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Survivor 20 Media
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:30:19 AM »
Oh no...I missed this!!  :'(

Did anyone see it?? YouTube??

Ten castaways from "Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains" including Rupert, will present the Top Ten List on the LATE SHOW with DAVID LETTERMAN, Wednesday, Feb. 10 (11:35 PM-12:37 AM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 12:40:03 AM »
here is the preview of it:

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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 09:49:58 AM »
Hey Peach,

It's up on YouTube now:

« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 12:15:21 PM by Mudoogul »

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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 10:32:08 AM »
Here it is.  Not the funniest, but they do look good.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 11:57:52 AM by chill_sd »

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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 11:40:38 AM »
Letterman couldn't even read Colby's name off of his blue cue card.

What a dumbass!
-- theschnauzers

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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2010, 04:32:12 PM »
Stephen Fishback's Surviver blog: episode 3
Parvati's Sexy Scheme!


She wields her superpowers like a scalpel, and gives everybody precisely what they’re looking for. She flirts with Rob and cuddles up to Russell (and p.s., how funny was it to see Rob and Coach try to teach Russell Survivor algebra when he’s doing calculus); she reads Jerri’s antagonism and calls her out in public; and she plays to Coach’s ego. “I don’t think fear’s ever controlled you,” Parvati tells him.

Coach knows she’s working him, and he’s struggling to resist. “For some reason when she pays attention to you, you feel like you light up. It’s not that people don’t see it, it’s just that they are allured by her charm,” he says. When Jerri sees them strolling down the beach, you can see the murder in her eyes. “Parvati is a virus,” she says. “She has a way of just roping people in, even when they don’t want anything to do with her.”

Read it all here:
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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2010, 12:33:15 PM »
From ET:

'Survivor''s Jeff Probst: 'Heroes' Are Becoming 'Villains'

Copyright 2010 Monty Brinton / CBS

"Survivor" premiered its 20th season in February with an all-star cast for "Heroes vs. Villains," which stars some of the series' favorite players and some of the most reviled. But the "Hero" and "Villain" labels may turn out to be a misnomer as returning players are revealing sides to their personalities heretofore not seen. ET checks in with series host Jeff Probst to get his take on just what is happening on "Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains."

ET: Can you talk in general about how you see this season and how it is differs from other seasons?

Jeff Probst: I think the biggest difference is we have 20 of our most notorious people playing at the same time. The last time we did this was the All-Stars and that was six years ago. A lot has changed since then. On top of this being another All-Stars, we have added another layer: you are either a "Hero" or a "Villain," or you are not here. I think that was a pretty big difference right off the bat. I think what you are seeing this season is how much "Survivor" has evolved. In a way, this is a bit of a retrospective. You have people like Colby Donaldson back from season two, Tom Westman from season 10, and then you have Russell Hantz from season 19. You can really see how fast the game has become compared [to the beginning].

ET: After watching James Clement and Rupert Boneham … these are not the guys that I remember. Do you think the "Heroes" and "Villains" designation went out the window?

Jeff Probst: I think one of the interesting stories this year is: Can a "Hero" become a "Villain" and can a "Villain" become a "Hero." You are certainly seeing "Heroes" becoming "Villains." James has gone from the guy who won the Sprint Player of the Game a few years ago, because he was such a popular guy, to at the end of this season, he may be the most disliked. I don't know if that is indicative of the "Hero" title. I don't know if it is how people handle fame and popularity. Even Rupert -- everybody's favorite pirate -- is a little cocky for my taste.

ET: When Stephenie LaGrossa got voted out, she told me that the egos in the "Heroes" tribe were incredible.

Jeff Probst: I think when you call somebody a "Hero," I think there is a little swagger that seems to come with that. Suddenly, they are the cooler kids. And I felt the opposite with the "Villains." There was an attitude of: "Why are we the villains?" You could almost see the chip on their shoulder as if they were the unpopular ones and, therefore, had something to prove. And the "Heroes" are walking around saying, "We are the cool kids and we have nothing to prove." It is interesting how labels impact your attitude.

ET: When you were planning this, because these people had played the game before, did you sit down and say, "We need to add some special twists"?

Jeff Probst: No. We felt like our big twist for the season was that we were doing "Heroes vs. Villains." So we actually went backwards and decided that all the challenges would be challenges we had used in the past and kind of make it a retrospective, or a celebration, rather than use a new twist when we didn't need it.

ET: None of the players on the "Villains" got to see Russell Hantz's game before they filmed this season, so they didn't know all the tricks he played. Do you think that is to his advantage? And, do you think he is the biggest villain now?

Jeff Probst: In terms of the first part of the question, none of the "Heroes" or "Villains" had been able to watch Russell's season because it hadn't aired when we filmed this. There is an advantage and a disadvantage. Nobody knows how he played the game. Nobody knows exactly how aggressive he was in finding the Immunity Idols and things like that. The disadvantage is that nobody knows how he played the game and that makes him a big question mark. I think a lot of people are going into the game thinking: "We might just need to get rid of him because we don't know what he is and, therefore, we don't know what we can and cannot trust." All we said to them at the beginning of the season is: "Read into this. He is one of the five most notorious male villains who have ever played. That should tell you something about how he played in Samoa."

As far as the biggest villain, considering that Richard Hatch went on to become a felon and served time in federal prison, he may still hold the mantel of biggest villain, but in terms of just "Survivor," I don't think anybody is a bigger villain than Russell. Having said that, I think he should have won last season.

ET: What about Jonny Fairplay?

Jeff Probst: Jonny Fairplay is a punk. He had one moment and it was brilliant. He lied about his grandma dying and he played it beautifully. If you really look at his whole legacy, that is it. We brought him back to play on "Fans vs. Favorites" and he quit. Jonny Fairplay for me is not in the category of greatest villains. He is in the category of greatest quitters.

ET: Will we surprised by who wins this season? Also, there is a site that has posted who they say the winner is, how do you deal with those rumors?

Jeff Probst: The thing about the rumors is I have read rumors that are true and I have read rumors that are not true. And every year we are lucky to have both. There have been leaks going back to season one and it has not hurt the popularity of the show at all. Sometimes they are right; sometimes they are wrong. I think most people watch the show; they don't go looking for answers as to who won.

ET: How are you keeping it fresh for you?

Jeff Probst: I do different things to keep it fresh for me. The part of the show that I enjoy as much as anything is pre-production when we are casting, when we are setting our twists and deciding what creative is going to be. That is always a really big exercise for the brain. It is stimulating and exhausting. As far as production, just out there shooting, I find ways. A few years ago, I stopped talking as much at Tribal Council. I really invoke the interview technique of uncomfortable silence. It has yielded a whole different kind of Tribal Council. I am not in any rush. I will look you dead in the eyes until you talk and nine times out of 10, they do talk and usually that is when they say something they later regret. I can find ways to keep it interesting for me.

"Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains" airs tonight at 8 p.m. on CBS.
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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2010, 03:07:03 PM »
Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - You Ask, They Tell: Jeff Probst

Jeff Probst answers your questions about how he'd play the game, what he does during downtime at camp, and what celebrity he'd want to see play Survivor. Don't forget to catch a special Wednesday episode of Survivor this week at 8pm! Only CBS!

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2010, 04:38:02 PM »
Thanks tvfan!! Here it is:

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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2010, 05:20:13 PM »
Oh, I would love to see Jeff snuff out Donald Trump's torch.  Too funny.

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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2010, 10:19:06 AM »
Stephen's Survivor Strategy Blog, Survivor, Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains

Stephen’s Survivor Strategy Blog: Parvati Pulls a Power Move
April 23, 2010
“Anyone who enables another to become powerful brings about his own ruin.” –Machiavelli, The Prince

What is wrong with the cast of Tocantins? Tyson blindsides himself, Coach is Coach, and now JT gets voted out with his own idol. Was there something in Brazil’s Rio Novo that made us spectacularly self-destructive? Or did the producers just pick the wrong castaways from my season?

Thursday’s episode starts with the two tribes merging. Both sides delicately feel each other out over a feast, while Parvati sulks on the beach because nobody’s paying her any attention. “I’m over it,” she tells Danielle. It’s a touching reminder of how lonely you can feel stranded for a month with nineteen strangers, especially when they’re all out for blood. Parvati’s a 26-year-old girl, not a supervillain, and sometimes it just sucks to be left out .

While Parvati pouts, Russell works his black magic on the Heroes tribe. “Don’t even worry,” he tells Rupert and JT. “I swear on my kids that I am on board with y’all. Just let this happen. Just breathe.” The pitch exemplifies the best and worst of Russell’s gameplay. He excels at making people feel safe — lulling his prey into a false sense of security before he strikes. But he also takes the game a step too far. Lying on your kids is just unnecessary. That exact lie cost Twila the game in Vanuatu. Rupert gives some of the best Survivor advice I’ve ever heard when he later says: “Russell looked me right in the eye and swore on his kid’s life that he was with us. And anybody that would do that — right away, I don’t trust them.”

That was this episode’s theme: How do you know who you can trust? With so many great players trying to bamboozle each other, there were bound to be a few big winners — and a couple losers. While the most splashy face-off came between dueling Southern charmers — Russell and JT — the episode actually hinged on the face-off between two old allies.

How much fun was it to see Amanda and Parvati dance around each other with half truths while pretending to be the closest of friends? In spite of the lies and misdirection, I believe that Parvati really wanted to reconnect. Why else would she show Amanda her idol? Sure, you can say it’s a token of trust and a trade for information. But showing the idol now exposes Parvati to a lot more risk than it offers in reward. It makes her a target and hints at the real dynamics of the Villains tribe. Parvati was feeling left out, so she turned to an old friend. Sometimes human emotions determine game decisions for even the best players.

But when Amanda tries to flush Parvati’s idol, it doesn’t take a foxy boxer to realize she’s lying. “You better play that thing,” Amanda tells her former ally. Okay — hint dropped. Now move on. But instead, Amanda continues, “Just in case. Just play it. Just to be safe.” And again: “And if we don’t talk again, play it. For you.”

Amanda might as well hold up a sign that says: “SUBTEXT: YOU DON’T NEED TO PLAY YOUR IDOL.” Russell and Sandra are both masters at dropping a hint — the Russell Seed and the Sandra Bug — that tease their targets into a paranoid fever. But seeds and bugs start out small. When Amanda clobbers Parvati with the Amanda Bat, Parvati immediately realizes two things: her old ally has betrayed her, and she won’t be the Heroes’ target.

There’s a big difference, however, between knowing rationally you’re not a target and risking your neck at Tribal Council. Parvati wins the Fishy this episode for her bold move: she gives both her “two little green men” away in one fell swoop. She doesn’t just use one idol to try to save an ally and hold on to her second for a rainy day. She gives both her idols away — and to the two Villainesses who like her least. The move keeps the Villains tribe intact, sends JT home, and proves that Parvati is one of the best players of all time. Well done.

JT’s entire game this season has been a high-wire act. By flipping between alliances, he decided every vote on the Heroes tribe and eliminated his biggest threats one by one. But he never built up a history of trust with any of his tribemates. When Amanda and Candice caught him with his hand in the idol jar, he was pushed into tossing the idol like a hot potato to the other team. It was a bold move. Last night, it came back to haunt him. –Stephen Fishbach

Tell Us: Why wouldn’t JT believe Rupert? What will happen between Parvati and Russell? Is this curtains for the Heroes tribe?

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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2010, 08:59:43 AM »

Colby Donaldson says “reality was manipulated” on Survivor Heroes vs. Villains
Survivor Heroes vs Villains »   
by Andy Dehnart / June 3, 2010, 1:02 PM 

Survivor Heroes vs. Villains cast member Colby Donaldson was maligned by viewers and even criticized by the show’s host for his role in Danielle and Amanda’s fight for the immunity idol clue. But Colby revealed to reality blurred that the event did not occur as it was shown, and worse, that the entire season included examples of manipulative editing that didn’t affect the outcome but did distort reality.

“The thing with Danielle and Amanda, I was sort of the victim. I was the one getting berated in the show recaps based on how I reacted and what I said and didn’t say in that scene. And what the viewers saw was not what happened, and that’s really all I can say about that,” Colby told me, after saying earlier, “I’m limited on what I can say about that now after that interview.” That’s yet another example of CBS reprehensibly limiting its reality stars’ comments.

“That interview” refers to Colby’s exit interview with Reality TV World, in which he revealed “Danielle had that [idol clue] in her possession. She had the clue. It was not on the floor. It was underneath her when Amanda reached underneath her to grab it. They edited it and showed a cut of Amanda’s hand going down on the floor to grab it — that was actually Danielle’s hand and it was not where the clue was to begin with. Anyway, it made it look like Amanda picked it up off the floor and it was free game because it was on the floor and I sided with Danielle. That’s not the truth. I told Amanda that I thought it was Danielle’s, but it was based on the fact that she had it in her possession.”

In his EW column about that episode, Probst condescendingly criticized Colby, and Colby told me, “I called Probst, [and] he pulled the actual footage and watched it and apologized. He saw it; the footage is there,” Colby said. “When Probst asked the editors and producers or whoever was in charge of that why they did it the way they did, the response was, well, we didn’t have the right coverage, we didn’t have the right shot to make it play out. Probst told me, ‘We’re at a point now where we have the resources to pick up a shot.’ And that’s not to say create anything, but if you don’t have a shot of someone’s hand reaching in and grabbing something, you go reshoot that moment if you have to, not with Amanda and Danielle, but you make it work. It’s water under the bridge; what can I say?”

Sidebar: A pick-up is when small part of a scene is filmed later to add to existing footage. For reality TV, that means either having cast members recreate a part of a scene, which some shows have done, or having doubles do it, which Colby is suggesting here. And since Survivor already uses doubles for most of its helicopter shots, that wouldn’t be a huge stretch.

Colby’s disappointment—and my own, because I hold the show to the very high standard it’s set for itself—didn’t end there. “I felt like the reality was manipulated by the edit, and I’ve never felt that way. I’ve played the game and I’ve never witnessed that,” he said, and then told me about another example of manipulation. “It wasn’t just that episode after the reward challenge. That was the one that made me look bad. But the truth is, the examples were throughout the show. There was a challenge Parvati won and it showed it coming down to the very end and it was Rupert and Parvati , and they were holding these poles up with their hands. And Rupert’s big claim to fame is how he was the one who went toe-to-toe with Parvati every time. Well, that’s not even how that challenge played out. And he wasn’t the last one with Parvati. It was Jerri, they edited Jerri out of that whole thing and made it look like it came down to Parvati and Rupert, and that’s just not the truth.”Colby added, “I’ve just never seen Survivor do that. Maybe that’s a new thing; I don’t know. I’ve just never seen the reality manipulated and the viewer led to believe something took place that didn’t. Does it ultimately skew the outcome? No. It doesn’t affect who wins the game; it’s not as if they’re affecting the vote or anything like that. It’s just no accurate as to how the game played out.” (We have seen other examples of manipulative challenge editing, though previously it seems to have been about compressing a challenge for time.)

Colby was the last remaining Hero tribe member, though his performance was disappointing, to say the least. “I owe a lot to Survivor for what it’s given to me over the last decade, and if it weren’t for that show, I wouldn’t be out here, I wouldn’t be pursing this. It’s been a great memory,” he said. “I just didn’t enjoy Samoa. I agree with you: I went into it with high hopes and certainly prepared for it both physically and mentally, and I was ready. And I got over there and it didn’t take long to realize the game had changed a lot. After Stephanie and Tom were eliminated, which made no strategic sense to me, I was detached, and I think it was very obvious. I didn’t want to be there.”

Colby is hosting the History Channel’s first-ever competitive reality series, Top Shot, which debuts Sunday. (Look for my conversation with him about that show tomorrow.) But he says that his experience with the fake editing on Survivor Heroes vs. Villains is something he took into his new job. “That was something I was very cognizant of on Top Shot, which was making sure that we’re telling the story that really happened,” he said.

See the whole article with the links here:
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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2010, 08:33:40 AM »
Thanks Peach!  :waves:

We always knew reality tv is somewhat"directed" this just gives us more proof!
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

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Re: Survivor 20 Media
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2010, 05:34:46 AM »
After Stephanie and Tom were eliminated, which made no strategic sense to me, I was detached, and I think it was very obvious. I didn’t want to be there.

You gotta hand it to Cirie and the other heroes for making it happen. :groan: