Author Topic: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures  (Read 23527 times)

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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #50 on: August 20, 2010, 05:43:51 PM »
Hahaha, I love the picture of Matt holding the bag of pretzels.  :lol3:
"I defy you to come up with a better name than Seven!"
"Alright... how 'bout Mug? Mug Costanza!"

Offline LLeif885

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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #51 on: August 23, 2010, 03:55:08 PM »
It is crazy how empty their weekly CR picture is beginning to look.  It doesn't feel like that many people have left already...

Offline ugot2bekidinmeny

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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #52 on: August 26, 2010, 11:53:45 AM »
HoH Blog Post #7: Britney
August 25, 2010

Hello America!!!!

I have been so anxious to get to do one of these blogs, and I finally won HOH and got my chance! I want to take a moment to first express my incredible gratitude to each and every fan out there! I have been a BB fan for so many years myself, but never realized how important it really is. Without you guys, we wouldn't have this amazing opportunity. We still aren't even sure that we really have fans out there, but in the event that we do, we would like to all say THANK YOU!!!! Ya'll are the BEST ever and we are so thrilled that anyone cares about us in the least. Keep watching and cheering us on; your support is what keeps us going!


Now for the completely mushy part of my blog that many of you may wish to skip over: SHOUT OUTS! I talk to the live feeds a lot but am never sure that anyone hears what I say, so bear with me as I take the time to make sure the people in my life know how much I miss them. Mom: I miss you more than I can even say. I never realized how much talking to you saves my sanity. I cannot wait to see you again and get caught up on everything that I have missed. Start planning us a trip to NYC now. We need some time away! I'm sorry I have cried on the show. UGH I know how much we always HATE the people who cry!! I love you so much and want to thank you for being my source of upmost support in this experience. Without you, I never would have had it in the first place. You're the best. Dillon: I hope everything is going well in school. Stay focused and do your homework! When I get home, we will go to the movies and spend some time driving around. I can't wait to see you bubby. I love you so much. Brandon: Thanks for all of your support! I know you are so happy for me and behind me all the way and that means SO MUCH. I love you and can't wait to see you soon! Monica and Summer: UGH I NEED TO TALK TO YOU SO BAD!!! We have SO much to discuss. I can't wait to meet up as soon as this is over and talk for hours and hours. Miss you both TONS. Michael: I think about you all the time and wonder how excited you are about this! I hope you got your house and are doing good! Hold down the hometown for me and I can't wait to see you when I get home. Love you so much! ALL OF MY FAMILY: I love you so much and thanks for your support! ALL OF MY FRIENDS: I am so grateful for you more than ever and cannot wait to hear from each of you. I have the best friends in the world. Love you all!!!! And lastly, Nickolas! Babe (in Australian) I MISS YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH that it is just stupid. You'll never know how much that blanket meant to me. It really keeps me together sometimes. I hope everything is good at home and the pups are on good behavior. Kiss them for me. I am more thankful for our life than I ever was before and I can't wait to get back to it. You can't even imagine how much I think about you and wonder how everything is going. Your support is so tremendously important to me and I couldn't do this without you. I love you more than you will ever even know and I literally dream about seeing you again. Have fun while I am gone and get ready for my return! I love you SO SO SO much. You are THE greatest.

Okay, now that you are all completely grossed out, allow me to continue! This game is getting seriously intense with only 7 people remaining, very soon to be 6. This week was supposed to happen entirely differently than it did, but hey, I guess it all worked out in the end. Regardless of what happens in this game I do have to say that I live with some awesome people. All of the guys are incredible and contribute to this house in their own way. Hayden is one of the greatest people I have ever met. He is such a genuine person with a HUGE heart for people. He lives in constant fear that you guys think he is some kind of doucher. So funny! If you want to give him a hard time, call him Hollywood! Matt is such a cool person. He has a very different kind of humor that I find to be hilarious! He definitely brings a lot of fun to the house. Ragan is just hysterical. He is so animated and can keep you entertained doing nothing at all. He just makes me laugh so much. I love having him in the house for that and many other reasons. Lane is without a doubt my favorite of everyone in the house, which is ironic because he is also the most mean to me! He treats me like a big brother would and gives me a hard time. But he really is such a good person deep down, despite the tough image that he puts off. I don't know what I would do without him here. He straightens me out when I am stupid and makes me tough when I want to break down. He's the best. Enzo is just Enzo. I know you guys love him!! He is the biggest character I have ever met in my life and is certainly a lot of fun to be around! He cracks me up all day long, even when he isn't trying. Literally everything that he does is funny. Everything. He is just awesome. Brendon and I have certainly had an exchange of words a time or two, and I can't say that I enjoy him as a person. However, I can say that I enjoy what he brings to the house, and that is comic relief that he never intended to give. If he wasn't here for us to crack on, we would have to keep talking about Rachel, and even that gets old. But in his defense, he has been much more pleasant as of late and is inching towards tolerable/TOElerable. Game wise, what has transpired so far isn't too horribly off base from where I wanted things to be at this point. My only danger in the house right now is Brendon, and I am working hard everyday to get him out of here and into the Jury house with the love of his life. Cough cough. But who knows what will happen from here! As the options for nominees and replacement nominees get more few, it is tough not to make enemies. If everything goes my way, we will see Brendon go home next, and ultimately see Lane, Hayden, and myself in the final three. That being said, nothing ever goes my way in this house (hello, Pandora's Box!) and I have a feeling it will be more difficult to get to that point than I am hoping for. I will cross my fingers for a smooth ride to the end but I am not naive I am prepared to fight!

Being the only girl left in the house is a weird feeling. I have to listen to them talk about boxing and baseball all day long. I can actually join in on the football conversations, but that's about it. Otherwise, I am left to entertain myself. Which reminds me that I want to apologize for how much we sleep around here!! I know as a fan of the show I would hear the houseguests talk about how bored they were and I thought they were just complaniners. Now I have a whole new opinion on that matter. It really is something you have to experience to understand!! We have been 54 days without seeing or talking to anyone from our lives. Its tough to imagine what that would be like but I can now say that I have done it and it is AWFUL. You have to be much more mentally strong to survive here than I ever gave anyone credit for. I am certain I will live the rest of my life and look back and say this is the hardest thing I ever had to do. However, it's awesome, amazing, and fun as well, which makes for quite the unforgettable experience! I feel so blessed to be here and can't say enough how grateful I am for it. I do try to view our season through the eyes of the fans often and I can't wait to get out of here and see what you think of us, good or bad!

I have to wrap this up, but I want to just apologize to anyone who I left out and say thank you to anyone who cares to read this! BB fans are the BEST!!! I think we have given you all a good season so far! There has been PLENTY of drama and there is still more to come, I'm sure! This place just gets more and more crazy all the time. Never would I have thought I'd be saying that I am about to go have lunch with a penguin, but indeed, that is what I am about to do! :) So keep watching and supporting who ever your favorite houseguest is and know you are so, so very appreciated!!! Enjoy everything you do today, even if that is just going to get groceries or going to the mailbox! We are JEALOUS!!! :)

GO HOGS!!!!!!

zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

Offline ugot2bekidinmeny

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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #53 on: August 26, 2010, 11:55:19 AM »
More Brit's HOH pics
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

Offline ugot2bekidinmeny

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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #54 on: August 26, 2010, 11:56:03 AM »
few more Brits HOH pics
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

Online RealityFreakWill

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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2010, 09:03:10 AM »
HOH Blog #8: Lane

Hey what up this is Lane A.K.A the Beast, coming to you from the HOH!

I want to tell all the fans that we love u all. My family and I are really close and it is very hard being here when you cant speak with them, so every kid, minor or adult call your parents and tell them you love them, cause I wish I could at this moment. Mom, Dad, Gunter, Lorren, jorja and all my niece and nephews I LOVE YOU. I really hope Gunter, Lorren, and Jorja websites are doing great.

This house changes everyday but one thing that doesn’t change is waking up and seeing Hayden and Enzo snuggling. I enjoy the Final 5 here with me, you can def tell that they are great people. Everyday I hear from Hayden how bad misses his mom and sister I can’t wait to meet them. Enzo is one of the funniest guys you will encounter, but also he has a soft spot, he would give up anything and everything for his family, he loves them so much. Brit is like my little sister in here and anytime I can cause her hell, I have made my day successful. She is a very sweet person.

HOH this week was fun and stressful. I got to see pictures of my family and read a letter from home I LOVED THAT, but I had to pick 2 friends to be put up for eviction, which sucked. I enjoy the mornings here because its a day closer till the end. Mom watch for the earlobe tug. Fans we love you ALL keep watching. Family I’ll see you soon love you all.


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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #56 on: September 02, 2010, 09:52:54 AM »

Offline KitKat

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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #57 on: September 02, 2010, 10:54:25 AM »
ok the thing about the earlobe tug....ummmm lane does that often

edited because i am a nice person  :lol:
« Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 11:25:05 AM by hdkitkat »
delightful just delightful

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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #58 on: September 07, 2010, 06:44:03 PM »
HOH Blog #9: Hayden

What’s Up America,

As always the Big Brother house is crazy! I feel so blessed to have made it this far. We are down to four people in the house, and I’m guaranteed a spot in the final three (I’m HoH)!

Now that I've had some time to get to know Brit, I found out she is a pretty cool girl, and to be honest I feel bad about possibly sending her home this week. However I think it’s clear that a Bra-gade final three is more likely than ever and that’s what we all are working towards. I’m hoping that’s what America wants to see too!

The longer I’m in this house the harder it gets, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. The countdown has began and we only have a few more days to go, I can speak for everyone when I say this, we all miss our families a ton! Mom, Terryn, Dad, Joey, Jackson, I read the letters you sent me everyday, its amazing how much a letter means to us in here. Grandma Deal, Enzo, Lane and Brit said to tell you late happy birthday and Hi. I miss and love you all.

Because we are down to four people and literally have nothing to do other than the competitions, the house can get pretty dull during the day. Sorry live feed viewers. We talk about the same topics day after day, and my favorite thing to talk about is the snowboard trip the Bra-gade + Britney is going to take to Steamboat. This is a huge week coming up for me, and everybody else in the house, and all I can say is its going to be crazy! I think whatever happens is meant to be, but no matter what this has been the most incredible experience of my life. I wanna say thank you to everybody who is supporting me, it means so much, and I’m going to do my best to make a run at this thing here in the end.

God Bless,


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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #59 on: September 07, 2010, 07:49:16 PM »

Online RealityFreakWill

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Re: Weekly HOH Blog & Pictures
« Reply #60 on: September 07, 2010, 07:55:17 PM »