I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN! I can not wait to get out of this house and meet you guys and read your feedback but I'm not going anywhere for a while so in the meantime I'll say… Shine bright like a Frankie!


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Re: HOH Blogs
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2014, 12:53:47 PM »
HOH Suite Spot: Nicole

Hey guys! Is this real life?!

First off let me take a second to think about how freakin' cool it is to be doing this right now! I literally can't believe I'm in the Big Brother house, my life is complete, but it would be more complete if I made it to the finale of course. As a big brother super fan;), this experience is absolutely amazing and better than anyone could imagine. I am so fortunate to be here and thankful for the awesome houseguests they have locked me up with. I have made such great friends:)…or so I think o_O p.s. the birds nest bed is the bomb dot com.

Mom, Dad, Jesse- I miss you guys like crazy and love you so much. I think about you every day and I can't wait to see you. Mom, I know you are my number one fan and I couldn't thank you enough for all the support you have given me throughout my life to help me be here. Dad, I hope you are understanding the show ;) and I want to thank you for teaching me to be so strong and determined... I really am a lot like you. Jesse, I bet you miss annoying me and there is no doubt that I miss it too. (Especially since Zach is taking your job way too seriously) I hope I'm not embarrassing you too bad, and please be careful. Give Paris, Beyonce and Rain a kiss for me. I love you all more than words could say. Shout-out to my hometown, Ubly Michigan..thumbs up!

I want to thank everyone for their support! Thank you to my fans! Wow, that is nuts to think that I might have fans! I hope I am making you proud. To all my friends and family--I miss and love you all. Mariah, Caleb has a crush on you if you didn't already know… thanks for the awesome letter! Grandparents I love and miss you. Chris, Carson and Izzy--Coconuts better be your favorite houseguest this year ;) To all of my nursing friends, I hope you rocked the NCLEX! Oh and mom, send pictures of me with family and friends in them, not just of me! Just incase I win HOH again, which I might!

I am here to play this game and make big moves, which makes this game a lot more fun. I am getting a lot of things checked off of my Big Brother to-do list including wearing a unitard, getting pickup lines as a frog, winning HOH, taking a bath in the HOH room, being a have-not, playing in the classic Veto Competition and actually wanting the veto. Oh and being called a Fruitloop Dingus was definitely on that list too…not. Mine and Zach's relationship isn't really that bad. He needs someone to pick on and I guess I am that person. We get along 95% of the time even though it may not seem like it. I didn't expect relationships to form so quickly in this house, it's amazing how close you get with people so fast. When you are around someone 24/7 it does make a huge difference. I feel like these people are my friends and family. Anyways, thanks for reading my Blog! I kinda stink at typing so this was pretty short. Thanks again!

xoxo, Nicole aka Fruitloop Dingus p.s. being the first girl this season to spend a week in the HOH room is pretty bad-butt, right?!

Mom stay strong! and listen to country strong if needed. I remember when we went out shortly before I left and danced to that song.

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Re: HOH Blogs
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2014, 12:21:53 PM »
HOH Suite Spot: Christine

I want to start off by saying THANK YOU to all the Big Brother super fans out there! You guys rock! Coming into this house as a super fan has been an unbelievable experience. Being in the same HOH room that Dan has stayed in, using the same bathroom that Mike Boogie used, lying on the hammock where Brenchel fell in love, it's all very surreal. I think I have an advantage being a super fan in here because I NEVER get bored. I'm constantly thinking about the game and past players, so my mind is always occupied, while others are just sitting there complaining about being bored. WHAT?! We are in the dang Big Brother house, you can't be bored. You have to cherish every moment, whether it's a good moment, or a horrifying one. THE CHALLENGES! They are SO amazingly fun!!! Every time we play a BB staple I freak out as a fan, then realize I get to actually play this, and hopefully kick some butt. One thing I never realized is how sore you are after these physical challenges, I can barely walk up the stairs on the days after playing. But when you are in the moment you feel nothing, I come out with cuts and bruises and I am so filled with adrenaline during the game that I don't even feel it. With the mental challenges it's amazing how much I just shake out of nerves but as soon as a question is asked, I immediately get into game mode and can think perfectly clear.

Fans?? What are those. Geez, I hope I have some people out there that can respect my game! And if I do, I want to meet each and every one of you, to say thank you. It's very different watching the show and actually playing it. I remember watching the show and getting mad at some players for not getting out the people that I hated and knew that they hated too. If I didn't have to worry about making certain enemies in here, there definitely would be different people in the house. One of the hardest things about this house is keeping your mouth shut when someone is annoying you or pissing you off. I can't tell you how many times so far I have had to walk into a different room in order to keep from saying something incredibly stupid and crippling to my game. Something I didn't expect is how hard it is to vote out someone you love as a friend, but can't have in this game as a player. I miss Hayden so much, he's one of the funniest guys on the planet and I wish I could hang out with him every day, but sadly I had to help send him packing in order for me to get closer to the end. There are only 3 girls left in this house now and it's very scary, but as the girls who are left, we had to vote them out. Once you get rid of a certain amount of females, the men HAVE to start turning on each other, and I think it's already starting. I've played what I think is a very low key game so far, but trust me, it's about to get cray in the BB house. Although The Detonators and I have had a rocky relationship, I can really see us making it to the final 5, and if we do, then daaaaaang, good job us! I'm going to stick real close with them until we get there.

Big Brother is just a game, but I have made some amazing relationships in this house, specifically Nicole, Cody and Derrick. Nicole is such an awesome girl! From day one we knew we were going to have a certain connection, and she is the only girl in this house who hasn't gotten on my nerves, that's impressive. She is so down to earth, hilarious, and awkward, my 3 favorite things in a girl, and I hope we stay friends for a long time after this. Remember that what happens in this house is just a game, no game move will ever purposely be against Nicole as a person, it will be purely strategic. Cody is my best friend in this house. I love listening to stories of his childhood. It is so nice to have another married person here to share stories with. Derrick is one of the most genuine men I have ever met. By the way, Zach Attacks up close and personal are incredibly terrifying and horrible; he can be so cool one minute and then things don't go his way and he freaks out. That being said, as hard as it is living with him, I actually do like him, and I plan on being friends with him outside of here.

I want to say thank you to my family. My goodness, if you guys weren't so good to me, I don't think I would be so emotionally strong in this game. Timothy, every time I am down I just think about your giggles and how you're probably telling everyone hilarious stories that I can't wait to hear. Thank you for being the best husband on this dang planet, fo realz. I hope I can be an even better wife by bringing home $500,000 :) I love you to the moon and back. I hope my parents are proud of me because they are the best parents that have ever lived! (That goes to my in laws too, for being an awesome set of second parents!) Mother, since you know the game better than anyone at home I hope you are explaining to the family when I make moves that don't seem smart at the moment, remind the family this is a marathon, not a sprint. Father, remind mom that this is only a game and not to take it personally when people are coming after me or say rude things. To all my friends, I've made some really good friends here that are like brothers and sisters to me now, but no one can replace you guys! Fam, I can't wait to come home to you guys and hug you again, but I have a mission to accomplish, and gosh dang it, I'm going to win.

Yes, this game is way harder than I could have ever imagined, but it's also way more fun than I anticipated. I am going to play my heart out in this game until the very last second, I will not give up, or be beaten. So ladies and gentlemen, I hope to be seeing you at the finale sitting in an orange chair.

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Re: HOH Blogs
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2014, 04:31:49 PM »
HOH Suite Spot: Frankie


These two weeks have been an absolute ROLLER COASTER of insanity for me, and so I am super grateful and excited to take you through what’s been going on in my head through it all… I think it all started with what I now know is my tragic flaw in this game… I don't like being disliked.

I mean of course there are people in my life that don't like me, I have haters (HATERS BACK OFF) and co-workers that aren't thrilled with my existence but I don't have to deal with them 24/7, so I can either fix it or just not associate with them. That is not the case in this house.

Up until about 2 weeks ago I was doing a wonderful job of having everyone like me in my opinion. No drama, lots of friends and lots of good times… the only problem with that is that eventually you have to turn on each other to get ahead in this game and that's when things started to fall apart. I had to turn on Hayden and Nicole and their hatred of me in return was A LOT for me to handle. I tried to make things better with Nicole so badly after Hayden left that I ended up giving her ammunition to use against me, and use it she did, and well… which brings me to my next break down/break through, my second coming out.

As I lay shaking and sad and alone and abandoned on a block of ice in the have not room with no friends and an imminent battle of the block on the horizon I began to think about my life outside of this house and to remember who I was. I am a wonderful person, with wonderful friends, an incredibly supportive fan base, and the greatest family a person could ever ask for and yet I was a total mess in this house. I am a GRANDE for goodness sakes!!! WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME?? And then I realized what's wrong… I have been lying about who I was for the past 50 days. Hiding who I am, what I do, and who I love away deep inside me like it was some dirty, evil thing even though it is so beautiful. I felt like I was in the closet about my sexuality all over again and I decided right then and there that I was going to tell everyone the truth… the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God. I was doing it for myself. I had hit rock bottom and I knew that the only way for me to make it further in this game was to remember who I was out of this house and be able to talk about it freely with these houseguests I have come to love and respect. I didn't want to hide anymore and I frankly wanted to lower my lying burden for a while. It was getting to be a lot to lie about who I was and every single action I was taking in the house all at once. I lost all sense of self. And by coming out I believed I would find it again and it would give me the strength to plow forward… And since I am writing you this blog from the HOH room after my fourth HOH win..… I can't help but think that I may have been right. Of course there are serious repercussions for coming out, I may loose jury votes, I may be hated more, people may feel like my presence is unfair, and people may also be fearful about coming after me… I didn't really think about all of that before I came out about it all because the consequences don't matter if I am not here to sort through them. And I am telling you that sad chorus boy shivering in the have not room wasn't making it another day let alone another month… So by reconnecting to who I am and being honest I believe I found the strength to make it to the end. And hopefully I am correct.

Now in regard to telling everyone about my sister. When I was 8 years old my grandparents drove me to the hospital where my mother was in labor and I ran into the lobby and asked the first nurse I saw pushing a baby "Where is my sister?" And she said to me, "Do you know your sister's name?" I responded, "Ariana…" and the nurse smiled and said, "She's right here." She was pushing her. She was right in font of me. And as soon as I saw Ariana I knew she was My Everything. I would protect and take care of her, she would make me strive to better myself so that one day I could be a role model to her, and I would do anything on the planet for her if it was within my power and even if it wasn't I would find a way to get it done. Ariana is more than my sister, she is my best friend and at times she's like my child (though recently I've been the child in the relationship as I am vastly more immature then she is). So when my grandfather passed away, besides it being a devastating blow to me personally, it wrecked me to not be able to be there for my sister as they have been unbelievably close for her entire life. My grandfather and I are the men in her life and without him it's my job to take care of her completely and I couldn't be there. I felt guilty and mad at myself and the fact that I couldn't talk about it was EATING ME ALIVE. I am not an internal processor. I tell all of my friends everything about how I am feeling all the time and to not be able to talk about my sister was too much. I don't go 50 minutes without talking to or about her in my daily life let alone 50 DAYS!!!! ARE YOU CRAZY!??!!!! It doesn't even matter to me that she is a pop star, I would feel the exact same way about her if she was in college studying music like I said she was. She is my sister and I can't live without her. So I needed to come clean about that as well… There was no option. I did it for me. And as soon as I did I won HOH again and got to see CURRENT pictures of my ENTIRE FAMILY and listen to my sister's INCREDIBLE music and it reconnected me to my life source… my family. And I feel like myself again.

No more scared Frankie who doesn't want to make enemies. I am playing this game as a GRANDE now. GO GRANDE OR GO HOME!!!! I'M FULLY embracing who I am inside and outside this house. If you want to come for me then you better bring it because I am reconnected to my light source… MY FRANKIESTEINS, MY FRIENDS, MY FAMILY AND MYSELF. I know you ALL have my back regardless of what happens, and that knowledge will bring me to the end of this game.

I love you all so much…


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Re: HOH Blogs
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2014, 05:39:09 PM »
HOH Suite Spot: Cody

MY SECOND BLOG OF THE Big Brother 16 Season!! This is so crazy!


Two more alliance members have gone home... by our own hands... Beast Mode is one of my most trusted allies and best friend in the house andddddddddddddddd I live with a celebrity’s brother... just to name a few!!

DADDYO!!!! The zebra tux was a HUGE hit! Everyone was dying over the picture of you and mommy on your wedding day!! I miss you so much and can't believe how long I have been away from home. Being out of contact with all of you for this long has definitely been the hardest aspect of this game but I am doing my best to stay strong mentally, this is still so surreal to me. Mommy, PLEASE SMILE IN THE REST OF YOUR PICTURES!! haha! I loved the letter you wrote me, it's so nice to now have a piece of you and daddy with me at all times. I love and miss you so much! Paulino you better be crushing it.. that's all I have to say! I pray about your gym opening and being amazing all the time I hope your having such amazing success and I can't wait to come join you and make huge things happen when I am out of here! TINYY!!! I'm not sure if you started school yet but I am sending you so much love and hope you have an amazing start to your first semester of getting your masters degree!

BIG BROTHER 16!!! I hope everyone is enjoying our season so far! We have been here for a little over two months and it feels like we have been in this house for decades! The game is getting tougher and tougher each day that passes and decisions are becoming more and more crucial. Sending someone out of the house is very difficult, especially at this point in the game when you know everyone has put in such an unbelievable effort to make it this far.

I really hope that protecting everyone in my alliance this week can at least keep me off the block next week while I am unable to compete in the HOH competition (still can't believe I spelt competitively wrong in week one, I still beat myself up about it to this day).The Hit-men are still in it but it's getting down to the wire!! It's crazy to think you start something with someone on day two of this game and 68 days later the two of you are still best friends and feeling like we have a really good chance of making it to the end. HIT-MEN all the way! Dad if you read this can you please get me a tank with Hit-men on the front and Calzone on the upper back and get one for Derrick with D-Rack on the back, classic. Definitely started to feel the pressure of this game as you get closer to the end because knowing you are so close to winning 500K is INSANE!! Even though we are getting closer and closer to the end it still feels like there is a crazy amount of game to be played because after this week there are still seven of us in the house... yikes. This is such a mental game at this point and the smallest mental lapse can cause your game to come to an end. All the competitions are mental right now and going into them with a good head on your shoulders makes the world of a difference.

Just want to say what's up JEFF!! You’re the man! Hope you’re enjoying the season.
Thanks everyone who has supported me through this entire game and I hope everyone is loving every second of BB16!!

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Re: HOH Blogs
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2014, 02:08:43 PM »
HOH Suite Spot: Caleb

Life in the Big Brother House has been such an amazing experience for me. Getting to know these j'mokes day in and day out has been a crazy adventure. Now leaning on the last leg of this game, paranoia is setting in.

One thing I do know it was great to WIN HOH once again so I can have my own space and thinking box. I got some great pics of my family got an awesome letter from my brother, got my AMERICAN FLAG that I flew on the soil of Baghdad Iraq and my INFANTRY blue cord. One thing I will say is that flag means more to me than any gift I've ever gotten and myself firsthand can tell you that freedom is NOT FREE. I got the greatest music of all, some FGL (Florida Georgia Line) to bang to when I am just chillin in my suit.

Watching this show on tv is honestly way different than actually living the life in the big brother house. Way too much downtime especially now that there are only 7 houseguests left. This house seems a bit empty. Makes me think of home a lot and what’s going on out in the world. I give all my thanks to GOD himself for this amazing summer and chance to be here and my loving family for all the support, also thanks to my friends and fans out there I love you and thank you as well. MOM, Damon, Justin, Blake, EM, Ashley, Bentley, Emerson, Dad and to all my friends and family I LOVE YOU GUYS and can't wait to hug your necks. thanks for all the support from everyone I love my church and can't wait to get back. FANS, thank you so much and can't wait to chat with some of you. And ladies let’s not forget beast mode cowboy is single. LOVE YOU GUYS and thanks again. Beastmode OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: HOH Blogs
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2014, 03:05:28 PM »
HOH Suite Spot: Frankie

I can not believe I have made it to the final five of Big Brother 16 and most likely to the final four (though with that countdown ticking away and this being the most twisted season ever I am taking nothing for granted) so I thought I would take this opportunity to reflect on my journey in the house to this point.

I am an enormous fan of this show and to have made it so far is an incredible honor and to be completely honest a total shock. I never thought in a million years I would be able to make it to the final five, because I knew that I was entering this house a HUGE target and that there would be no way of hiding that. I was not going to dull down my personality, I was not going to throw competitions, and I was not going to play a passive role in my alliances. I was coming in to this house to PLAY and nothing was going to change that. I think I showed it to the world on the very first HOH competition… Yes I know that winning the first HOH is usually a curse but it didn't matter to me. If it's a comp, I will try my hardest, end of story. But now reflecting back on it, winning that first comp IS the reason that I am sitting in the HOH room today in the final five, because if it wasn't for that win, I would not be as close as I am with Caleb, who has beasted this game with me, and I believe I would not have been asked to be a member of the Bomb Squad, let alone a founding member, which has gotten me to this point. So much for that curse. ;) But having immediately put a huge target on my back, I would then have to figure out how not to be taken out early, and that is where the BOB came in. I am so grateful for the BOB because it meant that strong players were consistently left off the block and needed to be backdoored, which kept me from being nominated for 8 weeks. But something else kept me from being backdoored and I believe it was the fan vs. student twist.

People were making terrible mistakes and horrific game decisions left and right, which I attribute to the fact that there were so many novices in the house, and it was so easy to convince whoever was the HOH that those "students" needed to go. I tried with all of my might to keep Donny in this house, but it just wasn't possible. I do trust Donny and believe he would have been loyal to Team America until the end, even though Derrick thought otherwise, but his terrible social game made him a target from day 1 and eventually there was literally NOTHING left that I could do to protect him. And he had to go…

And that brings me to the fact that I have actually been playing 2 games at the same time… Big Brother and Team America's Big Brother. I have had to not only juggle being the center of an 8 person alliance filled with imbeciles, but I also had to do missions for America. It was super stressful. Not to mention the fact that I lost my grandfather and had an ENORMOUS secret that I was keeping from everyone… Now do you see why I am SHOCKED I am here? But now that I am here… what's next?

These past 2 weeks have been very challenging for me as whether or not to remain loyal to our alliance or make self-serving decisions has been coming up for everyone. Honestly, it never really crossed my mind to take out any of the boys or Christine until Caleb told me about the conversation between him, Cody and Derrick about possibly backdooring me last week. I was honestly not surprised to learn of this conversation, but I was surprised that it had never REALLY occurred to me to do the same. With all the power I have wielded in this game I have only used it to do good. To protect Cody, Caleb, Christine and Derrick. And once I heard that they were discussing getting rid of me the last week I was unable to play in the veto, which I think would have been INCREDIBLY cowardly, I began to think maybe I should strike first at them. But then I remembered something I said on day 50. Once I came out about my true identity I swore that I was going to play the rest of this game as Frankie, would never choose money over friends, family, or partners. And so I decided to choose loyalty in the hopes that my loyalty will inspire allegiance in return. Could the decision to do so be the reason that I am evicted from this house before the finals? ABSOLUTELY! But that betrayal would be on the head of the person who struck against me first… not on mine. And that I can live with. I am playing this game for charity, and the manner with which I win this money for them is very important to me. And so I stand by my decision. Hopefully it will see me through to the final 3. Also, those boys still have to beat me… and as you can see… I haven't made it easy for them and don't intend to let up AT ALL!

Overall I have learned a tremendous amount about myself as a person and I now know that there is no obstacle in my future that I can not face. In just 3 months I have gone through everything from saying goodbye to my family for the first time in my life, to losing my grandfather and having no family to comfort me, to coming out about myself and my family, to losing a team america mission in front of the whole world and then losing a team america member despite all my efforts to save him, to learning of a potential betrayal from my closest ally in the house, to pushing a gigantic button that has begun a countdown towards impending doom… and I am still standing. The dream of being on Big Brother has become a reality and ultimately… I will never be the same for it. I will continue to take the lessons I have learned in this house to my work outside of the house and use it to continue doing good and effecting change, and for that I will be forever grateful.

I love you all so much. I miss my family terribly. Mommy, Nonna, Ariana, Daddy I will see you soon! Jon-Eric, Emma, Lauren (Strigs that letter was INCREDIBLE), Dominic, Chad and Paul I can not express in words what you guys mean to me, let's go on tour when I get out, and I hope you see me talking to you every day as I named my HOH fish after you (sorry I named the bossy fat one after you JE but… I had to.). To all my fans, new and old, I miss you terribly and can't wait to get back to tweeting and posting like crazy. And to all my friends and family and supporters everywhere… Thank you. Being in this house is terrifying at times and sometimes I am scared to see what is going to happen when I walk out of those doors… But I always know that I have you. And you are all I need.

Gratefully yours,
Frankie J Grande