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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #225 on: September 05, 2011, 04:53:12 PM »
feeds 3/4 rachel and kalia talking.. rachel jordan and  adam are garanteed f 3.. but me and dyou arent

 kalia it enfuriates me .. that adam sita around

 rachel well guess what welcome to the jury adam might beat me..

 kalia he said that  he will beat you at the end.. that he wants to be sitting next to you and i will tell you that I will never NEVER give adam the money i will give it to jorddan  at the end if she is with him.. an there are 3 people in the jury that has said that

 kalia jordan hasnt won anything since week 2 at least she knows that she's blah whatever .. but adam thinks he's the best player
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #226 on: September 05, 2011, 04:57:57 PM »
kalia i dodnt want to start again cuz i am gonna get so mad

rachel i want to believe you but like i said in the beginning that i wanted to keep dom cuz he  competed i even talked to daniele about that

 kalia she had her own qualms about being on the bottom of the totem pole

rachel i beleive that if dani was here  that she would beat me at the end in comps.. but guess what next week  its get out rachel.. if adam wins hoh and veto he;s gonna  vote me out

 kalia  thats just a slap in the face to you.. i dont think im a great competitor.. i can win when i have to why not take out someone that you know  can win HOH  and take out someone that hasnt been a great competitor..

rachel i hear what y8ou are saying trust me i would much rather  be rolling with you on my side but i know if i dont win veto next week and i dont win you guys will knock me out..

 kalia why would you not line up with me.. i said  last friday nite that if we teamed up  we can go to the end.. ask me anything that you want ask..

 rachel what about y8our f2 deal with adam and what about porsche
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #227 on: September 05, 2011, 05:03:39 PM »
kalia i dont have a deal  with porsche she and i said that we never shook on a deal.. an thats what infuriates me cuz he leaned in and shook on that newbie alliance. and what happened the 2 people bails on that.. andd lets talk about me and my word with jordan.. she got the golden deal on that one cuz she ne4ver won anything and i didnt put her on the block

rachel i understand that too and did you not nom jordan cuz you wanted me as your target an you put up me and jeff..

 kalia we talked  about it.. other wise i would  have put adam up.. kalia there are people in here that are utter ****ing liars.. if i talk to you i will be talking to you.. and let me tell yoou my F2 deal with adam  was over  when i voted  him out..

 rachel  did you tell adam to use the veto cuz jordan wanted to go to the jury to see jeff?

kalia i said that she misses jeff but i said that she didnt want to be her anymore.. i doi believe jordan is truely well and over it..  and i told you about that and i did say that to him and saw that he wasnt listneing to it so i  had  move on to think about things and say thigs that would keep me her in the game

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #228 on: September 05, 2011, 05:07:09 PM »
Kalia making another hard sale to Rachel.

Rachel: What about your final 2 deal with Adam or Porsche?

Kalia: I don't have one with Porsche.  We never shook. What pisses me off is that adam and I shook on it.  I gave them the word.  You've seen that Jordan has never been on the block, and let's be honest, she got the golden end because she's never won anything. 

Kalia: When i have individual conversations in this house I'm talking to you, there are people in this house that are utter fing liars.  I'm telling you the truth when we talk.  My final 2 deal with adam was annihilated when I voted him out.  He told me he wants me out and won't vote for me.

Rachel: Did you tell Adam that he should use the veto because Jordan doesn't want to be here anymore?

Kalia: I said that she doesn't seem like she wants to be here, she's over it, she already won.  I cna't change and you can't change the things in the past but we can change the things in the future.  That is one of the reasons that I've done things for you, I've done those things so you'd know that I was genuine.  I've been fighting since I've been in here, I didn't have a golden key or someone I could trust to play with.  It hurts that people want me out for the same reason that they say that I'm a threat.  I'll go to the end and come in second, that's more money then I've ever seen.

Rachel: I understand how you feel.  The second I've aligned myself with Brendon last year and this entire summer I've had people gunning for me.  Everyone hates me.  My backs been to the wall.

Kalia: YOu've had the hardest path of the season.  KNowing everyeon wants you out.  I think if you're at the end you'll win because no one has had the hurdles you've had.  I think if you've ended up with me, I don't see how you would not beat me because you've done more.  It hurts and pains me to ask for help and beg people for things.  I'm not going to take you out and I'll f'ing win HOH on THursday because I want Adam out and I'm pissed.  He's the same thing as  SHelly to me.  I love Jordan, I won't vote her out unless I have to.  The competition will be questions and I will protect you Rachel. I have nothing to lose and nothing to gain for lying to you (except staying in the house)

Rachel: yeah

Kalia: I went to the DR and said I'm going to trust Rachel. I asked Jordan if I can trust you.  Right now I'm calling in the favor of putting up Lawon, I'm calling in the favor of taking four strong girls in the end.  I don't know what else to say that will make you see this is what you get.  All these people gone give me a chance to see peopel for who they are.   I would vote fo ryou..  Even dani said I shouldn't take you.

Rachel: I know.  That's what everyone said

Kalia;   I'm going to win HOH on THursday, I'm going to win it.  I just will.  Unless its run a marathon.  I know everything that's happened as well.  The only reason I lost otev was because I couldn't find a plate.  I can't guarantee that I'll win, but i know pretty damn well that I will and I'll protect you.  Let's shake on a final 2

Rachel:I"m not going to shake on a final 2. 

Kalia: I have nothing to gain from lying to you.

Rachel: FIrst we have to get JOrdan in on it. 

Kalai: I"m just aksing you for that one thing.  I don't see how keeping me here is that terrible.  I truly believe I deserve to b ein the final 3 and final 4.  I still want to win this season.

Rachel:  I think you deserve it too.  I think more than anyone you and I deserve. 

Kalia: Let's make it happen

Rachel:  I also think that Brendon deserves to be here, Jeff and Dani too.

Kalia: WHen I'm gone, I'm gone.  I get a stipend and a carribbean vacation.  If Brendon was here you know that there's a possibility to stay here and win and buy a condo or pay for your rent for a year or stay in a hotell while you look for an apt.  I've spent this entire game having to win and when I don't me or someone from my alliance goes home.

Rachel: Le'ts say after the first four weeks

Kalia: The fight was day 26. 

Rachel:  You were safe for the first four or five weeks.   

Want some help Ugot or a break?

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #229 on: September 05, 2011, 05:09:05 PM »
Jordan and Porsche in the BY. Porsche: I know one thing, when you talk a long time like now, it's not a good thing.

 Jordan says it's so much easier when you are watching, even when you know you are safe you are still nervous. Jordan says when she came back into the house last year to host, she tried one of the comps in the BY, she did really good, but she thinks they were really nervous. You can feel tension. (You can think you'll do good but not when you are competing to paraphrase.)

Por: The only thing that makes me nervous is when Dani went home. She was like I don't know who I'm going to vote for. Jordan says wait, you mean today? (I'm confused.) She told me now that I need to go talk to her when she's done. (must be Kalia) She told me that Rachel said Kalia wasn't her target.

(Belle! Ugot might need a break.)  :<3
« Last Edit: September 05, 2011, 05:22:22 PM by TexasLady »
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Offline ugot2bekidinmeny

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #230 on: September 05, 2011, 05:09:18 PM »
kalia there are alot of things  that we can talk about we can go over the things in the past that we cant change or talk aobut things that we can change in the future that statement is  right out of dani donato's playbook!

kali that's one of the reason why i kept saying to you you can still play the game.. an di even winked at you on the veto when  and if  it came  down to just this.. i ahve been fighting ever since i have been in this game it hurts alot that the  people in this game would want me out for the same reason that  i ahve been fighting.. 40'g's 50g's is alot

 rachel last year i felt the same way and this season i have had people gunning for me every time..

 kalia y8ou ahve won 7 comps.. an you have  had the hardest path in this comp.. i think you  will win  at the end with me.. you have done far more in the game to me.. ughh it hurts for me to ask for help  in the game.. its not like me.. and you know what i want adam out..  he is  the same  guy to me as shelly is but he's a nice guys and she is a jack ass.. and i love  jordan to death.. but i will vote her out if i have to.. and i ahve nothing to lose ..  I will win HOH and it will most likely be questions..
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Offline BelleJar

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #231 on: September 05, 2011, 05:12:20 PM »
Rachel:  This is where I'm coming from.  I walked in to this house with a target.  Jeff, too.  Jordan is a golden elephant who will be okay and I'm not saying that made.  After the first HOH, I was going to leave.  There was no way that we were going to win.  I figure'd we'd get knocked out back to back.  I decided to stay and fight and do whatever we needed to do.  Week 2 we made a whole plan and we said we have to do all of these things.   Rachel rehashing the entire season and all her decisions - week by week.  Brendon and I were protecting the four of us and not just ourselves like some other people in this house.   She never wanted to backdoor Jeff and Jordan. 

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #232 on: September 05, 2011, 05:13:17 PM »
kalia i went into the DR and  i wasnt sure if i can trust rachel and jordan said i could and then i called in the favor of taking 4 girls to the end.. but now  i can see that porsche is not.. i can not show y8ou clips of how  things  have changed about you with my opinion.. even ddani said that i cant let y8ou get to the f2

 rachel yeah i know..  see people say that

 kalia you will see that  i will win HOH and then the veto will be mash up and i know pretty dam welol that i will  win and i woudl shake with you on f2 and then if i leave then i leave

 rachel im not shaking on anything

 kalia i will give you a f3..

rachel first i need to talk to jordan

 kalia i already spoke to jordan a little bit i have nothing to lose
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #233 on: September 05, 2011, 05:13:42 PM »
Por: I know she's going to campaign, I know people promise a lot of things, obviously I want to be here, I spent my summer here. I don't want to let people down either. I told Rachel too, Adam is going to vote for me to stay. I think Rachel will vote for me. She's a game player, I think she would vote for me. If there is a dress I can offer you, I mean obviously final 4, we can't make deals yet. I got nervous in that veto.

Jor: It was anyone's to win.

Por: Obviously it wasn't Keith, what was I thinking. I don't want to talk bad about her, I've been close to her in the past few weeks. If  I stay, I can play for HOH, one in 2, my odds are the best on Thursday.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #234 on: September 05, 2011, 05:15:57 PM »
kalia i dodnt see how keeping me here is so terrible.. i truelyt believe i ddeserve to be in the f3 i beleive i  deserve to be in the f4

 rachel yeah i think so too

 kalia then make it happen..

 rachel brrendon deserved to be there.. jeff dani..

 kalia brendon and jeff still get the fruits of either of you being here till the end.. but if im gone im gone.. all i get is a carribean trip

 kalia at least you get to buy a condo if you win

 kalia i have spent this whole entire game  having to win.. and if i didnt someone in my alliance  goes home.. adam has not had to fight

 rachel no not the whole game
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #235 on: September 05, 2011, 05:17:51 PM »
Jordan was in to get a hat and some water, now running laps in the BY.
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #236 on: September 05, 2011, 05:19:58 PM »
rachel i came in  this house this summer and i knew that brendon and i were the biggest target.. not jeff jordan.. maybe jeff  but never jordan she's the goldden  elephant and i would say that to her face and if dick stayed  it would have been  dick dani me  brendon.

 kalia look how far you got

 rachel after dick left.,. we were gonna leave..  then we stayed an i  decide i was gonna fight and do what we have to do  and we went over  a plan in order for us to win..  and jeff & jordan didnt want to listen to me.. but a/d pulled  themselves off the block and they put up cassie /shelly.. week 3 i said i had to win HOH we were protecting 4 of us.. not like ourselves like others would..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #237 on: September 05, 2011, 05:21:43 PM »
Rachel: Rehashing the Dani eviction.   Dani goes home, you nominate Jeff and Rachel and you talk about competitors and then that's what you do.

Kalia:  I was acting because my Brendon - Dani- went home.  At that point we had just as much venom for each other.

Rachel: I would have nominated SHelly and You  You know who this benefits? 

Kalia: Adam.  I'm done.  I want to say that I don't want to campaign to him because I'll just say I'll talk to Jordan and Rachel because he just does what they do.  I don't know how many times I have to tel lhim that he won't win if he gets to the final two.  He wouldn't win against the fortune teller

Rachel: Jeff and Jordan would vote for him.

Kalia; If he slam dunked his way to the end.

Rachel:  Porsche

Kalia: That's why he's going to keep porsche.   

Rachel:  If adam wins, Porsche and I go up.  If I don't win the veto I go home

Kalia:  You've been talking about getting rid of rachel forever.  He said he thought he could take Rachel out.   I have scars on my arm because I hung on that dumb thing to save his butt. 

Rachel: I said to Porsche  . .

Kalia: Yeah about the people we carried. I feel like SHelly and Adam got carried

Rachel: Competitors go to war and take each other out every single season.   
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #238 on: September 05, 2011, 05:22:30 PM »
rachel is running down her whole plan with kalia dthen dani's plan with the backdoor on jeff i didnt see the silver lining and who got nominated  the next week..  and we got nominated and brendon went home.. and then  next week you put me an jeff up..

rachel i dont know how many times i went into a comp saying if i didnt win i was going home.. if i didnt win i would go 6 weeks with out talking to the love of my life..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #239 on: September 05, 2011, 05:27:42 PM »
rachel i said to dani to work with us bring kalia along for the  ride and

 kalia she came down and told me the whole thing  in the SR andd she didnt say anything about  my deal. and i decided to go with that and then jeff comes in and said that must be some deal   we made with  them

rachel that was the dumbest move that ddani made putting brendon on the block

 kalai we didnt  have anyone we had lawon and porsche..  i understand that fight..

 rachel  all we had  was each other

 kalia you had jeff/jordan

 rachel when??

 kalia i know people throw things.. adam's POV

rachel jeff puts up   and wants to BD dani and said that she wanted to roll with shelly  and i was like what??? with shely?

 kalia well when shelly came back she asked me what was going on and i said that they were just making up ..  and  i said to dani that nothing is in stone

 rachel nothing in stone dani has  turned on me 3 x's in this game

 rachel then you win HOH and you put up me an jeff..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #240 on: September 05, 2011, 05:29:06 PM »
kalia you ahve to understand that we had alot of venom with each other

 kalia i know  it doesnt benifit us at all that we did this

 rachel you know who this benifits?/ it benifits adam

 kalia i am done with him. he is the biggest coward
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #241 on: September 05, 2011, 05:29:24 PM »
Jordan still running.. Porsche sunning.
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #242 on: September 05, 2011, 05:30:04 PM »
rachel jeff /jordan said that they are voting for adam.

 kalia unless  adam is next to the :ft:  he still wont win

 rachel unelss he is sitting by  porsche he wont win

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #243 on: September 05, 2011, 05:31:53 PM »
Kalia: anytime i think there's a slight contingency plan, I don't play as hard.  That damn otev i played hard.  I'm sitting up there with Porsche and Kalia and ask Adam if he is oging to use it.  And, I looked at Porsche and said win the veto.  I went down and cried because once again I trusted someone and they jacked me. 


Rachel: That's true, Brendon knows it

Kalia: They know it.  I would rather walk out of here and have people respect the **** out of my game then float.  Rachel, I'm telling you and ask anyone, all of my friends that use words to describe me its loyal. If I say I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it or die trying.  That's me. I don't take no for an answer. I will find another way to get there.  I will fight.  That's what my mom does, my grandma does, its what I come from.  If I tell you I'm going to win HOH, I will.  I told Adam, I would win hoh and he'd be silly.   Its not hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, its hell hath no fury like me scorned.   I can say final 3 with you.  Its something to prove someone who got carried.

Rachel:  Like so, then, first of all we have to convince Jordan.  B, don't tell adam that there's a deal or a plan.  You need to campaign

Kalia: Yeah, I wouldn't tell him

Rachel:  YOu need to convince adam and jordan.  How come you said I wouldn't win veto?

Kalia: Because it'll be faces, and I'm going to win it. 

Rachel: Well. . .

Kalia: Bring it. 

Rachel THe only reason I'm going to win is because I need to. 

Kalia: If I win HOH and you need to win the veto, we'll do a Dan and Memphis.  I'd do anything even throw a comp to make sure you stay safe.  I said to Adam, you do all you can, and if you can't that's why you have your alliance.  If you're my alliance, then I'll roll, ride or die for those people.  I already started to talk to Jordan.

Rachel: She's not very happy with you.

Kalia: Oh because of the veto.  I've told her its not about her, its about keeping me.  We need to sit down the three of us and the person that leaves next week is adam.  you can put a quarter in the FT and ask her.    Unless its a marathon in some syrup, I'm going to win the HOH.   

Rachel: Who could win that?  :lol:

Kalia: you probably.  I cannot change the things that happened in the past.  I cannot convince Jordan that I'm not going bloody to get adam to use the veto.  I know people will see things when they leave and people will say I should have listened to her and worked with er.  I know you'll understand that.  As for Jordan, I've spent the whole game protecting her.  Its the only deal from day 4 that's still in effect.

Rachel: I never had any deal protecting me. I know you think that it was easy with Brendon. WHen you're tryig to protect someone else its like a nightmare.  You have to protect someone.   
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #244 on: September 05, 2011, 05:33:25 PM »
kalia i told adam that he wanted you out since like week 5 and that now he just  gave you  the game.. i told him

 rachel i told dyou to hang on to the  dudmmy

 kalia i heard you talking aobut coat tails

 rachel warriors take out warriors...  last season i give the brigade alot of credit  i told matt that an dlook what happend.. ragan polayed a good game an so did b ritney.. and it's the  same thing all over again its the army of floaters

 kalia thats why i can giove you  this i can win HOH thurs.. not her(porsche).. i know i cant give you 85%.. not her
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #245 on: September 05, 2011, 05:35:02 PM »
rachel i will never  win this game ever cuz everyone hates me..

 kalia at the beginning i couldnt stand you but here we are week 10 i will vote for you.. thats why i said you can ask me anything .. i said that i didnt have a deal with porsche..

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #246 on: September 05, 2011, 05:37:10 PM »
kalia i cant imagine  if  he was in f2 i would shave my hair and eat it .. i swear if i am here  he wouldnt be here

 rachel he has a good chance of getting there

 kalia i dont think so.. even with his elf comstom  and tv time and dream summer and tori..  and his metal...

 kalia i dont trust anyone i dodnt trust porsche and im on the block with her

 rachel you are gonna hav ento campaign to adam
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #247 on: September 05, 2011, 05:38:29 PM »
Rachel: Porsche's HOH, no one has to pissed off at her.

Kalia:  I told her that I hope it was worth the Pandora's box.   And adam and shelly went to jumping ship. I'm so over it.  I'm tired it.  If i leave, I won't be the most anxiety ridden person.   I'll be sad and disappointed.   I've never fought like this and I've fought my entire life.

Rachel: I've been fighting since I left BB last year.  I've been nominated 4 times.  I won't win ever because everyone hates me.

Kalia: That's not true.  I hated you in the middle, but now I'm sitting her and saying you deserve to be in the final 2.  I don't lie or tell people what they want to hear.  I said that to Adam.  He asked if i had a deal with you and there's no deal.   I've had a deal with Dani and Shelly.  And, the Jordan thing.  Even porsche and I don't have a deal.

Inside lockdown! 

Rachel:  Aww man, I want to go workout.

Kalia: I would shave my head and eat all my hair to stay.

Rachel: He has a good chance.

Kalia: If I'm here, he's not getting past next week.  You're dream season is over.  You met your icon of life, you got your elf costume and tv time, you're everyone's metal teddy bear, you've done your check list except win Hoh, and there's one last thing you need to do and that's get evicted.  I will talk to Jordan, but I truly believe that if its not until the last minute wed. night or thurs. morning. (Heehee)

Rachel: You're going to have to campaign to adam.  You're going to have to campaign to Jordan.   


Rachel: I want it to be competitors.  If I don't win, I don't want to see someone who doesn't deserve it to win. I'm not playing it for first this point. I'm in a box, maybe I"m being stupid.

Kalia: People will vote for you.   
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

Offline ugot2bekidinmeny

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #248 on: September 05, 2011, 05:39:22 PM »
kalia is  still freaking  going on.. :dance:   rachel i know  adam as a fan of the game study's the game i wantot se more than anything a competitor..  wbrb screen

  my fingers are cramping.. i need to take a break
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

Offline BelleJar

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/5/11
« Reply #249 on: September 05, 2011, 05:48:06 PM »
Kalia:   B:)  I knew there was a possibility that Dani and I wouldn't be here and I'd have to keep shuffling and no one would want to play with me because they'd want to play with a strong person. I know Dani would kill me, but I'd take you to the final 2.  I respecet your game.

Rachel:  I know I feel that about you.

Kalia; You know gut feeling.

Rachel: I know adam will vote me out next week.

Kalia; If you go into a veto with Jordan and me and know we're not going to vote you out.  Adam swears he knows everything but he freezes a lot.

Rachel: If porsche stays she will keep adam and jordan.

Kalia;  The week that we won the double eviction she was excited and didn't have to play dumb.   As soon as she gets on the block she wants to play under the radar.  You can't go back to doing that.  That's how I know I'm going home because people will look at her like no challeng. I love her, but I don't think she should be here either, I didn't have a golden key for 4 weeks. I don't get up and say I want to win something.

Rachel: She won $5,000, she won something

Kalia: I don't want to say that about her.  I think that by playing with you I guarantee someone who should be at the end that deserves it.  If i make it through this week, I'm going to the end.

Rachel: If I make it through the next week, I'm going to the end. If adam gets lucky?

Kalia;  The cornhole was thrown.  There was a conversation before the veto about what Dani would do with the veto and she said she'd backdoor Brendon.  Jeff's plan was brilliant and smart, we're all friends.  Jeff was the king of the house and everyone will vote how he says and he can say he has all this integrity.  BUt they're still playing this game. In all honesty when it comes back even there, it comes down from every corner.  With each week you have to say what can I do.

Rachel:  If I can convince Jordan, will you swear we'll go final 3?

Kalia: I'll shake on it on Monday and its good on thursday and next sunday

Rachel: Let me talk to Jordan and then we'll shake.

Kalia;  I'm just saying my word is stone.

Rachel: I think I can convince JOrdan.  BUt you still have to campaign.

Kalia;  I will.

Rachel: Will you ask Jordan to come up here.

Kalai: Thanks for listening and considering.

Rachel:I do respect you, you've stepped up.  I thougth you were a floater and I do respect you as a competitor.  You've done what you've needed to do.  I don't agree al ot with what has happened. I 've made mistakes myself.  YOu're 100% right that it has to be competitors. 

Kalia: I"m usualy right. I think things through logically.  I've spent the entire summer trying to get people to see the big picture. If the two smart people in the house and say lets be smart together.   
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas