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Best TAR Leg
« on: February 01, 2012, 12:48:31 AM »
So I thought to create a thread where you could discuss what the best individual leg was that we saw on TAR!

It's hard to pick one individual leg, but here are some of my favourites:

1. Almost every leg in TAR3, and in particular, Legs 3, 8, 9 and 12.

2. TAR6 had some brilliant ones! The Sweden, Ethiopia and Xi'an legs in particular!

3. TAR7 Leg 3 is an obvious choice! ;) I also loved the England leg!

4. Thailand on TAR9 was an epic leg!!!

5. TAR12 has a lot of noteable ones: Legs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11 are my personal favourites, especially 6 and 7! In fact, the whole race was flawless, except Leg 8. :tup:

6. TAR13 Legs 6 and 7!

7. TAR16 Legs 6 and 7 are two of the best legs with heaps of drama ever on TAR! Even though I did not like TAR16 at all, those two legs stood out!

8. TAR18 had some really incredible ones! Hard to choose there! ;)

Feel free to share any of the legs which you really loved!! :tup:
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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 06:06:26 AM »
Personally, the St-Petersbourg legs in TAR17 (legs 6 & 7) were epic & beautiful. It showed every aspect of the race, from classical music to locals, from a sightseeing tour of the city to lots of penalties. :hearts:

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 06:10:11 AM »
 Can I just say it's IMPOSSIBLE to pick the BEST Amazing Race leg? There are so many why do I bother.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 12:08:00 AM by supah3ro »

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 07:37:26 AM »
Tar 14
Leg 1   Switzerland       Leg 2  Germany

Tar 15
Leg  7  Netherlands   

Tar 16 
leg 7 Seychelles

Tar 17
leg 6  Russia  leg 7 Russia

Tar 18
leg 1 Australia    leg 6 India    leg 9 Switzerland

Tar 19
leg 9 Belgium

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 07:44:18 AM »
If i put the time into it i could probably churn out an entire essay about which legs i think are best and why o.O but just off the top of my head...

Burkina Faso I - TAR12
in french class in high school i was fascinated by Burkina for some reason so when the race went there i was truly amazed and excited! This leg had a really challenging roadblock in camel milking (do i even have to say the quote?), a unique kind of limiting detour which i like and found interesting (youre going to have to get in the classroom with the kids either way), a 5 team foot race to the finish and that general sense of literally being in the middle of nowhere from the moment they got off that train and ran off into the plains. It also knocked frontrunners Lorena and Jason down a few pegs but also sadly lead to their demise in the next leg.

Bolivia - TAR13
This leg had a pretty stunning detour: ride an insane looking bike downhill on what looked like cobbled streets or go for a walk around town with your very own marching band! i remember teams going at terrifying speeds on those excuses for bikes and kelly and christy crashing! more than once! yet still getting back on the bikes. and i loved the marching band, the sheer chaos when marisa and brooke (who owned this challenge) passed dan and andrew, i had their tune stuck in my head for weeks afterwards. and all the time teams were hustling under the ever present threat of the u turn! (even if it went unused) This roadblock, in my opinion, would have been dramatically easier had it not been for the altitude! that really shook things up, especially for poor mark and bill (i read in one of their interviews that they got into better shape after the race, they should have been on unfinished business!! unless they had a falling out or something, they could have easily replaced zev and justin or mel and mike) i guess the only downside to this episode was their untimely elimination.

Russia II - TAR 13
I loved this leg, probably because of how challenging it was (well nick and starr cruised through it in first place but i do remember them complaining about how trying it was). The Russian riddle roadblock intrigued me to the point that earlier last year i actually bought a copy of the master and margarita (curse the race's product placement!!) i recall Andrew's russian friend getting really into it and infamously Dallas losing his passport! (another unfulfilled unfinished business candidate) Next was Andrew and Dan's dancing speedbump, probably my favourite speedbump to date, i loved the music, and the fact that they had to do it twice! that probably makes it one of the more difficult speedbumps (but let's remember, theyre not all that hard ><) and then the hectic public transportation scavenger hunt detour, the utter confusion! the need to get on/off so many times it was fantastic. and then aside from toni and dallas (who tried to walk everywhere/beg their way through the rest of the race, valiant effort ^^) 's on the course elimination, there was Dandrew's 2nd place and highest finish! i was a bit of a dandrew fan... i always found tar13 to be a lot more interesting if you looked at which team came second on each leg rather than first, it gives a lot more variety. oh and i almost forgot, the red october, awesome!

China I and II (the superleg) - TAR14
Riding that tiny little boat out on that lake with the chinese fishing bird, Jaime and Cara's dance detour, the three teams doing the calligraphy detour and racing neck and neck to the pit stop, kisha and jen's long awaited first place! margie blowing up at kisha and jen after their leg long feud, the torturous foot massage! (luke insisting that he do it instead of margie (as i remember) haha im sure he regretted that), the hellish swimming task for the sisters and gruelling for any team, even just the name of that detour sync or swim (some kind of double pun!!), jaime and cara's long awaited first place! only to have it snatched away from them by the surprise return of the super leg!! teams wandering for hours searching for that u turn, kisha and jen's chinese phrases! teams running around in their opera costumes and the race to the final three determined by an ill timed toilet break. indeed, what an epic few legs that asked us all the question, would you wet yourself on national (international even) television for $1000000?

The Netherlands - TAR15
by this leg i think i was starting to doubt season 15, and when teams got to a roadblock calling for strong legs and keen eyes i thought i had it all figured out that teams would just have to climb the tower and spot a flag somewhere in the city. i was gladly wrong. the bell counting task turned out to be one tough roadblock! i can only imagine the physical exhaustion from those stairs, trying to keep track of how many bells youve counted and then to have the bells ringing! crazy! and for some reason i was endeared to the charismatic yet mysterious bell player, what an awesome clue giver! the detour was also pretty amazing (i think its clear by now that i love a good dance task) and the golfing was tough enough to drop the formidable meghan and cheyne down to second place. poor maria and tiffany! i think their onscreen counter got up to about 70 for that high ringer, and that wind in the golf, they really did give it their all and it was a shame to see their efforts go unrewarded.

Czech II - TAR15
I sometimes thing of this leg as the nightmare leg, based on the tasks and i guess the fact it was at night time. those ringing phones, the ominous voice repeating just one letter, the bureaucrats and their redundant question forms, i didnt know who kafka was in depth before this leg but i was inspired to find out! one of the reasons i love the race, it expands your mind. Brian and Ericka's speed bump was interesting at least, imagine if they had to drink more or if they got more than a little tipsy haha i think the detour really brought the nightmare though, drag a giant muddy golem through the streets or carry a tray of glasses through a street of drunks, neither seemed like a mean feat. one of the best things i guess for me was the demise of the globe trotters though ^^ i mean, who saw that coming?

Germany - TAR16
i dont think everyone would have seen this leg as so spectacular but it had a few little perks that got me hooked. the surprise return of the intersection! (with 8 teams even!) that beautiful view of hamburg at night from the crane. playing soccer in europe (ive done this!) having to eat so much sauerkraut before the song ended, caite's soccer woes yet her team still being one sided for that challenge (she was the one side) an entire 180 flip and the team being entirely one sided for brent when it came to the boot of beer, the beatles!

Norway - TAR17
Norway is kind of an undervisited country on the race. the midnight sun, having to run/drive across the border, i loved the way the clue read it (make a dash for the border or something), Nick and Vicki's fast forward confusion! when teams got to the bridge, from phil's introduction i fully expected them to have to bungee jump from  the bridge because of scandinavia's high suicide rates (seasonal affective disorder) and prepared myself for the most insensitive race challenge of all time!! i loved the scenery of the detour, and nick's biking incompetence! nat and kat's first win by eating a sheep's head for fast forward

Russia I & II - TAR17
The insane detour! that room full of pianos sounded maddening yet i wanted to be there! and that dark room with the propaganda film playing and the mountain of film! the circus detour! spinning plates or learning to play the accordion! the russian mystery! going to all of those beautiful towers, bridges, churches, and then the dramatic russian gorodki race before the finish! loved it.

China I & II - TAR18
riding yaks on that beautiful mountain, the zodiac roadblock! if only those strings had all been the same length it would have been epic!
Kent and Vyxsin falling hours behind and yet catching up to Zev and Justin (almost). The basketball game, the fear that the goths were coming hahaha. The lead up to the double u turn was amazing, one of my favourite scenes, this may sound strange so ill explain why. the 3 frontrunning teams all get lost even though Christina speaks chinese, the middle pack are searching like mad for the u turn, margie and luke pass, jet and cord pass, the cowboys tell the goths and the cheerleaders where it is and so they go off on a foot race for the u turn. vyxsin just beats out cara and the goths who thinking they were in about 7th or 8th place are actually in 3rd but feeling they are at the back of the pack u turn jaime and cara in front of them! jaime and cara then u turn the globe trotters, the only team they believe are behind them. the whole time theres a sickly sunrise that just completes the scene. what i really love is how jaime and cara handle being u turned with such grace, they just keep moving forward. this is well contrasted with the globe trotters who really lay into the cheerleaders later on.
right then, continuing on, the stone forest (so unique and beautiful), that gargantuan dinosaur roadblock!! that reportedly left kent with a cracked rib for the rest of the race, and jaime and cara's elimination :( what a leg! haha

well i guess i got a bit carried away haha i dont think i was intending on writing this much o.O anyway these are the legs that i appreciated as a whole, there were other awesome challenges that i liked individually but none were followed by an equally amazing leg. these are just my opinions!! oh and as you can probably guess, yes i did start watching post all stars
« Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 09:38:51 PM by ryanmissing27 »

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 08:14:49 AM »
Everyone is going to have their favorite. Mine is a classic:

AR7 finale - Rob/Amber vs. Ron/Kelly and Uchenna/Joyce; this leg started with very difficult tasks (since they had no money) in Jamaica for Uchenna/Joycce, continued to a draw before the HOO in Puerto Rico and climaxed at the San Juan International Airport with the "pull back the plane" decision by the pilot. On the Miami end Rob/Amber ran into the language barrier searching for El Rey dos Habaneros in Little Havana and a penniless Uchenna and Joyce begged their way to victory. This was drama at its finest!

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2012, 09:48:27 AM »
Season 5, Legs 12 & 13 (The finale): Going from island to island in the Philippines was fantastic. Between the flags, the clam shells, and the ascender, there was so much tension and drama between the teams, you never knew who was going home and who would win. Then came the final leg, with every team on even footing into Canada. The mountain climb and the detour between the bikes and luge were all great tasks. Then the flight to the final destination city: Dallas, Texas. Though navigating the maze was the only task after the flight, it was a good one - one of the best final tasks, in my opinion. And the winners were so satisfying, too.

Satisfying at the time, I mean. After reading interviews and rewatching it, I like Colin & Christie more than Chip and Kim. They should have won, they were a better team!

Or maybe I just like it because it's the closest the Amazing Race has been to where I live.

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2012, 10:35:24 AM »
There are too many to describe, but here's a shortlist (noting that this asked for best 'leg' and not best 'episode' because some crappy legs have led to great episodes - the TAR 17 finale, for instance).

1.04 (Tunisia 1)
2.05 (Thailand 1)
2.08 (Hong Kong / Sydney)
3.08 (Switzerland 1)
5.05 (Egypt 1)
10.04 (Vietnam 2)
12.07 (Italy)
13.10 (Russia 2)
15.11 (Czech Rep 2)
17.06 (Russia 1)
18.04 (China 1)

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2012, 11:26:59 AM »
A few "epic legs" I consider in MORE recent seasons:

TAR 7: Ray and Deana eliminated. Brian and Greg's car accident, coming from behind and beating Ray and Deana in a footrace??

TAR 9: 3 WAY FOOT RACE TO THE PIT-STOP, BJ AND TYLER NEL. Another grandest display of karma.

TAR 10: BQ's NEL. Yielding Bamas and still checking in last, grandest display of karma. Actually TAR 10 had a lot of epic moments, like the Chos letting David and Mary go for the FF, Lyns VS Edwin and Godwin to the pitstop, Lyns nearly winning the leg even with the Yield, Rob and Kimberly VS the tomatoes, BQs beating Tyler and James and Rob and Kim who took the FF??? -_- and loads more!

TAR 11: Rob and Amber getting eliminated. Too epic. Tooooooo epic!

TAR 12: Azaria and Hendekea's elimination leg. Even though we sort of knew they were behind the whole time, but the fact that they were such a strong team, and that the leg was divided into two parts - 1. Jennifer and Nathan VS Ron and Chris for first place and 2. Nic and Don VS Azaria and Hendekea for last place, along with coincidence in flight timings such that Azaria and Hendekea still got to meet Nic and Don in front of them doing tasks and trying to catch up was so exciting.

TAR 16: NEL by Jet and Cord in Seychelles. That was drama to the finest for the entire leg, teams going back and forth and positions changing throughout. Honestly had no idea who was going to land on the mat last.

TAR 17: Elimination Leg for Michael and Kevin. That leg was crazy, with penalties, changes in positions, Gary and Mallory coming from behind... interesting tasks, drama all the way till the end.

TAR 19: Laurence and Zac elimination leg, Indonesia leg 2 (Kaylani and Lisa eliminated).. both legs had interesting tasks, changes in teams position and was unpredictable all the way till the end!

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2012, 01:31:33 PM »
I loved TAR10's Mongolia and Madagascar legs, the tasks were good and they were purely entertaining episodes.

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2012, 04:46:20 PM »
I detest the word epic and everything that it stands for, so I'll try not to use it in my epic description of my most epic legs.

I absolutely loved the Dubrovnik leg in Season 12. Not necessarily for the tasks, which were pretty straightforward, but that city is just unlike any other in the world.

I've also got a soft spot for Penang in Season 16 after I retraced that leg last year.

I also loved the first Russian leg of Season 13, but more for the people. The soldiers laughing as Dandrew struggled with the boot camp and the Russian baker all in one leg? Perfect TV!

The Season 5 El Nido leg was classic as well. The drama of that episode was unique!

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2012, 10:37:38 PM »
My favorite legs were the Egypt legs,Cairo and Luxor, in season 5. Simply because of how well they presented the country. I remember being in awe while watching the majestic beauty of Egypt. Generally, season 5   has some of the best legs in terms of visual and drama ;)
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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2012, 10:39:53 PM »
Can I just say the TAR 12 starting sequence was AWESOME!! Classic cars and the Playboy Mansion <3

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2012, 12:40:01 AM »
Well,there is some great legs i would like to talk about it :

TAR10 : Madagascar,awesome!
TAR12 : Burkina Faso,Lithuania,Taiwan!
TAR14 : Romenia!
TAR15 : Japan,Estonia,Sweden!
TAR16 : Argentina,Malaysia,China,Seychelles
TAR17 : England,Ghana,Sweden,Norway,Russia,South Korea,Bangladesh!
TAR18 : Australia,Japan,China,Austria,Brazil
TAR19 : Indonesia,Malawi,Denmark,Belgium and Panama.
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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2012, 11:11:20 PM »
I absolutely loved the Dubrovnik leg in Season 12. Not necessarily for the tasks, which were pretty straightforward, but that city is just unlike any other in the world.

I definitely have to agree with this! Dubrovnik- in my opinion - is just about the most beautiful place TAR has ever gone to. Such a phenomenal leg! :hearts:

A lot of other terrific legs mentioned here! :colors Like most people said, there's really too many to mention! :lol:
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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2012, 11:55:35 PM »
I absolutely loved the Dubrovnik leg in Season 12. Not necessarily for the tasks, which were pretty straightforward, but that city is just unlike any other in the world.

I definitely have to agree with this! Dubrovnik- in my opinion - is just about the most beautiful place TAR has ever gone to. Such a phenomenal leg! :hearts:

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2012, 05:15:19 PM »
TAR16 Leg 6 (France) - Epic Leg.

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2012, 05:15:53 PM »
Welcome back, JCF! :waves:
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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2012, 08:24:13 PM »
I agree, Dubrovnik is a gorgeous city. I always had an eye for that city. Shame though, the tasks were so dull.
My favorite leg is the India leg in season 13. The roadblock, Holi festival, task was my absolute favorite. I'm dying to join that color throwing battle mania.
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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2012, 12:25:28 AM »
Firstly, I have watched season 5 – present of the Amazing Race
I know this is an old thread, but I just wanted to say my Top 5 Amazing Race Legs anyway. Here they are –

#1 - TAR17, Leg 7 (Russia II)
Absolute brilliance, the Leg opened up on a beautiful sunny day in St Petersburg. Off to the Russian circus! Who doesn’t love a circus?!  :hearts: Circus Detour: balancing plates or learning a song on the accordion. What made it a great Detour is that neither option gave an advantage to any team. It was a picturesque, fun and tough Detour. Then teams are off on a Russian treasure hunt, which not only is physically tiring, but also allows the camera to show off the beautiful architecture of St Petersburg.  :conf: The riddles in between make it even better. A Roadblock at the gorodki courts needed an amount of physical strength but was effective, and intense runs to the Pit Stop and penalties! Like wow, no episode will ever be as good as this.  :hrt:  :hrt:  :hrt:

#2 - TAR19, Leg 3 (Indonesia II)
No equalizers, hooray! Instead the Leg starts with a historical re-enactment. I am a history geek, so I loved this Route Info!  :hrt: The race then heads to a simple Detour in a lush green rice field. Both required physical effort, and I LOVE physical challenges. And producers left the best until last – BOROBUDUR!  :hrt: What a magnificent temple, I am so glad the race made it there. So far throughout the Leg we’ve had lost cabbies, dodgy bicycle pedals and annoying sheep, but nothing caused as much trouble as the Roadblock. In the Race’s counting challenges, you expect teamwork, but the counting was specific and caused lots of entertainment. An intense race to the Pit Stop was exciting and I will never forget this episode.  :hrt:

#3 - TAR18, Leg 7 (India II)
FINALLY the Race gets to Varanasi  :wohoo:, which was spectacular and was well captured by the cameramen. What an AMAZING city! The Roadblock was amusing, but we also got to see the colorful and chaotic streets of Varanasi. One side of the Detour required physical effort, which wasn’t too bad, but the other option provided much more entertainment. The smell of cow manure was the main distraction and the grumpy Indian woman who was not satisfied by the standard of cow coal made by teams.  :lol: The episode doesn’t get better after Vyxsin jumping in the Ganges – EPIC!  :hearts: And even though we had to say goodbye to Ron and Christina  :'(, it was still a great Leg.

#4 - TAR15, Leg 11 (Czech Republic II)
Firstly, NIGHT LEG! These are epic. Teams head off to a museum… and I was expecting an equalizer. BUT NO, we’re right off with a Roadblock!  :conf: What seemed a simple task was distracted but hundreds of ringing telephones, LOVE IT. we get to the beautiful Charles Bridge, and a Detour with so much bickering potential. Basically we saw Prague at night. I don’t care, the Detour was highly entertaining, with lots of bickering, and the beer Detour – AWESOME.  :keeta: We had Ericka threatening to beat up the local Czechs that were getting in her way.  :lol3:

#5 - TAR16 Leg 6 (France II)
I thought it was awesome having a Leg based around the champagne industry! A needle in a haystack Roadblock was effective.  :tup: Driving through the French countryside with the unintelligent Caite and Brent was amusing, as usual.  :lol: And an EPIC Detour which was a needle in a haystack, or a champagne tower. Both challenges were intense and exciting. To top it off, The Pit Stop greeter was a mime  :hrt:

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2012, 07:06:02 AM »
My favorite legs so far:
TAR 3 : Leg 12. Flo's breakdown in Vietnam is :luvya: :luvya: :luvya:

TAR 11: Leg 4 where Romber and Charla & Mirna face to face at the Roadblock sorting the letters. The footrace to the pitstop was quite epic.

TAR 12: I love Leg 3 in Burkina Faso. The milking camel Roadblock was hilarious. The Detour was also good since teams have to interact with the local students.

TAR 13: I don't know which one is my favorite, but I like Leg 7 in India, especially the Roadblock

TAR 14: Leg 1 where Margie & Luke won the first leg. And Leg 9 where Margie & Luke clashed with Kisha & Jen.

TAR 15: Leg 7 in The Netherlands. The result is so unpredictable.

TAR 16: Leg 7 in Seychelles. Seychelles is sooooo beautiful :colors And Steve & Allie's victory was so unforgettable.

TAR 17: Leg 3 in Ghana.

TAR 18: All of the legs in this season are really good (except Leg 8 for me, but Vienna is a wonderful city so I just forgive it)

TAR 19: Leg 3 and Leg 11 :hearts:
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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2012, 07:18:58 AM »
TAR16 Leg 6 (France) - Epic Leg.

#5 - TAR16 Leg 6 (France II)
I thought it was awesome having a Leg based around the champagne industry! A needle in a haystack Roadblock was effective.  :tup: Driving through the French countryside with the unintelligent Caite and Brent was amusing, as usual.  :lol: And an EPIC Detour which was a needle in a haystack, or a champagne tower. Both challenges were intense and exciting. To top it off, The Pit Stop greeter was a mime  :hrt:

Absolutely!!! I would love a Switchback to the champagne towers! One of the most epic tasks ever!!! :yess:

My favorite leg is the India leg in season 13. The roadblock, Holi festival, task was my absolute favorite. I'm dying to join that color throwing battle mania.

That was a great leg!!! One of very few legs in India that I actually enjoyed! I loved the Roadblock and the Detour, and they were both so epic!!! But I didn't like the elimination! :(

My favorite legs so far:
TAR 3 : Leg 12. Flo's breakdown in Vietnam is :luvya: :luvya: :luvya:

TAR 11: Leg 4 where Romber and Charla & Mirna face to face at the Roadblock sorting the letters. The footrace to the pitstop was quite epic.

TAR 12: I love Leg 3 in Burkina Faso. The milking camel Roadblock was hilarious. The Detour was also good since teams have to interact with the local students.

TAR 13: I don't know which one is my favorite, but I like Leg 7 in India, especially the Roadblock

TAR 15: Leg 7 in The Netherlands. The result is so unpredictable.

TAR 16: Leg 7 in Seychelles. Seychelles is sooooo beautiful :colors And Steve & Allie's victory was so unforgettable.

I love your whole list Theodorus, but especially the ones that I quoted here! TAR3 Leg 12 is amazing!!!!! :hearts:
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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2012, 09:55:10 AM »
IDK why, but I can't remember legs before TAR 14.

TAR 14 Legs 1, 2, 10: Switzerland, Germany, 2nd China

TAR 15 Legs 5, 6, 9, 11: both UAE's, Estonia, 2nd Czech Republic

TAR 16 Legs 4, 7, 11: Germany, Seychelles, 1st China

TAR 17 Legs 1, 3, 7, 11: England, 2nd Ghana, 2nd Russia, S.Korea

TAR 18 Legs 3, 7, 9, 10: Japan, 2nd India, Liechtenstein/Switzerland (despite Jet and Cords Elimination), 2nd Switzerland

TAR 19 Legs 3, 4, 9, 11: 2nd Indonesia, 1st Thailand, Denmark/Belgium, Panama

what would have made it if not for idiotic bread task before the pit stop: TAR 19 Leg 5: 2nd Thailand


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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2012, 10:05:50 AM »
At first, all the legs in the Netherlands  :)

At second, Russia #2, TAR17

At third, Egypt legs, TAR5

At fourth, Croatia, TAR12

At fifth, Denmark, TAR19

Offline Jobby

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Re: Best TAR Leg
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2012, 10:54:08 AM »
Funny how the Singapore leg in TAR 16 remains to be the only one to feature a Roadblock, Detour, Fast Forward and U-TURN ever and the epic Carol and Brandy and Brent and Caite showdown but nobody remembers it. :lol: