Author Topic: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)  (Read 33543 times)

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2014, 09:11:24 PM »
Extra: ‘Amazing Race Canada’ Episode 11: Extended Mat Chat with Sukhi and Jinder
What you didn’t see from the brother and sister team at the Pit Stop.

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2014, 09:51:19 AM »
SJ on CP24 Breakfast

Interesting, to note Jinder says they waited at the flags doing absolutely nothing for 25-30 mins. They had asked hockey once they said no, then as they were finishing said yes to them.

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2014, 02:00:51 PM »
Ruth Myles: Sukhi and Jinder talk about being clueless on The Amazing Race Canada

Question: Why did you think you would be strong contenders on The Amazing Race Canada?

Jinder: We have done everything together, since I was 11 years old. We just know everything about each other. We started business together. We even did the same degrees. We thought that together, we would be this powerful team. There are so many things we’ve done in life that we thought we were prepared for this.

Sukhi: And we have fun together. We enjoy being together. Regardless of the outcome, we have fun together. Honestly, there’s no one else I would do this with. He’s just as crazy, just as intense. I wanted it bad, and I knew he’d want it bad, too.

Jinder: And we’re siblings, we’ll get over it right away.

Q: What were your individual strengths on the Race as it unfolded?

Sukhi: With Jinder, he had great leadership on our team.  He was calm and collected, even though it might not have looked like that. He was a strong teammate to have. You knew you’d get through whatever with him as your partner.

Jinder: With Sukh, there are so many things that make her such a great partner. She will eat anything. She will jump off anything. If there is anything that needs to be done, she will get it done. . . I was never scared that we were going to lose anything just because I knew she could do anything. I have seen her do so many things.

Q: So what happened in New Brunswick?

Jinder: That was kind of a rough day. We started off in first, and we planned on getting into the final three. Right off the bat, in the first couple of minutes, we got a penalty. . . . We’ve been living in Southeast Asia. We kind of forgot how to drive in Canada.


Q: When you did that Sukhi, did you realize right away and were ‘Oh, crap,’ or was it, ‘Meh’?

Sukhi: It was four in the morning; there’s not a single soul walking around. I honestly thought it was for the pedestrian, it was kind of on the side.  . I was pretty upset because other cars were passing us. It was ‘Oh my gosh,’ because you know at that point you can’t make any mistakes. But we shook it off. Event after event, we kept shaking it off.

Jinder: We were literally parked at that intersection the one that we crossed and other teams going the rough hitting the green. We were just, ‘Ahhh, this is horrible!’ That is the last thing you want to do: sit on the side of the street during the semifinal day and watch people go by you.

Q: How did you refocus?

Sukhi: We were just we got this, we can do it, don’t worry anything can happen. Let’s try to bring our energy up. We always tried to keep good energy, regardless of what happened because you go through the lowest lows and the highest highs, sometimes all in an hour. We had to shake it off, even thought it was a high-stress day. We kind of laughed it off and got back to Sukhi and Jinder mode, rather than super-stressed human being (mode).


Q: So what happened to the clue that you lost on the beach at Hopewell Rocks?

Jinder: Honestly, I have no idea where that clue went. I had it in my hand. It’s a mystery to this day. I tried to figure it out watching the show, but there was a certain point where it just disappeared. What do you think happened, Sukh?

Sukhi: We don’t know. We had it when we got there. Maybe someone accidentally picked it up. Or if it was really gone, maybe it blew away or maybe it got mixed in the mud. Who knows? We still don’t know. We don’t have a clue where the clue is.

Jinder: That was hard. Immediately we knew that memorizing the flag was a problem. But we were standing there without a clue for about 30 minutes before Meaghan let us read her clue. That first 30 minute was rough because people were getting further and further, doing their first attempt, their second attempt, and we had no idea where to even start.

Q: If Meaghan and Natalie had lost their clue, would you have shared yours with them?

Sukhi: Who knows, right? I hope to say yes, but you never know what would happen in that situation. Originally, they said they’d wait ‘til they were done (to share the clue), but then when I asked them again, they gave it to us. That was really commendable and really sweet. But I don’t know.

Jinder: Regardless of what happened at the mat the day before, we had developed such a strong friendship with them throughout the Race. It just shows her character. She is such an amazing person. I don’t know. It’s down to the final four. We definitely would have given it, but probably would have been the same situation: we would let them try to figure it out for a while and then done it. I don’t know; it’s a tough question

Q: Because you pulled the U-Turn.

Sukhi: Yes, we pulled the U-Turn. Minutes before we had heard Ryan and Rob and Alain and Audrey, they were in the same train from Normandy to Paris, we overheard them saying that they were going to U-Turn us. And Ryan admitted it. It was basically a run to the (U-Turn) mat, not because we hated each other but we were the last team.

Jinder: It’s a part of the game. We tried to play a fierce and clean game. There was that one instance, where we didn’t point the Olympians in the wrong direction; we were trying to get that guy to not point in the right direction. (laughs) And it didn’t even work because we suck at lying.

Sukhi: We were a bunch of clowns . . . we just did it. I am glad they went the right way.

Q: How do you feel about how you were portrayed on the show?

Jinder: There are people that love us; there are people that hate us. We are just getting talked about from every angle.

Sukhi: We are pretty bad villains!

Jinder: There are fights between them online . . .  We are happy. We feel so blessed to be on the show. And at the end of the day, we signed up for it, so we can’t be upset.

Q: When you watch the show, do you think you could have done or said things differently?

Sukhi: Honestly, we don’t really regret anything. We know what happened on the whole Race. We know what was going on. I am glad the Olympians didn’t turn the other way. I would have probably felt bad, but you’re in a Race and nothing is personal. You’re just going for it and doing your best. It’s high-stress days, but I don’t regret anything.


Q: What are your high points from the Race?

Sukhi: Honestly, that your sole mission in life was running around the world looking for clue boxes. It was just, ‘Is this really happening?’ and you think the whole world is your set.

Jinder: The entire Race was a high. It’s incredible how alive you feel once you’re on the Race. You want that continue on into your regular life. It’s amazing, from jumping off things to just the crazy things that make you go out of your comfort zone the entire time. You were growing (as a person) the entire time. You never knew what was going to happen, what was going to be thrown at you. That was the high.

Q: How was it dealing with all that stress for an extended period of time?

Sukhi: We were running (the Race) for 35 days. We didn’t’ sleep properly, we were hungry. We went through every single emotion, but the adrenaline kept up. It was such a high level of adrenaline for so long. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

Jinder: It is crazy what adrenalin can do. Your body can deal with so much stress, physical, emotional, everything that gets thrown your way. When you have that much adrenalin in your body, you’re like a machine. Obviously, you still have to keep your composure, because you can end up freaking out, but you feel like a superhuman when you’re doing these things. Realistically you should be crashing, you should be exhausted, you should be totally beat down, but until you get to Jon at the pit stop, your brain is on, your body is on.

Q: What advice would you give competitors for coming seasons of The Amazing Race Canada?

Sukhi: Just have fun. Have a blast with it.

Jinder: Read your clue.

Sukhi: Don’t lose your clue.

Jinder: Read your clue; don’t lose your clue.

Sukhi: And no getting naked with your sibling.

Q: How did you guys explain that one?

Sukhi: We didn’t.

Jinder: We actually flew out that day (the episode with the nude posing aired). We were with our family with the episode leading up to that day. Then we were like, ‘Alright guys, we’re heading out for a couple of weeks.’ So we took off, then after we were, ‘So, did you enjoy it? Alright, bye!’


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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2014, 03:31:45 PM »
The Amazing Race Canada: Five questions with Sukhi and Jinder

Brother-sister duo Sukhi and Jinder Atwal ended their journey on The Amazing Race Canada last night, just barely missing the finals set for this Sunday on CTV.

The siblings started the leg in first place after their win in Prince Edward Island, but it was their struggle at the Roadblock at New Brunswick's Cape Enrage Lighthouse that brought their Race dreams to an end.

We snagged a few web-exclusive questions with the pair when they stopped by The Social headquarters, where they dished on things they learned about each other on their journey and what's next on their bucket list. We even got them to belt out a couple of lines from their Race theme song.

Q. The audience really got a strong sense of your brother-sister bond throughout the Race. Is there anything new that you learned about one another through this experience?

Jinder Atwal: For me, it just reaffirmed the strength that my sister has, just watching her do the tasks. She's just on – when she decides she's going to do something, there's no denying that she's going to get it done and it's going to get done fast.

Sukhi Atwal: I realized that he wasn't my little brother anymore. He led our team and was the strength that I needed. I was in such awe that I cried at every single mat because I was so proud of him. He worked so hard and was so determined that, as a sister, I was like, 'You are such a cool man, not just my little Jinder.'

JA: You mean, not your little slave anymore.

Q.  You weren't allowed to bring a lot of personal items (i.e. cellphone, music devices, books, etc.) with you during the competition. If you could have brought any item with you on your journey, what would it have been?

SA: Either a GPS or a third person.

JA: I would have brought less stuff.  At the end, you just don't want half the stuff that's on your back – it actually gets pretty heavy.

SA: And we were pretty light – about 12 to 14 pounds for 36 days.

JA: Something that would've helped us is definitely a GPS – especially when we were in France, but I mean, that takes the fun out of half the race.

Q. Jinder, following the elimination, you said, “Now that we’ve done this race, I don’t want our lives to be any less extraordinary.”  What is next for the both you.

JA: I used to be a travel show host in Southeast Asia and since being on the Race, I think I'd like to pursue something in television.  And even with the special bond that (Sukhi and I) have, I've realized that we're able to do business together, so why not something in TV?

Q. I think we can agree that the model challenge where you had to pose nude together was the most uncomfortable.  What challenge(s) did you enjoy the most?

JA: It seemed like I freaked out, but I loved jumping off the Macau tower. That was unreal. Have you ever bungie jumped?

Me (in my most decisive voice): No.

JA: It's just unbelievable, the (most intense) rush you've ever felt in your life. My helmut fell off at one point – I think that's why I was freaking out, but it wouldn't have saved me at that point anyway. I remember feeling so alive at the end.

SA: I loved shooting that gun, that was a lot of fun. We also loved our time with those dogs – they were so sweet, all they wanted to do was run around. I think everyone also had fun at the hockey challenge because people forgot about the competition for a little bit and just enjoyed that time.

Instagram Q: If you could choose a theme song for this whole journey, what would it be? (Watch the video below for their response)

The video is on the link, pretty original :lol:

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2014, 03:34:26 PM »

Despite doing anything they had to in order to win – including U-turning another team and posing nude – brother and sister team Sukhi and Jinder Atwal were eliminated right before the final leg on “Amazing Race Canada.”
“We were just so close. I mean it hurt because our goal was to get to the Top 3 and so was everyone else’s. It was painful at first but we had a little chat and we said we did our best and we’re really proud,” says Sukhi.

The young entrepreneurs from Terrace, B.C., started the leg in Charlottetown in first place but things soon went awry on the drive to New Brunswick when they ran a red light and got a 15-minute penalty.
The bad luck continued from there with the team getting lost and then losing their clue at the signal flags Detour.

“We were just trying to play catch up and then we lost our clue and so mentally, I don’t think we were working the best together,” says Sukhi.
“There was a whole bunch of stuff that happened that day that was kind of out of our grasp. Even when we were in last, we pushed as hard as we could to try and get into the Top 3. We never gave up,” says Jinder.
After losing their clue, they asked the three remaining teams if they could look at theirs but Mickey and Pete and Ryan and Rob (whom they’d U-turned on a previous leg), both said no.
“It’s Top 3. I don’t blame them. I wasn’t expecting anyone to help, honestly,” says Sukhi.
But Natalie and Meaghan, whom Sukhi and Jinder tried to lead astray on the previous leg with incorrect directions, did end up helping them.
“I know in the last leg it looked like we were arch enemies but we actually were bonded with them quite a bit . . . eventually she said yes. (I had) mad respect,” says Sukhi.
Sukhi adds she and Jinder helped a lot of other teams along the way – even if those moments weren’t shown on TV.
“We actually helped a lot of teams and we were like, ‘We’re being way too nice. We need to stop and we need to get angry and tap into this inner beast mode kind of thing’ but we feel proud of how we ran the ‘Race,’” says Sukhi.
They may be proud but not all of their fans agree, according to Sukhi.
“There are lots of haters online (who said), ‘Oh my gosh you guys are dirty players and all you ever did was ask for help,’” she says.
“What people don’t understand is yeah we might’ve asked for help that episode in Macau but no one actually helped us,” adds Jinder. 
“So everyone thinks Sukhi and Jinder can’t do anything without asking for help and it’s like no one actually helped us, so we’re here by not getting any help . . . you can’t take (these comments) too seriously. We’ve ignored it. There’s so much love out there, too.”
The team says running the ‘Race’ together was a great experience but they have blocked out one challenge – posing nude for a Fast Forward challenge that allowed them to go directly to the Pit Stop.
“I haven’t mentally thought that he was naked, I couldn’t picture that in my mind, or that I was naked or that I was standing behind him completely naked,” says Sukhi.
“Your mind is pumping with adrenaline. You’re like, ‘OK, whatever, let’s just take off our clothes.” 
That may not have been their fondest moment, but the brother and sister team say running the “Race” together was an experience like none other.

“I gained a lot of respect for Jinder. He led this team and he carried us through a lot of stuff. We worked well together.”
“I’m so proud of Sukhi,” adds Jinder. “I think we bonded at a different level on this ‘Race.’ We’ve done so many things together already, started a business together, have the same degrees, this just took our relationship to the next level.”


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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2014, 04:12:35 PM »
So close :( They will definitely be missed at the finale :(
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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2014, 07:46:36 PM »
Definitely one of my all-time favorite TAR teams  :luvya:

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #33 on: September 17, 2014, 07:54:59 PM »
They are one of the best sibling teams for sure!

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #34 on: September 17, 2014, 08:19:04 PM »
SJ on CP24 Breakfast

Interesting, to note Jinder says they waited at the flags doing absolutely nothing for 25-30 mins. They had asked hockey once they said no, then as they were finishing said yes to them.

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2014, 09:03:17 AM »
The Amazing Race Canada: Sukhi and Jinder
The latest eliminated team from The Amazing Race Canada, brother-sister duo Sukhi and Jinder, join the hosts.

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2014, 03:54:15 PM »
Terrace-Born Siblings Cut From Amazing Race Canada

Sukhi and Jinder Atwal were cut from last night's episode of Amazing Race Canada.

The Terrace born siblings had made it to the final four teams when they came in last during a challenge in New Brunswick.

The Atwals said although the loss was initially disappointing, they've been proud to represent Terrace on a national television show.

“Everyone's just been so nice. Friends, family, the whole city of Terrace,” said Sukhi.

They say there’s been an outpouring of messages from supporters since last night episode aired.

“Everyone has been like 'you've made Terrace so proud. You guys were determined and focused’,” said Sukhi.

“We’re getting hundreds of messages. We flew into Toronto to do the after shows and everything, and last night our phone was buzzing right into 3 AM. It would just not stop,” said Jinder.

The Atwals hosted a viewing party in Terrace back in July when the season premiered.

The pair says they’re now planning a trip to Milan—but hope to visit Terrace for Christmas.


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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #37 on: September 18, 2014, 03:58:57 PM »
TARC: The Eighth Elimination

“It was easier until we had to get naked together,” said Jinder of being partners with his older sister Sukhi on “The Amazing Race Canada”. Despite the awkward moment the siblings, from Terrace, BC, made a strong pair for the duration of their run. Coming in fourth place is nothing to scoff at when you consider all the challenges competitors face.

The pair were fortunate enough to not only travel the world in the race, but also won trips to Milan and a location of their choosing in Canada, as well as cash prizes. Of all the places they visited a return to the Yukon is number one on their list. Dog sledding and canoeing up river are just a few of the activities that won them over. The pair were especially affected by their stop in Normandy, France, “it’s such a special place in history,” said Sukhi.

As the season finale approaches and the three final teams near the finish line Sukhi and Jinder revealed who they’ll be cheering on. “The Olympians gave us their clue – so were rooting for them!” they announced.

Tune in at Sunday at 8pm ET on CTV for a special two hour event and cheer on your favourite team.


There is a video as well.

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2014, 01:59:43 AM »

Can we just appreciate how great they* would look as a couple...

*I am totally not talking about Sukhi and Jinder because that's incest... :lol:

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2014, 07:37:44 PM »
I don't think Rob would approve :lol:
Ryan and Rob are both homosexual, but they are friends, similar to Oswald and Danny, right?
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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #40 on: September 20, 2014, 09:51:38 PM »
that doesn't mean much imo
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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2014, 09:02:18 PM »
If they live or have lived in Southeast Asia, and Jinder was a tv celebrity...the only logical thing left to say is:

Sukhi & Jinder for TARA!
The story so far:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #42 on: September 22, 2014, 03:11:55 PM »
If they live or have lived in Southeast Asia, and Jinder was a tv celebrity...the only logical thing left to say is:

Sukhi & Jinder for TARA!


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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #43 on: September 22, 2014, 03:42:01 PM »
If they live or have lived in Southeast Asia, and Jinder was a tv celebrity...the only logical thing left to say is:

Sukhi & Jinder for TARA!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better; it's not" - The Lorax

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2014, 08:04:09 PM »
Audition video:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2014, 09:14:30 PM »
What the heck was Jinder doing at the beginning... :lol:

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2014, 02:29:59 PM »
If they live or have lived in Southeast Asia, and Jinder was a tv celebrity...the only logical thing left to say is:

Sukhi & Jinder for TARA!

That's not a bad idea at alll.... :))  Thanks for all the love and support!! We love all of our amazing fans on this forum and in real life!!  (Facebook fans were a little crazy)) ahha

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2014, 03:26:49 PM »
If they live or have lived in Southeast Asia, and Jinder was a tv celebrity...the only logical thing left to say is:

Sukhi & Jinder for TARA!

That's not a bad idea at alll.... :))  Thanks for all the love and support!! We love all of our amazing fans on this forum and in real life!!  (Facebook fans were a little crazy)) ahha

Well, hello Jinder! Facebook fans are a little crazy for ALL shows!!! LOL

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2014, 11:00:00 PM »
If they live or have lived in Southeast Asia, and Jinder was a tv celebrity...the only logical thing left to say is:

Sukhi & Jinder for TARA!

That's not a bad idea at alll.... :))  Thanks for all the love and support!! We love all of our amazing fans on this forum and in real life!!  (Facebook fans were a little crazy)) ahha
Wow. Cool to have you on RFF. Loved watching you on the show.

Sending the love from Australia.

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Sukhi Atwal and Jinder Atwal (Siblings)
« Reply #49 on: May 01, 2015, 01:51:17 PM »
How come this is the only TARCan 2 thread still not in archives? ???
You are the last team to arrive.
This is a Philmination leg, so I'm sorry to tell you that you have been Philiminated from the race.