Author Topic: S19: Kelly Sharbaugh, a hairstylist from West Hollywood, CA  (Read 5203 times)

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Offline puddin

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S19: Kelly Sharbaugh, a hairstylist from West Hollywood, CA
« on: August 27, 2009, 10:52:33 AM »
Kelly Sharbaugh, a hairstylist from West Hollywood, CA

Kelly Sharbaugh (25)
Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif.
Occupation: Hairstylist

A free-spirit with an edgy twist, Kelly prefers to take life as it comes and embrace the unknown. Originally from Wilmington, Delaware, she now lives in Southern California, arriving there after one of many cross-country treks.

Self-described as spontaneous and passionate in her desire to live life to the fullest, Kelly makes her living as a hairstylist, which fuels her creative side.
As homage to her outlook on life, she has chosen to place fairly permanent markings on her body that represent some facets of her personality and life. Among her multiple tattoos are the words “cuidado” (Spanish for “careful”) on her forearm and “trouble” on her left foot. 

Her unconventional life experiences and choices have resulted in a positive outlook on life and her belief in the power to change. She feels that making small attainable goals end up contributing to the greater good which is, ultimately, what she wants to do.  Her open and straightforward communication style allows her to delve into the deeper meaning of life and provide insight to those closest to her.

With a highly addicting and sociable personality, Kelly is certain she will stand out in the game of SURVIVOR.

Kelly resides in both San Diego and West Hollywood Calif. and her birthday is December 26th.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 11:17:19 AM by puddin »

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Re: S19: Kelly Sharbaugh, a hairstylist from West Hollywood, CA
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2009, 03:42:24 PM »
from CBS


Offline ZBC Company

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Re: S19: Kelly Sharbaugh, a hairstylist from West Hollywood, CA
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2009, 03:43:24 PM »
she is hot i go to have her as screen shot

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Re: S19: Kelly Sharbaugh, a hairstylist from West Hollywood, CA
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2009, 05:46:36 AM »
OMG, i think there are quite a number of young female in this season? :funny: :hearts:

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Re: S19: Kelly Sharbaugh, a hairstylist from West Hollywood, CA
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2009, 12:32:42 PM »
'Survivor: Samoa': Russell Stays; Kelly Talks About Being Bushwacked
"Survivor: Samoa"'s Kelly Sharbaugh (ex-Galu) was bushwacked at Thursday night's Tribal Council when Russell Hantz (ex-Foa Foa) once again found and played the Immunity Idol to keep him safe. Even though the tribes have merged, there is still a division between Foa Foa and Galu, with Galu having numbers on its side. But with Russell playing the Immunity Idol, all the votes against him didn't count -- and those that Russell had pre-arranged against Kelly did.

ET: When the tribes merged, did Galu have any idea that Russell was as devious as he is?

Kelly Sharbaugh: We knew that he was the mastermind behind everything [at Foa Foa], we knew he was super sneaky and calling all the shots, I had no idea it was to the level it was … finding Immunity Idols on his own. Even watching the first few episodes when he was burning his teammates' things and pouring out the water, it has to be terrible. It is rough out there anyway, especially the first few days. My parents were, "Thank God you weren't on his tribe."

ET: Now that you are watching it, what surprised you the most?

Kelly Sharbaugh: I guess I was surprised by the guy alliance on the Galu tribe. I was so tight with the guys. We had talked about how Galu would go six strong. It was always a mixture of guys and girls.

ET: In hindsight now, I am wondering if it was a smart move to vote off Erik, lessening Galu's numbers. Foa Foa with small numbers managed to get a Galu member voted off last night, which was you. Do you think voting off Erik was a girl-power thing?

Kelly Sharbaugh: I think Erik was a mistake. We should have never sent him home. We planned to split the vote, purge out Russell's idol and then send someone from Foa Foa home. Then last minute, John is running around talking about we needed to send Monica home. I started talking to people and we realized that John and Erik were scheming to send one of us home. We felt like someone on our tribe scheming against us was more of a danger than a Foa Foa member, who had no numbers. So last minute we decided to send Erik. Obviously, Shambo was never with us, so really, it was much more dangerous than we thought sending one of our own home. It was a decision I wish I could take back.

ET: I think Shambo is playing both sides against the middle?

Kelly Sharbaugh: I think she has definitely gone over to the other side. I think she is playing a game trying to let Galu think she is with them. There were those comments last night that she was so shocked about the vote.

ET: Who do you think has the right stuff to make it to the final two?

Kelly Sharbaugh: I think Shambo is going to get herself eliminated. I think, depending on what happens this week, if Russell stays another week, he has the strategy to go all the way. I think physically and competitor-wise Brett is lined up the best right now. I think he has the best alignment and everybody likes him. And physically he is a good competitor that everyone has overlooked.

ET: Laura has emerged as a strong contender, too.

Kelly Sharbaugh: I think Laura has always been strong. She is a beast at challenges. If Laura keeps winning Immunity, I think she will go all the way, too. I think she has a target on her back from Shambo and Russell, so she needs to keep winning challenges.

ET: As a jury member, how will you decide? Will tribal loyalty play a big part in your decision to give someone the $1 million, or will you vote for the person who best played the game?

Kelly Sharbaugh: I think that since Galu was together for so long and had such a good run -- it was a positive time for us because we were doing so well and winning -- I would hope that someone from Galu would win. I never got much of a chance to get to know Foa Foa. There is a lot to base your vote on. I think Russell is doing a good strategic job, but is he making the emotional connections? On the other hand, the people that are making the emotional connections, are people going to feel they are playing a good game?

ET: Would you change your vote if you had seen the show before you had to vote?

Kelly Sharbaugh: I think before I watched the show, I would have changed my vote, but watching the show now, I am glad I voted the way I did.

ET: What was the hardest part for you?

Kelly Sharbaugh: Maybe being a woman -- women are able to deal with things differently than men -- I never got to the point where I was, "I can't do this any longer." I think coming out of the game, it was hard physically to eat again and sleep again. All I wanted to do was sleep, eat and drink, but it was the hardest thing for the first few days … my body allowing me to do that.

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Re: S19: Kelly Sharbaugh, a hairstylist from West Hollywood, CA
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2009, 02:05:58 PM »
Kelly Sharbaugh: I think before I watched the show, I would have changed my vote, but watching the show now, I am glad I voted the way I did.

No Russell. :funny: