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allison chat
« on: July 16, 2004, 11:07:37 AM »
Well she is an interesting character....funny donny would not do the interview with her  ;D

Elites TV spoke with Allison Irwin the morning after her and partner Donald Patrick became the second couple to be eliminated from the race. Donny was unable to join Allison for the interview because of “class.” Or, according to Allison, his complete lack of it.
Elites TV – Hi Allison, thanks so much for talking with Elites TV. According to the CBS website, you and Donny decided to do Amazing Race to see if you could date after your experiences on Big Brother. So the big question is, are you two still together?
Allison – We dated for a while . I actually moved in with him and his family, and then I couldn’t really take the way he treated me any longer so I decided to get up and leave him.
Elites TV – Yeah, it seemed like you guys had some rough patches on the show.
Allison – Yeah!
Elites TV – But you guys also said that that was normal for your relationship. Do you think the way The Amazing Race was cut focused on your bickering rather than good points between you guys?
Allison – No, we do bicker a lot, but we have really good times too which is probably why we stayed together for so long. I mean, did show us fighting but we do fight a lot. So, I can’t really complain about the show.
Elites TV – what was the biggest lesson that you learned from competing?
Allison- I can’t say that I learned a lesson by competing in AR, because I kind of learned my lessons from competing in Big Brother, which I did by myself. But during Amazing Race I learned to think more about me…respect myself more and not let others downsize or talk to me the way that Donny did. It’s bad to say, but I had to see it on TV to for me to realize that this is not what people deserve.
Elites TV - Interesting. So do you think that this is your last reality show or are you going to try for more?
Allison – I don’t think I’m going to be trying out for any more reality shows! But, um, you never know. Survivor is still going on, right?
Elites TV – Ok, now about last night’s show. When you showed up at the Pit Stop, did you know that you came in last?
Allison – I knew. I knew from the second Donny said, “We’re taking a bus.” I knew that that was like our fatal move.
Elites TV –That leads me to my next question: If you could change one thing about the final leg in the show last night, would it be to choose “Tango” over “Perro” or taking a taxi instead of a bus to La Estancia La Invernada?
Allison – Um, well, since both of those were Donny’s decisions, I would not let him think . I would do the race like I did the first leg. We would have done the Tango, we would have been in the taxi, and we probably would have been in second place.
Elites TV - Interesting…It has been said that this is the most cutthroat season of AR. Would you agree?
Allison - Yeah, definitely. Everybody was really competitive. Everybody was still really nice, but it was just more…driven this year.
Elites TV – Were certain teams more competitive than others?
Allison – Yeah, definitely.
Elites TV – Who was the most cutthroat?
Allison – The most cutthroat? Hmmm…let me think. I’m going to have to say the Bowling Moms. I think the reason they seemed most cutthroat was because it took me by surprise how cutthroat, conniving and competitive they really were.
Elites TV—Yeah, on last’s night broadcast they told Jim and Marsha to exchange their money at the airport. That was pretty surprising.
Allison – Yeah.
Elites TV – Who did you guys get along with most on the show? Did you have time to really bond with certain teams?
Allison – I really liked every single person on that show. There was only one person I didn’t really care for.
Elites TV – Who?
Allison – I didn’t really care for Marsha, from the father daughter team. I though she was really mean and nasty. Not only to us but her teammate. Everybody else I really did like like, even if, you know, they didn’t care for us. I thought everybody was really cool.
Elites TV – What went on behind the scenes that we didn’t see? Like when you guys were having dinner, were those really fun times? Were there any juicy stories?
Allison – No, I wouldn’t say that there were any really juicy stories. But, yeah we all did get along. We all had dinner together and everybody forgot about the race and got to know each other.
Elites TV – Were people really able to shed their race personas and just hang out and drink wine together?
Allison – Yeah, a lot of people were able to just bond and talk about their real lives instead of just our reality life.
Elites TV – Were there any moments that weren’t broadcast that you wish made the final cut?
Allison – No…I don’t know. There were all kinds of things that went on . All kinds of fighting and…you know what I mean. It got a little bit worse than what we all saw so I’m kind of glad that weren’t shown.
Elite TV (salivating) – Can you give a tidbit?
Allison – On the bus ride to the roadblock Donny and got into it pretty bad and he started making remarks like I was ugly, I was fat…I was everything that had nothing to do with the race. I think he was just taking out his frustration on me because he knew that he had made a mistake. Twice. And I think that he knew that we were in last place at that point and was very insecure because he knew that… We had a game plan going into this race: I was going to be the brains and he was going to do all the physical aspects of the race. And we didn’t stick to our plan. I think he realized that he couldn’t do my half of the bargain and I couldn’t do his, and he crossed the line. So we got into it really, really bad on the bus. I’m kind of glad I didn’t see that because that probably would have put me in tears.
Elites TV – I’m sorry. So where did you watch the show? With a big group of friends?
Allison - The first one I watched with hundreds of people. We had a huge party and rented out a bar and that was awesome. But last night I just watched it with a couple of close friends.
Elites TV – Did you find it really hard to keep the secret?
Allison – No, not really.
Elites TV – Which detour did you think was scarier, “Zips”or “Perro.”
Allison – I knew that no matter what, once you get on that zip line you’re going. And I knew that with the dogs you could stop at any time and get lost and we were in a foreign city with nobody around us, with Donny navigating…so I was a bit more scared about , that it was going to really hurt us.
Elites TV - Any big culture shocks or language barriers?
Allison - Of course there were language barriers. Just the way people live, the way they perceive Americans—it was all really weird and really new for us. It was uncomfortable but at the same time exciting. It was hard because when you’re running the race you don’t have time to check it all out and meet the people and talk about their cultures. You’re just like: “How do I get there.” It comes across as very rude, but you kind of have to because you’re on a mission. You’re out for a million dollars and if you don’t then that could put you in last place.
Elites TV – What team has most surprised you by their performance?
Allison – Probably the Moms. The Bowling moms
Elites TV – And Charla and Mirna? They were last night’s big surprise.
Allison – Yeah…but she’s strong, man. That girl’s got a lot going for her. She’ really strong, really determined, and I thought she was a huge threat. And obviously they are still there. We’re not, and they are.
Elites TV - What are your future plans?
Allison - I’m working in South Carolina until December and then I’m planning on moving back to Pennsylvania, to Pittsburg, away from Donny.
Elites TV – What’s Donny up to now?
Allison - I think he’s trying to go back to school
Elites TV - Good for him.
Allison - Yahhh…I really want to get into pharmaceutical sales and then in the future go to law school. But not in the near future. I need some time and breathing space.
Elites TV - Well good for you, great job on the show and it was a pleasure talking to you.
Allison - You too! Bye.

Offline pittgirl

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2004, 11:28:24 AM »

He is not a bad person no matter what she says....

Offline puddin

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2004, 12:44:42 PM »
Allison – On the bus ride to the roadblock Donny and got into it pretty bad and he started making remarks like I was ugly, I was fat…I was everything that had nothing to do with the race
;D ;D What can I say..she's a lunatic
Hey Pittgirl ..Tell Donny that we all know what a lying Bi@tch Allison is  :D

Offline Texan

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2004, 12:49:52 PM »
Oh and if Allison is right and Donny is going back to school ~ GOOD luck to him.  Hopefully he will get some promotions so he can earn alittle more $$$ for school

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2004, 12:50:37 PM »
He told me he said all that and was mad that they edited it all out!  I wish they would have showed it!

Offline puddin

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2004, 01:09:05 PM »
no kidding Pittgirl ..LOL Good for him !
If Donny is going back to school will he be coming my way..Bloomsburgh?? I'm asking alot Pittgirl but, could you ask him if he ever hung out at Shenangans in Hazelton? The bartenders there said that they saw him there a few years ago?

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2004, 01:13:17 PM »
He is from Hazelton.  That is where his family lives so I am sure he has been there.  I will ask though.  And he is going back to Bloomsburg!  You are just so close but so far away!  You better hunt him down!

Offline puddin

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2004, 01:18:25 PM »
OMG he's from Hazelton!! That's like around the corner from here ..can you ask him to come to my house for dinner ?? ;D I'd love to serve him up a hot Italian dish  ;D

Offline puddin

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2004, 02:48:48 PM »

Amazing Race Exes Get Evil
by Ethan Alter

Alison and Donny

It's often said that time heals all wounds. Apparently, that maxim doesn't hold true for Alison and Donny, the bickering couple who went from first to last during the second leg of The Amazing Race (Tuesdays at 10 pm/ET on CBS). In this exclusive Q&A with TV Guide Online, the estranged pair of losers air their grievances and let loose with a few well-aimed barbs. This unpleasant exchange is about as real as reality TV gets, Race fans. Buckle your seatbelts!

TV Guide Online: Alison, why did you decide to do another reality show so soon after Big Brother 4?
Alison: I got an e-mail from CBS asking if Donny and I wanted to do The Amazing Race together. I asked him, and he said he wanted to do it. Of course, I wasn't going to be the one to hold him back from winning $1 million and I was also all about trying to win $1 million. So we mutually decided to do it.

TVGO: Aside from the obvious, how did the two experiences differ?
Alison: Well, here you had to work with teams, and that sucked for me. It was a lot easier to do things on my own and do things the way I wanted to do them. During the race, you have to be impulsive and quick and if you make the wrong decision — or if you let someone else make the wrong decision — then you're done.

TVGO: Donny, why did you agree to sign on?
Donny: Pretty much just for the opportunity to travel around the world on someone else's dollar. That's something you can never pass up. Neither of us had ever seen Amazing Race before, so we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into. And most of the people on the show have been fans for life. I'm sure a couple of teams had diagrams in their basement of everything that's happened on every single episode. We were almost going in there blindfolded.

TVGO: How did you prepare for the race?
Donny: We were on the computer until four in the morning some nights doing straight-up research. You could tell from the first episode that we knew what we were doing, because we were the only people who actually asked which flight got there first. We did everything we possibly could to be prepared. We just tried to be overcautious at a certain point, and it didn't help much.

TVGO: Did you have a strategy going in?
Alison: We wanted me to be the brains and for him to be the physical aspect of the race. And in last night's episode, we kind of switched that a little bit. Donny decided to be mental as well, and that's kind of where we messed up.
Donny: The race was way easier to do than dealing with her.

TVGO: Was it difficult to watch yourselves argue like that?
Donny: Not at all. I knew exactly what to expect. There were no surprises.
Alison: It was difficult for me. I didn't realize that all the name-calling would be coming from his end, and the things he said after the race. I didn't realize any of that would happen. That was a big shock for my friends and family, too. [He] was somebody I had trusted and confided in and for him to say such hurtful things killed me.
Donny: Okay, well, don't let your tears get in the way, because you're no angel.
Alison: Oh, I didn't cry, don't worry.

TVGO: I guess this brings up the relationship question. Where do things stand now between the two of you?
Donny: There's no relationship whatsoever. There's no speaking terms or anything. It ended the day the race was over.
Alison: No, that's not true. I moved in with him and his family for a couple of months after the race — I don't know why you're deciding to lie. Things were actually fine after the race for a while. Then, I found out that Donny was not only verbally rude to me, he was cheating on me as well. So I decided to leave him.
Donny: That's a good one, but no.

TVGO: Are you still living in the same city?
Donny: We're not anywhere near each other.
Alison: I moved like five states away, actually. Surprised, Donny?
Alison: He doesn't know.
Donny: He doesn't care.

TVGO: Getting back to the race for a moment, what happened with the bus to the cattle ranch? That seemed to be the point where you really fell behind.
Donny: We had no clue that there would be stops along the way. We thought, first-class bus, first-class seats, it would be direct the entire way. We also thought it was the only bus that went there. The other teams that got to the bus station after us found another bus that got there faster. At the point we got on the bus, we thought we were either first or last.
Alison: I knew we were last.

TVGO: Knowing what you know now, what's one thing you would do differently if you ran the race over again?
Alison: I definitely would not go on the show with Donny. It was sad because last night, all my ex-boyfriends were calling me, asking, "Why were you ever dating him?" and "Why did you go on the show with him instead of me?" That's the one thing I'd definitely change. I wouldn't have let him think. I wouldn't let him use his brains, if that's what you wanna call them.
Donny: Well, your good looks got us nowhere, so don't worry about it.
Alison: Hey, neither did yours.
Donny: I would take the midget instead of her.

TVGO: Um, so... All in all, are you glad you did this?
Alison: Yeah, I'm definitely glad.
Donny: I'm glad I got to travel around the world with someone I hated.
Alison: Maturity shines through...

Offline puddin

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2004, 02:52:16 PM »
excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor ROTFLMAO ..I Love you Donny  :D :D :D

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2004, 03:07:57 PM »
oops I posted this too!!!  I will go delete it.  ;D

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2004, 03:47:24 PM »
so did he or did he not cheat....................i shall investigate!

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2004, 04:38:24 PM »
That TV guide interview is perhaps the funniest interview that I have ever read.

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2004, 01:34:19 PM »
They did a radio interview this morning.  I am still waiting to hear what radio station it is from.  He couldnt remember, so that means we didnt get to hear it in PA!   >:(

Alison: I found out that Donny was not only verbally rude to me, he was cheating on me as well. So I decided to leave him.
Donny: That's a good one, but no.
And there was no cheating.  She read something and assumed that it meant he was cheating, but of course he wasnt.  Even if he did, who could blame him!

That is the latest info for now!

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2004, 02:04:19 PM »
thanks for the update!

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2004, 02:10:39 PM »
 ;D ;D hehehe Thanks Pittgirl ..!!

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2004, 02:59:47 PM »
love the wizard girl texan!!!!  She is cute

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2004, 04:14:03 PM »
Thanks  ~ got it from a this old lady that likes me  ;D B:)

**ducks before getting hit and runs off**

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2004, 02:07:41 AM »
Thanks for posting both the chat and the interview.  All I can say is "oh my" It seems Alison thinks she is above all -- she likes to lay the blame on everyone but herself.   And the name calling, I think she did her fair share to Donny.  She is so full of it.  I hope she gets no more air time and CBS does not invite her for anything else unless it is for a good game of Dodgeball.  Puddin and Pittgirl --- are you guys up to it??? :()() :()()

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2004, 01:57:40 PM »
 :()()  Alrighty long as I get to give Ali a kick in the head

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Re: allison chat
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2004, 08:36:26 AM »
i got your back puddin!!!

Bathfizzy............We accept the challenge!