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Racing report TAR22, Episode 11 part 2 is on page 2
« on: February 22, 2013, 12:39:58 PM »
[Title placement holder]
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 12:52:27 AM by maf »

Offline maf

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 1
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2013, 12:41:43 PM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 22, Episode 1, "Business in the front, party in the back"
Film date: Nov 13-14 2012

This race starts at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California. The teams come jogging up a path towards the observatory and are:
  • Chuck & Wynona, a cross between redneck and country, married 15 years from Daphne, Alabama
  • Bates & Anthony, brothers and professional hockey players from North Carolina
  • Mona & Beth, roller-derby moms from Colorado
  • Max & Katie, newlyweds from Buffalo, New York
  • Dave & Connor, cancer survivors as well as father and son from Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Jessica & John, dating from Southern California
  • Idries & Jamil, twin OB/GYNs from Chicago, Illinois
  • Pam & Winnie, best friends from Los Angeles, California
  • Joey & Meghan, YouTube hosts from Los Angeles, California
  • Matt & Daniel, best friends and firefighters from Gaffney, South Carolina
  • Caroline & Jennifer, country singers from Nashville, Tennessee[/i]
At the starting line Phil tells the teams that the winners of the first leg will receive two express passes. One for themselves and one they must give to another team (before then end of the 4th leg).

The starting line is on the roof of the observatory and the first clue waits inside one of the sponsored cars in the parking lot. Teams get $20 for this leg of the race.

After a mad dash and some falls teams are in their cars. Here the dashboard video lights up and Phil appear "You are now heading to the tropical paradise of Bora Bora. Drive yourselves to Los Angeles international airport. There are two flights leaving for Bora Bora tonight. Warning, there's only room for five teams on Air Tahiti Nui, which lands one hour ahead of the second flight."

The first flight combination to Bora Bora was probably
 TN101 LAX-PPT 23:54-06:02+1
 VT402 PPT-BOB 09:00-09:50
This carries:
 Chuck & Wynona
 Pam & Winnie
 Idries & Jamil
 Dave & Connor
 Jessica & John

The second flight was probably:
 AF076 LAX-PPT 02:01-06:56
 VT452 PPT-BOB 10:00-10:50
This carries:
 Max & Katie
 Bates & Anthony
 Matt & Daniel
 Caroline & Jennifer
 Joey & Meghan
 Mona & Beth

Choice quotes:
 "We're not afraid of anything", Pam has confidence in herself
 "We're actually delivery men", Jamil has a creative way of describing what he does for a living
 "I our everyday life we don't have any friends. And I don't care", Katie
 "I think you have to play the social game in order to win the race", Max realizes they at least have to pretend to be friendly

While on their layover in Papeete Idries & Jamil propose a pact with the other teams on the first flight. The idea is that if any of them win the express passes they should automatically give the second express pass to the second team in the pact to reach the pit stop. This should eliminate any hurt feelings and other drama. All teams agree to this, and also promise to keep this pact secret.

When teams finally land on Bora Bora there is a mad dash to the next clue box which stands on the beach close to the airport. Teams reach this in the following order:
  1. Pam & Winnie
  2. Idries & Jamil
  3. Jessica & John
  4. Dave & Connor
  5. Chuck & Wynona
And about an hour later
  6. Bates & Anthony
  7. Caroline & Jennifer
  8. Mona & Beth
  9. Max & Katie
 10. Matt & Daniel
 11. Joey & Meghan


Who's ready to take a
giant leap towards a
million bucks?

Contestants must first sign up on one of 6 helicopter flights. They must then perform a tandem skydive from 10.000 feet over Bora Bora. Their partner gets to take a water-taxi to the landing zone.

Teams end up on the following flights:
Flight 1:
 1(+2) John
 2(+0) Jamil

Flight 2:
 3(+1) Connor
 4(-3) Winnie

Flight 3:
 5(+0) Chuck

Flight 4:
 6(+1) Caroline
 7(-1) Anthony

Flight 5:
 8(+2) Matt
 9(+0) Max

Flight 6:
 10(-2) Mona, arrived before Max but wrote her name on the wrong line
 11(+0) Meghan

The view from the air is stunning. We have the deep blue ocean, some cloud puffs and the emerald green islands with their pristine beaches. As for the contestants, nobody have any real problems letting go of the helicopter.

Choice quotes:
 "I have to do the height stuff and the eating stuff, so I got the crap end of the deal", Winnie
 "I love you mom", Connor, as he jumps out of the helicopter
 "Awesomest feeling I've ever had", Chuck enjoyed the jump

Teams complete this roadblock in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock)
1(+0)Jessica & John*     (0-1)
2(+0)Idries & Jamil*     (0-1)
?    Dave & Connor*      (0-1)
?    Pam & Winnie*       (0-1)
?    Chuck* & Wynona     (1-0)
?    Bates & Anthony*    (0-1)
?    Caroline* & Jennifer(1-0)
?    Matt* & Daniel      (1-0)
?    Max* & Katie        (1-0)
?    Mona* & Beth        (1-0)
?    Joey & Meghan*      (0-1)

As they land they are given their next clue:


Travel by water taxi to
Eden Beach on Motu Piti
A'au. Once there, follow
the marked path along
the shore until you find
your next clue.

Note: Place your
passport, jewelry, and
the contents of your
pockets into your
personal bags. Hook
your Race bag on your
personal bag and leave it
on your water taxi

At Eden beach teams easily find their next clue in a plastic bucket on a big sandcastle. That is all teams except Chuck & Wynona who miss this and instead start searching a nearby shed. All in plain view of, and to the amusement of, the teams doing the roadblock. Eventually Chuck spots the real clues and they can join the others.

Teams arrive in the following order:
  1(+0) Jessica & John
  2(+0) Idries & Jamil
  3(+0) Dave & Connor
  4(+0) Pam & Winnie
  5(+0) Chuck & Wynona
  6(+1) Bates & Anthony
  7(-1) Caroline & Jennifer
  8(+0) Matt & Daniel
  9(+0) Max & Katie
 10(+1) Joey & Meghan
 11(-1) Mona & Beth


Who wants to play in the

If you did the previous
Road Block, your
partner MUST do this

The extra information reads:
Search beneath
hundreds of sand castles
for your next clue.

Note: You MUST rebuild
and replace any sand
castle you have
destroyed before moving
on to another.

There are 400 sand castles to search. The catch is that it is very hot in the scorching sun, and the rebuilding is time-consuming. Another catch is that the clue is actually buried beneath the sand castle so they have to dig a bit down as well, not all teams notice this when they read their clue.

This task is grueling. It is really hot and for some contestants it takes up to 5 minutes to search and rebuild one sand castle.

I am not sure if the local guy who walks around playing an ukulele helps or just adds to the gruesomeness of the task. The dog peeing on one of the sand castles does not help though.

Choice quotes:
 "It was like opening a Christmas present which was empty, and then having to wrap it back up again", Jessica
 "I need wetter sand. Rebuilding these sons of a bitches is hard", Pam
 "It's hotter than Hades out here", Jamil
 "Where are my kids when I need them?", Wynona
 "I haven't lost my touch to", Bates makes his first sand castle

 "How many times have we watched the show and you said you wanted to go to that nice beautiful beach", Chuck to his wife
 "I didn't want to go there and build sand castles. I thought they'd have a lounge chair and a vodka and 7upsen for me", Wynona had unrealistic expectations

 "Mentally he's kind of fragile", Jamil thinks his brother is about to snap

 "I love playing in the sand", Joey arrive at the sand castles
 "Yea, you think you love playing in the sane. Give it three hours...", Idries know how fun it is

 "This is where being a mom comes in handy", Beth has experience building sand castles

As teams find clues and leave the remaining teams have a harder time to find the fewer remaining clues.

After having spent more than 3 hours digging in the sand under the scorching sand the three remaining teams have had enough. They all agree to quit the task and take the 4h penalty.

 "I know Matt and I can win this canoe race. I mean we canoe all the time", Daniel is confident

Teams complete this roadblock in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock)
1(+0)Jessica* & John     (1-1)
2(+4)Bates* & Anthony    (1-1)
3(+0)Dave* & Connor      (1-1)
4(+7)Mona & Beth*        (1-1)
5(-1)Pam* & Winnie       (1-1)
6(+4)Joey* & Meghan      (1-1)
7(-5)Idries* & Jamil     (1-1)
8(-3)Chuck & Wynona*     (1-1)
DNFMax & Katie*        (1-1)
DNFMatt & Daniel*      (1-1)
DNFCaroline & Jennifer*(1-1)


Make your way down the
beach and assemble a
Va'a. Then, paddle down
the shoreline until you
see Phil and your first Pit
Stop - the Motu Cafe.

Warning!! The last
Team to check-in may
be eliminated.

Team must now run 50 yards down the beach and attach the outrigger to an outrigger canoe. Once their canoe is ship-shape they must paddle it over a mile to the pit stop. A local will join then in the canoe and handle the steering.

Assembling the canoe is fairly easy, just latch the parts together, there is basically just one way to do it.

The hard part is handling the canoe the water. The float is on the left side, but the canoe will easily tip over if you lean just a little to the right.

The trip across the lagoon looks awesome. This place really looks like a tropical paradise.

 "We're from the inner city of Chicago, we don't swim", Jamil doesn't feel comfortable about the canoe

Idries & Jamil not only tip over with their canoe. One of their fastenings comes undone, so they have to reassemble their canoe out in the water. Fortunately this is relatively easy to do.

The teams quitting the sand castle task do not have to wait 4 hours. Instead the ukulele guy give them their next clue at once and they are all off in a mad dash towards the canoes. They get their canoes in the water in the following order:
  9(-1) Matt & Daniel
 10(-1) Max & Katie
 11(-4) Caroline & Jennifer

They are not far apart so it's gonna be a tense race. Matt & Daniel tip over immediately when they sit down in their canoe so they fall behind the others. But once they get going they start gaining on the other teams. But then they tip over again, this time in deeper water. This time it is harder to get the water out of the canoe and to get back into it. By the time they are back up in the canoe the other teams are way ahead.

Teams reach Phil and the mat in the following order:
  1(+0) Jessica & John, win the two express passes
  2(+0) Bates & Anthony
  3(+0) Dave & Connor
  4(+1) Pam & Winnie
  5(-1) Mona & Beth, just after #4
  6(+0) Joey & Meghan
  7(+1) Chuck & Wynona
  8(-1) Idries & Jamil
  9(+1) Max & Katie
 10(+1) Caroline & Jennifer
 11(-2) Matt & Daniel, are eliminated

At the pit stop John have second thoughts about their alliance "We agreed we're gonna give the express pass to the second team of our alliance to cross the finish line. And although we want to stay true to our word, but at the same time we want to play the game smart. We don't want to just hand over advantages to other teams, so we'll see how things play out", I.e. he wants to eat the cake but still keep it.

According to the rules of the alliance the second express pass should go to Dave & Connor.

 "It's business in the front and party in the back", Chuck gets the title while describing his hair to Phil

Max & Katie and Caroline & Jennifer will have a 4h longer pit stop than the other teams since they quit the last road block.

 "And we get beat canoeing by two blond girls, I'm sure we're never gonna hear the end of this at the firehouse", Daniel

Note, edited to fix flight departure times and that it is of course Chuck who has the wonderful mullet and gets the title quote.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 02:52:44 AM by maf »

Offline Chateau d If

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 1
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 09:52:16 AM »

Wow!  Love it

Joey ?  (for the title)   

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 1
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2013, 12:03:20 PM »
Chuck for the title, the mullet from the 70's!

What do the (+/-) mean please?
Flight 1:
 1(+2) John
 2(+0) Jamil

Flight 2:
 3(+1) Connor
 4(-3) Winnie

And I agree, totally awesome!! :hearts:
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Offline RaceUntilWeDie

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 1
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2013, 12:18:16 PM »
Chuck for the title, the mullet from the 70's!

What do the (+/-) mean please?
Flight 1:
 1(+2) John
 2(+0) Jamil

Flight 2:
 3(+1) Connor
 4(-3) Winnie

And I agree, totally awesome!! :hearts:

It means that John caught up 2 positions (they were 3rd to rip open the Roadblock clue but 1st to sign up for the Flight, which is obviously Flight 1.)

And it should be self-explanatory for the rest of the placements :tup:

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 1
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2013, 12:46:29 PM »
Oh okay...thanks!
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Offline Declive

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 1
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2013, 01:53:21 AM »
These are back!!!  :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
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Offline redskevin88

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 1
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2013, 01:57:53 AM »
I believe Chuck gets the title quote, but other than that, good work!

Offline maf

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 1
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2013, 11:57:01 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 22, Episode 2, "Loose lips sink ships"
Film date: probably Nov 15 2012

Teams are released from the pit stop at the Motu Cafe. At least that is what we are told. In reality teams are released on a jetty by the Hilton hotel. We are only shown a few team departures. Teams should have been released in the following order.
Note that the last two teams had 4 extra hours added to their pit stop since they gave up on a roadblock in the previous leg.

1.Jessica & John     02:56
2.Bates & Anthony    ?
3.Dave & Connor      ?
4.Pam & Winnie       ?
5.Mona & Beth        ?
6.Joey & Meghan      ?
7.Chuck & Wynona     ?
8.Idries & Jamil     ?
9.Max & Katie        09:14(+06:18)
10.Caroline & Jennifer09"15(+06:19)

Route info: "Make your way by water taxi to Moto Toopua Nui". Teams must now travel by water taxi to the Hilton Bora Bora. Here they must search the grounds for the wedding chapel where they'll receive a blessing from a local priest. The water taxis begin operation at 07:30.

This is a very contrived hours of operations point since they in fact already are on Moto Toopua Nui. They will have to wait for a water taxi which will take them one lap around the island and deliver them them to a jetty on the other side of the hotel.

The first 8 teams are all released in time for the first departure. Dave & Connor take Jessica & John to the side and ask if they are going to honor the alliance. John says they will, but stresses that they must keep the alliance secret. He wants the other teams to suck up to him.

Choice quotes:
 "First rule in the alliance is the fact that it doesn't exist. And if we find out that one of the six teams that's not part of it all of a sudden becomes aware of it. Then the whole alliance falls apart. Loose lips sinks ships.", John invents reasons to not honor the alliance (and gets the title)
 "Honestly I think that condition of 'if anybody fins out' is ridiculous", Connor sees through the bull****
 "I don't really wanna suck up, that's against my nature", Mona sets standards for herself

At 07:30 the boats arrive to take the teams on a lap around the island. Once back on land teams rush to find the wedding chapel and the priest. This turns out to be up on a small hill so teams are quite winded when they reach him. They receive their blessing in the following order:
  1. Dave & Connor
  2. Jessica & John
  3. Bates & Anthony
  4. Joey & Meghan
  5. Mona & Beth
  6. Pam & Winnie
  7. Idries & Jamil
  8. Chuck & Wynona
  9. Max & Katie
 10. Caroline & Jennifer

Choice quotes:
 "Sorry you got a sucky partner", Wynona is sorry she can't run up the hill


Detour: 'Pick A Pearl' or 'Take
A Trunk'

Pick A Pearl: At a pearl farm in
Povai Bay, dive to retrieve
lines of oyster shells from a
main line. Then bring the
oyster shells to the surface and
open them up until you find two
red pearls.

Take A Trunk: Walk along the
ocean floor of Poval Bay and
search for a sunken chest.
Then unpack and set up the
contents of the chest to receive
your next clue.

Note: Only six teams can
perform this Detour at one
time. First come, first served

Pick a pearl is pretty straightforward as long as you're not deadly afraid of open water.

In take a trunk teams get to wear special dive helmets which provide air to them. The trunks are easy to find since they are just sitting in a pile next to the ladder teams descend on. They turn out to contain a complete picnic kit which teams must unpack and set up next to an umbrella on the sea floor. Once they are done a waiter, a diver wearing a tux, will come with their next clue.

For both detours teams must pick up a set of water-shoes and snorkeling gear before heading down from the priest. Dave & Connor forget this and doesn't realize until they are out in the boat arriving at the diving site. They have to go back and fetch their things before they can get into the water. This costs them a lot of time.

The water at the diving site is crystal clear and the diving looks wonderful.

Choice quotes:
 "We're currently in first place, so it feels good", Connor haven't realized they have forgotten to pick up their gear yet
 "Even without brains, two are better than one", Bates
 "It was the coolest thing ever", Beth enjoyed the detour

Joey & Meghan come up with a good system where he fetches the oysters and she opens them in the boat.

Winnie & Pam did not feel comfortable with the ocean, but they did
the detour with too much complaining.
 "I can barely keep afloat, i was so worried feeling like the ocean was just gonna swallow me whole", Pam

Max & Katie and Caroline & Jennifer are almost 2 ours behind the other teams so at the priest they decide to work together and pick the trunk detour. They both know that they are fighting for their survival.

But the alliance quickly falls apart when they reach the boats.
 "They want to throw us under the bus as fast as they can. And we wanna do the same", Max is refreshingly honest

 "I was hyperventilating a little bit", Max was not comfortable wearing the dive helmet
 "I wasn't panicking at all. I was like looking for Nemo", Katie was more relaxed

The ones really struggling at this detour are Idries & Jamil. They are petrified by the water so they are having a very hard time. Jamil even wants to take the penalty.
 "Know our limitation and let's go", Jamil wants to give up and not waste time
 "This water is deep as hell', Jamil is not comfortable in the about 4-6m deep water
 "I'm telling you, it's not gonna be comfortable but we can do it[/i", Idries
Eventually Idries wins out and they start picking up shells. Even though the rescue divers must come in at least once and lend some help. Unfortunately they pick the shells up one by one instead of untying the line they are fastened on. In the process they drop a few oysters. This is very unfortunate because when they have picked all their oysters, long after all other teams have left, they still only have one pearl. They decide to switch detour and make quick work of the trunk side.
 "Life lesson for the kids is never give up", Idries

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
  1(+3) Joey & Meghan, pearl
  2(+0) Jessica & John, pearl
  3(+0) Bates & Anthony, pearl
  4(-3) Dave & Connor, pearl, not long after #1
  5(+0) Mona & Beth, trunk
  6(+2) Chuck & Wynona, pearl
  7(-1) Pam & Winnie, pearl
  8(+1) Max & Katie, trunk
  9(+1) Caroline & Jennifer, trunk
 10(-3) Idries & Jamil, pearl, switched to trunk

Route info: "Make your way by personal watercraft to Motu Tapu". Teams must now swim over to a jet ski. They must then use a local map to guide themselves to Motu Tapu.

 "It was an epic ride. I seriously felt like we were in a movie escaping from the bad guys", Joey

The only team having trouble finding Motu Tapu were Pam & Winnie. They on the other hand got lost big time and waste a lot of time before they finally find it.
 "We're both not very comfortable on the ocean", Winnie
 "We wasted so much time. We really let the ocean get the best of us", Pam

Motu Tapu is a really small island where production has arranged for a local band and dancers to create a festive atmosphere. Teams find their next clue in a clue-box on the beach in the following order:
  1(+0) Joey & Meghan
  2(+0) Jessica & John
  3(+1) Dave & Connor
  4(-1) Bates & Anthony
  5(+0) Mona & Beth
  6(+0) Chuck & Wynona
  7(+0) Pam & Winnie
  8(+0) Max & Katie
  9(+0) Caroline & Jennifer, a few seconds after #8
 10(+0) Idries & Jamil, long after the others


Who's a well-balanced

In this road block contestants must walk on stilts and kick a coconut across a 35 yards wide field on the beach. If they fall down they must start over from the edge, but they can leave their coconut where it is. "Once their nut rolls over the line they can make their way to the pit stop[\i]" Phil says.

Max & Katie and Caroline & Jennifer catch up to Pam & Winnie at this road block so for a while there are three teams which all realize they may be fighting to avoid last.

Choice quotes:
 "This is really hard", Joey learns that walking on stilts is harder than it looks
 "Just like wearing heels", Pam, who still struggles
 "I grew up doing gymnastics, cheerleading and all that", Caroline had no problems with this
 "Caroline just kicked his ass, so that's pretty embarrassing for him", Katie is not happy at the road block

 "It might sound cheesy but it helps to see her and think 'I have got to get this done'", Max sees Katie at the other end of the field
 "Or I'll kill you", Katie fills in

 "They just beat us and that's really embarrassing", Winnie about Pam getting beaten by Max

In the end two of the local dancing guys wait by the finish line to motivate Pam.

Teams complete this roadblock in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock)
1(+3)Bates & Anthony*    (1-2)
2(+1)Dave & Connor*      (1-2)
3(-1)Jessica* & John     (2-1)
4(+2)Chuck* & Wynona     (2-1)
5(-4)Joey* & Meghan      (2-1)
6(-1)Mona & Beth*        (1-2)
7(+2)Caroline* & Jennifer(2-1)
8(+0)Max* & Katie        (2-1)
9(-2)Pam* & Winnie       (2-1)
10(+0)Idries & Jamil*     (1-2)

The pit stop is somewhere on the island. It should not be hard to find since the island is really small. There are multiple footraces to reach Phil before other teams.

The first footrace is for 1st place. In this Dave ruptures his achilles tendon (at least that is his own diagnosis as it happens).
 "I can't walk, I'd like to see a physician to determine if I can keep going", Dave
The second footrace is between Chuck & Wynona and Joey & Meghan.

Teams reach Phil in the following order:
  1(+0) Bates & Anthony, win a trip to London
  2(+0) Dave & Connor, a few seconds after #1
  3(+0) Jessica & John
  4(+1) Joey & Meghan
  5(-1) Chuck & Wynona
  6(+0) Mona & Beth
  7(+0) Caroline & Jennifer
  8(+0) Max & Katie
  9(+0) Pam & Winnie
 10(+0) Idries & Jamil

 "We gave it our best effort. We didn't achieve our goal but we gave it our best effort. And I think that once the sting wears off we'll be able to rest easy with that", Idries

Note, fixed Pam & Winnies decline at the road block
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 01:28:42 PM by maf »

Offline Declive

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2013, 11:59:03 AM »
maf , Pam and Winnie should have a -2 in the roadblock.
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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2013, 06:42:51 PM »
Thanks Maf!!
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Offline Chateau d If

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2013, 01:12:20 AM »

You have $1 for this leg of the race!

Offline Declive

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2013, 02:06:53 AM »
I wonder why they gave money for the Bora-Bora leg...even being 1 dollar.
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Offline Chateau d If

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2013, 02:20:53 AM »
A fee for the blessing      ???

Offline Plaidmoon

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2013, 05:41:50 AM »

A tip for the nice waiter that brought your clue?   

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2013, 06:39:24 AM »
Has there been any leg with "You have no money for this leg of the Race"? That could be the answer. I recall lots of $1 Pitstart clues, but am not sure about giving nothing at all.

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2013, 10:45:17 AM »
Has there been any leg with "You have no money for this leg of the Race"? That could be the answer. I recall lots of $1 Pitstart clues, but am not sure about giving nothing at all.

We had " You have ZERO Dollars for this leg of the race"
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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2013, 04:24:07 AM »
Has there been any leg with "You have no money for this leg of the Race"? That could be the answer. I recall lots of $1 Pitstart clues, but am not sure about giving nothing at all.

We had " You have ZERO Dollars for this leg of the race"


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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2013, 09:54:35 AM »
Has there been any leg with "You have no money for this leg of the Race"? That could be the answer. I recall lots of $1 Pitstart clues, but am not sure about giving nothing at all.

We had " You have ZERO Dollars for this leg of the race"


Some final leg or 11th leg...i just can't remember what and when
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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2013, 06:39:18 PM »
Has there been any leg with "You have no money for this leg of the Race"? That could be the answer. I recall lots of $1 Pitstart clues, but am not sure about giving nothing at all.

We had " You have ZERO Dollars for this leg of the race"


Some final leg or 11th leg...i just can't remember what and when

That would probably be the legs where the last team received zero dollars - the old non-elimination penalty.
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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2013, 09:11:57 PM »
Has there been any leg with "You have no money for this leg of the Race"? That could be the answer. I recall lots of $1 Pitstart clues, but am not sure about giving nothing at all.

We had " You have ZERO Dollars for this leg of the race"


Season 10, Leg 3: Mongolia to Vietnam
Also happend sometime in Season 1 and Season 15.

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 2 is on page 1
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2013, 08:12:14 AM »
Has there been any leg with "You have no money for this leg of the Race"? That could be the answer. I recall lots of $1 Pitstart clues, but am not sure about giving nothing at all.

We had " You have ZERO Dollars for this leg of the race"


Some final leg or 11th leg...i just can't remember what and when

That would probably be the legs where the last team received zero dollars - the old non-elimination penalty.


The NELs would not count under my definition of "received 0 dollars." Only the last team from the prior leg of NEL would get 0 dollars starting the following leg. All other teams got a normal amount.

Offline maf

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 3
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2013, 04:22:22 PM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 22, Episode 3, "Like James Bond again"
Film date: Nov 16-19 2012

This episode starts with Dave, the father in the Dave & Connor team, getting his foot examined by a local doctor on Bora Bora. The verdict is that he needs a Sonogram from a doctor in Papeete. In the meantime he is given crutches.
 "It's not over until it's over. We're not quitters and we're not gonna quit", Dave is determined to try to continue

The last pit stop was on Moto Tapu. And according to interviews teams spent the night there. But the next morning teams are again released from the Hilton Bora Bora in the following order:
1.Bates & Anthony    08:54
2.Dave & Connor      08:55(+0:01)
3.Jessica & John     08:56(+0:02)
4.Joey & Meghan      09:00(+0:06)
5.Chuck & Wynona     09:01(+0:07)
6.Mona & Beth        09:06(+0:12)
7.Caroline & Jennifer10:49(+1:55)
8.Max & Katie        11:08(+2:14)
9.Pam & Winnie       11:48(+2:54)

Route info: "Make your way to Phil's home town Christchurch, New Zealand". Once teams arrive they must self drive to Rakaia River Gorge. This long trip starts with a taxi-boat ride to the Bora Bora airport. Here teams end up on different flights to Papeete.

At this time we learn that John will honor his word and give the second express pass to Dave & Connor. He feels they won't be as competitive since Dave is injured and ultimately John  wants to beat the hockey players.

 "Furthest place we've been out of the country is probably Niagara Falls", Wynona

 "Shall I slow these guys down?", John tries to distract the hockey brothers to make them miss the flight
 "They're definitely the shadiest team in this whole thing", but the hockey players see right through him

 "Now is the time to hand over the express pass then", John learns that Dave will need to see a doctor in Papeete

 "No one is going to be kissing their asses any more", Bates see the express pass handover

 "Today we're gonna strategize and think before we act", Winnie has a new strategy

Flight 1 is
 VT420 BOB-PPT Nov-16 09:40-10:30
and carries
 Bates & Anthony
 Jessica & John

Flight 2 is
 VT268 BOB-PPT Nov-16 11:00-11:50
and carries
 Chuck & Wynona
 Mona & Beth
 Max & Katie
 Dave & Connor
 Joey & Meghan
 Caroline & Jennifer

Flight 3 is
 VT442 BOB-PPT Nov-16 17:55-18:45
and carries
 Pam & Winnie

In Papeete teams rush to the check-in area for international flights. Only to find it closed and deserted. The next flight out is not until the next morning.

 "We've got some time to kill", The hockey players learn that the next flight is in 22 hours
 "Play some cards?", John and Jessica are with them
 "We could've played for the express pass, but it's gone", John, who knows that Bates does know

As the flight is not until the next morning Dave has plenty of time to see a doctor. He learns that his Achilles tendon and the muscle are both torn. They get a plastic cast for his foot and he has already received a pair of crutches. He gets a round of applause from the other teams when they get back to the airport.

At the airport John & Jessica try to build alliances. They see the hockey players as their biggest threat and want alliances to share information regarding travel.

 "This is so ghetto fabulous what we're doing", Caroline & Jennifer fetch cardboard to sleep on for themselves and Bates & Anthony

The next morning all teams get tickets on the flight to Auckland:
 TN101 PPT-AKL Nov-17 08:05-15:25 (landed 2:30 late)

In Auckland there is a mad dash to the ticketing counter for the next flight to Christchurch. Fortunately for teams there are plenty of flights even though many are fairly full. The only ones struggling are Chuck & Wynona who doesn't seem to understand where to go in the airport, so they end up on the last flight.

 "So, where is everybody at", Chuck wonders where the other teams (who have already left) are
 "Uh oh, I think we're screwed", A short while later he realizes they are the only ones left

Flight 1:
 NZ547 AKL-CHC Nov-18 17:06-18:30
 Pam & Winnie

Flight 2:
 NZ543 AKL-CHC Nov-18 17:30-19:01
 Jessica & John
 Mona & Beth
 Dave & Connor
 Joey & Meghan
 Max & Katie

Flight 3:
 NZ557 AKL-CHC Nov-18 18:49-20:14 (took off late and landed 0:24 late)
 Bates & Anthony
 Caroline & Jennifer

Flight 4:
 NZ553 AKL-CHC Nov-18 19:38-21:04
 Chuck & Wynona

In Christchurch teams find their cars and start driving towards the Rakaia river gorge (80km 1:01). Once they arrive at the Discovery Jet boat tours they have to pull a number for the jet boat tours starting the next day at 06:00.

 "This alliance with the boys is actually really helpful because we really like them, we just feel comfortable and safe with them", Jennifer likes the hockey players

 "Don't they say there's more sheep in New Zealand than there is people?", Connor sees lots of sheep
 "It'd be great to get some fresh lamb for dinner", Dave takes the practical approach

 "Lord of the rings style", Joey gets his first glimpse of the gorge

Teams end up with the following numbers:
 1. Dave & Connor
 2. Jessica & John
 3. Joey & Meghan
 4. Max & Katie
 5. Pam & Winnie, got lost on the way
 6. Mona & Beth
 7. Caroline & Jennifer, missed the numbers first but in the end snatched it just before the next team
 8. Bates & Anthony
 9. Chuck & Wynona

Teams will spend the night camping next to the sign. There are tents pitched and wood for a nice fire. The next morning Connor says they will do all they can to win this leg, including using the express pass, since they do not know how much longer they will be able to stay in the race.

Teams get to drive the jet boat themselves, with a 'real' driver behind. The boats seem to depart within a few minutes of each other.

 "Those things are rocket ships on the water. It was a blast", Dave liked driving the boat
 "We're like James Bond again", Meghan gets the title

In the mixed teams we have the men driving the boats, except for Max & Katie where Katie takes control.

Further up the gorge teams encounter a clue box. Next to it is a bunch of ATVs and some helmets. Teams get their clue here in the same order as they left with their boats.

Detour: Rev it up or reel it in.

Teams must start by driving themselves to the detour on the ATV.

In rev it up teams must drive a modified vintage car. Both team members must drive slalom out and back through a set of cones. Their combined time must be under 83 seconds.

In reel it in each team member must use a rod and reel to catch one fish which is at least 12 inches long. This is in a catch and release pond so there is plenty of fish in the water.

Dave & Connor initially went to 'rev it up', but when they realized the cars had manual transmissions they switched since Dave can't use the clutch at the moment.

 "Second gear just sucks", John hasn't yet realized that the parking brake is still on
 "Those fish are pretty dangerous. They might jump up and get you", The judge comments on the fact that Dave keeps his helmet on
 "Chuck's a really good fisherman and I go on the boat a lot. I watch him fish so I'm not like a complete idiot to this", Wynona
 "I quickly realized that changing gears is hard, so we just kept it in one", Caroline
 "Laughable", Max on his performance
 "That was disgusting", Wynona tosses her, approved, fish back in the water

Teams complete the detour in the following order
 1(+0) Dave & Connor, wanted to drive but changed to fish, here they did a quick attempt before using the Express pass
 2(+0) Jessica & John, drive, times: 84, 78
 3(+0) Joey & Meghan, drive, times: 92, 82
 4(+2) Mona & Beth, drive, time: 81
 5(+3) Bates & Anthony, drive, times: ?, ?, 80
 6(-2) Max & Katie, drive, times: 108, ?, 90, ?, ?, 83
 7(-2) Pam & Winnie, drive, times: ?, ?, ?, ?, 80
 8(+1) Chuck & Wynona, fish
 9(-2) Caroline & Jennifer, drive, times: 108, ?, ?, 82


Drive yourselves to
Mount Hutt Station and
search for your next

Teams must first ride their ATV back to the boat and then the boat back to where their cars are parked. Then they must drive themselves to Mt. Hutt Station (4.9km 0:04). The next clue box stands by the station entrance.

 "Hahahah, I hate when I do that", John just entered the left front seat of the car, but the wheel is on the right

Some teams have a hard time finding Mt Hutt Station. Two off them go all the way up on a very foggy Mt Hutt, which is not the right place.

 "Katie and I like to be in control. I'm a warm blooded Italian, she's a cold German and thinks she knows everything", Max
 "It's creepy up here, we might run into an orch", Bates in the fog on Mt Hutt

Teams reach the clue here in the following order:
 1(+0) Dave & Connor
 2(+0) Jessica & John, arrive as #1 leave the task
 3(+4) Pam & Winnie
 4(+4) Chuck & Wynona
 5(+4) Caroline & Jennifer
 6(-3) Joey & Meghan
 7(-3) Mona & Beth
 8(-3) Bates & Anthony
 9(-3) Max & Katie


Who wants to keep their
Race from going to the

In this road block teams must take part in a Shemozzle race. They must dress up in gumboots and shorts as well as a burlap sack. They must then run an obstacle course, together with a sheep dog, where they will be covered in molasses and chicken feathers. The course ends with a big slip-n-slide into a pool. Along the way they must collect chicken eggs. They are done when they have delivered 12 unbroken eggs to the finish line. All teams seem to require three runs through the course to get 12 eggs.

The task seems to take 20 minutes or more.

 "The first obstacle was the box. It was disgusting", Connor
 "Jen, you are just leaving Beverly Hills behind today", Caroline refers to the fact the Jennifer, who is less than glamorous at the moment, grew up in Beverly Hills

Teams complete this roadblock in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock)
1(+0)Dave & Connor*      (1-3)At 08:52
2(+0)Jessica & John*     (2-2)
3(+0)Pam & Winnie*       (2-2)
4(+1)Caroline & Jennifer*(2-2)
?Chuck* & Wynona     (3-1)
?Joey & Meghan*      (2-2)
?Mona* & Beth        (2-2)
?Bates & Anthony*    (1-3)
?Max & Katie*        (2-2)


Make your way to the
next Pit Stop: Terrace

Warning!! The last team
to check-in may be

Teams must now drive themselves to Terrace Downs (17km 0:13).

 "This could be one of our last legs. We're obviously not gonna as competitive as the other teams", Connor

Teams find Phil in the following order:
 1(+0) Dave & Connor, win a trip to Bangkok
 ? Jessica & John
 ? Pam & Winnie
 ? Caroline & Jennifer
 ? Chuck & Wynona
 ? Joey & Meghan
 ? Mona & Beth
 ? Bates & Anthony
 ? Max & Katie

"Guys, the race is still going. I have your next clue", Phil does not let the teams rest

When the episode ends one team has reached the pit stop, only to be
told that they shoudl continue race. Three other teams are on their
way to the pit stop and five teams are still at the final road block.

Note: edited the film end date
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 11:59:38 PM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 3 is on page 1
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2013, 07:43:51 PM »
It should be from November 16-19. The international date line added another day.

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Re: Racing report TAR22, Episode 4
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2013, 05:43:18 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Season 22, Episode 4, "I love monkeys"
Film date: Nov 19-20 2012

This episode is a continuation of the previous as it was a to be continued leg. It starts as the first team reaches the pit stop in New Zealand. Three teams are on their way to the pit stop and five teams are still at the road block.

We are not shown which order teams finished the road block, but teams reach Phil in the following order:
 1. Dave & Connor
 2. Jessica & John
 3. Bates & Anthony
 4. Pam & Winnie, seconds after #3
 5. Joey & Meghan
 6. Caroline & Jennifer
 7. Mona & Beth
 8. Max & Katie, seconds after #7
 9, Chuck & Wynona

 "That was a lucky break", Wynona on the fact that they are still racing

Teams must now fly to Bali. Once there they must make their way to the Ubud monkey forest.

Most teams end up in a travel agency. But Max & Katie ask some people staying at the hotel by the Pit Stop and arrange tickets over the phone. Pam & Winnie use the computer in a Luggage shop to book tickets.

 "We're keeping it super simple. Everyone runs their own race and we help them out when we can", Meghan on their alliance with Mona & Beth and team J&J

Teams probably end up on the following flights:

Flight #1
 DJ63  CHC-MEL Nov-19 16:08-17:35
 QF653 MEL-PER Nov-19 20:33-21:29 (some teams)
 DJ697 MEL-PER Nov-19 21:31-22:47 (the others, landed 1:42 late)
 QZ841 PER-DPS Nov-20 04:38-08:25
This carried:
 Max & Katie (may have traveled another route to Perth)
 Dave & Connor
 Caroline & Jennifer
 Pam & Winnie

Flight #2
 ? CHC-AKL Nov-19 (plenty of possible flights)
 SQ282 AKL-SIN Nov-20 01:02-06:33 (probably)
 GA841 SIN-DPS Nov-20 08:15-10:35
This carried:
 Joey & Meghan
 Jessica & John
They were supposed to fly the last leg on QZ8499 which arrived at 12:08 but found the better flight in Singapore

Flight #3
 DJ73  CHC-SYD Nov-19 17:00-18:31 (probably)
 MH140 SYD-KUL Nov-19 21:49-03:21 (probably)
 MH715 KUl-DPS Nov-20 09:10-12:02
 Mona & Beth
 Chuck & Wynona
 Bates & Anthony

Teams exit the airport and jump into taxis for the ride to the Ubud monkey forest (36.8km 1:04) in the following order:
 1. Pam & Winnie
 2. Dave & Connor
 3. Max & Katie
 4. Caroline & Jennifer
 5. Jessica & John
 6. Joey & Meghan
 7. Bates & Anthony
 8. Mona & Beth
 9. Chuck & Wynona

Caroline & Jennifer provide some entertainment for their taxi driver by singing in the car.

In part the clue they were given at the starting line reads: "... sacred Monkey Forest Ubud. Once there choose a coconut and give it to a monkey, who will then show you your next clue". The next clue lies within a small metal container in the coconut. Teams must give the coconut to a monkey who will open it in order to eat it. A handler will then retrieve the clue and give it to the team.

 "It's actually more difficult than it looks because there are so many tourists around distracting and scaring away the monkeys", Pam
 "Scratching his butt and taking a drink, looks like me in the morning", Max feel kinship with the monkey

Teams manage to get a monkey to open their nuts in the following order:
 1(+1) Dave & Connor
 2(+1) Max & Katie
 3(-2) Pam & Winnie
 4(+0) Caroline & Jennifer
 5(+4) Chuck & Wynona
 6(+2) Mona & Beth
 7(-2) Jessica & John
 8(-2) Joey & Meghan
 9(-2) Bates & Anthony, taxi driver got lost


Detour: 'Sandy Bottom" or
'Fruity Top"

Sandy Bottom: Dredge the
volcanic sand used to make
bricks from the bottom of the
Ayung River. Then using
baskets, carry the sand in the
traditional manner to the brick
maker on Gang Bucu. When
you have delivered the required
amount of sand to the brick
maker, you will receive your next

Fruity Top: Prepare  an
elaborate religious offering
knows as a "Gebogan". Then,
join a procession to Pura Desa
Puseh Temple. Once the Priest
has blessed your "Gebogan",
place it on the Panggung to
receive your next clue.

For both Detours: Hold on to

In Sandy bottom teams must carry the sand on their head about 200 yards up a steep path to the brick maker. Teams seems to have to make two trips to get the required amount of black sand.

The Gebogan is trickier to prepare than it looks. It is also fairly heavy so teams are impressed by the lady who carries it on her head in the procession to the temple.

 "Attention to detail is going to be the key", Connor see what they have to make
 "I design sets for a living", Pam actually have some relevant experience
 "This is grunt work which we are good at", Mona finds a fitting detour
 "Jess and I are pretty detail oriented, probably me more than she is, so this is right up our alley", John on his way to the detour

Jessica & John are dropped off at the wrong location. But the address seems right so they enter the house there and confuses the local a lot. They spend some time helping him build religious offerings before realizing they are in the wrong location.

 "Jessica, all we have to do is build this", John has found the right place and think it looks easy

Bates & Anthony wanted to do the sand, but their taxi driver only knew where fruity top was so they did that one instead.

 "It was awesome to see other teams", Bates & Anthony are glad to find others at the detour since they were alone at the monkeys

Jessica & John really struggle at the fruit detour. Their offering is not approved even after multiple attempts. They consider using the express pass, but decide to try the other side of the detour instead. When they arrive there they are the only ones there. They therefore assume Mona & Beth are behind them when in fact the moms have already completed the task.

 "This is a dream came true compared to building that ridiculous offering", John start the sand carrying task

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+2) Pam & Winnie, fruit
 2(-1) Dave & Connor, fruit
 3(-1) Max & Katie, fruit
 4(+0) Caroline & Jennifer, fruit
 5(+3) Joey & Meghan, fruit
 6(+0) Mona & Beth, sand
 7(-2) Chuck & Wynona, fruit
 8(+1) Bates & Anthony, fruit
 9(-2) Jessica & John, started fruit but switched to sand


Make your way to
Uluwatu Surf Beach on
the Bukit peninsula and
search for your next

The taxi ride to Uluwatu surf beach probably takes around 1.5 hours.

 "This got to be the longest leg in the history of the race", Mona is tired after racing non-stop for 4 days

 "Either way we're second to last place. I mean I guess we could be last place. But we're still feeling allright because we have an express pass", John is not worried in the taxi

Teams find the clue box at the Uluwatu Surf Beach in the following order:
 1(+0) Pam & Winnie
 2(+0) Dave & Connor
 3(+0) Max & Katie
 4(+0) Caroline & Jennifer
 5(+2) Chuck & Wynona
 6(-1) Joey & Meghan, were dropped off at the wrong beach first
 7(-1) Mona & Beth
 8(+0) Bates & Anthony
 9(+0) Jessica & John


Who's ready to get
totally tubular and be
worked in a way-gnarly

In this road block teams must find a surf shop, which has a wonderful location on an outcropping by the water. Once there they must search the shop for a surfboard with an image they have all seen before. The clue doesn't tell then which image but it is the priest which blessed them on Bora Bora. Once they have chosen a board they need to find the pit stop and pick up their partner along the way. They must bring a correct board to check in. If not they have to run back to the surf shop and try again, and there are lots of stairs on the way.

Winnie recognizes the picture as soon as she sees it. But she has trouble locating the pit stop. She runs back to the surf shop to look from there and then Connor, who is struggling, sneaks a peek at her board. This even though she refused to let him look at her board unless he agreed to let the girls get first place.

 "It's the priest that married me and Katie", Max also recognizes the picture

Caroline really struggles with this task. She makes multiple wrong guesses before she finally, by chance, picks the right board.

 "Can I cry for a little", Caroline takes a crying break
 "There's no crying on the Amazing race", Meanwhile in the taxi Mona accepts fate

 "Chuck's lost, I saw his head", Wynona can only watch as Chuck has trouble finding his way

 "Hey, Mona. It's this.", Joey shows Mona the right board at the pit stop (she had brought the wrong one)

At the pit stop Phil takes care so that teams do not accidentally see each others boards when they arrive close to each other.

 "You didn't wanna tell them what board it was?", Phil to Mona & Beth as Chuck is leaving after having brought the wrong board

In the end only Chuck & Wynona and Jessica & John are working the task.

 "Think we're the last two", Wynona to Jessica as they wait on their partners
 "I'm so scared. We don't wanna be last. We have an Express Pass still", Jessica feels the gravity of the situation

 "I feel so ill, like knowing that we could get eliminated right now", Jessica feels the pressure as she helplessly waits for John
 "Oh, my god. So, we're last", Jessica see Chuck & Wynona check in in the distance

Even though they are last John keeps searching for the correct board, probably hoping for a non-elimination. After 1:15 he finally picks the correct board.

 "I wanna look at these boards", John wants to look at the approved boards at the Pit Stop
 "You're not allowed to look at those boards", but Phil stops him

 "I'm just so bummed because we still have an express pass left that we never even got to utilize", Jessica

Teams complete this roadblock and find Phil in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock)
1(+1)Dave & Connor*      (1-4)Win $5000 each
2(-1)Pam & Winnie*       (2-3)
3(+0)Max* & Katie        (3-2)
4(+0)Caroline* & Jennifer(3-2)
5(+1)Joey* & Meghan      (3-2)
6(+0)Mona* & Beth        (3-2)
7(+1)Bates* & Anthony    (2-3)
8(-3)Chuck* & Wynona     (4-1)
9(+0)Jessica & John*     (2-3)Are eliminated

 "There's absolutely zero regrets", John