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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #125 on: February 27, 2012, 01:34:55 PM »
Okay I could be thinking about this too much but the sequence 4236 is on my brain

Ep 1
4th person shown eliminated (Marion)

Ep 2
4th person shown eliminated (Dio)

Ep 3
4th person shown eliminated (Maarten van ....)

Ep 4
6th person shown would have been Marit or William  - no one eliminated

Ep 5
2nd person shown eliminated (Marit)

Ep 6
6th person eliminated (Fritz)

Ep 7
4th person eliminated (William)

Ep 8
2nd person eliminated (Tim)

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #126 on: February 28, 2012, 03:37:33 AM »
I agree those numbers definitely look fishy ito that code. :sab:
Just not sure which conclusion they may lead to? \
The '3' seems to be remarkably absent sofar but sofar I haven't found a link to that specifically eg in the leader (sequence) or photo's on the official forum?
Do you have any ideas about it?  :)

Just one challenge in next episode it seems apart from all of the build-up to the finale. :(
Kind of a shame, would have rather had 2 challenges instead, but oh well.

According to the radio-hints the radioclue points to the last person to be executed, i.e. the loser this year again. So we'll have the final reveal between the winner and the Mole in episode 12, presumably with a similar go-back-in-time twist revealing the who changed the clock from 3 to 2 hours on the dakota-twist? :shrug Would make for a cool revelation. :p

As far as we can tell the location of the final challenge where
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is being held captive is in a place called Ronda.

Apparently this room was used as a prison, in which dissidents during the Spanish civil war were held captive or even thrown off to their death.  :faint:

« Last Edit: February 28, 2012, 03:41:34 AM by Topita »
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #127 on: February 28, 2012, 03:56:38 AM »
As far as we can tell the location of the final challenge where
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is being held captive is in a place called Ronda.
Apparently this room was used as a prison, in which dissidents during the Spanish civil war were held captive or even thrown off to their death.  :faint:

I remember in the first US season there was a similar challenge, where
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was captured and other contestants had to find him in 2 hours.

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #128 on: February 28, 2012, 04:01:10 PM »
that place looks majestic...  :colors :colors :colors
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #129 on: February 29, 2012, 01:18:17 AM »
that place looks majestic...  :colors :colors :colors

Yeah looks awesome doesn't it??  :hearts:
I really really love the locations they chose especially near Seville. It all looks so pretty, colorful and bright, and the place has such a rich history with the influence of the Mores/ Arabic influences clearly visible, I think it's stunning.  :tup:

Meanwhile I thought it might be nice to share some speculations on the Mole fora about hints leading to the remaining 3 finalists, i.t.o. them being the Mole.  :) :sab

I still haven't read any strong hints about Liesbeth. I confess I haven't been watching the stuff about her as much but I kept an eye out and all I have heard sofar is:

Hints for Liesbeth:

1. She crosses her legs at every execution. Many crosses featured in the series. One of them had the name 'List' on it and Liesbeth List is an (unrelated but well known) person here in the Netherlands.

2. The 4263 could be a hint to her birthday, i.e. her birthday multiplied apparently? 4263 --> 4 x 2 x 6 x 3 = 144.
The 144th dag in 2012, but this would be the 23rd of May and in the series it says May 25th on her birthday card so I think the internet info about this is probably wrong..?

3. Some say the bull references would be about her being a taurus, but as far as I can see she's twins (25th of May) so I don't think that would be a hint imo.

4. Her sign in episode 4 says Palindrome, her name obviously is a palindrome. You could reason 4263 is the logical sequence to 214263, and 21 turned around would be 12 i.e. Mole 12.

Hints for Hadewych:

1. Episode 2 was called 'In de Min' (i.e. Minus). Her name is Hadewych Minis,
Minis in Dutch can also stand for Min Is (i.e. minus is , - = ). She was standing the one under the sign saying 3-1=2 in episode 4 (which was coupled with Tim).
This might still be a link to the clock going back from 3 -> 2 hours and the other references Art has made I mentioned earlier.
Also William's sign says: Look Up, which is where Hadewych's sign is hanging ('Gulpje' a former role).

2. The last episode is called 'Tim, Liesbeth and Anne-Marie'.
This could refer to the remaining contestants or even order of execution, in which case Anne-Marie would be the winner.

3. Some people claim there's some theme about her earrings.
Could be a hint we've had necklaces as hints before but then it was tied to something stronger imo, i.e. the Japanese sign for 10 since that was Mole 10, also there were a lot of references to crosses in the Mole tweets and such.
So in this instance I would say it would be less likely but who knows. ;)
The idea is that she has a musical background and performs as a singer too.
In Dutch 'Mol' is also used for the musical sign for flat/ Bemolle. So that could be a hint.
In episode 9's preview she's wearing rather large guitar earrings.

Then there's people saying she makes the same ok sign as Art does several times (to indicate zero euro's). This is true, but not sure what it means, except that it might be a 6. Some people say stuff about it being a 'devil's sign' or something of the sort. Honestly I think that's just tunnel vision and they wouldn't make a hint like that I don't think so anyway, this is after all a public network and a show for all ages, plus it would be offensive to many deeply religious people in this country imo. So I don't put much stock in that though a potential '6' might mean something even if I am not sure what.  :duno:

4. In the casino we see a shot with her face and the transparent 'De Mol' disk for the exemption.

Hints for Anne-Marie: (i.e. my lead suspect at the moment :P )

1. The 3-1=2 thing could also be applied to Anne-Marie.
She was after all at the I AM sign, in episode 4. Her initials are AM (Anne-Marie Jung) So AM could be a reference to time (as in AM/ PM), and it could simply be, as offered by many, I AM the Mole. (Sounds simple enough to be one of the actual clues tbh. :P )

2. I've never put much stock in this one before tbh but now in combination with the last episode I think perhaps it might be a hint.
Art says 'Jongens' all the time in the series, i.e. guys. Basically I always thought this could just be the way he addressed the contestants and in fact it still could be. :P It does sound a lot like 'Jung is' though.
In the last episode Art says 'Jongens, welkom in Casino del Topo' , i.e. Guys welcome to the Casino of the Mole. Basically he could be coupling Jung with Topo/ Mole.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

3. The title of the last episode ('Tim, Anne-Marie, Liesbeth') could also refer to the sets of four of a kind Anne-Marie gathered in the end winning her exemption.

4. This one I personally really like but not sure if it might not be too complicated. :biggrin

Episode 7 is called 'Self-knowledge'.
In the episode obviously the Mole had to know themselves, predicting themselves correctly to sabotage the bridge- challenge.
However in one shot Anne-Marie is clearly reading a Psychology magazine
(It even says: How sinful are you? on the cover :giggle ).
This could be a reference to the other famous Jung, Karl Jung, the famous pupil of Freud.
(tbh I think they won't make such an elaborate hint but the 'psychology' link with self-knowledge could be interesting I think. :p )

5. Episode 4 was titled 'Someone else'.
Anne-Marie was the only one who had a sign that referred to someone other than herself (i.e. it was a quote by her co-comedian André van Duin).
All the others referred to roles they themselves played or their own jobs:
1. William: look up, Ramses his role in the musical.
2. Hadewych: Gulpje, a role she played.
3. Tim: 3-1=2 , reference to his comic duo.
4. Frits: I Am, I Amsterdam his project/ job.
5. Marit: Are you alright again? - reference to the role of a nurse she once played.
6. Liesbeth: Palindrome: her name Staats.

I'm sure several others have been found but some of them to me really seem a bit too much the result of tunnel vision or wishful thinking so I think these were the main ones I have read sofar.

Though we're probably going to get some nonsensical hints at the end, it's the fun of finding something anyway, and oh well who knows maybe one or two will be discussed in the final episode.. we found a few over the last few years anyway so.. :biggrin
« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 01:50:48 AM by Topita »
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #130 on: February 29, 2012, 01:30:19 AM »
Just a personal note. :P

I was eventually right about Mole S6, S8 and S11 after my lead suspect left in epi 7 (more wishful thinking because I was hoping the Mole would not be the Mole even if I thought they would be after epi 3  :lol: )

In S7 and S10 I caught on the Mole soon after +- epi 3/4.

S5 I was 50-50% in the end due to the new Mole tactics introduced.
S9 I thought was a very peculiar and unmole-ish Mole, other contestants were much more the Mole than them imo.  :lol3:

This year I think it wasn't easy because of all the diversions and the different group dynamics (i.e. everyone bonding and communicating which I think made the Mole go in hiding more, if I am right about my suspect anyway) and which led to several people being on the right track. Actually this is a trend since the last few series.

Unless it IS a total surprise Mole, the wildcard Hadewych. I would have to say though that for the Mole to earn money actively is generally not accepted as much on the Dutch Mole than it would be on eg the US Mole. The only excuse can be a sabotage going wrong or throwing off suspicion. Hadewych had no suspicion at all on her so the only thing I can think of in that scenario is mistakes, things going wrong, group dynamics or another reason that I can't think of now.

Not saying that can't be the case but to me it seems less likely, especially since she was next to invisible in the first 4 episodes and got more edit when Marit left. But that's just my opinion (and of a few fanatic hunters on Moleforums.  :lol: )

Still in this series there are no guarantees, even Liesbeth is possible I suppose although I find it highly unlikely because of her at some moments truly unmole-ish behavior and the edit she got even when doing unsuspicious things. If Tim were still in the game I would (re)consider an alternative edit this year but since he left I feel fairly confident (well as confident as anyone can be on the Mole  :lol3: ) that Liesbeth is quite unlikely as the Mole. Apart from that due to the edit almost nobody wants her to be either. :( (I like her, though, just well.. not as the Mole.. Makes sense right??  :duno:  :lol: )

But I'm not giving any guarantees of anything because this series things have been quite different from the last few, I think purposefully and we'll have a very good finale I think. Go Girls!!!  :hearts:  :keeta:  :tup:

In my opinion, compared to last year:

1. Tim = last year's Pepijn (suspected by few, rather subtle sabotages potentially - Not surprisingly Pepijn was my lead suspect last year at first  :lol: )
Hey what can I say I hate obvious moles but the two obvious ones before we had before I had no trouble identifying either except for not liking their tactics  :lol: ).
2. Liesbeth = last year's Art (even more so from epi 1 on, she seems to have had a strategy, whereas Art clearly started acting more like this since episode 4/5 when he was clueless. I think it's more tactics in Liesbeth's case tbh). She might be the winner.
3. Anne-Marie = last year's Patrick. (Similar issues, similar kind of subtle sabotages, similar pattern of earning a bit every once in a while - not sure what happened with the arrow and the haybale but tbh Patrick doubled the money in the jeepchallenge last year almost single handedly so.. who knows, mistake? Throw off suspicion??)

Alternatively it could be Hadewych, we've had Moles who weren't suspected till the very end either.
It's possible, surely. In that case Hadewych is one of the better Moles not so much in terms of sabotages maybe (though only the reveal can tell us) but certainly in misleading the contestants and the audience. It's been a while though since we've had a Mole like that and this group of contestants have been so open with each other that I wonder if and especially how she could have gotten away with that - but if she did I think all credits to her, for playing it like she did.  :)

I think Anne-Marie was suspected not so much because her sabotages but much more due to all the exchanges of information, comparing notes and her trying to keep her distance from that rather than immersing herself in it. Would have been tricky to engage in that too I think but I guess this is why we as viewers hardly suspected her whereas the contestants did, clearly..??
« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 02:00:28 AM by Topita »
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #131 on: February 29, 2012, 01:56:47 AM »
I think in EP5 Hadewych (the Mole I believe) asked someone on the plane about the name of Picasso's mistress, and that guy "confidently" gave an answer that later proved to be wrong. Does anyone think this scenario was in the Mole's plan?

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #132 on: February 29, 2012, 02:06:55 AM »
I think in EP5 Hadewych (the Mole I believe) asked someone on the plane about the name of Picasso's mistress, and that guy "confidently" gave an answer that later proved to be wrong. Does anyone think this scenario was in the Mole's plan?
Well it's possible. But asking a random person would be quite a risk I think especially since someone then can answer correctly accidentally for example.

So in that case I think what you need to do is make sure someone on the plane is on board. Of course you can ask someone from Iceland too, chances are a lot smaller they would know this. But it's taking a risk either way I think.  :)

The whole thing was kinda strange anyway because she first suggested 'Alicante' (which sounded rather implausible in the first place but could have been used to go ask people for the answer in the plane, as a ploy).
Then to suggest that perhaps the city was named after his mistress to Liesbeth seemed very silly to me, because Liesbeth has a suspicious and sharp mind which well, if you're going to offer a suggestion at least make it a slightly plausible one I would say.  :lol3:

But Moles have had not too good moments in this in mole history so it's definitely possible..

At any rate the whole doubt thing made them check it at the airport and essentially put Hadewych out of the next game.
So if there was a sabotage, why not come up with a plausibel name or link, or indeed ask a Spaniard, because now everybody doubted enough to not go for it and check it so she was out of the next game in terms of influencing it??

Sure could be a sabotage gone wrong but to me, kind of strange. This would be something she should have known anyway I think in that case so her choices then seem kind of strange. Nonetheless, possible, yes imo.  :)
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #133 on: February 29, 2012, 02:25:51 AM »
I'm trying my hardest to find a bit of a clue in EP1...

because at the end of the show.. when they reverse it back everything, it will start from EP1 and one of the girls will say "I am the Mole.."   :sab
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #134 on: February 29, 2012, 02:33:10 AM »
I'm trying my hardest to find a bit of a clue in EP1...

because at the end of the show.. when they reverse it back everything, it will start from EP1 and one of the girls will say "I am the Mole.."   :sab
I agree. I think there must be some kind of link or clue there.

I think the ones found sofar (I AM/ AM = Anne-Marie's initials and MIN IS, - = ) are the strongest found sofar for the remaining contestants but I would love it if you found another good one!!  :tup:
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #135 on: February 29, 2012, 08:26:32 AM »
Time for the new preview and promo for episode 9!!   :hearts:
The very last challenge of this wonderful, awesome and strange season 12!!!  :'(
But it looks like a very good one to me, especially the settings.  :tup:

Also +5 minutes extra unaired footage of backstage material of episode 8 (discussions/reactios after challenges and after the execution)


Extra footage episode 8:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Preview for Episode 9:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Promo for Episode 9:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #136 on: March 01, 2012, 07:55:03 AM »
Tim Kamps added me to his facebook friend list. Hooray!

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #137 on: March 01, 2012, 08:31:27 AM »
Tim Kamps added me to his facebook friend list. Hooray!
:lol3: Seriously?? Maybe he can give you some insider info! :sab

Well just a few more hours and we'll know who is this year's losing finalist. Always a bit of a sad moment. :(

At the moment I'm going back and forth between Anne-Marie and Hadewych as the Mole. Slightly inclining towards Anne-Marie since more potential hints seem to point her way but either wouldn't surprise me anymore at this point tbh.  :lol:

The one person that would truly surprise me (and not in a positive way I'm afraid because so many people watching the show have been onto her since day one basically.  :duno: ) would be Liesbeth being the Mole.. Then again I'll have to wait till final reveal to know what the Mole has done before I can actually say anything on how they played it honestly.  :)

Either way, excited!!  :wohoo:  :keeta:  :hoot:

We'll try to get the subs done as soon as possible as per usual.  :)
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #138 on: March 01, 2012, 09:16:16 AM »
We're expecting your work! :tup:

I browsed the official facebook page of WIDM. I remember someone there said over 70% of fans voted for Liesbeth as the Mole. I'm wondering if the majority is always right, judging from history. :lol:

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #139 on: March 01, 2012, 12:44:56 PM »
We're expecting your work! :tup:

I browsed the official facebook page of WIDM. I remember someone there said over 70% of fans voted for Liesbeth as the Mole. I'm wondering if the majority is always right, judging from history. :lol:
Usually no..  :lol3:

Then again there are always exceptions to the rule..  ;)
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #140 on: March 01, 2012, 07:16:26 PM »
Just watched episode 8 because it had a maze in it. And now I'm hooked! I'm gonna watch all the episodes. Now that I know the three candidates for the Mole, I can watch those three carefully!

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #141 on: March 02, 2012, 01:20:34 AM »
Hi Coolio, welcome!
Glad you enjoyed it!  :lol:

I think in EP5 Hadewych (the Mole I believe) asked someone on the plane about the name of Picasso's mistress, and that guy "confidently" gave an answer that later proved to be wrong. Does anyone think this scenario was in the Mole's plan?

I would just like to add one thing. I don't know who the Mole is any more or less than you do.
But I would like to add that we've never had a Mole that hasn't had any suspicion on them going into the finals, even by one person.
Doesn't make sense either when you think about it, as: who would be the winner? The person who accidentally answered most answers right? :P

Even the best Moles had 2 people onto them in the Finals. Not saying it's not possible, but it's not very probable imo.
But we shall see.  ;)
(By the way, Kathryn with whom you compared Hadewych had 3 people suspecting her throughout the series if I am not mistaken, definitely at the end anyway.  :) )

« Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 03:24:30 AM by Topita »
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #142 on: March 02, 2012, 02:50:08 AM »
(By the way, Kathryn with whom you compared Hadewych had 3 people suspecting her throughout the series if I am not mistaken, definitely at the end anyway.  :) )
True. But if Charlie hadn't leaked to Steven and Jim the information that he already knew who the Mole was, the suspense of contestants would have been kept much longer in that season... (Was Charlie drunk in that episode? I can't remember clearly...) :lol:

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #143 on: March 02, 2012, 03:19:57 AM »
(By the way, Kathryn with whom you compared Hadewych had 3 people suspecting her throughout the series if I am not mistaken, definitely at the end anyway.  :) )
True. But if Charlie hadn't leaked to Steven and Jim the information that he already knew who the Mole was, the suspense of contestants would have been kept much longer in that season... (Was Charlie drunk in that episode? I can't remember clearly...) :lol:
No Charlie leaked to Steven, I think Jim was on her by himself. But it was sad Charlie got screwed in a way because of it.
Charlie was drunk in one episode but hard to tell when it happened.

Thing is though, even with good Moles usually at least 2 people are on their tail.
I'm just saying I think this is more likely an indicator Hadewych isn't the Mole than that she is. That's all.   ;)
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #144 on: March 02, 2012, 06:41:42 AM »
Reasonable. :)

From now on, until the English version episodes come out I won't browse WIDM Facebook page and relevant Dutch Wikipedia page to avoid seeing spoilers. :lol: (My Chrome browser can automatically translate Dutch to English...)

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #145 on: March 02, 2012, 10:58:39 AM »
Reasonable. :)

From now on, until the English version episodes come out I won't browse WIDM Facebook page and relevant Dutch Wikipedia page to avoid seeing spoilers. :lol: (My Chrome browser can automatically translate Dutch to English...)
I have to say due to several reasons I only have one of my friends helping me this time. :(
So it may be Monday instead but I'll try, maybe I can make Sunday.  :)
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #146 on: March 02, 2012, 06:40:30 PM »
Reasonable. :)

From now on, until the English version episodes come out I won't browse WIDM Facebook page and relevant Dutch Wikipedia page to avoid seeing spoilers. :lol: (My Chrome browser can automatically translate Dutch to English...)
I have to say due to several reasons I only have one of my friends helping me this time. :(
So it may be Monday instead but I'll try, maybe I can make Sunday.  :)

No worries. We can make use of this span of time to go through previous episodes to search for clues. :lol:

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #147 on: March 03, 2012, 12:55:34 AM »
A question: after the execution, did the contestant executed go home or go somewhere like Ponderosa on Survivor (US)? ;)

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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #148 on: March 03, 2012, 03:25:57 AM »
A question: after the execution, did the contestant executed go home or go somewhere like Ponderosa on Survivor (US)? ;)

Contestants always say they're sequestered after the execcution, brought to a hotel and/or the airport to go home.  :)
They are always writing in their diaries how lonely that experience is, and how strange for not having to remember information anymore - how it often doesn't even sink in for days sometimes.  :lol:

I think Frits mentioned flying to New York afterwards because that was his 'alibi' anyway.
Most contestants have to take 3 weeks off for this, not knowing when they will be executed upfront obviously.
So I think maybe some fly elsewhere or use that time, but usually they fly home immediately, or so that's what they keep telling us anyway.  :lol:
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Re: Dutch Mole - New series with English subtitles!
« Reply #149 on: March 03, 2012, 05:14:30 PM »
So, before we move onto the final reveal..

What are your predictions for the Finale??  :)

SuperTux, you mentioned you think Hadewych is the Mole, so who is the winner and runner-up according to you?  ;)

Georgiapeach, ZouLy, Squall16 - what are your thoughts??  :)

Feel free to share!  :)
(PS you can always change before the Finale  :) )
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