Randy Bailey of Gabon and HvV. I just found him hilarious. People like him just crack me up.
"We've been here 15 minutes and she already wants elephant ****"
"I've come to the conclusion that Gillian is a crazy person"
"Susie's an idiot. Why can't she yawn....and not make a noise?"
"Susie's crazy and Susie's stupid, and that's a horrible combination"
"I'm just gonna make em all miserable, and wait for them to make mistakes when they aren't thinking straight." (You all think Russell is the king and founder of this, right? Nuh-uh. The (self-proclaimed) King of Gabon is!
And the best was this. Background info: The Kota alliance of Bob, Randy, and Corinne are down for the count, as they are outnumbered 5-3. here's Randy's genius plan:
"I'm gonna be crashing and burning all day."
"Making everybody miserable."
"Showing these morons... just putting them in their place."
"Then Bob can give me the idol and we get can rid of one of these ****ers."
And then the punchline:
"If that doesn't work, I will just burn the whole camp down."
So that's my little tribute to Randy. May not be the nicest guy, but boy, he is fun to watch!
Edit: I can't believe I forgot this. the stupidest argument in Survivor history. Him and Matty freaking out about the literally TWO FOOT shot in slingshot golf. They were RIGHT ON TOP OF THE HOLE. yet Randy just has to argue.
"The shot that Matty took, he would make nine times out of ten."
"If everybody would have shut up and listened to what I was saying, I had a shot that would have made it ten times out of ten."
Alright buddy, alright.