Author Topic: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*  (Read 75286 times)

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Offline BelleJar

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #250 on: August 27, 2011, 10:00:40 PM »
A/K/P = They think its funny that it took them that long to build it - 20 hours and they were done in 40 minutes. 

Still in kitchen making food, no talking.

Shelly to the DR.

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #251 on: August 27, 2011, 10:00:46 PM »
Rachel when I got up there I was like stop shaking

Jordan this competition was geared for Ms. RAchel

Rachel and Jordan are told to switch their mics

R now my legs are sore on the inside

R Jordan we are super lucking

J if it wasnt for you. ARe you made at me

R no

J I thin kyou are

R no....we have to win HOH ....I have to win I am the biggest target

They are saying they will take either 2nd or 1st it doesn't matter which one wins to them.

R this is our last chance ...we can't do anything about what has happened in the game so far....everyone is against us ...and if I get voted out you will go next

J I don't want to be carried I want to win

R they knew I was going to win so maybe that is why they didnt try as hard.  They are going to say we let you win that

R and then we can be like yeah final 4 yeah

R we have to win HOH on Thursday and if we can't beat Kalia and Adam then  we don't deserve to be here.  We have to be togehter and win stuff. Final 4 we have to win the POV becasue that person is the vote.

Offline Kelsey1960

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #252 on: August 27, 2011, 10:06:07 PM »
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 10:34:19 PM by Kelsey1960 »

Offline BelleJar

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #253 on: August 27, 2011, 10:11:12 PM »
K/P/A sitting around eating at the table.

Shelly comes out and doesn't want anything. 

Kalia wants to take a shower in the HOH room.

P: Everyone is welcome to shower in her room.

S: OH,I'm fine, I'm good.

Water running, ice cube tray, bags crunching . . . really house guests! 
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #254 on: August 27, 2011, 10:14:34 PM »
Rachel just keeps rehashing that her or Jordan have to win HOH.  Rachel glad that she won the veto because she wondered where her game went and is ready to fight to the end.

Offline BelleJar

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #255 on: August 27, 2011, 10:14:43 PM »
Shelly: That comp wasn't made for this old lady.  I have metal rods in my back and it doesn't bend.   I'm not going to be put myself through not being able to walk for a competition.

P:  Sorry

SHelly: Don't be sorry, you keep going and do the very best you can.  Don't feel bad.  There comes a point where I have to take care of myself. 

We get WBRB
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #256 on: August 27, 2011, 10:19:35 PM »
Shelly I feel fantastic. I am not sad. I don't feel bad. 

Porshe except your back

Shelly no I am good

Shelly this game is like guys don't need to mope around.

S I don't want you moping around at all.  Just get to the next stop

P don't you mope eithr we will get you a wheelchair

S I will never stay on a dummy and not be able to pick my daughter again....there is more in life than this. I thought I did pretty good.

Jordan and RAchel aren't hungry they think they are eating because they are bored.

R Shelly is mad

J yeah

R who cares

they are talking about how the endurances never last long

Offline BelleJar

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #257 on: August 27, 2011, 10:19:42 PM »
Shelly: I don't want you guys to sit there for one minute and feel bad.  SHelly's drinking her diet coke or something. You guys did great.  I feel fantastic. I don't feel bad, sad, upset or aggravated.

P: They gave you some good painkillers

S: They didn't give me anything I don't need that stuff.  Youtake thegood with the bad, I'm good at a lot of other things, I'm not good at those comps. You guys don't need to mope around.

Adam is making a ton of noise!

P: You don't mope around either.

S: I'm not moping.  I will never stay on a dummy and not be able to pick up my daughter or walk again. There are so many other things that are worth it.  I thought I did pretty good, she chuckles.

R and J walk through.

S; Rachel is so full of class.  She just made a nother smart ass comment to Jordan.  If she thinks these things are going to get to me . . . 
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #258 on: August 27, 2011, 10:21:30 PM »
Jordan I think you guys have a high tolerance for pain.  When i am in pain I am done.

Kalia it is a mind thing for me

Rachel yeah

Kalia has bandages on her arm I guess from the competition and holding on with her arms

Jordan make sure you put a towel over the shower door so no one can see anything

Kalia yeah

Rachel guys I am excited


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #259 on: August 27, 2011, 10:25:43 PM »
Kalia thinks one of the BB guys is cute

R I can't wait for Brendon to see the video of this.  I feel like I am going to cry and be happy. I dn't know

J talking about how she is no behind on 2 comps against Rachel

J I want it to be balanced out between you and not like I am not doing anything

Porshe called to the DR

R cor. quakers aren't you proud of me....yes I did a great job...thank you

R we pulled ourselves off the blok and we didn't have to make any deals to do it. It is me and you and we hold the vote this week.

J yeah

Offline BelleJar

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #260 on: August 27, 2011, 10:27:16 PM »
S to A: You know you're going to have to kick ass now.  If not,yo'll be right behind me.  Don't be so hard on yourself you're doing fine.  YOu're playing a classy game.  Hold on to that.

A:  The day after a challenge I'm the hardest on myself.  I lost all this weight, got in shape, but this competition was not meant forme.  As soon as I got up there I knew it was done. 

S: I knew the second we walked out there that there was no way.

P: I was hoping we got to sit on the shoulders.   

S: That would have been different.  I held on way longer than I should have.  I kept saying ws that i need to get off of it now.

A: all i could see was cassi's face smiling at me.  I couldn't see you. 

They're talking about the crew.  Kalia thinks he's so hot, really attractive. 

S: I hope we get to meet them at the end. THey bust their ass.

K: I feel bad. 

BB: Please go to the DR.

K: Are they going to start this now?  Should I wait?

S: THey do have a show to do.

Shelly going to the purple room and Kalia says the code won't work.  Shelly says that she got in on the live show.  The code isn't working for her to get into the purple room.   They can't get into the purple room and are trying all different ways.

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #261 on: August 27, 2011, 10:29:05 PM »
Rachel explaining to Jordan that as long as the win the HOH next week they control the game.


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #262 on: August 27, 2011, 10:31:15 PM »
J you are so lucky you've been saved so many times in this game

R yeah 4 times

J I bet Shelly will start trouble

R it doesn't matter

J I mean drama

R it is done

J i feel very confident

R we need to go for everything this week

J asks waht the game was for final 5 season 10

J thinks it will have to do with running and not questions


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #263 on: August 27, 2011, 10:34:06 PM »
They are trying to figure out what the HOH game with me  on thursday

R Kalia is good at endurance and questions

R Shelly will try to frazzle us on thursday so we don't win HOH......I don't do well when I am frazzled


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #264 on: August 27, 2011, 10:37:03 PM »
Rachel left to go to the restroom and Jordan is playing with her hair.

Offline BelleJar

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #265 on: August 27, 2011, 10:39:05 PM »
Shelly still playing around with the door handle and code. 

S; At least if I can't get in, they can't get in.  Just get me out of here.

K:  I should have stayed on longer.

S: you did a great job. It doesn't matter. Its a game, I realize what I can and can't do.   They're sore, I guess I'm the only one tht voted out Jeff. Its fine. 

K: Asking BB to fix the lock. 

S: Serioiusly, lets have fun, lets enjoy, be classy, be decent.  I'm not going to stoop to Rachel's level.

K: I think we all feel bad.

S: Don't feel bad, we're all friends, we'll see each other in a couple of weeks.

K: But we had this all worked out.

S:  She shouldn't have opened that box.  I have a terrible back.  I thought I did well in the comps.  Id idn't come to win the competitions.  I couldn't be more proud of the way I played.  I have my dignity, I have grace. I have my integrity.  I have my character.  Do you think I even thought i'd get to six? That's something to be proud of. I made some good moves.  Socially I only got a couple enemies.  Just think for a day there will be some really happy people in n the jury house and then we get to decide, which will be fun.  They're not smart enough to think through eerything of where we are now.  Its become personal.  It can't become personal

K:  Whispering. . . .

S: I could have told her when I went up there that she's better than me.  Its not like I have all that pride.  All those muscles are just spasming. 

They're talking at the kitchen table. 

S: my back just locks up and its a $300,000 surgery.

K: YOu have to remember how they feel, they feel drastically different than what the truth is

S: When I go home, I still have a great life.  Her reputation hasn't changed.  Don't let her get to the final 2.  Be really smart about what you do.  Think about each other.  Be  . . . you have to think about yourself.  Do you realize how far yo've made it?  Only two more people to to evict.  I expect gifts when I leave so I can think of you in the jury house, and then we'll see each other.  I've had a great time.  Except for this week, its been fun. When its over, when Jordan watchse the show, she'll understand and she'll be the one checking herself. 

K:  . . . . I can't here her.

S: This is game, there are things that happen that we don't all know about.  We don't know what people are coming into and to make things personal when you don't have all the information is not a good move.  COmpetitions play into but its all about character and charisma.a... were you kind to people? Did you fight? Did you make the right moves? Its about being classy.  That's what you guys got. That's what a winner is.  Anybody in here will win against Rachel.  You have to be smart. The other thing you have to think about is don't put too many vets on that jury because the numbers are not in your favor.  I know it feels good to take all of you guys, think with your heads and not your hearts. You have to be smart about what you do and take care of each other.  Don't lose your dignity or stoop to that level, its trash absolute trash. Everyone sees it and everyone knows it you wait and see.

A: you don't want to have to explain yourself.

K: Everything that happens is a part of people's game, whether you agree or not. 

S: Rachel will not be a part of my life one day when this show is over.  I don't associate myself with those people.  The sad thing is that Brendon is a decent guy. I tell ya what he better rethink the partner situation.

Someone whispered and all i got was "pregnant"

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/27/11 *Pandora's Box Returns*
« Reply #266 on: August 27, 2011, 10:40:13 PM »
Let's move some HAPPY Updaters over to Sunday!! :hearts:,26107.msg0.html#new

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