Author Topic: TAR Australia: SPOILERS and LIVE Sightings! Tweets go here *please read post 1*  (Read 192352 times)

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Offline georgiapeach

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Thanks Fontana!!  :hithere: and :welcome: to RFF!
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Offline Coutzy

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Still searching twitter, hoping to get a delayed hit from Bali. Still nothing :(

Best I've been able to grab is people posting that AusTAR went to Bali in the first leg, most likely information take from this very thread.

Offline georgiapeach

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I have two sources re the flights taken, one on board with them. After that...nada.
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Offline RichInSydney

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Just a thought, if the contestants haven't been spotted in Bali, they may have headed over to one of the Gili Islands?
Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno or Gili Air.  

Well.. I just found this from a senior member on the behind the box forums:

"I think I have mentioned here previously I visit my cousin and friends over in Bali and Gili Trawangan a couple of times a year, just got off the phone after speaking with her.

The Amazing Race folks arrived over at Gilli T yesterday [Saturday??] and filmed just a few metres away from her Villa, on the beach, outside a small Pizza Cafe.

She asked the producers which show they were filming and they said it was a Corporate promo, which she noted was not obviously the case. The team members were all very calm and from what she could see they were *counting out cash, contained in suitcases*"

I PM'd the user who is going to try get more information for us.

"One thing she did mention was that the production crew hired *all* the horse and carts on the island. (There is no motor transport whatsoever on Gilli T, it is either bike, walk or the horse and cart). So I am guessing here, that the teams will be seen travelling from when they hop off the boat in the traditional horse and carts. I just did a quick search, here is a [generic] photo - "
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 05:42:16 PM by RichInSydney »
"I wish the world was flat like the old days, and I could travel just by folding a map."

Offline georgiapeach

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Oh good job!! :hearts:

Is that a generic horse/cart photo, or is that a racer pic? ??? And could you send me the link please or post it if not private?
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Offline RichInSydney

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Oh good job!! :hearts:

Is that a generic horse/cart photo, or is that a racer pic? ??? And could you send me the link please or post it if not private?
Generic photo unfortunately but its definately from the island of Gili Trawangan.

Hope there are some real photos coming soon.
"I wish the world was flat like the old days, and I could travel just by folding a map."

Offline Obbyz

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I just got back from Bali and I didn't see any TAR Australia around Kuta & Legian , so sorry for that :'( :'(

Offline gsrqh

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The pony carts are known as Cidomos.

Activities the racers could have done on the Island include: Diving, Kayaking (between Islands) and horse riding.

Offline georgiapeach

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I just got back from Bali and I didn't see any TAR Australia around Kuta & Legian , so sorry for that :'( :'(

awwww...we were hoping you would have the fun of seeing them!!
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Offline caper

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New facebook post:

such an unforgettable experience to:
1. ----------------
2. come back to malaysia ---------------
3. overnight in lcct
4. meet Australia's Amazing Race participants at airport
(posted approx. 2 hrs. ago)

Offline georgiapeach

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Thanks caper!! She kindly responded right away!

saw 2 teams of participants in lcct 2day, which is on 8 nov 2010 at around 5am.

They were at the air asia ticketing booth. when i was there at about 4.50am, there were already there waiting for the counters to open. There was a long queue, but both teams are standing at the most front of the queue.

one of the team is formed by 2 girls, and the other team is a couple. There was a camera man with them and another asian guy, which i am not sure whether he is a malaysian.

the girl team: both are blonds, and one of the girls is very tall. The shorter gal wearing red sweater, with her hair braided and was very anxious, while the taller girl was wearing a green sweater (if i remember correctly), with her hair tied. Both of them looked younger than the other team.

for the couple, i dont quite remember about them, but the female was wearing a pink jacket if i am not mistaken.

and when the counters open at about 5.10am, both teams purchase tickets to Ho Chi Minh, and the flight was at 10.35am. LCCT is an airport specially for Air Asia, and it is an Air Asia ticketing booth, so both team should be using Air Asia.

possibility of photos.... :hearts:
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Offline caper

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Yes!!!! :bounce  Way to go Peach!!!

Offline Kiwi Jay

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Great job, peach! I'm loving the two bigger ladies in pink, hope they can go far  :wohoo:
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Offline RichInSydney

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There was a post on the Australian MediaSpy forums as they got on the Bali flight that I wanted to post but looked like it was fake. Looks like there may be some truth in it now:

Posted 9:22pm 5th November:
"they were checked in on jetstar today to bali , only one pair got on an earlier service ( which may have been delayed) their next destination is malaysia or vietnam"
"I wish the world was flat like the old days, and I could travel just by folding a map."

Offline RichInSydney

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More information from the siting on Gili Trawangan island in Bali from a very helpful person on BehindTheBox forums. Unfortunately no live photos:

"I was able to speak to my relative over on Gili T. She has of course, heard of TAR and viewed a few episodes when visiting back home here or the States, but is not a regular viewer. Taking the above into consideration, she was of course interested when filming of TAR was taking place on the Island, but perhaps not nearluy as attentive as yourself or other enthusiasts of the series would be. I hope you are not too disappointed with the minimal information, she was able to provide to me.

I asked if she or anyone else took any photo’s and she said she didn’t believe so.

The filming took approximately 5 hours. During this time each team sat in their own Beruga (see photo below).

They also had a black board|chalk, plus a briefcase which was filled with 2000 rupiah notes (I think each 2000Rp note is equivalent to around 40cents). Each team appeared to be counting the notes and writing on the blackboard. (They were *not* rushed, stressed and/or anyway flustered during the above task, which surprised my relative).

She did not see the Host (Grant). They left the above location in separate cidomo’s (again in an orderly manner|no rushing).

I asked her to describe the team members, she was very vague in this respect, noting she thought there was –2 male slightly overweight twins! A typical mum and dad a couple of good looking girls, 2 guys etc.

There were 2 helicopters hovering overhead on two or three occasions. There was an Australian Crew plus a local Indonesian Crew helping with filming. The Producers hired *all* the Cidomo’s on the Island. She has no idea where they went after the above filming.

Filming took place towards the north end of the Island.
^^^View from Villa Kokita only metres from where filming was undertaken in the vicinity of
The Pizza Oven restaurant on Gilli T.
These Beruga’s were actually used by teams ^^"
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 04:21:18 PM by RichInSydney »
"I wish the world was flat like the old days, and I could travel just by folding a map."

Offline georgiapeach

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Thanks Rich! I am having a little trouble with the links, so will add them here:

Credit to Daltrim for the pics!

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Offline BayBay

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A little summary:

Leg One: Melbourne to Bali

Start Line: Melbourne Cricket Ground
Task at MCG? Photos of the clueboxes - one for each team
Route Info: Fly to Bali (all or most teams travel on Jetstar flight that evening)
Route Info: Make your way to Gili Trawangan Island?
Route Info: Travel/ride on cidomos?
Task: Count out 2000 rupiah in notes?

Safe from elimination: blonde girls (one tall), a couple (female with pink jacket)

Leg Two: Bali to Vietnam?

Route Info: Make your way to Ho Chi Minh City?

Offline walkingpneumonia

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Hello racers in Hanoi Hue... :yess:
Appears to be the Imperial City.

Anyone speak Finnish and can help interrogate the owner of the photo? Please PM me.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 12:18:49 PM by walkingpneumonia »
From there to here, and here to there,
funny things are everywhere

Offline georgiapeach

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YAY!! Yippee!!
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Offline Coutzy

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Could this team spotted in Hue be the Young blonde team?

while the taller girl was wearing a green sweater (if i remember correctly), with her hair tied.

The girl in the foreground is tall-ish, she looks as if she matches the production guy tailing them height-wise. And she does have her hair tied back.

Offline gsrqh

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A sighting at last!!!  :wohoo:

Offline georgiapeach

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I have just heard back from someone who saw the teams on the way to Bali...she has descriptions for "most" and pics and will share when she gets back from her trip! :hearts:
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Offline gsrqh

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I have just heard back from someone who saw the teams on the way to Bali...she has descriptions for "most" and pics and will share when she gets back from her trip! :hearts:

You're a legend Peach  :jumpy:

Offline RichInSydney

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Tweet 1 hour ago (must be talking about last night (10 November):

"I walked through the set of Australia's Amazing Race tonight in the casino. The task was baccarat. Pretty cool to see it live! #Macau"
"I wish the world was flat like the old days, and I could travel just by folding a map."

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Tweet 1 hour ago (must be talking about last night (10 November):

"I walked through the set of Australia's Amazing Race tonight in the casino. The task was baccarat. Pretty cool to see it live! #Macau"