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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #175 on: December 10, 2013, 08:22:57 PM »
Talking about this?

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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #176 on: December 10, 2013, 08:43:32 PM »
TIM & MARIE <3 :cmas17
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti. ♥

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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #177 on: December 10, 2013, 08:44:02 PM »
Could Marie be any more perfect in the Final Mat Chat with Phil?

"We went on the Race together because when I saw the application for the Race, it was the last day and he was just there, by my side, so we applied together."

The 60/40 sharings thing is also lolz. Marie <33333333333

And the moment in the Japanese Game Show, ALOOL

Best finale mat chat for sure. :P
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti. ♥

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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #178 on: December 10, 2013, 11:02:29 PM »
OMG <3333
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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #179 on: December 10, 2013, 11:48:03 PM »
They aren't engaged. It was fake. :cmaslol

Although one can hope... :reindeer

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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #180 on: December 11, 2013, 12:06:19 AM »
Amazing Race's Tim and Marie: The Final Leg Layout Was "Frustrating"

Two inches might have come between Tim and Marie, and the $1 million on The Amazing Race 23. That's how much Marie's first flour drop missed the target by on her first try. "If I had gotten that and Amy got hers on her second try like she did, who knows what would've happened," she tells Instead, Marie took 12 tries, and the bickering exes came in second. Why did she have so much trouble with the drop? And does their 60-40 split contract still stand? Find out below.

Amazing Race winners Jason and Amy: We're still speechless

What was your mindset when Jason and Amy left the totem poles? Did you think you still had a chance or were you resigned to second?
Marie: When we left the totem poles, we knew they were already at the Pit Stop. We were hopeful there would be more to the Race and maybe there'd be another Roadblock, but when we got to the totem poles, they were halfway done already. When we got the clue and it said, "Make your way to the finish line," we were a little bit in shock and a little bit upset, like, "The Race is over. That's it." So we casually jogged to the Pit Stop knowing they were already there.
Tim: We were probably a half hour behind Jay and Amy at the mat. We were at the final task together doing it side-by-side. That took a really long time. It probably took us about an hour and a half. We were right there with them.

The whole leg hinged on that flour drop because they didn't make any mistakes afterward.
Marie: One hundred percent. It was a linear leg, and that was frustrating. The order that you finished the flour drop in was the order the Race was going to end. There was such a gap in between how long we took to do it that you couldn't pass another team or change the order later. The editing made it look like it was closer when we were in the kayak, but we did not see another team at any of the tasks between the flour drop and the totem poles.

Why did it take you 12 tries?
Marie: I was frustrated. We honestly were hoping that a finale task would be based on something that was in the racers' control. My very first drop was literally two inches outside the target. ... The second I got in the plane, I knew it was all physics and where you had to drop it and how fast you were going. So after my first drop, all I did was adjust when I dropped it. The second time I was a little shocked that it dropped like 10 feet left of the target. There was a lot of me screaming in the plane [to the pilot], "Why are you doing slower? Why are you going faster?" At one point, we got a little off track, and I missed two turns. My pilot was kind of flying around and Nicole got extra drops. Had she finished before me, I probably would've freaked out. Luckily it didn't change the placement of Nicole and me, but it was frustrating that that was partially in the hands of the pilot.

Why did you decide to do it? Did you think there would be another Roadblock later that maybe was more physical that Tim would do?
Tim: We got there third, and Amy was in the plane and Nicole was in the plane, so it only made sense for Marie to do it. We didn't even discuss it. If there was going to be another Roadblock - like we incorrectly assumed because we thought they'd want an evaluation of how complete a team we were - I didn't want her to be against two guys later. And I always feel confident in her being able to beat Nicole and Amy. Like in Tokyo, she beat them when they worked together on the robot.

That was one of the best performances I've seen on the show.
Marie: Thanks! That was an awesome feeling. We got there and we were like, "Crap, we're in last." And I don't build stuff. I have boxes from Ikea from two years ago of stuff I couldn't put together.

Well, no one can.
Marie: Right! [Laughs] But I was panicking, like, "Oh, my God! There's no way I can do this." I saw them helping each other, and when I asked them for the model and they both ignored me, it just clicked in me, "I don't need you guys." I understand it because they were so far along, so strategically it was best to ignore me because with Leo halfway done, it was almost a sure thing we would be eliminated. I get it, but it pissed me off since [Nicole] asked us to work together at the beginning of the leg to get the Afghanimals out. It made me want to beat them more. I just thought, "I have to build this before anyone else does." I honestly don't know how I did it! ... On one hand, I can't even blame Amy for helping her because it was hard for a girl to lift those pieces and jam them together. They were so heavy and it was so physical. It was almost impossible for me, and I'm freakishly strong.

What did you think of Amy helping Nicole so much throughout the Race?
Marie: For them, the friendships came before the Race. For us, the Race came before the friendships. I understand that. That's who Amy is. It worked out for them. She was rewarded with a win, but it's not something we would've done. When you're in Leg 11, you have to look after yourself. It was a little embarrassing to watch them do it together. It's a Race. What are you doing? It's not a "help your friend" TV show.

Marie, you started out as the villain, but midway through, I think perceptions of you changed and people started to warm to you guys a little bit and your squabbling. Did you get the same sense from fans?
Tim: Yeah. You got to see more of our relationship. It's not all chaos and yelling and screaming. If you think about all the decisions you have to make on The Amazing Race - it wasn't all yelling between us. We actually communicate very well. Unfortunately, when we're in pressure situations, Marie yells, but I don't take it personally. I yell back, but I know she's just communicating. I'm glad as the show progressed, people got to see more of this dynamic between us. It's unique, and people are kind of astounded that it works.
Marie: Our relationship as a couple doesn't work, but as a Race couple, it really doesn't get any better than Tim and me. We're able to remove the emotional part out of the equation. We're not going to hurt each other's feelings. Our relationship is not going to suffer based on anything good or bad that happens on the Race. We're there to compete and that's it.

TV couples: Still hot or not?

Is your 60-40 contract still in effect? How are you going to split up those trips you won?
Marie: [Laughs] We're going to go on the trips and we're going to take Jason and Amy with us. We love them. ... That cab thing was nothing. We're past that. Maybe one of us will take one and one will take the other. We're all friends and it'll be fun to share that experience with them.

Next season is All-Stars and you've said that you wouldn't do the show again. Why?
Marie: We feel like we were a little taken advantage of this season. We didn't necessarily like our edit halfway through. I felt like I've been saying all along that we would say no if asked.

What are you up to now?
Tim: Back to real life! Maybe I'll move in. [Laughs]
Marie: Yeah, Tim's homeless right now, so I think he'll move in.

That's a reality show waiting to happen.
Marie: If someone wants to film that, we're down!
Tim: Separate rooms though!


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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #181 on: December 11, 2013, 08:25:54 AM »

Elimination Interview: Tim and Marie

Posted on Dec 9, 2013 06:20pm

Tim and Marie finished second in The Amazing Race! Will they be roommates in the future? Read on to see what they had to say about the Race and each other!

Erica O: Was it hard adjusting to the long flights and different timezones? Was it hard to sleep at random times?
Under normal circumstances it would be more grueling - amazing race had so much adrenaline that it didn't matter how much sleep you got, whether it be 3 or 13 hours.
Marie: The only problem was the slowing down part when you were waiting for like a train or plane. That I think was the hardest, your adrenaline was going so you just want to go, go, go.

Marc M: Marie: You've consistently shown us all race long that you are tough as nails. Despite a headstrong attitude and determination, was there any challenge where you thought you would crack under pressure? And has being on the race inspired you to learn how to boil eggs??
No, there wasn't a point where I thought I was going to crack, that's part of my personality, I don't give up. There was times where I was a little nervous, but I always just figure it out. And no, now I don't want to learn boil an egg.

Alejandro A: Do you think a new rule is needed that would prohibit a team from assisting other teams on roadblocks and detours?
Yes! 100 percent this should be a rule! It's just unfair, the race is about who is the strongest on their own, Nicole would have been knocked down if it wasn't for getting help from Amy. Nicole and Travis were not strong enough on their own. Amazing Race is not about how well you work with other teams.

Kevin P: Are Tim and Marie planning to be back together again after they have run this amazing race?
I might move in, but in separate rooms. We are thinking about being roommates - I don't think we can rekindle that flame.
Marie: No plans to get back together. We tried twice and it didn't work out, but he might be moving with me as roommates!

Marc M: Tim and Marie: I have been a supporter of you guys from the start, I fell in love with you guys from the beginning. However, it's no secret that you guys have been 'the team everyone loves to hate'. Did this ever cross your mind while on the race? And has it been difficult reading the amount of criticism you guys have been getting?
We knew from the start that we would be the team everyone loves to hate, but that doesn't bother us. The hateful comments, we don't care what anybody says- we are the way that we are and we know that not everyone one is going to like us - you can say what you want about us, just keep talking about us!
Tim: We are the team everyone loves to hate at home too! We are who we are.

Carolyn C: Tim and Marie won two trips. Are they definitely going separately or will they be going together?
We haven't decided.
Marie: Maybe we will go to Hawaii with Jason and Amy, I think that would be really fun. Aruba seems like a more romantic trip so we might have to play rock, paper, scissor for that one.

Laurie D: Was the 60/40 for real? If so, would you really have held Tim to it, Marie?
It was real, it was not created for if we won the million dollar prize though. The 60/40 was based on the fact that it took 8 months to get casted for which I did all of the work. So if we ended up coming in last all that work was not for nothing, but if we won the million we would have split it in half. The 60/40 was not based on race performance.

Dwayne Y: Of all the challenges, which one stood out as being the most difficult? Why?
The dates in Abu Dhabi - nothing was physical about that challenge which was hard for us, but in this situation I felt like I knew how to go about this challenge and we were battling on who was going to take the lead. We both thought we knew how to win this challenge. Sometimes it's hard to get a word in with Marie and at the end of this I was exhausted, I had to take a break and just collect myself. It was an emotionally taxing challenge.
Marie: The hardest was the robot challenge, because I got there and I was behind and the girls were working together, I had never built something before so panic settled in.
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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #182 on: December 12, 2013, 10:59:27 AM »

Murtz On The Scene: Exclusive Interview With The Amazing Race 23’s Tim Sweeney & Marie Mazzocchi

by Murtz on December 12, 2013

Tim Sweeney and Marie Mazzocchi became one of the most polarizing teams on The Amazing Race this season. The exes liked to yell at each other but still managed to work together on almost every leg. Despite putting their best foot forward and their differences aside, the former couple fell just short of winning the $1 million prize and finished in second place. I caught up with them to ask them what happened, if they had really agreed to a 60/40 split of the money in advance (with Marie receiving more) and what they thought about the Jason/Amy/Travis/Nicole alliance

Murtz Jaffer: Alright guys, it was great seeing you in Rhode Island. I want to get right into it, Marie… do you think that Tim carried his weight as your partner on the Race?

(Tim & Marie laugh)

Marie Mazzocchi:
I think that Tim was a great partner on the Race. I think he was amazing when it came to our tasks and our detours. I just wish he was a little bit more prepared when it came to the travelling.

MJ: Tim, do you feel like you got a bad rap and that you were just as integral to the team’s success?
Tim Sweeney: I don’t think it was a bad rap. I think I was just as important to the team’s success as Marie was because we were working together on a lot of the stuff and we each had individual challenges to do and we both nailed them. I don’t think the 60/40 represented that. It represented all the legwork that she did while I had a job in New York to get us on the Race and prepared and ready. I don’t think she’s saying that I wasn’t an important of the Race and I don’t think anyone should assume that is what she is saying. I think we both agree that we were a team and that we worked together equally to get through the Amazing Race.

MJ: Marie, you dominated the Roadblock in Tokyo that asked you to build a robot, despite arriving at the challenge in last place. To me, that was the most critical moment of the season. Do you have a new career as a robot engineer?
MM: (Laughs).
I don’t ever want to build anything ever again for the rest of my life! When we got to that Roadblock, I was totally panicked. I am not good at assembling things and putting things together. I have boxes from IKEA that have been sitting in my house for two years because I don’t want to be bothered with putting them together. I get ADD and I can’t finish it. I was scared. I thought we were going home for sure. Luckily, the challenge turned out to be more physical than tedious and mental. I don’t know how I got it done.

MJ: Tim, did it bother you that Amy/Nicole worked on so many of the challenges together? You and Marie didn’t really have any allies and do you think it takes anything away from Jason and Amy’s win that they worked on so many things with another team?
It bothered me a lot to be honest with you. The outcomes obviously weren’t too affected because Jason and Amy won. I think it was a really one-sided help. If you look back at the Race, Jason and Amy were helping Nicole finish challenges. It wasn’t an equal partnership and that was okay with us but it bothered us because that’s not the integrity of the Race. The Race is to see who is the best team. And who knows? Maybe behind the scenes Travis and Nicole were helping Jason and Amy and I don’t think that took anything from Jason and Amy’s win. At the end of the day, Jason and Amy won and their communication was as good as Marie and mine. It just ended up that the final leg wasn’t as physical as it was linear and Amy nailed the flour drop and so be it. They took home the Amazing Race 23.
MM: I just want to add to what he said about them working together. I think it worked in their favour. Jason and Amy won and it didn’t affect their outcome but had they not helped them in Indonesia, the Ice Girls would have still been in the Race. And had they not helped them in Tokyo, the Afghanimals would have still been in the Race so it did affect the outcomes for the other teams. If Amy didn’t help Nicole build the robot, the Afghanimals would have been in the Final 3 and there’s a pretty good chance the Afghanimals would have won the whole thing. Looking at it from that point of view, I am even more bothered by the helping.

MJ: Marie, at the beginning of the final episode… there was clearly a threeway alliance between you guys, Amy & Jason and Travis & Nicole to work together to take out the Afghanimals. This immediately seemed odd to me, considering Amy and Jason were so mad about you stealing their cab on a previous leg. Why were they still willing to work with you after that and is that also why the alliance kind of fell apart almost immediately after you landed at the airport?
I think the editing made the cab issue look a little bit bigger than it was. It was 10 minutes into the next leg in Vienna and we were all back to being friends again. They were upset because they thought that we had moved the bags and that we should have gotten a penalty but once they found out what had really happened, they understood that we didn’t break any rules and they were okay with that. Going into the final leg where we decided that we were going to align with the other two teams to go against the Afghanimals, that was just to make sure that Jason and Amy and Travis and Nicole thought we were on their side. In reality, we knew that we didn’t want to be in an alliance with them. We wanted to align with the Afghanimals. You didn’t see much of that on TV but that’s what was really happening. Even at the Roadblock, you saw that Leo helped me. Our plan was to take the doctors out. The alliance with Jason and Amy was kind of bull**** for us.

MJ: Tim, I have read other interviews that you guys have done where you said that you didn’t like that the final leg was linear and that it ultimately came down to the flour drop which Marie twelve tries and only took Amy a couple. Were there really no other points where you could catch up?
Not unless someone died on the glacier!
TS: Across the glacier we were guided and it was treacherous with all of the caverns.

(At this point, Tim’s phone connection dropped).

MJ: We are holding for Tim…
Story of my life…
TS: There was a kayak route that was a mile long but when we talk about not being able to catch up, we’re talking about Jay and Amy. We knew they weren’t going to kayak themselves in a circle. These were small tasks. We needed a task that was going to be both mentally and physically exhausting for us to actually prove ourselves and get back into it. After the flour drop… I mean think about it. After Marie put the robot together, that’s not even close to someone flying you in a plane and asking you to dump flour out of it. We needed something that was really going to test us to come back and there just wasn’t that opportunity until the totem poles. By that point it was over. Jay and Amy are a strong team. Jay can hold the totem poles up and Amy could figure stuff out. We needed something that was a little more intense in order to come back.

MJ: Marie, when you finish in second place, is that something you are proud of or is it upsetting that you were so close to the million and yet still so far?
We’re super competitive and we were there just for one reason and that was to win. We took a great experience away from it and we’re proud of the fact that we made it the whole way and experience everything that the Race has to offer and never had to hear Phil tell us that we have been eliminated but it’s like you said. We were really really disappointed and frustrated that the final leg didn’t have anything that tested your abilities physically or mentally. It kind of just left the chance for a million dollars in the hands of your pilot. Whether it was luck or it wasn’t luck when you dropped it, it was frustrating for me because on my first drop I was only a couple of inches away from the target. The next nine, ten, or 11 times around, I was screaming “why are you driving so slow?!” “Why are you going so fast?” “Why are you going left and not right?” It was out of my control and that was frustrating to me because I knew that if we were doing a roadblock that was in our control, there was no way either of those two girls would beat me.

MJ: Tim, speaking of the million… why did you agree to the 60/40 split if you won?
I agreed to it because she was right. The way she said it might have been a little snotty and arrogant, but she was right. There’s a difference between business and friendship. If you were to break it down in terms of how much prep work went into getting on The Amazing Race, she probably did more than 50 percent. She really orchestrated the whole thing behind-the-scenes in order to get us to LA and to get us in front of the right people. It wasn’t about the money. It had nothing to do with money. It was about us going on The Amazing Race and having the time of our lives. It was about the people we met and the relationships we made. We proved to people that we are one of the strongest teams in Amazing Race history. It was never about the money.

MJ: Marie, I want to talk a little bit about the editing. There is no question that you guys were edited as the villains of the season, willing to do anything to finish in first. With that said, everyone I know was rooting for you during that robot task. It was a similar story with the Afghanimals who I felt were edited as bad guys at the beginning but redeemed themselves at the end. What do you think about the way that you were presented? Were Travis/Nicole the real villains?
I am glad that Tim and I made it as far as we did because it gave people a chance to see our real relationship and not just a couple of minutes at the beginning of each episode where they took the worst and made it look like that’s all we were. I think the same thing happened with the Afghanimals. Everyone thought that they were jerks and they were liars when really they are great guys and a really strong team and I am glad that we both made it far enough for everyone to see that come out. As far as Travis and Nicole, I mean I love Nicole. I actually feel bad for the situation that she is in because Travis is a jerk. When it comes down to it, that’s exactly how he was the whole time and we saw a lot of that while racing with them. The further we went along with them, the more we got to see that side of him come out and it was annoying for us to watch the episodes and keep watching how they tried to be so perfect and say that they would never lie to anyone and that they wanted to set an example for their kids. The thing is, we know the real Travis and that is not what he is like, so it was satisfying to see that come out in the end.

MJ: Tim, what is the relationship between you and Marie like now? Some of the other teams that I have interviewed have suggested that you might have had a little thing going with Ally during the Race?
Ally and I had a little thing going on during the Race and there was definitely something between us, but listen, we’re on The Amazing Race so it was nothing serious. It was just a great friendship that we formed. Having said that my relationship with Marie is the same that it was and that it always has been. We don’t take things personally. We know how each other are and we know how we communicate with each other. At times is she yelling and screaming? Absolutely. Are there times when I am not listening? Absolutely. But it is our ability to handle that and handle the adversity within our own relationship, that’s what keeps us together. We’re going to spend some time away from each other for the next couple of months but after that, we are going to enjoy the next ride. We’re going to spend the next year celebrating what we accomplished on The Amazing Race. Tim and Marie or Pinky and no-Brain or whatever you want to call us.

MJ: Marie, I know every Amazing Race fan wants to see you on All-Stars and you might have spoiled this answer on Twitter already, but would you ever do it again and would you still choose Tim as your partner?
I would do another season of the Race again, I definitely would. I think right after the show, I had a different opinion about it and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do if I was asked. I think it would be fun to race with someone else…

MJ: He’s on the phone Marie!
I mean he was a great partner but I think his laid-back attitude and his comfort in knowing that I would do whatever needed to be done and all he had to do was show up at the Roadblock, I think he would keep that same mentality and that was exhausting for me. So if there’s anyone who wants to race with me and is a little more equal to what I am about, then I would be down for that.

MJ: Who would that be?
I’d love to race with Katie from Max & Katie!

MJ: Amazing. Thanks guys.
MM & TS:
Thank you.

"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #183 on: December 12, 2013, 11:26:54 AM »
Marie & Katie? OMG! Let this be true.

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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #184 on: December 12, 2013, 11:59:10 AM »
Marie & Katie? OMG! Let this be true.

That would be great F/F team  :cmas51

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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #185 on: December 12, 2013, 07:34:59 PM »
Marie & Katie > Mallory & Brook tbh

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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #186 on: December 20, 2013, 05:43:32 PM »

All month long, you’ve been voting on our CarterMatt Best of 2013 series for television’s best and brightest of the year, and we’re thrilled to be here today to reveal the results of your votes!

Best Reality Star – This was the second-most-popular category this year, and also an extremely tight race between three people: Former “Bachelor” Sean Lowe, “Survivor” winner Tyson Apostol, and Marie Mazzocchi from “The Amazing Race.” Sean had the lead early, but Marie (of Tim & Marie) got a late surge from her fans this week that led her to being the winner.
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Re: Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #187 on: December 21, 2013, 03:14:39 AM »
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Re: TAR 23:Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #188 on: March 08, 2014, 08:04:19 PM »
Interesting article about Tim's point of view on the Race...

In case you didn't know, Tim & Marie were invited for this All-Stars season. Tim reveals in this article that he was up for doing another season but Marie didn't want to do it.

Sweeney said it costs about $1 million to coordinate everything for each of the season’s 12 episodes.

Sweeney also said that some of the drama on the show is manufactured by the writers.

“It really is designed to trick the contestants and create those conflicts,” he said.

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Re: TAR 23:Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #189 on: March 08, 2014, 11:19:44 PM »
Tbh, I would have loved to see T/M again. :'(

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Re: TAR 23:Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #190 on: March 08, 2014, 11:34:07 PM »
Tbh, I would have loved to see T/M again. :'(
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Re: TAR 23:Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #192 on: March 15, 2014, 04:54:11 PM »
RaceUntilWeDie, could you please copy the article onto here? That site requires registration..

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Re: TAR 23:Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #193 on: November 22, 2014, 10:49:47 AM »

 :conf: :conf: :conf: :conf: :conf: :conf: :conf: :conf: :conf:
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

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Re: TAR 23:Timothy Sweeney & Marie “Reebs” Mazzocchi "EXes"
« Reply #195 on: April 05, 2016, 06:08:03 PM »
Anyone been watching some of Marie's AfterBuzz TV recaps of the Race? I was surprised she's still into the Race after some of the controversy I heard from her Twitter/place on the show.

I thought this was an interesting point--I don't know if we already knew these? I probably already knew but forgot about it :3
- The show casted them as a dating couple but didn't let them play as exes until Leg 2 or 3-ish?