Is there a place on Superpass to lodge a complaint? I am so sick of BB letting these guys stay up til 3:30 am and sleep until 2, especially since they are on the west coast! If they made them be out of bed by even TEN am, then maybe they would go to bed a little earlier! Nothing exciting ever happens on the feeds until we are all in bed, and even after BBAD is over and then they're in bed all stinkin day, it's maddening and a waste of my money! They should have a 1/2 day membership so we don't have to pay to watch them snooze. Boogie & Frank might have been annoying, but at least they kept normal human hours & talked to the Superpassers, heck even Joe did most of the time. Maybe Dani keeps nurses hours in her real life & Ian keeps college kid hours, but Shane (the worst offender of them all) certainly gets up early to work on his houses & Dan is up for school hours. This post wouldn't be so long but I don't have anything better to do than wait for these stupid kids to wake up!