And we're back....
The move to blindside Kaitlin is in full force
But who stays and who goes, is all about who keeps a secret
Helen talking to Amanda about the Judd alliance
Elissa goes to Kaitlin and asks if she made a alliance with Spencer & Howard
Kaitlin - this whole week I think I've been safe. Now elissa tells me i'm not
Aaryn - overheard the convo. She needs to pull Helen aside and talk to her
Aaryn goes to Helen in the cockpit
And tells her Elissa just told Kaitlin
Helen goes to find out why Elissa is doing that
Kaitlin goes outside to Howard & SPencer
Kaitlin tells them what Elissa just said
Spencer says they will pay it cool
Helen goes to Elissa and calls her out
ELissa says Aaryn doesn't even know what I said to Kaitlin
Aaryn overhead the convo
Elissa Im not stiring anything up
Kaitlin I would confront everybody in a room full of people
Helen - Elissa's personal feels is driving this
Judd is the one who spilled the beans,
but no one is sayin that
Elissa and Aaryn start going toe-to-toe
Elissa get a life
Aaryn I don't get why you hate me so much
I'm sick of being lied about
Howard - our town hall meeting turned into a cat fight. Might be a good idea for Aaryn to go home
Into the LR to discuss
Julie asks Judd about the Grizzy Bear shirt...lucky shirt. Julie says she might wear it next week.
McCrae is told Happy 24th birthday, and asks if we top this celebration. He says no
Flashback to the Foyo Veto Comp....
GM says it was Hot but it was foyo so it was cold
Julie thanks everyone
Coming up Aaryn, Kaitlin or GM...who will be the first female HG to leave