I saw them at the airport today. From what I remember: (I'm reposting from my message from Sucks)
3 F/Fs
Pink team were blond twins
Black team who were smart enough to separate from the pack when looking for the taxis... They are in their early 20s
Green team followed the black team. They're in their early 40's and looked like hippies to me.
3 M/Fs
Another team in green/pink who I think is Father-Daughter team, they followed the Black and Green team
Another team in Red/white - the girl had a bob-cut black hair, and the man was perhaps twice her age. He looked like Lawrence. They were begging the guard for help to get taxis
A couple team in purple. They are pictured in the spoiler in RFF. They were berserk and went up and down the terminal looking for a taxi
I'm not sure if there is a fourth one, I think there could have been another one
2 M/M
I think there were two, but the only team I got to look at two guys in black. I was able to get a picture of them before my camera conked out. They were lucky to get a taxi before the Red/Black team but I'm not entirely sure if they're the first team out of the airport
I'll be uploading the pictures/videos soon and I'll be sending them to Peach. Whenever I see some discrepancies from the video, I'll just edit this post.

Guy with Cap
Guy wearing Blue shirt