Author Topic: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Scoring in progress  (Read 121909 times)

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Offline Coutzy

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 7 partial answers- SPOILER WARNING
« Reply #250 on: June 27, 2011, 01:53:11 PM »
I have rewatched the check in scene.

Grant: You're team number one.
(Chris and Anastasia celebrate)
Grant: That's the good news... The bad news is... It's not over yet.

I interpret Grant's "It's not over yet" to mean the leg, therefore All of the questions pertaining to the finishing order for this leg will carry over to next week. This is due to the answer not yet being revealed, and will apply for all questions that will be answered in the next episode, namely:

Which team has the biggest differential in their Roadblock/Detour finishing placements? (40 points)
They all finish both tasks in the same position []
Nathan and Tyler []
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri]
Jeff and Luke [BayBay, LoveRocked, Prophet]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [boston_jen]
More than one team have the same difference [tarflyonthewall, Zack, Saravannan, kiki, ovalorange, Joab]

Who finishes the leg in better position? (30 points)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri, boston_jen]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy, tarflyonthewall, LoveRocked, Zack, kiki, ovalorange, Joab]
Dave and Kelly []
Matt and Tom [BayBay, Prophet, Saravannan]

Who finishes the leg first? (30 points)
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet, kiki]
Chris and Anastasia [tarflyonthewal, BayBay, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, boston_jen]
Jeff and Luke [Zack, ovalorange, Joab]
Matt and Tom []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []

Who finishes the leg second? (30 points)
Nathan and Tyler [BayBay, LoveRocked, Zack, boston_jen]
Chris and Anastasia [Prophet, ovalorange]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy, tarflyonthewall, Zvarri, Saravannan, kiki, Joab]
Matt and Tom []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []

Who finishes the leg third? (30 points)
Nathan and Tyler [tarflyonthewall, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, Joab]
Chris and Anastasia [Zack, kiki]
Jeff and Luke [BayBay, Prophet, boston_jen]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, LoveRocked]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []

Who finishes the leg fourth? (30 points)
Nathan and Tyler [boston_jen]
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Matt and Tom [tarflyonthewall, BayBay, LoveRocked, Prophet, Zack, Saravannan, kiki, ovalorange, boston_jen]
Dave and Kelly [Coutzy]
Sam and Renae [Zvarri, Joab]

Who finishes the leg fifth? (30 points)
Nathan and Tyler []
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Matt and Tom [Zvarri]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Coutzy, tarflyonthewall, BayBay, LoveRocked, Prophet, Zack, Saravannan, kiki, ovalorange, Joab, boston_jen]

Who finishes the leg last? (30 points)
Nathan and Tyler []
Chris and Anastasia [Coutzy, Joab]
Jeff and Luke []
Matt and Tom []
Dave and Kelly [tarflyonthewall, BayBay, LoveRocked, Prophet, Zack, Zvarri, Saravannan, kiki, ovalorange, boston_jen]
Sam and Renae []

The question regarding the forms of transport taken WILL be scored this week, because both a car and a tram were taken already, and they are the only options anybody picked. Therefore any additional modes of transport will have no bearing on the result.

In regards to the finishing order question.
When the game started, I did clearly define a "Pit Stop" as any point involving Grant and a mat, where teams were informed of their order of arrival, regardless of whether they kept racing or not.

However, this weeks questions did not ask for order of arrival to the Pit Stop, rather the order of finishing the leg. Since Grant said "It's not over yet" the leg is not finished.

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 7 partial answers- SPOILER WARNING
« Reply #251 on: June 28, 2011, 04:42:21 AM »
And the questions that CAN be answered:

Does the first clue direct teams out of the Czech Republic (10 points)
No [tarflyonthewall, BayBay, LoveRocked, Prophet, Zack, Zvarri, Saravannan, kiki, ovalorange, boston_jen]

Which methods of transport do teams take this leg? (Multiple answers allowed, 20 points for a correct, -20 for incorrect)
Car/Taxi [Coutzy, tarflyonthewall, BayBay, LoveRocked, Prophet, Zack, Zvarri, Saravannan, kiki, ovalorange, Joab, boston_jen]
Train or Tram [Coutzy, BayBay, LoveRocked, Saravannan, kiki, Joab]
Anything Else []
Dave & Kelly took a tram to the Dancing House; a couple of teams walked; and the last part of the leg is a walk to the "Pit Stop".

Are teams bunched this leg? (10 points)
Yes [Coutzy, tarflyonthewall, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange, Joab, boston_jen]
There was bunching at the hockey arena, but the last three were too late to be affected.

Which comes first? (10 points)
Detour [tarflyonthewall, Prophet, Zvarri, Saravannan, boston_jen]

How many racers fall over in the ice hockey task? (40 points)
Six or more [Saravannan, kiki, ovalorange, Joab]
If memory serves, Bambi didn't fall over, but everyone else did.
(Note: If every racer falls, both the number and the last option will be correct)

Do Dave and Kelly lose any places because of his slip and fall? (10 points)
No [Coutzy, Prophet, Saravannan, ovalorange, boston_jen]
Arrived fifth, left fifth.

Is this legs first place prize a repeat of a previous prize? (10 points)
There is no prize []

How many sausage jokes are made in reference to male anatomy? (30 points)
None, Aussies are classy [tarflyonthewall, Prophet, Zack, Zvarri, kiki, ovalorange, Joab]

How much time seperates Matt and Tom and Jeff and Luke in departing? (30 points)
1 minute [Coutzy, tarflyonthewall, BayBay, LoveRocked, Zack, Zvarri, Saravannan, kiki, ovalorange, Joab, boston_jen]

Who is first to finish the Detour? (30 points)
Jeff and Luke [tarflyonthewall, Zack, ovalorange, Joab]

Who is first to finish the Roadblock (50 points)
Anastasia [tarflyonthewall, BayBay, LoveRocked, Prophet, Saravannan]

Offline Saravannan

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 7 partial answers- SPOILER WARNING
« Reply #252 on: July 01, 2011, 11:37:01 PM »
I just realized I lost an easy 30 points by doubting the classiness of Aussies.

I apologize!  :lol:

Offline Coutzy

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 7 partial answers- SPOILER WARNING
« Reply #253 on: July 02, 2011, 08:57:25 AM »
Questions are coming! I promise. Unless I pass out, in which case, sorry.

Moral of the story: Check back before the deadline!

Offline Coutzy

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 7 partial answers- SPOILER WARNING
« Reply #254 on: July 02, 2011, 01:31:18 PM »
Round 7 questions will not be fully scored and tabulated until all the answers become available.

Round 8 Questions


Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
Yes []
No [Coutzy]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy]
No []
The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
A local []
A train employee []
Another racer []
Not shown on screen [Coutzy]
None of these/indeterminable []

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy]
No []

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy]
Detour []
Active Route Info []

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
A Roadblock []
A Detour [Coutzy]
An Active Route Marker task []
A Pit Stop []
Not from this episode []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy]
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom []

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []
2 [Coutzy]
3 []
No Roadblock []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A man to Grant’s left [Coutzy]
A woman to Grant’s left []
A man to Grant’s right []
A woman to Grant’s right []
A child []
Multiple people []
Nonexistent and/or far too busy to be greeting properly []

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Chris []
Anastasia []
Jeff []
Luke []
Nathan []
Tyler []
Dave []
Kelly []
Sam []
Renae []
Matt [Coutzy]
Tom []
Indeterminable []

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy]
No []

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Coutzy]

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
1 []
2 []
3 []
4 [Coutzy]
5 []
6 []

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy]
No []

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom []

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Coutzy]

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy]

220 on offer this week. Good luck!

Offline Prophet

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #255 on: July 02, 2011, 01:39:37 PM »
Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
Yes [Prophet]
No [Coutzy]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy]
No [Prophet]

The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
A local [Prophet]
A train employee []
Another racer []
Not shown on screen [Coutzy]
None of these/indeterminable []

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet]
No []

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy, Prophet]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy, Prophet]
Detour []
Active Route Info []

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
A Roadblock []
A Detour [Coutzy, Prophet]
An Active Route Marker task []
A Pit Stop []
Not from this episode []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy]
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Prophet]

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []
2 [Coutzy, Prophet]
3 []
No Roadblock []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A man to Grant’s left [Coutzy]
A woman to Grant’s left [Prophet]
A man to Grant’s right []
A woman to Grant’s right []
A child []
Multiple people []
Nonexistent and/or far too busy to be greeting properly []

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Chris []
Anastasia []
Jeff []
Luke []
Nathan []
Tyler []
Dave []
Kelly []
Sam []
Renae []
Matt [Coutzy]
Tom []
Indeterminable [Prophet]

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet]
No []

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet]

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
1 []
2 []
3 [Prophet]
4 [Coutzy]
5 []
6 []

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes [Prophet]
No [Coutzy]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet]
No []

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes [Prophet]
No [Coutzy]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom []

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet]

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy]
It's a great Race power and the single version needs to be utilized more [Prophet]
Physics alone is not enough.

Those who forget history are sure to repeat it.

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #256 on: July 02, 2011, 04:35:19 PM »
Shouldn't the question about change on position have options for none and multiple teams?

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #257 on: July 02, 2011, 05:34:50 PM »
Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked]
No [Coutzy]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, LoveRocked]
No [Prophet]

The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
A local [Prophet, LoveRocked]
A train employee []
Another racer []
Not shown on screen [Coutzy]
None of these/indeterminable []

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
No []

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
Detour []
Active Route Info []

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
A Roadblock []
A Detour [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
An Active Route Marker task []
A Pit Stop []
Not from this episode []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia [LoveRocked]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy]
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Prophet]

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []
2 [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
3 []
No Roadblock []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A man to Grant’s left [Coutzy]
A woman to Grant’s left [Prophet, LoveRocked]
A man to Grant’s right []
A woman to Grant’s right []
A child []
Multiple people []
Nonexistent and/or far too busy to be greeting properly []

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Chris []
Anastasia []
Jeff []
Luke []
Nathan []
Tyler []
Dave []
Kelly []
Sam []
Renae []
Matt [Coutzy, LoveRocked]
Tom []
Indeterminable [Prophet]

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
No []

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
1 []
2 []
3 [Prophet, LoveRocked]
4 [Coutzy]
5 []
6 []

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked]
No [Coutzy]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
No []

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked]
No [Coutzy]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom []

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy]
It's a great Race power and the single version needs to be utilized more [Prophet, LoveRocked]
I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #258 on: July 02, 2011, 05:47:11 PM »
Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
No [Prophet]

The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
A local [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
A train employee []
Another racer []
Not shown on screen [Coutzy]
None of these/indeterminable []

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
No []

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
Detour []
Active Route Info [Zvarri]

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
A Roadblock []
A Detour [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
An Active Route Marker task []
A Pit Stop []
Not from this episode []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia [LoveRocked]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy, Zvarri]
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Prophet]

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []
2 [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
3 []
No Roadblock []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A man to Grant’s left [Coutzy]
A woman to Grant’s left [Prophet, LoveRocked]
A man to Grant’s right [Zvarri]
A woman to Grant’s right []
A child []
Multiple people []
Nonexistent and/or far too busy to be greeting properly []

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Chris []
Anastasia []
Jeff []
Luke [Zvarri]
Nathan []
Tyler []
Dave []
Kelly []
Sam []
Renae []
Matt [Coutzy, LoveRocked]
Tom []
Indeterminable [Prophet]

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
No []

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
1 []
2 []
3 [Prophet, LoveRocked]
4 [Coutzy, Zvarri]
5 []
6 []

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
No [Zvarri]

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
No [Coutzy]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri]
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom []

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy, Zvarri]
It's a great Race power and the single version needs to be utilized more [Prophet, LoveRocked]

Offline Saravannan

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #259 on: July 02, 2011, 07:02:47 PM »
Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan]
No [Prophet]

The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
A local [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
A train employee []
Another racer []
Not shown on screen [Coutzy]
None of these/indeterminable [Saravannan]

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan]
No []

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
Detour []
Active Route Info [Zvarri, Saravannan]

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
A Roadblock []
A Detour [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan]
An Active Route Marker task []
A Pit Stop []
Not from this episode []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia [LoveRocked]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan]
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Prophet]

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []
2 [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan]
3 []
No Roadblock []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A man to Grant’s left [Coutzy]
A woman to Grant’s left [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
A man to Grant’s right [Zvarri]
A woman to Grant’s right []
A child []
Multiple people []
Nonexistent and/or far too busy to be greeting properly []

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Chris [Saravannan]
Anastasia []
Jeff []
Luke [Zvarri]
Nathan []
Tyler []
Dave []
Kelly []
Sam []
Renae []
Matt [Coutzy, LoveRocked]
Tom []
Indeterminable [Prophet]

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan]
No []

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
1 []
2 []
3 [Prophet, LoveRocked]
4 [Coutzy, Zvarri]
5 [Saravannan]
6 []

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
No [Zvarri]

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan]
No [Coutzy]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri, Saravannan]
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom []

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan]
It's a great Race power and the single version needs to be utilized more [Prophet, LoveRocked]

Offline ovalorange

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #260 on: July 02, 2011, 09:01:20 PM »
Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange]
No [Prophet]

The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
A local [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
A train employee []
Another racer []
Not shown on screen [Coutzy, ovalorange]
None of these/indeterminable [Saravannan]

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange]
No []

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, ovalorange]
Detour []
Active Route Info [Zvarri, Saravannan]

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
A Roadblock []
A Detour [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange]
An Active Route Marker task []
A Pit Stop []
Not from this episode []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia [LoveRocked]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange]
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Prophet]

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []
2 [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange]
3 []
No Roadblock []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A man to Grant’s left [Coutzy, ovalorange]
A woman to Grant’s left [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
A man to Grant’s right [Zvarri]
A woman to Grant’s right []
A child []
Multiple people []
Nonexistent and/or far too busy to be greeting properly []

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Chris [Saravannan]
Anastasia []
Jeff []
Luke [Zvarri, ovalorange]
Nathan []
Tyler []
Dave []
Kelly []
Sam []
Renae []
Matt [Coutzy, LoveRocked]
Tom []
Indeterminable [Prophet]

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange]
No []

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler [ovalorange]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
1 []
2 []
3 [Prophet, LoveRocked]
4 [Coutzy, Zvarri, ovalorange]
5 [Saravannan]
6 []

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
No [Zvarri, ovalorange]

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange]
No [Coutzy]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri, Saravannan]
Jeff and Luke [ovalorange]
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom []

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [ovalorange]
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan]
It's a great Race power and the single version needs to be utilized more [Prophet, LoveRocked]
It's best used on a team who keeps dominating the game and who I don't like very much  :lol: [ovalorange]

Offline BayBay

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #261 on: July 03, 2011, 04:32:45 AM »
Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri, BayBay]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]
No [Prophet]

The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
A local [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
A train employee [BayBay]
Another racer []
Not shown on screen [Coutzy, ovalorange]
None of these/indeterminable [Saravannan]

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]
No []

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, ovalorange, BayBay]
Detour []
Active Route Info [Zvarri, Saravannan]

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
A Roadblock []
A Detour [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange]
An Active Route Marker task []
A Pit Stop [BayBay]
Not from this episode []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia [LoveRocked, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange]
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Prophet]

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []
2 [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]
3 []
No Roadblock []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A man to Grant’s left [Coutzy, ovalorange]
A woman to Grant’s left [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
A man to Grant’s right [Zvarri]
A woman to Grant’s right [BayBay]
A child []
Multiple people []
Nonexistent and/or far too busy to be greeting properly []

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Chris [Saravannan, BayBay]
Anastasia []
Jeff []
Luke [Zvarri, ovalorange]
Nathan []
Tyler []
Dave []
Kelly []
Sam []
Renae []
Matt [Coutzy, LoveRocked]
Tom []
Indeterminable [Prophet]

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]
No []

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler [ovalorange]
Dave and Kelly [BayBay]
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
1 []
2 []
3 [Prophet, LoveRocked]
4 [Coutzy, Zvarri, ovalorange]
5 [Saravannan]
6 [BayBay]

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
No [Zvarri, ovalorange, BayBay]

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]
No [Coutzy]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri, Saravannan, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke [ovalorange]
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom []

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [ovalorange, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan]
It's a great Race power and the single version needs to be utilized more [Prophet, LoveRocked]
It's best used on a team who keeps dominating the game and who I don't like very much  :lol: [ovalorange, BayBay]

Offline BayBay

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #262 on: July 03, 2011, 04:34:25 AM »
However, this weeks questions did not ask for order of arrival to the Pit Stop, rather the order of finishing the leg. Since Grant said "It's not over yet" the leg is not finished.

In regards to this, I think we should wait until tomorrow night to make an informed decision on this!  :tup:

Offline Jobby

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #263 on: July 03, 2011, 10:31:43 AM »
Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri, BayBay, Joab]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
No [Prophet]

The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
A local [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
A train employee [BayBay]
Another racer []
Not shown on screen [Coutzy, ovalorange, Joab]
None of these/indeterminable [Saravannan]

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
No []

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
Detour []
Active Route Info [Zvarri, Saravannan]

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
A Roadblock []
A Detour [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, Joab]
An Active Route Marker task []
A Pit Stop [BayBay]
Not from this episode []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia [LoveRocked, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, Joab]
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Prophet]

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []
2 [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
3 []
No Roadblock []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A man to Grant’s left [Coutzy, ovalorange]
A woman to Grant’s left [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
A man to Grant’s right [Zvarri]
A woman to Grant’s right [BayBay, Joab]
A child []
Multiple people []
Nonexistent and/or far too busy to be greeting properly []

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Chris [Saravannan, BayBay]
Anastasia []
Jeff []
Luke [Zvarri, ovalorange, Joab]
Nathan []
Tyler []
Dave []
Kelly []
Sam []
Renae []
Matt [Coutzy, LoveRocked]
Tom []
Indeterminable [Prophet]

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
No []

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler [ovalorange]
Dave and Kelly [BayBay]
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, Joab]

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
1 []
2 []
3 [Prophet, LoveRocked]
4 [Coutzy, Zvarri, ovalorange, Joab]
5 [Saravannan]
6 [BayBay]

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri, Joab]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, Joab]
No [Zvarri, ovalorange, BayBay]

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
No [Coutzy]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri, Saravannan, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke [ovalorange]
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Joab]
Matt and Tom []
ANN MARIE AND TRACY <33333333333333333333333333 [JOAB]

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [ovalorange, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly [Joab]
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
ANN MARIE AND TRACY <33333333333333333333333333 [JOAB]

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan]
It's a great Race power and the single version needs to be utilized more [Prophet, LoveRocked]
It's best used on a team who keeps dominating the game and who I don't like very much   [ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]

Offline kiki

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #264 on: July 03, 2011, 10:39:13 AM »

Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri, BayBay, Joab, kiki]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki]
No [Prophet]

The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
A local [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
A train employee [BayBay]
Another racer []
Not shown on screen [Coutzy, ovalorange, Joab, kiki]
None of these/indeterminable [Saravannan]

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki]
No []

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
Detour []
Active Route Info [Zvarri, Saravannan, kiki]

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
A Roadblock []
A Detour [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, Joab, kiki]
An Active Route Marker task []
A Pit Stop [BayBay]
Not from this episode []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia [LoveRocked, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, Joab]
Nathan and Tyler [kiki]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Prophet]

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []
2 [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki]
3 []
No Roadblock []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A man to Grant’s left [Coutzy, ovalorange]
A woman to Grant’s left [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
A man to Grant’s right [Zvarri]
A woman to Grant’s right [BayBay, Joab, kiki]
A child []
Multiple people []
Nonexistent and/or far too busy to be greeting properly []

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Chris [Saravannan, BayBay]
Anastasia []
Jeff []
Luke [Zvarri, ovalorange, Joab]
Nathan []
Tyler []
Dave []
Kelly []
Sam []
Renae []
Matt [Coutzy, LoveRocked]
Tom [kiki]
Indeterminable [Prophet]

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki]
No []

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler [ovalorange]
Dave and Kelly [BayBay]
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, Joab, kiki]

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
1 []
2 []
3 [Prophet, LoveRocked]
4 [Coutzy, Zvarri, ovalorange, Joab]
5 [Saravannan, kiki]
6 [BayBay]

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri, Joab, kiki]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, Joab]
No [Zvarri, ovalorange, BayBay, kiki]

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki]
No [Coutzy]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri, Saravannan, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke [ovalorange, kiki]
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Joab]
Matt and Tom []
ANN MARIE AND TRACY <33333333333333333333333333 [JOAB]

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [ovalorange, BayBay, kiki]
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly [Joab]
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
ANN MARIE AND TRACY <33333333333333333333333333 [JOAB, kiki] LOL

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan]
It's a great Race power and the single version needs to be utilized more [Prophet, LoveRocked]
It's best used on a team who keeps dominating the game and who I don't like very much   [ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
It's fun and reveals the real dynamic between teams [kiki]

Offline Zack.

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #265 on: July 03, 2011, 03:09:38 PM »
Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]
No [Prophet]

The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
A local [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri]
A train employee [BayBay]
Another racer []
Not shown on screen [Coutzy, ovalorange, Joab, kiki, Zack]
None of these/indeterminable [Saravannan]

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]
No []

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
Yes []
No [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
Detour []
Active Route Info [Zvarri, Saravannan, kiki, Zack]

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
A Roadblock []
A Detour [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, Joab, kiki]
An Active Route Marker task []
A Pit Stop [BayBay, Zack]
Not from this episode []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia [LoveRocked, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, Joab, Zack]
Nathan and Tyler [kiki]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae []
Matt and Tom [Prophet]

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []
2 [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]
3 []
No Roadblock []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A man to Grant’s left [Coutzy, ovalorange]
A woman to Grant’s left [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
A man to Grant’s right [Zvarri, Zack]
A woman to Grant’s right [BayBay, Joab, kiki]
A child []
Multiple people []
Nonexistent and/or far too busy to be greeting properly []

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Chris [Saravannan, BayBay]
Anastasia []
Jeff []
Luke [Zvarri, ovalorange, Joab, Zack]
Nathan []
Tyler []
Dave []
Kelly []
Sam []
Renae []
Matt [Coutzy, LoveRocked]
Tom [kiki]
Indeterminable [Prophet]

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]
No []

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler [ovalorange]
Dave and Kelly [BayBay]
Sam and Renae [Zvarri]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, Joab, kiki, Zack]

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
1 []
2 []
3 [Prophet, LoveRocked]
4 [Coutzy, Zvarri, ovalorange, Joab]
5 [Saravannan, kiki, Zack]
6 [BayBay]

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]
No [Coutzy, Zvarri, Joab, kiki, Zack]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, Joab]
No [Zvarri, ovalorange, BayBay, kiki, Zack]

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]
No [Coutzy]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri, Saravannan, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke [ovalorange, kiki]
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zack]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Joab]
Matt and Tom []
ANN MARIE AND TRACY <33333333333333333333333333 [JOAB]

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [ovalorange, BayBay, kiki]
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly [Joab]
Sam and Renae [Zvarri, Zack]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
ANN MARIE AND TRACY <33333333333333333333333333 [JOAB, kiki] LOL

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan]
It's a great Race power and the single version needs to be utilized more [Prophet, LoveRocked]
It's best used on a team who keeps dominating the game and who I don't like very much   [ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
It's fun and reveals the real dynamic between teams [kiki]
Given that its purpose is to incite drama, why is it almost always on elimination legs? [Zack]

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #266 on: July 04, 2011, 07:01:05 AM »
Do Nathan and Tyler lose any time because they have lost their passports? (5 points)
(ie- Are they forced to backtrack or stop to find them again?)
No [Coutzy, Zvarri, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]

Are all teams on the same train when the passports go missing? (5 points)
No [Prophet]

The “creepy guy” mentioned by Sam and Renae is: (15 points)
Not shown on screen [Coutzy, ovalorange, Joab, kiki, Zack]

Do Chris and Anastasia express frustration at coming first and having to continue? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]

Is any kind of penalty imposed for arriving at the Bone Church last? (5 points)
No [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]

Which comes first? (10 points)
Roadblock [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]

When Sam and Renae are crying in the field, it is: (20 points)
An Active Route Marker task []
None of these []

Which team is the first shown in Poland? (For the purposes of this question, teams are not “In Poland” until they step off the train) (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia [LoveRocked, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, Joab, Zack]
Nathan and Tyler [kiki]
Sam and Renae []

Don't remember

How many women do the Roadblock? (10 points)
1 []

The greeter for this leg is… (20 points)
A woman to Grant’s right [BayBay, Joab, kiki]

Which racer is first to step onto the Pit Stop mat? (30 points)
Sam []
Renae []

One of the two - however it is irrelevant!

Does this episode end with an elimination? (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]

Which team has the biggest numerical difference in placement from the Bone Church to the next Pit Stop? (20 points)
Chris and Anastasia []

How many different teams (Either or both team members) are shown in the preview footage at the end of the episode (ie- The “Next time on” footage) (20 points)
5 [Saravannan, kiki, Zack]

Does a special clue type appear this leg? (Fast Forward, U-Turn, Intersection, Yield, Switchback, etc. Something that would not appear on an average leg) (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay]

Does anybody incur a penalty for intentionally not completing a task (Running out of arrows would NOT be considered intentionally not completing a task) (5 points)
Yes [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan, Joab]

Is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop eliminated? (5 points)
Yes [Prophet, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, ovalorange, BayBay, Joab, kiki, Zack]

Who deserves to win the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri, Saravannan, BayBay]
Jeff and Luke [ovalorange, kiki]
Nathan and Tyler [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Zack]
Dave and Kelly []
Sam and Renae [Joab]
Matt and Tom []
ANN MARIE AND TRACY <33333333333333333333333333 [JOAB]

Which team do you like the most? (5 FREE POINTS)
Chris and Anastasia [ovalorange, BayBay, kiki]
Jeff and Luke []
Nathan and Tyler []
Dave and Kelly [Joab]
Sam and Renae [Zvarri, Zack]
Matt and Tom [Coutzy, Prophet, LoveRocked, Saravannan]
ANN MARIE AND TRACY <33333333333333333333333333 [JOAB, kiki] LOL

A few sentences on the U-Turn: (5 FREE POINTS, Open Response)
It’s a wonderful tool and anybody who doesn’t like it is just bitter [Coutzy, Zvarri, Saravannan]
It's a great Race power and the single version needs to be utilized more [Prophet, LoveRocked]
It's best used on a team who keeps dominating the game and who I don't like very much   [ovalorange, BayBay, Joab]
It's fun and reveals the real dynamic between teams [kiki]
Given that its purpose is to incite drama, why is it almost always on elimination legs? [Zack]

PS. There was two of the same question (about eliminations)  :lol:

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #267 on: July 04, 2011, 07:07:10 AM »
Even though this is going to cost me points (and I was about to change  :groan: ), the last team to arrive (Matt/Tom) wasn't eliminated.

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 7 partial answers- SPOILER WARNING
« Reply #268 on: July 04, 2011, 07:07:26 AM »
Also since the Krakow episode was clearly stated to be a SEPARATE LEG to the second Prague one - we can also answer the following questions!  :)

Which team has the biggest differential in their Roadblock/Detour finishing placements? (40 points)
Jeff and Luke [BayBay, LoveRocked, Prophet]

Who finishes the leg in better position? (30 points)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri, boston_jen]

Who finishes the leg first? (30 points)
Chris and Anastasia [tarflyonthewal, BayBay, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, boston_jen]

Who finishes the leg second? (30 points)
Nathan and Tyler [BayBay, LoveRocked, Zack, boston_jen]

Who finishes the leg third? (30 points)
Jeff and Luke [BayBay, Prophet, boston_jen]

Who finishes the leg fourth? (30 points)
Sam and Renae [Zvarri, Joab]

Who finishes the leg fifth? (30 points)
Dave and Kelly []

Who finishes the leg last? (30 points)
Matt and Tom []

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #269 on: July 04, 2011, 09:58:44 AM »
Also since the Krakow episode was clearly stated to be a SEPARATE LEG to the second Prague one - we can also answer the following questions!  :)

Which team has the biggest differential in their Roadblock/Detour finishing placements? (40 points)
Jeff and Luke [BayBay, LoveRocked, Prophet]

Who finishes the leg in better position? (30 points)
Chris and Anastasia [Zvarri, boston_jen]

Who finishes the leg first? (30 points)
Chris and Anastasia [tarflyonthewal, BayBay, LoveRocked, Zvarri, Saravannan, boston_jen]

Who finishes the leg second? (30 points)
Nathan and Tyler [BayBay, LoveRocked, Zack, boston_jen]

Who finishes the leg third? (30 points)
Jeff and Luke [BayBay, Prophet, boston_jen]

Who finishes the leg fourth? (30 points)
Sam and Renae [Zvarri, Joab]

Who finishes the leg fifth? (30 points)
Dave and Kelly []

Who finishes the leg last? (30 points)
Matt and Tom []

It is not as clear cut as all of that. Teams did refer to them as different legs. BUT!

Grant said "It's not over" to C/A last week, and this week he told several of the teams that they have to keep racing.

Of particular note are Jeff and Luke, who were not given the standard "You are team number X" but were instead given "You are the X team to arrive" usually only reserved for penalties and other special circumstances. And finally, he told Matt and Tom that he's "sorry to inform you that you'll have to keep going."

So, I ask- If they were separate legs, why were Matt and Tom not given a Marked for Elimination penalty for checking in last?

I believe the answer to this question is because the leg was not completed yet. I'm leaving it up to the group to convince me otherwise.

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #270 on: July 04, 2011, 03:58:16 PM »
I agree Coutzy, I think it's one leg as when Chris & Anastasia left the church, he said something like "The one time we come in first, it doesn't actually count." If it were two separate legs, why would he say that? Their first place would classified as a first place finish and they would have got a prize. But since this did not occur, I'm thinking it's one single leg.

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #271 on: July 04, 2011, 05:36:02 PM »
I really do see it as two separate legs similar to TAR 18 leg 4/5 as we saw two RBs and 2 detours with a train ride in the middle. However in this case no prize was awarded in this case. I interpret 'it's not over yet' as the exhaustation and racing as not being over rather than the leg itself.

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #272 on: July 04, 2011, 05:58:54 PM »
'Damn I really wanted to come first in a LEG. it's not the best LEG to come first in, the one that continues onto the next LEG.'

'Let's make the next LEG count.'

'Run a whole new LEG of the race.'

'we were just in so much pain from the previous LEG'

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #273 on: July 05, 2011, 04:58:15 AM »
A fair point BayBay, but I think the racers only called them separate legs because they don't know any better. We here, unlike them, know the difference between TBC's and KRL's (Keep Racing Legs). They clearly understood that they needed to keep racing and the placings they got at the mat didn't really count, which thus results in my thinking that it is a TBC and in fact one single leg. But ultimately, the decision is up to Coutzy and his decision is the final say.  :tup:

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Re: AusTAR Pick 'em game- Leg 8 Questions Posted
« Reply #274 on: July 05, 2011, 05:15:23 AM »
Every source I have checked so far has treated it as one leg. The only ones who have referred to them as two legs are the racers themselves.