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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #125 on: August 28, 2011, 03:29:14 AM »
Shelly joins Rachel and Jordan in the bathroom.  Ooooohhhh...Shelly asks Jordan for five minutes of non-game time to talk.  This ought to be interesting!

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #126 on: August 28, 2011, 03:34:58 AM »
Jordan: Are you going to jump down my throat.  I want to tell you something first.  I should apologize first for getting mad in the purple room.  I'm very embarrassed and was very disrespectful towards you.  I just felt like since week one like you were with someone with us the whole time.  I felt like I did with Jeff in my season with you.  It upset her that she couldn't say goodbye to Jeff and that he walked out that door believing it was Adam who cast the vote and not Shelly.  I've overlooked lies and hope I wasn't wrong about Shelly, even though I had doubts.  We had your back and then the day of the live show we find out you're campaigning for Dani?  If you'd just been honest with me and told us, we would have been okay with it and not gotten mad.  Me and Jeff had been completely honest, and Jeff said after the live show he would pull Shelly aside and talk...that was before we knew about the double eviction.  I just feel like you really took that knife and really stabbed me in the back.  I respected you, I could talk to you about everything, I always said you were a mom away from home. 
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 04:54:53 AM by Paisley »

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #127 on: August 28, 2011, 03:37:51 AM »
Shelly trying to address comments she overheard.  There has not been one second, not one DR, not one word, slight, zing, spoken against you or Jeff.  I'm sure your family has already seen that I have put you and Jeff on a pedestal...:::starts crying:::...says Jeff and Jordan were her heroes before she ever walked into the house.  You'll see I was not the manipulator.  You'll be very pleased with what you'll see.  I have done nothing but hold you in the highest regard.  I've never said anything about you like what you've said about me the past two days.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 04:55:54 AM by Paisley »

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #128 on: August 28, 2011, 03:40:05 AM »
Shelly:  The biggest pain to me is the person I held the highest regard for, my mom, my dad, my husband saw what you two thought and did after you were genuinely hurt.  You went with the person who was part of the plan who was as much involved until she saw what was going down and thought she could play hero (Rachel?).  I came to you two days before the live show and told you I was getting scared.  I had talked to Rachel, of all people, and she told me she had a final three deal and that she could beat you in the end.  :wbrb   (:;)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 04:57:05 AM by Paisley »

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #129 on: August 28, 2011, 03:42:13 AM »
Shelly:  Let me explain to you what happened with Dani.  I came into the house, like you, with one alliance and that's with Tony and Josie.  My goal coming into this house was not to do what happened, but to make it easier for my family, us, his parents.  Towards last week it became clear to me that I was pushing you ahead of my family and am putting everyone in this game ahead of the people most important to me.  Dani didn't ask me.  I started thinking "It's a game" and I can't beat Jeff or Jordan and Rachel.  It was 100% me.  I went to Adam and then I went to Dani and she swore on her grandmother's life to never put me up.  I was trying to find a way to make a game move. 

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #130 on: August 28, 2011, 03:47:31 AM »
Shelly:  My moves throughout the game was to stick with Jeff and Jordan and be their trojan horse, which I did the entire game.  In addition, you made a promise to me on day two to never put me up and never vote me out.  I never said a word about going up against Cassi. 

Explaining every situation where she maintained her high regard for them and didn't question them. 

Shelly:  I made the decision to go outside of that box on my own, and I actually tortured over this decision.  Last thing I want when this is over is to lose you two as friends.  I don't care about anything else.  I don't care about what you've said or what you've done.  I feel like a fool for making a game move, and the only way to make a name for myself in the game is by making strategic moves.  All I have done is stand up for people and help people and put everyone first until that one day.  It was a game move, but personally it's been torture.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #131 on: August 28, 2011, 03:50:36 AM »
Jordan:  Why didn't you just come up to us and say I don't think I can beat you and Jeff instead of being sneaky?

Shelly:  Do you think for a second I want to play with Porsche?  Dani?  Kalia?  Where I am now, do you see I'm in any joy?  Do you listen to them?  Do you hear their total disregard for the players and the game?  Do you think I want to be around that when I've been around the best players in the game?  It hurt me when you partnered with "that person" (Rachel) even though I made a game move.  I knew there would be insurmounted obstacles.  Losing you in this game, I look like a fool.  I can't explain it, except that my alliance is my family.  On top of it, you gave me a phone call.  I will forever will be indebted to that and has not anything to do with the game.  This is Jordan.  This is the kind of woman Jordan is. 

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #132 on: August 28, 2011, 03:58:02 AM »
Jordan:  Instantly when I heard about the phone call, I thought of Shelly because you were at your breaking point.  And then Jeff gets voted out?  Here I am, I've stuck up for this woman, I genuinely care about this person, which you don't think in here you'd find that, and here's this person I've help and she votes out Jeff?  And she's trying to keep Dani??

Shelly:  And the way you feel is the personal side of that game and you have every right to feel that.  At some point in this game, we have to take the personal out of it.  It's not how I live my life.  I never take the personal out.  To a fault, I help other people.  In order for me to even have a chance, I had to do it.  I can never say I'm sorry enough.  I apologized to Jeff and he'll see it.  I know in the end if we were all sitting there, you would have made a personal choice, and taken Jeff, because he is the love of your life.  That's who you're looking out for (her family).  You get it and I was doing the same thing.  I just want you to understand.  You can play with Rachel and do whatever you can do.  You've been a tremendous asset to her.  But you'll see that what I did in one evening is nothing compared to what she has done to you throughout the game.  The only people I care about at the end of the day is Jeff and Jordan.  If you don't want to be friends afterward, that's okay.

Jordan:  No.  I'm over it.  I was just hurt.  This is a completely different person and it was all completely fake.  I haven't said anything bad about you, except that she backstabbed me.

Shelly:  I didn't backstab you.  I backstabbed Jeff.

Jordan:  Jeff said I know I'll get kicked out eventually.  When you get to the final three, everyone says they will take you.  Kalia and Porsche are a powerful team.  What made Jeff so mad is that he felt like he's helped everyone.  That moment he felt like, I can't believe she turned on us and he was hurt.  He can have an attitude and he was mad.

Shelly: What made me mad is he didn't give me a chance to speak.  He believed Adam.  He didn't even talk to me, he just started yelling at me instantly.  Claiming her telling Rachel about Jeff throwing the veto was a total slip up. 

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #133 on: August 28, 2011, 04:06:37 AM »
Shelly:  I will take all the blame and suffer all the consequences there are to suffer from you and Jeff.  It's wrong on a personal side and it hurts me.  And I am truly sorry I hurt you.  I would never in a million years hurt you and I'm sorry I hurt you.  I think the world of you and Jeff and wish you both nothing but good things.  I would never ever try in real life...I would have your back until the end of time.  It wouldn't be like it is in this house.  All I was trying to do was make my family proud of me.  Maybe you can give me the benefit of the doubt.  There are lots of agendas out there.  If there is any way I can get you to the end of the game, I will.  I believe you and Rachel will vote me out, and I respect that, but if there is anything I can do I will.  If I can be of assistance to you to get you further, I will.  It's the least I can do at this point to try to make it up to you.  I have no interest in hurting you or making anything worse than it already is.  I know you want to see Jeff and want to win it for Jeff and your family.  You know they have a final four and have little tokens to help them plan.  Did I play good?  I played really good until I had to make a personal decision.  In the end I hurt the two people I didn't want to hurt in this game.  I've tried to talk about it with others here.  I don't know what I can do outside of here. 

Jordan:  I just felt betrayed by you.  I felt back stabbed and I was just hurt.  One of the things I'm sorry about is, :::chuckles::: I didn't know I could scream that loud.   :lol3:  I could see in the corner of my eye that you wanted Porsche to win the competition and I was just like wow.  And I'm not mad at you for trying to make a game move.  You just should have come to us.

Shelly:  Do you think really if I had come and told you, you guys would have like "Oh, okay go forward."  Adam didn't tell you and Rachel didn't tell you until the sh*t hit the fan. 

Jordan:  I've played this game before, because the one thing Jeff said was he wanted to come back and play, because he wants a family someday and wants to start with money.  I told him I'd back him up.  That was one of his main goals.  And then the way he went out, it was like wow.  And I thought you would have voted for him to be here and that we could work something out later.  Everyone just assumes just because we're here, we're going to make it to the end. 
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 05:08:01 AM by Paisley »

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #134 on: August 28, 2011, 04:15:59 AM »
Slow internet, so missing some of this conversation.

Jordan:  You should have just said it.
Shelly:  I didn't know what to say.  But if you say that's how you'd be, then I should have come to you.
Jordan:  Jeff and I have been honest and open with everyone, and she goes with Dani?  Rehashing plans to get Dani out and the outcome.  It just sucks that people actually believed Dani, that they had no chance because Jeff and Jordan were here. 
Shelly:  Dani has done plenty.
Jordan:  But everyone worships her.
Shelly:  I don't worship her.  Every minute since Porsche won, it's Dani Dani Dani.  They have her clay figures up there.  It's disgusting, it's not fun to listen to them.  I don't hang with them.  I'm alone and I put myself there by my own doing.  I don't go play with them.  I have no desire to sit there and listen their philosophies.  I just go be by myself.  Ever since this happened, I've wanted to get to you, but I want to give you some space.  The one thing you've said here that you have to think about is that Jeff said he wanted to win so he could start a family...a family with you.  It will be the specialist thing you have and I hope you can get there so you can have that and get your start. 
Jordan:  But my thing is I don't care about winning this year.
Shelly:  But you need to now.
Jordan:  But it's going to be really hard.  I don't know why.
Shelly:  If you're going to take my advice, you need to change that attitude.  You've got to fight because you can win it.  Think like Jeff.  Do not let people who do not have respect for the game and aren't playing for the right reasons to win this game.  That would be a mistake on your part.  Go after the game.  Take your alliance and make it Jeff and your family and do it for that.  There is absolutely every chance that you can get where you can go.  You can do it, Jordan.  And I will be the first one to stand up and cheer, for you and not the money.  You are a great woman and I do care about you and I'm sorry about hurting you and I hope you can forgive me.
Jordan:  I do forgive you.  It's embarrassing how I acted.  You can't erase it.
Shelly:  I think Jordan can.  You already know America absolutely adores you guys.  Believe it or not, we're playing for the same thing. 
Jordan:  I am sorry and I don't hate you.  I was really hurt...I was really really hurt.  Besides Jeff, you were the only person I could talk to. 
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 05:10:35 AM by Paisley »

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #135 on: August 28, 2011, 04:21:12 AM »
Jordan:  It stinks it's a game, and as you said you have to take the personal and start thinking game.  I think Jeff was hurt, too, and he gets mad, and that's how he gets when he's hurt.

Shelly:  I guess what turned the corner for me, instead of just coming to me, he just tore into me and never even considered the other things.  And the person who stood by y'all the most was me, but he wouldn't even pull me aside and stop yelling at me.  But he wouldn't even let me talk or explain the facts of what happened.  There was no getting through to Jeff.  After his speech, all she could think about was how she knew he would come at her next week and cut her head off.  I do not operate well being screamed at.  He doesn't operate well when somebody goes against his plan.  He wanted to be the Brigade, but it wasn't the Brigade that won.  It was Hayden.  When this is all said and done, I got to play with the two people who I said in the beginning I admired the most.  Who do you want to be like the least?  Rachel?  Who are you scared of?  Dick.  I'm absolutely thrilled that I got to play with the classiest people on Earth.

Jordan:  In the DR, I was really upset and I did say "Shelly did stab me in the back, but I'm taking it out and going to stick in hers."  You'll probably be upset about that.  Sometimes I have doubts and ask why did I even come back? 


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #136 on: August 28, 2011, 04:21:54 AM »
Hugs!  Jordan's crying now.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 04:25:19 AM by Paisley »

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #137 on: August 28, 2011, 04:24:58 AM »
Shelly:  If I have one regret, it's that I hurt your heart.  I absolutely fell in love with your heart.  You give a lot.  You are the salt of the earth.  You probably don't feel like you've gotten a lot back, and that's why you're at your breaking point.  You're a star.

Jordan:  Thank you. 

Jordan:  And I really am sorry and I didn't mean it when I said I hope you feel like sh*t.

Shelly:  Tony knows it's a game.  He's gonna love you guys. 

Jordan:  Once when the game is done with, everything that's been done I'm over it.  I'll probably have a little talk with Daniele, but otherwise.  I'm not mad at you.  I was just so mad I said things I didn't mean.  I'm really embarrassed.

Shelly:  You need to let it go.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #138 on: August 28, 2011, 04:28:19 AM »
Shelly:  In this house, I broke from my usual self.  I always put friendship before money.  You need to get to the next point.  I know you care about your image, you don't want to be embarrassed.  You don't need to be embarrassed.  You are known by the company you keep, and you need to watch her and her comments.  That's not you.  I know the things that come out of her mouth are not coming out of your mouth.  I'm sorry.  I'll do anything for you that you need, and if you need anything outside of this game that I can help you with in life, I will be there 100%.

Jordan:  I'm sorry.

Shelly:  You don't need to say I'm sorry.

Jordan:  Okay.


Shelly:  I love you, Jordan.

Jordan does not return the sentiment.

Both heading to bed.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 05:12:52 AM by Paisley »

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #139 on: August 28, 2011, 04:29:31 AM »
Shelly joins Adam for a smoke.

Rachel to Jordan:  Are you okay?
Jordan:  Uh huh.  Did you hear everything?
Rachel:  No.
Jordan:  What's up?  What did Kalia say?
Kalia:  Just talking about everything that's happened.


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #140 on: August 28, 2011, 04:32:17 AM »
Jordan rehashing her conversation with Shelly and how she apologized for yelling.  Kalia, Porsche, Shelly and Adam talking about the fortune teller (Shelly did not tell Jordan about it!).

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #141 on: August 28, 2011, 04:33:24 AM »
Shelly is rehashing the conversation with Jordan to the backyard crew. 

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #142 on: August 28, 2011, 04:37:11 AM »
Rachel worried that Jordan will keep Shelly.  She sounds depressed.

Rachel:  Were you and Jeff really in an alliance with Brendon and me?
Jordan:  Really!?
Rachel:  I just feel like you were scared and wanted to get us out.
Jordan:  We were always scared we couldn't get you out!  Who have you been talking to?  What makes you think that?
Rachel:  I don't know, Jordan.  :::sigh::: 


Rachel:  I guess we'll find out this week what's going on.
Jordan:  You have to talk to me Rachel.  What are you upset about?
Rachel:  I heard some of it.  All the stuff Shelly had to blame on me.  And it seemed like you were 100% bringing her and that Brendon and I weren't in the equation.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #143 on: August 28, 2011, 04:40:17 AM »
Jordan:  If we didn't want you here, we wouldn't have worked so hard to campaign for you.  Can't you see that?
Rachel:  It was easy, because everyone knew I was coming back.
Jordan:  I stuck up for you the entire time!  Listen, Dani got into everyone's head.  At some point we did doubt you guys, when you were up there for an hour and a half.  Rehashing a time when Rachel got mad at Jordan.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #144 on: August 28, 2011, 04:42:38 AM »
General chit chat in the backyard.

Jordan:  You need to talk to me.  If you don't want to be in this alliance, you need to tell me right now.

Rachel:  No, Jordan.  I have plenty of other things to worry about than this game.  I miss Brendon and I don't know what's going on.  I'm worried know...I'm not going to say it out loud.  (pregnancy)


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #145 on: August 28, 2011, 04:47:55 AM »
Rachel:  I don't think it's fair when people get mad because I miss Brendon. 
Jordan:  Were you, when did you decide that day to keep Dani?  Were you planning on keeping Dani?
Rachel:  No! 
Jordan:  Kalia said she wanted to talk, and I think she's doing it because you won the veto and they want to save their butts.
Rachel:  Kalia even told me everyone wants to take me to the final two, because no one likes me and won't vote for me.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #146 on: August 28, 2011, 04:50:10 AM »
Fading fast.......I'm heading to bed.   :nitenite:  'Night everyone!!!

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #147 on: August 28, 2011, 06:36:59 AM »
(Thank you Paisley! Good morning RFF Members and guests!)  :waves:

Good lord, why are they up?
Shelly asks Por what is their plan? The two say they want to convince J/R to keep her and get rid of Adam. She says she apologized to her this evening, She was a friend and she was hurt.

Shel: I don't think Jordan will be hard vote, I think Rachel is a witch! But she might be sticking with Rachel.  kal says, all you need is one vote, if you got one, that's your second vote. Shel says she has 5 days and she'll take all week to stay in the house. She'll wait till probably till the last day to work on Jordan. (My words.)

Shel says she's tired and leaves. Kalia says they need to be REALLY honest to Adam and talk to him.

Kal: I'm not making any deals with people, but we need to talk to him.

Por: He will fight really hard to stay in the house.

They say he has to understand that he will be a replacement. Kal says "she" thinks she has a chance to win the game. (Shelly) She thinks people will vote for her.

Inside now and Kalia is muffling her mic. mumble mumble, talk mumble..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #148 on: August 28, 2011, 06:46:10 AM »
Kal said she was really tired and needed to get her mask, she's giddy. Por says, you should have been a little more careful when you told her she can't win anything.

Kal is brushing her teeth and talking, (What else!) They say 4 women have ever made it to the final 4, maybe final 3.

Por: We need to take Rachel out first. Jordan will be easier, unless she takes Jordan to final 2.

Kal: Having to convince people that she's been playing all the time? That would be hard for her to do.

Por: Jordan has to win something else.

Lights off, Kal is getting into the HOH bed.

Now talking about Shelly, she's really vague about her life, what she drives. (A HUMMER) and what she does for work, she works from home, her daughter has 2 rooms. They don't think she needs the money.

Por: Who knew we'd end up in the final 5!

Now going over how they got there. Por couldn't keep someone who lied to her. Now talking about Dani, the night she got drunk, why did she tell Rachel about the duck.

Kal, whatever happened was like they weren't going to backdoor her but they caught her in lies. Shel decided to keep her. Then I got Adam.
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/28/11
« Reply #149 on: August 28, 2011, 06:53:47 AM »
Por talking about Lawon,she told him there would probably be some kind of special power, they had arranged a sign, then Shelly voted him out. Now talking abut Shelly, Por and Rachel knew from the first 2 days that she lies. Kal says that she figured it out, she voted to keep Rachel.

Por: I like her for a vote, I know he wants Rach out, but I know he likes Jordan. Our final 3 is Porsche and Kalia. Should we talk to R/J, sooner rather than later? Let's weigh out the pros and cons, we'll talk to Adam, she's jumping the gun and campaigning. She's already not being with the plan, she's too sketchy. She's not giving it everything, not even all the information.

Kal: She didn't come in trying to win. (I have no idea who she means, I think Shelly.) I love this bed, I want to keep sleeping in it the rest of the summer, Por says I'm ok with that, we just need to keep winning.

WBRB. (tell them to go to sleep BB)

Back and they are still talking.. Por, Rach got the HOH, then .... Your's was short, then I got MINE!
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