Author Topic: The Amazing Race Yearbook  (Read 2318 times)

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The Amazing Race Yearbook
« on: December 28, 2010, 02:21:18 PM »
So I think I love this season more than any other and to bide my time until Unfinished Business comes on, that's if I decide to watch, I relive this season over again. I check out the spoilers from back in May, back when I wasn’t being spoiled, and see what people say about the teams and see how the Detects here go about spoiling the whole season. It's fantastic! But of course I watch the season again. So in my spare time, I decided to do a yearbook of sorts with the cast. Yes I know here I go again with these pointless posts. I wish I could post pics for this as well.

Best Smile: Nat and Kat
Cutest Couple: Chad and Stephanie
Most Athletic Female: Vicki
Most Athletic Male: Gary
Friendliest: Ron and Tony
Nicest: The Whole Cast
Best Dressed: Brook and Claire
Best Friends Male: Ron and Tony
Best Friends Female: Nat and Kat
Best All-Around Team: Nat and Kat

Biggest Haters: Katie and Rachel-Two words: Elimination Station. Even their blended name Krachel sounds horrible.
Most Nonexistent Player: Jill-Not only did the other racers not see her as a threat, Thomas was on a team by himself not really relying on Jill to do anything but be the other racer. She didn’t drive, she didn’t navigate, none of her roadblocks required strength, skill, or athleticism, and she was not given a chance to speak for the team. (see beginning of Ghana leg, Seoul and cab ride in L.A.)
Most Likely to Not Know Where They Are: Nick and Vicki-They visited the country of London and it only took them about 20 attempts before they could actually locate Ghana on a map with a magnet.
Most Overrated: Chad and Stephanie-This is thanks to none other than Chad and Stephanie. Stephanie said she was more athletic than any of the females on the race with her. Chad said no team had out right beat them. Stephanie sucked on every athletic task she performed and if it wasn’t for Thomas’s mistake in Oman, then every leg a team would have out right beat them.
Most Likely to Turn a Frog into a Prince: Brook and Claire-Kiss count was up to 9 in Seoul.
Most Likely to Miss Something Important: Kevin and Michael-Talk about not paying attention. First they miss the clue box in Ghana, then they miss the Pit Stop in the park across the street (I know this one is a little too harsh but I just had to throw it in), and most important, they miss reading the line about walking in Russia.
Most Likely to do a GPS Commercial: Ron and Tony- I can see it now, they’re traveling through the country of London (I just had to do it) and Tony is saying, “I’m not seeing what you’re seeing.” Then out comes a nifty Pioneer model of the latest GPS system and Ron says, “With this baby you can find your way to Stonehenge, Eastnor Castle, and wherever else you want to go with no problem. Just don’t ask it how to get across a lake in a turtle shell like boat.”
Most Likely to Decorate Clue Box: Brook and Claire- Thanks to Brook and Claire flair, the red and yellow racing colors will become pink and pink.
Most Likely to Blindly Travel From Now On: Gary and Mallory- A pilot who likes maps was done in by a map really the only time he used one on the race. Talk about irony (even though that’s not really what irony means.)
Most Likely to Have Broke Up in Four Years: Thomas and Jill- I just don’t know if these two will go all the way. It’s not like they have a million dollar win keeping them together. Just Kidding! It’s a sad day when you can see Nick and Vicki’s relationship outlasting someone else’s. Speaking of Nick, he stated in an interview he thought Thomas was worse to Jill than he was to Vicki. Hmm…
Best Luck: Nat and Kat- Four times in the race they had the potential to be eliminated (See both Ghana legs (thankfully for Michael and Kevin, one was a non elimination leg), the Oman leg, and the beginning of Bangladesh leg) but this team was laden with good luck charms including a four leaf clover, horseshoe, and an insulin pump. This is not to say they weren’t a good team but luck was definitely on their side as well. Talk about meant to be.
Most Likely to Star in Weird Family Reality Show: Andie and Jenna- Birth mom and the daughter she gave up 21 years ago attempt to bond on reality show Elimination Station this fall on CBS.
Most Likely to be a Motivational Speaker: Brook-With all the “Come on Claires” and her speeches at the bridge in Norway, the port in Bangladesh, and running from the caves in Hong Kong, I wasn’t sure if I was watching The Biggest Loser or The Amazing Race. With her constant energy and “never give up” attitude, this woman is a Life Coach in the making.
Most Likely to Not Make the JV Team: Conner and Jonathan (mostly Jonathan): They say smarts go a long way but sometimes it pays if you can do a push up or two also. I can forgive Conner but Jonathan, tsk, tsk, tsk. If only they switched Detours before deciding 5 times down the slope with a 10 minute reset was enough.
You don't always win the race by making the best forward moves but you make it by avoiding the huge moves that set you back. -Nat