Author Topic: TARAus 1 Episode 7 (Czech Republic) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*  (Read 30811 times)

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EP06: Prague, Czech Republic

Film Date: N/A
Air Date: 27th June

Leg Route/Tasks:
ACTIVE ROUTE MARKER?: Carry cases of beer

DETOUR?: Ice hockey


Safe from Elimination at End of Leg:
  • Tom and Matt - Last spotted on route to Sri Lanka
Possibly Eliminated:
  • Nathan and Taylor - Last seen getting off train in Europe
  • Chris and Anastasia - Last seen doing crossbow task in Prague
  • David and Kelly - Last seen in Prague
  • Jeff and Luke - Last seen in Prague
  • Sam and Renae - Last seen getting off train in Europe
  • Liberty and Ryot
  • Anne-Marie and Tracy
  • Richard and Joey
  • Mos and Mo
  • Alana and Mel
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 06:45:32 AM by BayBay »

Offline BayBay

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2011, 07:40:33 AM »
Promos (to be provided by Coutzy :lol: )

Offline Zack.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2011, 04:22:42 PM »
FWIW, ice hockey and beer carrying might be lifted from TARA2's second leg in Prague.

I think there's a second leg in the Czech Republic:
  • Leg 7 in Czech Rep.
  • Leg 8 in Krakow
  • Leg 9 in Israel
  • Leg 10 in Sri Lanka
  • Leg 11 in (somewhere, maybe Singapore, maybe a second leg in a previous country)
  • Final leg in Perth/Fremantle

Offline apskip

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2011, 05:55:12 PM »
What European countries are big in beer? Answer is Belgium, Germany and Czech Republic or Slovakia

What European countries are big in ice hockey? Answer is Czechoslovakia or Slovakia.

Conclusion - next leg stays in Czech Republic or Slovakia. I hope they go to Bratislava.

Offline RichInSydney

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2011, 07:31:37 PM »
There is eye witness evidence that there were 5 couples in Israel, therefore the NEL must be either this episode or the next. If the next two legs are still in Europe, I would predict that this leg is a NEL and then maybe a train journey to Krakow?
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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2011, 07:44:43 PM »
There is eye witness evidence that there were 5 couples in Israel, therefore the NEL must be either this episode or the next. If the next two legs are still in Europe, I would predict that this leg is a NEL and then maybe a train journey to Krakow?

Could it be that 5 couples in Israel were racing to throw us off the scent.  :tup:  I wouldn't put it past these TV executives trying to do something sneaky given this forum knows everything that is going on.  Bit like filming two endings to a show so that nobody can leak the result.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2011, 07:57:13 PM »
Yeah I think the next leg is Czech Republic as well. Active TV has quite a few resources there so I don't see why not.

Offline BayBay

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2011, 10:32:49 PM »
TV GUIDE: The remaining teams become Czech spies, but not all are as observant as they need to be. Taking to the ice-skating rink to line up against the national ice hockey goal keeper proves to be the most physically gruelling challenge so far on the race for some teams. Meanwhile, one team finds itself in the sights of the local police, and the local sausage sizzle doesn't appeal to everyone's tastebuds.

Offline Zack.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2011, 11:36:14 PM »
TV GUIDE: The remaining teams become Czech spies, but not all are as observant as they need to be. Taking to the ice-skating rink to line up against the national ice hockey goal keeper proves to be the most physically gruelling challenge so far on the race for some teams. Meanwhile, one team finds itself in the sights of the local police, and the local sausage sizzle doesn't appeal to everyone's tastebuds.

I think the 'local sausage' is jitrnice, or else kielbasa (though I would think they'd have kielbasa in Poland). The 'Czech spy' task sounds original, while the other points were seen in previews earlier.

The mine, then, is most likely leg 8, meaning the teams spotted there/around there (surfers, girls, Chris/Ana, Tom/Matt by airport spoilers) are good this round.

FEARLESS PREDICTION: Bunch-free, linear leg = NEL. If not, Fran/Barry or Gary/Matt are toast.

Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2011, 12:07:00 AM »
TV GUIDE: The remaining teams become Czech spies, but not all are as observant as they need to be. Taking to the ice-skating rink to line up against the national ice hockey goal keeper proves to be the most physically gruelling challenge so far on the race for some teams. Meanwhile, one team finds itself in the sights of the local police, and the local sausage sizzle doesn't appeal to everyone's tastebuds.

I think the 'local sausage' is jitrnice, or else kielbasa (though I would think they'd have kielbasa in Poland). The 'Czech spy' task sounds original, while the other points were seen in previews earlier.

The mine, then, is most likely leg 8, meaning the teams spotted there/around there (surfers, girls, Chris/Ana, Tom/Matt by airport spoilers) are good this round.

FEARLESS PREDICTION: Bunch-free, linear leg = NEL. If not, Fran/Barry or Gary/Matt are toast.

As long as its not "The Sky Is Blue, The Sea is Green"

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2011, 03:22:48 PM »
Hi, guys. I am from the Czech Republic and I am a huge TAR fan...but thatīs not the point  :)

According to the promo I think that the next destination city will be Plzen, Czech Republic.

Here you can see Plzen and Prague (Praha) on the map.

As we can see in the promo, there will be a "transport boxes task" in a brewery or beer factory (Iīm not sure about the right word). Plzen is the beer capitol of the Czech Republic (and because I am a patriot I must say itīs also the beer capitol of the world :lol:). The brand of the beer seen in the video is "Gambrinus", which is made in Plzen (itīs not the best of our beers but nevermind   :snicker: ).

This is a similar box of the same beer.

Also, one of the farmers is pushing an old Czech car with letter "P" on its license plate. P = Plzen Region (Prague Region has letter A)

So I believe it will be Plzen next week. 
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 03:26:05 PM by Colonist »

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2011, 03:34:02 PM »
:bigwelcome to RFF, Colonist! Great detective work! :hearts:

I don't think we have any other users in the Czech Republic. :duno:
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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2011, 05:14:25 PM »
Thanks :)

I have recognized some logos.

The ice hockey challenge will be at Ice Arena Letňany in Prague (same as The Amazing Race Asia 2). I think it will be first task of the leg.

The goal keeper has this logo on his hockey jersey.

And this...

is this

Itīs a tire repair shop which is in Prague but also in Plzen.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 05:20:34 PM by Colonist »

Offline BayBay

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2011, 09:31:04 PM »
This board has been a bit down with TAR19 filming and all! I hope we can revive it for next week  :hearts:

Less than 36 hours to go!

Offline mswood

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2011, 03:56:20 AM »
It's actually been pretty nice to be so unspoiled.  It's been a while.

The fact that this season is so good, really helps.

Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2011, 05:08:20 AM »
About 25 minutes until this thread starts to hold running commentary.

Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2011, 05:36:45 AM »
Previously on blah blah blah etc. etc.

Tonight, beer task. "Its every team for themselves" Matt and Tom tell Dave to settle down.

Matt and Tom in trouble with police again.

A lot of people fall over at hockey.

6 remain, who will be eliminated next?

Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2011, 05:49:28 AM »
This is Prague, capitol of the Czech Republic, home to Prague castle, biggest castle complex in the world.

Nathan and Tyler will depart at 5:31 AM

Make your way to the Dancing House in Prague then search for a marked 1982 Czech Sedan, containing the next clue.

Nath: "We've been at the front of the pack the majority of the time, so we have the biggest target on our backs."

C/A depart at 5:59 AM, Anastasia dances for a cab driver who looks clueless.

A: "We could be the team to beat"

J/L and M/T depart at 6:12 and 6:13 AM respectively

Jeff and Luke are desperate to win one leg, feel that those remaining are the best of the best.

Matt and Tom feel its pretty good to get this far, and now might as well go all the way to the end.

15 minute walk apparently to the house. The farmers choose to walk it.

T/N first to the Dancing House and find the car

"Drive yourselves to the Zimni Ice Hockey rink and face off against a Czech national goalie, once they score they'll get their next clue (Very tough for a country where barely anybody can ice skate, let alone play hockey)

J/L and C/A have found their cars together, both get confused by the storage space being in the front.

Dave and Kelly depart at 6:45 AM and take a tram to the dancing house.

Dave: "We're not the strongest team, but we persevere."

Dave is 57 years old.

M/T are now being told its a 40 minute walk. Tom: "Maybe the walking option wasn't such a great idea."

The hockey building will open at 7:30 AM

S/R depart at 6:57 AM, take a yellow cab to teh dancing house.

Matt and Tom have finally found their car, driving to the ice hockey stadium and can't find the boot.

They've called their car Bindi, because its Khaki. (Bindi Irwin is the late Steve Irwin's daughter.)

J/L arrive 10 minutes before the rink opens, C/A just barely beat the opening time.

Hocky stock shots, everybody kitting up.

Jeff is having heard tremors, and sucks. And falls.

Ana is struggling and using her stick to "row myself out"

Ana falls.

Nathan falls.

Bikers find their car, Models are wandering and clueless.

Sam and Renae head down by the river to look, and find the cars. They leave last.

Back at the hockey, Tyler falls. Nathan tries to trick the goalie and tricks himself.

Jeff hits the deck again. Luke is skating pretty well, but he goes down.

Chris is looking shaky but stays up, considers it an achievement. Ana keeps falling.

Mat and Tom are having car trouble, they've stalled in the main street of a foreign country, they push start it in reverse downhill to get it going.

Renae feels she's a good driver, but she's getting yelled at to get off the road, then drive on the tram line.

Matt and Tom nearly get run over by a tram, so it seems the driving on the wrong side gets everyone.

The police are flashing their siren, pulling Matt and Tom over. They've pulled Tom out of his car.

Ad break.

Offline ovalorange

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2011, 05:50:35 AM »
 :lol3: They all need ice skating lessons

Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2011, 05:58:38 AM »
The cops are now escorting Matt and Tom due to their cluelessness.

Back at Ice hockey, Tyler fails to score, nathan takes a big tumble.

Chris just misses, Jeff gets blocked. Tyler skates in and scores, they leave in first.

Chris tries to shoot right, ends up scoring on the left side.

Teams must now drive to St Nicholas Cathedral and climb the tower, then must use a camera to take a picture of a "person of interest" waving a race flag.

Dave and Kelly are at the rink and on the ice, Kelly is struggling and slides forward in a seated position. Dave falls. And falls again. Luke misses, Jeff scores and they're out of here. He falls one more time for good measure. Matt and Tom arrive at the rink number 5.

Matt has never seen snow or ice apart from in the freezer. Matt falls and Tom laughs. Tom falls and Matt laughs.

Dave takes a hard knock onto his knee. The goalie pokes his puck away and Dave looks like he wants to put the stick through his head.

Dave: "I'm gonna smack him in the mouth"

Ad break.

Offline Coutzy

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2011, 06:06:19 AM »
Jeff and Luke have paid a local to show them to the tower and bypassed N/T and C/A.

Once at the top, they have 30 seconds to take a photo of the flag waver. Luke takes a photo of the wrong flag waver and have been told "Niet, you have failed."

Any teams that fail the mission must go back to the bottom and count all the steps in the tower before they will recieve their next clue.

Sam and Renae are at the rink, Sam has been on the ice before, Renae hasn't, but the girls are looking a lot more graceful than anybody else. Renae takes a near fall.

Cowboys are looking pretty comfortable.

Tom: "Basically I dummied left, did another trick on the right then went over the top of him. Slipped straight in"

Matt and Tom out of the rink in fourth.

Jeff and Luke are walking back up and counting hte steps (Hint: It's 304) they are correct and its Detour time: STACK UP or STACK IN

Stack up: Make your way to the Pilsner brewery and stack two pallets of beer to get next clue.

Stack in: Go to the restaurant of the Pilsner brewery and eat 18 traditional sausages to get next clue.

T/N and C/A at the tower, looking for the guy. Tyler has found him , or so he thinks. Nathan says "That's not him." But they take the photo anyway. Back down the tower they go.

Anastasia finds the wrong guy and they'll be heading back down the tower, they argue on the way down.

Nathan and Tyler get the answer wrong (303) they get told "Learn to count and try again."

C/A get the number right and choose to eat.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #21 on: June 27, 2011, 06:07:50 AM »
We're back on the ice, Dave falls again and hurts his hip. Kelly is rocking forward on her knees. Dave and Kelly elect to "do a four hourey" (Translation: A 4 hour penalty)

Ad break, smart phone apps are taking over the world and Melbourne designers are leading the pack.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2011, 06:08:54 AM »
Dave and Kelly better not take that 4 hour penalty  (:;)

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2011, 06:15:28 AM »
A plug for Canon that shows Sam and Renae taking a photo of the right person.

Dave & Kelly get up, decide to tough it out. Dave's strategy: "Make him laugh"

Kelly falls, but scores, they leave in 5th, right behind Sam scores, they leave together with D/K

Both on their way to the tower, S/R leave quickly, D/K dawdling a little and fall to last.

T/N get the number right on their second try and go to stack up.

Matt and Tom are at the tower, Matt hits his head on the wood.

M/T look at the wrong flag guy and down the tower they go.

Jeff and Luke are at the factory. Luke had worked in a bottle shop before and knows the correct way to stack.

M/T guess 304 correctly.

Tom: "18 sausages or a pallet of piss."
Matt: "Alright, let's go eat"

The farmers tell the models "Don't take a photo of the dude with a big flag"

Sam and Renae immediately spot the right guy and get their clue.

Renae: "The cowboys lied to us"

The girls head off and choose to stack up, meanwhile Matt and Tom think they've done their good deed for the day and they are "True Gentlemen"

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 7 Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2011, 06:16:07 AM »
Dave and Kel in last place...  :'(