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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2010, 01:09:56 PM »
Jeff needs a vacation.  :res:

Or maybe a new job writing Harlequinn Romances.   :smooch:

Jeff soooooooo needs a vacation  :lol3:  :lol3:  :lol3:

Thanks Peach I needed that laugh

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2010, 10:21:37 AM »
Jeff's blog post never fails to crack me up.

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2010, 02:12:36 PM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains' episode 8



Russell lies back in his homemade bed of palm fronds and coconut husk. He takes one last puff before on his imaginary Survivor cigarette before extinguishing it into the imaginary mud.

He puts his arms behind his head and smiles as he traces back the thoughts of last night…



… the seventh person voted out… Boston Rob.

Russell turns to Parvati, who is of course not really there.


(deep sigh)
Ahh. That was really good.

He gives her a peck on the cheek and effortlessly pops to his feet. With a flash he is gone for there is more Survivor left to play.



Boston Rob is gone. Russell is in charge. Or is he? Who really is in charge over at the Villains camp? Is it Russell? Is it Parvati? Is it Parvati and Danielle? Or is it truly a power trio of Russell, Parvati, and Danielle? Expect a battle for true leadership to emerge at some point because Parvati takes a back seat to nobody. Either way you slice it, the Villains are in trouble.

More on that later.

Oh, J.T.: Dude, you got caught! Sweet.

J.T. was like a six-year old kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He can try all he wants to make it a “tribe idol,” but the damage is done. He got busted. It didn’t play out in this episode, but rest assured it will in future episodes. J.T. has some major recovering to do because he flat out got busted and it didn’t go over well with the rest of the tribe that he went looking for the idol without telling anybody.

Coach and Jerri continue to captivate me. Their love story, and in my book it is a love story, is one of the best we’ve ever had. Sure, it may be a story of unrequited love, since Jerri just doesn’t seem to be into it, but it’s been so enjoyable to watch. They make me feel as though I’m in the midst of some sort of 15th century epic war movie where you know Jerri will finally proclaim her love for Coach only as he is dying in her arms after saving her life.


It’s been a long time since we last tried to pull off a “fake merge.” It was way back on Survivor: Thailand when Shi-Ann took the bait, believing that we were in fact merging and ultimately made a strategic mistake that cost her a shot at the million dollars.

This week, we knew that both tribes were expecting (even hoping for) a merge so we played on that expectation even though there was no merge planned for this episode.

The first thing we did was write a tree-mail that would help set the trap. If you go back and listen to the tree-mail again, the content is the same as any other challenge tree-mail. It explains the challenge and it teases the reward. But the way “tree-mail poet” and challenge producer John Kirhoffer wrote it played on their expectations of a merge. It was a subtle shift but it worked. It set the trap.

The result: The Villians believed they were merging and so they took apart their entire camp and brought everything with them to the challenge, anticipating that they would not be going back to their camp.

Yes, that made us very happy because keep in mind that after 20 seasons it is extremely difficult for us to get anything past them. So many players today are students of the game combined with the fact that we’ve used up most of our tricks over the last 10 years. So any small victory is a reason to celebrate.

The next thing we did to help sell the idea of a merge was to let them “see” the reward when they walked in, which is also a bit unusual. Normally I “reveal” the reward only after explaining the challenge. When they saw the food sitting on the table it again fueled their expectations — the food had to be the merge feast. Why else would it be sitting out like that? Wrong again. More celebration for us.

The final lure was the language I used when addressing them, which inclued the beginning words of the phrase that we always use when we merge:

“Everybody… drop… your…”

As I was slowly saying the words, I saw Rupert begin to take off his clothes. I’ll admit I couldn’t help but smile inside. These are our best and smartest players. Some of them have played three times. To pull something over on them on any level is just good ole plain fun.

The final beat was the last word…

“Everybody drop your… expectations.”

It was followed with a large groan by both tribes as they realized we were not merging.

The Villains were especially bummed since they had taken down their entire camp. Yes, they went back to camp and had to rebuild everything.

The Villains do not have a leader. Russell is not a leader. He’s a great strategist, but he doesn’t know the first thing about how to lead a group of people. Parvati is certainly not a leader. She’s a spy. Coach would love to be a leader and if this were a women’s soccer team, perhaps he’d be a very good leader. But this is Survivor and Coach cannot lead a group like this.

Boston Rob was a leader. He led his tribe. But Boston Rob is gone.

When the Villains were strategizing about whom to sit out at the reward challenge, it was Coach that was taking the leadership role. Coach was asking silly questions like “Who is good at bowling?” What? Coach, this isn’t the PBA with oiled up lanes and a Black Diamond 16 lb ball. This is Survivor bowling. It’s 90 percent luck for crying out loud. When you have to sit someone out, the question should never be about the Reward Challenge, it should always be about the upcoming Immunity Challenge. You have to keep in mind that whoever sits out in the Reward challenge has to play in the Immunity Challenge.

Leadership. Forward thinking. Sorely missing.

Sandra is really underestimated. Not only does she know when to avoid a fight, she also knows when to start a fight. Strategy is all about timing, and Sandra is very good at gauging the right time to stir up trouble. She did it back in the Pearl Islands and used it to get the heat off of her back, which allowed her to win the game. She did it again this episode by starting a rift between Coach and Russell. Brilliantly played. I loved it. Let’s be honest, Sandra could have easily been sent home by now and had Courtney been voted out tonight, Sandra would be a shoo-in for next week. But because of her well-timed strategic maneuver, Sandra is still alive.

With this one little move, Sandra again revealed Russell’s Achilles heel. It’s not that he’s “stupid” as Sandra suggested. It’s his ego. Pure ego. In this case, it’s that he can’t stand thinking Coach is having second thoughts about him. Nobody has second thoughts about Russell Hantz. “I’m Russell Hantz!”

With Parvati, it’s his ego that is leading him to believe she really likes him. She doesn’t. Parvati doesn’t like anybody. We all know that. We’ve watched her play this game three times now. She’s a flirt. A very good flirt. A million-dollar flirt. But she doesn’t like you, Russell.

When Parvati and Russell were talking about their plan, she said to Russell: “It’s all falling together perfectly…” Russell should have stopped and listened to his gut. His reply to Parvati — “You’ve done that before…” — tells you that he knew something wasn’t right, but he didn’t listen. The reason he didn’t listen? His ego. To admit to himself that Parvati might be playing him would mean he would have to admit that maybe Parvati wasn’t as “into him” as he wants to think she is. Ego is a powerful thing. Russell’s ego is so powerful that it overrode his usually spot-on strategic sense and has left him very vulnerable. At this moment in the game, Russell is in trouble. He doesn’t see it, but he is.

The villains never really had a chance. Courtney has hurt them in back-to-back challenges. She hurt them last week, and she hurt them again this week. I’m not picking on Courtney! Relax. I’m just observing. Courtney should not have sat out of the bowling challenge. She should have bowled. Sandra should have bowled too. Bowling is a non-contact, non-physical challenge for reward. You don’t put yourself in a position to have Courtney and Sandra both forced to compete in the Immunity Challenge when you only have 5 people competing. That’s nearly half your tribe. I’ll say it again: leadership. Voting out Rob was a mistake they are paying for dearly.

If you find yourself on a tribe with a really great leader or a really great strategist or a really great food provider, or someone who dominates at challenges — think before you vote them out. Yes, they may be a threat later in the game, but that doesn’t mean it makes sense to vote them out immediately. Better to work with them, use their skills to get YOU as far in the game as you can go. Ride the horse in the direction it’s going… then when the end is in sight, you cut their neck. The short-sighted nature of so many Survivor players is the single biggest reason they never have a shot at the money.

In a sense, you have to play this game backwards. Think about it. You must get to the end to have a shot at the money, right? So, you have to survey the scene and ask yourself, who can help me get to the end? Guys like Russell and Rob and women like Parvati and Sandra, they can help you get to the end. If you find yourself in a situation where you sense somebody is very good, latch onto them and take a ride. I’m not suggesting flying under the radar, but I am suggesting you look for someone you fear — and instead of fearing them, join them. Just don’t forget to cut their throat before they cut yours.

Oh, now Danielle wants Courtney gone?!! Finally, a good idea. Danielle is right. But it’s too late, and she’s the wrong person to make a suggestion to Russell. Russell doesn’t respect Danielle. Parvati might have a shot at convincing Russell but she’s fine getting rid of Coach, because remember… it’s all “falling together perfectly.”

This slowly emerging idea that the Heroes think there is a “women’s alliance” on the villain tribe could be their salvation. It remains to be seen how and if it will play out but the Villains will need some sort of a break because right now they are in major trouble.

I won’t do a “goodbye Coach” tribute. You all know that I hated to see Coach go. From my vantage point, he’s one of the most fascinating people we’ve had on the show, but there is nothing to be done about it — he’s gone. My tissue box is still empty from last week’s dismissal of Boston Rob so the tears will have to simply fall down my face and onto the floor.

If you missed the tease for next week’s episode, it’s a good one!!

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2010, 03:16:09 PM »
:waves: thanks for the posting Will!! :tup:

I just love the way this man writes! :lol3:  Spot on Jeff!! :jumpy:

zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

Offline Belle Book

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2010, 07:59:45 PM »
Well, except for crying over Coach (I'd never do that), Jeff's analysis is right on, especially about RussHell!  The guy's got an ego the size of Texas!  And it will do RussHell in.

Belle Book

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2010, 06:03:54 PM »
Love reading his blog. Russell, Russell, Russell... You failed yourself by believing you are almighty. It's sad to see.  :lol:
The choices we make dictate the life we lead.

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2010, 09:13:57 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains' episode 9

Man oh man.  Episode eight and this season has not slowed down one bit.

I know I use a lot of hyperbole in my blogs, it’s in part just so I can read your comments criticizing me for doing so, but sometimes the hype is justified.  That’s certainly the case with what I’m about to write….

JT made perhaps the biggest and boldest move in the history of our show last night.  It will go down as one of the most controversial decisions ever made by a player.  Some will call him flat out dumb, while others… like myself …see the wisdom in what he was attempting to pull off.

More on that later…

I have loved this challenge every time we’ve done it in the past, but this time we added a great twist.  We made it a tribe challenge pitting opposite tribe members against each other and the twist yielded great results.  It was no longer a challenge based simply on strength and will-power, now it mattered who you matched up against.  That changed everything.

It’s very clear that Rupert truly believes he is the strongest person left in this game. I love you Pirate Man, but on this note you’re delusional.  Maybe you were one of the strongest players back in the Pearl Islands, but not this year.  You’re not the strongest.  You’re not even top three.  In a head to head match up in most challenges I’d take Amanda, Candace, Parvati, Jerri & Danielle over you, and I’m just starting.  Most every player left in this game is strong (both physically and strategically) and that’s why it’s going to be an exciting finish.

I think this challenge was won in large part because of the people that had hurt the Villains in earlier challenges.  Sandra and Courtney were shoo-ins to win their match up.  Courtney’s small stature made this an easy one for her to dominate, in fact she won a similar type of challenge in China.  As for Sandra, these challenges play right into her wheel-house because they rely on pure will-power and nothing else.  Sandra has an endless supply of will power.  Like she said during the challenge, “two kids and not so much as an asprin!”  That gave the villains 2 guaranteed points right off the bat.
When I saw the match-ups, I didn’t think the heroes had much chance at all.

Amanda and Parvati have both reached 100 days in the game of Survivor.  You have to tip your hat to that amazing feat.  Both of these women are fantastic players.   You do not last that long in this game three times in a row without doing a lot of things very well.  There are many things you could find to criticize about both of them, but it will never outweigh the fact that they’ve lasted longer than anybody else who has ever played.   Now the question becomes who will have the most days played when the game is over?  Will it still be a tie?  And will either one of them have a million dollars as a result?

The way Parvati handled the finding of the clue and the idol is just one of the reasons Parvati has been so successful in this game. Parvati is playing to win.  Her instant decision to hide the idol note from everybody except Danielle speaks to her prowess in this game.

Parvati: “We’ll fill Russell in on a need to know basis.  Right now he doesn’t need to know.” If she chooses to keep this a secret from Russell and then surprises him with it, there will be repercussions, unless of course she uses it to vote him out.

I’ve said it many times this season because I believe it.  Parvati has found a weakness in Russell and it’s a weakness that haunts most men – our ego when it comes to the opposite sex.  I know some of you don’t like to talk about sex or the relationship between men and women, but there is no denying it plays a part in Survivor and in our daily lives.  Parvati is a good flirt and there is zero doubt in my mind that she senses that she has just a slight edge over Russell so long as she can keep him dancing.

Parvati isn’t kidding when she says she wants to see Russell squirm a bit, she wants it to be very clear to Russell that she’s in charge.  It’s a bold move and I respect it, but whoa girl, watch out if and when Russell finds out what you’ve been doing.  You better use that idol to vote him out or use it to save him in a way that you can sell as an “alliance” move later in the game.  Otherwise this could get really ugly and all the flirting in the world will not save you.

Okay, let’s get down to it.

JT…wants… to… give… a hidden immunity idol… to Russell.   What?!

JT wants to give Russell an idol.  He wants to hand him a get out of jail free card and along with it the power to change the vote at Tribal and decide who goes home.   No amount of hyperbole could over sell this decision.  This is JT.  The guy who won this game in Brazil now wants to give away the single most powerful weapon in the game to the single most untrustworthy person left in the game?

It boggles the mind.  It’s one of the most jaw-dropping decisions I’ve heard in the last 769 days of Survivor.  (My math may be a day or two off, but I think that’s how many days the game has been played.)

It’s jaw-dropping but was it really crazy?  That’s up for debate.  What I like about the move is that it’s a big move and typically (not always) big moves are required if you’re going to have a shot at winning the game.

It’s easy to say it’s a silly idea when you’re watching from home and you know what everybody else is saying and doing.  All JT had to go on was the mistaken belief that Russell was in trouble was probably going to be voted out.  JT reasoned that if they merged then the female alliance would take over the game.  But, if he could save Russell then Russell would be free to join the heroes and they would have the numbers at the merge and JT and his alliance would be in good shape.  Based on the information JT had, it was actually a pretty inventive idea.  If JT was right, it could have swung the game 180 degrees.

And if indeed there was an alliance, it didn’t matter that Russell wasn’t trustworthy because as far as JT knew, Russell had no other option so that made Russell need the heroes as much as the heroes needed Russell.

There’s been a lot of debate about whether Russell had an advantage or a disadvantage since nobody knew anything about him coming into this season.  My take is that he had neither.  We told everybody at the start of the show that they should read a lot into the fact that while they hadn’t seen Russell play, Russell was selected as one of the 5 most notorious male villains of all time.  These are seasoned players, they knew this meant that Russell was a bad dude.  On the flip side, when we asked Russell to join the H v V cast, we told him there is a very good chance you’ll be voted out early because nobody knows you, nobody has played with you and therefore nobody can trust you.  Russell knew that was a risk going in.  So both sides had fair warning. They were just as likely to vote him out in episode one for fear of the unknown as they were to keep him.  Once Russell survived a couple of votes and showed what kind of player he is – intimidating, calculating, cunning – all bets were off.

JT’s hand-written letter to Russell is the kind of moment that reality producers dream about.  You just can’t believe it’s really happening and you hold your breath that he won’t change his mind.  (By the way, you’re no doubt wondering where they got pen and paper?  It was part of Amanda’s luxury item that they won in an earlier episode.)

When the hand-off of the idol and the note finally happened the entire producing team popped a bottle of champagne.  Okay that’s a lie, we don’t drink while shooting the show.   But when we got back to basecamp. Whoooeee, it was party time!  Actually, that’s another lie.  When we get back to basecamp, most of us fall asleep at catering.  Okay, fine… that too is a lie, a lot of us avoid catering because it’s not the kind of catering you’re imagining.  It’s more like Army catering.  Hold your plate out and take what’s given to you.  So there wasn’t really any formal celebration.  But inside, we were really jazzed.

At the end of the day, hindsight is once again, 20-20.  Turns out there isn’t a female alliance and as a result JT and the heroes just made a huge mistake.  A monumental mistake.

Once again the credit for this goes to the Villain tribe with “special recognition” to Russell for a Golden Globe worthy performance.

Hopefully you were so enraptured that you didn’t even notice the amazing camera and audio coverage during the challenge in which all of the idol drama played out.  So let me pat our team on the back.  We were all over it.  First, our crew captured Colby telling Russell the plan as the two stood out on the platform during the challenge.   Then, our producers and editors found a beautiful way of letting the moment play within the challenge by fading the audio of the challenge and bringing you right into the moment of their conversation out in the middle of the water.

Then, we got a little love from Mother Nature when she brought us a heavy rain which added to the drama… and you know how much I love me some rain during Survivor.

Finally, our camera crew captured JT giving Russell the idol when they hugged after the challenge.  All of this was done without giving anything away to any of the other players.  It appeared to be just another challenge.

For all of my lippy comments and for all the times I take credit for things that I have nothing to do with – here’s the real truth… It’s humbling to be a part of this team.  Ten years ago I got the greatest break of my career when I stumbled onto this show.

If I may…  Survivor: Heroes v Villains is as good as it gets when it comes to storytelling in the reality world and even a lot of the scripted world for that matter.  We’re twenty seasons in and the show is as strong as ever.

I hold no hope for any love from the Emmy’s but I would be lying if I said I didn’t think the show deserved to be recognized again for outstanding achievement.   Am I biased?  Sure.  Do I believe it?  Absolutely.

I’m sure most of you have noticed that I’ve been more vocal and more aggressive at Tribal Council this season.  The reason is pretty simple – these 20 players are very experienced and as a result very good.  To get anything out of them you have to be more direct and more relentless.

I hope you all understand that I never bring up anything at Tribal Council that hasn’t already been discussed or isn’t already known.  I would never betray or reveal secret information.  When you hear them fighting back with me, that’s just part of the game and often, the words they are saying to me, are actually intended to send a signal to someone else.

It’s a very elaborate game of cat and mouse and the reason this season is so good is because we started with 20 fantastic players who continue to deliver week after week.  I bust their chops on this blog every week because that’s the fun part of writing a blog, but since I’m feeling very “confessional” today – the truth is we painstakingly hand selected every person this season and we’re really pleased with the results.  Every single player gave us something, even Sugar.  Every single player left in the game has a legitimate shot at winning. Even Candace.  Ah, I love to kid Candace.

You may find this hard to believe but I miss her.  I really dig Courtney.  One of the reasons I enjoy her is her laser sharp wit.  She could talk me under the table (as you saw at many a tribal council) but I still like taking my swings.  I think Courtney enjoyed herself out there more than she likes to admit.  I look forward to seeing her on the jury.  I expect interesting wardrobe choices and lots of dramatic facial expressions during Tribal.

While we’re on it…

I would be remiss if I did not comment on Coach’s wardrobe as the first jury member.  Love him or hate him, the man owns his “personae” and I dig it.

Until next week.

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2010, 08:31:13 AM »
I can't wait on Jeff's takes on this week! :lol:

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2010, 10:30:16 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains' episode 10
by Jeff Probst
Categories: Reality TV, Survivor
Image Credit: Monty Brinton/CBSWHO WRITES THIS STUFF?

First off, let me just say that I share your “speechlessness” regarding tonight’s episode. By the way, I love creating new words.  Would someone please add “speechlessness” to the Survivor dictionary or at least Wikipedia.  Because after tonight, I feel like all Survivor fans have just shared a bit of Survivor church.  I am still in shock at how good this season is and I was out there shooting it!!  Name another reality show having a better season than Survivor.  Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Okay, onto the blog…


Well for once this season, Rupert was actually right.  Not only about the game getting “crazy…” but also his gut about whom to trust.. Sandra or JT?  He was spot on in choosing to believe Sandra.  Then again, it was more of a lucky guess than anything else.

Imagine having to make that choice.  Russell or Sandra.

It’s very easy to know the right choice when you’re sitting at home with that big bag of Doritos in your lap, your fingers orange from the artificial flavoring.   But imagine having to choose between trusting Russell or Sandra without any outside help.

What a choice.  They are two of the craftiest players in the game, both of whom are capable of lying with absolute conviction.  I can see why Rupert believed Sandra and I can see why JT did not.


Once again Colby drops out of another challenge.  I think he has been one of the biggest surprises and many would probably say one of the biggest disappointments of this season.  But the truth is it just shows you how unpredictable this game can be and how big of a factor luck can play in how long you last.  The challenges this season have not played to Colby’s strengths so he has struggled.  The alliance he chose didn’t last, so he has struggled.  Because he has struggled, his attitude has waned from wanting to quit to fightin to stay alive. Survivor is not an easy game to play.

This challenge certainly favored women as we witnessed with Danielle, Parvati and Candice battling in the end.  I do not understand why Candice stepped out of the challenge.  Even after questioning her at the challenge it still makes no sense.  Immunity is everything in this game.  She had a very good chance of winning.  I do not understand why you would step down at this point in the game.  I really think Candice is in a good position to go deep in the game right now but her logic in this situation really baffles me.

Not only did she give up personal immunity for herself, but in stepping down she gave immunity to someone from the Villain tribe which gave the Heroes one less person to vote for at Tribal Council.  Add in the two immunity idols that Parvati had and the Heroes really had no chance at Tribal.


Once again Rupert’s observation was spot on.  Noticing how easily Parvati, a true competitor, agreed to bow out of the challenge raised a big red flag to Rupert.  She must have immunity otherwise she would never step down.

He was right.  Parvati had immunity.  Here’s another question I have – and maybe my logic doesn’t make sense as I am literally thinking about it only while I’m sitting in my home office – but since the Heroes knew that Parvati had an idol, why didn’t their thinking continue to the point of realizing that Russell was also lying.  He had said that Parvati played an idol, right?  Maybe I’m missing something obvious, but seems to me Russell may have dodged another bullet tonight.  He was a sitting duck.


In case you’re wondering, my office is pretty small.  It’s not connected to my house either. It has hardwood floors that I had to replace about three years ago after a particularly wet winter.  I have a poster from a movie I wrote and directed, “Finder’s Fee.”  I have a poster from a show I created and hosted, “Live For The Moment” that nobody watched so it’s off the air.  I have two very old paintings from one of my grandpa’s.  I have a flat screen that my brother mounted on the wall that I never watch and wish wasn’t there.  I have an old grandfather clock, a few photos from Survivor, some photos of friends and a few trinkets from my travels.  Now you know.


You knew it was coming.  It was only a matter of time.  Two former allies come together again with one major question on everybody’s mind.   Will they partner or will they battle.  I’m so happy they didn’t partner last night.  It’s time they battled.  I hope it continues. I will admit that I loved that Amanda betrayed Parvati.  She just scored points in my book.  Not because I’m rooting against Parvati, simply because I like seeing Amanda really step up.  It’s about damn time.  Parvati didn’t buy it and that’s why Parvati is neck and neck with Amanda in terms of days played in this game.  Amanda’s tell is when she starts feigning “the weight of the world” on her shoulders.  “I’m so confused.  My head hurts.”  Ah, she was doing so well until she gave it away.  Make no mistake, Amanda is a big part of the reason tonight’s vote went down the way it did.


Now let’s get to the good stuff!  Russell is a great player who is making potentially disastrous mistakes because of good ole hormones.  Say what you want, tell me I’m wrong, I remain convinced that he is doing this because of Parvati’s flirtatious ways.

He would not give that idol to Sandra, even if Sandra was in his alliance.  He wouldn’t give it to Danielle who IS in his alliance.  He wouldn’t give it to anybody else, but for a second time… he gave it to Parvati…with no idea she already had one of her own.

Parvati is ballsy, right?  Wow.  She is knowingly double-crossing the one guy everybody else fears.  You know what that tells me?  She’s not afraid.  Parvati is extremely confident.  She smelled Amanda’s bullsh*t and she doesn’t fear Russell’s.  Could Parvati win this game again?  Maybe.  Or maybe by me suggesting it, it means she won’t.  Or maybe I just gave away that she did.  Could Sandra win this game?  Jerri? What about Rupert?  Danielle?  Amanda?  Candice?  Colby?  JT? (Oops, sorry JT).   Did I miss anybody?


It was an excellent tribal council because we have amazing players left in the game.  The many layers of strategy that played out last night was fascinating.  But the highlight of the night and one of the stand out highlights in a season filled with them came at the hands of Parvati.

It was one of the biggest moves ever and certainly the biggest of this season thus far.

The reactions as she passed out the first… and then the second idol were as good as it gets on Survivor.  This is how you play Survivor.  Full tilt boogie.  Parvati just made it into the Survivor Hall of Fame.


Oh, there will be a big aftermath with Russell and Parvati.  You saw him mouth to her at Tribal, “You got some explaining to do.”  Russell does not suffer fools lightly, especially when he is his own fool.  He’s mad.  Burn your house down mad.  This will be their first lovers quarrel.  Yes, I know they’re not technically lovers, but in the game of Survivor, they’re more than lovers, they’re married and this will result in a major spat.

The question is will it destroy their alliance or will Parvati be able to salvage it.  Any bets?


I respect JT for one simple reason.  The handshake with Russell.  It was classy.  He got played and he knew it.  Instead of pouting he acknowledged the move and with his head held high, left the game.  JT went out with a bang for sure.  Many will say he made the dumbest move in the history of Survivor, but in my book it’s how you finish and JT finished strong.


I have a great job.

See ya next week.
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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2010, 09:33:42 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains' episode 11


Last week, Parvati played not one but two idols.  Russell had no idea she had the second idol or he never would have given her his idol in the first place!  You knew the fallout was going to come and the anticipation of it reminded me of my youth, growing up in the wheat fields of Kansas.

In Kansas, tornadoes are common and they often cause major damage.  But just before the tornado strikes, there is an eerie calm.  The wind doesn’t rustle, the rain doesn’t fall.  It’s just calm.  You see neighbors rounding up the bicycles or putting away the lawn mower, cause they know the storm is a comin’ and it’s gonna be bad.

Russell is like a tornado.  A tornado that is lingering just outside of town, slowly swirling, building momentum and gearing up to do some major damage.  You could feel his anger growing, you could feel the emotions beginning to gather steam as they worked their way through his body.

Swirling.  Faster and faster…

If Russell is a tornado, Parvati is the tornado chaser.  She loves being in the eye of the storm because she doesn’t fear a tornado but is in fact is drawn to its ferocity.

It’s a bit like a Spielberg movie, right?  The world’s greatest and sexiest tornado chaser taking on the world’s biggest and most destructive tornado… in 3D!

Although Russell’s tornado turned out to be a false warning, it doesn’t mean it has gone away.  The anger inside him is still swirling.  He is still lurking just outside of town and Parvati knows it.  Russell will not soon forget, check that, Russell will never forget that Parvati betrayed him and since Danielle was a part of that betrayal she better put her bicycle away too, cause this is only the first act and Spielberg always finishes with a bang.


Warning: For those of you who find my “adult themed” comments offensive, please skip down to the section titled “BACK TO PG.”  Otherwise, read on at your own risk.

Colby, Danielle, Amanda.  Could you have put together a more perfect group to sleep together on one bed?  Colby -The rugged heroic cowboy.   Amanda, the pretty and often shy cheerleader.  Danielle, the sexy tomboy who despises cheerleaders. All together in one room with one bed for one night. Toss in a bowl of popcorn, a movie and a clue to the hidden idol and you have yourself the makings of a very interesting night.  It feels, looks and sounds like Showtime, but it’s just another great moment in a season of great moments on Survivor.


Wow.  Wouldn’t you like to see the left over footage from that scene?  Let’s set the stage.  Amanda dressed in bikini bottoms with a hoodie on top is surveying the room, looking for the clue.  Danielle, dressed much the same way, is on the bed eating popcorn and also wondering where the clue might be.  Colby is the only one actually watching the damn movie and he downs a handful of popcorn.

Danielle finds the clue in the bowl of popcorn.  She carefully removes it and then tries to hide it from the others by dropping it on the floor next to her.  As Amanda continues her hunt for the clue she spots it on the floor.

Amanda grabs it.  Danielle tries to grab it back.  The cat fight is on.

Two women, dressed only in bikini’s who haven’t showered in weeks fighting over a small piece of parchment in a hotel room while the seemingly oblivious cowboy from Texas continues to watch a movie on the television.  (Take a moment, and let that sink in.  Go ahead and read it again if you want, because that is exactly what happened.)

Amanda has it.  Danielle wants it back.  So now we have an interesting situation.  Who does the note belong to?  I am not there to referee or make a decision so this is left to them to figure out.  Does it belong to Danielle because she found it?  Does it belong to Amanda because she found it after Danielle dropped it on the floor?  Should they have to share it?  Or does it go to the winner of The cat fight?  Of course I would opt for the last scenario – let them fight it out and the winner gets it, cause let’s be honest, that would be fun to watch.

INSIGHT:  From a rules point of view, there is no rule that covers something this unique.  Neither Danielle nor Amanda had a clear-cut case of possession, so it was up in the air.

My call would have been to have them “work it out” which probably would have resulted in all three of them sharing it together.  That’s definitely what I would have said if I had been Amanda or Colby, “Let’s work it out together.”  I would never have let Danielle walk away with it by herself.  Never.

But then the most amazing thing happened.  The seemingly oblivious cowboy from Texas suddenly wakes up and turns into a pretty decent game show host and without asking permission declares himself the arbiter of the dispute.  Colby then states with an amazing sense of authority that the clue belongs to… Danielle.  Well executed. Nicely done, dude.  You should host your own show.  Bravo.

And then… even more jaw dropping… Amanda, acting like a 5 year old whose daddy just told her to give the toy back to her sister, hands over the clue to Danielle!  She gave it to her!  Are you kidding?

It was one of the most fascinating moments this season.  Human dynamics at play in the oddest context imaginable.

Amanda gave the clue back because she wasn’t strong enough to stand up for herself.  It continues to be Amanda’s Achilles heel in life.  Standing up for her self.  I know she is watching this at home and frustrated once again because she could easily still be in this game if she had only stood up for her self and said, “I’m not giving it back.  I have it.  I’m not letting go.  You were foolish enough to set it aside and I grabbed it.  Now back off before I do one of my favorite high schools cheers and toss you over my back and down the stairs.”   But instead she was intimidated and obediently did as instructed by Colby.

That is what Survivor is all about.  No rules.  Work it out.  The person who makes the most compelling argument often wins.  In this case it was Colby, a guy who didn’t even have a stake in the issue.

CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM TO COLBY:  You did a very nice job of handling the moment.  You took charge and you were clear.  You only made one mistake.  When you fell into the host role, you forgot you were also one of the contestants as well.  You should have made a decision that included you getting to see the clue.  At the very least you should have let Amanda see it.  She’s on your tribe!!!  Giving it to Danielle was a mistake.

What do you guys think?  What should have happened?  What would you have done?


“I am the king of hidden immunity idols.”  I’d have to agree.  Over the last two seasons Russell has proven that he has an uncanny ability to find the idols.  In fact, he’s so good at it that he’s forever changed how we will handle idols in future seasons.

INSIGHT:  Next season it will take more than just looking under a rock to find a hidden idol.  I won’t give away what we’re doing, but in planning our creative for next season we coined a phrase, “The Russell Factor” and it influenced how we will play the hidden idol next season.


She’s a slick one.  She knows when to listen and when to talk.  Sandra is smart.  Who else could tell Russell to walk away and get away with it.

I also appreciate Sandra’s ability to know when to give up the fight and go with the flow.

This is why Sandra is so good… her last question to Candice:  “Tell me who you want out, please.”

Sandra is smart enough to know when she is fighting an uphill battle.  Asking that question was her way of giving in without giving up.  She was offering her vote to the majority to ensure she stays in the game at least one more day.  If you’re in the game you have a chance.


Candice is getting herself into a sticky situation.  When you don’t pull the trigger, people start to doubt you.  When they start to doubt you, they stop telling you things.  When they stop telling you things, you’re in trouble.  Candice needs to make a bold move and soon.


I think the wear and tear of Russell playing back to back seasons may be taking it’s toll.  Far be it from me to criticize how he’s playing, but I think he’s talking too much.


Again, I’m not playing so it’s easy to back seat drive but Rupert’s grudge with Russell seems personal.  Let it go.  Stay focused on staying in the game.  Keep your eyes on the prize.

I love these types of challenges.  Taking a basic idea like “House Of Cards” and turning it into a challenge is what our challenge department does best.  It’s a great challenge because anybody can win and it’s also fun for kids watching the show because this is the kind of challenge you can easily replicate for a Survivor themed birthday party.

By the way – Congrats to Jerri for her first individual immunity challenge victory!


Russell’s quote about Amanda is something I could have lived my entire life and been okay not hearing:

Russell: She’s kinda like Boston Rob in a girl’s body.  It’s a quote I don’t need to hear, an image I don’t need in my mind.  But it lingers.  It’s like when you hear an annoying song by Air Supply as you’re just waking up and the song stays in your head all day.  Now all I’m imagining is Amanda in a white tank-top with a Red Sox cap on—- … hang on a second.  Maybe this isn’t such a bad image after all.


I wish we had more moments like this because they remind me of the reality of what the Survivors lives are really like. They have hours upon hours of idle time where life is absolutely boring.  The fire is stoked, the water is boiled, they’re taking a break from strategy and they’re just hanging out.  This is why, when all is said and done, that so many former Survivors become friends.  It’s a bonding experience that few of us in life will ever get the chance to experience.  I miss these moments in the show.   I wish we had more, but the show is about strategy these days and so that’s where most of the stories lead.


I have to admit and I’m surprised to be saying this… but I found myself a little bummed that Amanda is gone.  As frustrating as she can be at times, she’s a tremendous player.  One of the best.  She only lacks one thing from being an absolute dynamo and that’s the killer instinct.  As stated earlier, it’s the confidence to stand up for her self and claim what is rightfully hers.  Had she done that with Danielle in the hotel room she’d probably still be in this game.

PS.  Sorry I forgot to remind you we were back to the PG rating.

Next week is a biggee.  Two immunity challenges.  Two tribal councils.  Two people gone.

See ya then.

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #35 on: April 30, 2010, 10:54:16 AM »
:waves: thanks Will!! :waves:
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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #36 on: April 30, 2010, 11:42:18 AM »
Amanda gave the clue back because she wasn’t strong enough to stand up for herself.  It continues to be Amanda’s Achilles heel in life.  Standing up for her self.  I know she is watching this at home and frustrated once again because she could easily still be in this game if she had only stood up for her self and said, “I’m not giving it back.  I have it.  I’m not letting go.  You were foolish enough to set it aside and I grabbed it.  Now back off before I do one of my favorite high schools cheers and toss you over my back and down the stairs.”   But instead she was intimidated and obediently did as instructed by Colby.

Amanda, i'm proud of you no matter what!

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2010, 11:10:10 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains' episode 12

Rupert:  “There are no other heroes.”

Oh Rupert, I still love you, but after this season concludes you need shave the beard and create a new persona.  The one has grown tired. The lovable pirate who always puts integrity ahead of winning has served you very well and you will always be one of the most popular Survivors ever.  But it’s time for a change.  Listen, to be fair – I know I could take the same advice myself. Get me a new haircut, a different colored shirt and maybe some new dialogue, cause I’m sure the same argument could be made for me.  The Probst act has grown tired.

But, I’m the one writing the blog so that means I’m going to continue to focus my attention outward on everyone else… and leaving the inward thinking for my therapy sessions.

There were a few themes this episode.  Morality, hypocrisy and exhaustion. All three of them in full force.

It started with Rupert and Colby’s character assassination of Candice.

The reason we brought Candice back as a hero in the first place was because she stayed loyal to her alliance in the Cook Islands.  This time she is playing a different game.  Surprise, she wants to win.  But to listen to Rupert and Colby you’d think she had committed treason or some other terrible crime against humanity.

Colby: “Candice is so weak. She’s so pathetic.”
Rupert: “Self centered, greedy, manipulative. She killed us. Candice is a pitiful player.”

Really?  Isn’t she just playing Survivor like everybody else.  This exchange really stood out to me as a stunning example of what happens when you are tired and frustrated and looking for someone or some thing else to blame it on.  I don’t really think Candice is all those things anymore than I think Rupert is the savior he believes himself to be.  It’s all part of playing Survivor and the game is simply taking its toll on these intrepid but exhausted folks.

Case in point…

There is no doubt left in my mind.  The enormous emotional wear and tear of back-to back Survivors is severely impacting Russell’s game.  The man is flat out tired.  The kind of tired that makes you irritated just to be awake, but so tired you can’t fall asleep.  The kind of tired that lets you know you’re gonna bite somebody’s head off before they even say a word, you’re just waiting for them to so much as breathe… like a snake in the grass.  As a result, the microscopic filter system that Russell had been utilizing when in social situations is gone.

The ugliness that came out of his mouth while sitting across the fire from Rupert just made Russell one of the best candidates to take to the end because his chances of winning just took another nose dive. I’m not saying he can’t pull it out, but the odds are plummeting.   It wasn’t even so much what he said it was how he said it.  It was mean spirited, even for Russell.

I’m not making excuses for Russell when I say he’s exhausted.  He’s done a very good job of showing his true colors.  But I do believe that the emotional drain this show exacts is hard for the audience to truly understand.

The truly great players are “focused” on this game every single second of every single minute of every single day.  That kind of intense focus is so exhausting that once the game ends, many Survivors take months to get back to normal.  Think about it…you are in an environment that takes you out of your comfort zone, no creature comforts, where you cannot really trust anyone, where you have to watch your back at all times and on top of it all, you have to be thinking several moves ahead or you will lose the plot and your torch will be snuffed.

As I’ve said many times before, I’m eating and sleeping every day while we’re shooting and even I am exhausted at the end of a season.  I was a disaster after our back to backs in Samoa.  This game is nuts.  This season has been the most intense season we’ve ever had.  I’m amazed at the level of game play from these contestants.  We may never see something like this again.  It’s truly been a treat, but it’s taken its toll.  Look at their faces, their body language.

On my list of players that are still 100% focused on the game and only the game, there are four: Parvati, Sandra, Russell and Danielle.  All villains.  I know that offends everybody else left in the game but here’s my rational:

Colby is certainly a good strategist but his head has been in and out of the game this season and leaves him vulnerable.

Rupert is a decent strategist, but he gets too lost in the morality of what he deems to be appropriate behavior.  It’s wasted energy.

Candice is very smart but she doesn’t commit fast enough and it’s a fatal flaw.

Jerri just doesn’t have it in her DNA to only focus on the game.  Jerri will take time to enjoy a moment or stare at a sunset… I mean really stare at the sunset…and though it’s a great quality in life, it’s not one that works well in this game.

This doesn’t mean Colby, Rupert, Candice and Jerri can’t make it to the end and win. I’m only pointing out that right now there are four people who are truly focused on this game and with each passing day the toll of the game will make it harder and harder for each of them to focus.  Those who hold it together the longest have the best chance of winning.

I continued to be amazed at how quickly people will step out of a challenge for food.  It happens season after season.  People voluntarily stepping out of a challenge for immunity. Nuts.  They always blame it on “I wouldn’t have lasted long anyway.”  But after 20 seasons I believe it is simply evidence of Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs: Physiological needs – breathing, food, water – will always win out.  Playing Survivor does not even make the top five.

Much like Russell can’t help himself from saying ugly things with true malice, when you’re as hungry as these guys are, the desire to eat overpowers the less immediate desire to win a game show and a million dollars.

Sometimes I understand that people believe in their alliance so strongly that they do not feel they are in danger so they take the food.  But Colby was a surprise.  I’m sure by now Donaldson figures I’m picking on him but I’m really not.  Well, a little.  But come on, this is Colby Donaldson.  There are expectations that come with being the original hero.  One of them is you never give up.  The Colby of old would have stayed in that challenge until his arm fell asleep, then held on as it turned blue and only would have given up when the doctors pulled him out due to gangrene setting in.  But the Colby of 2010 is tired.  He stepped out of another immunity challenge despite knowing he is a major target to be voted out.

Rupert & Parvati were the only two that hung in there.  Parvati represented the villains, and her job was to defeat Rupert so they could vote him out at Tribal Council.  Rupert knew his job – win the challenge so he could stay in the game.  He did an admirable job, finally falling out due to a momentary loss of concentration.  Sometimes that’s all it takes.  Rupert, for all of my making fun of you becoming larger than life, I admire your effort in challenges.

Parvati wins another immunity challenge.  Parvati is a player.  She fights hard on all levels and she always wants to win.  Always.

After Russell played the idol at the last tribal council it was put back in play and boy what fun it was to be able to read the clue to the contestants.  You could anticipate the craziness that was going to take place back at camp.

And whadaya know, Sandra the lippiest Survivor in history finds the idol.  The moment just after she found it – where she is trying to hide it on her person and then ultimately hides it in the jungle – is the kind of moment that makes all of us on the production side smile with glee and jump for joy.  Those real moments are fantastic.

But even better than the Sandra moment was Rupert deciding to put a rock in his pocket and pretend it’s an idol.  And it worked.  If not for this brilliant decision and subtle Emmy worthy performance, Rupert was a shoo-in to be voted out.  This gave him life and a chance to stay in the game.  Sometimes that is all you need.  A chance.

Rupert’s acting was a performance that nobody could appreciate more than Russell.  Ironic, given that Russell is the one that fell for it the hardest.  I’m telling you the man is exhausted.  But it was fun to see Russell fail, right?  It’s always fun to see the guy on top… drop.  It reminded me how many times Russell has been right in the past.  Not this time.  He is slowly crumbling and if he doesn’t get it together quickly and wake up, Russell will not make it to the end.

Colby was on Candice again at Tribal Council.  I really don’t get it.  His lecture at tribal council was an admonishment.  Like a parent scolding their child for misbehaving.  It could be the wear and tear alone or it could be that Colby isn’t used to losing and is having a difficult time accepting it.  Either way it seemed misplaced.  Candice is not even top ten of the dirtiest players in this game.  If she were, she’d probably still be in the game.

Oh-oh.  Russell is not happy.

Russell:  “I’m not fully in control of this game right now.  But you know what, I’m gonna take control of this game so fast they’re not gonna know what hit ‘em.”

Russell …just woke up.

I loved this challenge.  It’s exciting, it’s big and anybody can win.  Parvati continues to impress me.  I don’t know that Parvati and I would ever be great friends and I’m pretty sure she’d be a tough woman to date, but if I’m in a fox hole, with the enemy approaching, I’d be very confident in our chances if she was the one who had my back.  The girl plays to win… at everything she does.

Remember how I said Russell woke up.  Well, he is wide-awake now.  With immunity around his neck, he can now attempt to get back in control of this game.

Russell’s attempt to break up his own alliance is a huge move.  Big moves can cost you the game.  Big moves can also get you to the final.  They’re risky, that’s why they are big moves.  Russell wants to win and he’s afraid that he may get left behind.  This is what you call “going for broke.”  It will either work or it won’t, but there will not be any middle ground.

I appreciate the move.  Whether it works or not, Russell’s game play continues to be one of the big reasons this season is so good.  But he’s going up against Parvati and Parvati as stated earlier, does not back down, from anybody.

Russell and Parvati’s argument in the jungle was their first lovers spat.  Go watch it again.  They are behaving like a couple and they are arguing.  Even their language is different.  It’s the language of a couple.  I know a lot of you are laughing at my ridiculousness, but I’m serious.  I know they’re not a real couple per se, but their bond has gotten to a point where the language reflects something different from mere Survivor play.

Russell’s decision to bring in Colby and Rupert is a perfect example of the hypocrisy in this game.  Russell who moments earlier had sarcastically called Rupert, “the second coming of Christ” offered to align with him so they could take out Danielle.  First he approached Colby, who had no issue aligning with Russell.  Then he approached Rupert, the man who despised Russell so much he had called him a “disgusting terrible human being.”  They bumped fists like brothers, without so much as a word and just like that… they’re allies.

That’s Survivor.  Right there.  Leave your morality at home.  Save your speeches for the shower.  Here’s the thing though.  Russell’s move doesn’t surprise me at all.  He has always said, “I’m a villain who is playing a game.”  Rupert on the other hand has made his name and a decent living off being the morally superior one. You can’t have it both ways.  You can’t stand on a pedestal and proclaim yourself the most moral of all only to hop off the pedestal the minute a better situation presents itself.  Changing sides and changing your mind is fine – that’s basic Survivor.  But you can’t have it both ways.

Let me be really clear about something.  I do not root for Russell.  I do not root against Rupert. I do not root for or against anybody.  I merely observe and comment.  Russell makes no bones about how he plays.  Neither for that matter does Parvati or Sandra.  They play hard and they know it could cost them in the game.  What is annoying me (now I’m the one losing my mind!) is the holier than thou crap spewing out of people’s mouths.  Rupert just proved the point better than any rant I could ever make.  He’d team up with Russell right now if he thought it would get him to the end.  To repeat, there is nothing wrong with changing strategies, but the lectures about right v wrong have grown tired.

Okay, thank you.  I feel better now.  I think I need to go stand in a good rain storm.   Anybody wanna join me?

Wow.  I have to gather energy to continue because what happened at this tribal council was damn near historic.  A breakdown.  The wear and tear that I’ve been talking about this entire blog showed itself again.  Danielle has played so hard.  She has been so focused.  She has given tremendous effort.  But she lost it tonight.  While Parvati remained calm, Danielle panicked and it cost her.  She lost focus.  She took Russell’s bait and he got inside her head.  If only Danielle could have hit pause on the Tivo she could have gotten it back together.  But Survivor doesn’t have a pause button.  It goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.  I would never criticize somebody for being tired.  It’s a result of playing a very difficult game.  It’s just the way it goes.  There was a showdown.  Russell won.  Danielle lost.

She played a heckuva game but she came up short.  See ya on the jury Danielle.

At the live reunion show in NY on May 16th, we are going to crown one Survivor the winner of the “Dumbest Move” in the history of Survivor.  You will decide who wins the trophy!  Cast your vote at:

See ya next week!

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #38 on: May 07, 2010, 04:23:20 PM »
Thanks again Will! :hugs:
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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2010, 06:42:46 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains' episode 13
by Jeff Probst
Categories: Reality TV, Survivor, Television
Image Credit: Monty Brinton/CBSSandra (to Rupert):  “Loose lips sink ships.”

And just like that, Rupert is gone and we are down to one remaining hero left in the game.

Colby.  Like the cowboys of old he stands alone, atop the mountain.  Weathered skin from years of being on horseback, he props a Winchester rifle against his shoulder.  This battle could get ugly.  Then again, the way Colby has played this year, he might just set the rifle down and surrender to the opposition.

It’s been an interesting season for Colby.  He was asked back for this season because he was the first and many (including myself) would say quintessential hero of this game.  But this season has been rough on Colby.  He has not performed up to his or anybody else’s expectations and yet here he is heading into the final episode with a one in five shot at winning the million dollars.  Colby is a great example of why you should never quit in this game or any other game.  You gotta be in it to win it.  He’s still in it.  He could still win it.


You know I love these moments.  I’ll always be a fan of love.   It was fascinating to watch the relationships between loved ones play out during the challenge.  It always reminds me these are real people who have signed on for an extraordinary adventure and an incredibly taxing game.  Rarely on Survivor do you see someone at their best.  Their loved one visit usually illuminates a part of their personality we don’t often see.

It’s clear that Parvati’s relationship with her dad Michael is solid.  He’s a proud Dad who loves his daughter.  They’re both competitive and Dad was doing his best during the challenge, but even in the end I think he was just happy to see that his daughter was healthy and still in the game.  That’s the love of a parent and it’s a beautiful thing.

Jerri’s sister traveled all the way from Germany to get to Samoa and it was clear how happy Jerri was to see her and hug her.  Jerri is obviously a woman who has worked hard on herself and strives to live her life a spiritual way.  Watching them in the challenge was fun because Jerri wanted to win but she also wanted to have fun competing on Survivor with her sister.  Whadaya know, she achieved both.

Colby’s relationship with his older brother was also revealing.  It’s the kind of relationship that only brothers can have.  You can yell at your brother in a way you wouldn’t yell at a sister or even a good friend.  Colby was clearly frustrated with everything about the situation (like he has been all season) and his brother Reid, was a very good sport about it.  That’s also indicative of a brother relationship.  When one bro senses the other is struggling, you give them some slack.

Russell’s wife, Melanie must be a strong woman because as we all know by now Russell is a major strategic game player who never takes his eyes off the prize. Even though I know he wanted to see his wife, he wasn’t going to let his emotions cause any hiccups in his game.  His entire time with his wife was spent strategizing and updating her.  Even their goodbye was about strategy, when he referred to Jerri’s choice of who to bring along on the reward.  Russell: “She screwed up.”

Rupert’s wife Laura has one of those faces that make you want to smile.  For all of the grief I give Rupert for being a bit over the top, when I see him with his wife, I can’t help but smile at the true love they seem to share.  It’s not her first time to the island and she has been a delight each time she has visited.  Their goodbye was out of a movie.  If their life is truly that romantic, that’s pretty kick ass.

But the one that got me and still gets me as I write this was Sandra’s visit from her Uncle, Fernando.  Their chat about the loss of her mother was extremely touching.  On top of that, Sandra’s husband couldn’t visit because he is serving in Afghanistan.  Her uncle was a wonderful substitute and while watching them play the challenge together you saw that they share the same sense of humor that Sandra displays daily along with the same absolute lack of concern for winning something as silly as a reward challenge.


When we get to this point in the game, our rewards usually come with a complication – a consequence.  Jerri was forced to choose two and only two couples to join her on the reward.  Without hesitating she chose Parvati and Sandra.  That left Rupert and Colby and Russell to go back to camp.  You don’t need a Magic 8-Ball to guess what happened next.

Russell, Rupert and Colby all started talking about what a dumb move Jerri made by not choosing them.  The truth is there is no good move when you’re in Jerri’s spot.  No matter whom you leave behind, they’re going to be upset.

So, Russell reaches out to make a deal with Rupert and Colby.  I love it.  A complete 180.  Is it real?  Will it last?  Can anybody trust anybody?  Ha!  That’s the greatest part.  Nobody can trust anybody and everybody knows it.


What the heck was Rupert thinking?  Was that ego that he wanted everybody to know he was working?  Rupert, nobody cares.  Was it anger that he wasn’t chosen to go on the reward?  Rupert, nobody cares.  It accomplished absolutely nothing and it certainly contributed to him being voted out and losing his shot at the million dollars.

I can’t believe I am saying it again but once again Colby Donaldson was first out of the challenge.  If I had told you at the beginning of the season that the biggest letdown would come from our most celebrated hero, nobody would have believed me.  Yet, as mentioned earlier… Colby is still in the game and if he makes it to the final is probably the odds on favorite to win the money.  Crazy.

On the flip side – Rupert fights until he has nothing left.  He doesn’t quit because he thinks someone else might outlast him.  He doesn’t step out because he’s hungry.  He goes as long as he can and not a second less.  Once again he made it a long time in the challenge but came up…. short.

Parvati continues to impress, winning yet another challenge. I’m running out of ways to say it.  Win or lose this season, she’s in the Survivor Hall of Fame and will go down as one of the greatest to ever play.


Wow.  They’re all losing their minds.

Sandra:  Rupert, loose lips sink ships.

Rupert:  Yes, they do.

Sandra:  Yes, they do and they just did.

Russell:  Are you with me or against me?

Sandra:  I’m against you, Russell.

Parvati:  Who invited Boston Rob back to the party. Are you with me or are you against me?

Russell:  What are you all doing… you’re being dumb.  Go ahead and keep playing around.  Holler out whatever you want, you’re diggin a deeper and deeper hole.

For a moment it was like an episode of Lost – nothing made sense.   Everybody was all over the map going into Tribal Council.  Just like I like it…


And the craziness continued at Tribal Council.  What happened to these guys?  They’ve lost their bloody minds I tell you.  It was fantastic.

Parvati was the highlight: From her worthy impression of a cigar lounge, burlesque dancer, nightclub singer with a stoagie dangling from her lips to her 180 degree head turn toward Russell when asked about the “top villain” question.  It was all money.

The most telling moment was when Rupert asked Paravti:

Rupert: “You don’t think you’re the top villain?”

Parvati:  “Nope I don’t.  I’m a hero on the inside.”  Yeah.  Right.  Trust me, Parvati believes she is the top dog of the Villain tribe and that she is calling all the shots.  Likewise, Russell believes he is the top dog and calling all the shots.  If you’re Jerri, Colby or Sandra, this is great news because nobody wants to go to final tribal council with the moniker of “top dog” of the Villains.  Those heroes will eat that person alive.

BIGGEST MOVE: Sandra’s decision to play the idol will have consequences.  Had she not played it, nobody would have ever known.  By deciding to play it she revealed that she had kept a secret from everybody in her alliance and everybody in the game.  Curious to see how that plays out, but it was a big, risky and ultimately wise move.  The idol had no more use after tonight.


Rupert lasted a long time in a very tough season and once again he came up… just short.

Thanks for the great times, Rupert.  You have served Survivor very well.


So, we now head into the final two-hour episode followed by the one-hour reunion show live this Sunday, May 16th from New York City.  There are 5 Survivors left.  One hero and four villains.  At this point I honestly believe it is anybody’s game.

COLBY:  If he makes it to the end, he wins.  Too many heroes on the jury that have too much animosity for the Villains.  Despite not earning it, Colby could soon be a millionaire.

SANDRA: She has to make it to the end with Russell and/or Parvati to have any chance.  Jerri and Colby will both beat her.

PARVATI: Could become the first two-timer winner.  She’s that good and has played that good of a game.

RUSSELL: Could become first time back-to-back loser.  He’s that good and that despised.  For Russell to win it will take a jury that appreciates great game play and let’s go of the social, which Russell simply doesn’t have.  One thing is for sure, he won’t have JT’s vote.  Probably won’t have Rupert’s either.

JERRI:  I think Jerri has a very good shot to win this.  If she gets to the final with the right person/people she just might get rewarded for all of her growth and overall pretty decent strategic game play.

See ya from NYC!

I’ll try to post a finale wrap-up blog later next week.
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #40 on: May 14, 2010, 08:45:16 AM »
RUSSELL: Could become first time back-to-back loser.  He’s that good and that despised.  For Russell to win it will take a jury that appreciates great game play and let’s go of the social, which Russell simply doesn’t have.  One thing is for sure, he won’t have JT’s vote.  Probably won’t have Rupert’s either.

Amanda is the first back to back loser, what are you thinking there Jeff???

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2010, 11:25:40 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs the finale of 'Survivor: Heroes vs Villains'

As I type this I am on the plane flying back to Los Angeles less than 12 hours after Sandra became first two-time Survivor winner.  So bear in mind I’m a bit fuzzy headed and therefore may say things I later regret or later realize aren’t funny or even interesting.

I’m not going to argue whether Sandra should have won or not.  I’ve learned from last season that it’s a bit pointless.  The jury is in charge and the jury made their decision.

Having said that… I will go on record and say that I would have voted for Parvati.  No question.

Not taking anything away from Sandra.  Sandra is a very good player and she does one thing very well – she avoids the vote.  Two times played, two times won, two times never voted out.  Hard to argue against that record.

Had I been given a vote, I would have voted for Parvati because she played her ass off.  She zigged and zagged her away through the Samoan jungle like nobody’s business.  I was truly impressed.    She handled Russell in a way nobody else could have.  The double idol play was bold.  The subtle social game she played was spot on.  I think she played an overall better game than Sandra.

However, I do believe the jury lumped her in with Russell and if that’s the case, then Parvati misread the vibe of the group and it cost her the money. Then again,  I’m just the host and as a contestant recently reminded me at a tribal council, I don’t have a vote, so I don’t count.  Truer words never spoken.  I don’t have a vote.  I don’t count.  So let’s move on…

Russell was too hyped up last night at the live Reunion show for me to get much of anything out of him.  I’m sorry I didn’t do a better job because he had a lot of very interesting things to say about the game and the wear and tear it took on him. All I could do last night was to try to keep him seated in his chair long enough for us to get a shot of him on-camera.  In fact the entire night it felt a bit like a fight might break out at anytime.  In case you’re wondering what I would have done…? I would have just let it happen.  I wouldn’t have gone to commercial but instead would have launched right into good ole fashioned Survivor play-by-play.  But it didn’t.  Instead these guys did what they were put on the show to do, they did their best to entertain.

I feel for Russell.  I do not believe he is aware of how out of balance his life is right now.  He is still stuck in “the game” and it was uncomfortable for me to watch him squirm so much last night and scream so loudly for respect.  He doesn’t need to ask for respect.  He has won the Sprint Player of the Game two times.  He has also proven to be extremely good at getting to the end by being a great strategist and intimidator.  There is no question that Russell is an excellent player of Survivor.

But my opinion of Russell changed when he admitted to Boston Rob that he did not play to win.  You can’t be the best if you’re not playing to win.  He can hoop and holler all he wants about “America choosing” but that’s not this game.  This game is about convincing a jury of your peers that you are the most deserving person.  He didn’t do that.  But my problem is not that he didn’t accomplish that goal, it’s that it wasn’t his goal in the first place.

Boston Rob plays to win.  The fact that he hasn’t won doesn’t change the fact that he plays to win.  It’s a philosophical approach to the game and if Russell truly doesn’t play to win then he has no claim to greatest player.

Here’s the rub… I am not convinced Russell truly feels that way.  Stay with me.  I think Russell did play to win.  100%.  I think he just misjudged and didn’t fully understand the game well enough to achieve his goal.  So now he is changing history.  I believe that last night he was scrambling to make sense, scrambling to defend, scrambling to justify another loss, so he decided that all he ever wanted to do was get to the end.

That’s what I mean about “out of balance.”  The man needs a break.  He needs a retreat somewhere far away where he is not allowed to talk about Survivor, not allowed to talk at all.  He needs a rest.  I don’t imagine he’ll take one.  I imagine he’ll let the anger stir inside him and it will haunt him for a long time to come.

Russell, if you’re reading this and I know you are – I hope, I truly hope you will give yourself a break and let the game go… at least for a while.  Come back and revisit it with a fresh mind and see if you can find ways to improve your game.  Otherwise you are doomed to be frustrated by this game and continue to make silly suggestions like “let America vote.”

Onto other thoughts:

I was happy to hear that Coach has gained some personal insight into how he is perceived as a result of his time on Survivor.  As most of you know, I like Coach and his stories don’t bother me but I love anytime someone changes for the better as a result of their time on our show.  Side note:  Coach really wanted to play trumpet with the band during the Reunion show.  He sent me a clip and he’s pretty damn good, but we just didn’t have any extra time and couldn’t work it out.

I was very surprised at the Sprint Player of the Game vote.  I thought Boston Rob was a shoo-in but evidently he was just gone too long.  I also never thought Rupert would be one of the two top vote getters, not only that but it was really close.  Less than 2,000 votes separated the two.

Candice never looked more beautiful than she did last night.  I think it’s the ring on her finger.  That girl is in love and so proud.  This may surprise those of you who read this blog, but the truth is I really like Candice quite a bit and I’m so happy for her happiness.

Man, I don’t exactly know what is going on with Colby but he still seemed mad last night.

I’m not sure what was going on with James either but word on the street is that he was on some pain medication for his knee and as a result was a bit out of it.

Boston Rob and Amber – who knew they’d make such a cute baby.  I saw Amber before the show and she looks great.  All smiles.  She seems very happy being a mom and Rob is about as proud of his family as you can be without being corny and Boston Rob is rarely corny.

Ethan Zohn also stopped by last night to say hi before the show. I had recently hosted Larry King and he was on as a guest to talk about his cancer being in remission.  It was so good to see him in person, give him a hug and tell him how happy I am that he is healthy again.  I’d love to see Ethan back on the beach playing Survivor again one day.  What an inspiration.

Okay the plane is about to land and I’ll be honest, like I always am…  I am ready to put this season to bed.

Heroes v Villains will go down as one of the greatest seasons ever and that’s thanks to the 20 people who played.

It is so easy to sit at my desk in my office with my patio doors open and make fun of these guys all season, just like they could make fun of me if they had a blog.  But most of them don’t.  So in fairness, after a season full of lippy blogs, I think a bit of redemption is in order.

The 20 people who came out and played Survivor again this year did their very best every damn day they were out there.  Survivor is unlike any other game on television.  No other show kicks your ass the way this one does.  No other show taxes you mentally the way this one does.  And no other show puts you in situations that challenge you to be your best but often result in highlighting your worst qualities under the most unflattering conditions.

I tip my hat to the group of heroes and the villains for not only giving us 13 weeks of amazing television but also for everything they put at stake:  reputations, family time, personal plans and careers to name a few.  They put all this at risk while exposing themselves to the ridicule of lippy bloggers, like myself and Dalton Ross.  They knew that was part of the game coming in but it doesn’t make it any easier.  This was not an easy season for any of them.  Every single player endured some kind of pain and/or hardship.  I hope you are all reading this and I hope that at some point in the very near future you raise a glass and toast yourself.  Well done.


Writing this blog and getting your feedback was, for the most part, an enjoyable experience.  I won’t lie, there are days I am not in the mood to write it but then I remember that for those who do read it, you look forward to it and that always compels me to finish.

I am happy to be back for two more seasons of Survivor and we start shooting very soon.  I hope you will come back and stay with us even though we have a lot to live up to following Heroes v. Villains.

To all the people I met in NY this weekend on the streets, in restaurants, at the hotel, at the airport – thanks for the loyal support all these years.  I’m sorry we couldn’t accommodate more people at the live show.  Maybe CBS should open it up to a bigger venue again as they have in the past.

To those of you still applying who have yet to get on the show – I hope you keep applying.  We miss good people all the time, don’t give up the dream.

To those of you who think I suck as a host or as a blogger… kiss it.

Nicaragua.. here we come!

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2010, 12:54:29 PM »
Wow, I think Jeff might be done with Russell.  He finally figured out what we all knew

Russell doesn't play this game the best. 

told ya Jeffrey

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2010, 05:54:00 PM »
Wow, I think Jeff might be done with Russell.  He finally figured out what we all knew

Russell doesn't play this game the best. 

told ya Jeffrey

I have to agree.  I think RussHell does play to win -- or at least his intention is to win.  But he totally ignores the social element of the game, and that means he's doomed to lose unless he can get control of that ego of his and realize that he needs the social game as well as the strategic one.  I'm not sure he'll ever do so, however, and if I didn't dislike him so much I'd feel sorry for him.

Belle Book

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Re: Jeff Probst's Weekly Blog
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2010, 11:42:34 PM »
I truly believe if Russell had gone to the first finale before starting the second season his game might have changed.  But we will never know...I did enjoy the season! :hearts: