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Offline Eugene Schwindlemyer

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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2010, 11:28:13 AM »
10 KIDS!!! (11 counting the one on the race with her)

Gesh, traveling with one adult child should be a break from 10 freaking kids at home...

Oh, uh, good luck whith the race, I guess.

Before you get to carried away and start assuming way to much......she is the mom in a blended family......not all of those 11 kids are hers. She is step mom to a bunch.....

She is the biological mother of all 10 children, plus Jenna.


How do one become mom to so many kids??

ibid (that means "see above")  She is Catholic

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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2010, 02:13:22 PM »
Detailed Hometown Interview:

‘The Amazing Race’ features intriguing local duo
5:00 am September 23, 2010, by Rodney Ho

Birth mom and Cumming resident Andie DeKroon with her daughter, UGA student Jenna Sykes
Over nine years, CBS’s “The Amazing Race” has cast plenty of parent-child combos. None have won the million dollars.

And none have a story quite like Georgia residents Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes.

Cumming resident DeKroon had an unplanned pregnancy at age 22. Unmarried, she elected to give Sykes to an adoptive family. Over the next two decades, she had ten kids she is raising with her husband Joe, an IT consultant.

In 2008, University of Georgia student Sykes decided she wanted to know her birth mom. DeKroon agreed.

For the next 18 months, they wrote old-fashioned letters. No emails or phone calls.

“Jenna’s mom knew her child,” DeKroon said. “She needed to be eased into a relationship.”

“I was very overwhelmed just knowing her name,” Sykes said. “Taking it slow by letter worked for me.”

On September 27, 2009, Jenna posted a seemingly innocuous Twitter feed: “Watching The Amazing Race… Wish I could do it!”

DeKroon, also a fan of the show, had an idea. They had not yet met in person. But they both had an adventurous streak. DeKroon thought, “Why not make the show an opportunity to get to really know each other in an unusual yet meaningful way?”

The pair recorded separate audition tapes and combined them. “When we saw each other’s tape, that was the first time we heard each other’s voices,” DeKroon said.

In March, they decided to have the families meet all at once at DeKroon’s home for the first time. “Everything was really really natural,” Sykes said. “There was never an awkward moment,  even when all 10 kids came running at me.” Later that month, they met again to interview in Los Angeles to get on the show.

Six weeks later, CBS placed them on the cast for the show’s 17th edition. Soon after, they were traveling around the world. Though they can’t yet detail what happened or whether they’ve won the million, both said the experience was indeed amazing.

“We got to spend this time together 24/7 under these crazy circumstances,” Sykes said. “We got to know each other in a way no other birth parent and child has ever gotten to know each other. There were no distractions from every day life.”

CBS did not allow DeKroon to contact her other family members at all during the three-plus weeks of the race. The producers would merely tell her husband weekly that she was alive.

“As hard as it was,” DeKroon said, “getting to spend time with my first born after 21 years of wondering about her was priceless."
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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2010, 02:46:14 PM »
There were some kinda mean comments under the article that Peach posted above. Its too bad that Andie may end up having to explain her decisions in life to haters...

In case you miss it, Andie posted a comment of her own that sums things up pretty well:

September 23rd, 2010 11:22 am

Hi all! Thanks for your support! Rodney – great job on the article – thank you! In answer to everyone else’s questions, I felt Jenna deserved what I had growing up – two, loving married parents. That is why I chose her family for her. Later, I married and began having children of my own to raise. We are practicing Catholics, so yes I ended up with a big family compared to most! But my husband and I love kids and love being parents, so it works for us. Wouldn’t the world be a boring place if we were all the same? In answer to xynox – I say 10. Jenna’s parents are 100% her parents and always will be. Sometimes, if I know someone well, I’ll tell them about her (and now of course, it’s “public”) and my children have always known about her and prayed for her, so they were excited to finally meet her. She will always be a huge part of our hearts. But she has a Dad and Momma she loves very much and my meeting her doesn’t change that. Our two families know this is an odd situation, but we hope it will be an example to others how to treat each other and how with love you can overcome any difficult situation. The word seems overused lately due to the Race, but life truly is AMAZING!
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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2010, 03:05:09 PM »
I personally don't believe Andie owes any explanations to anyone but Jenna, but how wonderful of her to do so.

She and her family, and Jenna and Jenna's parents are an inspiration, all chosing to go thru this together with love.

I think Andie is pretty AMAZING myself, and can't wait to see the two of them  RACE!!
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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2010, 03:36:44 PM »
Ditto what Peach said........I look forward to watching these extraordinary people on an amazing journey, courtesy of the Amazing Race.....
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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2010, 11:54:47 AM »
Detailed Hometown Interview:

‘The Amazing Race’ features intriguing local duo
5:00 am September 23, 2010, by Rodney Ho

Birth mom and Cumming resident Andie DeKroon with her daughter, UGA student Jenna Sykes
Over nine years, CBS’s “The Amazing Race” has cast plenty of parent-child combos. None have won the million dollars.

And none have a story quite like Georgia residents Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes.

Cumming resident DeKroon had an unplanned pregnancy at age 22. Unmarried, she elected to give Sykes to an adoptive family. Over the next two decades, she had ten kids she is raising with her husband Joe, an IT consultant.

In 2008, University of Georgia student Sykes decided she wanted to know her birth mom. DeKroon agreed.

For the next 18 months, they wrote old-fashioned letters. No emails or phone calls.

“Jenna’s mom knew her child,” DeKroon said. “She needed to be eased into a relationship.”

“I was very overwhelmed just knowing her name,” Sykes said. “Taking it slow by letter worked for me.”

On September 27, 2009, Jenna posted a seemingly innocuous Twitter feed: “Watching The Amazing Race… Wish I could do it!”

DeKroon, also a fan of the show, had an idea. They had not yet met in person. But they both had an adventurous streak. DeKroon thought, “Why not make the show an opportunity to get to really know each other in an unusual yet meaningful way?”

The pair recorded separate audition tapes and combined them. “When we saw each other’s tape, that was the first time we heard each other’s voices,” DeKroon said.

In March, they decided to have the families meet all at once at DeKroon’s home for the first time. “Everything was really really natural,” Sykes said. “There was never an awkward moment,  even when all 10 kids came running at me.” Later that month, they met again to interview in Los Angeles to get on the show.

Six weeks later, CBS placed them on the cast for the show’s 17th edition. Soon after, they were traveling around the world. Though they can’t yet detail what happened or whether they’ve won the million, both said the experience was indeed amazing.

“We got to spend this time together 24/7 under these crazy circumstances,” Sykes said. “We got to know each other in a way no other birth parent and child has ever gotten to know each other. There were no distractions from every day life.”

CBS did not allow DeKroon to contact her other family members at all during the three-plus weeks of the race. The producers would merely tell her husband weekly that she was alive.

“As hard as it was,” DeKroon said, “getting to spend time with my first born after 21 years of wondering about her was priceless."

This is really touching.. Andie and Jenna, you'll be missed. :hearts:

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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2010, 05:16:58 PM »
An interview from digitalspy.  It seems like only Andi is involved in this interview:

How long was it between you rediscovering each other and deciding to apply for the race?
"We had been writing for over a year and a half and had gotten to know each other pretty well through old-fashioned letters; no emails or talking on the phone yet at that point. Then Jenna had posted on her Twitter, 'Watching The Amazing Race, I want to do it', or something like that, and I saw it and love The Amazing Race so I thought, 'Wow, this could be really neat'. I knew her well enough from the letter-writing to know she loves to travel and loves adventurous things so I just asked if she would be interested in applying with me. She immediately said yes and we went from there."

Is it true that the first time you heard each others' voices was in your separate audition tapes?
"Yes, that's true!"

When you were on the race were you worried about being on your best behavior because you were still getting to know each other, and do you think that could have affected your chances?
"Well, luckily Jenna and I have real similar temperaments where we kind of react to things similarly. If there is a high-pressure situation or you are kind of in an emergency, neither one of us freaks out; we both stay focused on what we need to do and stay calm. That doesn't mean we aren't freaking out on the inside! It doesn't mean we aren't stressed! We are able to do what we have to do to get through it and we kind of figured that out. The first leg of the race was harder because we were still figuring things like that out and yes, we want each other to be proud of each other; we don't want to disappoint the other one so maybe we are a little more polite. But we had actually gotten into a good groove and were working well and communicating really well together on the second leg which is why it was really disappointing when the cab driver was so bad and we ended up out. We felt like we were getting good at it and could work well together and could go on but it didn't happen."

So you would say the cab driver was a big reason behind your exit?
"Yes, and we actually had two bad cab drivers. We had researched how to get from Accra's airport to the memorial where we had to go at the airport before we left London, and so we had a map and everything and when we got in the cab in Accra we handed him our map and showed him where to go. He took us this really roundabout way; we're not sure why, whether he wanted us in the cab longer to make more money or what. By the time he finally got us to that memorial it was so frustrating because we were the last team and it put us behind, but Jenna was able to go into the roadblock and do a great job. We pulled ahead of some of the other teams and we were real hopeful again, and then we got an even worse cab driver! This one kept telling us, 'Oh, yeah, yeah I know where that market is', but he took us all the way to the other side of the city and by the time we had finally gotten another cab, he was a really good driver but it was too late; he was driving like a mad man trying to get us there but it was too late. We feel good about it though because it wasn't our fault but it was also frustrating to have it out of our hands."

The race is very high-stress and very high-speed. Did you have the time you wanted to bond and talk and share stories or was that not really the point of the race for you?
"Jenna and I had a lot to talk about when we first met and spent time together in LA. The first time we were ever alone we didn't stop talking and I was able to tell her the circumstances of her adoption and all her questions were answered. We really kind of bonded before and then when we got on the race it all worked out that we were real compatible and just got along real well. I know it's hard for some people to understand how we could do this after having just met, but we just clicked really well."

Was it a hard decision to share this story with the public?
"I think the reason we were willing to do this in a public way is that I, for one, wanted to be maybe a source of encouragement for other people who might find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy; not to despair, that things can work out and they can work out in this really beautiful way. Jenna will tell you that she is just happy to be here, she wants the world to see that life can be a great choice. We don't want to be in your face about it or anything like that, but just to tell our story of how a difficult situation for me turned into such a blessing for Jenna and her family and me."

Have you any regrets about deciding to race?
"Absolutely none at all. The way our lives are; Jenna being young and a student and she's going to have a career and her own family and this-and-that, and she's real busy with her parents and very much involved with her friends, we would never have had this deep, quality time together. I figure we would have probably had lunch or gotten together now and then, but it would have always been kind of a surface relationship. This, to me, was such a gift because I feel like I know her really well now after 21 years of wondering about her."

You both traveled before. Did that help or is this just a completely different experience that you can't prepare for?
"I think it helped us in that we were used to going to different cultures and maybe if we hadn't it would have been a complete culture shock. I don't think either one of us had ever been anywhere like Accra with all the poverty; that was overwhelming. We were definitely used to planes and trains and cars and everything like that so that probably helped us a lot!"

Do you think you will travel again together in the future?
"Probably not together. As I said, Jenna has a family and it was not my intention with all this to step in and be her mom. She has a mom that she loves so much. That was why it was important for us to have this time together and make the most of it and we didn't take that time together for granted at all because we knew this was probably it as far as extended periods of time together. We both love to travel so I'm sure we'll travel separately. I have my family and they want to go places too! I think my daughters will be next in line if I go on a trip! They all love Jenna and have really enjoyed getting to know her. Who knows? Maybe they can travel together."

How did your kids react to seeing you on TV?
"They absolutely loved it! They invited over all their friends and had a big party. They laughed when I stalled the car! It was a great time."

Is there anything you wish you'd done differently on the race?
"I definitely would have practised driving a stick more. I only went out one day, unfortunately, and then in England you're on the left side of the road, using your left hand and with the small narrow roads and roundabouts, it was so much, and there was stop-and-go traffic. When I went out and practised I was fine, but I wasn't in those conditions, so I might have worked harder on that. But ultimately that didn't get us eliminated so I think we have no regrets on the second leg and that feels good. There is nothing we could have done differently that would have changed the outcome so we feel good about that and we are proud of ourselves."

Did you bond with any of the other teams and is there anyone that you think could be a real competitor?
"We definitely bonded with the Princeton boys; they helped me when our car died and immediately in the airport we connected with them and were sharing information and they are great guys. As far as competitors, boy there are a lot of them this season! What was neat is that we really did like all the teams and felt like anybody who won we could be happy for. There wasn't anybody who was unpleasant or mean to be around which was really nice. Running the race with people who you like is way more fun!"

What's next for you?
"I'm a mom so I'm busy with kids! This is such a different experience having been an at-home mom for a long time. It was a dream come true on one hand to spend time with Jenna and then to do The Amazing Race which was so exciting and fun. I look back on this whole past year and think, 'What a miracle'. This has been such an awesome year. I don't know what is next that can top that, I might have to run a marathon or something!"

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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2010, 06:03:54 PM »
And another quick interview/article from

The Oct. 3 episode of Amazing Race has come and gone, and so has mother-daughter team Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes. They were the second pair eliminated!
But for these ladies, it wasn’t just about winning – it was the first time they had ever met face-to-face! And unfortunately for Andie and Jenna, their loss wasn’t even really their fault. The first two cabs they got into that day to take them where they needed to be got the team lost – despite the fact that the ladies had maps. “He told us he knew the way, but in actuality took us all over the city,” Andie tells exclusively. “By the time we realized he would never get us there and switched cabs, it was too late.”

“It was the definition of bad luck,” Andie says. “And it was unfortunate, because we were working really well together.”

The mother-daughter duo still managed to have a positive experience — going on the show brought them closer together. They had been writing letters to each other for almost two years, when Andie saw a tweet from Jenna stating how much she loved The Amazing Race.

“We just wanted to get to know each other in the best way possible – take off the makeup, get underneath, and see each other for who we really are,” Jenna says. They make sure that they still keep in contact. “We talk a lot, and text each other.”

And Jenna has some advice for anyone hoping to be on the shows someday: “Be yourself, and stick to that. Don’t try to fit a stereotype.” Also, you’ll never know what could happen if don’t try.

“Don’t be afraid to go for it,” Andie adds. “Dream big, because you never know.”

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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #33 on: October 06, 2010, 10:16:56 AM »
Here's a great interview from Realitynewsonline.  Andi & Jenna discuss in a little more detail the history of their relationship and respective families.   

Reality News Online: Hi, Andie & Jenna! Thanks for talking to Reality News Online!

Andie & Jenna: Thank you!

RNO: What made you decide to apply for The Amazing Race?

Andie: We had been writing letters to each other for about a year and a half and we knew that we wanted to meet at some point. I happened to see Jenna tweet “Watching The Amazing Race. I want to do it.”

I got excited thinking our lives are so busy and this might be a way we could leave all the distractions behind and really get to know each other on a deeper way then we would in normal, everyday life. I also just really thought it would be fun and cool to be on the Race – and I knew that Jenna was kind of like me in that she loves to travel and likes to do adventurous things. It just evolved from that twitter.

But we had been talking for a year and a half. So we knew each other pretty well just through letters.

RNO: Jenna, you seemed to do a good job at the sunglasses Detour. How long did that take you to complete?

Jenna: I just wanted to get it done as quickly as possible. I really had no concept of how long it really took. I just tried to keep going. But we did show up in last place and we left in sixth place – so that was pretty cool.

RNO: How far behind Gary & Mallory did you get to the Pit Stop?

Andie: Just a few minutes, maybe ten minutes at the most. So it was very close.

Jenna: We thought we were last by a larger amount than that. It turns out we were pretty neck and neck.

RNO: How long was your driver lost on the way to Peace Motors? It looked like you lost most or all of the time you had gained on the sunglasses Roadblock.

Jenna: It was awful!

Andie: There’s so much coming at you that I don’t think anyone of us had any awareness of time itself. All we know is that this guy said he knew where it was – and that’s why we stayed in the cab with him – but he took us all the way to the opposite side of the city from where we needed to be.

By the time we finally got out of his cab and got in another one, the guy was racing through the streets to get us there – but it was too late.

RNO: Some of the later teams who were lagging got their taxis to drive like crazy to get to the Pit Stop. Did your taxi driver do that?

Jenna: I wish they would have shown it! We were freaking out just as much as any of the other teams. We had our horn blaring and our taxi made an extra lane as well. We were just cringing in our seats, just wanting to get there as fast as possible.

RNO: Unlike many teams who have known each other for quite a long time, you don’t know each other as well as those teams. What was the most difficult thing about going into the Race with someone who you didn’t really know all that well?

Andie: We decided that there were advantages and disadvantages. A disadvantage was that we had to train totally separately. We weren’t in the same city. Everything we did to get ready for the race was not together.

We would talk and we chatted about what we were each good at. We were both watching old episodes of the Race so we could talk about “If this were the challenge, which one of us should do it?” But, ultimately, until you spend time with someone you don’t know all the little things about them.

What we found was that the first leg in England was a little tough. We were starting to get to know each other, but it was hard. We had issues with the car… But we did figure it out. At the end of that leg and the beginning of this leg, boy we felt we were great together and communicating well together.

So, there was a learning curve, but I think we made up for it pretty fast. That’s why it was a shame that something out of our control ended up getting us eliminated. We thought we were really communicating well and working well together.

RNO: It seems like you did well at both the main tasks this past week, but it was the dreaded Amazing Race taxi cab of doom that did you in.

Jenna: Oh, totally!

Andie: At least we can hold our heads up and know we did a good job and it wasn’t our fault. It could have been any team that day with those taxi cab drivers not knowing where they were going and the craziness and the traffic, it could have been any one of us that day.

RNO: Andie, you said you have been writing letters for over a year to each other and you told Jenna that your gift to her was choosing who would raise her yourself. You’ve talked about how this is really your only time together. Why is it that you never met previously?

Andie: Nowadays, you see these really open adoptions where the birth mother gets the child every summer for a week and this and that, but when Jenna was born it was open in the sense that I actually chose her parents for her, and I knew they shared similar values for education and being Catholic and all these things that were important to me.

They would periodically send me a picture or a note saying how she (Jenna) was doing. That was always so great to hear, but it wasn’t open like many adoptions today.
I gave Jenna’s parents a note saying how much I loved her and that I had prayed for her every day of her life and I made it clear to her that I didn’t expect Jenna to have a relationship with me, but that my door was always open if she wanted one.

Right after her freshman year of college that movie, Juno, came out. It got her kind of curious. Jenna went to her parents and started asking questions and they were able to give her that letter from me. She wrote me back.

We took it slow. It was a really great way to do it, very much with her parents involved. I’ve talked to Jenna’s mother many, many times on the phone. Her mother knows her best and this was going to be the best way to handle it.

RNO: Besides finding out you’re both double-jointed and have frizzy hair, what did you learn about each other on the Race?

(Both laugh.)

Jenna: I think we both have very similar temperaments and I think that was to our advantage on the race because we didn’t break out fighting. We didn’t waste time with that. We were very meticulous and calm and collected.

In high stress situations we tend to get very focused and determined and we don’t lose our cool that much. So that was nice to see how we’re similar in that way.

Andie: Jenna was raised exceptionally well. She has a very mature outlook on life. I love her world view. She has such security in who she is. She’s very confident. She knows who she is and who her family is, yet she still has this warm, open heart and give me that comfort of meeting her after wondering about her all these years.

Jenna’s a very loving person and that was neat to learn. I mean, I didn’t know who she would be! I just feel like it couldn’t have turned out better.

Jenna: I just want to add that I always knew that Andie was a loving, giving person – just because of what she did. So I knew that I already respected her and I thought she was just so great. It was really nice to have that be real. I definitely wasn’t disappointed. Andie’s awesome.

RNO: Jenna, how do your parents feel about watching you and your birth mother on the Race?

Jenna: My concern when it comes to them, was that I didn’t want anyone to think that I was trying to fill some sort of void in my life. My mom is just the best mom. There’s no way to have a void with a mom like that. She’s awesome.

I’m so thankful to them that they support me. They really cheered me on.

RNO: I do think that came across from both of you on the Race.

Andie: We’re both very grateful that they gave us their blessing. I mean, what generosity!

RNO: In what way do you see your relationship continuing now that you’re done with the Race?

Andie: I think we’ll always be friends, we’ll always keep in touch. Jenna’s 21, she’s not going to want to hang around with me that much. But we’ll always be friends and she knows my door is always open. She knows I love her and we’ll keep in touch.

She texts me now and then and I love it. It’s a great, easy relationship. We’ve said that we never want to stress each other out with any expectations. Whenever we hear from each other is great, but there’s no pressure.

RNO: Andie, how does your family feel about you doing the Race with Jenna?

Andie: Well, my kids have always known about Jenna and they’ve always prayed for her. They were so excited to finally get to meet her. It’s been all positive. I think if they hadn’t have known about her it might have been a totally different thing. But they were excited! They love the Race.

Jenna will tell you, my other kids and Jenna are all Facebook friends now. They text and my son goes to UGA where Jenna goes. He’s a freshman and she’s a senior and they’ve gotten together for lunch. My family loves Jenna.

RNO: Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experiences on the Race?

Andie: Dreams do come true – on so many levels. It was just a dream come true to run the race. It was a dream come true to be with Jenna. So, dream big.

Jenna: Exactly. It’s awesome that a mother of 10 children can still take out time for herself and do something that she would have never fathomed. For people my age who are graduating and about to go out and the world and get a job – everyone’s nervous about it, but this experience has shown me that anything is possible. You can do anything you want to do if you try. I think that’s a really important message.

RNO: Thank you for talking to RealityNewsOnline today!

Andie & Jenna: Thank you!

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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2010, 12:21:00 PM »
It was really sad but fun reading their interviews!

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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2010, 03:00:19 PM »
removing this because the person in the post has FOUND a "forever home" all is good!

Love to Andie and her awesome family!
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 01:11:28 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2010, 06:30:03 AM »
Awww, so sweet! :hearts:

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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2010, 01:11:46 PM »
Pay Pal is possible too, let me know if anyone needs the details..
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Re: TAR 17: Andie DeKroon and Jenna Sykes -- Birth Mother/Daughter
« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2011, 10:34:13 AM »
Andie posted one of the funniest April Fools Jokes yesterday........I am still laughing!!!!!

Andie said.........." I just foung out I am going to have my 12th child!!!!................APRILS FOOLS!!!!
Matthew 7:15