Author Topic: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*  (Read 102180 times)

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #225 on: May 07, 2012, 01:51:42 PM »
one team that maybe the most winningist but the most bland and boring team to win the race after Megan and shayne.Uchenia and Joyce are the example couple of a winning team and they will be rememberd in 5 years over Rachel and Dave ( i predict their marriage wont even last 5 years).

:res: :res: :res: :res: :res:

(talk about haters)
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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #226 on: May 07, 2012, 05:01:27 PM »
Bluesky stop your trolling & Brenchel jealousy.


1. jealous resentment against a rival, or against another's success or advantage.

I assure you that neither one is a rival of mine, nor do I have any resentment against their potential success in the next couple of hours.

I simply would prefer not to see petty squabbles and childish behavior on a show that at its best, shows us the awesome beauty and majesty of the world we live in, and the depths of strength, ingenuity and compassion that ordinary people will bring forth under pressure.

The ridiculous drama, and false crying and meltdowns, detract from the power and vigor of The Amazing Race. You can go find that crap anywhere.

Very true. I am tired of the jealousy defense. I am not jealous of anything they have ever done because I don't want their life. If anything I am jealous of the team who won tons of money, vacations, and cars and got to complete the most amazing game ever, travel, the world for free, and be considered the most successful team on an extremely hard show.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 05:07:19 PM by Prophet »
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Offline Reilly Queens

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #227 on: May 07, 2012, 05:09:26 PM »
Very true. I am tired of the jealousy defense. I am not jealous of anything they have ever done because I don't want their life. If anything I am jealous of the team who won tons of money, vacations, and cars and got to complete the most amazing game ever, travel, the world for free, and be considered the most successful team on an extremely hard show. I think the season would have been better without Brenchel on the screen but that has nothing to do with jealousy.

:res: :res: The season would have been WORSE if Brenchel wasn't on. It would have been like TAR15/13 where one team won everything and the other teams were pretty boring and didn't do much. Brenchel was very good in the finale and could have won if they went on foot first without taking the taxi(they did the sledding task pretty good and everything else pretty quick) Brenchel deserves some respect as amazing competitors.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #228 on: May 07, 2012, 05:15:41 PM »
Fine. They did better than me on the Race, since I haven't been fortunate enough to go on (but I can't say I would be able to make the final three, who knows). I'm not calling their talent into question. I happen to believe Rachel R has talent, skill, and ability; I just wish she would stop whining about everything and just work. That's really my issue with her.

On the point about teams winning every leg, I happen to think this is an amazing accomplishment and is only achieved by hard work. Hard work should be rewarded, hence Davechel, one of the hardest working teams ever, winning 2\3 of the legs and getting lots of cool stuff. Maybe people are really jealous about one team winning so many legs. :lol:
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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #229 on: May 07, 2012, 05:44:31 PM »
The Amazing Race, just like Big Brother, is stressful though so I'm willing to be rather more understanding than some people who really just watched it wanting to hate anyway (you know some people did).  I think just about every team struggled at some point, and certainly the winners did.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #230 on: May 07, 2012, 08:00:01 PM »

The Amazing Race: Brendon and Rachel, “We had a target on our back”
by Reg Seeton

In the Season 20 finale of The Amazing Race, Big Brother couple Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly finished third after touching down in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Although Rachel Reilly won Season 13 of Big Brother and found love with former contestant, Brendon Villegas, the two reality lovebirds made it into the final three of The Amazing Race, finishing in third place behind winners Dave and Rachel Brown and border patrol agents Art Velez and J.J. Carrell. Like Big Brother, however, The Amazing Race was filled with drama this season since some of the other Amazing Race teams already knew who Brendon and Rachel were and considered them reality targets.

Despite butting heads with others on The Amazing Race, Brendon and Rachel gave it their all to win but fell just shy of another reality victory.

The day after their third place finish on The Amazing Race, The Deadbolt caught up with Brendon and Rachel to learn more about their time on the show, get their side of the drama, and what they’re most proud of during their time on The Amazing Race.

THE DEADBOLT: How tough was the race compared to Big Brother?

RACHEL REILLY: I think it was harder than Big Brother. It’s like an endurance race. Big Brother is so mental and The Amazing Race is so physical. In the race, you’re not eating, you’re not sleeping, and you’re just constantly going and going. It’s hard. The fact that Brendon and I made it to the final three and that we were running the race the entire time, I think that’s an achievement on its own. The race is really tough. Being in the Big Brother house for 76 days is a mental stress but being on The Amazing Race is hard.

BRENDON VILLEGAS: Big Brother is tougher mentally by far. The Amazing Race is just physically exhausting. So by the end of the race, the last leg, even the last interviews we did, we were falling asleep we were so tired. It just takes so much out of you and you don’t have time to recover. In Big Brother, your worst enemy is your own brain. Being in that house, you just have so much down-time that you drive yourself crazy. That’s what’s hard to deal with in Big Brother.

THE DEADBOLT: Did you guys feel like you had a target on your back from the beginning?

BRENDON: Oh, yeah!

RACHEL: Definitely, we had a target on our back as far as the other teams not liking us, Ralph and Vanessa plus Art and J.J.. The good thing about The Amazing Race is that even though you have a target on your back, it doesn’t matter because you’re not being voted out. They may not have liked us and made our lives a bit harder, but the good thing was that Brendon and I had the chance to run the race and we didn’t have to worry about any of the other teams voting us out.

THE DEADBOLT: Since Dave and Rachel were way ahead, did you still feel like you had a shot at winning in the final leg?

BRENDON: We really got the wind knocked out of us when we realized that we were supposed to proceed on foot but took the cab. That was really our downturn. We just really got hung up on that. I didn’t really think we had a shot at first but I did think we had a shot at second. So that’s why I wanted to press on. But you never know, that’s the hard part. You don’t know what’s in front of you. There could be a roadblock that’s completely difficult for two people but easy for Rachel to do. You can’t ever think that you’re out of the race.

THE DEADBOLT: Rachel, have you patched things up with Vanessa?

RACHEL: I’m not opposed to patching things up with her, but I don’t think we’ll be friends anytime soon. I wish her all the best and I think that Vanessa outside of the race is probably a great girl, but in the race we just butted heads so much. She made some really mean comments and I don’t think we’ll be friends anytime soon. Some of those comments were just unnecessary and that was the biggest part of it. We were running a race and the race wasn’t about tearing down other racers. The race is about running your own race.

THE DEADBOLT: What was it that sparked the fight in the airport? What didn’t we see?

BRENDON: I’ll take the blame for that one. Well, actually, maybe not. It wasn’t me entirely. I bumped Ralph when we were running to get in line and he was like, “Watch it, buddy!” At that point, I was kind of hyped up on animosity from what was going on between Vanessa and Rachel, and I flipped Ralph off because I was pissed.

So we get in line, and Vanessa had been shoving Rachel, so they get into it, and then we all get into it. Then Art and J.J. decide to jump in when they had nothing to do with it and they try to start bullying us. So after the dust settled, I apologized to Ralph and we were cool at that point. I had no animosity towards Ralph, it was all with Vanessa. It was just hard for me to watch her behave the way she did to Rachel. If anyone wants to say something to me, go ahead. I couldn’t give a crap. But when you start talking about Rachel, and it starts to get to her and bother her, that’s when I become vocal.

THE DEADBOLT: What was the toughest aspect of the race that you weren’t expecting?

RACHEL: I think not sleeping and not eating. For me, that was the toughest. I wasn’t expecting that it was literally like, go, go go. Going into the race, I was kind of thinking that we would have more time to sleep or more time to take breathers and breaks, or have time to eat, but you don’t. From the moment the race began and the word “go,” the race is literally on. You don’t have time to mess up and redeem yourself. Any mistake you make, the race could be over.

BRENDON: When you get money for the leg, you don’t know what you’re going to spend it on. Me, I’m a hoarder on the race. I don’t want to spend any money because I always think it’s going to help us in some way. And if it does, I want to have that advantage. So anything we got for free, we’d take like five of them and shove them into our bags.

In between legs, we had food. Once the leg was running, we didn’t know if we had time to spare or if we had cash to spare or even time to eat. Like when we had the salami, we were actually very hungry. It was good for about the first two laps but by the tenth we were ready to puke it all back up.

THE DEADBOLT: Brendon, what side of Rachel did we not get to see on the show?

BRENDON: I think they did a pretty well-rounded job of being fair to us. They could have easily shown Rachel just crying down and lashing out and people would think she’s just a bitchy reality girl and whatnot. But they did do a good job of showing where we were coming from. Art and J.J. were trying to gang up on us, and Vanessa never let up on Rachel, so I think they did a good job of showing the sides of us.

Do I wish they had’ve shown a bit more of us being compassionate and loving as a couple? Yeah. But again, during the race, we’re very intense people and we’re going until we’re gone. Once we’re done, then we can relax.

I wish they would have shown some of the nicer moments. In Africa, for instance, Rachel wanted to spend all of our money. These cute little African kids would come up and wanted to sell you jewelry. Of course, Rachel was buying it left and right and we’re trying to race. In Africa, my stomach got upset and I had to go to the bathroom. I was going to the bathroom and Rachel’s outside, I could hear her asking the kids, “Here, do you want some money?” I was like, “Rachel, stop giving away our money!”

There were lots of those moments on the race that you don’t get to see.

There was another time when we were walking to the mat and I gave a homeless guy our leftover food. Then Bopper came along and gave him a blanket that he used to sleep at night. To me, that’s what the race is about, learning that this world is a lot bigger. No matter how bad we have it, or think we have it, there are people out there that are much worse. If these people can overcome that to find happiness, we definitely have something to learn.

THE DEADBOLT: Rachel, what was the hardest part about watching Brendon do the rubber chicken challenge?

RACHEL: It was awesome watching Brendon fall. That was my favorite part, when Brendon dove onto the mat and went all the way back into the balloons. That was totally like Japanese game show.

BRENDON: I was just excited to have fallen and on a Japanese game show. That, to me, was a real experience.

THE DEADBOLT: Looking back, what are you guys most proud of?

RACHEL: I’m most proud of the fact that we made it as far as we did and we were in the final three. Brendon and I competed so hard and we put all of our hearts into the race. Whether we were crying or laughing, happy or sad, we put our hearts into it and we really gave it our all. We may not have won a million dollars, but we made it to the final leg. We had an amazing and incredible adventure, the adventure of a lifetime.

BRENDON: I’m proud of the fact that we made it through The Amazing Race and we’re still a couple!

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #231 on: May 07, 2012, 08:11:00 PM »
I wish they would have shown some of the nicer moments. In Africa, for instance, Rachel wanted to spend all of our money. These cute little African kids would come up and wanted to sell you jewelry. Of course, Rachel was buying it left and right and we’re trying to race. In Africa, my stomach got upset and I had to go to the bathroom. I was going to the bathroom and Rachel’s outside, I could hear her asking the kids, “Here, do you want some money?” I was like, “Rachel, stop giving away our money!”

 :lol: :lol: :luvya:

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #232 on: May 07, 2012, 10:59:00 PM »
Fine. They did better than me on the Race, since I haven't been fortunate enough to go on (but I can't say I would be able to make the final three, who knows). I'm not calling their talent into question. I happen to believe Rachel R has talent, skill, and ability; I just wish she would stop whining about everything and just work. That's really my issue with her.

On the point about teams winning every leg, I happen to think this is an amazing accomplishment and is only achieved by hard work. Hard work should be rewarded, hence Davechel, one of the hardest working teams ever, winning 2\3 of the legs and getting lots of cool stuff. Maybe people are really jealous about one team winning so many legs. :lol:
There have clearly been several seasons with much tougher competition. I'm not one to judge talent, but in my own opinion, there have been several teams with more ability but less luck. (Eric & Danielle (Or Eric & Jeremy), BJ & Tyler, Colin & Christie, Rob & Amber, Kris & Jon, Dustin & Kandice, Megan & Cheyne, Brooke & Claire, Nat & Kat, Tammy & Victor, to name a few).
Stats mean hardly anything to me.

 Anyway, I don't like the hate coming towards Rachel. It's easy to tell that she didn't grow up being taught certain life skills that others see as human nature.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #233 on: May 08, 2012, 06:55:17 AM »
Anyway, I don't like the hate coming towards Rachel. It's easy to tell that she didn't grow up being taught certain life skills that others see as human nature.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #234 on: May 08, 2012, 09:18:03 AM »
Anyway, I don't like the hate coming towards Rachel. It's easy to tell that she didn't grow up being taught certain life skills that others see as human nature.

There's no hate for the hundredth time...


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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #235 on: May 08, 2012, 11:56:04 AM »
Anyway, I don't like the hate coming towards Rachel. It's easy to tell that she didn't grow up being taught certain life skills that others see as human nature.

There's no hate for the hundredth time...
Does yelling at your TV count? ;)

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #236 on: May 08, 2012, 12:06:03 PM »
Anyway, I don't like the hate coming towards Rachel. It's easy to tell that she didn't grow up being taught certain life skills that others see as human nature.

There's no hate for the hundredth time...
Does yelling at your TV count? ;)
Only if you count everybody that yelled "Nooooooooooooooooooo!" when they got in the taxi.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #237 on: May 08, 2012, 12:57:40 PM »

'Amazing Race' Brendon, Rachel Q&A: 'Thank God for waterproof mascara'
By Catriona Wightman

Team Big Brother's Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly didn't have the easiest time on The Amazing Race - let's just say there were a lot of tears and cross words - but they still made it into third place!

Digital Spy spoke with Brendon and Rachel about their time on the Race, their Vanessa and Ralph feud, wedding plans and whether they want to do any more reality shows...

Hey Brendon and Rachel - how are you?
Rachel: "Good, good! We're excited. The finale was so amazing - it was so fun to watch."

How are you feeling about coming in third place?
Rachel: "Oh well! It was hard, you know, because we made a million-dollar mistake and not reading the clue correctly or not processing the clue correctly was our million-dollar mistake. So that was really hard for us because right when that happened, too, we realized after - we were in the cab and when it said, 'Go on foot', that's when we realized we just made that million-dollar mistake. So that was really hard, but you know, we had an incredible journey. We had an amazing adventure. I think it was the adventure of a lifetime. So I'm okay with jumping out of a plane in Argentina, going on an African safari, climbing up the side of a building in Hawaii - I'll take all that if I had to get third place!"

You mentioned you misunderstood the clue, but you did catch up with Art and JJ - do you think that clue was what cost you the Race?
Brendon: "I think it was. There were two things in our last leg that really cost us - that mistake, which cost us probably 20, 25 minutes. And then our cab driver dropped us off in the wrong spot when we were going to Coral Kingdom, so that cost us another 20 or 25 minutes. All in all, we probably were cost about an hour. One was our mistake, the other... I mean, there's nothing we can do with the cab. They just dropped us off and we were sure they dropped us off in the right spot and it caused us to fall behind further. The Race, there's a lot of variables you really can't control. You can fight your heart out and do great in the competition but you have one bad taxi driver or somebody who doesn't know where they're going or how to get there - they can be the end."

You called yourselves the underdogs going into the leg, but were there any points you thought you could win it?
Rachel: "Yeah, I think so. Especially in the beginning of the final leg, when Art and JJ were not at the towers and they had gotten mixed up and they weren't there. We thought we had a really good shot because we were right neck and neck with Dave and Rachel. I mean, anything could have happened and it could have ended up being a sprint to the finish for all we know, if we wouldn't have messed up and had continued at that pace. So I think we definitely thought that in the very beginning of the final leg we had a great shot at beating Dave and Rachel and that it was definitely possible, and when we messed up the clue that's when we realized - we were like, 'Ah, we made that million-dollar mistake', and it was just the worst!"

You obviously had a lot of arguments during the Race - do you think those held you back at all?
Brendon: "Yes, I do think any time anybody argues in The Amazing Race when they're competing, it slows them down tremendously. I think a great example of that was the twins. They got in a huge fight and they went out. I think if they hadn't gotten in that huge fight, they probably would have still been in the Race. And the same with us. We had a lot of good points where we were doing really well, but you start to lose focus on what you're doing when you start arguing with each other and that's what can cause you costly mistakes. And not even that our arguments caused us to lose the last leg of the Race, but they don't help and they slow us down and when we're fighting with each other we're not moving. Even that last leg when you saw Rachel throw down that fanny pack and she was p*ssed, I kept telling her, 'Let's just go to the helicopter', but she was already convinced that we were out of the Race and that's more detrimental to an Amazing Race contestant than fighting, because as soon as you think you're out and your mindset is already, 'I'm in last place', it's hard to come back from and it's even harder for the teammate that's trying to drag you along. It's like trying to stay, even when you think that you might be out or you might be in last place, to keep going with all your might because you might actually get first place and you never know."
Rachel: "I think it's like, when Brendon and I work well together, we're, like, unstoppable. In the leg in Paraguay, Brendon and I were on the second plane and we fought so hard and we worked together so well in that leg that we came in second place. So when we work well together and we're a strong team together and in sync, we're unstoppable. We're really fierce competitors. But when we do argue and fight and we're just going back and forth with each other, both of us were our own worst enemies because when we do that we lose focus and we definitely get way behind.

And Rachel, you were quite emotional during the show! What was it like watching that back?
Rachel: [laughs] "Oh my gosh - every time I watch it I'm like, 'Oh my gosh, thank God I had waterproof mascara!' It's so funny because I didn't realize I was that emotional, but I think that's just the way I handle stress. So for me, crying and venting to Brendon is something that I do naturally anyways and it's the way I handle stress. And on the Race you're tired, you're not eating, so I'm just releasing all this stress through the tears. And I mean, all I have to say again is, 'Thank God for waterproof mascara'. I think if I ran the Race again I wouldn't be as emotional."
Brendon: "And I think for me when I watched the Race - and again we always have to keep in mind you're watching a very small portion of the entire race and our entire day - I think that I got a little bit more introspective. Because watching, I realized a lot of times I was completely talking to Rachel in a bad manner or kind of a disrespectful tone. So it is good for us, I think, to see how we do act, especially with each other, because I really don't care how I'm interacting with the other people in the Race so much as Rachel, because she's the person I'm coming home to every day. And I want to make sure that she has respect for me and I treat her respectfully and even if we're not winning a million dollars, she's still out there with me racing The Amazing Race and trying her heart out. So it's good for us to see each other in this light and be able to step back from it and say, 'OK, you know what, maybe in this situation I definitely could have been...' Rachel made mistakes, I made mistakes - at the end of the day, no one person's responsible for losing a million dollars and that's the thing about being a team. I think it's good to see, especially in relationships so we can improve how we talk and how we see each other and how we communicate better."

So the Race brought you closer together?
Brendon: "Oh yeah, yeah, absolutely! We're still together!"
Rachel: "Yeah! I think with Brendon and I, after two seasons of Big Brother and after The Amazing Race we just realized that we always have to put each other first and we're the most important people in our relationship. And while competing and having all these amazing opportunities is great, we realized we have to put each other first and we have to focus on Brendon and I, and then we can focus on everything else we're doing, otherwise our relationship would crumble. I think that's what makes us such a strong team and such a strong couple."
Brendon: "And I think we're also trying to develop a relationship. That's the thing people forget - in the span of about 18 months approximately, we have been on almost seven months of reality television. So a big portion of our relationship has been spent in a pseudo-reality environment, where we have to learn about each other but we also have to do it in the presence of 12 strangers or 20 strangers. So there's a certain amount of trying to find out who we are together as a couple outside the cameras and just be a normal, healthy relationship, so that I think has been a challenge but I think it really has brought us that much closer together. We figured out a long time ago that Rachel and I are the two people that we can trust outside of our family and friends, and, no matter what, we've always got each other's back."

So you're not planning to do any more reality shows for a while?
Brendon: "Well, yeah. We said that about two times already!"
Rachel: "Yeah!"
Brendon: "I love reality television because obviously it has brought me the girl I'm going to marry, so I'm ecstatic about our experience so far. In the future, if Rachel wants to do some more reality shows I think she is more than welcome to do them, but for me I'm going to finish my PhD. I'm just starting research so I'm getting the ball rolling right now, so I'm going to be committed for several years."

Now I have to ask you about Vanessa and Ralph - what was it about them that you just didn't get along?
Rachel: "I think it wasn't us. I would have totally gotten along with them but they were just so mean to us. Ralph was a nice guy and we actually really look back at it and we're like, 'Well, Ralph seems like he's really nice', but Vanessa, man, she's mean! So I think that it's just the mean comments that she makes that are just unnecessary because we're all running the Race and there's no reason for her to say things about my nose or that you could see my butt through my pants, just stuff like that, these little cutting comments like that. I have no ill will toward her - I wish her all the best. I'm glad that we finished ahead of them, obviously!"
Brendon: "I think everyone else is glad too!"

Are there any Racers you do want to stay in touch with?
Brendon: "I actually just hung out with Bopper and Mark on Tuesday night, and we talk to them all the time. Those are two people that we're going to be lifelong friends with, for sure. And then we keep in touch with Jamie and Nary and actually Cherie and Dave were just at our finale party, the clowns. So you know what, honestly, I'm not going to lie - outside of Art and JJ and Vanessa and Ralph, we pretty much like every single person on the Race."
Rachel: "We talk to Joey and Danny and Rachel and Dave and Misa and Maiya. I feel like we try to keep in touch with everyone - Kerri and Stacy. We really like everyone - it's just Art and JJ and Vanessa and Ralph are just... no!"

What was your favorite moment from the Race?
Rachel: "I think my favorite moment in the entire race was going on a safari in Africa and just everything in Africa, in the entire two legs that we did in Africa. It was so incredible that just being in Africa, seeing the beauty of the landscape and the safari and, oh my gosh, everything, it was like my dream come true. I've always wanted to go to Africa - I've always wanted to go on safari, so that was amazing. Jumping out of a plane in Argentina, skydiving was amazing; climbing up the building even though it was so scary in Hawaii, it was such a cool experience to get to rappel and walk down the side of the building. How many people can say they've done that? And so many different really cool experiences that we've had, and it's been such an incredible adventure and just, I mean, the adventure of a lifetime."
Brendon: "Rachel, her favorite moment - I know she's a little long-winded! - was Africa. When we did our leg in Africa, those tents that we put up, which were a pain in the butt and took us a while, we stayed in them the night of the leg. So when we were driving back to our camp, it was about sunset, we got stopped because probably about 70 or 80 elephants came pouring out of the jungle where our camp was. We had to stop on the road and all these elephants were walking - a few were walking between us, one of them even turned, faced our jeep and walked sideways to protect the other two elephants. So for me that was one of the coolest moments and even the camera guy said people pay thousands of dollars just to see this. I mean, this is natural, this is real. It was one of the most beautiful things we've ever seen. And to have it be natural - we go to zoos and we go to wild animal parks, so to actually see nature in its true form and animals that are not being caged or enclosed was really, really amazing."

So what's next for you - have you got any big plans for the rest of the year?
Rachel: "I mean, we have a few plans. We have our wedding that's coming up and we're buying a house, so those are our big plans. I have a pet travel website, so I'm working on that. Brendon's busy getting his PhD, and we're really focusing right now on our wedding and planning the wedding, and that's a full time job in itself! So we're really focused on that right now."
Brendon: "Yeah, and just trying to plan. At this point we have a lot of people we know, Rachel and I, because there's a lot of people involved in us meeting! So we would love to have a giant wedding but that's also a tough thing when you didn't win a million dollars. So we thought about having a destination wedding and looking at what our options are. But we're excited. I think we're both excited to get married and start our lives together, because we're ready. We're living together... we enjoy being together and I think we're ready to make it official. And God forbid we spend one summer that's not on reality television, right?"

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #238 on: May 08, 2012, 12:58:29 PM »
Does yelling at your TV count? ;)

Surprisingly, I've never done that. :lol:
Physics alone is not enough.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #239 on: May 08, 2012, 03:05:43 PM »
I think all the teams made mistakes in the final leg, but as said elsewhere here I really wish taxis were used less and they allowed teams to drive their own way around (give them a map to find their way).

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #240 on: May 08, 2012, 05:25:50 PM »
I think all the teams made mistakes in the final leg, but as said elsewhere here I really wish taxis were used less and they allowed teams to drive their own way around (give them a map to find their way).

Agree that the taxis have too big an impact on teams, especially in the last leg.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #241 on: May 08, 2012, 06:03:42 PM »
I think all the teams made mistakes in the final leg, I really wish they allowed teams to drive their own way around (give them a map to find their way).

I apologize for editing your post. I believe I just condensed it down to what you really meant. This is about the worst idea I have ever seen posted about changing the race. There is a reason that World Race Productions has never allowed teams to self drive in the finale and probably never will. I don't think you have really thought this through.
Matthew 7:15

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #242 on: May 08, 2012, 11:14:42 PM »

'The Amazing Race' Exit Interview: Rachel & Brendon
The 'Big Brother' crossover team discuss how they lost one million dollars
By Diane Vadino

Though they fought some of the worst battles on this season's "Amazing Race," former "Big Brother" contestants and "The Amazing Race 20" third-place finishers Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly are actually both completely engaging and engaged. Here are their thoughts on the nail-biter of a season finale, which saw them make what Rachel termed "a million-dollar mistake."

What was it like going straight from the Big Brother house to "The Amazing Race"? 

Rachel: That was the craziest part. We only had a month between the two shows. And after you finish "Big Brother," you need a year-long vacation. But I was coming in from the house -- which I was in for 76 days -- on such a high [after winning].

Brendon: It's just such a different ball game. "Big Brother" is a mentally challenging game, even when you're not [directly] competing with somebody else. "Amazing Race" is really just about your partner and how well you communicate.

Rachel: That's the biggest thing. On the "Race," you are your own biggest enemy.

Brendon: We learned a lot about each other. You see how you act, and sometimes you're proud, and sometimes you're not so proud.

And are you still together?

Rachel: Oh, of course. We're going to get married soon. We're going from "The Amazing Race" to planning a wedding. We're shooting for September. We're house hunting right now.

Where did the fights with Vanessa start?

Brendon: I had animosity toward both of them the whole race. But it was really stuff Vanessa was saying. It wasn't really Ralph. She was just not a nice girl. Vanessa's very attractive, but she's threatened by other girls who are pretty.

Do you regret not taking advantage of the Fast Forward that would have meant shaving your head?

Rachel: I don't really have any regrets about the race. If I'd known the prize [for winning the leg] was $10,000 each, maybe! But I'm getting married.

Brendon: It was going to be up to her. As a guy, I can't know what it would be like to shave her head. I understood it when she said, "The wedding" -- and I thought, "Let's move on."

And what about that final error last night, when you guys misread a clue leading to the helicopters?

Rachel: That one is so hard. You guys saw our reaction, when you realize you just made a million-dollar mistake that ultimately cost us the race. We were neck and neck with Dave and Rachel. And if we'd continued racing the way we had been ... they had made a mistake. I completely lost it. I was mad at Brendon; I was mad at myself. It was my fault. It wasn't like a taxi driver. That was the worst.

Will we see you back on another reality TV show?

Rachel: I guess never say never. But I think Brendon and I are really focused on our wedding and buying a home.

Brendon: I'm doing my Ph.D., so I'm focused on that. But if Rachel wanted to, I wouldn't get in her way.

So what's better:"The Amazing Race" or "Big Brother"?

Rachel: They're so different!

Brendon: You're asking us to choose between our children.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #243 on: May 08, 2012, 11:24:09 PM »

Exclusive: Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas talk 'Amazing Race' (Pt. 1)
By Elizabeth Kwiatkowski

Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas finished The Amazing Race's twentieth season in third place during Sunday night's two-hour finale broadcast, which featured the edition's eleventh and twelfth legs, of the CBS reality competition.

The "Engaged Couple" and former Big Brother houseguests finished ahead of "Dating Divorcees" Vanessa Macias and Ralph Kelley but were beat by champions and "Married Couple" Rachel Brown and Dave Brown and "Border Patrol Agents and Friends" Art Velez and J.J. Carrell -- who came in second place overall -- and lost the one-million dollar grand prize.

On Monday, Rachel and Brendon talked to Reality TV World about their The Amazing Race experience -- including when they plan to get married, what comment was made by Rachel that Brendon was thrilled to catch on tape, which two major errors they believed cost them the win, and how they really felt about their rocky relationship with Vanessa and Ralph when everything boiled down. 

Below is the first half of our exclusive interview with Rachel and Brendon. Check back with Reality TV World in the coming days for the concluding portion. To read Rachel B. and Dave's interview, click here. To begin reading Vanessa and Ralph's interview, click here.

Reality TV World: So just to clarify, how is your relationship going now and have you two set a date yet for your wedding?

Rachel Reilly: (Laughs) We're doing really well. We are shooting for this year. We're definitely getting married this year. We haven't set an exact date or anything like that, but we're definitely getting married this year and we're more in love than ever. So, The Amazing Race, we definitely had our times, but it definitely brought us closer together. (Laughs)

Brendon Villegas: Yeah, we were hoping for September. That was the ideal for us, but it's also already May and we really haven't planned much because a lot goes into a wedding.

So again, I think we're ready to start our lives together and we've had an amazing experience on reality television, and CBS has been very kind to us in allowing us to be on three other shows. So I think now, we're ready to start our lives together too!

Reality TV World: That's awesome. Congratulations you guys.

Brendon Villegas: Aw, thank you.

Rachel Reilly: Yay! Thank you!

Reality TV World: How are you two feeling about finishing in third place? Are you guys disappointed because you came so close to winning that million dollars or would you say you're very satisfied with how you ran the Race regardless of the finishing order?

Brendon Villegas: I think both of us are very satisfied with the fact that we made it to the end, because when we first went on this, our biggest concern was, "Let us not be out on the first leg," especially because people were kind of nervous for us since [former Survivor castaways Ethan Zohn and Jenna Morasca] had gone out [of The Amazing Race] pretty early last season.

And then we started going along, and we were like, "Okay, well, we love [former Racers and Big Brother houseguests Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd], but we need to get farther than them in The Amazing Race. So, once we got past like sixth, where I think was when they had gone out, we were like, "Okay, we have a good shot at making it to the end."

I told Rachel, "I don't care about winning every single leg. I just want to make it to the final leg." And we did that, and that was our goal -- to get a shot at the million dollars -- and we didn't win, but you know what? We at least got one of our goals, and we managed to stay together as a couple, which I think is probably one of the hardest things on The Amazing Race.

Rachel Reilly: And I think too that we had such an amazing adventure, like an incredible journey while we were on the Race -- just traveling around the world and doing so many crazy and fun competitions. I mean, jumping out of airplanes and going on a safari in Africa -- even climbing to the top of a 45-story building and rappelling down. (Laughs)

We got to experience it all and not very many people that have run the Race can say that, so it's really cool that we got to actually experience everything that we could on the Race.

Reality TV World: When I talked to Rachel and Dave today, they said you got to the Pit Stop about 40 minutes after them and around 20 minutes after Art and J.J. Would you say that was accurate or no?

Brendon Villegas: Well maybe, we don't know. They would know better than we would. So, yeah. I mean, after Rachel and I were behind Art and J.J., we knew that we were pretty much in third place. And we weren't killing ourselves to get there because we knew that Rachel and Dave were already there and that Art and J.J. were already there ahead of us too.

So at that point, we were kind of just like, I hate to say it, but at that point, we kind of knew we were in third place. So we were racing through it, but we weren't killing ourselves either.

Rachel Reilly: Yeah.

Reality TV World: It looked like your downfall in the Race was failing to catch the fact you had to walk on foot to the baseball field where the helicopters took off, but you guys hopped in a cab instead. How long into the cab ride did it take you guys to figure out your mistake and about how much time do you think you wasted total because of that error?

Brendon Villegas: We probably wasted a huge 25 to possibly 30 minutes. It was the death cap for us.

Reality TV World: So then would you say that mistake was totally responsible for your third-place finish or do you think other factors contributed to slowing you down as well?

Brendon Villegas: Well, no, because we even -- I think that if we had gone and actually found where we were supposed to do the sledding right off the bat, because our taxi driver dropped us off at the wrong spot, and it cost us like another half hour probably. So, we probably could've -- we would've had a good shot at getting first place at that point still being behind.

Rachel Reilly: Well, I think it was a combination of a few things that cost us the Race, but I think that our million-dollar mistake 100% percent was not reading the clue correctly and not going on-foot to the final Pit Stop, or to the final helicopter ride. I think that was definitely what definitely cost us the million dollars.

So for me, that's the biggest thing that I wish we would've paid attention to. And when we found out that we were so wrong, it was so hard on us, because we were just like, "This is horrible!" And it was so frustrating!

Reality TV World: Yeah, I was going to ask you guys about that little argument you got into on the way to the helicopters, because it seemed like Brendon, you wanted Rachel to hustle and run, while Rachel, you were simply exhausted and didn't have it in you. Could you talk about that a little bit? Did you determine one of you was wrong in that argument and at what point did you just let the fight go?

Brendon Villegas: Well...

Rachel Reilly: (Laughs) I think I was wrong. I'll be honest. The thing is, in the Race, you can never give up.

Brendon Villegas: Wait, wait. This is being recorded, right? (Laughs)

Rachel Reilly: (Laughs) I know, I know! So I think that that's the thing. In the Race, [host Phil Keoghan] says it a million times, he's like, "Never give up. Don't think that your race is over until you get to the Pit Stop and they tell you it is." And at that point, we were going to the helicopter and I was like, "Brendon, it's done! I'm exhausted."

And I was exhausted. I was exhausted, I was hungry, we had just made that mistake, I was frustrated. And if I would have -- maybe if I would have ran, we would've caught five more extra minutes, I don't know.

You can't ever play the "what if" game, but I definitely think that giving advice to someone else running the Race, that I would say, "Never -- always read your clue first, but if you mess up, never give up. Keep running the Race like you're still running the Race. Just keep running it and don't give up."

The problem is, with so many Racers, is that when we give up, you can tell. That's usually when you do lose, because you give up and you don't have that motivation.

Reality TV World: Brendon, you seemed to breeze through the chicken-game Roadblock task while many of the other teams struggled. How long did it actually take you to complete that and why do you think it was easy for you?

Brendon Villegas: Well, I'm a runner. I just did the L.A. marathon last month. I run on a treadmill in the gym when I can't run outdoors, so I'm pretty good at the treadmill and I'm pretty quick. Now given that, they also had my treadmill up pretty high, because I noticed my first chicken wasn't too bad, my second one -- I had to jump a little higher -- and the third one was pretty high and I had to jump.

So I came back down and as soon as I lost my footing, I was toast. But I told Rachel afterwards, I was like, "Honestly, in my head, I thought I'd be quick enough to get back up after I fell." So when I was down, I was really trying to regain my footing and get back up and keep running, and all it did was just shoot me into all the balloons.

Reality TV World: During the sushi bingo Detour task, Vanessa and Ralph caught up to you guys and it seemed to make you very flustered. So how long did that take you and what made it so difficult?

Rachel Reilly: I think we were having a problem hearing the announcer, and it was hard because everyone around you was screaming, "Ah, sushi!" And clapping and cheering. So we couldn't hear the announcer and then the two guys that we were with to help us, I think they were so caught up in the game and just having fun, that we would ask them questions and I don't think they heard what we were asking.

Brendon Villegas: Well, it was kind of like a joke. They were like the Japanese fraternity guys. They were there just like drinking, having fun, and everybody was yelling.

It was so loud in there, that even when we were yelling to each other, we were sitting right there but we had to yell. So it's like, it was intense and then people are yelling, and it's like, "Ahh!" It was crazy, so it was just getting caught up in the moment that I think was very difficult for that task.

Reality TV World: While you were at that Detour task, were you guys pretty sure you were in third place at that time or were you thinking you might've been in even better standings?

Rachel Reilly: Yeah, we thought that -- well, we thought that the sumo challenge was going to be really hard, and that's why we didn't want to do it. So we thought Rachel and Dave might've still been at the sumo challenge.

So we didn't know -- we saw Art and J.J. leave. We were there when they left, so we knew that they were ahead of us, and we knew that Ralph and Vanessa were behind us. So we kind of thought that Dave and Rachel were behind us.

Brendon Villegas: And Rachel, when her and I were in Japan and we were asking people for help, they don't really want to talk to you. They just kind of like shy away, so when her and I saw that task and it's like, "Okay, you've got to take pictures with 10 sets of three people, so 30 people."

We were like, "This is going to be kind of challenging in Japan," because people aren't super -- they're not as comfortable talking to strangers as we are here in the U.S. So, we thought since we were starving, the sushi in Japan, boom, done.

Reality TV World: During the final leg, Rachel, Art was struggling terribly with the sledding portion of that Hawaiian-games Roadblock task. However, you seemed to nail it in two tries just like the other Rachel. Do you think the women had an advantage in that task or do you think it just favored lighter people in general? Or do you think Art was simply really bad at it?

Rachel Reilly: Well, I kind of think all three, (laughs) but I do think the women had an advantage. I think your waist did play a role because you had to balance your weight. So maybe it wasn't necessarily if you were lighter or heavier, but it was how you could balance your weight.

I mean, someone like Brendon, I think would have a really tough problem because he's so tall. He'd probably as tall as that whole [sled]. But the guys that do this for a sport, they're men and they're not skinny little guys. They're like big men -- these big Hawaiian guys that are out there doing this for sport, you know?

So I mean, obviously, if it's a man's sport -- like a competition sport like that -- then I don't think it has anything to do with being a woman or a man. But I think it's just balancing.

Really, that task was balancing. I thought about it and I was like, "Alright, I remember in cheerleading when I would have to stand ontop of someone's feet and you'd be up in a lift, you had to like 'pinch a penny.'" So I was just like, "Okay, I gotta pinch a penny and just go." So, yeah! (Laughs)

Reality TV World: So you guys seemed to have the biggest issue with Vanessa and Ralph throughout the season. Rachel, especially you. So could you talk a little bit about what problems you had with them, and although you guys seemed to both apologize and bury the hatchet during one of the legs, was that actually sincere or were you just kind of being polite?

Brendon Villegas: (Laughs)

Rachel Reilly: I think we were being polite and I think the problem with Vanessa and Ralph is that Vanessa was just being so mean for no reason. I just thought a lot of the things she was doing were unnecessary, because we weren't on Survivor. We're not on Big Brother, and there's no reason -- like we're not getting eliminated, so she didn't have to say some of the comments she made.

You know, the whole nose job thing, that was just mean and there was no reason to say it. Nobody's going to get along with everyone, and she might hate my guts, but she doesn't have to be so mean to say things like that.

I think that was my biggest problem with that -- that she was just -- she's one of those girls that just decided she didn't like me and she was going to be super mean and go out of her way to be mean.

Above is the first half of our exclusive interview with Brendon and Rachel. Check back with Reality TV World in the coming days for the concluding portion.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #244 on: May 09, 2012, 12:24:21 PM »
Kandace has a point. This season would've been a heck of a lot worse without Bretchel.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #245 on: May 09, 2012, 05:26:28 PM »
Kandace has a point. This season would've been a heck of a lot worse without Bretchel.

You're so right!  :jam:

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #246 on: May 09, 2012, 08:16:51 PM »

The Amazing Race 20: Exclusive Interview with Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly
by Gina Scarpa

Whenever Brendon and Rachel are around, there's never a shortage of drama. However, there's never a shortage of competitive spirit and they ran their hardest this season on The Amazing Race. The former Big Brother players made it all the way to the end but made a potentially million dollar mistake when they didn't fully read their clue and finished in third. We talked to them today in an exclusive interview about their experiences on The Amazing Race and whether or not there's more reality in their future.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: I feel like teams really underestimated you this season but they clearly didn't see you on Big Brother! You won a lot of challenges. Why do you think people overlooked you as a threat?
A. Rachel: I think they overlooked us as a threat to win because I think they looked at the fact that I was wearing sequins, had the extensions, and am a very girly girl in my outfit choices. I don't know! I don't know if they overlooked us because we did win Big Brother but I think that they did see us as a threat.
A. Brendon: I think it's because we didn't win a first place leg. You're watching these prizes get handed out and you're not getting them but I didn't care about that. I just wanted to compete in one leg, and that was the last one. Even with the bad decisions we made, I think we did a good job of always playing to stay in the race. It was such a crucial thing that we made those safe choices. In Azerbaijan, we saw Danny and Joey and Dave and Rachel go for the Fast Forward. I didn't wanna take the chance and race for last place.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: You guys really didn't have a bad leg and only finished towards the bottom of the pack in Italy. Why do you think that leg was so tough for you? Was it that damn salami!?
A. Rachel: Oh my god! It WAS that damn salami! That leg was just the worst. I think it was the salami and I was really tired. I had just gotten an IV and we were just beat. That damn salami... oh my gosh.
A. Brendon: I can tell you where it started. We were driving the Ford Focus and they had that automatic parking function. I love Rachel but she's one of the worst drivers I've ever seen. She was trying to tell me what to do but it turned into a fight. I felt like we deserved it but for we overcame it.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: When you watch back the episodes and see yourselves fighting with one another, do you say, "I can't believe I acted that way?" or do you laugh it off?
A. Brendon: We laugh it off! We have to! If we got upset every time we were saying something stupid or mean, we wouldn't be together. We know how easy it is, in reality television, to get caught in the moment. I don't hold people accountable for what they said on the show. Once it's all over, just give me a handshake and leave it on the field. With Rachel and I, we know that we said stuff and fought and we just got caught up in the moment. We had a little finale party and we all started dying laughing. She's trying to argue with me and then it cuts and she's doing her makeup.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: The ascending and rappelling of the building in Hawaii was insane - was that the scariest thing you've ever done?
A. Rachel: Oh my god, literally... everything I did this season was scary. Jumping out of a plane was so scary but that was the scariest! The building was so scary. You see how high it is and you're just looking down. You want to enjoy the view but you can't. Going face down ... I can't imagine anything scarier than that.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: It must've been tough when you knew you hadn't won but it's still a big accomplishment to make it to the finish line. You ran a really great race. How do you feel you did, overall, this season?
A. Rachel: Thanks, I think our performance was really good! Obviously, we made a million dollar mistake in the final leg. Not reading the clue properly was the biggest mistake we made in the entire race and that's such a bummer. Besides that, I think we ran a really good race. Dave and Rachel are amazing, fierce competitors. To be able to keep up with a team like that, I'm proud of ourselves for getting that far and competing against such good teams.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Are the two of you hoping to do more television? What's next for you - more reality tv?
A. Brendon: Uhh... I would never, ever say never! Every time we say it's our last reality show, we pop up. I'm trying to do my phD and I'm really committed to that. I'm in a field that's amazing and I'm in a school that has been supportive of us. We're ready to get married, we're looking to do it in September. You might see Rachel on reality television. You never know!
A. Rachel: I have a website called and just the same as Brendon, I'm rolling with the punches and seeing what's coming next. We're planning a wedding...

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Rachel and Brendon's Giant Reality TV Wedding Extravaganza?
A. Brendon: I think that would definitely be entertaining!

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #247 on: May 10, 2012, 12:32:23 AM »

'The Amazing Race' Exit Interview: Rachel & Brendon
The 'Big Brother' crossover team discuss how they lost one million dollars
By Diane Vadino

Brendon: It was going to be up to her. As a guy, I can't know what it would be like to shave her head. I understood it when she said, "The wedding" -- and I thought, "Let's move on."

Rachel: That one is so hard. You guys saw our reaction, when you realize you just made a million-dollar mistake that ultimately cost us the race. We were neck and neck with Dave and Rachel. And if we'd continued racing the way we had been ... they had made a mistake. I completely lost it. I was mad at Brendon; I was mad at myself. It was my fault. It wasn't like a taxi driver. That was the worst.

Journalists like to exaggerate, they obviously didn't lose a million dollars as they never had it in the first place.  A better way to put it is that that they didn't win a million dollars.  You could say all teams lost a million dollars if you want to put it dramatically as they all make mistakes, but I don't think it is very accurate.

And the head shave...all the edit emphasised was the extensions, which I thought was pretty typical of the kind of edit Rachel got.

As for the mistake, maybe if the taxi driver knew there was a nearbye helicopter landing area and didn't take them somewhere completely irrelevant it wouldn't  have cost them as much time as it did.  Taxi drivers when used always have a big impact in this.

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #248 on: May 10, 2012, 12:45:58 AM »

'The Amazing Race' Exit Interview: Rachel & Brendon
The 'Big Brother' crossover team discuss how they lost one million dollars
By Diane Vadino

Brendon: It was going to be up to her. As a guy, I can't know what it would be like to shave her head. I understood it when she said, "The wedding" -- and I thought, "Let's move on."

Rachel: That one is so hard. You guys saw our reaction, when you realize you just made a million-dollar mistake that ultimately cost us the race. We were neck and neck with Dave and Rachel. And if we'd continued racing the way we had been ... they had made a mistake. I completely lost it. I was mad at Brendon; I was mad at myself. It was my fault. It wasn't like a taxi driver. That was the worst.

Journalists like to exaggerate, they obviously didn't lose a million dollars as they never had it in the first place.  A better way to put it is that that they didn't win a million dollars.  You could say all teams lost a million dollars if you want to put it dramatically as they all make mistakes, but I don't think it is very accurate.

And the head shave...all the edit emphasised was the extensions, which I thought was pretty typical of the kind of edit Rachel got.

As for the mistake, maybe if the taxi driver knew there was a nearbye helicopter landing area and didn't take them somewhere completely irrelevant it wouldn't  have cost them as much time as it did.  Taxi drivers when used always have a big impact in this.

In the race, you lve and die by your taxi driver. :(
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Re: TAR 20: Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly *Engaged*
« Reply #249 on: May 10, 2012, 12:49:59 AM »
I know, I wish they had a smaller role though.  Just use public transport more.  Or if they are driving around themselves have the cameraman give them penalties if they go through red lights or are speeding or just driving dangerously.