Author Topic: an email from Chima to her attorney?  (Read 3806 times)

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an email from Chima to her attorney?
« on: August 16, 2009, 04:53:19 PM »
this is on Casey's discussion board on facebook and thought I would share it......

just thought everyone mught like to see the email that Chima reportedly sent out tonight... the original blogger thinks it went to her attorney, but we cant be sure! At least its good for a laugh, have a read at this:

Hi Thomas.

Yes, I did in fact quit the show, although there are reports on EW from CBS to the contrary. Big Brother would like everyone to believe I was kicked off for not following the rules, but I went to the producers repeatedly over the past couple of days wanting to leave….wanting out of that house!

As crazy as that house is, the producers NEVER want the world to think or know that we houseguests DO LEAVE when it becomes futile to stay. I lost faith in the show & my ability to remain committed to this game. All of the remaining housemates know I wanted to leave and that is why any conversation concerning me is cut in the live feed because they don’t want America to hear the truth about my voluntary departure.

Do you really believe that I would be expelled for tossing my microphone when past houseguests have only been kicked off for violence & threats of violence? You know better, as do I.

It’s better that I left. I did what was best for me in this game and that was to leave. When I chose to play & play hard the power I did earn was completely usurped by a game piece never used before in this game and my HOH reign was rendered useless. I have no regrets. As cliche’ as it sounds, until the public is a part of a human pressure cooker, then the judgements should cease.

I find it interesting that my personal attacks on Russell have been highlighted, but his attacks on me pushed under a rug. Selective portrayals? I think so. Russell did terrorize the house, especially the women in the house. Why America constantly finds men attacking women okay, yet vilifies the woman defending herself, will always confound me. But what’s done is done, now BB fans can find a new woman to hate. I didn’t sign up for what I was exposed to & I left gladly. It was the principle of the matter, the $500,000 prize be damned. That’s all for now!

Take Care…

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Re: an email from Chima to her attorney?
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2009, 05:37:03 PM »
I saw this too, can't remember what website it was

Is this not slander? since she is saying she left and was not asked to leave? Is she trying to save her job by lying about what really went on?

Once the show is over cant the house guests spill the beans? 

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Re: an email from Chima to her attorney?
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2009, 11:35:23 PM »
If it went the other way and Russell was HOH and Jessie got the cout de'etat, would Chima be so upset about it then? I think not.

In the end, Chima screwed herself over by not controlling her anger. She let the game get to her, she let the coup de'etat get to her.

You can't blame Jeff for playing the card he was dealt. Even Jessie said it was a great move by Jeff. So if Jessie can stand tall and accept defeat with humility then why couldn't Chima do the same?

To me, Chima's just using the whole coup de'etat as an excuse, a cop out for her outrage on everything.

Everyone knew there was a mystery power so it's not like this came out of nowhere. It's not like BB just sprung this up while Chima was in power. This coup de'etat idea was brought up right after Casey was evicted, so no one was at a disadvantage.

And the fact that the power was not used in Ronnie's eviction should've been enough of a clue to realize that Chima was powerless even though she was HOH.

The only issue I had with the whole thing was that Jeff was allowed to compete in the HOH after Jessie eviction. He didn't win it but he shouldn't have been allowed to compete since he effectively became the new HOH.

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Re: an email from Chima to her attorney?
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2009, 04:08:41 AM »
The letter was originally posted on and is addressed to the guy who writes the Big Brother section.


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Re: an email from Chima to her attorney?
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2009, 05:08:28 AM »
The letter was originally posted on and is addressed to the guy who writes the Big Brother section.

thanks for clearing that up

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Re: an email from Chima to her attorney?
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2009, 09:11:15 AM »
yea i had read it as an e-mail sent to a bb bloger also..
 and i totaly agree with the whole cou deta thing she new it was out there and new it could b used as did the ppl in the season booger had it, she was going around the house threatng ppl if u have it u better not use it or u will see me flipp. jeff did not care what was coming out of her mouth, he was playing a game allso chima was playing the bb chima show game, and expected every one to bow down to her and her wishes her words not mine.. realy chima u thought the world and bb revoled around u?? yea no..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: an email from Chima to her attorney?
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2009, 10:02:37 AM »
This woman is like a bad nightmare that keeps returning in some shape or form.  America hates her because many of us watch BB After Dark or the live feeds and there is Chima being a total ass**** , no editing , just pure evil woman.  She is mistaken if she thinks she can win a fight against CBS.  My advice to Chima is get some counseling and stay in it until you can become a human.

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Re: an email from Chima to her attorney?
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2009, 10:05:52 AM »
Yeah I posted the link under the "Is Chima Really Gone" feed yesterday morning.