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America's Got Talent Season 4
« on: July 01, 2009, 11:08:31 PM »
I'm watching right now and they are doing Chicago and Texas. Some pretty good stuff but "bad" and funny people. I was happy when America's Got Talent came to Seattle and it appeared of NBC this year. There is a young sister's singing group (3 girls) that made it to Vegas. Look out for them.

Anyone been watching??

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2009, 08:10:15 AM »
I found Kevin Skinner's audition last night and now I will have to watch. Is he the Susan Boyle for America's Got Talent? I don't know but he is special! (I hope they drop the chicken catcher shtick though!

Here is a better video, but I can't embed it:
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Offline apskip

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2009, 12:34:17 PM »

I will offer my opinion on the answer to your question. I think Kevin Skinner is a very good singer, but he is no Susan Boyle. Voters who watch AGT4 will have a desire to vote for him because of the type of music he sings, but other acts I have already seen are better. He may make it to the round of 10, but I doubt that he will be in the round of 5.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2009, 10:30:55 PM »
True that, there is only one Susan Boyle!

I have to start watching, I've missed all the auditions up until now. I watched some of the first year but didn't care for it, but it seems that they have a better group of contestants. 
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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2009, 02:03:05 PM »
You can watch fulll episodes on In general, the outstanding talent has been thin. Your strategy of waiting until the Las Vegas round and later rounds may be the best one.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2009, 02:17:02 PM »
You can watch fulll episodes on In general, the outstanding talent has been thin. Your strategy of waiting until the Las Vegas round and later rounds may be the best one.

I agree. Vegas will separate the pretenders from the contenders for sure.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2009, 01:29:57 PM »
I will be posting a series that is my recaps of all preliminary rounds. See the posts that follow.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2009, 01:30:20 PM »
AGT4 6/23/09

Welcome back to America's Got Talent. I have been anticipating this since last summer's crackling shows. The job of emcee, held by Jerry Springer most recently, has gone to comedian Nick Cannon. I have to admit that Springer had a little too much gravitas for me even though he did bring an earnestness and plainspoken quality that I liked. Cannon is funny and that makes all the difference. I had the impression that Nick was just itching to go out on stage with some of the acts. He gets a big positive rating from me.
David Hasselhoff, Sharon Osbourne, and Piers Morgan are back as judges. They can get rid of the first two to give the show less fluff and irrelevance. Sharon is constantly telling teams essentially "No, but I'm Ok and You're OK". It gets old very fast. Sharon had two ratings of No when the other two said yes, but that is not recorded below. I was with them both times. David is wishy-washy sometimes having trouble making up his mind. The only time I liked him last night was his response to a "Love letter" song from a male contestant. David was really squirming but he stayed upright and said some reasonable things to get himself out of the embarrassment. That contestant is going forward because his original song was very clever and he did a good job performing it. Only Piers does a consistently good job of judging. Sharon and David don't want to make enemies, so their votes reflect that. Piers knows that at least one of the judges has to tell it like it is.
The acts themselves were from the preliminary rounds in New York City, Chicago and Seattle. It was the good, the bad and the ugly.  NBC decided to showcase much of the worst talent in NYC to start the show. Let's get to it. I will on the right hand side on the line give the judges' ratings unless obvious. I will cite the number of positive votes in front of a P and the number of negative votes in front of a N. 2P or 3P means moving forward to the Las Vegas round.
These NYC acts got the hook very quickly:
Ray Schwarz - 26yom (my abbreviation for year old male), singer and dancer performing an Elvis piece Elvis style                                                        3N
Jay Brunelle - 29yom guitar act                                                                                                                                                                                              3N  
Andy Lapota  - 41yom rapper; this act fell flat quickly                                                                                                                                                            3N
Sky and Vlad, fire dancers - she fell into a flaming area of the stage while fire dancing, which ended this act precipitously as her hair caught fire. Probably too much hairspray!
The rest of the performances in Chicago, Seattle and New York were a mixed bag:
David Lanham- 48yom turned his feet all the way to 180 degrees and walked on them. The judges were grossed out but they knew this guy has talent 3N
Footwork Kingz - several males 16 to 24 had a high energy break dancing routine that was very good                                                                               3P
Christina, singer - I don't remember her and she is out.                                                                                                                                                         3N
Peter Peterkin- an impersonator who sings James Taylor R&B. His singing is average but his impressions of President Obama and others are excellent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3P
Draconik- who plays with fire and was entertaining.                                                                                                                                                               3P
Dave Johnson- songwriter, singer and guitarist, who has the song about his love for David Hasselhoff. This is the surprise hit of the evening.                3P
Anointed S- vocal percussion did not impress me but they did the judges.                                                                                                                            3P
Brad Byers- who was riveting to watch as he put a hook up his nose and then used a drill up it. David Hasselhoff was so grossed out that he
could not watch this act but he voted for it anyway.                                                                                                                                                                3P
Original- a young woman dances in a bikini, contorting through a hoop, while an older one plays the accordion                                                                 3N  
Rockin Rory- a fabulous dog with trainer act. The dog is incredible but the trainer is very good too. This act is going places                                             3P
Debbie Victor- animal impersonator-  who is interested by this?                                                                                                                                           3N
Eri-Am Sisters - singers who I thought were OK but the judges really liked                                                                                                                          3P
Joseph Maracini- impressions of Jack Nicholson and Anthony Hopkins but David says "you just didn't sounds like those
guys", reflecting the consensus                                                                                                                                                                                              3N      
Dave and Zoe, Paradizo dance- he 37, she 29 essentially do gymnastics together and do lifts of the other one and supported (by the others hands)
handstands. The impressive thing is that she at 100 pounds, he at 240 pounds she has no difficulty leveraged him into the air                                        3P
Shine - a quartet of siblings singing Walking on Sunshine                                                                                                                                                     3N
Voices of Glory (Michael 16, Avery 13, Nadia 9) sing God Bless America inspired by their mother, who is asked by the judges to come onstage for bows
from her wheelchair. This was fantastic harmony and they are are highly talented signers.                                                                                                 3P
So, the acts identified with 3Ps above are going to the next round in Las Vegas (after multiple more preliminary rounds). The Las Vegas round had more than 100 acts last year, so it is essentially an indication of how the judges abdicate so that more acts can have the satisfaction of elimination in Las Vegas than really deserve to. More discrimination (read that as eliminations) by the judge could make a good show a very good one. I missed maybe 5 acts last night; I'm not sure how this happened but they can go by very fast.
Who do I like from those I saw? Voices of Glory was special and could go all the way. I loved Dave and Zoe but I don't know what they can do for multiple rounds of encores. Rockin Rory could go all the way. I have never seen a better dog act. Peter Peterkin's impersonations were extremely good. Tonight at 9pm EDT is the next of the preliminary rounds, including from Houston and Miami.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2009, 01:31:30 PM »
AGT4 6/24/09

The most obvious fact about last night's AGT4 preliminary round was the versatility of Nick Cannon. He is a superb mimic and he can sing and dance like the act is doing onstage from the sings. I like this as he is quite talented. In the judges, last night David Hasselhoff took over the cheerlead/insipid commentator role usually played by Sharon Osbourne. Let the festivities begin:
These acts were from New York, Seattle and Miami and all were judged suitable for a trip to the next round in Las Vegas -
Manuela is a 36 yof who wears a dominatrix uniform for laughs only, but whose talent is yodeling. She is 6'2" and her platform shoes adding quite a bit to that, so you is an imposing figure. Her yodeling was good but not good enough to go much beyond Las Vegas. Nick called her act "oddly entertaining."
Comic Bots is a group of about 6 (they move around so it was difficult to count them) performers inside metallic robot costumes. They drummed and they danced. They may have also sung but that was not clear. They had great energy and enthusiasm, but they too are not going far beyond Las Vegas.
Tom Durnin is magician who made 3 balls appear out of his mouth. I was not impressed that much but the judges were.
G Force is a group of females age 7 to 14 who sing and percuss very loudly. I do not like them much, but they are cute so the judges are suckers for this type of act.
Rafael Serrano 40 yom is an overweight singer who puts some dancing into his act. His singing was OK and he managed to pull off a split to close it. He stated that "you didn't believe a fat boy like me could do this." He will not make it past Las Vegas.
Erik and Rickey win the cuteness award for the evening. They are age 8 friends who do super fast dancing from the 1940s to a music track. They are really talented and should go far.
Alizma - 3 triplet females in this 20s who are beautiful and have reasonable talent. They play the violin (Irish reel or job style) and they sing. Piers told them that they have a chance of going all the way if they stop singing and focus on their violin playing. We'll see if the heed his advice.
Arcadian Broad is a 13 yom who is a dancer with great twirl move reminiscent of ballet. My wife commented "he's really agile" and Piers rated it as "absolutely great".
Drew Thomas is an illusionist with 3 female assistant, all of whom must be expert contortionists and one of whom is his wife. He had an upright crate the shape of a coffin and from behind a screen inside each of the 3 assistants got out and went under separate cloths. Tom was able to pull the old switcheroo for the finale. He apparently went into the box but then unexpectedly appeared instantly with his wife under a cloth. Very nice. This is one of the best acts in the competition.
Jackie Martin was a singer/violin player and aerialist. This is a visually striking act, as playing a violin 20 feet up is something you rarely see. She has talents in all 3 disciplines and could go far.
There were also a number of acts which did not survive the cut:
Jennifer Gaudix brought a large rolled suitcase on stage with her. After she took off her shoes out popped a very similar woman who started also doing a routine.
Janifer James calls is African dance, but Nick Cannon had her act of bumping and grinding more accurately pegged as something questionable for showing to anything but a late night audience.
Ventiamin Shows is a group of people in costumes of some weird characters like the Human Blowfish. What were they thinking?
Dan Diaz is a 35 yom who stacked containers toward the sky (actually just 4). Did he think this was entertainment?
DeanO and Friends were 4 clowns. They had no talent and did not last long.
I want to play a little catch-up on acts I missed the prior evening. The dog/trainer act was actually labeled "K-9 Flying Discs". Here are ones moving ahead:
Noel the Freak - who put hooks in his eyes and had the Hammer brothers use sledge hammers to break things against him. This guy is really nuts, but you cannot take your eyes off him unless your name is David Hasselhoff, who believes you can judge an act without watching it because you are grossed out.
NY Gay Men's Chorus
Urban Nation Hip Hop Choir
Unexpected Step Team
Anointed S - vocal percussionist that I did not much care for
Blackfire Percussion
Jesse White Tumbling Team
The loser acts were:
EmpeROAR Fabulous
the Positive Brothers dancers
JayJay - keyboardist who should have been given more time to perform, but was hooked quickly by the judges.
Tommy and Diane Lane and their miniature horse
Leapin Louie Lichtenstein - lassoing
Kerry Christensen - play accordion while making chicken noises, with some yodeling thrown in
Cirkus Pandemonium - acrobats
See you next week when there will be more good, bad and ugly.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2009, 01:33:36 PM »
AGT4 6/30/09

Last night's one hour show started in New York and then went to Chicago. Almost all less talented acts from new York had been featured in the first show, so it was a pleasure to watch better acts there. Chicago had plenty of lesser acts to retaliate.
This week I will reverse the order of presentation and summarize the rejected acts first:
Jeffrey Jenkins - 5'3" but bursting with energy, he jumped but not with talent
Witches in Shows - here we have the unusual spectacle of Sharon criticizing an act (how often does that happen?) because "you can't sing"; they were pathetic
Robert Myers -  a harnessed threesome dance to "Viva Las Vegas"; it stinks
Franklin Sane - a 56 yom Detroit court judge who sings - badly
The better acts were:
Carol Lugo, 62yof shook her body around in a moonwalk; I didn't think she has any talent, but the judges thought she did
Camille - dancing to "Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch" by the Temptations
YoYoKing - a young man who made yo-yos do some interesting things
Diva League - males age 21 - 44 dancing drag queens
Coney Island Chris - eating a light bulb as if it were a hot dog, which shocked the judges but they sent him on to Las Vegas
Jay Mattioli - a magician and contortionist whose act started with bending to one side at an impossible 60 degree angle; very impressive
Thia Megia - a 14 yof  who can really belt a Jennifer Holliday tune. I bet in future rounds we will hear her do a variety of songs, all of which are ideal for her low mezzo voice.
"The Fab 5" - 5 sisters (all mothers) ages 23 to 35 who stepdance with great synchronization
Kevin Skinner - a country singer (Garth Brooks style) whose act Piers rated "an emotionally powerful performance"; he will go far even though I personally dislike that style of music.
So there were some decent acts tonight. I liked Jay Mattioli the best, with Thia Megia a close second, "The Fab 5" third and Kevin Skinner fourth. They should all do well in the Las Vegas round. The rest are probably not going to survive that.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2009, 01:34:58 PM »
AGT4 7/1/09

Last night opened with David Hasselhoff reminding the audience that Kevin Skinner made a huge impact by telling a story with his singing. Next was video of the NASA Space Center and a farm near Houston, Texas. It illustrated the first stop of AGT in Houston for auditions. A trip to Miami followed.
I will again start with the rejected acts:
Divani - 29 yof sings punk music badly. Her excuse is that she can't sing when the audience is loud. Imagine how she would do live in Las Vegas if the crowd did not like her singing?
Joli+ Lester, 47 year olds; he balanced a lawn mower on his chin and had Nick cannon throw lettuce at it while she is playing a guitar. This was truly weird.
Randy Reece - sang "If I Were A Rich Man" with no talent. He got a quick hook.
Stone White, 33 yom singer His act was so memorable I can't remember any part of it.
Diego Baner, 44 yom, sings "You'll Never Walk Alone" from Carousel badly.
Marty Brill 25 yom professional magician with as assistant; I thought his act was OK but the judges found it commonplace, tired and stale
Brandon Patton - recited original poems about past girlfriends; do you think a poet will ever win AGT? I don't. They shouldn't even try, as the audience response to poetry of any sort is somewhat predictable.
Next are the acts going on to the next round in Las Vegas:
Pam Martin and dog Viva - Pam is a dog trainer and Viva does some interesting tricks. I think this act ultimately has little chance against Rory, the Flying K-nine but it could do well for a bit. Piers quips "Viva Las Vegas."
Lake Houston Performing Arts Center - 27 teenagers or younger girls, who wear identical wigs (Nick Cannon was over the stage in one) who do an OK dance routine.
Midwest Entertainers - 3 wrestlers (2 male, 1 female) who do some schtick before getting the hook
Joseph Constantine and Kate - the only controversial judging decision of the evening. He is an illusionist, she a contortionist. I like their routine, as does Piers but David hates it. Sharon does her typical "I can't make up my mind" con but finally decides yes. The 2 to 1 vote sends them to Las Vegas.
Fuschia Foxxxx - Belly Dancer; I don't find her act worthwhile but the judges do.
Circus R Us - 3 people doing tricks on the stage
Hurricane Tricksters - 5 martial arts guys ages 17 to 23; I liked them and so did the judges.
Hairo Torres - 23 yom break dancer and contortionist. Nick says "I don't think he's got any bones." Piers calls it "one of the most original acts he's ever seen.
I have to say that none of the Las Vegas-bound acts in this group truly impressed me. Hairo Torres is the best of a low-talent group.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2009, 01:36:16 PM »
AGT 7/7/09

Last night was again The Good the Bad and the Ugly. The ugliest part was having to listen to the judges moan about the lack of talent onstage. They know and we should know that it is the Bad acts that add zest to this show. If it were all great, then it would be Ed Sullivan or Arthur Godfrey all over again. I think the producers have lost control of this show a bit.
They showed Jessica Martin's act, singing plus classical violin hanging 20 feet in the air, secured only by a drape, for the second time; she already was going to Vegas based on her first performance weeks ago, so why did they present it as new material?. I hope they know better now and will not try this stunt again even though she is worth watching a second time, presumably in Las Vegas.
This audition appeared to be entirely in Los Angeles and the judges frequently bemoaned the lack of talent. They resorted to having David Hasselhoff take his place accompanied by a Baywatch surfboard. How's that for desperation for good talent? At the end of Day 1 Nick Cannon states that Tinseltown has turned into Crazy Town. They give him most of the best lines.
Here is the list of the acts that are not going to Las Vegas:
Zahid Khan - this one man instrument did not get the time of day from the judges, as he got the hook fast.
Leland Faulkner - this act was about mime and paper masks. What was he thinking?
Iato Arcane - world's fastest poet. There are some things that might be Impressive in a small group but lose it on a big stage with a huge theatre audience. This is one of them. It just did not connect with the audience, it so got the hook quickly. Nick referred to him as a Mayor of CrazyTown.
Terri Willis - 49 yof singer who claimed to be a 7th cousin of Celine Dion (and aren't we all?); unfortunately her talents singing a Celine Dion song were not a tiny fraction of that of Celine Dion
Scott Weider - he flies a kite but needed a bit more wind than the judges could provide to get it into the air
K-Dizzle - a young man stripping to his waist, but then rapping with no talent
Trixie and the Monkey -34 yof/30yom listed as a burlesque act but they were so non-talented they weren't allowed to get that far
Sheldon and Alexandra - 45 yom/52 yof, Footwork Fitness, turning a step for exercising into a drum. How dull can this be? Plenty!
Circus Runaways - 3 guys who are running back home due to a short stay on the AGT stage
Mr. Nasty Nate -  a bad singer
Robert Dunn - 55 yom with disco (per Nick Cannon) toe  puppets; this is novel and I hope to never see an act like this again
Rene Khan - one man instrument, based on making odd noises
The acts going forward with success last night were:
BGI,  a 17 yof named Ashley who sang and did keyboards. I did not like her act much due to the style of her song (too many diva turns), but the judges were impressed
Miss Germany - she swallows, eats and blows fire. This act is going to Las Vegas but not further due to the limits of this type of performance. David did get in the quip that he likes Germany (site of most of his singing career) and responds "Ja" to the vote.
TJ and the Mamas - a group of 6 to 9 yof with the lead rapper TJ, a boy in the same age group. They are all high energy and well-synchronized dancers and a delight to watch. TJ did cartwheels and was all over the stage. This act will go far in this competition.
Iconic Crew - a group of 8 young men dressed in black; I missed all but the end of this performance, so cannot comment
Scott Brothers - 44 and 45 yom street performers. They have perfect synchronization and are really fun to watch. Onward and upward for them!
Robert ? - hand puppets
Mario and Jennifer Ferrara - this was the best act of the evening.  Mario promised that it would be dangerous and sexy and indeed it was. He moved swiftly around the stage, cutting some pieces of wood with a chainsaw to get the audience warmed up for the piece de resistance, juggling 3 live chainsaws. When was the last time you saw that? Piers termed it sexy and dangerous. The judges were very impressed. What will Mario do next time? Many times you hear the admonition "Don't try this at home". It really applies to this act.
Lawrence Beaman 34 yom singer - he does Ol' Man River as a show tune. His low register is not very good, but his middle and upper registers are really good, a natural baritone who shouldn't sing much low stuff. He sang well against poor competition last night but it appears to me he can do quite a bit better with more appropriate music that highlights his vocal sweet spot range better. Piers refers to him as "one class act".
From this group, I see Mario and Jennifer Ferrara and Lawrence Beaman going far.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2009, 01:37:09 PM »
AGT4 7/8/09

Last night had a few of the better performances in the overall competition. David Hasselhoff elected to enter in a black cowboy hat and black leather coat (not exactly what cowboys wore but certainly what celebrities today wear).
Let's start with the better acts going on to Las Vegas:
The evening started well with Mark, John and JC 44 to 55 in age who were long-term friends calling themselves the Texas Tenors. Only two of them are tenors, the third a noticeable baritone, but I am not going to criticize them for a stretch name. These guys can sing close harmonies very well. I am impressed by their talent and see them making it a long way in this competition, maybe top 5.
Live In Color was only on the screen briefly but they are a group of maybe 10 dancers in colorful costumes. The judges said yes, but how could I tell?
AcroDunk is 5 high energy male athletes age 27 to 45 who jump off a small trampoline, fly through the air and pass a basketball (many quite difficult) multiple times while obeying they rules of basketball before dunking on a regulation 10 foot high hoop. Each of the 5 has incredible control of the motion of their body. This act was thoroughly entertaining. I cannot see it winning the entire competition, but it will go a long way.
Anna Pipoyan is a belly dancer. I was not entertained in the least by her act of shaking parts of her body to appropriate music, but the judges were.
Eclipse, 20 yom, is a fast rapper. I thought his act was merely OK, but the judges liked it more.
Eleisha Miller, 8 yof, singer and keyboard player. Her keyboard music was fairly simple but her singing was interesting and complex. Sharon and Piers both stated that her voice is weak and needs further work. She needs her voice to develop more to be really great, but her stage presence, humor and effervescence are very good right now. She will go far because she is cute, funny and very brash. Sharon voted no but the other judges yes, so she is going to Las Vegas.
Timez Two, brothers each 27 (how about twins?), sings to a funky syncopated beat. They are good, but only cannon fodder for the next  few rounds. I cannot see them making it to the round of 10. Again, an unusual split vote by the judges with Piers voting against and the others for Times Two.
Grandma Lee, 75 yof, is a real character. She is a comedian, telling very pithy funny jokes which may not be original but her delivery is. During the discussion preceding the voting, Grandma Lee states that "people say Piers is the mean one, but I think he's cute" and "Who's the Grandma? (clearly referencing Piers again). Everybody got the joke. She's moving ahead.
Barbara Padilla - an excellent singer who chose opera aria "O mio babbino caro"from Puccini's Gianni Schichi to sing for the audience. Her voice is well-trained and she has excellent control of it. I see her as top 5.
Here are the acts that did not gain a coveted Las Vegas spot:
Bruce Thomas, 51 yom, hand musician, playing Yankee Doodle. the uniqueness of his talent was not fully appreciated by the judges.
Flutists Charmaine? and Erica, 21 and 26 yof, performed just OK.
Crispy Family Carnival, a large man and two females, they stapled money all over his body and he hung hooked weights off his nipples. Who wants to see that? Nick Cannon didn't and I don't. The judges agreed.
Ruby Revue, 3 females age 21 to 26, saw their performance obliterated by continuing problems on the stage.
So, it's time for a forecast of which of the better acts will do particularly well. I see Barbara Padilla and the Texas Tenors going to the Final 5 and Eleisha Miller to the Top 20.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 02:10:00 PM by apskip »

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2009, 01:38:10 PM »
AGT 7/14/09

Last night had a few of the better performances in the overall competition. David Hasselhoff elected to enter in a black cowboy hat and black leather coat (not exactly what cowboys wore but certainly what celebrities today wear).
Let's start with the better acts going on to Las Vegas:
The evening started well with Mark, John and JC 44 to 55 in age who were long-term friends calling themselves the Texas Tenors. Only two of them are tenors, the third a noticeable baritone, but I am not going to criticize them for a stretch name. These guys can sing close harmonies very well. I am impressed by their talent and see them making it a long way in this competition, maybe top 5.
Live In Color was only on the screen briefly but they are a group of maybe 10 dancers in colorful costumes. The judges said yes, but how could I tell?
AcroDunk is 5 high energy male athletes age 27 to 45 who jump off a small trampoline, fly through the air and pass a basketball (many quite difficult) multiple times while obeying they rules of basketball before dunking on a regulation 10 foot high hoop. Each of the 5 has incredible control of the motion of their body. This act was thoroughly entertaining. I cannot see it winning the entire competition, but it will go a long way.
Anna Pipoyan is a belly dancer. I was not entertained in the least by her act of shaking parts of her body to appropriate music, but the judges were.
Eclipse, 20 yom, is a fast rapper. I thought his act was merely OK, but the judges liked it more.
Eleisha Miller, 8 yof, singer and keyboard player. Her keyboard music was fairly simple but her singing was interesting and complex. Sharon and Piers both stated that her voice is weak and needs further work. She needs her voice to develop more to be really great, but her stage presence, humor and effervescence are very good right now. She will go far because she is cute, funny and very brash. Sharon voted no but the other judges yes, so she is going to Las Vegas.
Timez Two, brothers each 27 (how about twins?), sings to a funky syncopated beat. They are good, but only cannon fodder for the next  few rounds. I cannot see them making it to the round of 10. Again, an unusual split vote by the judges with Piers voting against and the others for Times Two.
Grandma Lee, 75 yof, is a real character. She is a comedian, telling very pithy funny jokes which may not be original but her delivery is. During the discussion preceding the voting, Grandma Lee states that "people say Piers is the mean one, but I think he's cute" and "Who's the Grandma? (clearly referencing Piers again). Everybody got the joke. She's moving ahead.
Barbara Padilla - an excellent singer who chose opera aria "O mio babbino caro"from Puccini's Gianni Schichi to sing for the audience. Her voice is well-trained and she has excellent control of it. I see her as top 5.
Here are the acts that did not gain a coveted Las Vegas spot:
Bruce Thomas, 51 yom, hand musician, playing Yankee Doodle. the uniqueness of his talent was not fully appreciated by the judges.
Flutists Charmaine? and Erica, 21 and 26 yof, performed just OK.
Crispy Family Carnival, a large man and two females, they stapled money all over his body and he hung hooked weights off his nipples. Who wants to see that? Nick Cannon didn't and I don't. The judges agreed.
Ruby Revue, 3 females age 21 to 26, saw their performance obliterated by continuing problems on the stage.
So, it's time for a forecast of which of the better acts will do particularly well. I see Barbara Padilla and the Texas Tenors going to the Final 5 and Eleisha Miller to the Top 20.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2009, 01:39:41 PM »
AGT4 7/15/09

Last night was a combination from Seattle and New York City. As is frequently the case, NBC wants to showcase both low talent and high talent acts. There were plenty of both last night.
I will start with the lesser acts that are not going to Las Vegas:
Silvia Brasil 28 yof singer/dancer
Madmat the Indestructible man, who climbed a ladder made of swords
The Shanghai Pearl 27 yof who comes in a pink gorilla outfit which she jettisons. Unfortunately, that is the high point of her act.
Reality - a male/female duo who judges rated as very old-fashioned for singing "Rockin' the Boat" anytime in the past 50 years
Chris Kegley - 24 yom titled the Lone Ranger of Rock. I think his rock is not bad but not good either. He overreaches by setting up percussion to play remotely, playing a banjo remotely
The better acts were:
Keith Johnson 34 yom singer/guitarist; David says he "has charisma"
Pixie Mystere - 8 girls age 8 to 11 gymnastics performers with massively too much makeup for any age on, I otherwise thought they were cute, but they are a one trick pony. You will not see them in the round of 20.
Destined To Be - 5 young males who do synchronized dancing at a fairly high level. We'll be seeing a bit more of them.
Rashida Jolley- 16 yof sang and played the harp for "Killing Me Softly"; her talent is limited and won't get past the round of 20 but might get there
Kari Kellams- 41 yof who has a facial disfigurement but so what. She has a big beautiful voice and is a potential winner of this competition. She sang "Somewhere" from West Side Story. The judges loved her voice and so do I.
Matt and Anthony-males 24 and 22; one plays guitar and sings while the other is an extraordinary tapdancer/clogger . He does spins like you seldom see. This act has great talent and are headed to the top 10.
Brother/sister Luis bar and Laura Cantu- dancing the Argentine tango quite well.
Kalinin Family - man and his son acrobats
Christopher and Laura Camp - Husband and wife 40/41 he cracks a bullwhip and captured or moved objects on his wife's body. This looks dangerous but they appear to have it under control as he is very precise (he might need a new wife otherwise). She is very vivacious and adds style to the act.
Mia Boostrom a young female who did not make it past the round of 20 for AGT3. She is back and with more talent this time. Her act is a combination of keyboards and singing. She chooses "Georgia on My Mind" for this performance, no doubt saving her better songs for later in the competition when she will need her best. 
At the end of the night where a high talent is showcased, they had a high talent introduced by her husband, but not for AGT. Nick Cannon's wife is Mariah Carey and he introduced Mariah in a music video featuring the song "Obsession" from her new album.
I think that Kari Kellams and Matt and Anthony are the acts likely to make the top 10 and Kari could be in the final 5 and maybe even win.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2009, 01:40:28 PM »
AGT4 7/21/09

If they mentioned where these auditions took place I missed it. It sounds from the entries like it's somewhere in California. The script writers give Nick Cannon an excellent opening line: "the good, the bad and the downright crazy." He goes on to refer to "rules, buzzers and judges" all being maintained.  
We start tonight with the judged lesser acts not going to Las Vegas:
Jerry Katz aka El Vegas said he was doing 2 classic Elvis songs and started in on "All Shook Up (check for being by Elvis), then Glory, glory Hallelujah (which has no Elvis content that I know of) and excerpts from several other patriotic songs. Sharon asks Jerry "what went wrong?" but he refuses to admit that anything did
Jumping Eagles 7 performers age 16 to 19 -  this was embarrassing at how inept this group was at jumping one long rope stretched across all of them
Shaun Berkey - 27 yom singer who was just terrible. How did he get on stage when they have rigorous tryouts to narrow the thousands of acts to a manageable number. The only answer can be that somebody wanted to showcase just how bad he was.
Don Baldaramos - 61 yom Shakespeare reciter; I actually thought he did OK and rated a positive vote but neither the audience nor the judges agreed with me.
? - 27 yom; a singing, dancing glitter dispense with no discernible talent whose name I wrote down but cannot decipher (but looks like Shone)
Ashley Groff- 18 yof; she sings for a bit, then her inner something takes over and in a simulated male voice from a horror film she cackles a short period of time
Eddie and the Puppets - 52 yom puppeteer who works with a full-sized inflatable-like Tina Turner; he sings "Rolling on the River"
Heavy Vee - dancer that is massively overweight and just doesn't move that well ; she claims she was born to dance but the judges did not agree. After she is judged, Nick goes onstage to dance with her. It really changes nothing.
Here are the acts moving ahead:
I Shaara - a dance troupe of 10 aged 18 to 23 who did Bollywood-style dancing. Dancing and singing are huge in Bollywood movies and this troupe does no more than a short lip sync before concentrating on dancing. That is a good move because they are talented dancers with excellent synchronization. Piers calls it an exciting original act.
The flash- I saw only their brief juggling and acrobatics; they looked pretty good
Duo Design - 2 male age 33 to 41 acrobats who perform shirtless; they do one vertical handstand off the top of the other's head, then they do a horizontal version, then a double horizontal version. I was impressed and so were David and Sharon. Piers calls them "oddly compelling" but he votes against them. A 2 to 1 vote sends them to Las Vegas anyway.
It's time for a brief break and David claims that it's time for the weird and the needy.
Marcus and the Serenades - 3 20s females join age 20s Marcus; they sing rock and roll and soul while prancing around on-stage. Piers calls Marcus a genuine talent but he doesn't think much of the talents of the 3 women. I thought they were OK. David piles on and said he loved it but the singing of the women need to improve. Sharon says the female vocals need to be fixed.
Charles Dorsey 21 yom singer and keyboardist. He has an excellent voice. Sharon says he needs to keep smiling and show his star quality. Dorsey's mother is there and she refers to his "gift to the world".
Encore Dance Troupe 16 to 23
Alice Cooper 38 yof is a stand-up comedian that only was telecast for one joke, but it was a good one.
N2UN 13 yom violin and 36 yom keyboard
Kara and Corey - 23 yof and 29 yom brother/sister- singer and guitarist that have good but not exceptional talent
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 01:43:32 PM by apskip »

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2009, 01:40:40 PM »
Wow! thanks for catching me up apskip!!  :hearts:
The choices we make dictate the life we lead.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2009, 01:41:31 PM »
AGT4 7/22/09

Here we are at the final round of about 10 preliminary rounds.  I believe that it is leftovers from an earlier Los Angeles round that they packaged up to make a 36 minute show including commercials (the rest going to a Meredith Vieira interview of Susan Boyle who surprisingly did not win Britain's Got Talent but placed second).
The lesser rated acts go first tonight:
Joseph James, 40 yom - a choral director who sings. Does he sing in a normal way? Not quite. He goes into high-pitched off-key nonsense on a standard song. His brand of singing does not sit well with the judges, who are polite but firm in rejecting him
Inara Darko 25 yof - she has a marginal classical voice
Scott Renkes and Darren Kessner 27, 36 yom - their version of a comedy circus is despised by the judges
Reverend Franklin Ruehl 65 yom drives 10 straws through a potato. The audience and judges do not consider this a true talent
Brian and Anthony, brothers, 26 and 28 yom pianist and acrobat all around, under and over the keyboard/bench; it's not a propitious combination
The better rate acts going to Las Vegas include:
Breaksk8 - a break dance group of 6 guys ages 21 to 36 who break dance on roller skates. It's very impressive but this was a split vote, with Piers against this act moving ahead; however, they will. Piers states that the problem with this act is the skates as they are superb break dancers.
Mosaic - a cappella group of 7 ages 30 to 34 sang with great harmony and synchronized moves
Lollipop girls - eye candy for the men in the audience, a burlesque show of 8 comely females. Although they are going to Las Vegas, this group will not get far.
Recycled Percussion - 4 guys 22 to 34 who create quite a racket
Jeffrey Ou - 18 yom on the keyboard, but imagine what he will sound like on a real piano. He has great talent.
SQ Entertainment- 9 guys age 18 to 23 who are a dance crew
Koshka Raenelle, 33 yof female singer of "Feel Like a Natural Woman"
Beale Street Flippers - these 4 guys do high speed aerial somersaults starting from the ground. they ratchet the difficult up until you quickly ask "How could they have done that?" This is an exceptional act. David calls it the "best flippers we've ever had on this show" which, while OK, is damning with faint praise.
Giana Pelekai - 8 yof from Hawaii, she has a 14 year old's vocal cords and can really dazzle. She will make the final 10.
There was also a series of 5 acts that are going to Las Vegas but we know nothing about them, not even their names. Couldn't NBC have rearranged things to show us who they were and what they do? You know that the answer is yes, so why doesn't they "waste" one minute total on these 5 acts. There was ample opportunity to cut out fluff from Meredith Vieira's interview of Susan Boyle which was good but at 21 minutes could have been trimmed by one minute  without any impact.
So we now know most of the more than 160 acts going to Las Vegas for the partially live cut to the round of 40 next week (the judges have to use memory and video to cull before anybody takes the stage there). Why couldn't the judges have exercise more discretion and sent fewer acts onward? Let's see who I predict to reach the rounds of 5, 10 and 20:
Top 5 - Pete Peterkin (impressions), Jay Mattioli (magician), Mosaic (a cappella), Beale Street Flippers (acrobatics), Giada Pelekai (young singer)
Top 10 (there are some really excellent singers here, but I think the quality of non-singing acts forces them out of the top 5) - Barbara Padilla, Lawrence Beaman, Charles Dorsey, Texas Tenors, I Shaara
Top 20 - Rockin' Rory, Voices of Glory, Kari Kellams, Thia Magea, the Fab 5, Alizma, Platt Brothers, Joseph Constantine, Tallas Noble Latz
Top 25 (the five teams who just miss top 20) - Eric and Rickie, Mario and Jenny, Mark and Anthony, Eleisha Miller, Jessica Martin
These ratings are certainly open to criticism and revision, particularly after we see those chosen to perform (which should be all of the above).
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 10:26:25 PM by apskip »

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2009, 03:32:29 PM »
AGT4 Las Vegas round 7/28/09

On we go to Las Vegas. My position is that it is absurd to have this round without any actual competitions (except a 3 team danceoff untilizing identical music coming tonight). What David Hasselhoff, Sharon Osbourne and Piers Morgan did in the plane could have been done long before this round. Getting hopes up for numerous teams that were not going to make the cut and the travel expenses associated with them going to Las Vegas and back could have been avoided. Even better, why weren't the judges more discriminating in the preliminary rounds? Why did they have to have 160 acts left at their end? Why not the 40 that the Las Vegas round produces? It could easily have been done, but then Sharon Osbourne and David Hasselhoff would not have been the giver of glad tidings to mediocre acts.

I will give NBC and the production company in which I think Executive Producer Simon Cowell is prominent one kudo. They got it right in grouping acts by type to compare and make appropriate decisions. Much of what I saw last night was done that way. They should also dispense with the false drama. This is NBC, not the FOX network. They should be more straightforward in delivering both good and bad news to acts. Sugar coatings and misdirections, both of which they are famous for, are unnecessary and waste valuable air time. Also asking the stupid question "how will this affect you" or "what does it mean to you?" is absurd. Every act remaining will be affected hugely by the total outcome of AGT4. Some are better at articulating it, but answering those questions better has no impact on their talent.

Teams were grouped A, B, C and D in a large airplane hangar to see which ones got into these stretch Hummer limos to go to the Palms Resort and Casino. Only the 25 acts in Group B were told they were going home(again, why bother to ever bring them in the first place). That means there are 135 acts left and less than 1/3 of them will go to Hollywood. I then expected that there would be competitions but there were none last night. Acts were brought up one-by-one or in small groups to hear their fate based on the one performance in the preliminary rounds.

The first grouping was singer/guitarist Keith Johnson and impressionist Pete Peterkin. Johnson is not going to Hollywood becasue "there are better singers." Peterkin is going to Hollywood.

Dancer Arcadian Broad is going to Hollywood. Acrobats the AcroDunks are going. 3 guys who dance, I believe it could be the Platt Brothers, are going through. Recycled Percussion is going through.

Singer Thia Magea is going. The 8 year old dancer couple Erik and Rickie are going. The young 3 girl band G Force is going through.  The Texas Trio are going to Hollywood. Manuela Horn the yodeler is going through, but she is dead meat in the next round. Her yodeling is good and different but not good enough to make the top 20. She promised "3 spankings". 5 female clogging sisters "Fab 5" are going through. The singer of a witty song about David Hasselhoff, Dave Johnson, is going through but he too is dead meat for the round of 20.

Anthony Ferrante the singer was told that his talent merits a trip back home. The Spiritual Harmoninizers were told they had a great lead singer and great character, but they did not have enough vocal talent to survive.

3 dance groups were put together and challenged to develop a routine in 12 hours to be performed to determine which 1 or 2 of this group would be going to Hollywood, We will see them perform tonight. It might be the only new performance we see. Breaksk8,  Euphoria, and Destined 2 Be are the 3 groups.

The magicians were put head-to-head in front of the judges for compairson purposes. Joseph Constantine and his wife KC were told them had talent but there wasn't room for 2 magicians. Drew Thomas and his wife Rebecca were told that his act would be leaving Las Vegas go to Hollywood.

2 all-male dance groups are going home.
Female dancer Fuschia Foxxx got a no.
5 guys that I believe were SQ Entertainment got a no.
The burlesque group Lollipop Girls is going home.

Hairo Torres the young contortionist is going to L.A.
Lawrence Beaman and Keith Skinner were apparently pitted against each other, but this was just an illusion created by the producers for false drama. They are both going ahead.

Tonight we will see the other half of the remaining acts.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2009, 11:15:23 AM »
AGT4, 7/29/09

The "Las Vegas Round" is very confusing. The beginning release of 25 acts meant that we do not know precisely who those were. Also, not every act involved in a yes/no decision was telecast. Instead, NBC and the AGT producers opted for trauma (tacky drama) as the core of this episode. I hate that! They only showed 3 acts doing a new performance last night. I hate that even more! As stated in yesterday's comments on the first Las Vegas round, to not have made all these cuts either in the original selections (the right way to do it) or before the judges got on the plane to come to Las Vegas is a bit absurd. All those acts waiting around for decisions that did not need to be made on the way to or in Las Vegas.

It's time to see how many acts did. I am going to use a simple Y (for yes) or N (for no) system to report outcomes:

The dance-off was won by skaters Breaksk8 (Y) so U4Ria (N) and Destined2Be (N) go home.

Dave Zooey, Paradizo Dance, get Y. The issue for them was "what do you do next?". Dave answers that lamely by saying they have some more moves prepared and ready for Hollywood, but there are many rounds in Hollywood. Dave lifts Zooey and Piers says it is the first time "she hasn't been lifting you." to celebrate, they both lift Nick Cannon separately.

IShaara - "bringing Bollywood to America" as the lead female dancer puts it Y

FootworkKingz dance group - Y

Jeffrey Ou, classical pianist - Y

His new friend Rashida Jolley, harpist/singer, N

Christopher/Laura Camp, the whip guy, N

Next was 3 groups of acrobatic acts, all of which were eliminated - Kalinins hand balancers N, Duo Design N, the Flash jugglers N

Arthur Gulkarov, dancer, N

Kara Blitz was lacking her brother Cory who withdrew due to other opportunities. She was eliminated because the judges could not envision her carrying the whole act. N

Eleisha brash 8 yof keyboards/singer Y

Mario and Jenny juggle chainsaws act, Y

Marcus and the Serenades - the judges indicate that Marcus could go through without the Serenades but he refused until one of the Serenades suggested that he take this offer. Modified Y

Voices of Glory brother/sister trio fo singers Y

Barbara Padilla - a very good female opera singer Y

Coney Island Chris - his digusting act was attractive to the judges. It is different than anything else you will ever see and this is for a reason. Y

Both dog acts went through. That is Rockin Rory Y and Pam Martin with Viva Y.

Carol Lugo 62 yof dancer Y, but what is she doing almost in the top 20?

African High Flyers Y

Pixie Mystere 6 girls age 6 to 9  Y, but they cannot be going any further than that against this competition.

EriAm Sisters - 3 young female musicians

Anthony and Matt - friends where one plays the guitar and the other does dances and contortions

Oldster Grandma Lee with her jokes Y

Kelli Glover singer N

Mia Boostrom singer Y

Charles Dorsey singer Y

ALIZMA female triplet violinists/singers Y

There were one or two more than I could not visually associate with their names, but i will correct the above list when I get more official confirmation of who those were. However, there are some acts that I have not seen or recognize if by chance I did see them eliminated. First is Beale Street Flippers. There is also Mosaic a cappella group, Jay Mattioli magician and Giada Pelekai. 4 of my projected top 5 apparently did not make the round of 40. Also, missing are Tallas Noble Latz and Jessica Martin. That's not good talent judging by somebody, either the judges or me.

Off to the Hollywood rounds. Next week the acts will ber cut to 20.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 10:00:23 PM by apskip »

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2009, 09:37:47 AM »
I am not interested in matching the standards of the American public, whose votes will determine the outcome of all future rounds. Here are my revised picks for the top 10:

Pete Peterkin
Eric and Rickie
Texas Trio
Fab 5 cloggers
Lawrence Beaman
I Shaara
Voices of Glory
Barbara Padilla
Rockin' Rory
Charles Dorsey

Two who just missed my cut were Kevin Skinner and Drew Thomas, in both cases because there are a lot of professionals out there already doing what they do, country/western singing and magic/illusion.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2009, 02:41:26 AM »
 (:;) Hairspray ? :(

what agt did to Sky Claudette was uncalled for,I was an audience member for the night that Sky & Vlad performed,and I have seen them perform on many occasions and they are very good at what the do,I recalled the agt crew pulling plastic off of floorboards that they had placed on the stage ,seconds before they went on stage , plastic on stage during fire performance does not gel,Please folks Google Sky Claudette's Name to see what this truly talented performer is all about ,because watching this video over and over again just makes me remember when I was sitting out in the audience watching the AGT crew pull up plastic,and to sensationalize their program they had extinguished both Sky & Vlad's fire when I could see in plain view that nothing was out of control,and no one helped her when she was down,all osbourne & hasselhoff did was laugh ,also I was reading on hecklerspray  that they put her on a prop ?? so this sounds like Agt. planned this whole mess,Agt put Sky Claudette's life at risk,this is clearly a case of Endangerment !

Here is the  the link that Exposes Americas Got Talent.
for what they did to Sky Claudette

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2009, 07:44:01 AM »
AGT4 Reduction from "round of 40" to "round of 20" 8/4/09

first, you need to know that "Simon Cowell made a call to Piers, Sharon and David in their jet and told them he was edicting the reinsertion of 8 teams that they had overlooked but had plenty of talent into the competition. Nick Cannon announced that Lake Houston Dance Company and Diva League, two of my least favorite acts, would be added to the first group of 10 to make 12 competing for 5 spots in what must be labeled the Semifinals. The for 2 hours starting at the end of the show, phone lines are open to vote by text message or on the website for your favorite acts (up to 10 votes each method).So here goes in order of performance:

Breaksk8 - a decent but that excellent performance

Thia Megia - she sang her heart out but her talent is limited

Platt Brothers - I love these guys and what they do, but they basically have little chance with this type of act

Diva League -if Simon Cowell was responsible for bringing this group back, then shame on Simon Cowell Since I think it was all orchestrated, then shame on teh exectuvei producer. That would be ... Simon Cowell! Piers stold the show with this scintillating line: 10 drag queens lip syncing and dancing on stage is not my idea of entertainment. Nor mine. Get them off the stage.

Manuels Horn - the audience and particularly the judges were expecting on beyond the yodeling dominatrix from the preliminary round; what they got was a traditional song and dance routine; Manuela did not have the talent for that and was embarrassed (or should have been) by the outcome. She has the least chance of any act of moving ahead in the public voting.

Grandma Lee- her jokes were about the geriatric set adn were quite funny.

Mosaic - I thought they were great but I love a cappella singing ( I do it myself often) and the audeince is not very fond of it.

AcroDunk - simply the best act of the evening

Drew Thomas Magic - sizzling and in my rating system there were a close second

Arcadian Broad - he played the piano too long adn did not dance enough as a result, but his dancing is super

Kevin Skinner - I don't like his style of music but he is very good as a performer.

Lake Houston Dance Company - who let this act into this show? Oh, it's that same culprit Simon Cowell. I guess he deserves the same opportunity to look fooolish as the rest of us.

I rate AcroDunk, Drew Thomas Magic, Kevin Skinner and Arcadian Broad as the sure things. The group of maybes for the last position includes Mosaic, Breaksk8, Grandma Lee and Thia Megia. The "out for sure" group is Manuela Horn, Diva League, Lake Houston Dance Company, Platt Brothers.

We'll see what happens on the Results show. Stay tuned.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2009, 04:58:31 PM »
Results show for Quarterfinals round 1 8/5

That results show did validate my projections of Acrodunk, Arcadian Broad, Drew Thomas Magic and Kevin Skinner. The 5th act going through to the semifinals was Grandma Lee (although Arcadian Broad was the one who actually finished #5 in a judges-decided runoff). This group will be performing again on the first round of the semifinals Sept. 1.

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Re: America's Got Talent Season 4
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2009, 05:07:33 PM »
Performance Show Quarterfinals round 2 8/12 and Results Show

The acts who made it to the semifinals from this group were:
Paradizo Dance
Texas Tenors
Voices of Glory
and, in a stunning upset due to the problems Tony(not the dog Rory) showed in performance, Tony Hoard and Rory, in a judges-decided runoff for #5 over Charles DeWayne. I could not believe that the judges put Tony/Rory through and left Charles out in the cold because there was a large gap in talent. It was a travesty of justice, which we will see again later in the quarterfinals.

This group of winners will be competing with the first quarterfinal winners group on 9/1.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 05:11:13 PM by apskip »