Author Topic: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*  (Read 70034 times)

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #250 on: August 12, 2011, 04:49:31 PM »
Friendly talk in the kitchen. Adam, Brendon, Rachel and Adam eating at the table. Porsche and Kalia in the kitchen. Jeff asks Kalia to tell Jordan to come inside. Rachel getting French Fries. Jeff took something to the patio for Jordan.

Shel: I can't even remember when I had a hamburger last.

BB: Rachel please go to the DR.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #251 on: August 12, 2011, 04:49:57 PM »
ani all you can do is if you make mistakes.. you have to just clean it up. i have always said i like you.. and i like to hang with you...

shelly im not gonna infringe on that kalia loves you

dani like so many of the girls here.. im not playing on an emotional  level..

shelly i hope you saw that last nom ceremony when rachel went off on you i pulled her off and i was crying in there and asking her what she was doing to you

 dani i appreciate it.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #252 on: August 12, 2011, 04:50:54 PM »
dani trusting people in life is hard and trusting people in this game for 1/2 mil is hard

shelly i ahve me myself an I. an i have to put myself out there and trust.. 

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #253 on: August 12, 2011, 04:52:15 PM »
shelly i appreciate you time.. and i apologize for not believing in you.. i appreciate that you listened to me.. an  i can eat crow when i have to..  thanks girl.. shelly leaves..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #254 on: August 12, 2011, 04:52:35 PM »
Kalia, talking and eating at the same time. (Not even sure what she said.)
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #255 on: August 12, 2011, 04:56:16 PM »
shelly i think we are gonna be all surprised with the noms..

 jordan you think she;'s putting up adam?

 shelly i got reamed cuz i voted lawon out

 jordan ddont worry we have the votes to keep you

 shelly this game is not like business.. i was treated like a 10 yr old by kalia she said that she knew.  so if she knew why did she change the noms?

 joran yeah i dont talk to kalia right now she gets on my nerves you should have heard me in teh DR i was like outa all people porsche an WBRB screen 
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #256 on: August 12, 2011, 04:59:26 PM »
Shel on the patio talking to Jordan. She says she doesn't know what Dani is going to do. She thinks she is going to switch it up. When she went up there she got reamed out. She says Kalia talks to her like a 10 year old. Her head is so big...Jordan tells Shel, even if she goes up she won't go home, they have the votes to keep her. She doesn't even want to go up to the HOH and talk to her.

BB calls Dani to the DR.

Jeff out and Jordan asks if it's going to start. (Nominations.) Jeff said no.

Shel says she's telling them up that Dani is playing different now. She's switching it up. Right now, Shel doesn't care if they put  her up, she so PO'd right not.. It's so not like the real world she doesn't care.
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #257 on: August 12, 2011, 04:59:36 PM »
shelly heads inside  jeff outside..  joran they told me in there that i got my spark back.. they said i was sorta dull..

BB daniele to teh DR

joran shelly says that  we'll be surprised with the noms

 shelly  cus they are pissd off at me an aam.. i had ot ask kalia to leave  twice..(:lies:) it's THEM  not dani.

shelly i could care less.. im not gonna kiss anyones ass. certainly not kalias ass..

jeff they were just trying to mnake a point if they were putting you up they wouldnt say anything

 shelly this is not like the real world .. its amazing WBRB screen
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #258 on: August 12, 2011, 05:04:48 PM »
shelly i told kalia that she changed the noms.. dont  point your finger at me..

 jeff what did she say..

 shelly i just hate when people try to change words.. and then she said the whole bathroom thing... that she said that she never said that or didnt remember..

 jordan she;'s probably pulling her hair out hanging around kalia

 shelly i had to tell kalia to leave a second time..  i told ani that kalia didnt even finish playing the veto.. an then she sai that i said  i had adam.. an they  said that adam swore he was voting  rachel out.. i told them to  talk to adam.. i straight up said your puppy dog porsche tol rachel that she was voting to keep her..

 jeff i think she is gonna put us up

 shelly she talked nicely of you 2.. i dont think she will.

jordan you arent going anywhere..

 shelly talk to me as a equal..not like a child

 adam out back..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #259 on: August 12, 2011, 05:11:11 PM »
kalia is telling porsche the whole convo that shelly ha with her in the hoh with dani...

kalia is saying that shelly was basically rewording what she was saying .:talk

porsche what did she say.. kalia is talking a mile a minute with a bunch of lies and burps inbetween
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #260 on: August 12, 2011, 05:13:57 PM »
kalia she brought up that  you tol people that she had a f3 eal with brenchal..  an then she asked dani how did you know that was gonna be the twist.. did you talk to the team.. in ever other sentence she was falling voer daniele.. an she said that i got  my info from aniele and she wanted to hear it from aniele..

 kalia everyone  is thinking im playing in ani's shadow

 porsche they will know..

 porsche im super happy  with my alliannace and  to see the piece of **** that she is..

 kalia she's super aggravating..

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #261 on: August 12, 2011, 05:38:49 PM »
Brendon and Rachel giving their best shot to Dani in HoH.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #262 on: August 12, 2011, 05:43:49 PM »
Dani:  I'll shoot you straight.  I heard things that were being said before the HoH comp and I know that if you had won, Kalia adn I were going up.  If you can convince me otherwise, I'd love to hear it.  If you can give me any good reason why I shouldn't put you two up, please tell me.

Brendon:  of course I was talking that way.  i'm still ticked that I got voted out.  You are the biggest threat in the house right now.  you are the biggest target.

rachel:  you don't know how alone I felt last week.  I heard people making final 3 and final five deals with J/J and I was #5.  That sucks.  They thought I was sleeping.  I heard it first hand.  In my point of view, I had to come up here and trust you and kalia and hope you wouldn't screw me over. I told everyone exactly what you wanted me to and nothing else.  And other people told that you were threatening me and kalia came to me about that.  obviously people in this house are talking.

B:  I don't want any one to think we would be working together.  That would make us even bigger targets.  We three have a chance to win if we play smart and pit people against each other.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #263 on: August 12, 2011, 05:46:12 PM »
B:  you put up two random people and you are planning to backdoor me.  I win pov and don't use it.  Same thing next week....i tell people you are the target for backdoor and you win pov and no one knows better.

D:  and if jeff wins pov, i go up.  if i don't its obvious.

R:  we have to win pov.  you have to win pov

B:  we have to do that.  i am 100% down to making a deal with you and no one knows.  i pretend i still hate you.

D:  by the comments i heard last night coming out of your mouths, i was the target

R:  not from us

D:  i heard it

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #264 on: August 12, 2011, 05:51:11 PM »
shelly apparently calls out kalia says thnak you for the dialouge

 shelly porsche and ****ing kalia in the back room talking about my convo to dani from up in the HOH and i heard them. i was in teh mod room trying to take a nap and i told her that kalia was running to porsche  telling her everything.. and porsche calling us assholes

 shelly you should have seen her come out of the room an when she came back i saidd yeah i hear it all.. they had no idea.

 jeff porsche is gonna  gete a smak

 kalia heads outback all talk stops

 kalia you want to actauly talk

 shely its pointless to get into a fight ..  its not respectfull for you to say what i sai to porsche .. take what was said as a guest..  and then you went an took it to porsche.... I let you sit there

 kalia you let me sit there??? dani called me up there

 shelly for one thing

 kalia..  you dont have a right to say anything about anyone

everyone leaves and  lets kalia  and shelly talk they dodnt want to be invovled..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #265 on: August 12, 2011, 05:55:53 PM »
3/4 To catch up.. Shelly was in her bed listening to Kalia and Porsche. Kalia got caught because Shel stood up and said, Yeah I heard the whole thing and stormed out to the BY. She told Jeff, Adam  and Jordan what happened, and said she was trying not to blow up. Adam said the only thing to blow up is a bed.

Kalia is out now, trying to explain. J/J/A leave so they can talk.

Kalia says she felt bad, no one was supporting her. blah blah blah.. things I shared with you came back. Shel is furious, nothing I've said to you. She doesn't accept what Kalia is saying. Kalia is trying to explain. Shel: I could aceept you talking to Dani but not Porsche. She walks around, and for her to come up and tell you I have a final 3 with B/R.. she comes up and LIES to you.


Kalia: The conversation we had came back to me.. word for word. Shel says she took a PIECE a PIECE, and wove it to you. She's good at that. Do I care about someone winning things.. Kalia says then why are you here? Shel says you don't know me, my life..

Kalia Why can't I know your life now? (Diversion.)
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #266 on: August 12, 2011, 05:58:47 PM »
kalia we ahve had personal conversations an they dodnt stay there.. kalia ther are things that i have said to you that have came back

 shelly i never hosed you to anyone.. i never put  you down to anyone.. its not what you say it's how you say it.. i feel like you were treating me like a child.. and with lawon he was lying..  if you have told that to dani.. i would have some respect.. but for you to tell porsche who does nothing but cook and lays aroyn walks around with her pants up you know what.. and for her to throw stones.. and she has said  that i have a f3 deal with brencha.. Go talk to daniele.. WBRB

thanks for helping out im back  :waves:

shelly porsche took a little bit of info an weaved it for porsche.

shely i want a young person to win

 kalia whats your point of being her if you want to push someone to the final

 shelly i want to be  in the f3.. thats what i do..  when someone that i try to push an help.. .. you can talk to anyone but not porche.. she's done zip.. to lay on her lazy bottom and bad mouth me.. i have no respect for her..  she can continue on the path she is  on.. i tell her to put on shorts so that he hooha isnt out.. if i didnt care for her i would let her show her boobs and   out ther.. then i dont care..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #267 on: August 12, 2011, 06:03:08 PM »
Shel is still furious. She says that's the way she is, she tries to help people. That's who she is. She has no respect for Porsche. She can continue along the path she's on, she doesn't care. She repeats the story about the short skirt. She says respectable people don't do that. She knows Kalia is like that. I do believe you need the money, things haven't been great in your life.

Kalia can hardly get a word in edgewise. I knew.. If. You should have told me.

Shel: If you wanted to know, you should have asked.

Kalia up to the last 5 minutes we didn't know. Adam was like.. that was the worst conversation ever. He was the one person we didn't know about the vote. We said OK..

Shel: I was honest with you..

Kal I know you have bee.

Shel: I've been straight up with you. I am truly what I am, what I seem. What I realized today is you come into the game like a business, it's worthless, anybody will sell you out, it's just a game. Sold out might be a bad word. Undermine is the world. To have a conversation with someone who didn't win.. it's just.

Kalia: Things like ..why is she so hell bent on keeping Rachel, Maybe she IS aligned with Rachel. Everyone is singing a different tune. hands down I don't think you are a mean person. The conversation we had about race. They even asked me.

Shel says they asked her about it they had 2 segments on it. (DR?)

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #268 on: August 12, 2011, 06:03:19 PM »
shelly to try and take  a person and try an teach them.. and to be sol out

 kalia soldd out.. i dont appreciate it

 shely that was a  ba word. undermind.. to have a person that  got lucky last nite.. and then to talk to her. that means zero to me..

 kalia back peddling once agian about her reason. kalia it was told to me the conversation about the whole race thing..

shelly OMG OMG>>  i did a whole thing in the DR about it i have 2 segment s on it. i was so moved by it..

kalia yeah i did one too..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #269 on: August 12, 2011, 06:04:51 PM »
B:  Jeff doesn't have my back, why would I have his.  He'll play with Shelly adn Adam.

R: If anyone besides Lawon was on the block last week, I was gone.
B:  You've played this game so hard, why would you not want to be final 4?  We give you our word, why would we turn on that.  We win next week, we call you up here and we decide who we put up and what the best move is to make sure pov doesn't get used or i have to win pov.  We have a good shot between the 3 of us to sweep this competition.

R:  we have four weeks left.  So we have a fast forward to bring it down to five people. 

B:  you put up two people this week and pov doesn't get used.  next week, we decide who to put up and do it again.  the week after that, if people figure out we are working together, who cares, we are down to five people and the 3 of us are still here.  Its anyone's game at that point. I am over \trying to get vengence or revenge.  I know you heard that down there, but I don't want anyone to know.

D:  If I put up two other people, i'm making enemies all over the house.

B:  who do you think at this point would not put you up.

D:  its a different situation.  you two have each other. 
R: no one in this game is friends with us.  they don't want to be our enemies.  you have your little group of 3. 
D;  absolutely.  because thats all they have in this game.
R:  if one of them didn't win what would have happened
D: i'd be on the block
R:  exactly.  so you are making enemies of people that dont' matter.
B:  having people on your side is great, but people that can't what?
D:  what if...this would be really big....I spent hours in the DR about you and I still felt like I would have been up
R: when i win HoH, its my HoH.  I hear people talk about keeping each other just to get them ahead. 
B: the thing we have in common is that we are the same level of target.  we will always be the targets
R:  regardless of what anyone says, i did not talk game to anyone last week.  i had no one to talk to me.  no one would even listen to me talk about brendon or anything.  you think I had J/J, but I think Jordan would listen to me, but thats about it.
B:  its a new game.  no one would suspect if we are telling everyone one thing....we can get **** done while they think we are targeting each other. jeff stands a way better chance of winning this game if we are going at it.  jordan will sail right throught hte middle.  i trust you before i trust jeff.  the same thing that will get you further in this game gets us further in this game.  you think you have porsche and kalia, but when you go down, they are jumping ship.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #270 on: August 12, 2011, 06:07:53 PM »
Pity party time for Kalia. She's stressed, she's playing her own game, she went up to the HOH stressed. Daniele knows the game.. My stomach is tore up, my tongue is messed up.. I wanted to quit, I literally wanted to quit.

Shel is still talking about Porsche. She hasn't done ANYTHING!
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #271 on: August 12, 2011, 06:09:25 PM »
shelly i know who said it it was a very enlightening conversation.. i truly hope your conversation will bring you full circle.. those kind of people make me sick

kalia yest when everyone was out here i went inside an i was pissed off an i took my mic off an i wanted to leave but i promised dani i wiould stay here  until  i am pulled from the game.. so after the live show i was one.. an now my worst nightmare comes true..

 kalia to bring it back to porsche.. i went up to the HOH an  i may have  taken some of those words personal.. and yes dani knows more than i do..but for you to say that i was hurt

 shelly i was pissed off.. but porche isnt getting off this easy.. she has done nothing zero..

 kalia i know you and porsche have a seperate beef.. its clear..

 shelly she has no one in the house.. but you and dani

 kalia she knows..

 shelly chain smoking  :lol3:

 shelly she can hang out wher she wants to hang out

 kalia im sorry that i saidd anything yu know last week was hard on me an you knw we were in the ROY G room  that we have a signal

 shelly that wasnt me. that was adam

 kalia.. im warning you now when you are HOH you are gonna hear so many stories..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #272 on: August 12, 2011, 06:15:42 PM »
kalia is full on rambling to shelly.. deflection....... kalia i dont know whow to live my  life liek this.  jeff was lie why are you being nice  to them. and i was like jeff.. im not gonna not be nice to them.. but they were acting the way they were an tehn you all went to the have not room

 shelly thats my bed.. and you can ask jordan what happend.. shelly stop telling people to talk to others when they are talking directly to you! :ugot
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #273 on: August 12, 2011, 06:15:50 PM »
B:  it would suck if someone made it to the end that won one comp.  for us, it would be a great advantage to keep the facade going.  you go ahead and tell everyone that you are backdooring us. 
D: what if i put you both up, who would win, jeff
R:  one of us go home.  if i win pov, i'm giving it to brendon.  if he wins, he's taking himself off.  if we are on the block on thursday, we go home.  i'm not staying in this house again
B: there is no one next to me that would go, no one next to her.  we will not turn on you and we will discuss everything we do with you.  if you want to keep kalia, fine.  i'm willing to discuss that. i already had this conversation with jeff.  his plan is to backdoor you.  they are all afraid of you winning that pov. 
R:  Shelly wanted to win so bad because she wanted to put you up.  Porsche as the replacement nom.
D: it doesn't matter if you aren't winning anything.
R: exactly.  they can tell us whatever they want because they aren't winning anyway
R:  why are you scared to put up Shelly
D:  i have a lot of enemies and we are in jury now.  if i am cool with her and i'm in the final 2 with anyone
B:  don't base your game on jury votes
D: you have to consider that
R:  Shelly has told J/J that she will never vote for you.  and she said that about kalia.  so you aren't losing anything.  when it comes down to it, she's first in jury and she has four weeks to get over it.  you say you're cool with her but next week, of course she tells you she'll nom me, but what will she really do?
D:  you don't know.  say i don't put you two up...there is two people i've nommed that are enemies.  if one of them wins pov and i put up a 3rd person, now i have 3 enemies.
B: then you have to do what you have to do.  i'm willing to take that risk.  i have to win pov in that scenario.
R:  Shelly already thinks she has F3 deal with J/J.  I heard her say that.  Brendon went home because of J/J.  Now they make a F3 deal with Shelly?  F5 with Adam and I'm #5?  I've heard Shelly talk **** about me.  You should hear what they all say about Porsche.  Keeping her in this game is crazy.
D:  But she's not a threat.  we all know you can't believe her but she's not a threat.
B:  at tis point if we make a deal, do you feel like you can trust us?
D: not 100%.  I'll be honest. I did send you out of the house.
B:  we sent dom home.  you sent me home.  we are even. 
R:  we can move forward now. 
B:  if any of us want to get to the end, we have to work together or it's going to be Jordan and Jeff or Shelly at the end.

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/12/11*Late Night HOH*
« Reply #274 on: August 12, 2011, 06:18:17 PM »
B:  Jor just wants to hang out this summer.  Jeff wants to win.  The only one I have is Rachel. 
R:  and you can't win everything.  you have to trust someone that can protect you.  you can't even play next week.
B:  by the time they figure out we are protecting each other, who cares.  there are only five people
R:  i've heard Kalia say that she doesn't want to win HoH again.  Where does that leave you. 
B:  we know we have to win.  we have no choice. 
R:  we aren't afraid to do what we have to do