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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #100 on: October 28, 2009, 07:40:56 AM »
Dancing with the Stars: How to Solve a Problem Like Michael Irvin?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
And then there were seven.

After the dust of Dancing with the Stars' dreaded double elimination has settled, we have seven remaining couples this season. And thanks to a dance-off, Michael Irvin and Anna Demidova, easily one of the worst performing couples to reach this far, is one of them.

A lot has been said about unfairness of it all, considering that better, better dancers were eliminated before Michael - Natalie Coughlin, Debi Mazar, and even Melissa Joan Hart to a certain a extent. But what irked a lot of DWTS fans and puzzled many was that his survival happened on a dance-off, over which the judges, not the obviously legions of football fans, had control (no offense to football fans).

We droned on and on about the voting portion of Dancing with the Stars sort of rendering the whole point of the judging useless, but see what happens when the same decision is given to the hands of the mighty judges? They couldn't possibly hold Michael Irvin in high regard. In the previous night's competition mambo, for instance, he and Anna were the first couple to go, a glaring confirmation that they are indeed the worst couple left.

Now did Michael really dance better than Louie Vito in the dance-off? That's hardly something you can explicitly and categorically proclaim, but we both saw them, and we know Michael couldn't muster rhythm and musicality to save his life.

The good news is that Michael Irvin actually landed in the bottom three, a fate he had once managed to escape week in and week out. Who knows, if he actually improves and gets at least mediocre, maybe he can even reach the finals? Impossible? No one guessed he would be part of the top 7.

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #101 on: October 28, 2009, 07:42:39 AM »
Dancing with the Stars: Week 6 Double Elimination Results
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The competition is nearing the finish line on Dancing with the Stars, which means the first of two double eliminations.  Eight days from now we'll go from nine couples to five, and that work starts tonight.  With a double elimination, a dance-off and Taylor Swift, there's no time for interruptions, and unlike Tom Bergeron, I promise to keep the Kanye West jokes to a minimum.

Last week I correctly predicted the shocking elimination of Natalie Coughlin, so I'm feeling good about my Dancing with the Stars prowess.  Tonight, I predict Melissa Joan Hart goes home at the bottom, and Kelly Osbourne will defeat Louie Vito in the dance-off to eliminate him as well.

Am I right?  Let's find out.  Live, from Hollywood, it's Dancing with the Stars!

As a reminder, here are the judges' scores, combining their solo and Mambo Marathon totals:

-Joanna Krupa and Derek Hough: 36
-Mya and Dmitry Chaplin: 33
-Aaron Carter and Karina Smirnoff: 33
-Mark Dacascos and Lacey Schwimmer: 32
-Donny Osmond and Kym John: 31

-Kelly Osbourne and Louis van Amstel: 25
-Louie Vito and Chelsie Hightower: 24
-Melissa Joan Hart and Mark Ballas: 24
-Michael Irvin and Anna Demidova: 22

Louie and Chelsie's awesome handshake and point to the camera during the intro makes me smile every time.

The show kicks off with Taylor Swift.  Against my better judgment, I kind of like her music.  She's like a prettier and less trashy version of Miley Cyrus.

Ooh, Donny is wearing a suit that makes him look like a watermelon while Joanna and Derek are in hot pink.

Aaron Carter reveals that he views Len Goodman as his absentee father figure.  Just when I thought I couldn't dislike Aaron any more he brings his daddy issues onto the screen.

Also on my bad side is Michael Irvin, who keeps saying how scared he is that, in a dance-off, his fans can't help him.  Heaven forbid he be judged on his dancing ability and not the number of fans he has.


Joanna and Derek are SAFE.
Mark and Lacey are SAFE.

No duh.


Donny and Kym are SAFE.
Aaron and Karina are SAFE.

Again, no duh, but I still want to see Aaron go home already.  Maybe next week.

The celebrities are helping to design their costumes for next week, leading to hilarity.  Joanna wants to put Derek in a rhinestone Speedo.  You go, girl!


Mya and Dmitry are SAFE.
Kelly and Louis are SAFE.

Huzzah, that means Michael Irvin is in the bottom, which means he's probably going home!  I underestimated Kelly's fans.


Melissa Joan Hart and Mark Ballas are ELIMINATED!

Woohoo, I called it!  But that means Michael Irvin and Louie Vito will face off in the dance-off.  Even though I predicted him to go home, I'm rooting for Louie all the way.


Michael Irvin and Anna Demidova: Samba
Wow, he has no rhythm, but a ton of charisma and personality.  Still, it's kind of weak.

Loue Vito and Chelsie Hightower: Jive
For me, it's more fun, sexier and edgier, but to be fair, Louie is NOT a good dancer.


Bruno votes to save Louie and Chelsie
Len votes to save Michael and Anna
Carrie Ann votes to save Michael and Anna


Louie Vito and Chelsie Hightower are ELIMINATED!

This is total BS!  Louie and Chelsie were at least entertaining, and Michael is truly terrible.  I will deeply miss those two.  But on the bright side, it means my predictions were true again.

Next week is another double elimination, and if they don't finally get rid of Michael, Dancing with the Stars has officially jumped the shark.

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #102 on: October 28, 2009, 09:11:59 AM »
There is another way to look at the clear obstruction of justice perpetrated by the voters and also by the judges. It is that the now-bottom group of Michael Irvin and Kelly Osbourne and their partners should not escape the final week of double eliminationsnext Monday/Tuesday.

The voters have eliminated better dancers to keep these in, but the dancing performances of Joanna, Mya, Aaron, Mark and Donny have topped those of Michael and Kelly and shoudl win out in a rational world.

I say long-term watch out for Donny. He is not the best dancer but he is probably good enough to make the finals and I bet he has the best fan base.

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #103 on: October 28, 2009, 11:01:18 AM »
Dancing’s Double Elimination

It was a double elimination at Dancing with the Stars Tuesday night and actress Melissa Joan Hart was the first to go.

“I kind of went deaf when he announced my name, and then I went, ‘Oh no, was that us?’” Hart recalled after the show. “I’m going to miss the costumes, the lights, the music [and] walking down the stairs.”

And what about her partner Mark Ballas?

“I feel like I’m going to see him all the time. I’m not going to be able to get rid of this guy,” she joked.

Ballas says he was proud of her dancing, especially since she had never danced before appearing on the show. He reminded Hart about her Charleston, which earned her high marks and sent her to the top of the leader board a few weeks ago.

“You’ll always have that Charleston. You’ll always have that 10,” he told Hart. “A lot of people don’t get that.”

Hart says she will miss the other couples, including snowboarder Louie Vito and his partner Chelsie Hightower who also performed their last dance this week.

In the show’s first ever dance-off, Vito and NFL football player Michael Irvin — who had the lowest scores — were forced to compete and perform 30 seconds of their favorite style of dance. The judges decided who would stay.

“I hate losing. I hate it. It’s probably one of the worst things in the world for me,” says Vito, who danced the jive while Irvin chose the samba. “I really wish I was on the other side of this one and (Irvin) was shaking our hand and congratulating us and they were going home. That’s the competitor inside me.”

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #104 on: October 28, 2009, 01:39:57 PM »
I like Dancing with the Stars tv show very much. Here is very good pictures of the stars. I have watched its 2 season. 2nd season is very interesting as compare to the 1st season.

:welcome: to RFF Potter!

I expect that wherever you are, your channel may not yet have shown the latest apskip says, this is currently season 9. But have fun here anyway!! :waves:
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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #105 on: October 28, 2009, 02:30:51 PM »
Tuesday’s Dancing: What You Didn’t See

Tight-Knit Group: As the dancers continue to get eliminated, the group appears to be getting closer. Throughout the night, celebs and professional dancers were always reaching out to each other and giving hugs and pats on the back. Before the dance-off, Michael Irvin, his partner Anna Demidova, Louie Vito and his partner Chelsie Hightower exchanged big hugs with each other. What? No fights? “I thought about it, but this is a family show,” Vito joked.

A Ghoulish Night: Every Tuesday before the show goes live, the dance floor turns into a dance party for the guests of the show. Since Halloween is days away and it was the premiere of Michael Jackson’s This Is It, guests learned the steps to “Thriller” and performed it all the way through. Derek Hough, a fan of Jackson and who also performed the famous routine last week for the show’s tribute to the King of Pop, watched on from behind the stage.

Cheek-to-Cheek: After the show, judge Carrie Ann Inaba and host Tom Bergeron got a little cheeky. While Bergeron was being interviewed, Inaba walked by and slapped his derrière. Without missing a beat, Bergeron asked, “What about the other one?” Inaba was happy to oblige. “We are family,” she joked.

Iron Man: Mark Dacascos has not forgotten about his day job as host of Iron Chef America. After Tuesday’s show, Dacascos flew to New York to tape his show and his dance partner Lacey Schwimmer planned on meeting up with him on Wednesday. “While he’s working, I’ll be shopping,” she says.

Three Witches: The witches of ABC’s Eastwick were in the studio audience watching elimination night. Actresses Sara Rue, Lindsay Price and Rebecca Romijn were spotted laughing throughout the night. They’re all big fans of Dancing with the Stars, but Rue had a plan if Dacascos got eliminated. “I was told by my fiancé that if the guy from [Iron Chef] went home, to pick up my chair and throw it on the dance floor. Those were my instructions. I’m glad it didn’t happen,” Rue says.

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #106 on: October 31, 2009, 12:50:59 PM »
The flu strikes again....

First it was Derek and Mark, now it has struck Lacey. Mark Decascos tweeted that he'll be dancing with Anna Trebunskaya on Monday. Lacey is too sick to continue this week. 

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #107 on: November 02, 2009, 08:37:40 AM »
When will these stars learn that a simple flu shot could help?  Just because you are young & in great shape doesn't mean you won't get the flu!  I have the same complaint with lots of sport stars as well....    :angel:

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #108 on: November 02, 2009, 01:49:25 PM »
Flu Bug Strikes Dancing with the Stars Again

The latest flu victim on Dancing with the Stars is Lacey Schwimmer, who was hit hard by the virus on Thursday while traveling in New York with her dance partner, Iron Chef America’s Mark Dacascos.

From her sickbed Sunday night, Schwimmer tells PEOPLE she’s “thrilled” fellow pro Anna Trebunskaya was available to fill in at the last minute. “I have total faith in Anna. I know she and Mark will have perfect chemistry and hopefully I’ll feel well enough to cheer them on backstage.”

Meanwhile, Schwimmer says she hopes fans “remember to vote so Mark and I can dance next week!”

Trebunskaya received a call Friday night to sub in for what she initially thought would be one day of rehearsals. But when Schwimmer’s condition worsened, Trebunskaya was asked to perform with Dacascos on Monday night’s live show.

“I was supposed to help him out and train on Saturday,” Trebunskaya says. “But Lacey got really sick and when she got back from New York. [Filling in] has definitely been a challenge.”

That’s because Dacascos had to learn two routines — the samba and the paso doble, which is this week’s group dance — in two days.

“We rehearsed 12 hours Saturday and again Sunday,” says Trebunskaya, who was paired earlier this season with ultimate fighter Chuck Liddell. The two were eliminated in week four of the competition.

Schwimmer is not the first DWTS professional to come down with the flu. Derek Hough and Mark Ballas were both ill this season.

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #109 on: November 03, 2009, 02:24:39 AM »
Week 7 Dancing Scoreboard

Foxtrot                  8     8    7     23

Quickstep               8     8    8     24

Samba                   6     7     6     19

Foxtrot                  9     7     9     25

Jive                       9    10    10    29

Salsa                     8     8     8     24

Rumba                    9    9     9     27

Michael/Anna            8    8    8     24

Kelly/Louis                9    9   10    28


Joanna/Derek     55
Aaron/Karina      53
Donny/Kym        52
Kelly/Louis         52
Mya/Dmitry        49
Michael/Anna     47
Mark/Anna         43


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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #110 on: November 03, 2009, 08:24:12 AM »
Dancing with the Stars

Louie Vito ‘Bummed’ to Be Off Dancing with the Stars
November 2, 2009
I’m not going to lie, I felt like I just lost a huge snowboard contest on Tuesday night. I knew I wouldn’t be the happiest person when we got kicked off the show, but I didn’t realize I would be THAT bummed.

There are a few reasons why I think I took the result show so hard. The first is, I HATE losing. Yes, I had a lot of fun during the course of the show, but regardless of that, I still hate losing … no matter what it is. Also, the fact that it was a head-to-head dance-off made it worse. I nailed that dance at the practice we had in the morning and I ran it solo back stage at least 15 times. I always consider myself a contest person and do well under pressure. In this instance, I didn’t come through and I took that pretty hard.

It was weird to wake up Wednesday morning and NOT go to dance practice. I was so used to waking up, eating and then spending the rest of the day rehearsing. Now, I have a lot more time on my hands in between meetings while I’m in LA. The first chance I got, I started skateboarding again, since I pretty much stopped while on the show. I had to be careful not to roll a ankle while I was dancing, but now I can skate without worrying about that.

Chelsie and I also got the opportunity to go to Knott’s Scary Farm which was fun, as well as hit the movies. Then I got to turn the tables and take Chelsie to Mt. High for some snowboarding. It’s pretty crazy to think about snowboarding before Halloween, especially in Southern California, but we did get a couple of days in. It was super fun and the run they had open was actually pretty good snow, good coverage, with boxes and rails everywhere. Chelsie started off being better than I expected right from the get-go. We rode all day on Friday and then decided we were going to come back on Saturday to step it up a notch. Saturday was a whole new day. Chelsie was killing it from the beginning and by the time we left, she was able to make turns all the way down the mountain with no problem. It was cool to take her out and show her what I do everyday. Even though it’s early, early season, she got the idea.

Now all that is left is for me to learn a dance for the finale, and then get back on a schedule and stay healthy and strong for the winter. I am going to Colorado with the U.S. Team the day after Thanksgiving to get ready for the first Olympic Trial and I want to be in perfect shape and health and ready to go.

Thanks to EVERYONE who gave me votes every week, and thanks to everyone who even watched me and cheered me on! This experience is something I will never forget and I have learned a lot, not only about dancing, but about myself as well. I think it has made me grow mentally stronger and I can take a lot from experience and believe it will help me down the road in my life. THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY CHELSIE! It’s been a great experience! –Louie Vito

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #111 on: November 03, 2009, 08:24:54 AM »
Dancing with the Stars

Kelly Osbourne Bounces Back From ‘Beige’
November 3, 2009
Kelly Osbourne was back to her colorful self Monday night on Dancing with the Stars. Last week, judge Bruno Tonioli called her performance “beige.” This week, with her partner Louis Van Amstel pushing her to the limit, she worked through the tears to nail a spicy salsa. “That was brilliant,” Carrie Ann Inaba told her. “You were unafraid of the dance.”

Aaron Carter and his pro partner Karina Smirnoff were another highlight with a high-energy jive that earned them 29 points, including a 10 from sometimes stingy judge Len Goodman. Bruno loved their “unstoppable momentum” and said it was Carter’s “best performance.”

Playboy’s December covergirl Joanna Krupa and her partner Derek Hough also seemed unstoppable after they performed a romantic rumba that had Bruno calling her a “love goddess.” “You dance at your edge,” Carrie Ann told her. “I love watching you.” They earned 27 points.

Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson’s quickstep was full of errors but “when you go for it,” Len told him, “there will be mistakes.” Bruno agreed: “Nobody could cover up all the mistakes as well as you did,” he said.

Sadly, the same could not be said for Iron Chef America’s Mark Dacascos, whose partner Lacey Schwimmer is the latest pro to get hit by the flu. Replacing her at the last minute was Anna Trebunskaya who was eliminated earlier this season with Chuck Liddell. While the judges had compassion for their unlucky situation, they only awarded the pair 19 points. “That was a mess,” Carrie Ann said. “It was completely … disjointed.” Bruno said their samba looked like “Kung Fu Panda doing the samba on the Planet of the Apes.” Ouch!

The night ended with a team dance-off. Team Tango (Joanna and Derek, Kelly and Louis, Donny and Kym) bested Team Paso (Mark and Anna, Aaron and Karina, Mya and Dmitry, Michael and Anna) by earning an additional 28 points each compared to just 24 for the paso performers.

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #112 on: November 03, 2009, 02:35:21 PM »
Monday’s Dancing: What You Didn’t See

The Flu Season: Two weeks after the flu bug first hit the ballroom, Lacey Schwimmer and Donny Osmond fell ill. Anna Trebunskaya filled in for Schwimmer, dancing the fox trot with Mark Dacascos on Monday night. But Osmond tells PEOPLE that for him, the show had to go on. “I just can’t let Kym [Johnson] down,” he said. Clutching a wad of tissue, Osmond stayed an arm’s length away during his post-show interviews. Given the long hours, the strenuous routines and the close proximity in which the stars and pros work, staying healthy is a challenge for everyone. Vitamin C, Emergen-C, and every kind of cold remedy out there is stocked at the craft services table. “If it’s legal, I’m taking it,” Osmond says. “The room was literally spinning tonight when we did the quickstep. I thought I was dancing on the ceiling for a bit.”

Who Wears the Pants: For Monday night’s show the celebrities — instead of the pros — took their ideas to the DWTS wardrobe department. Mya chose a long gown for herself and an ivory suit with a magenta shirt and tie for her partner, Dmitri Chaplin. “Dmitri was very insecure about the idea of me designing the costumes this week,” Mya says. “I’ve been wearing a lot of short stuff, so tonight I wore a gown and I picked out a magenta shirt for him and I was tired of the black and white suits so I put him in a cream suit tonight.” What did Chaplin think? “It was incredible. I thought it looked amazing,” he said. Kelly Osbourne revealed why she cooked up a pair of turquoise fringe pants for her partner, Louis Van Amstel: “Every week I’ll say, ‘I want a black dress,’ and then I’ll come in and it will be gray,’” Osbourne says. “I have ended up loving all of my dresses, really, but this week he called them up and said to add tassels to my dress … So I called them up and I said, ‘Add tassel pants for Louis.’”

Pressure Cooker: Feeling the pressure as the season hits its home stretch, Osbourne says she’s been having a hard time keeping her cool. “It’s unbelievable now and it’s more intense than you will ever imagine,” she says. “I care so much about this that I’m at home crying or I’m practicing my arm moves while I’m doing dishes or brushing my teeth.” Van Amstel says he can tell that Osbourne’s commitment level has risen week by week. “I feel the pressure is actually off because we’ve been fighting since week three to get her to burst that bubble and find her mojo,” he says. “So now I feel if we stay [in the competition] from now on, it will be fun because we’re pushing together. We have nothing to lose. If we go home tomorrow, we’ve already won.”

Facing Tough Critics: She’s one of the season’s most consistent and best performers. So why is it every week judge Len Goodman gives Mya and Chaplin their lowest score? “I don’t think he has anything against us,” Mya says. “He wants us to keep pushing to the next level so that we can reach three tens. We’re not achieving some factor in our dance. Either it’s too technical and Bruno [Tonioli] and Carrie Ann [Inaba] won’t like it, or it’s too performance-based or gimmicky. So we have to find a happy medium to please the audience, the three judges and ourselves and be true to the dance.”

Hough Love: Derek Hough and Joanna Krupa had some fun with their video package on Monday night, concocting an over-the-top fantasy sequence complete with slow-motion beach running and a kiss. After their rumba Monday night, which also had equal parts drama and passion, Hough ran over to give an “all in good fun” handshake to Krupa’s fiancé, Miami nightclub owner Romain Zago. “We were laughing at ourselves all week and having a good time, having fun with it,” says Hough, who will perform on Tuesday night’s results show with Mark Ballas and the Ballas Hough Band. “It’s exciting for me to hear him perform,” Krupa says.

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #113 on: November 04, 2009, 09:28:31 AM »
Dancing with the Stars

Dancing’s Double Elimination
November 4, 2009
It was the second double-elimination in a row as former NFL star Michael Irvin and Iron Chef America host Mark Dacascos were eliminated Tuesday night on Dancing with the Stars.

Irvin, who improved his dance scores each week, says the voters kept him and his partner Anna Demidova in the game for seven weeks.

“We have great love out here,” Irvin told PEOPLE after the show. “The voters kept us in. We were scoring 13s and 14s. That makes you feel great!”

Unfortunately, he scored the lowest among the seven couples Monday night and didn’t have a chance to compete in the dance-off, which featured Dacascos and pop star Aaron Carter. The judges raved about both performances, but in the end, the judges preferred Carter’s jive to Dacascos’s cha cha.

“Would I trade the experience? Heck, no!” says Dacascos. “It was one of the best professional experiences I’ve had in my life!”

It was a tough week for the TV host. His partner Lacey Schwimmer caught the flu last week and was unable to perform Monday night. Instead, he rehearsed once with Tony Dovolani and then performed with Anna Trebunskaya. Still feeling sick, Schwimmer said she couldn’t stay away for elimination night.

“I probably shouldn’t have come here today and danced but I begged to be here,” Schwimmer said. “There was no way I was going to let him leave on a sour note. We danced one last time.”

With only five couples left competing for the mirror ball trophy, the celebs and dancers say they have formed a bond that makes it hard to say goodbye.

“I’m happy I met her,” Irvin says about his partner Demidova. “I’ll miss her more than anything.” –Elaine Aradillas

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #114 on: November 04, 2009, 09:30:53 AM »
  :'(  :'(  :'( :'(  Not Mark!!!!  I have no body to vote for anymore..... It's hard to say that if Lacy would have been well - would they have not made it into the bottom 3? 

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #115 on: November 04, 2009, 09:44:40 AM »
Dancing with the Stars: Week 7 Live Results
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Two more couples are going home on Dancing with the Stars, the Ballas Hough Band is performing live, and hopefully we'll get to see even more of Derek Hough's fantasy world.  I'll be here throughout the hour keeping an eye on the show, but I think this week is very predictable.

The judges' scores this week on Dancing with the Stars have the bottom three couples separated by quite a bit from the top of the pack, so it's almost certain that Mark Dacascos will go home and Michael Irvin will (hopefully) lose to Mya in the dance-off.  I've been right about who goes home for the past two weeks, so my confidence level is very high.

The show kicks off with an encore of the Team Tango, which is fine by me.  It kicks just as much butt as it did last night.  The only way it could be cooler is if they used Blake Lewis' beat box version of "You Give Love a Bad Name" from American Idol.


Kelly Osbourne and Louis van Amstel are SAFE.
Mark Dacascos and Lacey Schwimmer are in the BOTTOM 3.

Yippee, Kelly is safe.  I know she's not that great, but I like her anyway.


Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson are SAFE.
Michael Irvin and Anna Demidova are in the BOTTOM 3.

Not surprising, and now it seems almost certain that Mya will be in the bottom.  If not, it means one of the two highest scoring couples is in the bottom, which means America really hates them.


It's time for Mark Ballas and Derek Hough to sing their new song.  And wow, it's kind of insane.  They are both auto-tuned beyond all recognition, and it's all this weird electronic dance club music.  I think a rave just broke out on Dancing with the Stars.  It's simultaneously awesome and awful.


Mya and Dmitry Chaplin are SAFE.
Joanna Krupa and Derek Hough are SAFE.
Aaron Carter and Karina Smirnoff are in the BOTTOM 3.

Hahahahahahaha!  Aaron tied the season high score and had the second highest overall total from the judges, yet still wound up in the bottom.  Sorry Aaron, but this is proof positive that America hates you.

He beat Donny and Kelly by three points each and Mya by four points, so he must've scored laughably low with viewer votes.


I usually don't pay attention to the singer interludes, but this was too sad to ignore.  Rod Stewart's voice is so hoarse and raspy that it's just embarrassing to watch him try and sing.  Dude, it's time to retire.


Michael and Anna are ELIMINATED.

Wow, the man whose fans saved him week after week lost thanks to some overwhelming fan support for the sick Lacey.  I'm also thinking that, if the pity vote is there with the judges, there could be an outside shot that Mark and Lacey stick around and Aaron Carter goes home when he scores the highest individual score of the season.


Mark and Lacey - Cha Cha Cha

It's solid and fun, and they excel by showing off Mark's martial arts aerial skills.  The only slight issue I have is a tiny stumble on his second cartwheel.  The judges LOVE them.

Aaron and Karina - Jive

Even Aaron acknowledges that having the judges decide over America is better for him.  They do another Jive which is a double-edged sword.  He just delivered an amazing Jive last night, so this one might have to be compared to it.  Luckily for him, the judges all seem to think this Jive was even better than last night's.  That should mean they're definitely safe, right?


Mark and Lacey are ELIMINATED.

It's sad that it had to happen, especially since Mark got screwed this week with Lacey's flu, and honestly, if that didn't happen, I have no doubt they would still be safe because I suspect Mark and Lacey could've scored at least five or six points higher.

Next week on Dancing with the Stars: It's back to single elimination, but now it's double the dances as each couple will perform two solos.

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #116 on: November 04, 2009, 09:45:53 AM »
Dancing with the Stars: Oh, Aaron!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Yesterday, I wrote: Wouldn't it be a riot if Aaron Carter got a 29 and then got eliminated? It can happen you know.

Well what do we have here on Dancing with the Stars. Aaron Carter and Karina Smirnoff, dancing a mean jive and getting raves from the judges, and landing in the bottom 3. It's hard to get any more blatant than that. While likeability is all but subjective, things should be pretty clear at this point.

On tonight's elimination night, the couples who got the two lowest scores did get the boot, but the crazy addendum was, it wasn't Mya, who was third lowest, who joined them in the bottom three, it was Aaron Carter, who notched his season-best 29 points for their spirited jive. For a little refresher, here's the Dancing with the Stars week 7 leader board pre-voting:

Joanna Krupa and Derek Hough = 55
Aaron Carter and Karina Smirnoff = 53
Kelly Osbourne and Louis Van Amstel = 52
Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson = 52
Mya and Dmitry Chaplin = 49
Michael Irvin and Anna Demidova = 47
Mark Dacascos and Anna Trebunskaya = 43

As we can see, 10 big points separate Mark Dacascos and Anna Trebunskaya (43) and Aaron Carter and Karina Smirnoff (53). In any other season or considering any other couple, there would be a very slim chance these two would have met in a dance-off, considering how far apart their scores were. There must have been an astronomical disparity in the people's vote to have made it possible.

So is it Aaron? Or Karina? Or both? Aaron is a crybaby, and Karina has been known to make faces (not the Jim Halpert variety, because that's adorable). Or maybe because Len Goodman gave them his first ten of the season? And the backlash is a message to rebuke him?

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #117 on: November 04, 2009, 11:43:40 AM »
Dancing's Maks: Judges Need to Stop Their Antics

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your comments once again. I have a lot of thoughts about Monday's show, so let's get right down to it.

First of all, I thought I was in the Twilight Zone because I didn't understand what was happening and what was going on with the results. Don't get me wrong. I love everybody there, but the judges were not making any sense at all and that bothered me.

With all due respect, Len, Bruno and Carrie Ann are great. I love them. They all bring a unique character to the show and known worldwide for it, but they are being looked to for expert opinion on dancing and nobody wants to see them jump on the table. It makes everything uncomfortable and turns people off. I also thought that we can all do without some of the judges' comments. Carrie Ann's crack comment, for example, was in very poor taste. Don't forget about people at home watching, hearing her say that. Bruno's follow-up comment about Andre Agassi was even worse. Andre exposed the darkest secrets of his life not to be made fun of, but to teach people to learn from his mistakes and for Bruno to comment on it in the way he did was completely unnecessary. I'm just livid because I feel antics like that distract from the show and those of us who want to promote ballroom dancing and the art of dance in general have to defend the judges and explain that "they didn't mean it." We've spent the past nine seasons bringing it to people, introducing it to a new audience. I love getting asked questions about it, explaining it to people, writing about it here for you to read. I want people to learn about dance and hopefully like it and the stuff they did on the show can hurt that.

As for the dances, I'll go through each one.

Mya and Dmitry — I totally agree with Len's comment. They danced the foxtrot, but we didn't see any commendable basics in it. I love Dima's dancing and respect him immensely, but he needs to bring his ballroom routines up a notch, especially for someone of Mya's caliber. He needs to give her stuff that's charismatic and shows off her personality. They had a great first half of the season and I'm worried that they're not going to be able to go the distance.

I thought Joanna and Derek were great. As young as Derek is, he's very educated and very professional. He has the gift of making people like Joanna, who's not the best dancer, look great. Derek is able to figure out a way to bring out the best and camouflage the worst. I'm hearing things that people are saying Joanna has had ballet training, which I don't think she did, but I think rumors like those are compliments — they're trying to find something to bring her down and dilute her progress. She lost her balance at one part, which was a difficult move, and the judges called her out for it like it was the worst thing ever. That tells me that they had nothing to criticize and just grabbed to "something" for whatever reason.

Aaron and Karina did a very fast routine. I applaud them for that because it is not easy to get through. But Aaron messed up very obviously in the middle section. He was very hyper and, in my opinion, not easy to watch. Also, they repeated their opening section again at the end. I'm not saying it's cheating, but I don't think that performance deserved two 10s and I think the judges should've judged fairly.

I liked Michael and Anna's foxtrot. Is he amazing? No. Should we encourage him? Yes. He's such a hard worker and he knows he's not the best dancer, but he gives it his all — and he is slowly improving. Once again, I don't think the marks reflected what he did on the floor, but what Michael is doing on the dance floor, somebody like Michael should not be doing and you have to respect people like that. He's a great representation of what the show is all about.

I enjoyed Mark and Anna's routine. I feel for Mark so much. He got crucified and did not deserve it. He took it like a champ though. Mark is an amazing person, the truest gentleman. He will ever pass by without a hello, never miss a hand, never miss a smile. But he's also a great dancer with a lot of potential. The routine wasn't perfect, but he had hip action, bounce action, a lot of material and a crazy, gravity-defying flip. To give him a 6? Are you crazy? Once again, I thought the comments were so rude. Kung Fu Panda doing samba on the Planet of the Apes? Really Bruno? We all like to have fun, but the judges were having too much "fun" there. People put their lives on hold to do the show and you don't treat them like that.

Kelly and Louis did an admirable job. I really like Kelly. She is exactly the way she looks on camera in real life: friendly, super-excited, very professional. She wants it. She wants it for her parents. This week she had the "moment" where the celebrity realizes how hard it all is and gets emotional. Louis had put a lot of content into their salsa. I really enjoyed her turns and spins. He was very physical with Kelly during the dance. That's what you have to do for her to look exciting — not wait for her to do something. He's finding a way to bring out the best in her. It was a performance worthy of notice. And the pants — Louis at his purest! But then he ripped it off and ripped her skirt off. I was expecting him to rip his sleeves off. Then Bruno wraps the pants around his neck and dances on his table. I just did not understand that part.

I love Donny's consistency. He might not go up and down much in terms of "Oh my God! That was great!" and "Oh my God! That was bad!" but he's doing everything right. He has flow. Kym gives him a lot of content. It was quick, fun, exciting and he was in frame. He's probably the most underscored, but he's doing exactly what he has to do in this marathon. He's right behind the front runners and when the final turn comes, he's going to pass them.

As for the team dances, I couldn't believe Len said the tango is easier than the paso doble. You have to do the tango in constant hold, which is harder. In the paso, you separate, run, stand, walk around and then get back in hold. The tango should've gotten all 10s. It was by far superior. It had great ideas, great choreography. Carrie Ann pointed out a lift, but whenever she does that, she never points out anything else. Also, why can't there be a lift in the team dance? Plus, is it written in a rulebook? Is there even one for group dances? If the judges are supposed to look for lifts and dock for lifts, why did it get one 10? I thought the team paso was very good as well. The intensity needs to be toned down a little bit, especially for the guys because there's a fine line between looking intense and looking constipated. They had a harder time because they had more couples, meaning more people to organize, but it was a very good performance.

I felt bad for people. There were underscored couples, overscored couples — which is fine because sometimes you need to be lucky. But bottom line, I didn't appreciated the judges' antics and them turning the show into something weird or controversial and not focus on the content. Please judge the content.

I watched the show on TV, which was the second time I saw it on TV, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it, but not when stuff like this happens. I have friends that participate on So You Think You Can Dance season after season and I always find it hard to watch Mary Murphy's comments. They make you very uncomfortable and you just want to change the channel. Let's not do the same to our show, which tons of people put so much effort into.

I'm very sad Michael and Mark were eliminated. Mark had a tough week and deserved better, but Aaron did a great knockout jive. They both did wonderful knockout dances.

I'm very happy for Derek and Mark's big debut performance of their song "Move." This is not a "big break" per se, but it's a great opportunity for them. I want them to be successful. They're reinventing themselves and why not do it on the stage where you feel at home?

That's all for now. Thanks for reading!


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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #118 on: November 04, 2009, 11:59:18 PM »
Tuesday’s Dancing: What You Didn’t See

Pass the Luck: Before Aaron Carter performed the jive on Tuesday night’s dance-off, Kelly Osbourne ran onto the dance floor, gave him a hug and a good luck charm. “I said, ‘Wear my lucky bracelet.’ I wear my lucky bracelet every week,” she said, pointing to her beaded bracelet. “[My fiancé] Luke [Worrall] made it for me.”

Model Curse Broken? Playboy’s December covergirl Joanna Krupa is excited and thankful to be entering week 8 of the competition. “When I first got here, I hoped to get to week 3 because of the model curse,” she told PEOPLE after the show. It seems every model on the show has been eliminated on or before the third week. In season 1, Rachel Hunter left in week 3; Shanna Moakler was booted in week 2 on season 3; supermodel Paulina Porizkova left the first week in season 4; Albert Reed was eliminated in week 2 the following season; and Playboy model Holly Madison only made it to week 3 last season. Even Kathy Ireland was out early this season! If Krupa doesn’t leave with the mirror ball trophy, she’s at least proven that models can dance.

Flip Flop: Mark Dacascos, host of Iron Chef America, says it was a great experience working with his dance partner Lacey Schwimmer on her show. He hopes she will return the favor. “It’s in the works,” says Dacascos about the possibility of Schwimmer being a guest judge. “I just don’t want anything disgusting,” Schwimmer joked, “like animal organs that shouldn’t be taken out of an animal. I would love chocolate or the secret ingredient is sugar!”

Pre-Game Ritual: Before every show, Michael Irvin and Anna Demidova calm their nerves by running through their routine in a private room. Then, Irvin says, he goes to his trailer to “listen to some sermons. Pray. I say, ‘God, get these feet moving.’ I need prayer and hard work,’” Irvin says. Unfortunately, this week’s ritual was his last since he was eliminated Tuesday night.

Ballas Hough Band Is Back: The Ballas Hough Band performed the first single, “Move,” off their upcoming album Tuesday night. “This is more of a club track and something you can really move to,” says Mark Ballas, one half of the duo that also features Derek Hough. Their performance included a slew of dancers and one of them was a backup dancer for Michael Jackson’s This Is It film. Hough, who recently saw the movie, spotted the dancer on the big screen and called the movie inspiring. “He taught me to trust my instinct,” he said of Jackson.

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #119 on: November 07, 2009, 10:20:47 PM »
The flu epidemic continues to strike the dancers. Louis tweeted today that he and Kelly are the only two that haven't been hit by the bug.

As for the remaining teams, the status as far as the flu goes:

Donny/Kym.....he had it but is over it, she had mild symptoms

Mya/Dmitry....she had mild symptoms, he had a mild case of the flu but are over it

Joanna/Derek....she had mild symptoms, he had the full case that forced him to miss out one week

Kelly/ far both are flu-free

Aaron/Karina....both have it now, he just have the mild case, she has it worse but still are rehearsing and will dance on Monday

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #120 on: November 07, 2009, 10:33:00 PM »
Karina tweeted this pic:

Karina and Aaron all masked up during rehearsal:

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #121 on: November 10, 2009, 07:27:02 AM »
Dancing with the Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Mya’s Perfect Night!
November 10, 2009
For weeks, Mya has endured critique after frustrating critique from judge Len Goodman on Dancing with the Stars. If he wasn’t complaining about her routines lacking content, it was that they were too theatrical. But during Monday night’s quarterfinal competition, Len said his only disappointment with with her routine was, “I couldn’t find anything to criticize.” The singer and her partner Dmitry Chaplin opened the show with a bang, nailing the quickstep and earning 29 points.

Later in the show, the couple’s ’70s-style samba had all three judges gushing with praise. Carrie Ann Inaba called the performace “perfect.” “On fire!” Len exclaimed. “Your hips were hypnotic.” Bruno Tonioli did Len one better, bursting into song. All of the judges dusted off their number ten paddles, awarding the couple the season’s first perfect score.

But that’s not to say the other four couples slacked off. In what was arguably the season’s most exciting night of performances, as all five couples came out swinging.

Aaron Carter and Karina Smirnoff performed an elegant and refined fox trot, though Carrie Ann remarked the routine lacked fluidity. Len, in keener spirits Monday, commended Aaron for his efforts. “I am proud of you,” he said. The couple received a respectable 23 points.

Derek Hough and Joana Krupa were the picture of perfection in their quickstep attire. Despite the audience’s enthusiasm, there were missteps on the floor. Len scolded the pair, saying it was not up to the standard of the quarterfinals. Bruno more tactfully added, “It was not your best performance.” Still, the couple earned 23 points.

Kelly Osbourne and Louis van Amstel lightened the mood with an uplifting fox trot that received a standing ovation from the crowd and high praise from all three judges, especially Bruno, who called the routine “light and ethereal” — and worthy of 25 points.

Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson were the last pair up for the ballroom round. The pair executed a graceful Viennese waltz, which Bruno likened to “a Lifetime movie” for its drama. Carrie Ann called the dance “mesmerizing,” while Len was less pleased, calling it too “arty farty.” Still, the couple earned a 26, putting them in second place.

During the show’s second hour, each couple performed a Latin dance assigned to a decade. Following up Mya and Dmitry’s perfect ’70s-style samba, Aaron and Karina bounced back with a spirited samba fit for the ’90s. Carrie Ann said Aaron “smoothed out all the edges” while Len patted him on the back for a job “well done.” The couple received 27 points.

Derek and Joanna’s paso doble took place “in the future,” and they lit up the room, literally, with LED-lights on their costumes that glowed in the dimly lit ballroom. All of the judges were impressed, with Bruno and Len calling Derek a “genius” for his inventive choreography that incorporated robotic moves into the classic Latin dance. The pair earned a 29.

Louis and Kelly’s ’60s jive, which Len called “an absolute revelation” and Bruno praised as “an achievement,” left Carrie Ann a little unfulfilled. But they received a solid 26.

Rounding out the evening were Donny and Kym, who channeled the ’80s with their paso doble. The routine, amped up with wind and smoke machines, was “crazy, bizarre, scary,” according to Len, and “insane, odd, off the edge,” was Carrie Ann’s take. Still, the performance earned them 24 points. –Monica Rizzo

The evening’s final scores:
Mya and Dmitry 59 points
Derek and Joanna 51 points
Kelly and Louis 51 points
Donny and Kym 50 points
Aaron and Karina 50 points

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #122 on: November 10, 2009, 08:36:56 AM »
Week 8 Dancing Scoreboard:

Quickstep           9     10     10     29
Samba               10    10     10     30

Foxtrot               7      8      8     23     
Samba                9      9      9     27

Quickstep            8      7      8     23
Paso Doble           9     10    10    29

Foxtrot                8      8     9     25     
Jive                     8      9     9    26   

Viennese Waltz      9     8     9     26
Paso Doble            8     8     8     24

Combined Scores:

Mya/Dmitry       59
Aaron/Karina     50   
Joanna/Derek    52
Kelly/Louis        51
Donny/Kym       50

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #123 on: November 10, 2009, 02:05:18 PM »
Monday’s Dancing: What You Didn’t See

Dream Come True: As Britain’s Got Talent sensation Susan Boyle, whose first CD will be released Nov. 23, slowly made her entrance onto the Dancing with the Stars stage late Monday afternoon to pre-tape a performance, which will air on Tuesday’s results show, the crowd burst into applause. Boyle looked elegant in a black sequined gown, her hair coiffed to perfection. Despite battling a case of pre-show nerves, Boyle was completely in her element once the orchestra began playing the opening notes of her signature song, “I Dreamed a Dream” from the musical Les Miserables. Dancers Tony Dovolani and Chelsie Hightower performed an elegant routine to Boyle’s spot-on vocals. But because of a wardrobe malfunction — Dovolani’s bowtie came unfastened from his tuxedo shirt — they had to do a second take. Unbelievably, it was even better than the first.

Under Pressure: Mya and Aaron Carter have performed to huge audiences in their lives, but both admit that as season 9 winds down, the pressure has intensified. Mya, who finally broke through Len Goodman’s low-score barrier, says she’s not going to rest on Monday night’s achievement. “We got 10s, so we must have been really good. But now we have to work extra hard to maintain that,” Mya told PEOPLE. But first, she admitted, a celebration was in order: “My family is in town from Maryland, so we’re going to go out and eat and relax.” Meanwhile, Carter was so spent after his ’90s-style samba that “I was gagging,” he said, admitting that even though he looked calm and collected, “I didn’t get over the nerves tonight. They were there.”

Repeat Performance: Speaking of nerves, Sabrina Bryan was feeling the pressure of being back at the ballroom Monday night. One of the stars of season 5, she received more votes than any other former contestant as the celebrity viewers would most like to see return to the show. “I have a huge team behind me, Team Sabrina, that has been behind me since the elimination and this was their chance to rectify their feelings and get vengeance for me. I was extremely honored,” Bryan told PEOPLE backstage. On Tuesday’s results show, Bryan will perform the paso doble with a male pro whose identity is a secret. Being back in the studio resurrected butterflies for Bryan. “I was just as nervous as I was the first time I was on the show,” said Bryan, who rehearsed for about five days. “I’m really excited. I came to the show today to get into ballroom and the atmosphere again. I thought it would help calm my nerves and all it did was heighten them.”

Too Much of a Good Thing: Before the show, judge Bruno Tonioli walked from his trailer to the studio wearing nothing but a robe. Buff and tan, Tonioli pulled back the robe’s collar and joked with Carrie Ann Inaba to “take a picture of this.” Inaba rolled her eyes at her uninhibited costar. She was much more excited to look at the 27 carats of Rafinity diamond jewelry she was wearing, including a white diamond necklace and a 20-carat black and white diamond cuff bracelet.

Character Building: The first hour of Monday’s show featured elegant ballroom dances in formal attire. But for the second half, everyone let their hair down — or stuffed it under a wig — to capture the time period for the Latin routines. Mya, who had much success helping to design Team DMya’s wardrobe last week, took to the drawing board again for the couple’s ’70s garb. “I got Dmitry to wear pink!” she said. While he channeled Sonny Bono, Mya looked like a roller queen in a sequined hot pink lycra pantsuit. “This is really comfortable,” she said of the outfit. “Sometimes you get a little insecure wearing all these short skirts that the pros wear. You can move really well in this.” Derek Hough and Joanna Krupa had by far the most inventive costumes, with battery-fueled LED lights accenting their silver futuristic attire. “When we heard future I was like, ‘LED lights in the costume. I don’t care how you guys do it and how you guys have to make it happen. It has to be good,’ and they did it,” he explained. After the show, Hough played with the switch on his jacket and joked, “You turn me on.” A new pickup line? “I don’t think so,” Krupa said with laugh.

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Re: Dancing with the Stars - 9
« Reply #124 on: November 11, 2009, 02:47:39 AM »
Julianne Hough and Chuck Wicks Split

Julianne Hough and Chuck Wicks have decided to call it quits, a source tells PEOPLE. "This was mutual. They needed some time apart," says the source.

Hough, 21, and Wicks, 30, both are still expected to attend the Country Music Association Awards on Wednesday – Wicks is covering the red carpet for Entertainment Tonight and Hough is a presenter.

The two walked the red carpet together for the first time at last year's CMA Awards after getting to know each other while touring with Brad Paisley. Within weeks, they already had marriage on the mind, with Hough telling PEOPLE they "definitely" wanted to go to the altar someday.

"The minute we met it was perfect," Hough, a country singer and Dancing with the Stars pro, said in December. "The first date we had we both had that feeling like we were going to fall in love with each other.",,20318934,00.html