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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #75 on: August 26, 2012, 12:06:24 AM »
Frank is  not going to be able to keep Jenn or Joe safe since he cant play in the next few HOH's

Jenn SHOULD USE the POV on Danielle and Ian his on Dan.. or make a deal to get joe up and keep him safe for one week, pull off danielle

Quack pack still has the votes.. and everyone i s done with Joe running around and calling out Frank cheated" 

The problem is Brit or Shane can be nominated.. so the deal has to be solid.. and come from Shane who is the only one that frank should trust to  not nominate him but if he doesnt win POV then frank is a goner!
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #76 on: August 26, 2012, 12:12:27 AM »
Frank wasn't going to be able  to play in Thurs HOH add  in the 2 NO PLAY HOH's he got as a POV punishment and that's 3 weeks. no HOH's for Frank.. AM I WRONG?

the above would once again depend on production or allison grodner, however, she wants to use it, she could say it includes thursday or tack it on to thursday, we know she wants to keep Frank so it depends on how things play out in the comps etc. which way she will use it.

to also clarify, I dont dislike Frank, I dont like the way he talks about women or the way he did with boogie, I am not sure he is always like that or if that was just him being a boogie clone, I dont dislike any of them really, Joe does need to learn proper hygiene though, he is pretty gross. I am just looking for fair game play or at least having CBS, chenbot, les moonves, or allison grodner acknowledging beforehand how the game is going to be played, dont try to fool us , we are actually intelligent people who watch these shows for entertainment after stress filled days  of our everyday lives.  I am taking note of the advertisers of this show, and wont use them anymore and will email them all to tell them why, will it matter probably not but it will to me!
If Julie Chen (Chenbot) weren't married to the big boss, I doubt she would be hosting this show, or booting out her competition on The Talk!  She is a useless waste of space!

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #77 on: August 26, 2012, 03:34:21 AM »
You know to be honest the production team may be making these changes to help Ion,, he is being pressured to use it by Dan and others, and not to use it by Frank and others....with his A.D.D he looks like he is really distraught,,,and has said he needs the Dr in the DR to talk to and help him...this game might be getting to be too much for him to handle....they may be making decisions for his own health.

I don't think it's been confirmed that Ian has any mental disability. I think he's just not used to the deceit and manipulation that goes on in the house. He is super intelligent and picked chemical engineering as it's the hardest subject he could find, ( according to his bio interview ).

Right. Ian said he doesn't have ADD.  He also didn't say why he needs to move around all the time...just that he needs to.

Coming out of lurkdom to make my once-in-a-season post!

My guess is that Ian is on the spectrum....high end of the autism spectrum.
The self stimming...swinging, rocking, walking in circles. The 'popping' could be considered a tic. The profound lack of social skills. The inability to make a mental adjustment on the fly, when his routine is disrupted.

Smart kid....was rooting for him from the beginning. Don't like who he's become the last week and unless he's playing 'me' I am sad that my opinion of him has changed. I WANT him to use the veto!! THAT will reel me back into his corner!

Offline Paisley

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #78 on: August 26, 2012, 08:48:11 AM »
And it's entirely possible there's nothing wrong with Ian at all. 

I spent a large chunk of my early life around highly intelligent people very much like him (scientists at one of the world's top universities), and people with different behaviors weren't uncommon.  It was just that they were inside their heads thinking, developing, analyzing, and/or creating more than they were socializing or paying attention to social norms.  Many of Ian's behaviors are similar to those I saw in that academic, scientific environment, and quite honestly seem fairly normal to me given my experience.  I've also had long conversations with one of those "weird" scientists (family member), and socialization and social norms are the least of that person's concerns.  Inventing a cure for cancer in tomato plants or developing molecule structures is much more important.       

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #79 on: August 26, 2012, 08:55:02 AM »
GRANDMAWLILY!!!!  :hrt: I was thinking about you the other day and wishing you were here so I could ask you about a "tell" but now I've forgotten who I wanted to ask you about.  :crazy: I'm so glad to see you posting!

I hadn't researched the high end spectrum of autism but he does exhibit some of the characteristic, as you point out the swinging, rocking, snapping his fingers. He does this daily.  Everyone in the house has recognized that he has problems and he is under a lot of stress.

Yesterday he had a huge outburst while in the bathroom with Britney and luckily for him she was there to listen to him. He said he didn't like being pressured and I could see his frustration and anger.

I want him to use the veto too. :)

Stop lurking!  :lol:

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #80 on: August 26, 2012, 09:12:13 AM »
There is no doubt in my mind that Ian is highly intelligent. I think in order to blend in with Frank, he as adopted some of his bad language, as Ugot has mentioned, he talks very fast when he's stressed I'll let her tell us about that.

I don't know what is wrong with him but there is something, if he is acting then give him the academy award now. For the Quack Pack to accept his terms for the perfect scenario was nutty to me. And right now, I don't know if they did or not. Did anyone get rewards?
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Offline ugot2bekidinmeny

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #81 on: August 26, 2012, 09:56:53 AM »
I think Ian is playing EVERYONE HARD  except Britney I believe he needs her at the end in order to win

I think he knows what he needs to tell Frank.. he rehearses it over and over to himself while pacing swinging etc.. and once he begins his talks with Frank they seem to come of rehearsed to me but Frank has not clue. It's more like Frank is confused!! as he well  should  be cuz even i was confused at one point  :lol3:

 Ian has said over and over that "My first word is good" he siad that  to Britney specifically  just the other day when ther was doubt on  him with the veto ball  and when he was to vote out Mike

Ian will talk super fast to make like he's agitated over a situation to try and make that person BELIEVE him..  like with his convo with Frank about " I want you to win POV and  I'm not going to nominate you "  Thats his "TELL" on lying  (IMO)

He's talk on a different level with with Britney and Dan.. showing them respect..

Dan told him that he has to make like he doesnt like dan for the "Veto play roughness" that went down & calling him a Rat.. and ian said yeah "scumbag" to Dan

 Dan know's ian needs to keep himself safe  and  the best way to do that is to make like you do not like the person.

 With Danielle and Shane he kinda just tells them just enough info  to keep them calm

 With jenn and joe he doesnt give them squat ... he holds no love for them in the game,  for to him, they are floaters

 I also think Ian came into this  game with a specific Game Plan and he's not going to let the DR influence him.. I also think he is telling them in the DR what THEY need to hear.. but bringing it out to the other HG's what panic he needs to put out there to  have the HG's keep supporting him..

 I feel 99% confident of my above staments.. :iok   :smartass
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Offline Paisley

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #82 on: August 26, 2012, 10:09:03 AM »
Bingo, Ugot!  That's exactly what I've been seeing, too.   :hoot:

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #83 on: August 26, 2012, 10:10:19 AM »
Watching BBAD this morning, Joe and Frank talking in the hottub all others in the house...Joe and Frank both talked about Ian and trust issues, and how he was when he won that HOH... pretty much feel if he uses that veto to take Dan off, then Britt will be heading to the jury.  Shane who i have trust issues with will probably make some deal with Frank to secure his safety. 

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #84 on: August 26, 2012, 10:13:55 AM »
Frank wasn't going to be able  to play in Thurs HOH add  in the 2 NO PLAY HOH's he got as a POV punishment and that's 3 weeks. no HOH's for Frank.. AM I WRONG?

the above would once again depend on production or allison grodner, however, she wants to use it, she could say it includes thursday or tack it on to thursday, we know she wants to keep Frank so it depends on how things play out in the comps etc. which way she will use it.

to also clarify, I dont dislike Frank, I dont like the way he talks about women or the way he did with boogie, I am not sure he is always like that or if that was just him being a boogie clone, I dont dislike any of them really, Joe does need to learn proper hygiene though, he is pretty gross. I am just looking for fair game play or at least having CBS, chenbot, les moonves, or allison grodner acknowledging beforehand how the game is going to be played, dont try to fool us , we are actually intelligent people who watch these shows for entertainment after stress filled days  of our everyday lives.  I am taking note of the advertisers of this show, and wont use them anymore and will email them all to tell them why, will it matter probably not but it will to me!

I think it was last year same scenario with HOH and the unable to play in 2 HOH's if i remember correctly both were just 2 and right after hoh was over.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #85 on: August 26, 2012, 10:53:05 AM »
I wonder if Britney would go home. It would depend on who was sitting in the other chair. ???

My hope would be that Joe would go up and out. I don't see it happening just yet though.
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Offline ugot2bekidinmeny

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #86 on: August 26, 2012, 11:21:33 AM »
I thnk that is why Ian was so adement about his distain for joe to Frank.. that he wants Frank to consider putting joe on the block and the QP will vote him out

 ian went on and on to frank about in the arcade room yesterday so much. and that will save britney if he can pull this off..

Frank has no choice but to trust people cuz he cant play for 2 HOH's. and next week if he's not nominated they are still pulling chips.. so if his chip isnt pulled he's a gonner. he has to take that into account.

I think Ian is going to work this angle to get Joe up more and more.. to save the QP

 Ian said he wants all the QP members there left in the house and for Julie Chen to come on the TV and say "HELLO QUACK PACK"  that's IAN'S DREAM  :umn: and i have a feeling he wont stop till it's done!  :lol:

I wonder if Britney would go home. It would depend on who was sitting in the other chair. ???

My hope would be that Joe would go up and out. I don't see it happening just yet though.
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Offline Paisley

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #87 on: August 26, 2012, 11:44:39 AM »
In case y'all missed it in the Flashback thread...

Sat Aug 25 10:14 a.m. BBTime Camera 3

Ian tells Frank the "powers that be" don't want him to use the veto.  And then fish...that good ol' tell-tale sign that production doesn't want us to hear what Ian has to say.   (:;)   :knuckles:

Edit: added date.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 12:03:11 PM by Paisley »

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #88 on: August 26, 2012, 11:59:21 AM »
Ugot: I would LOVE to see this happen! The look on Frank's face would be priceless!

Boogie left behind a toxic poison in the house with his assumption that it was Dan who caused all his problems and not suspecting Ian at all. I wish he hadn't clouded Frank's mind and ruined his game. Frank has the people who will suck up to him when he's HOH but no one really he can trust when he's just a HG. He had a real chance and if he doesn't win this time, he'll be back on All Stars. (Well unless the game continues to be jiggered.) 

BTW, Since I've been watching, Dan has had constant music but Frank has only been up once for the chum. What's up with that? 7:30 BBT is the last time I saw him up! Sigh.. it just isn't ending! Fairness? Not so much.

Thanks Paisley, this happened this morning?
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Offline Paisley

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #89 on: August 26, 2012, 12:02:44 PM »
It's from yesterday morning.  I found a date stamp note on my viewer about an Ian/Frank convo, clicked on it and "Whoa, Nelly!"   :lol:  SURPRISE!!!

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #90 on: August 26, 2012, 12:10:47 PM »

BTW, Since I've been watching, Dan has had constant music but Frank has only been up once for the chum. What's up with that? 7:30 BBT is the last time I saw him up! Sigh.. it just isn't ending! Fairness? Not so much.

I'd like to know, too.  In all seriousness, what Dan is experiencing are actual techniques used in torture...on a smaller scale, of course, but nevertheless, it makes BB skipping over Frank's chum bath TWICE now upsetting to me.  I'm legitimately worried about Dan right now.  I swear he aged several years in the half hour straight I watched him pace around that room before he laid down and ignored the HGs in favor of sleeping the experience away.

20 minutes until Frank's next bath.....will BB finally serve him his punishment?

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #91 on: August 26, 2012, 12:15:24 PM »
Ummmm this punishment Dan took is on the verge of "torture" IMO.  CBS/BB are pushing the line of being dicey.

The Chicken George supposed DR threat to his family is unconfirmed in my book.  This he said, he told me in jury doesn't fly.

I'm disappointed with BB--Frank, for the 2nd time now caught in some hanky panky during the comps.  BTW Frank as HOH cannot play in the next HOH.  So the punishment really is 1 week that he cannot play in HOH.  But was it an actual punishment or a penalty for the DQ?



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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #92 on: August 26, 2012, 12:18:25 PM »
Paisely were are on the same page. 


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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #93 on: August 26, 2012, 12:24:31 PM »
We sure are, Chinese Takeout.  This Have-Not Room has already caused injury to Ashley, and I'm scared to see Dan when he finally climbs out from under those covers.

And then there's Frank.  Whine whine whine about how cold it is outside, and how cold the chum bath and shower are......and then he gets to miss it two hours in a row?  Are you freakin' kidding me?  With what Dan is experiencing?  I'd be losing my mind by now if I was Dan.  And I can't imagine what Chelsea and his mother and sister (who also watch the feeds) are going through watching Dan as he goes through this.  If Dan was my own son (whose name also happens to be Dan), I'd be out of my mind with worry.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #94 on: August 26, 2012, 12:27:52 PM »

BTW, Since I've been watching, Dan has had constant music but Frank has only been up once for the chum. What's up with that? 7:30 BBT is the last time I saw him up! Sigh.. it just isn't ending! Fairness? Not so much.

I'd like to know, too.  In all seriousness, what Dan is experiencing are actual techniques used in torture...on a smaller scale, of course, but nevertheless, it makes BB skipping over Frank's chum bath TWICE now upsetting to me.  I'm legitimately worried about Dan right now.  I swear he aged several years in the half hour straight I watched him pace around that room before he laid down and ignored the HGs in favor of sleeping the experience away.

20 minutes until Frank's next bath.....will BB finally serve him his punishment?

the PTB  want dan out of that house, that is why they do not want Ian to use the veto, that is why Frank is not getting all the chum baths, they want Frank to win, and I believe that even though Frank does not play in the next 2 HOH's he will still stay in that house courtesy of the PTB, they want him question!

If Julie Chen (Chenbot) weren't married to the big boss, I doubt she would be hosting this show, or booting out her competition on The Talk!  She is a useless waste of space!

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #95 on: August 26, 2012, 12:32:22 PM »
Music in Psychological Operations.

Music has been used in psychological operations. The term music torture is sometimes used by critics of the practice of playing loud music incessantly to prisoners or people besieged.

The United Nations and the European Court of Human Rights have banned the use of loud music in interrogations, but it is still being widely used. The term torture is sometimes used to describe the practice.

According to the FBI:[7][8]
"W[itness] observed sleep deprivation interviews w/strobe lights and loud music. Interrogator said it would take 4 days to break someone doing an interrogation 16 hrs w/lights and music on and 4 hrs off.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #96 on: August 26, 2012, 12:36:39 PM »
Ugot: I would LOVE to see this happen! The look on Frank's face would be priceless!

Boogie left behind a toxic poison in the house with his assumption that it was Dan who caused all his problems and not suspecting Ian at all. I wish he hadn't clouded Frank's mind and ruined his game. Frank has the people who will suck up to him when he's HOH but no one really he can trust when he's just a HG. He had a real chance and if he doesn't win this time, he'll be back on All Stars. (Well unless the game continues to be jiggered.) 

BTW, Since I've been watching, Dan has had constant music but Frank has only been up once for the chum. What's up with that? 7:30 BBT is the last time I saw him up! Sigh.. it just isn't ending! Fairness? Not so much.

Thanks Paisley, this happened this morning?

not so, Frank has been in the chum 6 times so far, i might be off by 1 and be 7, i fell asleep for 2 hours

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #97 on: August 26, 2012, 12:37:56 PM »
Frank had the chum baths throughout the night, but he hasn't had one that anyone is aware of since 7:30 a.m. BBTime (he might be having one now...we still have fish).

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #98 on: August 26, 2012, 12:43:25 PM »

BTW, Since I've been watching, Dan has had constant music but Frank has only been up once for the chum. What's up with that? 7:30 BBT is the last time I saw him up! Sigh.. it just isn't ending! Fairness? Not so much.

I'd like to know, too.  In all seriousness, what Dan is experiencing are actual techniques used in torture...on a smaller scale, of course, but nevertheless, it makes BB skipping over Frank's chum bath TWICE now upsetting to me.  I'm legitimately worried about Dan right now.  I swear he aged several years in the half hour straight I watched him pace around that room before he laid down and ignored the HGs in favor of sleeping the experience away.

20 minutes until Frank's next bath.....will BB finally serve him his punishment?

the PTB  want dan out of that house, that is why they do not want Ian to use the veto, that is why Frank is not getting all the chum baths, they want Frank to win, and I believe that even though Frank does not play in the next 2 HOH's he will still stay in that house courtesy of the PTB, they want him question!

Frank had chum baths all night long, 6 or 7 that i saw so far,  i fell asleep for 2 hrs, not sure about then

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #99 on: August 26, 2012, 12:50:43 PM »
As far as Dan goes, he has cotton in his ears to drown out the sound some....some of his strategy from when it first started was to go to Frank and rat out Ion  all that went down and it was Ions idea for the quack pack....(love how its never him always someone else's doing, )

frank had 6  could chum baths since it started (pretty sure that's right)