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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2012, 01:54:19 PM »
i am not loveing this season of the batchlor... ben seams arogent and that courtney is a slut. jmo sry i just think she has problems and is in need of pro help before dateing at all .. :crazy: there r a few girls that r realy sweet and i am still watching but spoil me will caus i don't care enough to b excited about this season.. i realy liked ben last yr but he is not as like able now?
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2012, 12:17:28 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' episode 5

Let the exotic travels begin. We left Park City, Utah and until the hometown dates that’s the last we’ll see of the continental United States. Our first tropical destination was a very small island off the coast of Puerto Rico called Vieques. We stayed at the very modern W hotel that sits right on its beautiful beaches.

When the girls arrived they came ashore via boat. You couldn’t really tell, but the surf was pretty big that day and the captain had a difficult time getting the boat on the beach so the ladies could get out. They finally got the boat as close as they could and the women had to jump for it. Just as they were getting out, a big wave hit the boat turning it sideways and the women scrambled for safety. Thankfully, none of them got hurt and we all laughed it off. Telling the women that all of them were getting dates this week really took the pressure off — you could feel a huge weight lifted off their shoulders, and everybody relaxed.

Nicki got the first one-on-one date this week. I know it seemed crazy, but the rain really does come out of the blue like it did on that date. That happened several times while we were in Puerto Rico. This was probably the most intense rainstorm we’ve seen on a date in a while. Everyone was totally unprepared, but quick thinking and a good attitude from Ben and Nicki actually made the date even more fun, as they donned local attire and just went along for the ride. The wedding in the middle of the town square was huge, and I know it was an emotional moment for Nicki. The atmosphere and excitement around the church as the bells tolled really captured the feeling of Old San Juan. By the way, if you get a chance there’s a great mom and pop restaurant I ate at while in Old San Juan that was incredible.It’s called Fefo’s deli & tapas. Just ask what the catch of the day is and tell the family to order for you. You won’t regret it.

The group date was very cool, at least for Ben and me. Getting to hang out at Roberto Clemente Stadium and play on the field all day was awesome. Yes, I took my turn at the plate and then pitched to some of our crew. I summoned my inner Ty Pennington and called the girls in with my bullhorn to set up the game and what was on the line. The game turned out to be incredibly close and competitive. In fact, it was too good. We had a very tight schedule with the helicopter landing and getting the losing team and our crew to the airport so we could get the last planes back to Vieques Island. The game went three extra innings and there was no way to play another. We were scrambling thinking of what we could do — including just send everybody to the beach date — when Jennifer struck out to end the game just in time for us to get to the airport. If you wonder what I was doing during the game, I was sitting in the stands with my bullhorn, heckling Ben. If you give a guy a bullhorn he is suddenly ten years old again. I’m pretty sure those are also lyrics from a Jimmy Buffet song.

Elyse finally got her one-on-one date, but you should be careful what you wish for. Elyse and Jennifer both went home this week, and both asked a question we all ask when we get dumped: What did I do wrong? Sometimes there is that event you can point to, but oftentimes nobody did anything “wrong.” That was the case with both Elyse and Jennifer. Neither did anything wrong to upset Ben, but this doesn’t make a breakup easier. In fact, it often makes it tougher as it just doesn’t make sense to the other person. That ‘s one of the things I think that makes this show so amazing to watch and work on. It’s incredibly relatable. We’ve all been there at some point in our lives. We’ve all been in Elyse, Jennifer or even Ben’s shoes and it’s never easy to do or handle.

Before we go, we obviously have to discuss Courtney and what she pulled this week. It will be up to you to decide if it was right or wrong, or if she went too far. Love her or hate her, you have to give the girl credit for doing what it takes to find time with Ben and win his heart. I wonder if the things Courtney does would upset everybody as much if she didn’t follow it up with some of the stuff she says. A couple of quotes really stood out to me this week and I’m sure you noticed them too. When she was going to see Ben she said, “I don’t know if he’s ever skinny dipped with a model before.” Then when the good times were over she said, “I feel like I’m winning.” Now, beyond the fact that the whole “winning” thing wasn’t very cute or funny when a messed-up Charlie Sheen said it, the fact that she keeps saying she’s winning is worrisome.

As you saw at the end of the show, this is something that will continue to work itself out in the coming weeks. I was very sorry to see Emily take a huge step forward in realizing her mistake in talking about Courtney all the time… only to fall right back on the same sword and talk about Courtney. You could really tell this agitated Ben, and once again he warned her to back off. You also saw next week that there is obviously an incident involving Casey S. What I’ll tell you is this has something to do with her personal life back home and it concerned me enough to step in and talk to her about it. In next week’s blog I’ll explain exactly why I did what I did and how some of it was related to my regret of how I handled the Bentley situation with Ashley.

Until then, crank up the old Van Halen because we are off to Panama! I know that song was written in reference to Panama City, Florida but it’s fitting nonetheless. And if you are too young and don’t get the Jimmy Buffet or Van Halen references, then you’re a lost cause and I can’t help you. So forget about it, and I’ll see ya next week. In the meantime, I always love to hear from you, so follow me on Twitter @chrisbharrison, and see what our past cast members have to say about the show at
I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2012, 01:22:30 PM »
ABC press release:


"Episode 1606" - Nine excited bachelorettes travel to the exotic tropical country of Panama, but two nervous women - Blakeley and Rachel - face the dramatic two-on-one date where one of them will be sent home immediately. How will the Bachelor handle his heartbreaking decision at the end of the night? Ben soars in a helicopter with Kacie B. over Panama City and the Caribbean, landing on a deserted island where they spend the day, but she makes a stunning disclosure which demonstrates her ability to really open up to Ben. The six women on the group date trek with the Bachelor through the Panamanian jungle and end up at a small village, communicating with their inhabitants, the Emberas. But this week's drama is ratcheted up when Chris faces off with Casey S. about a bombshell disclosure she has failed to reveal to anyone, on "The Bachelor," MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Ben treats Kacie B. to a panoramic view of Panama City and the Caribbean via helicopter before they land on a deserted island, which becomes their home for the day. Will they be able to work together as a couple? The duo returns to the mainland for dinner, and this emotional woman shows that she is willing to share a very upsetting, personal experience with Ben.

Six lucky women "get lost" with Ben in the middle of the Panamanian jungle at the bank of the Chagres River. The Bachelor scoops up the ladies in a motorboat and the group zip through the jungle waters before coming upon the Emberas in their small village. The people warmly welcome Ben and the women, but one bachelorette decides to take local customs a bit too far and dons some native garb that leaves little to the imagination. That evening at the after-party at the Trump Ocean Club, Courtney continues her strategy to win Ben's heart with her brash, aggressive behavior. But will this off-putting demeanor score her another rose?

Finally, Ben must face the always difficult task of taking two women he is fond of on the famed two-on-one date. Blakeley is supremely confident, but Rachel is intimidated and anxious. The two join Ben for a day of sexy salsa dancing. All of this comes easily to Blakeley, but Rachel feels like a third wheel on the date. After both women have alone time with him, Ben is forced to make the toughest decision of his journey so far.

On rose ceremony day, Chris pays a surprise visit to the women, pulling Casey S. from the group. In another of "The Bachelor's" most dramatic moments, he confronts her about a situation she has kept secret from everyone. A shocked Casey S. then must admit the truth to Ben. How will he take the news?

The surprises keep coming at the cocktail party when one of the shy bachelorettes decides to make her somewhat awkward move on Ben, rendering him speechless. However, Ben has the courage of his convictions, and the six women left with roses will accompany him to beautiful, blissful Belize.

The nine women are:
Blakeley, 34, VIP cocktail waitress, Charlotte, NC
Casey S., 26, trading clerk, Leawood, KS
Courtney, 28, model, Santa Monica, CA
Emily, 27, PhD student, Chapel Hill, NC
Jamie, 25, registered nurse, Dryden, NY
Kacie B., 24, administrative assistant, Clarksville, TN
Lindzi C., 27, business development manager, Seattle, WA
Nicki, 26, dental hygienist, Hurst, TX
Rachel, 27, fashion sales rep., New York City, NY

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2012, 12:26:47 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' episode 6

It’s funny that when I watch these episodes now I do so with a completely different perspective than I used to. I now watch the show with the thought of how I will write this blog each week. After watching this week’s episode, all I could think is, How can I possibly fit one hundred pounds of goodness into a ten-pound sack? This week landed us in the exotic Central American town of Panama City, Panama. I don’t think Courtney had been to Panama in recent weeks so we were excited to take her somewhere new.

You might have noticed Ben helped fill my position at the beginning of the show welcoming the women and setting up the first date. Ben has secretly been dreaming of taking my job for many years, and this was his first move. The truth is I was back home shooting my game show You Deserve It and came into Panama a couple of days late. Gotta give Ben props though, as he filled in quite well. I was hoping he would get a haircut before trying to fill the host position, but that was just a dream.

Ben’s first one-on-one date with Kacie B. was fantastic. From the first date they shared in Sonoma they have had an incredible relationship and seem to continue to make great strides in the right direction. On this date, Kacie B. really opened up to Ben and told him some things that she really rarely shares with anyone. It’s moments like this when you can really see the difference in the relationships that are being formed.

The group date was one of those once in a lifetime, Bachelor-only experiences in the remote rainforest of Panama. I know Courtney will be judged by her behavior on this date, but I have to say she brings up a very valid point. She’s making moves on Ben and the other girls aren’t. The other women are so worried about the unwritten code of conduct and so worried about Courtney they aren’t worried about the most important person… Ben! As Courtney said, they are making it very easy for her. Emily finally got the hint and completely rebounded with Ben. She’s an incredibly smart, clever and classy woman and she took the high road and apologized to Courtney. Courtney decided to take the other road. In all seriousness, her response to Emily’s apology was pretty amazing, and not in a good way. Lindzi, meanwhile, continues to keep an even keel and has been cruising along with Ben since day one.

The infamous two-on-one date was next, pitting Rachel against Blakeley. It was a battle that, on the outside, Blakeley seemed more than eager to take on. But if you remember back to the first couple of episodes, that’s Blakeley’s defense mechanism. She’s actually just as insecure as anybody else. The last couple of weeks, Blakeley really let herself go and threw herself into this — but it may have just been too late to get through to Ben and show him what she had to offer. When he sent Blakeley home, she was totally shocked.

The day of the rose ceremony brought with it the most interesting part of this week’s episode. You all saw what happened with Casey S., so let me take you behind the scenes and tell you what led me to step in and talk to her. We heard from Casey’s former boyfriend and a couple other people that Casey had spent serious time with him leading up to the show and that she still had serious feelings for him. In fact, her ex-boyfriend explicitly told us that he was currently in a relationship with her. I’ve said before that one thing I regretted during Ashley’s season is not going further and telling her more about Bentley and his intentions. I wasn’t going to let that happen again. Now, I want to make it clear that in my opinion Casey didn’t come on the show with bad intentions; she didn’t come on the show to deceive Ben. Like many people that have come on this show in the past, Casey learned a lot about herself and changed during her time here. My talk with her was in no way confrontational, but I did want to make things very clear, to her and everybody watching. Unfortunately that lesson of making things very clear for all involved was one I learned a few seasons ago. It’s funny to see how once the show airs, people’s memories can suddenly and dramatically change.

Casey is a very sweet woman who found herself in a difficult position. Her talk with Ben was amicable. Looking back, I think Ben — who was caught completely off guard — wishes he had reacted a little differently in the moment. Casey was emotional and Ben didn’t exactly react as he normally would in this kind of situation. In the end it was right for Casey to leave the show. Whether she’s in love with her old boyfriend or not is and was irrelevant. It’s very clear she isn’t in the right state of mind to find love with Ben right now. I’m glad I stepped in and talked to her, and overall I’m happy with how we handled the situation.

The other most talked about moment from this week’s show will easily be Jamie and her aggressive performance at the cocktail party. Jamie is a self-described shy, prude girl, and all I can say about what went down at the cocktail party is “bless her heart.” I’m sure she’s just as horrified watching herself as you were. Again, “bless her heart.” As you saw in the previews, next week the situation with Courtney really comes to a head. Things are going to get very interesting — you better Belize it! Until then, you can find me on Twitter @chrisbharrison.
I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2012, 12:59:41 PM »
ABC press release:


“Episode 1607” – The pressure mounts as the crucial hometown dates loom, but first Ben and the remaining six bachelorettes continue their exciting trip around the world to the beautiful country of Belize. Only one rose will be available and that will be on the group date. However, that woman will be guaranteed a hometown visit. Lindzi and Ben hover over one of the world’s most impressive sink holes -- the famed Great Blue Hole – as she tries to overcome her fear of heights. Emily is treated to an outing to the majestic limestone coral island of Caye Caulker, where, after a few rocky weeks, she hopes to get her relationship with Ben back on track. And Courtney, who is desperate for another individual date, gets her wish, but Ben begins to have second thoughts about this frontrunner after she reveals her attitude about taking him home. And the three women on the group date dive with sharks and must conquer their fears if they are to have a chance at a rose. Ben has a real surprise for the women, too, when he cancels the cocktail party, on “The Bachelor,” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.
            Lindzi and Ben attempt to take their relationship to new heights with a spectacular helicopter ride over deep ocean waters before arriving at Belize’s famous Great Blue Hole. Flying high above the water, Ben informs his nervous date that they will be jumping into the Hole from the helicopter. As terrified as she is, this usually bold bachelorette is more scared that she won’t get to take Ben home and needs to trust him to keep her safe and take a leap of faith. That night at dinner, sparks fly as the discussion turns to the possibility of a hometown visit. But will LIndzi expose her serious side and tell Ben how she is feeling about him? And will it be enough to secure a hometown date?

            The next individual date goes to Emily, who wants to get back in Ben’s good graces. They stroll through town on the island of Caye Caulker, bicycling, playing basketball with the locals and even diving for lobster. This time the connection between the two seems clear, but will Ben offer Emily a rose and a hometown date?

            Courtney goes on the last one-on-one date as the couple goes on a romantic picnic among some ancient Mayan ruins. However, this outspoken bachelorette surprises Ben with her reticence about taking him home to meet her family. And then things get even worse when the dinner talk turns to the other bachelorettes. Ben’s feelings for Courtney become more confused. He needs to rethink his relationship with her and whether he can see a future together.

            Ben wakes up Kacie B., Nicki and Rachel at 4:00 a.m. – so they can go diving with sharks! Rachel is petrified and needs Ben’s help to calm her down, while the other two women are afraid they haven’t gotten any time with the Bachelor. At the dramatic after-party, Kacie B. and Nicki open their hearts to Ben and reveal they are falling in love with him. One ecstatic woman gets the rose and the hometown date. But tensions still rise as two of the women confront Ben about Courtney and how she might break his heart. How will Ben react to another attack on this woman?

When the women arrive for the cocktail party, they are hoping for one last chance to make a favorable impression on Ben. But the determined Bachelor has cancelled the cocktail party. He pulls Courtney aside to confront her before he makes his decisions, and at the rose ceremony he narrows the field to the four lucky bachelorettes who will take him to their hometowns to meet their families.

The six women are:
Courtney, 28, model, Santa Monica, CA
Emily, 27, PhD student, Chapel Hill, NC
Kacie B., 24, administrative assistant, Clarksville, TN
Lindzi C., 27, business development manager, Seattle, WA
Nicki, 26, dental hygienist, Hurst, TX
Rachel, 27, fashion sales rep., New York City, NY

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2012, 12:11:44 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' episode 7

I would like to start out by apologizing to the country of Belize for the insane amount of “Belize” puns that were used and abused in this week’s episode. You better Belize things are getting serious on this show right now. (Sorry, just had to slip one more in.) I want to answer a couple burning questions that many of our viewers had over the last couple weeks. First of all, the baseball game in Puerto Rico ended in a tie at the end of regulation. There might have been a mistake in showing an incorrect scoreboard as we went in to extra innings, but I was there and can attest that the game was tied and legitimately went into extra innings. The game was also sanctioned by and followed all the rules of Major League Baseball. The next topic I need to cover is Casey’s shoes. As many of you noticed, she walked up to Ben’s room and then out of the hotel without her shoes on. Her shoes and luggage were mailed to her and she should be receiving those items in six to ten business days. With those great mysteries cleared up, let’s move on to this week’s episode.

All bad puns aside, you better Belize that this country is as stunning and romantic as it looked on TV. Lindzi’s date to the “Blue Hole” is one of those things you just have to see to Belize. In fact, as soon as Ben and Lindzi were out of the water, our local guides were amazed at how fearless they were, considering how many sharks are known to hang out right where they landed. Needless to say, everyone was safe and have a lifetime of memories to take home with them, as well as all of their limbs.

This week is always one of the most pivotal ones of season. It’s that point when all the relationships are either taking a serious step forward or falling so far behind it’s time to say goodbye. Lindzi, as you saw, continues to cruise along at a very comfortable pace. Ben and Lindzi never have any drama and she makes life very easy for him. As they head into hometowns, though, Ben is looking to see if there’s more to their relationship than that. At some point she’s going to have to show that depth that Ben is looking for.

Kacie’s (very happy I can drop the “B”) relationship is a great example of the kind of depth Ben is looking for. Nicki is somewhat in the same boat as Lindzi: Her relationship with Ben is going smoothly and there haven’t been any major roadblocks, but she needs to make a move in the coming weeks to see if they can take things to the next level. Now let’s deal with the last of the final four: Courtney. This week we got a glimpse of a completely different side of Courtney. Up to this point she’s been supremely confident and unflappable, but this week she was emotional and insecure. There is something very interesting I noticed about Courtney this week, and that is just how much she makes everything about her. Most of the girls are worried about how much they are opening up to Ben. Courtney, on the other hand, said several times that Ben needs to step up his game and open up to her.

The other major happening this week was the other women warning Ben about Courtney. If you’re keeping score at home, that makes a total of five different women who have gone out of their way to warn Ben about this woman. It does have him thinking, and he had a half-hearted talk with her before the rose ceremony, but when they are alone she knows exactly what to say to settle his nerves. This week we said goodbye to Rachel and Emily. I’m guessing most of you were stunned that Ben sent Emily home, especially after their incredible date this week. Other than that pesky blond hair, Emily was everything Ben was looking for in a woman. I can’t help but think that despite her rebound in recent weeks, her skirmish with Courtney and subsequent confrontational talks with Ben just put her too far behind.

Emily is somebody I’m very much looking forward to talking with at the Women Tell All special to get her take on everything that went down and figure out what went wrong from her perspective. Next week we return to the States for the all important hometown dates. This will be a huge week, as fortunes will quickly change for some of the women. I can tell you that these are among the most emotional hometowns we’ve ever seen, and the women all take tremendous strides forward. One hometown in particular goes in a direction that you’d never expect, and you’re just going to have to see it to Belize it.

Before I say goodbye I want to thank all those fans that once again opened their doors to us this week, as the “Bachelor Party Van” crashed several viewing parties around the LA area. From the impromptu dance party, the Chris-and-Ben velvet cake, Bachelor fantasy league rules, and Vicki’s homemade hot fudge sundaes, it was a night to remember. (We’ll have a video up this week on our official site The Bachelor Nation is a passionate wonderful thing, and I love getting the chance to talk with you here each week, chat via Twitter (@chrisbharrison) and sometimes show up at your house and talk about all things roses. Please Belize me when I say, “Thank you, I love every minute of it.”
I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2012, 01:24:57 PM »
ABC press release:

ABC Television Network


"Episode 1608" - The stakes are high as Ben crisscrosses the country on an exciting, emotionally charged trip to visit the final four women's hometowns. Will Lindzi conquer her fear of being vulnerable and share her true feelings with Ben? Will Kacie B.'s cautious, skeptical parents be the downfall of her relationship with the Bachelor? Will Nicki's parents, who are still heartbroken over her divorce, welcome thoughts of a potential future for their daughter with Ben? And finally, will Ben be able to win over Courtney's protective mother? Afterwards, everyone meets in Los Angeles, and Ben must make a gut-wrenching decision to narrow the field to three women - one of whom he believes will be his wife -- on "The Bachelor," MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Ben's journey starts in Ocala, Florida, where he spends the day with Lindzi and her fun-loving parents on their picturesque horse farm. Up until now, she has been hesitant to open up to Ben, but she finally reveals that her last relationship left her heartbroken and she is afraid to make herself vulnerable. Her parents notice the difference in their once reticent daughter whose heart seems open again, but will they welcome Ben into their family?

When he arrives in Clarksville, Tennessee, Ben is met in grand style by a marching band led by Kacie B., his baton-twirling suitor, who has been one of the front-runners for his heart since their emotional first date. As they picnic on a football field named after her grandfather, Kacie fills in Ben about her rich family history and her grandparents' inspiring love story. But what happens when Ben meets Kacie's father? Will he give Ben his blessing, or will this spell trouble for the couple's future?

Ben travels to Fort Worth, Texas, to visit Nicki, the young divorcee. She treats him to a Texas-sized shopping spree, transforming the Sonoma winemaker into a cowboy. Nicki warns Ben that he most likely will be met with a great deal of skepticism from her father, who is determined to protect his daughter after her devastating divorce. Nicki's mother and brother are warm and welcoming, but her father reserves his opinion until after he has a heart-to-heart talk with his daughter. After a tearful and guilt-filled discussion over the failed marriage, Nicki and her father heal some old wounds, but what does it mean for this pair's prospects?

Finally, Ben heads to Scottsdale, Arizona to join Courtney, the glamorous but strong-willed model who has attempted to capture Ben's heart with her aggressive but playful spirit. However, when Ben meets her mother, he discovers that she is skeptical about whether Courtney is really in love with him. What effect will this meeting have on Ben and Courtney's chances? Courtney is not discouraged and summons her courage to tell Ben how she feels about him in a romantic, over-the-top setting. But will it be enough to secure her a rose?

As everyone heads back to Los Angeles, Ben is stymied by the fact that he can see himself falling in love with all four women, but one must be sent home. At a tense and emotionally wrenching rose ceremony, he sadly says good-bye to one heartbroken bachelorette. However, he can take comfort in the knowledge that that one of the remaining three women may be his future wife. So, they toast to the next exotic stop: Switzerland.

The four women are:
Courtney, 28, model, Santa Monica, CA
Kacie B., 24, administrative assistant, Clarksville, TN
Lindzi C., 27, business development manager, Seattle, WA
Nicki, 26, dental hygienist, Hurst, TX

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2012, 12:31:00 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' episode 8

You can fake a lot of things but one thing you can never fake is your family. I can’t remember a more pivotal hometown episode. These hometown visits were definitely a game changer for Ben and these women.

I can’t recall ever seeing such a strong front-runner like Kacie falling so far, so fast after a hometown date. I’ll give you my thoughts on her at the end, but first let’s talk about the women that will be moving on to exotic dates in Switzerland. The first stop was Lindzi’s house. This was as good as a hometown date could be. The moment Ben sees Lindzi, life is just easy. It’s how all good relationships should be: effortless. That’s not to say relationships don’t take a ton of work and effort, but especially in the beginning they should seem and feel effortless. When I watched Ben interact in this environment, it felt like he was home and they were already family. I do have to give Lindzi a bit of a hard time here. I was surprised at how little Lindzi knew about her parents’ past: It was funny to watch her be pleasantly surprised by finding out where her parents dated and were married. The fact that Lindzi’s parents got married in the same exact building where Ben and Lindzi shared their first dance was one of the more serendipitous moments of the season so far. Other than that, Lindzi’s hometown date was flawless.

Ben later rolled into Fort Worth, Texas to see Nicki. After a day of making Texas look like a big redneck cliché (you’ll remember that I’m a Texas boy), they got down to business and met Nicki’s family. Nicki’s family is incredibly loving. It was amazing to see Nicki’s dad tear up and apologize for letting her down in her prior relationship. Nicki is fortunate to have such an amazing dad, and it’s easy to see why she turned out to be the type of woman she is. It was because of this strength at home that Nicki was able to open up to Ben at the end of their date and let him know that she’s in love with him. Nicki has definitely been the dark horse this season but she has quickly become a front-runner in Ben’s heart.

I’m pretty sure that the majority of you were the extremely curious to meet Courtney’s family. I know many of you wanted to know where this girl came from. I found it interesting to hear that upon reflection, Courtney isn’t happy about the way she acted towards the other women and regrets it. It seems that her demeanor was one big defense mechanism. This doesn’t excuse everything she’s done and she still has some explaining to do, but at the very least, this was a great glimpse into what makes her tick. I found the comment by her dad to be most interesting. He said marriage is life’s greatest gamble; you have a fifty percent chance of winning. I’m not really sure I know what that means, but it sure seems like a sad, depressing view on life and love. I’d like to think that each couple defines their own chances.

Now, onto one of the most awkward things I’ve watched in quite some time, the mock wedding. Beyond how strange it was to hold a faux wedding, it really showed an interesting side of Courtney. She definitely opened up to Ben and expressed her love to him, but it was very hard and uncomfortable for her. She had trouble reading her vows and it seemed like it was really hard for her to spit it out. The most important thing though is her relationship with Ben. Ben gets her and appreciates the way she is. I’m looking forward to hearing all the opinions on Courtney this week. I think not living with the other women anymore gave Courtney some time to reflect on her actions, and I’m curious to see how things change next week.

Now, let’s talk about Kacie. From the moment she started talking about her family to Ben you knew there was going to be a bit of a culture clash. Ben summed it up best himself when he said, “Kacie’s dad doesn’t drink, and I’m thinking to myself, ‘Well that’s great — I’m a wine maker.’” Of course that isn’t the reason this didn’t work, but all joking aside it did point out some of the distance between them. Kacie has a newfound perspective on life and love, and this experience has definitely changed her. She has an amazingly loving family, and while things didn’t go smoothly with Ben she should be grateful for the love and wisdom her parents shared with her. This is a great example of why the hometown dates are so important. Ben comes from a very different world than Kacie does and this wasn’t a good fit for him or her. Kacie’s departure was easily one of the most emotional we’ve seen in a while. We’ve all gotten to know and love her so much, so it was tough to see her so confused and broken-hearted. I’m sure, upon reflection, Kacie can now see the great divide that was between them, but that doesn’t mean it still doesn’t hurt.

I’m glad you got to see Ben’s deliberation with me this week. We have done this each week but you haven’t had the chance to see it yet. There’s been so much good stuff to show you each week, so something has to give. I think it gives you a very good insight into what Ben is thinking — but thankfully, whether you see it or not, it gives Ben a good sounding board while he’s going through the experience.

Next week the three remaining women join Ben in Switzerland. This isn’t going to be easy, as Ben now has three women who are head-over-heels in love with him, and I think it’s safe to say in many ways he’s falling in love with each of them. There are several tough decisions and moments ahead for Ben and these women. I can tell you that the next few weeks are as emotional and intense as we’ve ever seen here in Bachelor Nation. Before I go this week I want to thank Ellen for having me on her show once again. My son, who was with me, would like to thank her for having SI cover girl Kate Upton on the show that same day. In all seriousness, Ellen has been a huge fan and friend of ours for many years and I always enjoy her passion and interviews.

While I’m off the Bachelor reservation, let me also tell you it’s Oscar week. If you have nothing better to do I’d love it if you’d join me on the red carpet, as I’ll be hosting once again for TV Guide Network on Sunday before the Academy Awards. Until then you can always find me on twitter @chrisbharrison and for more Bachelor fun, read our exclusive cast blogs and watch never-before-seen clips at our official site,

« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 12:34:36 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2012, 01:02:21 PM »
ABC press release:



Which Distraught Bachelorette Returns to Confront Ben,
And Will It Change His Decision About the Final Two Women?

"Episode 1609" - Romantic adventures await Ben and the final three women - Courtney, Lindzi and Nicki - as they travel to spectacular Switzerland. From an exhilarating helicopter ride over the Swiss landscape to a heart-stopping rappel down a 300-foot ravine to a scenic train ride to the enchanting town of Wengen, the dates are filled with passion and excitement, as Ben continues to explore what his future would be like with each of these potential mates. At the end of each evening, Ben will present the bachelorette with an invitation to spend an intimate night together in a "fantasy suite," with the hope that she will accept. But will she? The week finishes with a stunning surprise when one of the devastated bachelorettes returns to look for answers from Ben about why he let her go. It's a wild, romantic ride with each of the women - until this emotional reunion makes Ben's mind and heart go into overdrive and he makes his most painful decision yet -- on "The Bachelor," MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Ben's alpine adventure in the snow-capped mountains of Interlaken, Switzerland, begins with a spectacular helicopter tour with Nicki, sweeping over the majestic glaciers. Cuddling together, they touch down atop a deserted mountain that makes it appear they are on the edge of the earth. Over a romantic dinner Nicki reveals the lengths to which she will go to capture Ben's heart. But will her full disclosure be music to Ben's ears or will it make him run for the Alps?

A complete adrenaline rush is in store for Lindzi and Ben when they discover that they must rappel down a 300-foot rocky ravine. As they strap on their harnesses, they bond over their shared trepidation. They are even closer by the time they make their descent. Later, during a steamy soak in a hot tub, Lindzi shares how hard it is for her to be vulnerable in a relationship, but also that Ben is worth it. The two reunite for an intimate dinner, but will Lindzi find the courage to tell Ben she's in love with him or will her reticence make her lose the opportunity of a lifetime to find love?

Finally, Ben and Courtney take a scenic train ride to the charming town of Wengen, where they set up a picnic in a lush meadow. But despite the intense attraction between them, Courtney has something else on her mind. That evening, she attempts to get serious with Ben, struggling to explain her behavior with the women in the house. But is it too little too late?

However, in a completely stunning development, a rejected tormented bachelorette makes a surprise return looking to Ben for answers to help mend her broken heart. In one of the most emotionally charged moments in "Bachelor" history, Ben must dig deep to explain why he let her go. However, the woman has a message for Ben as well, offering him one final warning about Courtney who, she feels, is not a good match for him. The moving reunion sets Ben's mind and heart racing. Will he heed the advice he has been dismissing all along?

An intense rose ceremony ends with Ben making an excruciating decision, sending one distraught woman home. Ben and the remaining two ladies toast to their final destination: the snowy village of Zermatt, where the bachelorettes will meet Ben's family. Ben's quest for love is drawing to a close, but the question isn't only whom will he choose, but will she accept?

The three women are:
Courtney, 28, model, Santa Monica, CA
Lindzi C., 27, business development manager, Seattle, WA
Nicki, 26, dental hygienist, Hurst, TX

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2012, 01:47:36 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' episode 9

This week we hopped on a jet plane and headed to Interlaken, Switzerland. A beautiful quaint town that during ski season is alive and bustling but in the off season, which is when we were there, it’s a quiet sleepy little town nestled in the Alps. In case you were wondering the answer is yes, Ben did stare out the window of the plane the entire way over to Switzerland listening to his inner monologue. I’ve sat next to him on many of these flights, and if you listen closely sometimes you can actually hear it. Once Ben finished listening to his own thoughts and wandering aimlessly around the country, it was time to start a huge week of exotic dates. The park where Ben and Nikki met and caught the chopper was right in front of our hotel. This was a bit of a landing zone as parachutists and gliders would launch off the mountains above and lazily float into town all day long. Instead of going over each date which all of you saw, I want to talk about what appears to be three very different relationships.

Nikki and Ben obviously have fun together but their relationship feels young. I’m not sure that that makes any sense to you, but when you compare it to the other relationships with Lindzi and Courtney you can just tell it’s not on the same mature level. This is something Nikki will probably notice as well as she’s watching the show along with all of us. She is an amazing woman with an incredible family. You can tell she is very brave and strong and not afraid to fall in love again, which is a good thing.

I want to hear your thoughts on Lindzi and her relationship with Ben. There was so much talk about Kacie that it seems Lindzi has quietly flown under the radar right into the final two. Once again this week Lindzi and Ben shared effortless conversation and emotions. It seems so easy for them, and you may have noticed that she and Ben never discuss other women, they never get caught up in the drama. The only thing they seem to get caught up in is each other, and this week she told Ben she was in love with him. It seems like the only thing that could possibly slow her down is that darn blonde-ish hair. If you’re just tuning in, Ben has been partial to brunettes all season long, and Lindzi is the lone blonde survivor.

I know the reason Lindzi has really flown under the radar is probably because Courtney has given us so much to talk about. The last two weeks she has appeared to do a 180 and has been contrite and apologetic. By the way, for all those conspiracy theorists who thought Courtney’s apology last week was dubbed in to “save her,” it was very clear this week her thoughts and words were from the date in Switzerland. Now you can get back to debunking that whole fake moon-landing thing. Courtney slightly apologized last week for her actions in the house toward the other women, but this week she took it much further. My question to you is, was this enough?  Obviously it meant a lot to Ben, but did it change the view of her in the court of public opinion?

There is one thing I noticed again this week concerning Courtney and Ben. Courtney continues to turn the situation around, giving her the power position. For example this week while the other two women chose to accept the fantasy suite, Courtney turned the tables and asked Ben to accept. These things are very subtle, but it’s a defense mechanism of hers she’s used several times with him. Ben left that date feeling good about Courtney and their relationship… but then Kacie showed up at his door. Ben was obviously caught completely off-guard. I thought Kacie was incredibly articulate in expressing her thoughts on why she came back. She really wanted to know what went wrong. I also think Ben was equally articulate and concise in letting her know what we all watched last week. The two of them are worlds apart, and as I said last week in this space I’m guessing now that Kacie has also watched her hometown date she’ll realize that as well. It is true that she needs to make her own decisions in life separate from her parents, but the fact that she’s still struggling with this once again points to how young she really is. I very much look forward to talking to her at the Women Tell All special to get her thoughts on all of this.

Ben was a mess when I met him for deliberation. He was upset about having to basically break up with Kacie again, but he was really thrown for a loop about Courtney. Ben had his thoughts and feelings in order about her but Kacie made him question all of that all over again. As you saw, this is something that will continue to play out in the finale. Next week is the Women Tell All, and let me tell you this will be our most exciting one ever. I always enjoy getting everybody together to talk about what went down but this season I’m especially interested to talk to this group of women. There is much to discuss so I look forward to asking all the burning questions and getting the answers you want to hear next week. Until then you can find me on twitter @chrisbharrison, and for more Bachelor fun check out our official site,

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #35 on: February 28, 2012, 01:22:15 PM »
ABC press release:


Ben Faces the Women He Rejected as 16 of the Season's Most Memorable
Bachelorettes Challenge the Handsome Winemaker

Shawntel Stuns the Bachelorettes for a Second Time

"The Women Tell All" - For the first time ever, one of the final two women who are vying for the Bachelor's heart will make an appearance at "The Women Tell All." Courtney, who has been the woman viewers and the other bachelorettes have loved to hate all season, will return to have her chance to defend herself. Will she apologize for her behavior? Will she fight back and be her fiery self, or will viewers see another, softer side of her? It's an explosive reunion viewers won't want to miss, as the most memorable bachelorettes from this season - including Kacie B., Nicki, Jenna, Blakeley, Samantha, Emily, Monica and Rachel -- return to confront each other and Ben one last time on national television to dish the dirt and tell their side of the story. And Shawntel vents about how the women treated her when she returned to see Ben. A sneak peek at the Season Finale and the final two bachelorettes - Courtney and Lindzi - will also be featured, on "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All," MONDAY, MARCH 5 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

The sparks fly immediately when the women tear into Blakeley, accusing her of not being able to make friends with any of them. Blakeley tries to defend herself, but her guard goes up again because the women just won't quit. Brittney attempts to explain how and why she took a backseat to all the drama in the house, but Samantha calls her out. And Brittney gives as good as she gets, as Samantha just can't stop talking -- even now.

Shawntel, the beautiful funeral director from Brad's season, returns to step into the hot seat. Surprising the women again, she wanted them to know how bullied she felt when she came back to try and find a connection with Ben. Emily explains how she let her dislike for Courtney get in the way of finding love with the Bachelor. Having no idea how connected Ben was to Courtney, she minces no words on how she'll lose respect for him if he is that taken with the sexy model. Nicki, the last woman to leave in tears, will confront Ben for the first time. She was relieved and excited to have those feelings for someone again after her divorce, but is worried she will go back into her shell. She had no clue that she was going home and couldn't figure out what when wrong. Will she find out? Kacie B. was blindsided too, and flew to Switzerland to get some closure from Ben. She was still a little confused, but admits that, when you are rejected twice, it's very clear.

But the women explode when Courtney makes an appearance. Is she really in love or is she just manipulating Ben? She tearfully defends herself, stressing that she was there for Ben like everyone else. What are her regrets? What would have she done differently? Many of the women aren't buying what they still consider to be an act, but Jenna offers her an olive branch and a hug.

Once in the hot seat, Ben has his hands full as he is immediately confronted by tough questions from the women. Emily demands to know why he never gave her a reason for sending her home. Jennifer wants to know why he sent her home and kept Blakeley. Does he owe Casey S. an apology for the way her sent her home after her admission about a boyfriend she couldn't get over? But Nicki still defends the Bachelor's behavior, and Jamie makes him an offer for the future.

It's the bachelorettes like you've never seen them before! The special also includes a sneak peek at the Season Finale and the final two bachelorettes -- Courtney, the controversial vixen, and Lindzi, the lovable woman who received the "first impression" rose -- who are competing for Ben's heart and the final rose.

Hosted by Chris Harrison, "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" is a production of Next Entertainment in association with Warner Horizon Television. Mike Fleiss and Martin Hilton are the executive producers.

This episode of "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" will be available on the day after airing on the network for users to watch online. For more information on "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" visit

"The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" is broadcast in 720 Progressive (720P), ABC's selected HDTV format, with stereo sound. A TV parental guideline will be assigned closer to airdate.

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2012, 06:58:45 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor: The Women Tell All'

I usually don’t worry about watching the Women Tell All episode before I write this blog, but this year I had to because to be honest, there were some segments I don’t quite remember. My son was nice enough to give me his cold so I started the day worried about losing my voice, but by the end of the show I was desperately trying not to pass out. I’d like to apologize to the ladies, the audience and the crew, as I had to hold up production for about forty-five minutes while I “regrouped.” By “regrouped” I mean lying down backstage on a couch with ice on my head trying to remain conscious. What made this worse was the timing. I felt terrible all day, but it really hit me right when Courtney came out to join me. Honestly, I don’t remember much of what she said that first segment so I was glad to go back and watch that interview as well as the entire show. Turns out, I’m a pretty good interviewer in a semi-conscious state.

I feel like you got a really got a good feeling for exactly how the show went down in the studio. The ladies jumped on Blakeley right away, but she stood her ground and seemed to be able to smooth things over. Things were hectic from the first moments, but what got the biggest reaction from the audience and the ladies involved Samantha. Most people don’t even remember she was on the show, but she sure had an opinion on everybody and everything. That is until Brittney rightfully put her in her place by calling her a Chihuahua. This brought thunderous applause and laughter from everyone in the studio, including myself.

I was very happy that Shawntel came back to talk to me. She got very emotional while watching the video of what happened that night; she was really hurt by the things that were said about her. I’m very glad the women saw the error of their ways and for the most part backpedaled and apologized for their actions. I know she didn’t handle everything perfectly, but she didn’t deserve what she got and I’m happy she ended up getting the apologies she did deserve.

Emily was one of the more interesting interviews I had that night. It was tough to get her back in that emotional space where she was on the show. She’s very much over Ben. She had many revelations while watching the show and it’s safe to say she’s learned a lot about herself and what she’s looking for in the future. Nikki was a little different. She was immediately taken back to that emotional space, and I could see the emotion in her eyes. She truly fell in love with Ben and was badly hurt when he said goodbye. That said, I was so impressed to see that she really turned this whole experience into a positive. She’s proved to herself that she can love again after her divorce and she’s ready to find that in her life. The biggest surprise of the night was learning that Kacie B. really didn’t realize her hometown date is what sunk her relationship with Ben. She knows this now, but at the time she really had no idea. This goes to show that the women really only know how their individual relationships are going. They have no perspective on how the other hometown dates went or how the other relationships are progressing compared to theirs.

The big topic at the WTA was obviously Courtney. I’m not going to defend or attack her in this blog, but what I will do is tell you what I noticed. The women had no idea she was going to be there, so they felt free to speak their minds, and they certainly did. You already heard everything that was said so I just want to fast forward to the moment that she came out. First of all, she was scared to death and shaking like a leaf. I could feel and see how vulnerable she was. At first she was doing what I think was just an average job trying to convey what she wanted to say. But it was the second segment that I really want to get your thoughts on. There was a point when it seemed like all the women were yelling and attacking her at the same time. In that moment, she completely stopped and utterly broke down. Again, I’m not justifying anything, but one thing I noticed is that really, she’s a very fragile little girl. At that moment she just lost it and I felt like she was really speaking from the heart. Now the question I have for you is, Did you buy it? Did you believe her words and her apology were sincere? This is a debate that will continue this week as we head into the finale.

Just to give you a programming note so you can plan all your Bachelor finale parties, next Monday night will be a three-hour finale. The first two hours will be the actual finale from Switzerland, and that will lead right into the one-hour After the Final Rose special. I’d love to hear your thoughts so hit me up on Twitter @chrisbharrison and make sure to check out our official web site for exclusive blogs and more

I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

The Amazing Race 22-23 is coming soon!

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2012, 03:09:45 PM »
ABC Schedules “The Bachelor” Season Finale and After Show for March 12

And Immediately Following the Exciting Season Finale,
Ben Looks Back at the Dramatic Ending to His Journey to Find Love,
on “The Bachelor: After the Final Rose”
Ashley & J.P. Return to Share Their Future Wedding Plans and Discuss
How Their Lives Have Changed Since They’ve Been Together
“Episode 1610″ – In the controversial Season Finale, Ben prepares to make one of the most difficult choices of this life. His search for love is now narrowed down to two very different women – Courtney and Lindzi — and he is falling in love with both of them. After being rejected by Ashley on last season’s “The Bachelorette,” will he now find the love he had hoped to find with her? After having his family meet both women in spectacular Zermatt, Switzerland, and under immense pressure, he must make one final heart-wrenching decision that could change his life forever. Whom does a confused Ben, after much soul-searching, see as his future wife? To whom will he give his final rose? And will he leave single or with the love on his life?, on the Season Finale of “The Bachelor,” MONDAY,
MARCH 12 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.
With his search for his soul mate over, emotions run high, as Ben, who breaks down talking to Chris Harrison about his ultimate choice, takes us back to those final days in Switzerland. Then the woman who received Ben’s final rose joins him for the first time in public as a couple. They discuss the high and lows of their relationship and what the future holds for them. It’s the emotional ending to Ben’s heartfelt journey to finally find true love. In addition, Bachelorette Ashley Hebert and her fiancŽ, J.P., discuss their future wedding plans and how they’ve found lasting happiness together, on “The Bachelor: After the Final Rose,” MONDAY, MARCH 12 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET).

Ben reunites with his family who will meet the final two women and, hopefully, will be able to help him find clarity about which bachelorette is right for him. When Ben’s mother and sister find out that one of the women didn’t get along well with the other ladies, it immediately raises a red flag for them, but Ben pleads with them to keep an open mind.

Lindzi arrives first and makes a great first impression. She assures Ben’s family that she is in love with him and plans to tell him so. When Ben’s sister asks her about Courtney, she admits that there were those women who didn’t get along with her, but reassures her that she is nothing like Courtney. Lindzi is a hit and the family believes she would be a great addition to their family.

Ben is extremely nervous when Courtney arrives. Even though Ben emphatically tells his family that he and Courtney have an amazing relationship, his mom and sister worry that she won’t fit in with their tight knit family. Courtney does her best to win them over and gain their trust. Both women have impressed Ben’s family, but which bachelorette can they see as Ben’s future wife?

More confused than ever, Ben hopes that his final dates with the two bachelorettes will make it clear which woman he should choose. He takes Lindzi on an adventurous day of skiing the Swiss Alps. Lindzi has fallen for Ben – literally and figuratively — but she knows getting her feelings out there will be crucial if Ben is to pick her. Later that night, Lindzi opens her heart to up him, and it just confirms to Ben that he has fallen in love and can definitely see a life with her.

Although he’s head over heels for Lindzi, Ben needs to keep an open mind when he has his final date with Courtney. They soar over the summit of the Matterhorn in a helicopter and picnic high in the snow covered Alps. His elation over his relationship with Courtney comes to an abrupt halt when she goes on the defensive about his family’s questioning her as to whether she is a “nice” person. Her insecurities about her past relationships with men come to the surface and she is beginning to fear it might happen again. Now Ben is worried about her anxiety and wonders if they will be able to maintain a stable relationship. Is his love for Courtney worth the risk?

Ben came on this journey to find love and he has found it with two women. Should he trust the slowly developing relationship which turned into a flame with Lindzi or take a risk on a roller coaster ride with Courtney? Which woman does he see as his future wife? Will he complete his search with a proposal? And will the woman say yes?

I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

The Amazing Race 22-23 is coming soon!

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2012, 04:16:34 AM »
ABC Release



And Immediately Following the Exciting Season Finale,
Ben Looks Back at the Dramatic Ending to His Journey to Find Love,
on "The Bachelor: After the Final Rose"

Ashley & J.P. Return to Share Their Future Wedding Plans and Discuss
How Their Lives Have Changed Since They've Been Together

"Episode 1610" - In the controversial Season Finale, Ben prepares to make one of the most difficult choices of this life. His search for love is now narrowed down to two very different women - Courtney and Lindzi -- and he is falling in love with both of them. After being rejected by Ashley on last season's "The Bachelorette," will he now find the love he had hoped to find with her? After having his family meet both women in spectacular Zermatt, Switzerland, and under immense pressure, he must make one final heart-wrenching decision that could change his life forever. Whom does a confused Ben, after much soul-searching, see as his future wife? To whom will he give his final rose? And will he leave single or with the love on his life?, on the Season Finale of "The Bachelor," MONDAY,
MARCH 12 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

With his search for his soul mate over, emotions run high, as Ben, who breaks down talking to Chris Harrison about his ultimate choice, takes us back to those final days in Switzerland. Then the woman who received Ben's final rose joins him for the first time in public as a couple. They discuss the high and lows of their relationship and what the future holds for them. It's the emotional ending to Ben's heartfelt journey to finally find true love. In addition, Bachelorette Ashley Hebert and her fiancŽ, J.P., discuss their future wedding plans and how they've found lasting happiness together, on "The Bachelor: After the Final Rose," MONDAY, MARCH 12 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET).

Ben reunites with his family who will meet the final two women and, hopefully, will be able to help him find clarity about which bachelorette is right for him. When Ben's mother and sister find out that one of the women didn't get along well with the other ladies, it immediately raises a red flag for them, but Ben pleads with them to keep an open mind.

Lindzi arrives first and makes a great first impression. She assures Ben's family that she is in love with him and plans to tell him so. When Ben's sister asks her about Courtney, she admits that there were those women who didn't get along with her, but reassures her that she is nothing like Courtney. Lindzi is a hit and the family believes she would be a great addition to their family.

Ben is extremely nervous when Courtney arrives. Even though Ben emphatically tells his family that he and Courtney have an amazing relationship, his mom and sister worry that she won't fit in with their tight knit family. Courtney does her best to win them over and gain their trust. Both women have impressed Ben's family, but which bachelorette can they see as Ben's future wife?

More confused than ever, Ben hopes that his final dates with the two bachelorettes will make it clear which woman he should choose. He takes Lindzi on an adventurous day of skiing the Swiss Alps. Lindzi has fallen for Ben - literally and figuratively -- but she knows getting her feelings out there will be crucial if Ben is to pick her. Later that night, Lindzi opens her heart to up him, and it just confirms to Ben that he has fallen in love and can definitely see a life with her.

Although he's head over heels for Lindzi, Ben needs to keep an open mind when he has his final date with Courtney. They soar over the summit of the Matterhorn in a helicopter and picnic high in the snow covered Alps. His elation over his relationship with Courtney comes to an abrupt halt when she goes on the defensive about his family's questioning her as to whether she is a "nice" person. Her insecurities about her past relationships with men come to the surface and she is beginning to fear it might happen again. Now Ben is worried about her anxiety and wonders if they will be able to maintain a stable relationship. Is his love for Courtney worth the risk?

Ben came on this journey to find love and he has found it with two women. Should he trust the slowly developing relationship which turned into a flame with Lindzi or take a risk on a roller coaster ride with Courtney? Which woman does he see as his future wife? Will he complete his search with a proposal? And will the woman say yes?

The remaining two women are:
Courtney, 28, model, Santa Monica, CA
Lindzi C., 27, business development manager, Seattle, WA

Hosted by Chris Harrison, "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelor: After the Final Rose" are productions of Next Entertainment in association with Warner Horizon Television. Mike Fleiss and Martin Hilton are the executive producers.

These episodes of "The Bachelor" will be available on the day after airing on the network for users to watch online.

"The Bachelor" is broadcast in 720 Progressive (720P), ABC's selected HDTV format, with stereo sound. TV parental guidelines will be posted closer to airdate.

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I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #39 on: March 12, 2012, 09:05:43 PM »
Lol yes Evil Courtney Won <33333333

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #40 on: March 12, 2012, 10:10:17 PM »
Lol yes Evil Courtney Won <33333333

I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #41 on: March 13, 2012, 02:42:57 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' finale and 'After the Final Rose'

Ben has made his choice, and so this is the reality that we all have to deal with, or not deal with if that’s the way you’d like to go about it. Despite the public and private outcry against her the entire way, Ben got down on one knee and proposed to Courtney and she said yes. You all watched everything unfold in Zermatt, Switzerland. Ben said goodbye to Lindzi and hello to a life with Courtney. Before we jump into the final decision I want to talk a little bit about Lindzi. She quietly flew under the radar the entire season. She went about her business, never got caught up in the drama, and was always able to separate her life in the house with the other women and her relationship with Ben. This sounds simple and she made it look easy, but I can tell you, it’s not. As made evident by several of the women this season, it’s darn near impossible to not get caught up in the action one way or another. But Lindzi didn’t, and she didn’t ignore the other women. In fact, she was one of the most popular women in the house and she never wavered from what was really important: Ben.

I think this it made it seem like Lindzi was a bit of a dark horse, but from the moment she rode up on a regular horse, she was a front-runner. Some of you might ask why we didn’t have her on the After The Final Rose special. The truth is she was at the taping of the show, and we planned on having her on. As I told the audience right before we taped the show, we weren’t exactly sure what was going to happen between Ben and Courtney. I knew things were rocky between them so I honestly wasn’t sure what direction the show, and their relationship, would take. I usually have a very good idea and plan of what will happen on these shows, but this was very different, and there was a sense of excitement to that.

Usually we start the show with the woman who was sent home, but because of the controversy and drama surrounding Ben’s decision and their relationship, we felt like we really needed to get right into it. Once I did the emotional interviews with Ben, then Courtney, and then the two of them together, it just didn’t make sense to go back and then start talking about Lindzi. Fortunately, you really got to see everything that happened between Lindzi and Ben and there weren’t a lot of questions left to be answered. I was sorry not to be able to fit her in, but who knows maybe we’ll see her again this summer! More on the announcement of Bachelor Pad 3 a little later.

The interviews with Ben and Courtney at the beginning of the show were very telling of how much these two have struggled since that proposal in Switzerland. Once again, I ask you your feelings on Courtney and if you believe she was sincere in what she had to say. Do you believe she was there for Ben and truly cares for him? Ben, to me, seemed exhausted and emotionally spent. He admitted he hasn’t exactly been good to Courtney and pretty much abandoned her in her time of need. The two of them did break up in the middle of all of this, and they seemed to be in two different places as we brought them together for the interview. After talking to them individually I knew they cared about each other but I still wasn’t sure if they were engaged, broken up, were going to break up, or what. Ben was very cautious and guarded with me in talking about Courtney. I got the sense that he has been so beat up he just wasn’t going to really open up, but all of that changed when they were together. The first segment with them was emotional and a bit rough and maybe even a touch adversarial. I think they both did a good job of speaking their minds, and Courtney did a good job of letting Ben know she felt abandoned.

The real standout part to me came in the second segment with Ben and Courtney. Watching them watch their own proposal in person was incredibly telling to me. It was amazing to watch this transformation take place in a matter of minutes right before my eyes. Watching the proposal and going public seemed to take the weight of the world off their shoulders. They both let down their guard, their body language completely changed, and both stopped being defensive and started loving each other again. Both were in tears by the end of it, and for the first time that day I felt like they truly were together and didn’t care what was going on around them. They seem to come together and take that stance of “it’s us against the world,” which is the mentality they’ll need as they take this relationship public.

As I said at the top of this blog, Ben and Courtney have made their decision, and now it’s time for you to make yours. Do you continue to bash them and wish them ill, or do you take a “wait and see” attitude and see how this plays out? I won’t dare to go so far as to wonder if you will all support them, but we’ll take baby steps. Now the question I’ll get asked over and over is, “Will they last?”  In truth, I don’t know. I know that it’s been a rocky road for these two, but what happens from here on out is up to them. I told them it’s now their decision on how they write the rest of their love story. Call me a silly optimist, but I hope they not only survive, I hope they find happiness together. Did both of them make mistakes throughout all this? Of course they did. They both personally stumbled a bit and both hopefully took away major life lessons from this. So I’ll say this: I wish them the best as they head off and try to make a life together, and I sincerely hope it does work for them.

Now that this season of The Bachelor is over it’s time to start looking ahead. The Bachelorette with Emily Maynard premieres on ABC May 14th. And it’s now official: Bachelor Pad is back! I teased you this week with a surprise announcement. Well, how about the fact that for the first time ever, we’re opening up the door to Bachelor Pad to our fans. We will be bringing fans off the street, into the Pad, and give them the chance to join their favorite contestants to hopefully find love and fight for a chance to win $250,000. This is going to be amazing to watch and I can’t wait to meet the fans that make it into the Pad. For more information on how you can join us this summer in Bachelor Pad 3, log onto our website On another note, it was great to catch up with Ashley and JP. I’m happy to see that they are doing so well and love that they are building their life together. I look forward to their wedding this year. As always, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you for watching another season. It’s never lost on any of us at The Bachelor that you are the only reason we are able to do what we do. Thank you, and I’ll see you on the first night of The Bachelorette. For everyone who has been a part of this one… I’m Chris Harrison, good night!
I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #42 on: March 13, 2012, 11:12:44 PM »
“The Bachelor” Wraps Monday to Season High Ratings

Broadcast Ratings:

ABC’s “The Bachelor” Finale Hits Season Highs in Viewers and Adults 18-49,
While Posting ABC’s Best Adults 18-34 Number from 8-10pm Since Premiere Monday
Winning the 10pm Hour, ABC’s “The Bachelor: After the Final Rose”
Scores ABC’s Top Adults 18-34 and Adults 18-49 Ratings in the Hour in 1 Year
Monday Night (8:00-11:00 p.m.)
With the season finale of “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelor: After the Final Rose” special, ABC earned second place to a “The Voice”-led NBC on Monday in Total Viewers (9.3 million) and Adults 18-49 (3.0/8).
* In viewers and young adults, ABC scored its strongest Monday in nearly 4 months – since 11/21/11 and 11/14/11, respectively.
“The Bachelor” (8:00-10:00 p.m.)
Earning season highs, ABC’s “The Bachelor” 16th-season finale finished a strong second in its time period to NBC’s 2-hour “The Voice” with viewers (9.1 million) and young adults (2.9/8).
* Building young adult audience throughout its broadcast against “The Voice,” “The Bachelor’s” numbers jumped by 1.1 million viewers (8.9 million to 10.0 million) and by 27% Adults 18-49 (2.6/8 to 3.3/8) from its first half-hour to its final half-hour, as Ben Flajnik proposed to Courtney Robertson.
* “The Bachelor” finale produced ABC’s top Adult 18-49 number in the slot since mid-November and marked its best Adult 18-34 (2.3/7) number since season-premiere Monday – since 11/14/11 and 9/19/11, respectively.
* Surging week to week by double digits in viewers (+11%) and young adults (+16%), The Bachelor marked a season-best performance across the board.
“The Bachelor: After the Final Rose” (10:00-11:00 p.m.)
Growing over its lead-in (+8%/+14%), ABC’s “The Bachelor: After the Final Rose” towered over the 10 o’clock hour, dominating NBC’s “The Voice”-driven “Smash” by 38% in Total Viewers (9.8 million vs. 7.1 million) and by 38% in Adults 18-49 (3.3/8 vs. 2.4/6).
* Among young adults (AD18-34/AD18-49), the special generated the Net’s highest numbers in time period in 1 year – since 3/14/11.
A note about increasing DVR penetration and year-to-year rating comparisons: Year-to-year rating comparisons based on the Live + Same Day data stream are distorted by the level of DVR penetration in the Nielsen sample, which has jumped up to 43% currently, from 40% at the same point in 2011. More viewers are watching shows on their own timetables, which may not be reflected in the overnight next day numbers. The only truly valid year-to-year comparison would be one based on the Live + 7 Day metric, once those stats are released by Nielsen.
I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

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Re: The Bachelor 16: Ben Flajnik
« Reply #43 on: March 18, 2012, 12:17:03 AM »
Ben and Courtney tonight: