Author Topic: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)  (Read 15615 times)

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2014, 12:28:50 PM »
Q-and-A with winning 'Amazing Race Canada' team after Ottawa finale

TORONTO - The Golden Girls finally had to settle for silver.
Heretofore unheralded Ontario buddies Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz pulled out a shocking victory in "The Amazing Race Canada" finale on Sunday, preventing Olympic hockey stars Meaghan Mikkelson and Natalie Spooner from the top-of-podium finish that seemed their destiny during a memorably dominant run.
The coup came in Ottawa, where a series of physical challenges gave the forest boys an unexpected head start during a breath-haltingly captivating finale. That start turned into a finish with an impressive performance in a memory challenge, which meant the unthinkable: Mickey and Pete ended their excellent adventure as the winners of "The Amazing Race Canada."
"Oh my God," marvelled Pete, pantsless after the pair had for some reason stripped in celebration. "Absolutely life-changing, man. Mick and I are both in huge debt. We'll be able to pay that off."
"I'm not going back to the oil rigs," chimed in Mickey.
"Whole new ball game," concurred Pete. "My life is just heading in a completely different direction now."
Natalie and Meaghan, meanwhile, crossed the finish line understandably failing to hold back tears (even as ever-steely Meaghan convincingly argued: "I don't cry, though").
The loss was stunning. It was almost like the New England Patriots blowing the Super Bowl after their perfect 2007 season. The hockey stars had won seven of the race's 11 legs. The next-best team won two legs. Mickey and Pete didn't win any — until now, of course. Even as they met defeat — for what at least felt like the first time — Natalie and Meaghan were rightly toasted by host Jon Montgomery for "crushing" the second season of "Amazing Race Canada."
"It's a little upsetting not to win but the experiences we got out of this — I don't think anyone can take that from us," said Natalie, her partner seemingly still too disappointed to say much. "It was such a crazy experience."
Well, for winning an 11-team race that spanned more than 44,000 kilometres, 814 air fares, 2135 hotel rooms and an unknowable number of plugs for Air Canada, Mickey and Pete won $250,000, two Chevy pickups, gas "for life" and a year of free flights.
During the episode, Mickey made it clear that he and Pete — childhood friends from Parry Sound, Ont. — were not used to overseeing such princely sums of money. He said he would apply his (then-theoretical) winnings to the operation of the environmentally friendly wakeboard park he owns, while Pete would eradicate his student debt.
"Winning this race would be a total game-changer in both our lives," said a smiling Mickey. "Me and Pete are both, like, from super humble beginnings. We kind of live paycheque to paycheque."
Similarly, Meaghan and Natalie explained that women's hockey stars are not generally compensated like their male counterparts.
"If we won this race it would help out so much in our training and just being able to live until the next Olympics," she said.
Yet in Sunday's finale, trouble started early for the hockey stars. The final three teams — the other being Vancouver bartenders Ryan Steele and Rob Goddard, again not really a factor here — hopped from New Brunswick to Ottawa, then piled into kayaks to zip along the banks of the river to the entryway of the Rideau Canal.
Mickey and Pete, who basically live on the water, thrived. Meaghan and Natalie, who live on water in a different way, lagged.
"This is so frustrating," vented Meaghan. "We are much better on frozen water."
With Ryan and Rob in third due to yet another bout of on-road confusion, the teams maintained their sequence through a brief challenge at the Library of Parliament and the episode's first Road Block, a toy-finding scavenger sprint through the Diefenbunker Museum.
The next Road Block proved more daunting: a harness-assisted 60-foot aerial climb to the atrium peak of the Canadian Museum of Nature.
Because Natalie completed the toy task, Meaghan had no choice but to brave the ropes. And the task was made significantly more difficult due to the lingering pain caused by an injury to the Regina native's hand, a souvenir from the Sochi Olympics.
Over the entire race, the twosome had tried to steer Meaghan away from physical Road Blocks. Now, they were faced with no choice. Already she said her hand was "swollen up like a balloon" from the rafting, but doggedly and wincingly she climbed.
"Mikk is very strong and very competitive," Natalie attested. "If you beat her once you will never beat her again.
"Seeing Meaghan up on those ropes and seeing how hard she's struggling just reminds me of how close we've grown over this race," she added. "She's willing to put herself through all this pain just so we can make it to the end and win this race together."
Eventually, Mickey and Pete, then Meaghan and Natalie and finally Rob and Ryan arrived at the series' customary final memory challenge.
At the National Gallery of Canada, they were to arrange images from the show's second season into the correct chronological sequence. All the teams did remarkably well here, only feeling fuzzy about a couple details.
And, looking back, what did happen on the race? Meaghan and Natalie dominated, of course. Over 12 legs, they finished first seven times. In the other five legs, they finished second twice and third twice. Only once did they fail to "podium," finishing fifth.
Given that they're decorated professional athletes, their multi-disciplinary physical prowess wasn't surprising. But they were also consistently more fleet-witted and competently clear-headed than the rest of their competition. And on the few times they were actually challenged, a competitiveness emerged that more than one racer termed "scary."
Unaccustomed to losing though they mutually must have been, the hockey stars summoned a healthy philosophical perspective when interviewed after the race.
"I think the fun part of this race has been being together," said Meaghan, "We've gotten to know each other so well. We were good friends before this but I think we've taken friendship to a whole new level. I'm very proud of how many legs we won and how strong we've been. And as a Canadian travelling around to all these places, there's a sense of pride you feel.
"As athletes, this is the country we represent and it's amazing."
Ever the classy competitor, she even saved a kind word for the victors.
"What I love most about Mickey and Pete is they're just nice, sweet guys."
Beyond their unflaggingly upbeat disposition, however, the long-locked winners deserve real credit for the gradual but insistent improvement of their game.
Initially it was just their sun-faded cheeriness that stood out — they're lower key than a booming baritone, so laid back they're horizontal — but they slowly (and maybe even reluctantly) revealed there was more going on under their knit caps. Though they never won a leg, they finished in the Top 3 for the last seven straight, and occasionally missed out by mere moments.
They coasted with such little friction through the show it almost seemed like they were running a different race entirely. But they won Sunday because they remembered the whole journey — and faster than the other two teams could.
"Best friends for life," Pete enthused with his hazy grin.
"Totally, dude," replied Mickey. "I love you."
"Mick is the only human on the planet I could have run this race with," Pete added. "Even when it looked like we were out, we just stayed positive. We were just both on the same wavelength the entire time. This guy right here is my bro, man. For life.
"We just couldn't be any happier right now. Our lives have changed forever."
On Wednesday, the best buds caught up with The Canadian Press to reflect on their victory.
CP: On a couple occasions during the race, you guys implied you didn't have much of a shot. Did you come in not expecting to win?
Mickey: Oh God yeah. After we got to the start line and saw all the other teams, we were like: "Aw snap, these are all amazing teams." We just wanted to see how far we could make it. When we made it to the end we felt like we already won just because we made it that long.
CP: Pete last night on the "After the Race" special you said that prior to winning the trucks you and Mickey were driving the "worst cars you can imagine." Can you go into more detail?
Pete: I have a '92 Grand Marquis. She has a few rattles and weird noises coming out of her, but she's a beaut.
Mickey: I'm actually driving my old man's '98 Buick LeSabre. They're both old grandma cars. This might up our game.
CP: Considering how carefree you both seemed, when were you most stressed out during the race?
Mickey: The most stressful was we were (lost) an hour north of Paris and we realized we had an hour to get back to Paris and we just lost all our money and we had no idea how we were going to get back.
CP: Did you make any lasting friendships on the race?
Pete: Definitely Jackie and Laura. We kind of bonded with them in Hong Kong. Yeah, we're besties. We hang out with them all the time. They're big sweethearts. But we're friends with all the teams.
CP: You were facing off with Natalie and Meaghan every week. What was that like?
Mickey: Dude, it's intimidating. They're so smart and beautiful and good at everything.
Pete: Honestly, we knew going into the last leg to beat them we had to have a flawless leg. If you screw up a tiny little bit they would have beaten us. And luckily we managed to get ahead of them and stay ahead of them the entire time.
Mickey: They're definitely the cream of the crop of Canada.
CP: Mickey, did "Amazing Race" boost business at your wakeboard park?
Mickey: Yeah, it was bananas all summer.
CP: How did you guys get through the past few months without telling anyone you'd won?
Pete: Honestly we didn't find it that bad. Once the initial "we can't tell you" — once that's over with, it's not too bad. You get better and better at lying to people. Everyone tries to trick you and tries to get you drunk.
Mickey: But I don't think anyone really expected us to win.
CP: I get the impression you're not sure what you want to do with the money, beyond paying off debt and travelling. Is that true?
Pete: For sure man, we don't really have a solid plan. We've got some ideas in mind. Spots we want to check out. Definitely we'll be going together and having a hoot doing whatever we do.

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2014, 04:02:56 PM »
Extra: ‘Amazing Race Canada’ Episode 12: Extended Mat Chat with the Winners
See more from the winning team at the finish line in Ottawa

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2014, 07:46:31 PM »

After never winning a leg on ‘The Amazing Race Canada,’ Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz pulled off the only one that mattered, taking home the grand prize on Sunday night’s Season 2 finale in Ottawa, Ont.
And no one is more surprised than the 24-year-old best friends from Muskoka.

The entire thing feels like one crazy, big dream. I didn’t think in a million years we were going to win. The Olympians (Natalie and Meaghan) beat us on every leg. I can’t believe we won,” says Pete.

Teammates Natalie Spooner and Meaghan Mikkelson, who had seven first-place finishes throughout the “Race” came in second, with co-workers Ryan and Rob in third.

Mickey and Pete took an early lead on the final leg during a rafting challenge that required them to paddle across the Ottawa River, thanks to Pete’s expertise as a river raft guide.

“We had that five minute lead and we managed to keep it the whole way,” says Pete.

The team continued to do well throughout the next few challenges at Parliament Hill, the Diefenbunker and Canadian Museum of Nature – finishing before all other teams and arriving at the final challenge at the National Gallery of Canada in first place.

But Natalie and Meaghan and Ryan and Rob arrived at the final challenge – arranging paintings of places they saw on the “Race” in the correct order – shortly after, putting the pressure on Mickey and Pete.

“The painting challenge was scary because we had the lead the whole time and then the other two teams showed up and we couldn’t figure out what we were doing wrong. We were taking stabs in the dark. I was thinking here’s the moment where they’re going to pass us and that was probably the most horrifying moment of my life,” says Pete.

But the two friends finished the challenge first and headed to the finish line at Rideau Hall.

After host Jon Montgomery confirmed they were the first team to arrive and had won $250,000, along with the chance to fly free for a year on Air Canada, two Chevrolet trucks and “gas for life” from Petro-Canada, Mickey and Pete were so ecstatic they took off their pants.

“The whole way through we kept saying next time, we’re going to win the next one and we never got to take our pants off the whole time so the last one was like screw it we’re doing it,” says Pete.

“We’d been wearing our good luck Speedos for like three legs,” says Mickey with a laugh.

Mickey and Pete, who plan to use their prize money to pay off some student debt, credit their chilled out, “Long hair, don’t care” attitude for helping them win the “Race.”

“That’s the only reason we did as well as we did,” says Mickey. “I knew that going into any competition that if I screwed up Pete would never get mad at me.”

“I couldn’t have done it with anyone else because all the other teams are yelling (if you screwed up) and Mickey doesn’t say a word . . . I think that’s how we got through it I think.”

Both agree that they are even closer friends now, even though they didn’t think that was possible.

“We were always so tight but we’re just so much tighter now after doing something like this,” says Pete.

“Nothing can really come between me and Pete. Maybe a girl. But we haven’t met her yet,” adds Mickey with a laugh.


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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2014, 07:50:39 PM »
The Amazing Race Canada: Nine questions with Mickey and Pete

The ending of Season 2 of The Amazing Race Canada was perfect. Much to the surprise of viewers, the previously eliminated teams, and Jon Montgomery himself, Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz were the first team to meet Jon at the Pit Stop during last night's finale.
The best friends started the final leg of the race in second place but quickly took the lead during the rafting challenge. Though it was a close race with Natalie and Meaghan right behind them, the best friends were able to hold on to their lead and win the Race.
We snagged a few web-exclusive questions with the pair when they stopped by The Social headquarters, where they discussed what they learned about each other during their journey and where they're off to next. Plus, they share some advice for those who want to race in Season 3.
Q: The audience really got a sense of your bromance throughout the Race. Is there anything new that you learned about each other during your experience?

Pete: He likes to sing songs that he doesn't know the lyrics to. He tells terrible jokes.
Mickey: 'Cause you steal my jokes! And then you ruin them.
PS: We've been best friends forever.
MH: We know the ins and outs of each other. And we've seen each other naked too many times.
Q: You guys always seemed to be having fun, regardless of the difficulty of some of the Road Blocks. What was your favourite challenge?

PS: I loved skydiving. That was my favourite one, for sure. Hockey was really fun too, getting to skate around.
MH: That was a blast.
Q: Least favourite?

PS: The Mentos challenge sucked. I was there for like, five hours. It sucked.
MH: They were all so hard.
Q: You mentioned on After the Race that after you pay off your debts, you'd like to do some travelling. Where would you like to go first?

PS: I always wanted to travel to Japan. I don't know why. It's super expensive and the flight was crazy, but I feel like we could just jump on a flight to Japan now.
MH: Why not?
PS: I think we're just going to try to pick the most expensive flights, even if we don't want to go there. We'll just pick the most expensive flights.
MH: I mean, we might as well.
Q: What did you miss the most about home?

PS: I missed my dog, a lot. Oh, and my family.
MH: Our moms.
Q: Teams weren't allowed to bring a lot of personal items during the Race. If you could have brought any item with you, what would it be?

PS: Probably just a book. You spend so much time with each other and you just sit there, staring out windows, doing nothing. Having a book would have been cool.

Q: So, what did you guys do during your off-time?

MH: We learned how to juggle! We taught each other how to juggle. It was pretty sick.
PS: You taught me how to juggle.
MH: And then you taught me you're way better at it.

Q: If you could have listened to one song to pump you up before each challenge, what would it have been?

MH: We sung that one by Blue Rodeo that goes “We are lost together”, because we got lost quite a bit.

Q: Last night on After the Race, Jon Montgomery announced that the casting call for Season 3 has begun. What advice would you give to those who want to compete next season?

PS: Just be yourself. Have fun. Try and stay calm. And make sure you soak up every second because it just goes so fast. Soak it up and enjoy it.


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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2014, 03:21:55 PM »
Q&A: Amazing Race Canada winners Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz on their ‘life-changing’ victory

The Golden Girls finally had to settle for silver.

Heretofore unheralded Ontario buddies Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz pulled out a shocking victory in The Amazing Race Canada finale on Sunday, preventing Olympic hockey stars Meaghan Mikkelson and Natalie Spooner from the top-of-podium finish that seemed their destiny during a memorably dominant run.

The coup came in Ottawa, where a series of physical challenges gave the forest boys an unexpected head start during a breath-haltingly captivating finale. That start turned into a finish with an impressive performance in a memory challenge, which meant the unthinkable: Mickey and Pete ended their excellent adventure as the winners of The Amazing Race Canada.

“Oh my God,” marvelled Pete, pantsless after the pair had for some reason stripped in celebration. “Absolutely life-changing, man. Mick and I are both in huge debt. We’ll be able to pay that off.”

“I’m not going back to the oil rigs,” chimed in Mickey.

“Whole new ball game,” concurred Pete. “My life is just heading in a completely different direction now.”

Natalie and Meaghan, meanwhile, crossed the finish line understandably failing to hold back tears (even as ever-steely Meaghan convincingly argued: “I don’t cry, though”).

The loss was stunning. It was almost like the New England Patriots blowing the Super Bowl after their perfect 2007 season. The hockey stars had won seven of the race’s 11 legs. The next-best team won two legs. Mickey and Pete didn’t win any — until now, of course.

‘We were just both on the same wavelength the entire time. This guy right here is my bro, man. For life’
Even as they met defeat — for what at least felt like the first time — Natalie and Meaghan were rightly toasted by host Jon Montgomery for “crushing” the second season of Amazing Race Canada.

“It’s a little upsetting not to win but the experiences we got out of this — I don’t think anyone can take that from us,” said Natalie, her partner seemingly still too disappointed to say much. “It was such a crazy experience.”

Bell Media
Bell MediaOlympic gold medallists Meaghan Mikkelson (right) and Natalie Spooner.
Well, for winning an 11-team race that spanned more than 44,000 kilometres, 814 air fares, 2135 hotel rooms and an unknowable number of plugs for Air Canada, Mickey and Pete won $250,000, two Chevy pickups, gas “for life” and a year of free flights.

During the episode, Mickey made it clear that he and Pete — childhood friends from Parry Sound, Ont. — were not used to overseeing such princely sums of money. He said he would apply his (then-theoretical) winnings to the operation of the environmentally friendly wakeboard park he owns, while Pete would eradicate his student debt.

“Winning this race would be a total game-changer in both our lives,” said a smiling Mickey. “Me and Pete are both, like, from super humble beginnings. We kind of live paycheque to paycheque.”

Similarly, Meaghan and Natalie explained that women’s hockey stars are not generally compensated like their male counterparts.

“If we won this race it would help out so much in our training and just being able to live until the next Olympics,” she said.

Yet in Sunday’s finale, trouble started early for the hockey stars. The final three teams — the other being Vancouver bartenders Ryan Steele and Rob Goddard, again not really a factor here — hopped from New Brunswick to Ottawa, then piled into kayaks to zip along the banks of the river to the entryway of the Rideau Canal.

Mickey and Pete, who basically live on the water, thrived. Meaghan and Natalie, who live on water in a different way, lagged.

“This is so frustrating,” vented Meaghan. “We are much better on frozen water.”

With Ryan and Rob in third due to yet another bout of on-road confusion, the teams maintained their sequence through a brief challenge at the Library of Parliament and the episode’s first Road Block, a toy-finding scavenger sprint through the Diefenbunker Museum.

The next Road Block proved more daunting: a harness-assisted 60-foot aerial climb to the atrium peak of the Canadian Museum of Nature.

Because Natalie completed the toy task, Meaghan had no choice but to brave the ropes. And the task was made significantly more difficult due to the lingering pain caused by an injury to the Regina native’s hand, a souvenir from the Sochi Olympics.

Over the entire race, the twosome had tried to steer Meaghan away from physical Road Blocks. Now, they were faced with no choice. Already she said her hand was “swollen up like a balloon” from the rafting, but doggedly and wincingly she climbed.

“Mikk is very strong and very competitive,” Natalie attested. “If you beat her once you will never beat her again.”

“Seeing Meaghan up on those ropes and seeing how hard she’s struggling just reminds me of how close we’ve grown over this race,” she added. “She’s willing to put herself through all this pain just so we can make it to the end and win this race together.”

Eventually, Mickey and Pete, then Meaghan and Natalie and finally Rob and Ryan arrived at the series’ customary final memory challenge.

At the National Gallery of Canada, they were to arrange images from the show’s second season into the correct chronological sequence. All the teams did remarkably well here, only feeling fuzzy about a couple details.

And, looking back, what did happen on the race? Meaghan and Natalie dominated, of course. Over 12 legs, they finished first seven times. In the other five legs, they finished second twice and third twice. Only once did they fail to “podium,” finishing fifth.

Given that they’re decorated professional athletes, their multi-disciplinary physical prowess wasn’t surprising. But they were also consistently more fleet-witted and competently clear-headed than the rest of their competition. And on the few times they were actually challenged, a competitiveness emerged that more than one racer termed “scary.”

Unaccustomed to losing though they mutually must have been, the hockey stars summoned a healthy philosophical perspective when interviewed after the race.

“I think the fun part of this race has been being together,” said Meaghan, “We’ve gotten to know each other so well. We were good friends before this but I think we’ve taken friendship to a whole new level. I’m very proud of how many legs we won and how strong we’ve been. And as a Canadian travelling around to all these places, there’s a sense of pride you feel.”

“As athletes, this is the country we represent and it’s amazing.”

Ever the classy competitor, she even saved a kind word for the victors.

“What I love most about Mickey and Pete is they’re just nice, sweet guys.”

Beyond their unflaggingly upbeat disposition, however, the long-locked winners deserve real credit for the gradual but insistent improvement of their game.

Initially it was just their sun-faded cheeriness that stood out — they’re lower key than a booming baritone, so laid back they’re horizontal — but they slowly (and maybe even reluctantly) revealed there was more going on under their knit caps. Though they never won a leg, they finished in the Top 3 for the last seven straight, and occasionally missed out by mere moments.

They coasted with such little friction through the show it almost seemed like they were running a different race entirely. But they won Sunday because they remembered the whole journey — and faster than the other two teams could.

“Best friends for life,” Pete enthused with his hazy grin.

“Totally, dude,” replied Mickey. “I love you.”

“Mick is the only human on the planet I could have run this race with,” Pete added. “Even when it looked like we were out, we just stayed positive. We were just both on the same wavelength the entire time. This guy right here is my bro, man. For life.”

“We just couldn’t be any happier right now. Our lives have changed forever.”

On Wednesday, the best buds caught up with The Canadian Press to reflect on their victory.

Q On a couple occasions during the race, you guys implied you didn’t have much of a shot. Did you come in not expecting to win?

Mickey Oh God yeah. After we got to the start line and saw all the other teams, we were like: “Aw snap, these are all amazing teams.” We just wanted to see how far we could make it. When we made it to the end we felt like we already won just because we made it that long.

Q Pete, last night on the “After the Race” special you said that prior to winning the trucks you and Mickey were driving the “worst cars you can imagine.” Can you go into more detail?

Pete I have a ’92 Grand Marquis. She has a few rattles and weird noises coming out of her, but she’s a beaut.

Mickey I’m actually driving my old man’s ’98 Buick LeSabre. They’re both old grandma cars. This might up our game.

Q Considering how carefree you both seemed, when were you most stressed out during the race?

Mickey The most stressful was we were (lost) an hour north of Paris and we realized we had an hour to get back to Paris and we just lost all our money and we had no idea how we were going to get back.

Q Did you make any lasting friendships on the race?

Pete Definitely Jackie and Laura. We kind of bonded with them in Hong Kong. Yeah, we’re besties. We hang out with them all the time. They’re big sweethearts. But we’re friends with all the teams.

Q You were facing off with Natalie and Meaghan every week. What was that like?

Mickey Dude, it’s intimidating. They’re so smart and beautiful and good at everything.

Pete Honestly, we knew going into the last leg to beat them we had to have a flawless leg. If you screw up a tiny little bit they would have beaten us. And luckily we managed to get ahead of them and stay ahead of them the entire time.

Mickey They’re definitely the cream of the crop of Canada.

Q Mickey, did Amazing Race boost business at your wakeboard park?

Mickey Yeah, it was bananas all summer.

Q How did you guys get through the past few months without telling anyone you’d won?

Pete Honestly we didn’t find it that bad. Once the initial “we can’t tell you” — once that’s over with, it’s not too bad. You get better and better at lying to people. Everyone tries to trick you and tries to get you drunk.

Mickey But I don’t think anyone really expected us to win.

Q I get the impression you’re not sure what you want to do with the money, beyond paying off debt and travelling. Is that true?

Pete For sure man, we don’t really have a solid plan. We’ve got some ideas in mind. Spots we want to check out. Definitely we’ll be going together and having a hoot doing whatever we do.


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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)
« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2014, 07:57:23 PM »
Tourism Student Wins Amazing Race Canada

with files from CTV

Celebrate an amazing accomplishment by dropping your pants? Sure, why not.

Which is what Tourism student Pete Schmalz and teammate Mikey Henry did when they were the first team to cross the finish line in the finale of Amazing Race Canada Season 2 on Sunday.

Best friends from Muskoka, Ont., the two 24 year olds will split $250,000 in prize money and each receives free flights on Air Canada for a year, a Chevrolet truck, and free gas for life from Petro-Canada.

Adventure Studies faculty member Ross Cloutier taught Schmalz in a number of third- and fourth-year classes and believes more good things are ahead for Pete.

“He is an excellent student and to win Amazing Race Canada is no surprise to anyone at TRU,” says Cloutier. “He is an original, friendly, outgoing, visionary and will accomplish much within the Canadian adventure tourism industry.”

Guided by their motto of “Long hair, don’t care”, the Schmalz-Henry combo exhibited the right amount of calm-under-pressure to guide them through the tricky and demanding challenges that make up the long season that is Amazing Race Canada.

Oddly enough, Schmalz and Henry never won any of the legs except for the last one, though they did have a few podium finishes as they steadily improved along the way. Meanwhile, the team that wound up finishing second had seven first-place finishes out of a possible 11 leading up to Sunday’s finale.


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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2014, 03:05:22 PM »
Another radio interview with the winners.

Mickey and Pete called into the Wayne and Jayne Show today to discuss their win!

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)
« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2014, 08:35:05 PM »
Mickey and Pete, and life after Amazing Race Canada
PARRY SOUND – Seguin’s Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz are heading on to new adventures.

The Amazing Race Canada winners picked up their new Silverado trucks last week at the Bayview Chevrolet Buick GMC dealership in Parry Sound.  The trucks were part of the duo’s prize, which also included $250,000, gas for life from Petro-Canada, and free airfare with Air Canada for a year

After show

Amazing Race Canada’s final episode and after-show aired on September 21, where the duo drove off in trucks, but that, said Schmalz, was for television.

“We got in our trucks, everyone saw that, and we drove about 50 feet and hopped out and that was the last time we saw them until today,” said Schmalz.

Instead, the two continued to drive their decades-old cars until collecting the keys to two new trucks last Wednesday.

Now with a truck, Henry said he had firewood to haul and Schmalz said they’re finally going to collect a mini-skateboard ramp that’s been on their to-do list all summer.

“Look at all the babes we can fit in there,” said Schmalz of the four-door truck.

Since the final episode and Monday morning show’s interviews, the two have been pretty low key. Henry stayed home and did a bit of wakeboarding and Schmalz headed north to try his hand at moose hunting.

As of last week they had plans to visit Canada’s Wonderland and maybe start a travel blog.

“We’re going to leave some time soon to go places,” said Henry.

With free airfare, Schmalz said, in his trademark laid-back tone, that they’re going, “anywhere we want.”

“We have to be back and forth because we have stuff to do in Canada, media and stuff,” he said.

The duo will also be on an upcoming Marilyn Denis show getting makeovers. It was a suggestion posted on the show’s Facebook page two days after their win.

The two Seguin boys said they have been enjoying their time in the limelight.


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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2014, 11:59:13 AM »
Mickey and Pete will be on The Marilyn Denis Show (CTV, 10 AM) on Friday, November 7....getting MAKEOVERS!!!

Here is the "after" pic, posted on FB:
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 05:26:40 PM by WindsorSue »

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10 hours?! It's hard enough to stay upright on those things for 10 seconds.

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Mickey Henry and Pete Schmalz (Best Friends)
« Reply #37 on: September 18, 2023, 05:51:49 PM »
Mickey is on the first season of The Traitors Canada along with other Canadian reality alumni, including Kevin Martin from Big Brother Canada and Erika Casupanan from Survivor 41.