Author Topic: TARAus 1 Episode 10 (Israel) Episode Discussion *Spoilers*  (Read 22828 times)

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Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2011, 06:00:58 AM »
And we're back. S/R are hoping someone else is lost too. They've finally found the stairs and taken their clue, so they're off to drive. A local tells them where to go.

J/L are at the Roadblock, Jeff chooses to do it and dilly dallies about putting his glasses on.

Luke: "Little things that he was doing were irritating me."

Jeff thinks the scroll is quite complex and M/T are in Jerusalem. Their cabby has taken them to a small post office. They go inside and ask the guy there which one the main one is, he tells their driver (Smart play. It's on Jaffa Street.)

Nathan will do the Roadblock for the surfers, they are excited to see that Jeff is still at the task. Nathan feels he's picked it up pretty easily. A fly lands on the lens.

Jeff asks Nathan if they want to work together and Nathan agrees, can't believe that Jeff has made so many errors and Nathan is teaching him how to work it.

Sam and Renae are just hoping someone else is struggling. In a fit of irony, Nathan helping Jeff might just be what sinks Tyler's new girlfriend.

Tom spied a bagel, and Matt asks what it does. (To be fair, I only vaguely know what a bagel is- Not common food down under.)

Farmers are at the post office and get their clue.

DETOUR- Pilgrims Travel or Holy Grail

Pilgrims- Teams must make their way to the Old City and collect an 80 kg wooden cross and follow the path that Christ took, they will pass the 9 stations of the cross and finish in a church built on the site that is said to have been where Jesus was crucified and buried.

Holy Grail- Make their way to the Western Wall and go to an active archeological dig to find a pot. They must then take it to the ancient City of David and wade through some canals to find an archeologist to get their next clue.

Nathan and Jeff think they have the task finished and get knocked back.

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Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2011, 06:10:59 AM »
An ad for a new series called Dinner Date. Think Perfect Match with food.

Nathan and Jeff are at it again, they've figured out that they've only missed an errant a. They are both correct now and have their clues and off to Jerusalem.

They are on the road, still no sight of S/R. Jeff thinks working with N/T "is a dream, its like working with two sons."

Sam has fallen over and Renae is helping her up. They are at the RB and Sam is going for it, she says she's good at thinking things. Renae agrees.

Matt and Tom are on their way to the cross place, Tom hopes they wont have to wear a crown of thorns.

2 peacekeepers walk through the shot of the crosses and the boys pick them up.

J/L are at the post office and have sent their message at the marked booth.

N/T are at the post office too and have their clue, both teams are going to carry, but the boy's taxi has bolted. They manage to chase it down.

Sam is powering through her task, and Renae is powering through shaving her legs.

Sam and Renae have their next clue and are off to Jerusalem.

Tom is taking in the experience, Matt is focused on getting it done. They are making progress and J/L & N/T are there. Nathan and Tyler are off and Jeff and Luke are right behind. Jeff is only 83 kilos and carrying an 80 kilo cross. He's keeping step well with Luke.

Matt and Tom are getting closer, but are having difficulty finding the stations of the cross. It looks really bad because they get a slow motion expression shot before we cut to commercial.

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Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2011, 06:19:35 AM »
And we're back.

Matt and Tom ask some guys with M16s for help, they get an escort.

S/R are at the post office and are going for Holy Grail, they get a taxi.

Sam knows all the guys would have done the lifting, so they just hope this one is faster.

M/T are done with the lifting and have their clue.

Team must make their way to the top of the ancient walls surrounding the city and follow the rampart walk to find their next clue.

N/T and J/L are essentially neck and neck, but neither have their clue so they don't quite know where to go.

Tyler: "What's VI?"
Nathan: "Four"

Sam and Renae are digging, hitting a few rocks but trying to keep their spirits up. Jeff is having to stop to change shoulders, Nathan and Tyler are powering through and have gone past J/L and disappeared.

Matt and Tom are at the wall and trying to find the way up the ramparts.

Renae has found the vase and now they are digging it out. They've got it and are starting to head for the City of David.

N/T are struggling with directions and have gone the wrong way. They are well and truly lost and get a slo-mo reaction shot of their own. Nathan looks annoyed.

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Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #28 on: July 18, 2011, 06:33:53 AM »
And we're back.

Tyler wants to read the clue again, he pulls out the additional info and rereads it. They need to bo back the way they came, the boys are not happy and are arguing about whether or not signs existed.

Jeff and Luke walk past a little old lady who touches the cross, blesses them and makes the sign of the cross on her body. J/L are done and off to the Rampart wall.

Sam and Renae are putting on a powerwalk to get to the city, they begin to wonder why they are getting so much help.

N/T are back on the right track and they've reached the end and taken their next clue.

The girls are at the City of David and heading down into the canals. They are walking through the water which is up to Sam's knees, but apparently Renae's ankles. Renae is feeling claustrophobic.

Renae hit her head a few times, but they've made it through and taken their next clue, but are still last.

Matt and Tom still haven't found the rampart wall, in fact they don't even know what rampart wall means. They are staying on ground level.

Jeff and Luke are taking the time to "experience the significance of historical places." I smell a winners edit.

Jeff knows what a Rampart is and are just asking for a way to get up.on them. N/T are getting directions to the area, but are still wandering through the shop. They look pretty clueless.

Matt and Tom have finally found someone that knows what Ramparts are and they're going up, they have their clue.

Make your way to the next Pit Stop- The Western Wall in Jerusalem. (aka The Wailing Wall)

Specifically, the Aisha Toura World Center that overlooks it. Jeff and Luke have directions and are climbing up, they have their clue.

Matt and Tom have spotted flags that mark the Pit Stop and are on their way, Jeff and Luke also searching for the Pit Stop.

Matt and Tom are the first up and there were markers on the ground every few feet in one shot, but they vanished in another.

Matt and Tom are team number one and have won $10,000 from NAB classic banking.

Jeff and Luke are up second and checked in. They are more than happy with that.

N/T are still wandering cluelessly, getting conflicting directions from several people. Nobody knows where they should go.

Sam and Renae are near the wall and have found the wall, Sam has found the wall, but the girls can't find the way up.

Nathan and Tyler are lost again, but it looks like they are near the Pit Stop.

Nathan is telling Tyler to calm down. All this seems to achieve is getting Tyler to swear. A lot. I think this is the first F Bomb we've had from the surfers, and Tyler has gone and said something bleep worthy 3 times in quick succession.

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Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #29 on: July 18, 2011, 06:41:55 AM »
And we're back.

Nathan and Tyler are still lost, Nathan is calling him along while Tyler cracks it. The boys have found their clue and are away. Sam and Renae have found their clue as well and on their way to the Pit Stop.

Nathan and Tyler have spotted the Pit Stop, so have the girls.

The boys are walking, girls are jogging.

Nathan and Tyler come up, they are checked in third. But look a bit frustrated according to Grant, Nathan is annoyed that they aren't reading the clues properly.

Tyler says they'll pull their heads in next leg.

Sam and Renae are at the Pit Stop, they are checked in last but its a non elimination leg and they are still in the race. But, they must come first in the next leg or they will get a 30 minute time penalty. Sam and Renae desperately want females in the top three.

Next time on AusTAR teams head to Columbo Sri Lanka.

Something involving a market and something else with a parade or festival.

Sam says "Oh no" in a warehouse type place (Possibly tobacco)

Sam and Renae run to get a bus, Sam and Renae look frustrated at what appears to be an airline counter.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2011, 07:17:50 AM »
This was a very linear episode for me. First off, why couldn't the producers put into a HoO? After they've needlessly put ones in in numerous past legs, why couldn't they put one in now and give Sam and Renae a chance? The girls raced fairly well and still didn't catch up. It certainly didn't make the pitstop very exciting. 

The amount of clueboxes teams went to against the number of tasks was bad. There wasn't one active route marker after teams were presented with tonnes of route infos telling them to go somewhere. Lame, lame, lame. 

Roadblock was okay, detour was fairly good, except for the obvious male favourtism with the cross. Sam and Renae didn't really have a choice, it's no wonder there are 3 all male teams left. 

I don't really think any of the remaining teams are that interesting, all the funny or annoying ones have dropped off :lol: Jeff & Luke seem to have suddenly got a sour edit, I was really liking them until these few recent episodes. Sam & Renae need to win this race to save it for me. I don't want to see Matt & Tom win, Nathan & Tyler deserve it but I don't really like them :lol: and Jeff & Luke have gone a bit haywire recently, I don't like them but don't hate them either. Sam & Renae <3333333333 they're last, they're the only girls and they need to put the boys in their place. They. Must. Win. <333333333

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 (Israel) Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2011, 01:51:43 PM »
Next time on AusTAR teams head to Columbo Sri Lanka.

Something involving a market and something else with a parade or festival.

I think they are tasks from TARA, carrying ice blocks through the fish market and then match the masked dancer with the given photo.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 (Israel) Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2011, 02:56:29 AM »
Next time on AusTAR teams head to Columbo Sri Lanka.

Something involving a market and something else with a parade or festival.

I think they are tasks from TARA, carrying ice blocks through the fish market and then match the masked dancer with the given photo.

All TARA tasks. The girls are attempting the Ice Detour.. not a good thing. I think.

There isn't any HoO but I enjoyed this episode immensely. Even with no HoO, I had a glimpse of hope for Sam and Ranae not coming in last and I call this good editing.

Kudos to TARA. And the Detour was cool and not pointless, Roadblock required some brains and I really liked this leg. :jam:

Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 (Israel) Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2011, 03:30:01 AM »
I like having a leg or two with no bunching points. The only time I don't like them is when they string several in a row so one team *coughLouieandMikecough* can rack up a heap of undeserved firsts.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 (Israel) Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2011, 11:57:22 AM »
This was indeed a very linear leg, but still enjoyable.  Nathan and Tyler made up quite a bit of time to catch Jeff and Luke at the RB, so there was the possibility of some place-shifting.

It looks like everyone may be on the same flight to Sri Lanka, so I'm happy that puts Sam and Renae on equal footing going into the last elimination.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 (Israel) Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2011, 02:08:05 PM »
I like having a leg or two with no bunching points. The only time I don't like them is when they string several in a row so one team *coughLouieandMikecough* can rack up a heap of undeserved firsts.

Can I cough hard on that too. Season 16 </////3

Especially if the grandma and grand daughter didn't spill the milk at Leg 2's Roadblock, Louie and Michael would not even have made it to the Final 9. :res:

Okay, with that said.. I would rather prefer the Speedbump... 30 Minutes penalty for Sam and Ranae... :groan:

Considering it's Sri Lanka, either they crashed and burn, or they barely survived the leg. :'(

GO SAM AND RANAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 (Israel) Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2011, 05:16:25 PM »
Jeff/Luke and Nathan/Tyler annoy me so much now. They're in the final four and still help each other out like crazy. At the beginning of the leg Jeff/Luke gave the surfers a map that had the clue position marked on it. Then at the roadblock Nathan literally pulled Jeff through the puzzle.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 (Israel) Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2011, 08:46:32 PM »
Jeff/Luke and Nathan/Tyler annoy me so much now. They're in the final four and still help each other out like crazy. At the beginning of the leg Jeff/Luke gave the surfers a map that had the clue position marked on it. Then at the roadblock Nathan literally pulled Jeff through the puzzle.

As long as there is another team behind them, working with a team is a decent strategy to make sure you don't finish last.  I think the map help on the last couple of legs generated enough goodwill that Nathan stuck with Jeff through that challenge, even though Nathan could have pulled ahead at that point.  By keep each other close, both teams probably improved their odds of not coming in last.

Now, if I was either of those teams, I would probably rather race against the ladies in the final, but I would imagine they would prefer to be IN the final, rather than race for second place in leg 10, and one mistake at this point could knock a team out.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 (Israel) Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #38 on: July 20, 2011, 01:12:43 AM »
Nathan and Tyler are not exactly wanting to help Jeff and Luke.

The problem with me not liking Jeff and Luke is that.. they're a team who constantly needs help, but do not realise so and still see themselves as a strong team. If team surfers did not help them at the Roadblock, Sam and Ranae would have made it this leg.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 10 (Israel) Episode Discussion *Spoilers*
« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2011, 01:29:13 PM »
I enjoyed this episode, as it was nice to see more of Israel in TAR. For some reason, this show makes places more attractive than actual how-to travel shows.

I'm really hoping the final 3 will not be all-males in this race, as I can remember worrying about that happening in a few seasons of the US edition. So here's rooting for Sam & Renae to make it!

I wonder if any team will repeat the mistake of taking the slow bus in the next leg, just like one did in TARA4.