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Offline ugot2bekidinmeny

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It's getting ugly out there!
« on: June 30, 2013, 02:14:48 PM »
It never takes long for the "Big Brother" hamsters to let their true colors show in the house and Season 15 is no exception. Keep reading if you'd like to know exactly what the houseguests are up to, or sign up for the live feeds to see for yourself.

First, let's talk about Jeremy. We thought he was a sweet kid but kind of dumb when we met him. Turns out we were half right.

Jeremy likes nothing more than to refer to all the women in the house as "b*****es" -- seriously, it's left and right, it's all the time. Furthermore, he's been hooking up with Kaitlin in the house. Fine, whatever. Hook-ups happen on "Big Brother."

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But Saturday on the live feeds, he was bragging to David about how he touched Kaitlin's vagina because he wants "to see what [he's] working with." But he also called it her "meat wallet."

Who raised this kid? Because they sure didn't raise him to respect women.

Speaking of which, Spencer made a great impression on us at the press junket. But since being in the house, he has called Andy a f** and the women the c-word. Dude, that is not cool at all. Where does such hate come from?

Turning to the subject of race, last night Aaryn, Kaitlin and GinaMarie got rather ugly talking about Candice and Howard, saying that blacks stick together and that they're "tokens" in the house.

RELATED: Nighttime BB hook-ups

GinaMarie also said that Candice's "blackness" is showing now that she's not on the block and, honestly, we don't even know what that means. Everybody seems to hate Candice despite the fact that we've mostly only see her cook for people and be pretty nice.

So, if that's what letting your "blackness" show means, maybe we should all let our blackness out.

Candice and Aaryn had a little confrontation about whether or not Candice bent Aaryn's hat and right in the middle of it, Aaryn snottily told Candice that it's "asked, not axed," making fun of her accent.

It's not exactly n-word levels of racism, but it's pretty ugly nonetheless. And we're not done with little miss Aaryn.

Aaryn is pretty much the worst. She freaks out on David, her "showmance," when he so much as looks at another girl. Literally, she had a fit on Saturday when he put sunscreen on Jessie's back.

She also made fun of Helen for crying and said, "Dude, shut up, go make some rice," then was talking to Kaitlin about how Andy will probably get MVP next week because "people love the queers," but that nobody will vote "for who that queer puts up."

Lovely, right? Way to reinforce all the stereotypes about white Southern people, Aaryn. Not that only Southerners are racist --  Kaitlin and GinaMarie are hardly any better, which is disappointing because they seemed so nice on press day.

UPDATE: I Hate Big Brother says GinaMarie added that they should make Helen's "eyes straight" -- and Kaitlin called that "rude," to which GM responded, "Funny."

Um, no. And Kaitlin, don't think you can get back in our good graces by calling out one comment, though at least that's a start.

UDPATE II: Ragan Fox of "Big Brother 12" has written an open letter to CBS not to edit the way these people are behaving out of the broadcast.

So, just keep all this in mind when we start to see what kind of edits these people get from CBS.
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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2013, 02:15:46 PM »

I just read Andrea Reiher’s Zap2It article in which she documents racism, misogyny, and homophobia that’s already emerged in the Big Brother 15 house. Feed watchers have watched Spencer call women “c#nts” and spit the word “fag” in Andy’s face. Similarly, Aaryn complained that Andy would most likely get next week’s MVP because “people love the queers.” Aaryn’s also demanded Candice, an African American woman, say “asked, not axed” and suggested Helen, the season’s sole Asian American houseguest, should “go make some rice.” GinaMarie also wondered if they could make Helen’s eyes straight. And this is only WEEK 1! Imagine what will happen when they forget about the cameras.

Houseguests GinaMarie, Aaryn, and Kaitlin referred to historically marginalized players as “tokens.” Sadly, they aren’t too far off in their assessment. Characters like Andy, Candice, Howard, and Helen are reduced to mere tokens when production fails to include micro-aggressions that they have to endure on a day-to-day basis. What’s the point of casting racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities if production’s going to edit out the racism, ethnic discrimination, and homophobia that these people encounter inside the house? Moreover, why do historically marginalized players have the exclusive burden of narrating past acts of racial, ethnic, and sexual brutalization when we see this sort of discrimination enacted INSIDE THE HOUSE?

Big Brother, I LOVE you, but, if you really want to provide a groundbreaking twist, SHOW CBS VIEWERS HOW SOME STRAIGHT, WHITE PEOPLE talk about gays, Asian Americans, and African Americans. Capitalize on the Paula Deen controversy! Hate speech is currently a hot topic in the United States. It would be irresponsible to punt on this issue. What makes Aaryn’s homophobia and racism especially insidious is that it comes packaged in a bright-eyed, pageant-like exterior. I mean, how can somebody so sweet looking spew so much venom? Viewers would have to SEE it to BELIEVE it.

Let’s hope the series’ “expect the unexpected” refrain holds true.


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Offline Will4Pres

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2013, 04:08:23 PM »
This is unbelievable, 
I think CBS will totally side step the controversy, only because they do it every year.
Everyone who watches the live feeds knows there is way more to the story then what plays out on tv.
I remember a few times watching something play out on tv and thinking,. I watched the live feed of that and that isn't even what happened... CBS is the master of editing. 

In reality of the situation.. what can CBS really do about it.
They can't ex-spell someone for offending others...
It will be pretty interesting to watch it play out and I can't wait for tonights ep!

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2013, 05:32:07 PM »
I am not for censoring anybody's speech. It is a reality show and this is the reality of how some people act in this world. We were all taught about stick and stones as children, besides the racial slurs are just shining a glaring spotlight on the idiots.  The nasty sexual comments are also warning every decent woman off these guys for life. 

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2013, 10:31:34 AM »
I am thrilled that Ragan wrote the letter, but am afraid that CBS will just gloss over it all. They are the ones that cast these people, and they won't want that to reflect back on them. Reminds me of Jerry when they made him out to be this sweet old guy in the edit, when he was so NOT!

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2013, 04:28:44 PM »
I am not for censoring anybody's speech. It is a reality show and this is the reality of how some people act in this world. We were all taught about stick and stones as children, besides the racial slurs are just shining a glaring spotlight on the idiots.  The nasty sexual comments are also warning every decent woman off these guys for life. 

I get what you are saying. What I wish is that when the show is shown on air that they wouldn't edit the person that we see on the feeds.

I agree Bandit. I called him the Old Geezer all the time and actually forgot his real name.  :crazy:
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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2013, 06:19:52 PM »
I see this story made front page on AOL....  of course it could be Alison Grodners idea to drum up publicity,...  because what people see when they tune in wiont be what they are really saying in the house

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2013, 07:10:22 PM »
So I throw on after dark last night... (4:20am ish) and not 20 seconds of tuning in.. they dropped another racial slur

There was a few people up in HOH and they were passing around that bandanna ball thing and playing a game.. Im not even sure what the game was because like i said i literally tuned in 20 seconds before hand and they said something like you have to say a K word  and someone spews out K*KE and they all laugh

I couldnt believe it.. so I turned it off and went to bed.. not sure if ill even watch this year. Watching people make race comments all season isnt my idea of good tv

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2013, 10:39:58 PM »
it's all over the place. i will just post the links and not the whole story

Was just getting on here to post the huffington post link. I  see you beat me to it  :yess: :wohoo: I am so very, very happy to see that the media picked this up and ran with it. If nothing else maybe it will create conversations in households that need to have them!

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2013, 02:41:29 AM »
Were the 'Big Brother 15' houseguests warned about racial slurs?

By Andrea Reiher

The ugly comments that the "Big Brother 15" houseguests have been making against women, racial minorities and gays have been well-documented lately -- so, do the producers warn the hamsters about making them? Don't keep reading if you don't want to be spoiled about the live feeds, though sign up for the live feeds and follow along for yourself.

Sunday evening (June 30) at 7:27 p.m. PT, somebody in the backyard starts using the "Big Brother" public address system voice and goes, "Houseguests, just a reminder" -- and Amanda butts in and goes, "Do not make racial slurs against other houseguests."

Then Spencer says to her, "Do you want to scream that out a little louder?"

So, were the houseguests warned with the feeds turned out not to make racial slurs? We wonder if production told them how some of them are coming across? And was it just racial slurs, or was it other stuff too?

Of course, if they were warned, it didn't manage to permeate the "Blondtourage," as Nick calls them, because not 20 minutes later, Aaryn and GinaMarie had the following exchange:

GM: "Candice is definitely on the dark side [of the house] because she's already dark."
Aaryn: "Be careful what you say in the dark, might not be able to see the b****."


Meanwhile, Jeremy proves more and more he's just a big dumb oaf, as last night he took the alcohol the houseguests were given and shared it with his alliance, despite everyone agreeing to wait until the Have Nots could drink at midnight. Then he started yelling at everyone, seemingly for no reason. He also said during his tirade that he's Cherokee -- "We slide heads, we scalp people."

We're sure the Cherokee nation thanks you for that.

Seriously, if Kaitlin is telling you to cool it because you're sabotaging yourself, then you know you're doing something wrong, Jeremy.

We really hope David, Aaryn, Jeremy, Kaitlin and GinaMarie are the first five people evicted, they are the worst. Well, David's actually not that bad, but he's totally going home this week, so.

"Big Brother" airs Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights at on CBS. 

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2013, 07:31:50 PM »
Well we made it!! TMZ!!

CBS & 'BIG BROTHER'  We're OFFENDED By  Our Racist Houseguests

The honchos at CBS tell TMZ ... they were certainly OFFENDED by several racist and homophobic comments made by the current "Big Brother" houseguests ... but hey, that's live programming for ya.

The houseguests have been under fire from what appears to be the ENTIRE INTERNET over the following comments:

-- GinaMarie referred to welfare as “n**ger insurance”
-- Aaryn called gay contestant Andy a "queer."
-- Spencer referred to Andy as “Kermit the F**" ... and praised Hitler as a gifted speaker.

CBS has released a statement to TMZ ... saying, "We certainly find the statements made by several of the Houseguests on the live Internet feed to be offensive."

However, The Eye points out that 24/7 live programming can sometimes reveal some bad things about people ... saying, "At times, the Houseguests reveal prejudices and other beliefs that we do not condone."

There have been rumors that Big Brother will be 86ing some of the offensive cast members -- but it certainly doesn't appear that's gonna happen.

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2013, 08:08:48 PM »
I cannot believe the racist language. I haven't heard or seen the word K*ke used in years! And NEVER from anyone I ever knew. Where does this come from?

Violent hatred, I don't understand Jeremy talking about holding "her" under water, putting on concrete boots. Utter hatred for Ellise. Why? He doesn't even know her..  There have been many more comments by Jeremy, talking about having sex with his friends mother the night before he entered the house, talking about sex with other races.. he is a vile, disgusting person at 23. What will he be like in a few more years?

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2013, 09:03:40 PM »
 don't yell at my reply!! :hides:

He'll be someone's BIOTCH in prison! :lol3:

I cannot believe the racist language. I haven't heard or seen the word K*ke used in years! And NEVER from anyone I ever knew. Where does this come from?

Violent hatred, I don't understand Jeremy talking about holding "her" under water, putting on concrete boots. Utter hatred for Ellise. Why? He doesn't even know her..  There have been many more comments by Jeremy, talking about having sex with his friends mother the night before he entered the house, talking about sex with other races.. he is a vile, disgusting person at 23. What will he be like in a few more years?

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2013, 09:39:31 PM »
More reasons to hate Jeremy. :)

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2013, 10:40:35 PM »
Not only did we make to TMZ, we made to

Aaryn Gries, Big Brother Contestant, Sparks Racist & Homophobic Controversy!

Or at least Aaryn did...

Anyone who watches the Big Brother's live feed knows that cast member Aaryn Gries makes Paula Deen look like Mother Theresa.

We're speechless. In the first week of Big Brother's 15th season alone, Aaryn has called another cast member a "queer," she's used several slurs against an Asian contestant behind her back saying that she should "go make some rice," and that "she is the first Asian I know that doesn't do nails," and regarding one of the African American contestants, Aaryn advised another housemate saying, "watch what you say in the dark, you might not see the b*tch."

Who is this girl, Mel Gibson and Michael Richards' love child?

And all of Aaryn's controversial live feed footage is being edited out by CBS, who's clearly trying to make her likeable by focusing instead on a potential showmance!

WTF? CBS, you can't allow such racism and bigotry to go unchecked. By keeping her on the show, you're practically giving her your blessing and support to continue to be a racist homophobe, and confirming that she's the type of person you'd like to see win the competition. GUH-ROSS!

No wonder people are already petitioning for her to get off the show.

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2013, 11:16:17 PM »
I have a feeling Aaryn or Jeremy might be expelled this season rather than evicted. :conf: Apparently, 75% of all Texans are racist, inappropriate, or rude considering solely from BB15, but that doesn't mean my "hamster study" is true. Grodner (not CBS) better step up again like how Elise Doganieri dealt with The Amazing Race 22's Vietnam contro.
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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2013, 08:09:53 AM »
Here it is folks!! the results of Aaryn's action inside the house won't hit her till she is outside the house!

Zephyr Talent
6 hours ago near Austin, TX ·

Aaryn, season 15 cast member of Big Brother, revealed prejudices and other beliefs that we (Zephyr Talent) do not condone. We certainly find the statements made by Aaryn on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Any views or opinions expressed in personal commentary by Aaryn, either on any live feed from the House or during the broadcast, are hers alone and do not represent the views or opinions of Zephyr Talent. Upon much consideration, we have decided to release Aaryn from her contract with Zephyr Talent.
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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2013, 08:16:03 AM »
 here's the Petition to get Aaryn expelled from the show. make sure to read the comments

Petitioning CBS
CBS Television Network: To expel current contestant of Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries

Gries has made racist and homophobic comments since she entered the Big Brother house. Racism and Homophobia shouldn't be allowed while competing in a TV show that streams live 24 hours a day.

Here are some of the racist and homophobic comments Aaryn Gries has made on Big Brother 15:

-- "They (referring to two African-american contestants) are going to stick together because of the black thing"

-- "Learn how to talk, it's asked, not aksed," while talking to another African-american contestant.

-- "Shut up and go and make some rice," referring to an Asian contestant

-- "He could get MVP (a privilege given by viewers to the favorite contestant every week) because everyone loves the queers," referring to a gay contestant

-- "She is the first Asian I know who doesn't do nails," referring to an Asian contestant.

CBS Television Network and the production of Big Brother must take swift action to condemn Aaryn's remarks, and Aaryn must be expelled. These steps are necessary for both Aaryn and the station to prove they can be trusted to report objectively on issues that impact the human rights and LGBT community.

CBS, Complaints Department
Chris Ender, Executive Vice President, Communications
Ed Harrison, Director, Press Information
Dana McClintock, Executive Vice President, Communications
Endemol, Producer
Robyn Kass, Casting Director
Sienna Sanders, Manager, Publicity
Mitch Graham, Director Publicity
To expel current contestant of Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries

A group of us have been alerted to the fact that the Big Brother contestant, Aaryn Gries has made several racist and homophobic comments. Although CBS will most likely edit these images to avoid these comments on public television, Big Brother streams live 24 hours for those fans who subscribe to this service.

These are some of the...
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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2013, 08:49:05 AM »
'BIG BROTHER' AARYN Dropped By Modeling Agcy.Over Offensive Comments

Aaryn Gries -- the Paula Deen of the "Big Brother" house -- has been dropped by her modeling agency after dropping racist and homophobic comments in the BB house ... TMZ has learned.

Gries has been under fire for referring to a gay houseguest as a "queer" ... AND for telling an Asian-American houseguest to "shut up and go and make some rice" ... AND for saying racist stuff about black people.

When referring to a black contestant, Aaryn said "Be careful what you say in the dark, you might not be able to see that b*tch."

Now, Zephyr Talent in Austin, Texas says they've seen enough -- and have decided to DROP Aaryn from the agency because of her filthy mouth.

"Aaryn, season 15 cast member of Big Brother, revealed prejudices and other beliefs that we (Zephyr Talent) do not condone."

Zephyr continues, " We certainly find the statements made by Aaryn on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Upon much consideration, we have decided to release Aaryn from her contract with Zephyr Talent."

Obviously, Aaryn cannot be reached for comment -- 'cause she's still in the BB house ... with all of those people she hat

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2013, 09:41:14 AM »
Big Brother Contestant Aaryn Fired From Modeling Agency for Offensive Comments

Big Brother contestant Aaryn Gries has been fired from her modeling agency for offensive comments she made on the show, TMZ reports.

Gries, 22, has been seen and heard multiple times on the show's after-hours live feed making both homophobic and racist remarks -- calling a gay houseguest "queer," telling Asian-American Helen to "shut up and go make some rice," and saying, "Be careful what you say in the dark, you might not be able to see that b----," in reference to African-American contestant Candice.

Big Brother Exclusive: Take a look at the new have-not room

"Aaryn, season 15 cast member of Big Brother, revealed prejudices and other beliefs that we (Zephyr Talent) do not condone," the agency said in a statement to TMZ. "We certainly find the statements made by Aaryn on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Upon much consideration, we have decided to release Aaryn from her contract with Zephyr Talent."

An email to CBS and Zephyr were not immediately returned.

Big Brother: Meet the new houseguests!

This isn't the first time a houseguest has been under fire for comments he or she has made. In Season 9, eventual winner Adam Jasinski was fired from the United Autism Foundation for calling the children "retards."

Do you agree with Zephyr's decision to ax Aaryn?

(Full disclosure: is owned by CBS.)
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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2013, 10:29:46 AM »
I think all this controversy over what people say inside the house is only going to bring one outcome, the live feeds will disappear and so will After Dark.  We have to realize that we cannot censor everyone all the time.  People say hurtful things about how people look, act, etc... We need to just consider the source and move on.  I doubt that there are very few saints out there that have never said something they shouldn't have.  Many of these people are very young and have much to learn.

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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2013, 10:53:28 AM »
Northenlite: I don't think they will disappear.  :<3  We've had other events happen and they kept the show going. Evel Dick was probably one of the more controversial HGs, particularly towards Jen, but he also won. (I enjoyed updating ED.. puddin made me a smiley just for him. :dick  :funny: He was potty mouthed but he always had a reason for what he was doing.)

I think it was season 2 when one of the HGs had to be removed by security because production was afraid he would kill one of the women on the show.

One of the worst offenders was Adam the winner of Season 9 who called autistic children retards, that caused a HUGE controversy. (We call Season 9 "The Season That Shall Not Be Mentioned.") He and Ryan and several other of the guys openly talked about the drugs they used and Adam subsequently went to jail for attempting to sell drugs.

There are other instances too but I try not to remember them. LOL
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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2013, 11:03:14 AM »
I have a feeling Aaryn or Jeremy might be expelled this season rather than evicted. :conf: Apparently, 75% of all Texans are racist, inappropriate, or rude considering solely from BB15, but that doesn't mean my "hamster study" is true. Grodner (not CBS) better step up again like how Elise Doganieri dealt with The Amazing Race 22's Vietnam contro.

Texans are pretty broad minded. I don't know anyone who talks like Aaryn and Jeremy or uses the asinine language they use. They don't run in my circle that's for certain. Aaryn would not be welcome using the language she does in the clubs on 6th Street in Austin. Austin is a very liberal city.

My husband is part Cherokee, he doesn't talk about scalping people, getting a teepee or getting revenge and none of his brothers do either. Talk about STUPID!
Jeremy using the excuse, 'I'm just an immature young boy at 23.' doesn't hack it for me.
Production forced Jeremy to apologize to Ellisa and we probably won't hear anything more about this particular incident but Jeremy is a loose cannon and Aaryn knows how to push his buttons. I don't think he would have used Elissa's hat as he did if Aaryn hadn't been boohooing about how badly she was being treated. (Professional victim that she is. IMO)
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Re: It's getting ugly out there!
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2013, 11:06:20 AM »
I hope you are right TexasLady. Big Brother is my guilty pleasure that I look forward to every year and I love After Dark although it was much better on Showtime. I think the consequences of these kids actions are going to hurt them more and for longer  than their words have hurt the people they've offended. I see a horrible trend in this country towards censoring everything and everyone and it scares me. I don't want to live in a country that dictates how everyone speaks and acts. Scary!!  :pray: