Shane, it's you and me against the house next week (to Danielle)
Ashley, with my team, I don't trust Joe or Wil.
Shane, if I win HOH you both are safe next week
Ash, I want to get rid of Frank I don't care what my team wants. I don't connect with him
Shane, I'm worried there will be 8 of us left next week what if production switches up and have the coaches repick. Coaches are running this game 100%
Ash, I love Janelle, but I think she is fake.
Shane, it's obvious you guys and Boogie are working together and have a final 6
Ash, Boogie doesn't even talk to me. I don't trush Ian, he has a very coniving attitude
Shane, I'd like to put up Wil and Ian
Ash, get rid of Ian before he gets too powerful. It hink he threw HOH