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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3
« Reply #50 on: May 26, 2010, 09:36:45 AM »
CA3 ep. 7 Sweat Equity

This episode begins with Sharon complaining about the dynamics of Tenacity’s interpersonal relationships. She thinks it might be time for her to be eliminated.

Cyndi delivers a check for $20,000 to the director of the Stonewall Community Foundation, a GayLesbianBisexualTranssexual community group in New York City. In addition to the royalties from the recordings of those songs by the enhanced new stars a house will be built.
Trump remarks (what alliteration!) that Rock Solid has hit Rock Bottom, with only 2 men left versus 5 women. He sends Curtis to Tenacity and Maria and Sharon over to Rock Solid. Holly stated she was pleased by the new teams since the old Tenacity was worn out dealing with each other. Sharon too was thrilled at getting away from the in-fighting.

Trump announced the new task as making and running a 24 hour fitness class. The company 24 Hour Fitness is providing space in two of its gyms for these classes and will donate $24,000 to the charity of the winning Project Manager based on their total observations of which team runs a better class. The sub-tasks are to design a class, sell tickets and run the actual workout. This is all about fund-raising for a charity. Since it is pitched that way, Holly steps up as PM for the revised Tenacity and Sharon is the PM for Rock Solid. Neither has really heavy personal experienced in these type of workouts, but their lieutenants do. Both Bret and Maria know a lot and so do Curtis and Summer. Cyndi has the day off for a previous engagement with Lady GaGa, but still gets a $30K goal from Holly for fund-raising, including from Lady GaGa (who gives $2500).

Curtis is brimming with ideas and concepts that he wants to try out and puts them into proposals for his teammates to consider. Bret is doing the same for Rock Solid. His proposed theme is “Sweat Like a Rock Star” although Mrs. O’s Pump Up the Wizard(?) is also under consideration. Bret wants to use the names of Rock and Roll moves in the routine.

Summer claims that she has been doing these types of workouts her whole life and Curtis has since appearing on “the Biggest Loser.” They come up with the theme “Tenacious Guns and Buns” to focus attention on arms and butt while working their team name in.

Holly plans to focus on her area of strength based on her experience running the Holly Rod Foundation, dialing for dollars. The question is: does Holly have an advantage or a drawback from the knowledge the individuals being called have of why she is calling? Summer and Bret meet with Sean and his manager Matt of the 24 Hour Fitness center where their workout will happen the next day. Since Bret and Summer are returning late to the center when the graphics designer Gina arrives, Holly start with her on graphics without the benefit of their thinking. They finally arrive and relieve her to get back to what she does best. Bret develops the concept of a Back Stage Pass to enable each person taking the workout to feel special and important just like someone allowed backstage at a rock concert. Holly reaches Cyndi and tells her the expectation that Cyndi will aid her team by delivering $30K in contributions. Holly is concerned that Cyndi has missed day 1 and will not contribute much.

The rules of the donations program are that to count toward the team total donations there must be a physical body taking the class to associate it with. The focus shifts to recruiting those bodies so that all donations raised can be counted and not forfeited. Bret calls people he knows (rock groupies?) in New York City, Philadelphia and Boston so that can be matched with donations. Cyndi after she returns the next morning calls a radio station guy she knows so he can publicize this free class with celebrities and get people out. Presumably the Stonewall Foundation is also rounding up their troops for the workout. Sharon is headed for a World Wrestling Entertainment event. She raises $10,000 from WWE, another $10k from John Cena (?) and another $10 K from Vince McMahon. $30K in one night, that’s pretty good.

Curtis and Summer work on the promotional materials and workout details. Bret has to do the same and he messed up the spelling of some words that presumably caused him to have to redo his promotional materials.

Donald Jr. visits and Holly shares her feeling that Cyndi is away and won’t contribute much when she returns. I like Holly and dislike Cyndi but this was going too far and not giving Cyndi the opportunity to contribute before harpooning her. Holly also notes that summer does not like asking people for money.

Bret shows his motivations by noting the hotness of Maria (for sure without the makeup, which does not go well with a fitness workout), Georgia the trainer and Gina the graphics designer.

Summer suddenly realizes that music is an important factor in a workout and decides to refocus on making a workout music CD for use the following day. She took it with her, then Holly needs it back at their HQ for finalization but since Summer has it she and Curtis have to change plans and come back before the HQ office closes.

Ivanka visits Rock Solid and asked “What’s the Plan?” What she heard from Bret, Sharon and Maria convinced her that it was doable.

The first class starts with only a few participants. They do 5 minutes of guns then 5 minutes buns and continue alternating. Curtis and Summer are embarrassed as the 24 Hour Fitness Representative is there on the sidelines grading their performance but it looked like a solid performance to me.

Bret has the air guitar routine early in the workout. He and Maria look like pros leading their class, which look much larger than the first one of their competition.

Sharon was waiting for a donation to come in from Simon Cowell’s office. They ended up get $25K from an unidentified source right at the end of the period to count donations(1130am). Holly got a $50K one at the same time. Holly is used to raising $500,000 each year so this is not as intimidating to her.

Trump asks who was the star of Tenacity? Holly unabashedly nominates herself based on her ability to tap her contacts for money. Don Jr. asked about the concerns Holly had about Cyndi. Holly does not state just how much Cyndi pulled in, but indicated satisfaction with Cyndi’s performance for the team.

24 Hour fitness rated the Tenacity workout routine as very good, but used superlatives for the Rock Solid routine, astonishing, original and amazing. So Rock Solid won the $24K bonus from 24 Hour Fitness. Next Ivanka revealed that Rock Solid including the $24K raised $131, 903. However, Donald Jr. states that Tenacity has raised $206,090. Trump states that is the most ever raised outside of a finale fundraising event. He is very impressed by what both teams accomplished. He says Holly wins $347K for the Holly Rod Foundation. Holly says that due to the excellent performance of Rock Solid she plans to rebate part of it (it’s not clear whether that reached $131K) to Sharon’s charity.

Trump then asked the usual question, who should I fire? Will it be Maria, Bret or Sharon? Holly says that it should be the person raising the least money, but Sharon takes responsibility for the fund-raising that was the core reason her team lost. Sharon when asked says it should be me. Maria ducks and refuses to commit to who it should be.  Trump let everyone off the hook by stating that with $347K raised nobody should feel a loser and all should continue. He did not fire anyone, a rare event. Trump asked Cyndi if she liked what he had just done. Cyndi responded with a simple Thank You. Trump says Yes, I have a heart.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3
« Reply #51 on: June 08, 2010, 06:35:25 PM »
CA3 ep. 8 Radio Days

This episode begins with Holly receiving a visit from her husband Rodney Peete for $347,000. He is stunned by what it can do for the cause of autism cure research, but he also has a surprise that stuns her. It’s their 4 children who have come from Los Angeles for a brief visit.

Trump introduced his third child Eric Trump as one of the Eyes and Ears for this project. He then presented the task as developing and recording 3 live radio commercials for the products of the Clockwork Home Services Company which owns Mister Sparky the Electrician, Benjamin Franklin the Punctual Plumber and One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning  Summer is the Tenacity Project Manager and Bret takes that role for Rock Solid. It should be noted that Summer has the fabulous vocal support of Cyndi Lauper and Rock Solid has Bret. Both end up being used primarily for their voices and that is not a huge factor in this episode. The execs from Clockwork come for a visit with both teams and are asked a variety of questions, the most important of which is how funny can these commercials be? They respond that humor might be OK, but no references to a plumber’s crack will be tolerated. Both teams conclude that it will be risky to put any significant humor into their final commercials and bland is the way to go.

Bret as usual is all over the place with ideas of how Rock Solid should proceed. He decided to have Sharon and Maria work together on all 3 commercials. We’ll see how effective that proves to be.  He early on makes the critical decision that he would attempt to tastefully disregard the plumber’s crack advice and go for it in an edgy commercial. The quotable line from that commercial is “It’s easy to crack jokes” before a reference to the Benjamin Franklin plumbing service. The style of the Rock Solid commercials was edgy.

Summer plays it much safer to the point of dullness. She delegated responsibility for the creation of one commercial each to Cyndi, Holly and Curtis and played the role of manager herself. One exception to that is that Cyndi was responsible for the jingle and voiceover that tied them all together. Cyndi is expected to do the key singing with the support of a backup group, but she developed laryngitis and it looked like she would be unable to sing except backup. How would a commercial with Cyndi Lauper singing backup go over? That would be difficult to explain and Summer is relieved when Cyndi has just enough voice to give it a go. My characterization of the Tenacity commercials when performed are moving at a million miles per minute, as too much information is jammed into them. Eric visits and concludes that the Tenacity creative process has resulted in a product that is dull and lifeless.

The executives do not give away their reactions during the presentations, so even though it’s over nobody but the Trumps know what that result is as both teams and the Trumps go into the Boardroom. Trump plays with the remaining players in his usual style, asking both teams sharp questions. He finally tells Rock solid that their commercial was strongly preferred by the executives and that Bret has won another $20,000 for the American Diabetes Association. Tenacity gets top stay in the Boardroom. He does tell Cyndi that the execs loved her voice in the commercials and jingle and wished they had heard more of her.

Bret was asked who he would fire. He clearly stated Summer because she was strong and tough and a threat to his future success. Maria and Sharon do not like Curtis for some reason and they make that point.

Holly is asked by Trump who was the weakest player? She says Cyndi and that Summer was the strongest due to excellent organization skills. Although Trump is expecting to hear that Summer thinks Cyndi was weakest, she defended Cyndi and her creative process. Curtis is asked and says the PM should be fired. Trump goes though a conversation primarily with Summer and the result is that Holly is excused and the final 3 in the Boardroom are Summer as PM, Cyndi and Curtis. The questioning continues and Trump finally voiced his conclusion that Summer had played it too safe and got a low creativity result. Who pays the price in that situation? It would not be Cyndi, as she had been creative and had been excused by that point. It was Curtis versus Summer. In the end, Curtis had done little either good or bad and Summer was the losing PM. She went down with the ship, all other hands abandoning it in time.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3
« Reply #52 on: June 08, 2010, 06:38:17 PM »
CA3 ep. 9 Suite Deal

This episode begins with some bitter commentary between Cyndi and Holly. Cyndi ends up calling Holly a “control freak and two-faced bi-atch.” Whoa, we’re off to a strong start. Trump invites the remaining 6 contestants to his apartment and Holly commented that “I think I saw Russia.” Well, at least Connecticut, New Jersey, Westchester County and Long Island.

Trump announced that he is tinkering with the teams once again and switching Curtis with Bret so Curtis will have to work with Sharon and Maria, who apparently hate his guts and would love to see him be the fall guy. Bret is with Holly and Cyndi, the original oil and water. The task is to refurbish an apartment to be lived in by travelling executives. The teams must paint, furnish and decorate a room to give the “wow” first impression. The eyes and ears are Donald Jr. and Richard LeFrak, a real estate executive with Bridge
Street. The criteria to decide which teams wins are originality, celebrity style, value improvement and overall quality of the renovation. Judges are Lee Curtis of Bridge Street World Wide and designer Jonathan Adler. Holly is PM and Sharon is PM. The winner will get $20K for her charity. Sharon wants it badly.

Bret finds as expected that the women hate each other, which puts him into the role of middle man and conciliator. Cyndi throw out wild ideas and has to be told NO in ways that do not sit well with her. Bret likes Holly’s Zen idea and it becomes “New York Zen” with light colors. Sharon decided to make the room a media celebrity room. However, Maria objects after their meeting with Lee Curtis because executives may be living there for months and will need a certain degree of comfort. Lee tells Holly, Cyndi and Bret that theirs needs to be more fun and funky. Sharon, Maria and Curtis go to a furniture store, but get hung up on the differences between Sharon/Curtis’ tastes for a modern and clean-line look versus Maria’s desire for something different. They send Maria to a paint store to get rid of her. Bret does a super job in supervising the work crew. Bret departs to do a concert and Cyndi decides to change direction to a rock-and-roll lounge.

Curtis and Sharon both use their friends and celebrity status to get $140,000 of furnishings donated. Maria meets with Richard and tells him what the plans are, but the rooms are completely empty when he sees them. Cyndi does significant manual labor, carrying furniture and painting. Maria has started to paint a room purple, but Sharon says she wants it to be gray. Sharon keeps changing her mind on colors and that is not going to lead to decent task completion. Everyone is scrambling down to the wire and Holly has to pull Cyndi back from her good time shopping at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Then she was castigating the workmen, who have been exceptionally helpful and do not deserve her crap. Bret took a bunch of photos in all direction from the rooftop and organized them just in time.

The judges come for the inspection and Holly, Bret and Cyndi present a room of sea-foam green and calming colors plus a second room of red “rock and roll Zen den designed by Cyndi. The judges move on to the rooms created by Sharon, Curtis and Maria. The first room is designed to look expensive and tasteful but the bedroom does not have a dresser. The judges liked what Rock Solid had done with the apartment, but not the celebrity room. They believe that Tenacity desized the room and did not like the sea-foam color, but they did like the rock and rock Zen den concept and execution. The winner is Rock Solid and Sharon gets the $20,000 matched by Bridge Street. That means a $40,000 check to the Cedars Sinai Sharon Osbourne Colon Cancer Program.

So the Boardroom now is down to Holly, Bret and Cyndi. Holly is confident of her leadership even though it was Cyndi’s creative vision that the judges liked most. Cyndi is miffed that she did most of the grunt work. Donald Jr. stated his belief that she could have done a better job. Cyndi called Holly a pain in the ass and Holly responded by stating that Cyndi needs to be babysat. Bret tells Trump that he should fire Cyndi because she talks too much. Cyndi said fire Holly because she’s difficult to work with. Holly stated that Cyndi is incapable of finishing any task at hand.

Trump learned from Cyndi that the vision for the effective red paint color in the lounge was Holly’s. Now it becomes even more of a free-for-all as Trump conferences with Richard and Donald Jr. Richard said he would fire Bret since he left to do a concert. Donald Jr. said fire Cyndi. Holly said fire Cyndi and Cyndi said fire Holly. Trump goes after Bret a bit, but he’s just playing with him. Bret defended himself well be pointing out that he and Holly redid 5 rooms while Cyndi was doing only one. Bret accused Cyndi of having poor time management skills (et tu, Brute?; careful Bret or that phrase might get turned on you).

Trump fired Cyndi with regret.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3
« Reply #53 on: June 08, 2010, 06:39:16 PM »
CA3 ep. 10 Celebri-Tea, Finale part 1

The remaining 5 have little time to celebrate before Trump calls them back into the Boardroom. He tells them he will fire one individual immediately and then Celebrity Apprentice winner Joan Rivers and Apprentice 1 winner Bill Rancic will interview the 4 remaining to give him their insights into which two should be fired before the episode is finished.

Trump questions each individual on why they should stay. Holly said that she’s been focused and dedicated. Bret is motivated by his cause, saving children from diabetes. Curtis believes himself a natural leader. Maria said she reaches out and asked people for help and she’s a fighter. Sharon agreed that Holly is the weakest player. I don’t, as Curtis stands out as my nominee for that category. Sharon stated that Holly is good at everything she does and also is a mother fighting for her child (how about Bret as father fighting for his child?). Curtis calls Maria the weakest link (even though Trump never uses that phrase, I say if the shoe fits put it on).  Maria then demonstrated bad judgment in fighting back at Curtis by accusing him of using the women’s bathroom and leaving a stench behind, indicating arrogance. Trump immediately fires Maria even though it would have been more logical to fire Curtis for having accomplished little through CA3. It hardly matters, as they both will be gone all too soon. The only question is who will go with Curtis. Will it be Holly (not likely), Sharon (possibly because she finally did well as PM for one recent episode) or Bret (possibly, but less likely because his creativity has overcome his lack of organization and he has demonstrated good interpersonal skills.

Curtis gets interviewed by Bill and Joan. Bill thinks he is a one-trick pony and Joan thinks he took a low profile hiding behind Bret too often. Scratch Curtis.

Sharon is next and her record has not been good throughout CA3. Joan thinks she is tough and smart, but Bill believes that she may be out of gas and does not have the necessary will to win. I would say scratch Sharon.

Bret is next and he admits that time management is not his forte as he is accustomed to musician/rock star time. Joan does not see the fire in him although acknowledging that Bret is very creative. Bill sees Bret as totally determined to do whatever it takes to win for his cause.

That leaves Holly, who claimed the right to be a finalist based on her dedication, passion and seasoning as the result of volunteering for project Manger the most of anyone. She has the experience based on her own work as head of a major charity. Joan and Bill agree that she is very strong and he wants her to compete with Bret while she wants Holly to compete with Sharon.

OK, now it’s on to the Boardroom where the positioning and gamesmanship is playing out. Trump tells Curtis what the findings of Joan and Bill are and he is gone just very quickly, as Trump told Curtis he trusts their judgment over Curtis’ claims. Of course Trump himself has had more time to evaluate all the candidates than anyone else, so what we are really seeing is his judgment behind the cover provided by Joan and Bill. The next decision is to decide which of the 3 remaining candidates will also be fired. Trump selected Sharon, which I think is totally fair based on her not being in the same league with either Sharon or Bret. Sharon herself recognized the impact of emotions from parents fighting for their children. That’s tough to overcome. I did not feel that she had and neither in the final analysis did Donald Trump. 

The two finalists celebrate briefly but in the morning they are back in full competition mode. In a departure from a “run a huge charity event to bring in a lot of money” final task, Trump presented a task from Snapple the beverage company. CEO Larry Young requires creation of a new tea flavor, along with an advertising campaign with a commercial and print advertorial. Then they'll launch their product at an event attended by Snapple executives and fans. They'll be judged on creativity, originality and how effectively they incorporate their charity's mission and message into the campaign. Their new Snapple tea product will also be sold across the country. The winner will receive $250,000 for their charity. This will test different skills than the charity event. Because it emphasizes the creative, I feel it gives Bret the edge.

Bret gets Summer and Darryl (so he can redeem himself) as his helpers. Holly gets Maria and Curtis. I would rate the strength of the helpers as about even. The flavors chosen will be taste tested at a local mall. Holly and Bret must negotiate to decide which flavors they
Get to assure that they are significantly different. Bret chose Diet Snapple because it fits the needs of those with Diabetes. Holly stated that she believes she has an advantage at this part of the task because Curtis is a professional chef. The primary flavor choice for both teams is passion fruit, although one wants it with cinnamon and the other with strawberry. Holly selected Curtis to negotiate for her. Curtis and Bret are at a standstill until Bret gives in and allows Holly’s team to have it.

Bret’s team revised its flavor choice to "Pear Plum Nutty" and "Trop A Rocka," tropical vanilla cinnamon. Darryl is sent to the mall to do the taste test. On Holly's team, everyone loves the passion fruit and strawberry mix except Maria, who wants to spice up "Compassion Berry". Holly adds sweet basil to the mixture and decides to taste test it.

Bret and Summer developed the campaign and his charity's message. Donald Jr. told them "Pear Plum Nutty" doesn't seem like something he'd drink. Don Jr. liked the way Holly used puzzle pieces to symbolize her charity, but he thinks Holly will have big problems if people don't like the "Compassion Berry" flavor because both flavors are very similar and allow little margin for different tastes. The taste testers love Holly's flavor. Bret's people like the “Trop A Rocka” flavor better than "Pear Plum Nutmeg.” Maria pirated a taste of Bret's "Pear Plum Nutmeg" and hated it. Darryl told Bret and Summer that the taste testers strongly preferred "Trop A Rocka."

Bret wanted to shoot both a serious and funny commercial so he can choose. Summer pointed out to him that they also need to create an effective 3 page print ad. Holly did casting for the commercial while Maria and Curtis visit the prop shop. Bret is using the Snapple character Arthur in their commercial while Holly I using the Snapple character Jim in her team’s commercial.

Bret wants to use very attractive women (there are some synonyms that I won’t use here) in his commercial. Curtis builds the set for Holly’s commercial. She decided to use a funny commercial and has designed her ad around the Holly-Rod Foundation.  Bret found that he did not have enough dolly track to get the shot angles he wanted. Curtis asked chefs around the country to send him whatever supply of passion fruit they have since it’s out of season.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3
« Reply #54 on: June 09, 2010, 07:45:47 AM »
CA3, ep. 11 Finale

Struggling to obtain a dolly track for his commercial shoot, Bret improvised by putting the camera on a rolling cart. Bret's daughter has been diagnosed with borderline diabetes, he's doing everything possible to make his commercial and Snapple ads the very best. Darryl Strawberry demonstrates why he is a team player by wearing a pink beret in the commercial.

Ivanka visited Bret, concerned about both his time constraints and his decision to create two commercials. Holly's team needs to go to the edit bay but Maria is the only one who can do it. When Ivanka checks on Holly, she's working on her PowerPoint presentation. Ivanka thinks Holly may be playing it a bit too safe.

Bret finished his photo shoot and headed for the edit bay, leaving Darryl and Summer to finish the PowerPoint presentation and three-page ad layout. On the way Bret realized he had forgotten his voice-over script.  Holly has only two hours to pull her presentation together. Curtis had a personal engagement to go to dinner with a friend about to be married and wanted to call it a night, leaving Holly to finish alone. Bret calls Summer to retrieve his Snapple commercial scripts. Darryl tried to help out, but Summer can't find them at the studio. Bret continues the editing process and tries to make it work without the script. He decided to improvise with all his eggs in the basket of the funny commercial. Summer warned Bret about the two-hour launch event the next day, but she doesn't think Bret appreciates that the commercial isn't the only thing that matters in this task.

Holly thinks Bret's taking a risk in making it a "Bret Michaels" tea. Bret checked out the presentation space and realizes it's much larger than he expected. Bret's daughter Raine comes to visit. Even Summer gets a teary-eyed. Raine is borderline diabetic and the main reason Bret is working for the cause to help find a cure for diabetes.

Holly p[resents her campaign first to Donald Trump and the Snapple executives. She explains that autism is a serious disorder, affecting many people throughout the world. Snapple CompassionBerry incorporates both a great flavor and a good cause, with the HollyRod Foundation branding included on the Snapple bottle. Holly shares how deeply she was affected when her son was diagnosed with autism. Both the executives and Donald are entertained by Holly's commercial, which did not use any of her team.

Bret was really nervous at the beginning of his presentation, then decided to speak from his heart. He talks about his struggle with diabetes and brings up how it may now affect his daughter. He has incorporated his Snapple flavor into his charity by creating a Diet Snapple drink, with an awesome taste and zero calories. Bret's commercial for "Trop-A-Rocka" made the audience and the Snapple executives laugh. It used two celebrities, Darryl Strawberry and himself. Holly was feeling great about her presentation until Donald takes a poll which showed the audience likes Bret's Snapple product better.

Donald meets with Larry and Andrew, the two Snapple executives, who both think Bret is "very Snapple," meaning in the target demographic while Holly is the one they'd put in their boardroom. Donald worried Bret made a mistake in creating a diet flavor, but Andrew thinks it's actually more marketable. As for tying the charities in with the brand, Larry prefers Holly's label, and Andrew likes Bret's commercial better. Both contestants have two very different brochures and both are good. Overall, it's close to a draw.

Bret and Holly meet Donald in the boardroom with their teams. Bret says that both Darryl and Summer did a good job. Donald's happy Darryl came back to participate in this last task. Since Darryl didn't win any money for his charity, Donald has decided to give him $25,000 for the Darryl Strawberry foundation for autism. Trump believes in taking care of your friends, which is how Darryl got onto a finals teams despite an early exit.

Donald questioned why Bret decided to go with the diet flavor. Bret defended his decision. With over 1.6 million people suffering from diabetes each year, Bret thought making a Diet Snapple product was not only the right choice, but the smart choice. Don, Jr. thinks Bret did a good job in masking the diet taste in his product. . Ivanka played devil's advocate, saying Bret focused on celebrity in developing his product. She thought that was congruent with the Snapple brand.

Holly believed she did a good job. Trump didn't understand why Holly didn't use Maria in her commercial. Holly explains she was more focused on integrating her charity with the brand than celebrity. Curtis really helped her pick a great flavor for Snapple. Bret loves his brand name "Trop-A-Rocka," but Holly thinks her CompassionBerry is better and Trump agrees with her.

Trump told the contestants the Snapple executives liked Holly's label better because Bret's colors were too dark. Trump liked Holly's cover better, but he liked Bret's inside flap, so he calls it a draw between the two. Ivanka told Bret that he "is" Snapple. Trump asked his teammates how they feel about Bret compared to Holly. Summer is equivocal, reflecting her mixed feelings about that question. Darryl is unabashedly a fan of Bret.

Trump told the contestants they've all done a great job. The Snapple executives will donate $50,000 to both Holly’s and Bret's charities. Trump excused Curtis, Maria, Summer and Darryl from the boardroom. Trump likes both of the final two: Holly's distinction is raising the most money ever from a non-finals event and Bret’s is always winning as project manager. It's a tough decision to make. The live finale will get underway. Someone will be fired and the other will win $250,000 for his or her charity.

The live finale starts. Various eliminated contestants are asked for comments. Rod expressed his appreciation for being allowed on the show. Trump asked for a show of hands of who thinks Rod is guilty of the charges against him and Michael Johnson raised his hand. Michael said that he could have made it to the end if family issues had not required his presence elsewhere. Cyndi acknowledged $45,000 won for her charity and that she will perform from her new album later in the show. Summer received significant money for her charity Right to Play. Trump replayed Maria’s “potty mouth” moment in the Boardroom and she is disappointed in herself and stated for the record that is was inappropriate. Curtis and Darryl are both thankful for their opportunity to win some money and get good celebrity exposure.

Bill Rancic and Joan Rivers are invited to share their insights. Joan concluded Holly is admirable but Bret is a true fighter and Bret should win. Bill counters that you can't ignore how much Holly has done and that the popular decision isn't necessarily the right decision.

Holly returned to greet her former competitors and Donald Trump. Then, Bret makes an extra special appearance despite all the health problems he's had over the past few weeks. Bret talked about his health and credited his great doctors, though they told him not to attend the live finale. Even though it's a risk, he came to win and that's why he was there. Holly indicated that she had gotten close to Bret during the filming of the show and she was happy he could make it in person. Bret and Holly put in a plug for each of their causes. Cyndi Lauper sang “I’m Just Your Fool.”  Holly and Bret both made statements supporting why they should win.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3
« Reply #55 on: June 15, 2010, 09:52:21 PM »
However, Cyndi is notoriously disorganized. She cannot get her act together unless it is a creative task or pure drudgery. Anything that involves using discretion or judgment is something that she is no good at. Her overuse of her inquiring mind to the detriment of tasks was theater of the absurd. She got the feedback from her teammates that she deserved and she was eliminated as deserved. Being a great artist does not make someone a Celebrity Apprentice winner. She just did not have anything resembling the entire package needed.

I was surprised that Bret did. I expected him to be eliminated early in this competition for the same type of disorganization overcoming his undeniable creative skills. He was very lucky that the final task was one requiring a high degree of creativity or he would have been beaten by Holly.