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The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« on: September 28, 2010, 09:42:50 AM »
ABC press release:

ABC reveals "The Bachelor" for January 2011 edition of romance reality series

The Sincere, Sexy, Successful Self-Made Man Will Be the First Star
of the Series to Return for a Second Chance at Love

Brad Womack - once considered by many to be the "most hated Bachelor" in the series' history - has spent the better part of the last three years going through a radical personal transformation after the shocking finale night that changed his life forever. Now he is really ready - healthier both in body and mind - to make a genuine commitment to a relationship, as he stars in the next edition of ABC's hit romance reality series, "The Bachelor," when it returns to ABC in January 2011.

Womack, 37, did the unthinkable by most fans' standards and did not choose either Jenni Croft or DeAnna Pappas on his finale back in November 2007. The day after it taped was the loneliest day of his life. Disappointed in himself for wasting this great opportunity, Brad kept to himself for two to three months afterwards. Unaware at the time that he really wasn't ready to commit to a relationship and not knowing the reasons why, his fears and worries were validated when a media firestorm and viewers from across the country let him know what they were thinking. With that, he started therapy to learn what problems were confronting him. He desperately wanted to fix whatever it was that wasn't allowing him to let people into his life.

For the last three years he has undergone intensive therapy, looking at who he was in a quite painful journey of self-awareness. In the meantime, he put his head down and worked - buying and selling three companies and building one from the ground up. And although he has dated during this time, he hasn't had a serious relationship. Adding to his sense of urgency are his two brothers: Chad, his twin, is not only married now but has a daughter; and Wes, his younger brother, who also is married, now has a little boy and girl. Brad is the last one without a wife or family.

Brad is convinced he is a better person in many ways than he was in 2007. Get ready to see a changed, revitalized man who is still optimistic and confident about finding love on "The Bachelor." He is more ready than ever to find a wife and start a family.

Currently residing in Austin, Texas, Brad had an early plan to make his mark on the world and, at 19, left Texas State University (known then as Southwest Texas State) after one year of college to work in oil fields across the country to save up money. His eight-year odyssey took him all over Texas and then to Louisiana, North Dakota and California.

After working diligently in the oil fields, he got into bartending with his twin brother, Chad. Some eight months of tending bar later, he had enough money saved to finance the purchase of his first drinking establishment with his brothers in 2001, when he was just 28.

However Brad has had to overcome some obstacles on his way to his booming business career. Born in Atlanta, his family stayed there until he was 12 years old, and then the family moved to Livingston, Texas, where he went to high school. Growing up in a single-parent home, his challenging days as a youngster helped to instill in him a good work ethic, the importance of a stable family and the ability to be a good provider. Not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he is appreciative of what he has accomplished on his own. These strong values, coupled with great looks and undeniable sex appeal, make him the perfect catch.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 03:52:36 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2010, 03:54:00 AM »
Premiere Date Announced:

Monday, January 3, 2011

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2010, 10:41:42 PM »



Occupation: Apparel Merchant

Hometown: Columbus, OH

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
A crossword puzzle to keep me occupied, diet coke because I can't live without it, and a pen to do the crossword with.

What kind of music do you listen to most often?
Country and Hip-hop/Rap - very random combination

Tattoo Count:

What's your worst date memory?
I was on a date with a guy and we ran into his ex-girlfriend. She stopped at our table and talked for a little too long! I could tell he was still into her.

Ashley H.

Age: 26

Occupation: Dentist

Hometown: Madawaska, ME

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
Phone - to connect with family/friends and listen to music
Toothbrush/paste - can't stand a dirty feeling mouth
Sunscreen - stay young!

Do you speak any other languages other than English?
No. Understand French

Tattoo Count:
Inner right wrist

Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
Yes! I watch all the movies, think about ideal romantic dates and am very hopeful for extreme romance to enter my life.

Ashley S.

Age: 26

Occupation: Nanny

Hometown: Ellerbe, NC

Who do you admire most in the world and why?
My little sister. She has been through a lot in her seventeen years on Earth and she remains to be the most positive and resilient person I know.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
A Knife - most handy thing to have on an island
Sunscreen - so I don't get melanoma after I'm rescued
A picture of my family - it would provide me with motivation to get off the island

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
Atlas Shrugged - most thought provoking book I've ever read--also a very good love story.

Tattoo Count:

Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
Yes, I grew up watching 80's movies. i want the Jake character from the end of 16 Candles or Lloyd Dobler from Say Anything -- I want the guy to pursue me and then make an enormous romantic gesture like holding a boom box over his head.

Do you have any family holiday or special event traditions that you plan to uphold?
Every Christmas Eve we exchange the ugliest pajamas we can find and play a family board game together.


Age: 25

Occupation: Paralegal

Hometown: Holland, PA

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
Tinkerbell, she is my life, my heart, and my everything. She's a ****zu and the prettiest princess.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
A sharp knife - for protection & to make shelter & to prepare food
Matches or lighter for warmth and cooking
A serious water supply for drinking and cooking

Who is your favorite author?
Stephenie Meyer

Tattoo Count:

Describe your idea of the ultimate date?
Homemade meal, a glass of wine with candles by the fire and great conversation

What's your worst date memory?
When a guy asked to buy me bigger boobs.


Age: 25

Occupation: Food Writer

Hometown: Woodinville, WA

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
A rabbit named Norbert. He's potty trained and doesn't live in a cage; which is pretty cool.

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
Martha Stewart because of her business savvy, perfectionism, and a general domestic Goddess-ness!

What is your favorite memory from childhood?
Baking cookies with my mom before gymnastic competitions/usually gymnast-shaped cookies

What is your favorite holiday and why?
Halloween - I love dressing up, and every year I host a costume party with a fancy, multicourse, Halloween-themed dinner that I prepare

Do you speak any other languages other than English?
No, but I know American sign language.

Tattoo Count:
« Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 10:47:52 PM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2010, 12:06:36 AM »


Age: 28

Occupation: Executive Assistant

Hometown: Mercer Island, WA

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
2 cats- birmans and 1 dog - pomeranian

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
My phone for games and to stay connected.
My dog boca
My e-reader for reading

Who is your favorite author?
James Patterson

Tattoo Count:

Right ankle and lower back

What's your best date memory?
There was a date where we were having so much fun that we kept finding more stuff to do because we didn't want it to end.


Age: 30

Occupation: Attorney

Hometown: Davie, FL

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
iPod with an unlimited batter supply (got to have tunes)
Sunscreen because I never tan just burn
A friend to keep me company

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
The Alchemist - helped bring perspective into my life when I was at a low point, great message, great story

Tattoo Count:

I hate it when my date:
Puts no thought into the evening, is sloppy and lacks conversation skills.

What is your worst date memory?
Finding out my date had been a date prior to mine that same night. Oh, and then him asking his friend to take me home when I said I wouldn't be sleeping with him.


Age: 24

Occupation: Children's Hospital Event Planner

Hometown: Morgantown, WV

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
Radio - I love music
Sunscreen - No wrinkles!
Diet Coke - I drink way too many but can't get through the day without it!

Would you say you're a little bit country or more of a city person?
Growing up in West Virginia I'm pretty sure my father would have disowned me if I didn't enjoy getting dirty, but I also couldn't live without some of the luxuries of living in a city.

What is your favorite holiday and why?
I love the 4th of July because we always spend it on the lake with friends, family and good food.

Which U.S. city is the most romantic to you and why?
As much as I love hot weather, Aspen is very romantic to me because after being outside all day you can sit in front of the fire.

Tattoo Count:

On the wrist and behind the ear

What's your worst date memory?
The guy was so rude to the waitress. I went back the next day to apologize.


Age: 26

Occupation: Operations Manager

Hometown: Seattle, WA

What is a typical Saturday night like for you?
Power yoga, have people to my place, have a couple drinks, head to the local bar and dance our butts off.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
They happen daily. Probably, laughing so hard while skiing in the 6th grade that I pee'd my pants.

If you wanted to really impress a man, what would you do and why?
Dress up a little bit and laugh at his jokes. Guys are visual and feel appreciated when they feel funny.

Tattoo Count:


Age: 27

Occupation: Artist

Hometown: Warwick, RI

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
A pet companion so I'd have happy company!
Fireworks so I could have some hope of getting saved (or a cell phone)!
A gun to kill predators and hunt to survive! haha

What is your greatest achievement to date?
Moving to New York with nothing, no job, a total city virgin, and finding my way -- it proved to me I can do anything and am confident & independent.

What is your favorite holiday and why?
The 4th of July! The weather is nice+hot, there are great parades and American patriotic pride! And fireworks, barbeques...people are happy.

Who is your favorite author?
Jodi Picoult...such an array of interesting storylines - total page turners with twists at the end.

Tattoo Count:

Describe your idea of the ultimate date?
Chivalry! A man to pick me up at home, nice dinner and genuine, interesting intellectual conversation, followed by a Broadway show, art opening, a cultural activity to enjoy and be able to discuss together.

What's your biggest date fear?
Rejection. That I'd go out on a limb to make myself vulnerable to be open to get hurt. It's so painful and hard to get over, without feeling like there's something wrong with you.


Age: 28

Occupation: Sales Director

Hometown: Houston, TX

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
Yes! Abby, miniature cocker spaniel.

What is your favorite memory from childhood?
Playing ball in the driveway with my mom, dad and sister.

Who is your favorite author?
Laura Roberts

Tattoo Count:

Describe your idea of the ultimate date?
Somewhere tropical, zip line through the rainforest with a nice romantic dinner on the beach.

What's your best date memory?
Catching a homerun ball at a Rangers game, drinking beer and eating a hot dog. So much fun!

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2010, 10:03:34 AM »


Age: 28

Occupation: Radio City Rockette

Hometown: Hollywood, CA

What's the most outrageous thing you've ever done?
I flew to London without any plans or anywhere to stay because I just really wanted to go!

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
Ahhhh! so hard to choose. I am such a book nerd. I love "Perks of being a Wallflower" because in it is my favorite literary line ever, "and in that moment we were infinite." I also love Wally Lambs "She's Come Undone," by Pamela DeBarres "Take Another Piece of my Heart" and no matter what people say James Frey's "A Million Little Pieces"

Tattoo Count:

Ribs, wrist, finger and back

What's your biggest date fear?
Having food in my teeth, I ALWAYS have food in my teeth! UGH!!

What's your worst date memory?
Maybe the time my date admitted he "had a girlfriend but wanted to see if he could still score dates!" AWESOME!


Age: 27

Occupation: Marketing Coordinator

Hometown: Orlando, FL

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
iPod - music makes everything better!
Picture of my family - they keep me going
Sunscreen - I'm fair-skinned...too much sun=ouch!

What is your favorite holiday and why?
Thanksgiving - Food, Family & Football...What more could you want?!

Who is your favorite author?
C.S. Lewis

Who is your favorite author?
Spanish - I used to be fluent, but lost it. I'm actually planning to enroll in classes as a refresher.

Tattoo Count:

Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
No. I enjoy romance occasionally but I think romance has the potential to blind people in terms of their feelings. But I do love thoughtfulness.

What's your biggest date fear?
I hate when the guy is really into you, but you have no feelings/attraction towards him.


Age: 27

Occupation: Insurance Agent

Hometown: Tampa, FL

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
The Queen of England, to be royalty and have so much positive influence on your kingdom.

What is your greatest achievement to date?
Being part of an organization that has helped raise over $150,000 for Breast Cancer.

Who is your favorite author?
Ernest Hemingway

Do you have a family vacation spot that you visit annually or often?
Yes! Islamorada - Florida Keys!

Tattoo Count:

What's your best date memory?
Kissing in the rain


Age: 26

Occupation: High School Teacher

Hometown: Culpeper, VA

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
A toy poodle, Gabby.

What is your favorite holiday and why?
Halloween - I love the spookiness and handing candy out to kids. I always have my house completely decked out with decorations.

Who are your top 3 favorite groups/artists & why?
Lil Wayne! Taylor Swift because her songs are so relatable, Dave Matthews Band because their songs are calming and great to put on repeat.

Who is your favorite author?
Phillipa Gregory - She has great insight on the life and wives of Henry VIII and I'm obsessed with that part of history.

Tattoo Count:

I love it when my date:
Tries hard to show me their personality and shows that he enjoys my company.

What's your best date memory?
Watching a meteor shower in a lifeguard stand on the beach.


Age: 25

Occupation: 1st Grade Teacher

Hometown: Plano, TX

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
Family dog, Griffon, half Chow half Australian Sheppard.

Tattoo Count:

Do you like to dress up or do you prefer casual attire as a rule?
Dress up. I love wearing dresses that you can dress up or down.

If you wanted to approach a man you had never met before, how would you go about it?
Notice something interesting about the person and bring it up, introduce myself.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 10:26:11 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2010, 11:29:07 AM »

Lisa M.

Age: 24

Occupation: Marketing Coordinator

Hometown: Ottawa, KS

Who do you admire most in the world and why?
My sister Bridget. She is 5 years older than me and is the most influential person in my life. She has worked so hard for where she is and lives a life I'd love to succeed to. She is supportive of me and wants the best which makes her even more admirable.

What is your greatest achievement to date?
Getting a college athletic scholarship for running track & cross country at the University of Kansas.

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
Twilight Saga - yes, I admit. Such a great read, love story, drama and Stepenie Myer really makes her readers feel like they are part of the saga.

Tattoo Count:

I love it when my date:
Takes charge. If both are indecisive on what/where we want to go. i love when someone just makes the decision and rolls with it.

Do you have any family holiday or special event traditions that you plan to uphold?
Walnut Valley Bluegrass Festival, Winfield, KS. Camping, bluegrass music, biggest Kansas festival, up to 20,000 people attend. We've gone every year since I was born.

Lisa P.

Age: 27

Occupation: Sales Consultant

Hometown: Dix Hills, NY

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
Oprah. I think she does amazing things for those less fortunate and I wouldn't mind living like her for a day.

Who is your favorite author?
Candace Bushnell - I relate to the characters in her books.

Tattoo Count:

Describe your idea of the ultimate date?
Adventure, Spontaneity and Romance

I hate it when my date:
Runs out of things to talk about and incorporates money into the conversation.

What's your best date memory?
My date got me flowers and ordered my favorite dessert without even asking.


Age: 25

Occupation: Model

Hometown: Vail, CO

Do you have a family vacation spot that you visit annually or often?

We travel to the Caribbean to scuba dive. A very rustic lake house in Wisconsin to fish, shoot and swim.

Tattoo Count:

Very hidden

Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
Absolutely. I love it all, the candles, the roses, the lighting, the intimacy. having only two people & being unguarded & emotionally open. It's rare and beautiful.

If you wanted approach a man you had never met before, how would you go about it?
Catch his eye first. Act calm and cool to get a read on it. Unless I'm feeling bubbly then right in, no cheesy lines, just "Hi"


Age: 26

Occupation: Sports Publicist

Hometown: Mesa, AZ

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
Yes. Dog - Boston Terrier

What do you do for a living and how important is your career to you?
Sports publicity; my career is very important to me because I do what I love and have combined my passions in order to make a living.

Tattoo Count:

Lower Back

Describe your idea of the ultimate date?
On-field passes for the Tampa Bay Rays game, seats behind home plate for the game, romantic & nice dinner ending with slow dancing.

What's your worst date memory?
Walking into a parking meter.


Age: 30

Occupation: Fashion Marketer

Hometown: Princeton, NJ

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
Yes, well kind of. Funny story - I bought a baby bulldog in the window of a pet store last year but my building doesn't allow animals so i gave her to my parents. My Dad couldn't be happier - my Mom wants to kill me.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
My best friend, cell phone and mallowmars - best cookies ever! I couldn't be stranded without my best friend to laugh with, cell to call friends+family and food to survive.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
This is a good one -- most embarrassing had to be when I was making out with a guy that I was dating. His A/C was broken and it was summer and my spray tan got all over his new white sofa because I was sweating so badly. I was mortified then and still am now.

Tattoo Count:

What's your best date memory?
I was on a really bad date - we went to a bar and I ended up talking to another guy, we hit it off and my date went home and I dated the other guy for several months. It happens when you least expect it!

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2010, 12:19:51 PM »


Age: 32

Occupation: Waitress

Hometown: Westport, CT

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
Food - So that I could survive
Solar Powered Laptop - So that I can be entertained
A Bottle, Pen and Paper - So that I could write a save me note and throw it into the water

What is your most embarrassing moment?
I've had so many. 9th grade, new school, no friends, underwear was stuck in the leg of my jeans and fell out as I was walking. I obviously had no idea. Unfortunately due to all of my years at sleep-away camp, my name was written in my little girl's underwear. MORTIFIED!

Tattoo Count:

I hate it when my date:
Is narcissistic and only talks about himself and doesn't even offer to pay.

What's your biggest date fear?
Going to a theme park to ride roller coasters. I'm not a fan


Age: 30

Occupation: Hair Stylist

Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
Tweezers - I have hair that grows out of a mole on my face that totally bugs me!
My iPod - I love music!
Bobbi Brown Hydrating face cream - I can't live without it!

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
Eat, Pray, Love

Tattoo Count:

Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
Yes. I'm pretty romantic. I like sexy music and sharing feelings and mood lighting and all that fun stuff!

What is your ideal mate's personality like?
Funny, confident, easy-going, compassionate, confident and Confident!

What's your biggest date fear?
Not having good conversation.


Age: 29

Occupation: Manscaper

Hometown: Fullerton, CA

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
I have a yorkie named Otis, so adorable!!

Who do you admire most in the world and why?
Wow! Great question. OK so I know that an appropriate answer would be Mother Teresa or Ghandi, but I admire my mother. She is a woman of triumph, good natured, loving, patient and has a successful marriage and family. Also, Jennifer Aniston, that woman is tough.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
Oh gosh!! Probably farting on accident when I was on a date and we were shooting basketballs at night. It was so quiet and right when I shot the ball...."Blurrrr" LOL.

Tattoo Count:

Hip, lower back, ankles and toe.

What's your best date memory?
Great conversation, chemistry, eye contact, and uncontrollable urge to make out! haha.


Age: 30

Occupation: Esthetician

Hometown: Mission Viejo, CA

Who do you admire most in the world and why?
My Grandma was an amazing woman. She lived a crazy live. Although she made a lot of poor choices in her life, she spent the last 30 being the most loving, strong, encouraging woman who put family first. She taught me unconditional love, forgiveness and that everyone deserves a second chance at life.

Who is your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas - It brings the good out in people. I love doing things for others that bring a smile to their face. I always find neat opportunities to help others around Christmas.

Who is your favorite author?
Nicholas Sparks

Tattoo Count:


Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
Yes. I love a good love story. I enjoy coming up with ways to make someone feel ultra special. I love surprises and showing the people I love how much they mean to me.

What's your worst date memory?
A guy took me on a first date (last date) to dinner. When we got to the restaurant he was rude to the host, after we were sat he was rude to the server. We sat there having uncomfortable conversation for what felt like forever and then he took me home. He spent the next six months trying to get me to go out again. He claimed we were "meant for each other" after one night.


Age: 28

Occupation: Nanny

Hometown: Burbank, IL

Do you consider yourself neat or messy or in between?
I'm a hot mess! Just kidding — I'm pretty organized but I do get out of hand sometimes.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen!

Who is your favorite author?
Nicholas Sparks

Tattoo Count:

A shamrock (in a special location)

Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
Yes, I wrote my future husband a love letter to be delivered on our wedding day when I was 20 and I still have it!

What is your longest relationship you have been in and why didn't it work out?
Three years. He left me for another girl that looks and acts like me — what a creep!

What's your biggest date fear?
My date has bad breath or bad body odor.

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2010, 01:12:00 PM »

Sarah L.

Age: 25

Occupation: Musical Theatre Performer

Hometown: Saginaw, MI

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
My parents have a cat named Snowball. I have a Pomeranian named Foxx.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
A book of Sudoku puzzles, so I'm not bored
A knife to protect myself & help with survival
Brad Pitt for some hot company!

Where did you go to High School?
I was home schooled.

Tattoo Count:

If you wanted to really impress a man what would you do and why?
Cooking is very difficult for me, so I would cook dinner just to how much I care.

What's your biggest date fear?
Not making a connection and having lots of awkward silences.

What is your worst date memory?
A blind date. We had nothing in common and my then-best friend showed up because she'd left her car keys in my purse. After telling him I didn't want a 2nd date, I accidentally left my cell in his car!

Tell us something we didn't ask: My favorite Disney princess:
My favorite Disney princess is "Belle"

Sarah P.

Age: 27

Occupation: Real Estate Broker

Hometown: Denver, CO

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
My Mom — I could never get sick of her
Wine — this would make us laugh a lot
Cheese — want some cheese with that wine

Tattoo Count:

A heart on the back of my neck and a shamrock in a private area.

I love it when my date...
Makes me laugh and compliments me. Basically putting a smile on my face.

What is your worst date memory?
Went on a blind date, double date with parents (got set up by mom), and him leaving me at the end to go play with his dog!

Tell us something we didn't ask:
I have been raising my nephew with my sister for the past two years. It's my turn and I'm ready to find love and build a family of my own.


Age: 25

Occupation: Funeral Director

Hometown: Chico, CA

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
A Pathologist. I've always thought that would be an interesting job.

Tattoo Count:

One on my neck, one on my back, one on my hip and one on my wrist.

What kind of music do you listen to most often?
Country and Reggae

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
Eat, Pray, Love. So inspiring.

Who is your favorite author?
Sarah Wise. Charles Dickens.

If you wanted to approach a man you had never met before, how would you go about it?
Introduce myself and just start talking. I'm very open with myself and love to talk!


Age: 26

Occupation: Bartender

Hometown: Quincy, MA

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
My St. Anthony's prayer card , my iPod and a great book.
The card for hope, iPod for music and sanity. The book for relaxation.

What is your greatest achievement to date?
My modeling contract. So many people told me I wasn't good enough or it was a stretch!

What is your favorite holiday and why?
I love Christmas and Christmas Eve because my family cooks together and we have a ton of traditions. One tradition includes an Italian feast with 7 fishes. And we always do a talent show.

Tattoo Count:

Private areas

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
Tuesdays with Morrie. It's touching and inspiring.

Who is your favorite author?
I love Candace Bushnell. She writes modern, relatable stories.

What is your worst date memory
I can make the best of any sitution, but once this guy updated his facebook status to say, "Boston women are recycled."

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2010, 12:22:00 AM »
I know how the whole season goes down. If anybody wants to know, shoot me a PM and I'll spoil ya with the info.

And yes, Brad actually picks someone this time!

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2011, 09:36:54 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' season premiere

Welcome back! I’ve missed all of you. It’s hard to believe this is season 21 of The Bachelor/Bachelorette. That is an amazing run in network TV, and I want to thank you for making that happen. As you all know, we tried something a little different this season. For the first time in the show’s history, we brought back a Bachelor for a “do-over.” The reaction to Brad has been mixed; many of you were skeptical and some of you were even a little angry. I have to admit, I kind of like that. We’ve never gone into a season where our Bachelor or Bachelorette wasn’t your overwhelming favorite. It’s going to be very interesting to begin this season with someone who, from the start, needs to prove himself to not only the women on the show but also to you, our fans. Believe me when I tell you that none of this pressure was lost on Brad — or me for that matter. When Brad and I met up that first night, despite his trademark smile and Texas charm I could tell this guy was feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. Say what you will about Brad — you have to give the man credit for stepping up and owning what he did. He hasn’t just said, “I’m sorry” and moved on with life in Austin. He has stepped up to prove publicly in front of the entire world that he is a changed man. He is essentially putting all his chips on the table for one roll of the dice. If he comes off as anything less than sincere or committed to this, he knows he’ll be run out of town. That’s why my final words of advice to him that first night were “don’t screw this up.”  So it was with all this pressure hanging over us that we sat down that first night at the mansion for our chat. Yes, we’re back at the same house again. If I’m not mistaken, Brad was the first Bachelor to ever use this house three years ago. During our chat, as you saw, I surprised Brad by bringing out the two women he left standing at the rose altar last time, Jenni and DeAnna.  He had no idea they were there that night or that this was going to happen. I thought this was a great idea for several reasons. First of all, I wanted to see if Brad was truly a changed man and would own up to what he did and explain why. Brad couldn’t just say it wasn’t “right”; these two women wouldn’t let him off that easy. I was impressed to see him admit that upon reflection — and yes, some therapy — that he wasn’t really the man he was pretending to be back then. He wasn’t capable at that point in his life to commit and truly fall in love. He is truly sorry for hurting Jenni and DeAnna. The women have obviously moved on so this meeting wasn’t about love or an opportunity missed. This was about an overdue apology and step one in Brad proving to you, and more importantly to himself, that he’s a changed man.

After our talk it was time for the 30 women to arrive. All Bachelors are nervous at this moment. This is when they finally realize, “Holy cow, I’m the Bachelor and this is really going to happen.” Despite having been there before, Brad was still anxious. He knew how it all worked but he had no idea what the women’s reactions were going to be. I should explain at this point that I usually watch the shows by myself the week before they air so I can write this blog and be ready to do any press interviews I have lined up to promote the show. This first episode was a little different. As some of you may have read on my Twitter page I decided to watch this first episode illegally (sorry ABC) with my family and friends over the holidays while I was home in Dallas. This gave me a whole different perspective on the show, as you’ll read below. I should warn you, yes there was wine involved in the viewing of this show. The first thing I learned watching this with family and friends (most of them women) is that there is a game you can play, toasting every time you see Brad without his shirt on. I quickly realized after two segments that this is not a good game to play if you’re trying to write a blog and stay awake through the end of the show.

If Brad was wondering how the women would react, all his fears were quickly realized when the first woman out of the limo, Chantal (not to be confused with Shawntel the funeral director), gave Brad a good slap across the face for all the women in America. Let me answer the questions my friends had. Yes, the slap was very, very real and no, Brad had no idea it was coming. He handled it much better than I would have and actually got a good laugh out of it. During the arrivals you had the usual fun and games as women tried to make a good or lasting first impression — and a few of them did. Brad actually liked Chantal and her slap. Ashley S. and her cute southern drawl set him at ease. Emily also made a solid first impression. Right now Brad doesn’t know her tragic story, but she is someone you’ll get to know a lot more about. The woman who really stood out to Brad, and I think you could tell by his reaction, was Michelle. She is also someone you will get to know and she’ll be a force to be reckoned with in the house this season. Now normally I would have continued watching the show and making my notes, but because I was watching this with a group and somebody had the great idea of toasting every time we saw Brad without his shirt on, we got a little sidetracked. Because of Michelle’s last name, somebody brought up the singer Eddie Money. I had to explain to someone in our group that Eddie was not a member of Van Halen (that’s Eddie Van Halen) but was in fact a solo artist with hits like “Two Tickets to Paradise” and “Baby Hold On.” After pausing the show and discussing Eddie Money for about five minutes, we were ready to move on. (Personal note here: This is the last time I’ll preview the show with a group of friends and family!)

Once the women got in the house and the cocktail party began, so did the personal attack on Brad. He knew it might be tough and that he would get some questions about his past, but I don’t think he expected as much as he got. I think it got to the point where he was a little frustrated. Overall, Brad handled himself very well that first night putting all the women at ease, and answering every question they had as open and honestly as he could. One person we have to discuss is Madison. Everybody at my house was screaming, “Come on!” so I assume you were as well. I loved how Brad just flat out called her out on the fangs. Is Madison a model that wants to be noticed? Probably so, but that’s something Brad has to figure out. Although he has a good idea that’s the case, there is something about her that intrigues him (not the teeth) so he wanted to keep her around at least one more week to see if there’s more to this woman than just her overbite. One of the crowd favorites at my viewing party was Raichel the manscaper.  First let me say there was a guy at my party who didn’t know what manscaping was. Is that possible? I get if that’s not your thing, but isn’t it common knowledge what it is? Brad’s reaction to the idea of getting his “undercarriage” waxed or getting “bat wings” (I hadn’t heard of that one myself) was fantastic.

The first impression rose went to the sweet southern woman Ashley S. From the moment she stepped out of the limo she made Brad happy and relaxed. While so many other women were aggressive or put Brad on the defensive, she was sweet and made his life easy. Some in my group think she looks and sounds a little like Tenley — what do you guys think? My favorite part of the first episode is the very end in what we call the super tease that promotes the entire season. As you saw, once again we will be traveling the world to places like Costa Rica, Anguilla, and South Africa. This season is fantastic and very different than any we’ve ever had. Brad obviously brings a very different element, but so does this group of women. I always say what makes this show so interesting is the people and the baggage and history they bring with them. This season we have stories we’ve never seen or heard before and that makes Brad’s journey very intriguing. I have said in the press there are no major “scandals” this season, but that definitely doesn’t mean this season is without its fair share of drama! Brad is in love but how he gets there, whom it’s with, and what the real story is will definitely be worth watching! I’d like to thank my friends at for having me back here in this forum to chat with you this season. Some of you have already heard but for those that haven’t I want to announce a new fun way to check out all things Bachelor. It’s our official Bachelor web site, We have just gotten this up and running and will be updating and adding great content in the coming weeks and months. From casting to comments to upcoming events and appearances it’s all right there on the site. As always, thanks for watching. Please leave your comments and questions below, and you can always find me on Twitter @chrisbharrison. Happy New Year!

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2011, 05:10:08 PM »
I think that he's gonna crack under the whole pressure of it and will need therapy thruought his new "marraige/relatonship"

My pics are  Michelle  and Ashley S
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2011, 01:36:44 PM »
ABC press release:


Hit Rock Band Train's Private Performance is the Background Music for a Hot Night
Between Brad and One Lucky Lady, and Jealousy Explodes During the Season's First Group Date

Ali and Roberto Return to Offer Brad Advice on How to Handle the Ladies' Drama

"Episode 1502" - The 20 remaining bachelorettes move into their luxurious Malibu mansion and the fairy tale begins. Two lucky women will get fabulous one-on-one dates: Brad escorts one bachelorette on a fantasy date which culminates at the Hollywood Bowl, where they will be serenaded by the chartbusting band Train. The other individual date finds Brad and another stunning woman on an incredibly romantic date to a private carnival. The group date will give 15 women a chance show Brad another side of their personality as they shoot public service announcements (PSA) for the American Red Cross, but it turns into a steamy face-off between some of the ladies. However, some of the bachelorettes will not have a date at all before the next rose ceremony, encouraging them to aggressively steal any time they can with Brad, on "The Bachelor," MONDAY, JANUARY 10 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Brad whisks away Ashley H., his stunning date for the evening, to a deserted dirt road leading to a mysterious dark wooded area. A large electrical switch appears out of nowhere and, once the couple flip it on, a magical private carnival lights up. They excitedly run through the maze of games and rides like two kids. The date takes a more intimate turn when Ashley H. tells Brad about her estranged relationship with her father. Encouraged by the woman's openness, Brad shares his own painful story of his absentee father. Their connection is palpable. One last ride on the Ferris wheel turns into a passionate first kiss of the season.

The next day the first group date of the season features Brad and 15 excited, gorgeous women. Michelle is already annoyed that she has to share Brad with 14 other women on what will be her 30th birthday. Brad reveals that they will be filming PSAs to remind people about the importance of donating blood through the American Red Cross and encouraging the country to participate in January's National Blood Donor Month. However jealousy rears its ugly head when Brad kisses several of the ladies. In fact, Melissa annoys the others when she rudely interrupts the filming to steal a kiss with the handsome Bachelor. But when Brad shoots a particularly provocative scene with two sexy bachelorettes, Michelle loses her cool and storms out. The drama increases at a rooftop pool after-party. Can these emotional women control themselves in order to get a rose from Brad?

Jackie is chosen for a fantasy date that is the envy of the other women. Brad surprises her at a luxurious Beverly Hills hotel with an incredible array of gowns, shoes and jewels for her to choose from. Later the couple shares an intimate dinner at the Hollywood Bowl, which is followed by a private concert by the hit band Train. Romance seems to be in the air... But when Jackie reveals a troubling relationship history, will Brad decide to give her a rose?

At the stressful and dramatic cocktail party, the drama erupts again as two women face off in a verbal battle for the ages. Brad attempts to comfort each woman in the middle of the snarling catfight, but then Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez arrive to help him get to the bottom of the situation and to find out who is there for the right reasons. The engaged couple single out one woman to whom Brad offers a rose to before the ceremony. At the end of the night, only 17 women will remain in the chase for Brad's heart.

The 20 women are:

Alli, 24, an apparel merchant from Columbus, OH
Ashley H., 26, a dentist from Philadelphia, PA
Ashley S., 26, a nanny from New York, NY
Britt, 25, a food writer from Woodinville, WA
Chantal, 28, an executive assistant from Seattle, WA
Emily, 24, a children's hospital event planner from Charlotte, NC
Jackie, 27, an artist from New York, NY
Keltie, 28, a Radio City Rockette from Hollywood, CA
Kimberly, 27, a marketing coordinator from Charlotte, NC
Lindsay, 25, a first grade teacher from Plano, TX
Lisa M., 24, a marketing coordinator from Ottawa, KS
Madison, 25, a model from Brooklyn, NY
Marissa, 26, a sports publicist from Kissimmee, FL
Meghan, 30, a fashion marketer from New York, NY
Melissa, 32, a waitress from Lake Worth, FL
Michelle, 30, a hairstylist from Salt Lake City, UT
Raichel, 29, a 'manscaper' from Fullerton, CA
Sarah P., 27, a real estate broker from Denver, CO
Shawntel, 25, a funeral director from Chico, CA
Stacey, 26, a bartender from Boston, MA

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2011, 12:34:41 PM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' episode 2

Let the blood begin to flow. No not between Raichel and Melissa — we’ll deal with their battle later. I’m talking about National Blood Donor month. We here at The Bachelor are very happy to be partnering up with the American Red Cross to shine an entertaining light on a very serious topic. Last Saturday, Brad, a host of former contestants, and myself were extremely proud to host a blood drive here in L.A. This is the first of several we’re going to host across the country. For more info on these blood drives and how you can help, go to our web site. Now let’s get back to the show. This week as promised I didn’t watch with my family and friends, so don’t worry — you wont be digging into the archives for your Best of Eddie Money album. I checked, and there really is a Best of Eddie Money album. Who knew? The first thing we did this week was move the girls into the mansion. There’s a lot more to this than you get to see. Once I meet them on the driveway and move the women in, they run around the house checking everything out. One highlight you didn’t get to see during the move was Sarah P. diving into the pool with her clothes on. Madison followed close behind. They got dried off before I called them inside for the date card talk.

The first date went to Ashley H. Unfortunately for Ashley I think she’s going to fall victim to the Great First Date Syndrome. Now, I just made this up so bear with me. I’ve noticed in the past that having the first date is great, but when it goes well — which Ashley’s did — it then makes it hard to go back to the house and wait and watch all the other girls start to date your man. Ashley will begin to struggle with this like many have before her. The carnival date they went on was fantastic. I really have to give it up to our art department. They had just twelve hours to set this up on one of the hottest days ever in Los Angeles. (One other cool fact is that the ticket booth was the same one used in the movie Grease.) The first date went extremely late and when they got home around 4 a.m., the only person awake was Ashley S. Must be an Ashley thing.

The date card we delivered for the group date was ridiculously long because it had so many names on it. We never have fifteen women on one group date. But as you saw this was a very special date with a very special purpose. A couple notes from the PSA blood drive date: My man Paul Danner (the big man shouting orders) continues to get screen time on the show. We will continue to show him until I marry him off. As I’ve said before Paul is our regular floor manager on the show. The man directing the PSAs is our regular director Ken Fuchs, who also does an amazing job. I just wish on this group date you were somehow able to tell it was Michelle’s 30th birthday. Speaking of age, many of you have asked why we aren’t showing how old the women are this year. I find it interesting their age makes such a difference to you. Not sure why age would make a difference in finding love. There actually is a technical reason the ages aren’t on there this season: We changed the graphics up a bit and they just don’t fit. But I will tell you if you pay attention you will learn how old these women are as we go. You found out how old three or four of them were this week alone, and the ages are up on the web site on their bios. As I said last week, Michelle, who’s 30 years old, is a person who goes after what she wants, and she definitely stirs things up along the way as she does it. By the way, Madison and her fangs didn’t get a lot of airtime this week but the girls did not forget about her. While she was out on the group date Sarah P., Lindsay and Ashley S. devised a plan to see if Madison was really a vampire. They made crosses out of branches in the backyard and stuffed cloves of garlic under all the mattresses (just in case).

Jackie’s date is what we like to call the “Pretty Woman” date. The car Brad is driving on this date and during the show is the Aston Martin DB9. This is an amazing machine. I know this because they were crazy enough — I mean kind enough — to lend me one to drive during the show as well. After a day of pampering at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills, Brad and Jackie drove out to one of the most iconic spots in Los Angeles, The Hollywood Bowl. This was such a cool once-in-a-lifetime experience, I also showed up for this date. I said a quick hello to the couple but stayed off. To go to the Hollywood Bowl is one thing; to have the place completely to ourselves is another. All I could think of is the movie Some Kind of Wonderful. I know I just dated myself with that one, but check it out it’s a very cheesy but good coming-of-age date movie. One funny note from the date: When Brad gave Jackie the rose, he then told her there was a surprise and pointed to the stage… and nothing happened. The band wasn’t set yet so they had to wait a couple minutes, and then he introduced the surprise guests again.

I’m a huge fan of the band Train so after the performance I went backstage to meet Pat Monahan. Two reasons I know this guy is a great dude. One he really loved and respected the history of performing at the “Bowl” and two, turns out he’s a huge fan of the show. By the way, Jackie got to keep the amazing diamond earrings that Brad picked out for her. The other girls were crazy jealous. A lot of the women back at the house didn’t think Jackie would get the rose and would be going home. When she walked through the door the girls quickly began to realize they couldn’t predict what Brad might do. While Jackie was on her date, Keltie taught all the girls to do high-kicks in the backyard. Most of the women joined in but not Melissa, who was already at odds with Raichel as well as some of the other girls at this point.

Let’s talk about this Raichel vs. Melissa battle. I don’t know who was right and who was wrong and honestly I don’t really care. What I do know is they spoiled the cocktail party that night for a lot of women. Their constant bickering brought the whole mood down in the house. Poor Ashley S. spent the night trying to reason with them and calm them down but neither would listen. A couple things these girls should now know about Brad: First of all he has no poker face. Did you see the look on his face while he was talking to Melissa? The second is that Brad doesn’t like drama. I was impressed that he nipped this problem in the bud and sent both Melissa and Raichel packing. I will credit Melissa with giving us a great line by calling Raichel ” an energy suck”; I love that and will be using it now.

One final note before I let you go this week. It was really good to see Ali and Roberto and have them back on the show. It’s interesting how these couples walk back in the house and the cast looks at them like rock stars. They helped Brad pick Emily and give her a rose. Up to this point she really hasn’t had much time with Brad and he has no idea about her story. That will begin to change next week in what is a very emotional episode. We also showed you a preview of the Capitol Records date where another one of my favorites, Seal, makes an appearance. This season just continues to get better and better as we go. I’m really excited to let it unfold for you and see your reactions. I want to leave you this week with a personal note: I’m proud to be hosting the 90th annual Miss America Pageant on ABC next Saturday, January 15, at 9 p.m. I hope you can join me. Remember it is national blood donor month, so as Melissa would say don’t be an energy suck, give blood! Please continue to leave your comments below or you can always find me on twitter @chrisbharrison or look us up on our new web site,

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2011, 09:56:06 AM »
UGGH can Brad act? i mean really he's been thru this before and he's stiffer thana starched shirt when it's camera time. :lol:

I see a ton of makeout scenes  as filler because there's only so much talking that ABC will be able to put together as conversational scence for their clips.

Brads conversations are: :lol3: "wow, oh, sure u can, talk to me, awww, it's ok, dont be nervous", and the forerver repeated " I  really like this girl" :groan:

I dont care for the chics that are insecure & thank goodness 2 of them left this week.  My earlier pic Michelle, is certainly aggressive  :meow: in wanting her alone time with Brad. I believe that will be her downfall.

zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2011, 01:02:56 PM »
ABC press release:


International Hit Recording Artist Seal Pays a Surprise Visit to Brad and One Lucky Lady on a Special Musical Night

"Episode 1503" - Tensions are already mounting among the 17 remaining bachelorettes and resentment runs high when it's revealed there'll be two special one-on-one dates - each with a rose at stake - and a group date. And once again, some women will not get a date at all. Ashley S. gets to duet with Brad at the famed Capitol Records studio when a surprise visit by superstar recording artist Seal makes this a once-in-a-lifetime date. Then Brad gets down and dirty with 12 very competitive bachelorettes when they shoot their own action adventure movie, as they battle to become his leading lady. Emily, the sweet, single mom, is chosen for the week's final individual date, but will she be able to reveal her tragic past to Brad? An emotional Bachelor makes some personal inroads with the help of his therapist, letting him be more vulnerable with the women. However, one mysterious bachelorette makes a stunning departure that throws Brad for a loop and leaves the women in shock, on "The Bachelor," MONDAY, JANUARY 17 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Ashley S. is invited to find her "love song" with Brad as the couple visits the iconic Capitol Records building where so many legendary singers like Frank Sinatra have recorded their hits. Brad tells Ashley that they'll be crooning a tune of their own. Little does he know that the song he has chosen - Seal's "Kiss from a Rose"-holds significant meaning in his date's life. Ashley is emotional enough, but when Seal himself appears, it's a moment she will never forget. But will this vulnerable bachelorette conquer her fears and make beautiful music with Brad, or will the singing and romance be totally off key?

Twelve bachelorettes get ready for their close-up as Brad takes them to shoot their own action adventure movie. The competition is fierce, but only one woman can be his screen co-star. When an especially playful bachelorette gets physical with Brad, jealousy reigns. Later he escorts the women to a spectacular rooftop after-party where he finally discovers a softer side to one tough lady. One determined bachelorette locks lips with Brad - stopping at nothing to secure herself a rose.

Emily has the final one-on-one date with Brad, but anxiety soon overrides her excitement as she realizes she has to reveal her tragic history to Brad on the date. The majestic California hills of the wine country serve as a perfect backdrop for a day of romance. But will this reserved bachelorette open up? And if she refuses, will Brad send her home without a rose?

Brad handles a tough but exciting week of dates, but feels he would like to talk to the therapist he has seen for the last three years in order to sort out his feelings. He wants to make sure that his past Bachelor experience doesn't repeat itself. He discovers with his therapist's help that he should be more open for the women to feel more comfortable with him. Brad puts the advice to good use at the cocktail party and it works like a charm. But just when everything seems to be going his way, one enigmatic bachelorette makes a startling departure that leaves Brad reeling and jolts the women. Only 14 women remain at the end of the night to continue on the fairytale journey.

The 17 women are:

Alli, 24, an apparel merchant from Columbus, OH
Ashley H., 26, a dentist from Philadelphia, PA
Ashley S., 26, a nanny from New York, NY
Britt, 25, a food writer from Woodinville, WA
Chantal, 28, an executive assistant from Seattle, WA
Emily, 24, a children's hospital event planner from Charlotte, NC
Jackie, 27, an artist from New York, NY
Kimberly, 27, a marketing coordinator from Charlotte, NC
Lindsay, 25, a first grade teacher from Plano, TX
Lisa M., 24, a marketing coordinator from Ottawa, KS
Madison, 25, a model from Brooklyn, NY
Marissa, 26, a sports publicist from Kissimmee, FL
Meghan, 30, a fashion marketer from New York, NY
Michelle, 30, a hairstylist from Salt Lake City, UT
Sarah P., 27, a real estate broker from Denver, CO
Shawntel, 25, a funeral director from Chico, CA
Stacey, 26, a bartender from Boston, MA

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2011, 08:59:05 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' episode 3

I’d like to start this week by talking about another dramatic show that I hosted, The 90th Annual Miss America Pageant. It was an honor — as a TV host, there are a few jobs out there that you always look forward to checking off your bucket list, and that is one of them. My thanks to the folks at Miss America and ABC for making it a great weekend. While I’m thanking people I want to thank one of my favorite people in this business, Ellen DeGeneres. She has always been such a huge supporter of our show. I have no idea how many times I’ve been on her show over the last nine years, but I love each and every visit with her, and I enjoyed being back on last week. Now, I’ll return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

The episode started with me walking in to talk to the girls the morning after the rose ceremony. You have to understand that rose ceremonies go late, so often times only a few hours have passed since I just saw them and the drama of the night before ended. In this case it was a rough night. Raichel and Melissa really stirred up the house and the girls really felt Michelle only got a rose because it was her 30th birthday. Not sure if you heard, but last week was her 30th birthday.

So when I walked in there was still a bit of a dark cloud hanging over the house. Ashley S got the first one-on-one date. Her biggest fear was that the date was karaoke. Good news for her, it wasn’t. Bad news for her — it was worse, actually recording a song at the historic Capitol Records studio. Brad had no idea just how meaningful this date would be for Ashley. As a child she loved the old Batman shows with Adam West. This is why her and her father would sing the Batman songs, like “Kiss From a Rose” from the Batman Forever soundtrack. It turned out to be a very touching moment and date for the both of them. Ashley and Brad actually sang for about an hour and the folks at the studio really did press a CD which Ashley got to take home, and I’m sure it will be selling on eBay very soon. Ashley obviously hit it off with Brad and got the rose. Can we all agree that Seal is an unbelievable talent? The guy just amazes me. I’m not gonna lie — I was hoping Heidi Klum would be with him, but oh well.

Next up was the group date where the cast shot an action movie. I thought this date was pretty darn cool. The director you saw was Steven Ho. He did stunts in the new Green Hornet movie and was the fighting double for Donatello, one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Not sure if it’s just my age or what, but I was never really into the whole Ninja Turtle thing. I have to admit for a bunch of amateurs the acting ability in this group was pretty impressive. The two that really stood out the most were Chantal and Shawntel. (I know, don’t get me started on the whole name thing.) Shawntel made such a strong impression that she eventually got the rose that night. Come on, admit it — we had you going for a minute. You thought Michelle was getting the rose didn’t you? If you’re wondering what was going on back at the house during this date, well, I’ll tell you. Ashley S, feeling pretty good with a rose in hand, started challenging the girls in the house with little competitions. She bet the girls they couldn’t eat eight saltines in a minute or eat a teaspoon of cinnamon. Very serious stuff.

In my opinion this was easily one of the most emotional episodes we have ever had. First Ashley opened up, then Chantal — but nobody had any idea what Emily was about to tell them. When Emily let the girls in on her past and the tragedy that had taken place, the women fell apart. You saw a little bit of it, but the crying didn’t stop for some time, and understandably so. Interestingly enough this is what really sent Madison over the edge. After she heard the story she sulked around the house for a bit and just realized she wasn’t in this for the same reasons Emily and the other girls were. As emotional as it was to tell the other women Emily was really dreading telling Brad. She was so excited to get a date she didn’t want to bring it all down by telling him about her past so she deflected as long as she could but eventually gave in. There are no words to describe what Emily has gone through, and I along with everyone else who meets her am amazed at her strength, bravery and courage. The ironic thing about Emily finally telling Brad was she was dreading it so much, but by being open and honest it really took a huge weight off her shoulders and helped Brad see her in a completely different light, which he loved. There was something special about that moment for both of them that I haven’t seen on any other date we’ve ever had on this show. It was really good to see Emily genuinely smile for the first time this season.

After a great week of dates and talking to his therapist, Brad was in a great mood for the cocktail party. All of a sudden he really seemed to have a handle on this situation and had a very clear plan on how he was going to handle this from here on out. At the party Ashley H’s struggles with “first date syndrome” were clearly getting worse. She’s feeling more and more insecure by the day. As for Madison her exit was really unexpected. I really think she convinced herself during the rose ceremony. I find her very intriguing. I look forward to talking to her at the Women Tell All special because like Brad I can’t quite figure her out. Did she come on this show for her 15 minutes of fame and then all of a sudden feel guilty about it after hearing Emily’s story? Did she come on the show with her defenses up (the fangs), putting on a show, not really letting everybody in — only to realize she made a big mistake and blew a good chance? All I know is there’s a lot more to this woman than meets the eye, and to Brad’s credit he saw it right away. My only hope is whatever her motivation, she learned a valuable life lesson from this experience and can grow from here.

After this week the emotions in the house are at an all time high and it doesn’t get any easier. As you can probably tell Michelle is relentless. She’s strong, calculated and ready to go after what she wants, and that’s a dangerous combination for the other women. She really starts rubbing girls the wrong way — Chantal in particular. This is a battle that will build in the weeks to come. Thanks for the comments and questions below and thanks for coming back in such strong numbers to support our show once again. You can always find out more about the show at our web site, and you can always find me on twitter @chrisbharrison. Until then, you can find me watering down the driveway at the mansion.

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2011, 01:11:45 AM »
ABC press release:



A Lively Session on a Popular Radio Show Uncovers One Woman's Shocking Secret

Emily Get Special Time with Brad, Enraging the Other Bachelorettes

"Episode 1504" - The drama continues to escalate as 14 fortunate bachelorettes try to stake their claim to Brad's heart. But the week gets off to a mysterious start when one baffled bachelorette wakes up with a black eye - and has no clue about how she got it. Did she fall while sleep walking or is it just a disturbing ploy to get Brad's attention? The Bachelor has an underwater fantasy in mind when he takes Chantal on a one-on-one date to beautiful Catalina Island, but the thought of submerging to the ocean floor has the nervous bachelorette wondering if she left her sense of adventure on shore. A group of the ladies have one of the most revealing dates of the season as they join Brad as guests on an emotional radio show where secrets are uncovered about the women's love lives. And the bruised Michelle finds out she must take a courageous leap of faith with Brad or risk falling from his favor. Finally, Emily becomes the target of fiery jealousy among the women when Brad offers her a special picnic right before the rose ceremony, on "The Bachelor," MONDAY, JANUARY 24 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

A thrilled Chantal was the recipient of the first individual date, but little did she know that the date card message -"How deep is your love?" - would be actually be a nightmare for her. Arriving with Brad by helicopter to Catalina Island, she discovers that they'll be donning wet suits and diver helmets and plunging to the ocean floor for the scenic stroll of a lifetime. However, it turns out that Chantal has a phobia about water. Will this normally self-assured bachelorette conquer her fear with Brad, or will her chance for romance be lost at sea?

The next day Brad takes nine lucky women on a date they won't soon forget. They arrive at a radio station where they discover they'll be guests on "Loveline" with Dr. Drew & Psycho Mike, the famed talk show where the hosts dig deep into matters of the heart. In the revealing session, one woman discloses a shocking secret that could jeopardize her relationship with Brad. The intense drama continues at the after party where another bachelorette melts down when she thinks her connection to the Bachelor is fading. However, a reserved woman finally opens up to Brad about her feelings for him, which might boost her chances of getting a rose.

The following day Brad picks up his "black-eyed" date, Michelle, for their one-on-one date, but she seethes with resentment when Brad takes time away from her to first reassure one sensitive woman that their connection is real. Michelle is infuriated that she is losing time with Brad because some other bachelorette can't keep her emotions in check.  But finally Brad whisks Michelle away in a helicopter to the top of a skyscraper in downtown Los Angeles. Once he reveals that they will be rappelling down the side of the building, Michelle grows weak in the knees. Can she overcome her fear of heights and take a real leap of faith with Brad, or will she fall from grace?

Brad is overwhelmed by all the connections he is feeling with a number of women and consults his therapist, who assures Brad that he owes it to himself - as well as to the women - to explore the bonds he is forming with them. Heeding his therapist's advice, Brad pulls out the delighted Emily for a surprise picnic in front of the mansion during the cocktail reception, causing a massive outpouring of envy and resentment from the other women and bringing one to tears.

After a tense rose ceremony, 11 women remain to begin the fabulous worldwide travel with Brad. The first stop is Las Vegas. 

The 14 women are:

Alli, 24, an apparel merchant from Columbus, OH
Ashley H., 26, a dentist from Philadelphia, PA
Ashley S., 26, a nanny from New York, NY
Britt, 25, a food writer from Woodinville, WA
Chantal, 28, an executive assistant from Seattle, WA
Emily, 24, a children's hospital event planner from Charlotte, NC
Jackie, 27, an artist from New York, NY
Lindsay, 25, a first grade teacher from Plano, TX
Lisa M., 24, a marketing coordinator from Ottawa, KS
Marissa, 26, a sports publicist from Kissimmee, FL
Meghan, 30, a fashion marketer from New York, NY
Michelle, 30, a hairstylist from Salt Lake City, UT
Shawntel, 25, a funeral director from Chico, CA
Stacey, 26, a bartender from Boston, MA

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2011, 08:58:01 AM »
This is soo painful to watch! I'm glad though that Madison thought it thru and left on her own.  :escape no way being a model in NY that she doesnt get or cant find a nice guy.  For her, after hearing Emily's story she saw how intense some of the women are and she just wasnt at that level  emotionally/relationship wise

 I give her a HUGE :tup: for doing the right thing!

Michelle is STALKER material.  :lol3:  She creeps up, :peek  goes stealth mode :hides and then gets twisted :flipper when other girls  are making out with Brad.

 I wonder how much manipulating  production has to do to keep her in just for the drama and comedic value she brings! :lol3:

zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2011, 08:53:20 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' episode 4

Hey ladies, have some cheese with all that whining. This week you might have noticed that the ladies got just a bit emotional. One interesting side effect of Brad’s therapy and newfound honesty is every girl he’s with feels like she’s the only girl in the world. That’s a good thing — unless you’re one of 30 women dating the same guy. With each girl feeling so special and feeling so much emotion, things are bound to boil over. Before we deal with the drama, we have to deal with the great mystery this season, Michelle’s black eye. Here’s what we know: Everybody went to bed after the rose ceremony. I returned to the house early the next morning to wake the girls up and send them on their dates. Michelle woke up, looked in the mirror and bam, black eye. The truth is nobody has any idea whatsoever how Michelle got that black eye. I don’t think its possible to get a “stress black eye” as she said, and I don’t think she beat herself up. I’ve mentioned in the past that we don’t have cameras rolling 24/7, and we don’t have secret cameras in the girls’ bedroom. Much like the Bermuda triangle, Hugh Hefner’s upcoming wedding and the Kardashians’ popularity, some things just can’t be explained. It was pretty amusing to see Michelle milk it all week using frozen peas, corn and popsicles to try to keep the swelling down.

Chantal got this week’s first one-on-one date. If you’ve done your Bachelor homework you know that the first helicopter date of the season is a big one. Ali took Roberto on the first helicopter date and Jake took Vienna on one as well. Some of the girls in the house did the math and got a little ahead of themselves; we’ll have to see if history repeats itself. Because our fans are incredibly observant I’m sure you noticed that the helicopter that picked them up isn’t the same chopper that dropped them off. The reason for the change is our driveway is a very tight landing area and can’t handle a big helicopter. So once they got picked up they switched helicopters for the ride out to Catalina. Okay, that’s about enough helicopter talk. As far as the date goes I think the chemistry between Brad and Chantal speaks for itself. (By the way it actually did rain in Los Angeles so the driveway back at the house was legitimately wet!)

The group date they took this week was to go see two of my favorite people. I have been on Loveline and have the utmost respect for Dr. Drew. Psycho Mike does a great job of pushing things to the limit and getting the unflappable Dr. Drew to crack up from time to time. One thing you didn’t get to see on this date is that Dr. Drew spent a lot of time with the ladies and gave his recommendations to Brad. Gotta give Stacey some credit for admitting her past cheating. I doubt she was the only one who has cheated, but she was the only one that had the guts to say so. Considering she got sent home, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea. Although at least it allowed us to even know she was on the show. I was wondering who that girl was.

Michelle finally got her one-on-one date. I absolutely loved how Chantal stuck a pen in her balloon by pointing out how the date card didn’t have the world “love” in it. This really did bother Michelle, and she spent much time contemplating what this meant. Michelle’s fear of heights was very real and so is her game. She’s got Brad wrapped right now. I’m sure many of you are wondering why Brad is falling for her games. You have to remember Brad doesn’t see or hear everything. He’s not privy to all the drama in the house. I’m sure you noticed there’s no love lost between Chantal and Michelle. These two went at it over Ashley H and they’ll go at it again. You might be wondering why Brad grabbed Emily during the cocktail party for an impromptu date. Well, Brad had heard the women complain that after a one-on-one date they didn’t feel special so he attempted to do better with Emily who didn’t get a date at all this week. This sent the girls into a tailspin second-guessing everything they thought they knew. Further proof of just how real and raw emotions are at this point.

You might have noticed that I told the girls I just talked to Brad; we did shoot a deliberation room interview but obviously we didn’t use it. You will see Brad and I deliberate as the season goes on. This is the last rose ceremony at the house this season. It’s actually the last rose ceremony in Los Angeles. We usually come back home before we leave for exotics but not this season. From here on out we’re on the road, and you’re coming with me. Go pack your bags! As always, leave your comments below. For more about The Bachelor check out ABC’s website, and you can always find me on twitter @chrisbharrison.

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2011, 09:30:19 AM »
ABC press release:


A Dramatic Two-on-One Date Guarantees One Woman a Ticket Home;
Emily's Past Haunts Her on a Competitive Car Racing Group Date

"Episode 1505" - The eleven remaining bachelorettes leave the mansion and travel to exciting Las Vegas, but two nervous women - Ashley H. and Ashley S. - face the dreaded "two-on-one" date where one of them will be sent home immediately. How will Brad handle making a heartbreaking decision at the end of the night? The Bachelor takes eight competitive ladies out for the ride of their lives at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Shawntel gets a one-on-one date that would be the envy of every woman -- an upscale shopping spree, and the sky's the limit. Then, as an exhausting week comes to an end, Brad must confront the escalating drama that has been building with the bachelorettes all week as he prepares to take eight women around the world with him in his search to find love, on "The Bachelor," MONDAY, JANUARY 31 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

No sooner do the women arrive at their luxury suite at the Aria Resort and Casino than Brad whisks Shawntel away on an unbelievable shopping spree, where everything her heart desires is hers. When she returns to the suite, the rest of the women are green with envy. The date continues with a romantic rooftop dinner, but how will the night end, as Shawntel reveals the unsavory details of her profession...? Will it be fireworks or a deathly thud?

Brad feels the need for some speed and takes eight lucky ladies out for a true NASCAR experience at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway - the same racetrack where Dale Earnhardt, Jr. and Jeff Gordon will be racing five weeks from now. Brad hopes to ignite some romance on the track, but when he's reminded that Emily has a tragic link to the racing world, the romance is sidetracked. Brad puts everything on hold to comfort Emily, but at the after-party emotions are at an all-time high, as some very jealous women seethe with resentment over his partiality to one woman. Will Brad risk the ire of the other ladies and give the rose to Emily, or will he choose to wave the checkered flag for another bachelorette?

The Bachelor must face the difficult task of taking Ashley H. and Ashley S., two women he's fond of, on the famed two-on-one date, vowing to have fun - even with a painful choice looming at the end of the night. What a surprise Brad has in store for the ladies! They go backstage of the hit show "Viva ELVIS by Cirque du Soleil," where they discover they'll be a part of the performance later that night. But there's a catch: the number they'll perform is a duet, and Brad will need to decide which woman will stay and perform with him. The tension filled dinner does nothing to make Brad's decision any easier, as he sends one woman home in tears.

Brad calls on his therapist to help him figure out how to deal with these emotional women. The solution? He's advised to open up in the face of emotion in order to truly find the love he seeks. At the cocktail party, Brad makes one insecure bachelorette feel special, and connects with another more confident woman who tries to convince him to send some of the women home.

After more tears, eight women remain to begin a worldwide tour with Brad. Next stop... Costa Rica!

The 11 women are:

Alli, 24, an apparel merchant from Columbus, OH
Ashley H., 26, a dentist from Philadelphia, PA
Ashley S., 26, a nanny from New York, NY
Britt, 25, a food writer from Woodinville, WA
Chantal, 28, an executive assistant from Seattle, WA
Emily, 24, a children's hospital event planner from Charlotte, NC
Jackie, 27, an artist from New York, NY
Lisa M., 24, a marketing coordinator from Ottawa, KS
Marissa, 26, a sports publicist from Kissimmee, FL
Michelle, 30, a hairstylist from Salt Lake City, UT
Shawntel, 25, a funeral director from Chico, CA

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2011, 07:44:29 AM »
Interesting read about this one. I also have found out that the upcoming episode of it surrounds kind of a controversy. I've seen this link, which i'll put below and see what you guys think.

Tell me what you think about this one. Thanks!

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2011, 11:38:13 AM »
:welcome: to RFF armand!
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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2011, 01:23:44 PM »
Interesting read about this one. I also have found out that the upcoming episode of it surrounds kind of a controversy. I've seen this link, which i'll put below and see what you guys think.

Tell me what you think about this one. Thanks!

It is an interesting read and I can certainly see how it is controversial. The result could have gone several ways and not necessarily in a good way.

Welcome to RFF armond!

 :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2011, 10:22:43 AM »
This is soo painful to watch! I'm glad though that Madison thought it thru and left on her own.  :escape no way being a model in NY that she doesnt get or cant find a nice guy.  For her, after hearing Emily's story she saw how intense some of the women are and she just wasnt at that level  emotionally/relationship wise

 I give her a HUGE :tup: for doing the right thing!

Michelle is STALKER material.  :lol3:  She creeps up, :peek  goes stealth mode :hides and then gets twisted :flipper when other girls  are making out with Brad.

 I wonder how much manipulating  production has to do to keep her in just for the drama and comedic value she brings! :lol3:

i was thinking the same thing about y creepy girl allways gets so far.. every season??
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 15...Brad Womack
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2011, 09:30:36 AM »
Brad just did an episode on E!'s THE SOUP. this man can't act! Why are they  giving him air time!

zero, zilch, nada, nothing!