Author Topic: Shelly Out-Dicked Evil Dick!  (Read 3090 times)

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Shelly Out-Dicked Evil Dick!
« on: August 27, 2011, 10:34:32 AM »
Shelly is nothing but smart. The more you depend on winning comps, the less strategy you have. She outwitted the vets and made her play exactly at the time when flipping the house increased her chances of winning. People that think she's somehow immoral are like chiildren who tear the wings off flies. Why don't those same children consider Jordan a bully for relying on Jeff to intimidate people into submission? or Jeff immoral for equating loyalty to whatever helps him or Jordan win? or Shelly an angel for looking bad on TV for the sake of giving her family a better life? Moral is playing to win without cheating. Shelly's house flip out-Dicked Dick. Shelly has cajones. Thank God for Shelly.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 10:17:15 AM by TexasLady »

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Re: Shelly's evil dick
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2011, 02:37:20 PM »
Shelly is nothing but smart. The more you depend on winning comps, the less strategy you have. She outwitted the vets and made her play exactly at the time when flipping the house increased her chances of winning. People that think she's somehow immoral are like chiildren who tear the wings off flies. Why don't those same children consider Jordan a bully for relying on Jeff to intimidate people into submission? or Jeff immoral for equating loyalty to whatever helps him or Jordan win? or Shelly an angel for looking bad on TV for the sake of giving her family a better life? Moral is playing to win without cheating. Shelly's house flip out-Dicked Dick. Shelly has cajones. Thank God for Shelly.

I agree. To an extent. I haven't drank the Kool-Aid on Jordan and Jeff. They (and all the vets) were unbelievably me-centered and complained that anyone that didn't play exactly as they wanted was being a horrible player. However, Shelly allowed it to get personal with Jordan and that's what bothered me. Was it a necessary evil? Maybe...but I think that she also put herself in a situation where she might make it to the Final two, but there is no chance that she wins. No chance. Part of gameplay is making big moves, and she has done that. Another part is calculating how the jury is taking shape and how you might get the votes to win, she has not done that well at all.

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Re: Shelly's evil dick
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2011, 02:58:29 PM »
Ok has Shelly done evil things yes..did she have a strategy playing both sides of the house-yes

But she is not Evel Dick..the difference between these 2..dick told you straight to your face what he was going to do to you didn't wonder if but when with him..he never got personal with any HG's..he just screwed with them till he broke them

Shelly did the praise thing bud.. I can be your Mom here..The only dumber people in that house are Kalia and Porsche.. Shelly is doing the same script on "oh you are such a bright young lady you will go far Porsche and to tell Kalia she will make it in the recording industry because she just has a wonderful singing these 2 bozos not remember bitching about how Shelly just praises Jordon.. Sheliar wishes she could be ED but she doesn't even deserve the comparison

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Re: Shelly's evil dick
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2011, 01:47:56 AM »
Ok has Shelly done evil things yes..did she have a strategy playing both sides of the house-yes

But she is not Evel Dick..the difference between these 2..dick told you straight to your face what he was going to do to you

Well, see, there's that morality bit again. If a football player fakes right and goes left and scores the touchdown, isn't that deceptive? A poker player bets large with a weak hand, fooling the better hands to fold--isn't that deceptive? Of course, and that's the game. If the card player smuggles in extra playing cards, or the football player juices on steroids, or the coach uses hidden video spies to steal the other team's information, that's deceptive too. It's also immoral cheating, and makes them nondeserving. As I recall, there's never been a Big Brother player who cheated. Rulebreakers have been tossed out for getting violent.

Think of it this way: Evel Dick shows great skill at working people, and so does Shelly. They're both perfectly good, deserving law-abiding BB citizens. What makes ED's up front in your face style somehow more moral? Didn't a lot of people complain that he was a misogynist? And wasn't Shelly up front all along with JJ until she flipped, even giving them a heads up by telling Jordan the day before she flipped (11pm Tuesday) that she was in a losing position by staying with JJ? Wasn't ED's in-your-face strategy weaker than a more deceptive (but still moral) strategy because he, as he's admitted, benefited tremendously from America's Player, a random factor no one could have accounted for ahead of time? ED's social game's weaknesses were offset by luck. Shelly's strength's have been offset by luck (Pandora's Box). The moral, and the good vs. evil argument is just fangirl and fanboy talk, a way for people to lie to themselves about where their likes and dislikes come from. It's not how intelligent people actually act, and almost all grownup people are intelligent when it comes to their own interests.

Competitor: personally, I think playing for the jury weakens the strategies you need to get to the final two. Generally, I think you need to play with a partner for final two. Barring extraordinary circumstances, your partner will be as hated as you are, so you're not taking unnecessary chances with the jury. Think Jun and Alison in BB4, or (kind of) ED and Danielle in BB8. With this strategy, the best you can do is play the odds: if your partner is eliminated late and you're in the final two with a weaker player, you're screwed (Danielle BB3, Nicole BB2). BB2 and BB3 had model brilliant teams (Nicole/Hardy and Danielle/Jason), whittling it up to a 66% chance of being in the money, but getting done in by bad luck at the last HOH. Doyle Brunson played brilliant tournaments that got undone by one bad turn at the river. In the long run, though, he was Doyle Brunson. Problem with BB is that there's no long run. But the smartest thing is still to make the best game move available at every stage.

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Re: Shelly Out-Dicked Evil Dick!
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2011, 02:14:37 PM »
So now I have to take it back: Shelly carried through the big move, then folded. Her obvious and only play was to line up Kalia and Porsche before tossing Jeff, and it looked like she was doing that when huddling with them at the double eviction, but apparently not. And then she caved and re-swore loyalty to Jordan so that she ends up with no one. Done in by the pressure. Dick would definitely have carried through any plan he started.

With Kalia still bizarrely loyal to Jordan, it looks like Jordan can't miss making the final two. But wouldn't Shelly be the person you'd most want to be sitting next to in the final two? At this point, the remaining people can all out-poll Jordan (even Rachel) because she's won before, especially if the jurors follow through on putting a higher value on winning competitions rather than overall game play.