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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #300 on: September 07, 2009, 05:21:28 PM »
Well at least J & M know about tomorrow, so much for Nat's little plan of keeping it secret.  :snicker:

Did you notice that as soon as Jordan & Michele knew about the schedule, Jordan went to let Nat know about it.  Boy, sure shows what a great person Jordan is inside.  She didn't even think about making it a secret.  I'm sorry, but I absolutely loathe Nat.  Apparently she thinks the only way she can win is to have an advantage of some sort over her opponent.  She can't play fair and square.   (:;)

No offense to all of the Jordanians here, I actually like her as well, BUT she had no problem throwing Michele under the bus with Nat and Kevin last night (on BBAD) and she has trashed her a lot in the past, as well as other HG's - so she isn't as perfect as she is playing either. Yes, she's sweet, but with a twist of lemon.

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #301 on: September 07, 2009, 05:23:22 PM »
Well at least J & M know about tomorrow, so much for Nat's little plan of keeping it secret.  :snicker:

Did you notice that as soon as Jordan & Michele knew about the schedule, Jordan went to let Nat know about it.  Boy, sure shows what a great person Jordan is inside.  She didn't even think about making it a secret.  I'm sorry, but I absolutely loathe Nat.  Apparently she thinks the only way she can win is to have an advantage of some sort over her opponent.  She can't play fair and square.   (:;)

Unfortunately I just don't think jordon grasps thatt his is for 500k.  N & K sure do and they are using every evil, greedy k-niving skill they can think of to give them the advantage.  Is that what you have to do to make sure you get in line for the bucks?

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #302 on: September 07, 2009, 05:24:03 PM »
Hi... tHello...Hola...ummm..I ran out f

I've been lurking all season but just had to breakdown and actually speak up.....while i am not a Nat fan, I think that people are being way too harsh on her, she is playing the game and i have actually enjoyed it.

We are all entitled to our opinion.....   And although I did not like Dr. Will, he was not sleazy like Gnat is.  They both lied, but that's where the similarity ends (IMO).  (watching Boogie and Will was fun - even though I wasn't for either one of them---Gnat and Kev are just disgusting).  Again, and jmo... everything people are saying about Gnat is true...and well deserved.  
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Offline PotatosPunkGirl

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #303 on: September 07, 2009, 05:24:27 PM »
Well at least J & M know about tomorrow, so much for Nat's little plan of keeping it secret.  :snicker:

Did you notice that as soon as Jordan & Michele knew about the schedule, Jordan went to let Nat know about it.  Boy, sure shows what a great person Jordan is inside.  She didn't even think about making it a secret.  I'm sorry, but I absolutely loathe Nat.  Apparently she thinks the only way she can win is to have an advantage of some sort over her opponent.  She can't play fair and square.   (:;)

Backdooring Russell was fair? I think not.  They all have to lie and scheme to get to the f2.....some just do it better than others...or should I say....they are better liars than point of the game is to not get caught lying.

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #304 on: September 07, 2009, 05:27:01 PM »
Yeah, she's so young and naive at times that she doesn't realize the amount of indecency that lies in both Nat and Kev. It's a shame because they are taking advantage of Jordan's good nature, and the more they treat her like that the more I just want to kick their butts!  (:;) If Michele goes home then that'll really suck for Jordan because Jordan will be all alone and Kev and Nat will treat her even worse.

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #305 on: September 07, 2009, 05:28:45 PM »
Hiding all the booze, stealing Michele's gloves, lying, those are all BB game tactics, but attempting to put hot sauce and bleach in someone's contact lens solution is just ONE of the rotten, nasty, and UNFAIR things those two are guilty and capable of. Oh yes - they also wanted to poison Michele's food with red dye. Nice, fair game players? I think not!

Offline TXBluebonnet

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #306 on: September 07, 2009, 05:29:43 PM »
Well at least J & M know about tomorrow, so much for Nat's little plan of keeping it secret.  :snicker:

Did you notice that as soon as Jordan & Michele knew about the schedule, Jordan went to let Nat know about it.  Boy, sure shows what a great person Jordan is inside.  She didn't even think about making it a secret.  I'm sorry, but I absolutely loathe Nat.  Apparently she thinks the only way she can win is to have an advantage of some sort over her opponent.  She can't play fair and square.   (:;)

No offense to all of the Jordanians here, I actually like her as well, BUT she had no problem throwing Michele under the bus with Nat and Kevin last night (on BBAD) and she has trashed her a lot in the past, as well as other HG's - so she isn't as perfect as she is playing either. Yes, she's sweet, but with a twist of lemon.

Well, of course we want Jordan to play the game.  If she didn't do some scheming, she would definitely not need to win anything. Michele has done the same.  That's not a problem with me...part of the game; however, Nat & Kevin go way beyond what is necessary.  It is like they enjoy making others miserable when they really don't have to do it.  I have no doubt that Nat is this way outside the house.  That is why she is not liked by her fiance's sister, Mom, and her Step-Mom.

Offline PotatosPunkGirl

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #307 on: September 07, 2009, 05:30:06 PM »
Hi... tHello...Hola...ummm..I ran out f

I've been lurking all season but just had to breakdown and actually speak up.....while i am not a Nat fan, I think that people are being way too harsh on her, she is playing the game and i have actually enjoyed it.

We are all entitled to our opinion.....   And although I did not like Dr. Will, he was not sleazy like Gnat is.  They both lied, but that's where the similarity ends (IMO).  (watching Boogie and Will was fun - even though I wasn't for either one of them---Gnat and Kev are just disgusting).  Again, and jmo... everything people are saying about Gnat is true...and well deserved.  
Yeah they were fun cause they lied to people to their face with a smile...if Nat smiled more or had more of a sense of humor, would you like her anymore? i dont think so,   while i am in no way comparing Dr will and Nat ( not even in the same realm), i do think that Nat has gotten quite far for someone who should have been out right after Jessie.....and while I dont know if i think she deserves the 500K, i do think she should still be called Scrapy, cause that what sh had to do to get this far after she lost Jessie and Chima and is STILL in the game

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #308 on: September 07, 2009, 05:30:25 PM »
Yeah, she's so young and naive at times that she doesn't realize the amount of indecency that lies in both Nat and Kev. It's a shame because they are taking advantage of Jordan's good nature, and the more they treat her like that the more I just want to kick their butts!  (:;) If Michele goes home then that'll really suck for Jordan because Jordan will be all alone and Kev and Nat will treat her even worse.

I just don't think she belongs in this viper pit.  Or at the very least -- someone should have given her some lessons on what she was going to face.  I think Jeff tried.  But once in the game -- its harder I would think.  If she reviews BB after she's out --- she's going to just be floored at what took place.

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #309 on: September 07, 2009, 05:31:17 PM »
Gnat is talking to Jordon and saying all sorts of crap...   "JORDAN...PLEASE NOTE THAT GNAT'S LIPS ARE MOVING...WHICH MEANS SHE IS LYING !!  PLEASE REMEMBER WHAT JEFF TOLD YOU !!!!!"

If Michele goes tomorrow, I really feel sorry for Jordon. K/N will mess with her head big time.   :groan:
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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #310 on: September 07, 2009, 05:34:32 PM »
Hi... Hello...Hola...ummm..I ran out of

I've been lurking all season but just had to breakdown and actually speak up.....while i am not a Nat fan, I think that people are being way too harsh on her, she is playing the game and i have actually enjoyed it.  Dr. Will lied his way through the entire AS season and everyone (including me) loved him.  Kaysar has always been and will always be my favorite, and after being evicted not once, not twice, but three times in BB...I was very upset. But it's a game and I moved on.  Jeff played to the best of his ability but he got caught by his own greed(ok maybe not greed....but thinking f2 before even f4) He could talk to Jordan about f2, but was upset and kicked russell out because he suspected russell had a f2 with Michelle, all the while he was thinking f2 with fair was that?  Russell had his back, but Jeff couldnt stand the fact that someone else actually thought they could get HIS 500K.  If Jeff had seen f4 instead of f2, thought one week at a time, instead of (like he himself said) Spending the 500K in his mind, he might still be in the game.  I dont have a favorite this season, maybe Russell if he was still in....but I do know that I have enjoyed it(well except Lydia, she's a bit

Ohhhh yeah and as for someone on the show having a police record(not sure who it was but I know I red it on here somewhere).....My 2nd all time favorite player....Queen Janie...had one too...or have some people forgotten that already?

PPG!!!!!!!!!  :hearts: We've missed you!

I agree with a lot of what you said. Two weeks ago Nat and Kevin were dead and ready for the morgue. They changed the game.

Janie, my all time favorite, yes, I forgot about her little problem with the law, but I will always love her!
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Offline PotatosPunkGirl

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #311 on: September 07, 2009, 05:37:20 PM »
Hiding all the booze, stealing Michele's gloves, lying, those are all BB game tactics, but attempting to put hot sauce and bleach in someone's contact lens solution is just ONE of the rotten, nasty, and UNFAIR things those two are guilty and capable of. Oh yes - they also wanted to poison Michele's food with red dye. Nice, fair game players? I think not!

I dont believe the attempt was ever made....or they wouldnt be in the game anymore...they might have thought it...but they have thought of many things that they havent's a survivor, they must outwit, outlast, outplay the what if their strategy is playing with people's minds?  they all knew what they were signing up for.

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #312 on: September 07, 2009, 05:39:53 PM »
Lying and scheming is part of the game. Players sometimes cross over the line and are cruel and really meanspirited. Nat does it every day, and seems to enjoy it. I'm starting to have fonder memories of the season that shall not be mentioned, Other than Josh's horrible rant to Amanda about committing suicide like her father, I honestly don't remember a person who was more despicable every single day. Ronnie was also cruel but such an asterisk, I'm not counting him.
We have to have players we love to hate, but I can't work up any positive feelings at all for Natalie. I don't like the person Kevin has become around her either, but I hope anyone besides Nasty wins.


Offline PotatosPunkGirl

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #313 on: September 07, 2009, 05:41:11 PM »
Hi... Hello...Hola...ummm..I ran out of

I've been lurking all season but just had to breakdown and actually speak up.....while i am not a Nat fan, I think that people are being way too harsh on her, she is playing the game and i have actually enjoyed it.  Dr. Will lied his way through the entire AS season and everyone (including me) loved him.  Kaysar has always been and will always be my favorite, and after being evicted not once, not twice, but three times in BB...I was very upset. But it's a game and I moved on.  Jeff played to the best of his ability but he got caught by his own greed(ok maybe not greed....but thinking f2 before even f4) He could talk to Jordan about f2, but was upset and kicked russell out because he suspected russell had a f2 with Michelle, all the while he was thinking f2 with fair was that?  Russell had his back, but Jeff couldnt stand the fact that someone else actually thought they could get HIS 500K.  If Jeff had seen f4 instead of f2, thought one week at a time, instead of (like he himself said) Spending the 500K in his mind, he might still be in the game.  I dont have a favorite this season, maybe Russell if he was still in....but I do know that I have enjoyed it(well except Lydia, she's a bit

Ohhhh yeah and as for someone on the show having a police record(not sure who it was but I know I red it on here somewhere).....My 2nd all time favorite player....Queen Janie...had one too...or have some people forgotten that already?

PPG!!!!!!!!!  :hearts: We've missed you!

I agree with a lot of what you said. Two weeks ago Nat and Kevin were dead and ready for the morgue. They changed the game.

Janie, my all time favorite, yes, I forgot about her little problem with the law, but I will always love her!
Heya TL!!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Ive missed you guys too...I didnt have a computer for a couple of months and then didnt want to get the feeds for just a month so I didnt watch the feeds this season....but I am back as an updater next season!!

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #314 on: September 07, 2009, 05:47:34 PM »
If kevin would only follow thru on some of his thoughts in the DR, Nat would be toast. The look on her face if kevin does not pick her for f2 would be PRICELESS! He would be foolish to take Nat to the end. Jordan too for matter. His best shot is with Michelle. His only dilemma is how to pull it off.
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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #315 on: September 07, 2009, 05:55:11 PM »
If kevin would only follow thru on some of his thoughts in the DR, Nat would be toast. The look on her face if kevin does not pick her for f2 would be PRICELESS! He would be foolish to take Nat to the end. Jordan too for matter. His best shot is with Michelle. His only dilemma is how to pull it off.
WEll the only thing I can think of is he would need some really big b**** to pull that off.  Nat intimidates people with her abrasiveness.  I just don't think he wants the warth that would rain down on him.  Last week she said the HOH meant nothing.  This week she's blabbing that this is her HOH and Kevin better respect it.  HOH is nothing.  They all know it.  And Kevin -- is not using it to his advantage.  He should be telling her its my Veto and I need to make the best decision for me to win the bucks.  Cuz he will not win if he takes her.

Offline Artzy13

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #316 on: September 07, 2009, 06:04:52 PM »
If kevin would only follow thru on some of his thoughts in the DR, Nat would be toast. The look on her face if kevin does not pick her for f2 would be PRICELESS! He would be foolish to take Nat to the end. Jordan too for matter. His best shot is with Michelle. His only dilemma is how to pull it off.
WEll the only thing I can think of is he would need some really big b**** to pull that off.  Nat intimidates people with her abrasiveness.  I just don't think he wants the warth that would rain down on him.  Last week she said the HOH meant nothing.  This week she's blabbing that this is her HOH and Kevin better respect it.  HOH is nothing.  They all know it.  And Kevin -- is not using it to his advantage.  He should be telling her its my Veto and I need to make the best decision for me to win the bucks.  Cuz he will not win if he takes her.

Kevin has what it takes, it's just a matter of does he have the smarts? If he does, and picks Michele - it would be over for Gnat, and it wouldn't matter what she said or did - he would have a partner in Michele, and Gnat would be on her own. Gnat doesn't want to have to endure the endurance comp. She has already said several times that she will take the "hard" comps, and he can take the endurance. If Kevin mans up and swats the Gnat then he will deserve whichever place he takes in the finals - 1st or 2nd. He will have earned the money and the respect of a lot of BB fans, as well as the jury. If he takes Jordan, then he is just Gnat's toady, and deserves losing.

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #317 on: September 07, 2009, 06:06:26 PM »
ok dont get me wrong ppl i love jordan and want  her to win the 25k cuz she needs it more
but i think 80% or more ppl will agree with me that she WAYYYY to niaive...not to be rude but she need to open her eyes n see whats REALLY GOING ON  in this  :groan: :groan:

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #318 on: September 07, 2009, 06:09:31 PM »
If kevin would only follow thru on some of his thoughts in the DR, Nat would be toast. The look on her face if kevin does not pick her for f2 would be PRICELESS! He would be foolish to take Nat to the end. Jordan too for matter. His best shot is with Michelle. His only dilemma is how to pull it off.
WEll the only thing I can think of is he would need some really big b**** to pull that off.  Nat intimidates people with her abrasiveness.  I just don't think he wants the warth that would rain down on him.  Last week she said the HOH meant nothing.  This week she's blabbing that this is her HOH and Kevin better respect it.  HOH is nothing.  They all know it.  And Kevin -- is not using it to his advantage.  He should be telling her its my Veto and I need to make the best decision for me to win the bucks.  Cuz he will not win if he takes her.

Kevin has what it takes, it's just a matter of does he have the smarts? If he does, and picks Michele - it would be over for Gnat, and it wouldn't matter what she said or did - he would have a partner in Michele, and Gnat would be on her own. Gnat doesn't want to have to endure the endurance comp. She has already said several times that she will take the "hard" comps, and he can take the endurance. If Kevin mans up and swats the Gnat then he will deserve whichever place he takes in the finals - 1st or 2nd. He will have earned the money and the respect of a lot of BB fans, as well as the jury. If he takes Jordan, then he is just Gnat's toady, and deserves losing.
Yep -- but I just can't see him going against her. He just has to think its for 500k== if he keeps repeating that -- he might pull it off.  I would then be cheering him on.  But at this point no way if he sticks to Nats plan.  Which I firmly believe he will.  Adn it will cost him.

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #319 on: September 07, 2009, 06:10:10 PM »
Kevin is a coward. Jordan is blind. Nat is a b****. And I just feel bad for Michelle. Here's hoping that if some how Natalie wins she gets booed when she comes out of the house.

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #320 on: September 07, 2009, 06:10:44 PM »
ok dont get me wrong ppl i love jordan and want  her to win the 25k cuz she needs it more
but i think 80% or more ppl will agree with me that she WAYYYY to niaive...not to be rude but she need to open her eyes n see whats REALLY GOING ON  in this  :groan: :groan:

Yeah, she needs a lot more street sense because she's going to meet many more people who are just like Nat and Kev. When I was her age I was naive and I trusted people too easily and too often, but by the time I reached my mid-twenties I grew up a lot and realized that a lot of people are greedy, selfish and will lie and backstab to get their way. It's human nature and it's sad, and Jordan really needs to realize that.

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #321 on: September 07, 2009, 06:11:16 PM »
Kevin is a coward. Jordan is blind. Nat is a b****. And I just feel bad for Michelle. Here's hoping that if some how Natalie wins she gets booed when she comes out of the house.

I would love for that to happen  :yess: :yess:
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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #322 on: September 07, 2009, 06:12:31 PM »
ok so much for my wish. Kevin just told nat nothing is changing. Michelle is going home.  (:;)
what goes around, comes around.

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #323 on: September 07, 2009, 06:14:22 PM »
ok dont get me wrong ppl i love jordan and want  her to win the 25k cuz she needs it more
but i think 80% or more ppl will agree with me that she WAYYYY to niaive...not to be rude but she need to open her eyes n see whats REALLY GOING ON  in this  :groan: :groan:

Yeah, she needs a lot more street sense because she's going to meet many more people who are just like Nat and Kev. When I was her age I was naive and I trusted people too easily and too often, but by the time I reached my mid-twenties I grew up a lot and realized that a lot of people are greedy, selfish and will lie and backstab to get their way. It's human nature and it's sad, and Jordan really needs to realize that.

like I said earlier if she goes back and reviews the BB season -- she'll get an unbelievable does of what people can be like.  Urggggg

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Re: Ongoing BB11 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #324 on: September 07, 2009, 06:15:16 PM »
The thing that just nailed the coffin shut for any warm and fuzzy feelings I could have POSSIBLY felt for Nat was when one of the updaters said that they caught Nat on camera sneaking one of the balls into the pocket when she and Kevin were playing pool.

Seriously?  To have to cheat at an innocent pool game?  Now THAT shows the caliber person she is.

I agree with you all on Jordan...The BB house is a crash course of what she'll experience on the outside.  Hopefully she takes away a few lessons from here...She really is naive...