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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #525 on: August 05, 2009, 06:51:35 PM »
Kevin dug a whole and can't get out... Nat is trying to get answers out of him

Jessie (to Nat) - this is a lost cause I've been trying to get answers out o him for 45 min and he just talks himself in circles, it is a lost cause.  He has sat here doing a song and dance 8 times not telling me a simple answer of the 2 names that came out of Michelle's mouth  :funny:

Kevin is so dead set on not answering anything specific that he is getting in a lot of trouble...

More feeds on Ron laying, listening, and laughing.

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #526 on: August 05, 2009, 06:54:45 PM »
ronnie is loving this

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #527 on: August 05, 2009, 07:05:17 PM »
jess saying if he wanted to separate kevin and lydia he would have put them up

arguing about the chess analogy

haha colored me confused TL  :lol:

chima telling kevin that no one wants to beleive that their friend in the house is the one throwing you under the bus they did not want to tell him they did not want to look like they were trying to break up him and lydia

lydia hiding out somewhere gets called to the DR

jess on the kevin would not speak up at the meeting

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #528 on: August 05, 2009, 07:07:52 PM »
This is not going well for Lydia.

They are going round and round about the chess analogy The room has slowly filled, Chima, Jordan and Michele are there now. Sounds like Jeff is there too.

Kevin cannot keep his story straight. He keeps trying to change what he said. Basically he didn't want to be put up. He doesn't believe that Lydia ratted him out about the chess analogy. (He did talk about the chess pieces to Lydia who then told Jesse.)

(I've heard it all and I'm still confused!)  :lol:

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #529 on: August 05, 2009, 07:12:01 PM »
jeff  says why don't you just ask lydia

chima and nat- because she keeps running out of the room

chima saying that kevin wanted to know why jess and nat were not talking to him and she told him to go talk to them himself

they are trying to make kevin see that lydia was throwing him under the bus saying to jessie that kevin wanted to get the king and queen out that when jess told nat she confirmed this from lydia in the store room

kevin trying to blame michele and ronnie

jess- you must have selective hearing you look past lydia

they are trying to get him to open his eyes and he is in total denial

jess- you are taking your enemies and putting it on them

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #530 on: August 05, 2009, 07:13:02 PM »
Hi TL and Puddin :waves: go take a break TL you have been here a while

I'm just trying to figure out waht is going on right now

Kevin is talking about how his goal was to put out Russell

Michele says that KEvin appraoched her to get Russell out and about a five person alliance and they are going back and forth about getting the athletes or Russell out.

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #531 on: August 05, 2009, 07:15:09 PM »
Kevin cannot believe it was Lydia. He chose to believe it was Michele.

Jesse: You have selective hearing. You chose to look past it.

Kevin just doesn't get it, he keeps trying to argue and he can't understand what he said and what was the truth.

No matter how they put it to him he doesn't get it.

Michele says you came in and woke me up. Kevin wants to know why he would say anything about the athletes. She says you told me you wanted 2 people out. Michele says stop lying! You came in and told me and woke me up!

(Sass!!!! it's the blame game but Kevin keeps telling different stories.)
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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #532 on: August 05, 2009, 07:15:34 PM »
Kevin's side is that he asked Michele if she won HOH who would she put up.  She told him Jeff.

Michele interrupts saying that isn't true.

Kevin says that she said that the athletes need to lose a player.  HE wanted to put Russell and Jeff up because he knew that he coudl get five people to vote Russell out in Lydia, Nat, Jesse, and (don't recall other two)  He knew he wouldn't be able to get Chima's vote.

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #533 on: August 05, 2009, 07:18:37 PM »
michele is calling kevin a liar

michele saying kevin woke her up to tell him they need to get one of the athletes out and he admits that he wanted that too, they are 4 and they are strong and russell needed to go and wanted to form an alliance

michele says hes lying

even jeff is confused lol

now known as the "green room incident"

michele and kevin arguing again

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #534 on: August 05, 2009, 07:20:06 PM »

(Sass!!!! it's the blame game but Kevin keeps telling different stories.)

So that is why I don't understand what is happening :funny:

Michele says that she was approached to get an athlete out because there are four of them. He told her there were five people he could get when she asked who the five were he wouldn't tell her.  She felt like Kevinw as coming after her. 

Kevin is apologizing for making her feel like she was cornered.

Michele says that she was woken up about this alliance thing and she was a have not that week.

Now a clarification about how Michele was woken up.  THe door was open to the green room and she heard him and Lydia come in there and she popped her head up.

Kevin says that they come in there because they wanted to make sure that she wouldn't put the up and that she thought that it wasn't fair that htey had four people.

Nat interupts and says we won how is it not fair that we had four people, if you would have won you would of had four people.

Kevin says that at the time he thought that her and Ronnie were one entity and he was upset about that and he says that he thought that she said it and so he went up to the HOH and said that she said it.

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #535 on: August 05, 2009, 07:21:43 PM »
welcome to the nut house sass  :waves:  :casey 

kevin apologizes to michele for making the assumption that she threw him under the bus

nat saying this would have been cleared up if kevin had jsut spoke up at the meeting

chima knows that he cant speak for lydia that she was a part of the green room thing and that he has to defend his partner because she ran out of the room she does not have his back

WBRB  :jam:

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #536 on: August 05, 2009, 07:21:47 PM »
Now they are talking about how Lydia always runs out of the room and how it makes her a lier.  THey bring up Laura, how does she fit in to all of this?

Chima says that Lydia just sits and listens, but she doesn't really have your back because she runs away when the confortation starts.

Nat brings up how she goes up to someone when she hears BS from them :meme:

and now the control (thank you BB for that)

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #537 on: August 05, 2009, 07:24:27 PM »
welcome to the nut house sass  :waves:  :casey 
Thanks Puddin, can I get a refund ? :casey

And we are back with Jessie talking about how he will cook his own food and doesn't need to worry about any one else.

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #538 on: August 05, 2009, 07:26:14 PM »
again nat tells kevin that she could not tell him because he would not believe it , it was his best friend

kevin saying he was afraid of them that they attack him

ronnie is in the rest room begging jeff for his and jordans vote that if he stays and wins hoh that he would put up russell and ?

jeff saying that ronnies allegiance is not to him

ronnie admits its more to jessie and chima

jeff- for all i know your the wizard

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #539 on: August 05, 2009, 07:26:46 PM »
Now Kevin says that he was trying to make sure that the story wasn't goin to be pinned on him.

Nat and Jess say that he should have gone up to him and asked him about it.

Kevin says that he did, but he couldn't talk to them because they would leave the room when he came to them.

Nat says that she couldn't tell him that because it was Lydia and you wouldn't have believed that it was your best friend in teh house.

Kevin says that he doesn't like being tag teamed by them

Jeff and Ronnie in the bathroom. and Ronnie is trying to get JEff and Jordan's vote and he thinks that he can get Chima and Michele's vote and that he would put up RUss and Kevin next week

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #540 on: August 05, 2009, 07:29:07 PM »
Ronnie says that JEff and Jordan would be safe if he stayed and he is open for negotiations and that he really wants Jesse and Chima up and that he would be loyal.

Ronnie says that a lot can happen in the upcoming weeks and you know that HOH comp is questions and I can win that.

Jeff is leary because he doesn't want to get screwed by him again.

Ron puts the whole other situation on Casey and says that he should have been a man and talked to him about it beforehand and that you heard what happened last night.

Jeff says that he will see how it plays out and what happens and Ronnie leaves and heads into the pool room and the feeds are back on the red room with the other gang again

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #541 on: August 05, 2009, 07:29:53 PM »
jeff, nat, chima trying to make kevin see that lydia is a liar and not the friend he thinks she is :badhorse:

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #542 on: August 05, 2009, 07:34:03 PM »
Chima is telling Kevin that her and Nat wanted to tell him from the get go about Lydia but they didn't think that he would have believed it.

They are talking about a chess analogy that Lydia said and they didnt' think that she said it becasue she doesn't play chess.

Kevin says that he was talking with Casey and used hte analogy that nat and Jess were the king and queeen and that the rest of them in the house are pawns.

Jeff is back in the red room now.

Nat says this happened when she went to get her shoes from the bathroom.

Nat says that it is hard when your BF in the house was telling others these things out of no where.  Then later Lydia came upstairs adn asked Jessie if he was going to tell Nat or not. and then there was the alliance thing from the green room.

they are jumping from one convo to another that they have had in the house.  that is why this is confusing and they aren't saying when anything happened to maybe clue us in

Talk has turned back to when Jessie was HOH last week and Kevin wanted to try and get Russ out and directly attack the athlete group

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #543 on: August 05, 2009, 07:37:09 PM »
Jeff wants off this ride which they have been on 10 times.

Jeff is trying to get clarification about the green room situation. Nat says that Michele was in the room, Michele says that she wasn't she thought it happened in the bathroom.

Michele doesn't remember this at all unless it was something like 5 AM.

Now they are trying to figure out who said they had the votes to keep Ronnie and Nat says that Michele said taht she did.  Michele claims she never said that and she wanted to evict Ronnie and she never said that she had the votes to keep Ronnie. Michele is furious at Nat right and now they are going back about yes it is true and no it isn't.

Offline puddin

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #544 on: August 05, 2009, 07:37:24 PM »
they are trying to get to the truth if michele was in the green room or not

michele does not remember she remembers talking in the bathroom

michele is pissed off and leaving

jeff tells her not to leave

michele is pissed because nat keeps saying that she said she had the votes to keep ronnie in that they never had that conversation

yes it did, did not, yes it did, did not  :groan: :neener:

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #545 on: August 05, 2009, 07:38:56 PM »
Chima doesn't believe the story about MIchele overhearing them wanted to BDing she thinks it is all in his head.  She thinks it is all BS.

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #546 on: August 05, 2009, 07:42:13 PM »
Now Nat is saying that Michele was trying to campaign for votes. 

Michele says that story that she recalls is that she was told that she was the swing vote and that they had votes and needed hers to keep Russ.

Nat says that this convo happened after that.

They are still talking about "the green room story"

Now they have decided that the green room story is two different incidents.

Chima says that she is biased but she thinks RUss made this all up.

Kevin says that he now believes Michele just like Chima.

Chima says taht she is biased and dislikes RUss, but he has been deciteful and dishonest in the game and she can't trust Russ more than Ronnie.

Nat says that she would be doen with anyone that she is working with if they put her on the block.

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #547 on: August 05, 2009, 07:43:06 PM »
chima does not believe the story that russell said that michele overheard that someone wanted to backdoor russell

michele saying the convo she remembers is that she was told that she would be the swing vote to keep russell
that she russell told her that he heard that she was campaining to keep ronnie in

jeff- well thats it theres not answer

chima is putting the blame on russell and is not saying this because she has a pernal beef with russell thats her personal opinion

michele- russell and ronnie were working with each other at one point

nat - if anyone puts me up I'm done with you

jeff- jordan i am done with you. lets go into the store room (to make up)  :lol:

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #548 on: August 05, 2009, 07:45:31 PM »
Now they say that they are all done with one another and Jeff says he is done with Jordan jokingly and then Jesse says that they can kiss and make up later.

Jeff tells Jordan to go to the SR now so they can make up.

They decide that they are all confused and are over this for now.

MIchele says that the point here is not to talk to her when she is on the way to the bathroom at 5 am.

THey are now talking about the wizard power.

They comment now how ROnnie it not involved in the drama for once.

They are talking about how Russ and Ronnie are workign together and always looking for one another.

They all have some distrust for Russ now.

Chima says that Russ told Ronnie that he regrets putting him up and that he should have put Michele up instead.

Michele knew that but everyone else didn't know that until now. 

Michele found this out during a long convo with one of them at 4 am.

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Re: BB11 Livefeeds and Updates for Wednesday 8/5 day 28
« Reply #549 on: August 05, 2009, 07:45:33 PM »
michele would be happier if she had the wizard power

nat saying it does not matter the power will not be used this week

(ronnie does not have the votes to stay)

chima- russ said to ronnie that he has regrets putting him up he should have put you up (michele)

michele heard the same thing but it wasn't her that he wanted to put on the block