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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #50 on: February 09, 2010, 03:58:38 AM »
Personally I thought Ali was playing a game the whole time.  It was just too fake for me.  All she wanted was Jake to say she was the one and that can't happen during a reality show.  Then again I love SF and would never give up the city for a man.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #51 on: February 09, 2010, 09:22:59 AM »
Jake’s Bachelor Blog: ‘My Heart Stopped’ When Ali Left

Hello All!

This week was incredible. Each of the four families I met were great but I have to admit — I was a little nervous!

New York City was a great place to visit first. Gia was completely energized being back in New York City and it really showed that she was finally in a comfortable, familiar environment. We had so much fun on our date! I loved sightseeing by boat, which was something I had never done there. Gia has a very loving family but I was wondering whether or not they would accept a Southern guy. Surprisingly, I had a lot in common with her dad. Her mom was very curious as to how I could be falling in love with Gia and three other women at the same time and it was clear it made her uncomfortable. Apparently, it made her need tarot cards! Let me just say, tarot cards are not my forte at all, but I played along. One thing that you didn’t get to see on Monday night was Gia’s mom explaining to me that it had been years since she had read someone’s cards. That’s why she employed the help of Reading Tarot Cards For Dummies. I about died laughing when she pulled that book out! I love Gia’s mom! That was definitely a highlight of the evening.

Getting to spend time with Ali in Williamstown, Mass., was great! This was a hometown visit I had really been looking forward to. Ali has an amazing heart. I realized how beautiful she was when she told me she cared for her grandmother during her illness. Ali has a heart for other people and cares for others more than she cares for herself. Granted, she can instigate a lot of drama with Vienna, but people do mysterious things in the name of love. Ali comes from a very loving family and I really felt comfortable there. After I met her mom, brother and sister earlier in the evening, I got to meet her dad briefly … such a great guy! It was hard to pull myself away from Ali that night; we shared some of the most passionate kissing I had experienced so far!

Well, I finally got to check Oregon off my list of places to go. Thank you, Tenley! It is such a beautiful area. I really loved her family a lot and her little sister is a doll! If I do marry Tenley, it’s very clear that I will gain a strong family with great values. Her dad is a very spiritual, successful and compassionate man and I gained a huge respect for him and the way he raised his two daughters. You may have seen a lot of tears, but they love to have fun, too! Off camera we moved all the furniture aside, salsa danced then jumped into the Jacuzzi. The highlight for me, though, was at the dance studio watching Tenley. I fell in love with her when she showed me her lyrical dance.

I was so excited to see Vienna. She always relaxes me and after a week of visiting families, I was ready to relax in a place I’ve always loved, Florida. On the riverboat, we kept daring one another to jump in with the alligators. Fortunately, no one took the dare. Of all the women left, I was really curious to see who in Vienna’s life taught her how to love so hard. It became clear that Vienna has grown up with a very strong example of what a marriage should be like. They’re a very tight unit and her father is a wonderful, loving man.

After visiting all the families, I felt really good about where I was in this journey. Then I got back to L.A. and the bottom dropped out. My heart crumbled when she told me her boss demanded her back at work. I didn’t actually think she would leave me. We talked about it for three hours that night while the poor women at the rose ceremony just waited. She actually didn’t have to be back at work for four or five more days but we were leaving the country the next morning, so she had to make a decision. I felt like she wanted me to make the choice for her, but I couldn’t. How could I live with myself if I told her, “No! You are not leaving me now!” and then realize a week or two later that she was not “the one.” I couldn’t make the decision for her. When she told me she was leaving, my heart stopped. I wish I could’ve had Mike Tyson punch me square in the jaw, because it would have felt so much better than what I feeling as I watched AliCat drive away that night.

What could I do? I had to regain my composure and focus on the amazing women I had left; three women that I have fallen in love with. Leaving the country felt like a clean slate. Next week we are in Saint Lucia! EVERYTHING changes. This is where the real emotions start to run wild. Relationships are solidified and become unstoppable.

Until next week everyone …

In the meantime, fly safe! –Jake Pavelka

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #52 on: February 09, 2010, 11:12:05 AM »
i think the whole ali thing was acted out and not that great eather i had to check the channell and make sure i was not watching the hill,s. this is the worst season of the batch ever and i have watched them all. my fav was byron's season it was real this season not so much..jmo but there r to many redicouls thing being trown at us.  :dontgo:
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #53 on: February 09, 2010, 09:17:26 PM »
ABC press release:


"Episode 1407" - Romantic adventures await Jake and the final three women - Gia, Tenley and Vienna - as they travel to the picturesque Caribbean island of St. Lucia. From the rain forest to an old sugar plantation to a pirate ship, the dates are filled with excitement and passion, as Jake continues to explore what his future would be like with each of these potential mates. At the end of each evening, Jake will present the bachelorette with an invitation to spend an intimate night together in a "fantasy suite," with the hope that she will accept. But will she? It's a wild, romantic ride with each of the women - until Jake has to make another heart-wrenching decision - tremendously complicated by a departed bachelorette who pleads for a second chance, on "The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love," MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

Jake is falling hard for Gia and takes her by speedboat to the local marketplace in Gros Islet. Can Gia let go of her fast paced city lifestyle and enjoy relaxed island life? Over a romantic moonlit dinner in a secluded cove, she reveals to Jake that she has been more open with him than with the other guys she's dated. But will she have the courage to share her true feelings for him?

The next day it's Tenley's turn, and Jake surprises her with a scenic helicopter tour of the island followed by a romantic picnic in the rain forest of an old sugar plantation. Tenley is smitten with Jake, but she's worried about staying with him in the fantasy suite. Having only been with her ex-husband, the sensitive bachelorette questions whether she's truly ready to take this intimate step and put her past solidly behind her.

Jake's final outing of the week is with Vienna. The couple explore the enchanted island aboard a pirate ship, the Brig Unicorn, which leads to a romantic swim on a private beach. She's falling in love with Jake, but she's scared. Vienna must decide whether to lay her heart on the line even though she knows he has feelings for the other two women.

The Bachelor has fallen in love with all three women - all for different reasons - and he's about to face his toughest decision yet. However, he finds himself unexpectedly challenged by a determined, departed bachelorette who has had a change of heart and hopes she can convince Jake to make her a part of his life again.

In the end, Jake sends one woman home in tears and offers the final two roses to the women who will meet his family in hopes that he'll choose them in the dramatic season finale.

The three women are:
Gia, 26, a swimsuit model from New York, NY
Tenley, 25, a college admissions representative from Newberg, OR
Vienna, 23, a marketing representative from Sanford, FL

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #54 on: February 10, 2010, 12:27:08 PM »
that is my birthday and 2 yrs ago i was in st thomas..sooo beautiful thoses islands...
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2010, 03:17:05 AM »
If Alli is the next bachelorette, I will not watch.  Couldn't stand listening to her whine.  I'm glad he did not allow her to come back.  Everyone knows to stay away from someone playing games.  Just my opinion.... :duno:

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2010, 08:55:40 AM »
Jake’s Bachelor Blog: ‘I Will Always Love Ali’

Hey there!

Gosh! I can’t believe we’re already at week seven. This journey is flying by!

This was such a beautiful episode. St. Lucia is gorgeous and being a beach guy, I was so excited to get to there. I had been to the island several times on cruises, but I never saw the island like this. One thing that I really noticed was how friendly the locals are, making for a great experience.

Let’s start with my date with Gia. We always have so much fun together. I sometimes think about what a mistake I would have made if I had sent her home that very first night — which I almost did. Many speculate that if Ali had not left to go back to work, Gia would have gone home at the rose ceremony in episode six. This is absolutely not true. I had no idea which girl wasn’t getting a rose, and fortunately I never had to make that decision.

I loved that we took that little fishing boat out to sea, and fortunately for me I’ve driven boats all my life, but this small boat was hard to maneuver! And poor Gia, with her beautiful hair, had to endure the rain all day long. We may have spent the day soaking wet, but I think it only added to the romance. One of the funniest moments that happened all season happened on this date. It was later in the day and neither of us had eaten anything. As Gia and I walked the streets we saw this lady selling cooked chicken on an open-air grill. We walked over and I could tell Gia was salivating. That’s when Gia looked to the side of the grill and saw a bunch of chickens. Her smile quickly turned to a frown. Needless to say, we didn’t eat chicken that afternoon. We had such a great date though, and we got to see a really cool side of the island.

Speaking of cool parts of the island, my date with Tenley was breathtaking. Tenley had never flown in a helicopter so it made it all the more special taking her on a two-hour tour. If you ever go to Saint Lucia, this is an absolute must. When the helicopter landed, it was a pretty long walk to the sugarcane mill through the rainforest. I got us lost, but we discovered starfruit, ate it right off of the tree and decided It tastes a lot like a grape! I felt so bad for Tenley though because all during our picnic, little ants were biting her legs … and mine. Our dinner was so romantic and the setting was incredible. Tenley was so affectionate that evening and we kept kissing all through dinner. I don’t even remember if I had one bite of food! As we danced under the gazebo there were bats swooping down catching bugs. It was a little hard to concentrate on just dancing. Lol! It was nice to get back to the cozy fantasy suite with her. We talked all night long.

The pirate ship with Vienna was awesome! We felt like two kids together playing. I’ve never gotten to make someone to walk the plank before but I decided I would dive in right behind her. We realized jumping in was a bad idea when we found ourselves more than 200 yards behind the boat and quickly getting carried away further by a strong current. It was hilarious. Some fisherman came up in a smaller boat and picked us up and brought up back to the pirate ship. Vienna was so funny that day. I love that she makes me laugh.

We had very serious conversation at dinner though. It may sound silly but I really wanted to know what was with all of her car wrecks and if she really understood the value of a dollar. I learned that four of the accidents were not her fault. I’m still not sure if anybody should ever let her borrow their car though!

I was having the most amazing week, really getting to know the women on a much deeper level and then I got the call from Ali. It definitely was not what I was expecting and it broke my heart all over again. Everything about me wanted to tell her, “Come! Come right now!” But she left at a very critical time in this journey. In Los Angeles after she left, I was forced to close off my heart to her. I had to in order to move forward with the three women that I had left — three women that didn’t leave and that I was falling in love with. In order to bring Ali back, I would have had to eliminate two women at the rose ceremony and there was no way I could do that. I was in love with Ali and it was truly unfair that she had to make that decision. I will always love Ali and she will always have a great friend in me. But I believe things happen for a reason. All 26 of us grew and matured dramatically during this journey and I’m confident that Ali grew the most having to go through what she did.

The rose ceremony was awful. I remember not even wanting to go. I felt very protective over Gia and it made me feel about 2-ft. tall breaking her heart. There was nothing wrong with her either. And nothing really wrong with us, so telling her goodbye was very painful. I have had so many wonderful moments during this journey and this was definitely not one of them.

Next week, it’s Women Tell All time! I can’t wait to see how the girls are doing. And Rozlyn will be there! That should be interesting.

The snow has all the airlines running late and canceling flights. Remember, the flight crews are just as frustrated as you are.

Fly safe everyone! –Jake Pavelka

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #57 on: February 16, 2010, 09:30:36 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor': Season 14, episode 7

We begin this week with some of your comments. In my vast experience as a blogger (about a year now), I have found it’s always around this time in the season where the natives get restless. For example, Tyler (Tue 2/9/10 1:14 AM) writes “Great Blog Chris!” Pretty simple and a very nice note — not extremely controversial, right? Then this follows from “Nobody” (Tue 2/9/10 9:18 AM): “There’s no need to swell the guy’s ego any larger than it already is. The man is nothing more than an ABC pawn. It must be painful to have to write this crap every week. But then most people will do almost anything for a buck. Whether CH actually believes the crap he writes is debatable, but he certainly likes how ABC and EW line his pockets for doing it.” I did some research and found out who “Nobody” really is. It’s actually John Mayer. Right after he gave that extremely ignorant interview to Playboy he posted that comment on the site. (Kidding, of course.) But at least “Nobody” gave me credit for writing this blog. “Viewer less and less” (Tue 2/9/10 12:59 PM) writes, “I am 100% sure Chris doesn’t write this, it’s written by staff and he edits and puts his final touches on it.” If I have a staff then why the heck am I sitting here on a Friday night watching this episode again and blogging? I need to hire a staff so I can fire them for making me do this by myself. The truth is, I do get some help each week. I want to thank my friend and producer Elan. I talk to him each week so I can get more details and the little anecdotes you guys love so much. My goal is to give you not only my take on this show but also some behind-the-scenes stories to make you feel more a part of the journey. But I assure you I write every word of every blog every week. Who else would write this poorly? As for you fans that come here for the fun and watch the show for the love story and the entertainment, please don’t worry about the negative posts — I don’t. In fact, I get a big kick out of them. Before I move on I want to give major props to “Craig” (Tue 2/9/10 1:38 AM). His comment was way, way too long to put in here but I love that so many guys are out there watching. Way to stand proud!

This week, we all took off to the beautiful island of St. Lucia. I had never been to this island and honestly had to search for it on my son’s globe to find out exactly where it was. Now that I’ve been there I can honestly tell you it’s as beautiful an island as I’ve ever been to. As much as I love the hometown dates, I equally love the exotic dates and the arrival of the fantasy suite card. I can’t remember a final three in recent history that all loved our Bachelor so much and vice versa. It really made for a compelling week. I found it interesting how the fantasy suite card meant very different things to each of them. For Gia, it was a chance to let down her guard and let Jake in closer to see the woman she really is. For Tenley, it was a huge step in her life to move past her ex-husband and prove to herself as much as anyone that she can love again. For Vienna, it was a chance to show Jake there is more to their relationship than physical chemistry. I talked to Jake this week and he told me he was shocked at how much he was falling in love with all three of these women. I think it was really difficult for Jake to see Gia leave because he certainly did have strong feelings for her. Looking back over the course of their relationship, it seems that it was a bit slower in developing than with the other women and I can’t help but wonder if that may have influenced his final decision.

And of course there was that phone call! I have to tell you I was impressed with how well Jake handled this situation. Once again instead of taking the easy way out and just inviting Ali back, he bit the bullet and spoke open and honestly with her. Even though it had only been a week, Jake had mentally and physically moved on in his heart and in his head. As for Ali, I feel for her. I knew that night back in Los Angeles that deep down she didn’t want to leave. It was a mistake that she will regret in some way the rest of her life. But as with all mistakes, it’s what you do with that lesson and how you rebound from it that really defines the person you are. I look forward to talking to her at the Women Tell All special to get her side of the story.

Speaking of the Women Tell All special, it airs next Monday night, Feb. 22, but we taped it this past weekend here in L.A. Yes, Rozlyn comes back and is on the show. I got to sit down with her and go step by step through the entire ordeal. You will also hear for the first time explosive new details from the other women. That’s all I will tell you for now other than that I’m extremely happy she showed up. Trust me when I tell you, you do not want to miss this show!

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #58 on: February 20, 2010, 10:42:20 AM »
ABC press release:


What Is the Real Story Behind Rozlyn's Surprising Exploits?

Watch Some of the Most Popular and Controversial
Former Bachelors and Bachelorettes Party Across the Country

"The Women Tell All" -- It's an explosive reunion viewers won't want to miss, as the most memorable bachelorettes from this season - including Rozlyn, Ali, Gia, Michelle, Ella and Elizabeth -- return to confront each other and Jake one last time on national television to dish the dirt and tell their side of the story. For the first time since she left the show, Rozlyn - the most controversial bachelorette this season - discusses the shocking turn of events that led to her abrupt dismissal and the firing of a staffer. Exciting and funny unseen moments from one of the most dramatic "Bachelor" seasons ever will be featured, and we catch up with some of the series' most popular and controversial former bachelors and bachelorettes after the cameras stop rolling, on "The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love -- The Women Tell All," MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Viewers will finally find out what really happened with Rozlyn, as never-before-seen footage is featured and she's put in the hot seat to answer the questions everyone has wanted to ask. Sparks fly as the women confront her for the first time since she left the show.

A devastated Gia comes back to talk about her emotional departure from exotic Saint Lucia. She tearfully relives the day Jake sent her home. She realized too late that, although she had fallen for him, she never told Jake how she felt.

Michelle, who set off plenty of waterworks during the season, returns to discuss her determination to find love with the Bachelor. And the women share what it was like to live with Michelle, as she fires back.

Ali talks about her heart wrenching decision to leave the show for her job, giving up the chance at love with Jake. She admits her deepest fears and looks back in regret at her choice between leaving a job she loved or a man she loved.

Ali, Michelle and Gia also take the hot seat to share the behind-the-scenes drama of their romantic journeys with Jake, plus they face off with the other women who challenged them during the season.

Jake will also face tough questions from the ladies he rejected, and Chris Harrison will review the high points of this tumultuous season with him, along with sharing funny outtakes and bloopers.

A special treat is in store for fans with a behind-the-scenes look at what happens to past bachelors and bachelorettes after the cameras stop rolling. A new phenomenon of sexy "Bachelor" reunions has flowered, and relationships continue to flourish as cast members party around the country. Cast members also reunite for good causes, and we share how they've been donating their time to their favorite charities as part of a touching look at "The Bachelor Gives Back."

It's the bachelorettes like you've never seen them before! The special also includes a sneak peek at the season finale and the final two bachelorettes.


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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #59 on: February 23, 2010, 10:08:53 AM »
The Bachelor Blog: Jake Faces the Women

What an emotional day! It was great seeing all of the women and I was so happy for the few surprise guests such as Emily. She looked just as gorgeous as she did the first night I met her. The one question everyone kept asking me was, “Are you nervous about seeing the women again?” The answer was definitely no! I am excited! These women are all my friends. The Women Tell All is an opportunity for the ladies who didn’t receive a rose to ask questions and possibly get some closure as we start to wrap up this incredible journey we took together. And I used it for the same purpose.

I’m sure a lot of people want to hear my comments on Rozlyn but I don’t feel like I have any more to say about her or the situation. I wish Rozlyn the very best in life and I want her and my friend (the staffer) to know — I hope you’re happy.

Seeing Christina was great. After watching her on the show, I remember thinking that I wish I had seen her funny side. She went home too early, so I was happy that I had the opportunity to tell her how beautiful she looked in the Instyle Magazine photoshoot. She looked beautiful at Women Tell All too.

Poor Michelle. She is such a good girl and I truly feel that she just didn’t know exactly how to handle the situation of being on The Bachelor. Michelle, like all of the women this season, is used to being pursued by a man and this is not an ideal environment for a woman who is used to operating that way in a relationship. One thing I do know about Michelle is that she will find a great relationship and she will be ready for it.

Seeing Ali really affected me. There was so much emotion in that reunion, mostly because I really felt that I never got closure with her. I still stand by my decision to not have her come back but that decision didn’t come easy and it still doesn’t. I truly wish her the best in life and will always be her biggest fan.

As difficult as it was having all these amazing women in one room again, I’m happy I got the chance to see everyone. I truly hope the women feel the same way. Thank goodness for the bloopers! They were a much needed light moment in the heavy evening. I hope everyone enjoyed them as much as we did!

Fly Safe! –Jake Pavelka

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #60 on: February 23, 2010, 10:39:17 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor': The Women Tell All

I was looking forward to this Women Tell All special more than any other we have ever done. There were so many stories I wanted to talk about. I was happy to get the chance to hear Elizabeth’s thoughts on the games she played. I think she realizes what she was doing but I just don’t think she’s fully ready to admit it publicly. I enjoyed getting Michelle’s side of the story. I think this process was overwhelming to her and she was very much out of her element. Gia is a great example of somebody who will leave our show with a much better understanding of who she is and what she really wants in life. I think she now knows she can love and, more importantly, be loved by a good man. Seeing Ali and Jake together again was very interesting. If you’re an old-school Bachelor fan you’ll remember season 2’s Women Tell All. In that show, our Bachelor Aaron confronted a woman he let go named Gwen. You could tell that there was love there, everybody felt it, but for some reason life just got in the way and it didn’t happen. I got the same feeling watching Jake and Ali together again. Who knows if she had stayed if she would have been the one but it just seemed like they let life get in the way of what could have been a good thing.

Obviously the most talked-about part of the reunion show was Rozlyn’s return. I truly think the two segments with Rozlyn speak for themselves and I know that there is no doubt in anybody’s mind now as to what really happened between her and our former producer. We have multiple, detailed eyewitness accounts from the other women as well as detailed confessions from the producer himself. There was one random comment Rozlyn made at the end of our interview while she was desperately backtracking after being confronted with the overwhelming evidence against her that I do want to address. During the interview I made mention that it was unfortunate we had to fire a guy that was a “dear friend to many”. Her reply to this was the following: “That’s news to him, especially when you were hitting on his wife in New Zealand. He thought that was crazy.” That night I told her “I clearly won’t dignify that with a response.” The reason I didn’t respond immediately is that’s exactly what she would have wanted from me. It was a desperate attempt by a very desperate woman to create a diversion and deflect the spotlight from herself as she had done several times throughout the interview when she felt backed into a corner by the overwhelming truth. I was extremely disappointed that Rozlyn would stoop to that level and bring my family and me into this already sad and unfortunate situation. Beyond the fact that it’s just flat out not true, that comment was well beyond the line of decency and speaks volumes to the kind of person Rozlyn is. My wife, who I’ve been with since I was 18 and have been married to for over 16 years, was in the audience that night and got as big a laugh out of Rozlyn’s comment as I did.

Rozlyn’s behavior at the Women Tell All special put everything in an alarming new light. She’s used her son as a human shield several times before in attempts to distract from the real reason she was asked to leave our show, but during the interview she said, “On my child’s life, that never happened.” The entire audience gasped… nobody could believe she just said that. If you’re a parent as I am, you know exactly what I’m talking about. That’s when I knew the interview was essentially over.

It is my hope that none of this nonsense takes away from what is really important here and that’s what’s going to take place next Monday night during our finale. Trust me when I tell you it’s a moment you don’t want to miss. Although I won’t tell you everything, I will tell you now that Jake is extremely happy and very much in love. Is there a proposal? How does it all go down? You’ll have to watch one of the most emotional, romantic finales in Bachelor history to find out. I very much look forward to reading your comments this week.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #61 on: February 23, 2010, 12:44:11 PM »
What You Didn’t See on The Bachelor’s Women Tell All

It was one of the most — wait for it! — dramatic Women Tell All specials in Bachelor history, thanks to Rozlyn’s perp walk and subsequent bad attitude, plenty of waterworks and some good old-fashioned name calling and finger pointing. Because it takes more than twice as long to shoot the gabfest than it does to air it, we’ve culled the best of what you didn’t see on screen here. –Carrie Bell

ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: Some of the other women ponied up more proof that Roz was having an inappropriate relationship. Roz used the Ambien defense with Gia on multiple occasions, saying she took a pill and passed out in the kitchen or elsewhere as the reason why she wasn’t in her bed at night.

HOST WITH THE MOST: Chris Harrison could probably host these very special episodes in his sleep, but he does make the occasional blunder like when he kept saying woman when he meant women. He also likes to goof around, teasing the men in the audience who’d gotten suckered into attending and warning folks to watch their language as a few children were present. One joke that didn’t see the light of day was his easily misinterpreted statement about how “everyone looks good next to Ellen” as in DeGeneres.

OK TO FALL: Ashleigh admitted she fell into Jake on night one on purpose and had practiced the move in her hotel room. Cut out was the fact that a producer stood in for Jake to help her to perfect her strategy for standing out.

DEFENDING VIENNA: Gia wasn’t Vienna’s only ally. Kathryn revealed that the finalist painted others’ nails. Ashley reminded the haters that she also cooked them meals. Ali even gave her support, saying Vienna didn’t deserve all the tabloid trashing. “Even if she has done any of the things people are saying, no one deserves to have all their private secrets out in the open in public,” she told PEOPLE after the show. “The stuff being said is so bad that I almost hope she’s with Jake so that he can support her through it.”

NO KISS AND TELL: Elizabeth categorized her no-kiss rule as game-playing, which she regretted. Michelle thought she should consider herself lucky that Jake kissed her because he wanted to rather than out of obligation. Valishia claimed she had a no-kissing-before-wedding rule with her ex husband.

FASHION EMERGENCY: Gia, who told Chris she had “almost a unibrow” as teen, looked quite poised in the hot seat, but she was actually ready to rip her Alice + Olvia sequined number off. She said backstage, “It’s giving me a huge rash under my arms and a sequin caught cut my thumb open. It’s getting donated.” Ali loved her dress, but kicked off those very high heels in favor of purple Converse the instant she was off camera.

HUGGING IT OUT: Jake was sequestered from his former dates for most of the show, but he snuck a few hugs while doing press rounds. Probably the sweetest were the two shared by Ali and him. He told her she looked great and she said she missed him and then they joked about how the fact that they shared a warm embrace would be in all the magazines. “I would have liked to interact with the women more. I haven’t seen them in months and I am quite fond of them,“ Jake said post-wrap. “I would have even liked to talk to Rozlyn. I can understand being bitter, but these are consequences of the decisions she made. I don’t respect her trying to place blame on the show.”

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #62 on: February 23, 2010, 01:10:07 PM »
ABC press release:



And Immediately Following the Season Finale, Both Tenley and Vienna Join Jake
to Look Back at the Dramatic Ending to His Journey to Find Love,
on "The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love: After the Final Rose"

America Will Get a Sneak Peek at Next Season's Bachelorette

"Episode 1408" - In this emotional special conclusion, Jake prepares to make one of the most difficult choices of this life. His search for love is now narrowed down to two very different women -- Tenley and Vienna -- and he is falling in love with both of them. Now, after having his family meet them on the exotic island of St. Lucia, he must make one final heart-wrenching decision that could change his life forever, on the season finale of "The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love," MONDAY, MARCH 1 (8:00-10:05 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

With Jake's search for his soul mate over, he talks to Chris Harrison about both Tenley and Vienna, taking us back to that final day in St. Lucia. And both women are back with Jake to discuss the dramatic outcome of this roller coaster season. Then America will be introduced to the next "Bachelorette" who will have a chance to find her Prince Charming, on the one-hour special, "The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love: After the Final Rose," MONDAY, MARCH 1 (10:05-11:00 p.m., ET).

Jake's family arrives in St. Lucia to meet the final two women and offer their advice. Jake is very clear on one thing: He cannot choose a woman who does not get along with this family. Tenley makes a winning impression over brunch, but she feels compelled to be honest with Jake's mom about her past and the fact that she's divorced. The next day, Vienna immediately admits that she didn't get along with the other women in the house. Jake's mom is quick to notice some warning signs about Vienna and shares them with her son. Vienna's brutal honesty and confrontational style don't go over well, and the family wonders if she would ever fit in with them.

The women both have one last romantic date with Jake. He takes Vienna to a steamy mud bath in St. Lucia's volcanic sulfur springs. There's no question that he has plenty of passion for her, but will that chemistry translate into a lifelong commitment? Now Vienna worries that she might well lose Jake.

The next day Tenley and Jake cast off in a sleek private yacht for a wonderful day of snorkeling among the dolphins in the coral reefs of St. Lucia. This time he's worried that, although he has an incredible emotional connection with Tenley, their chemistry may be lagging behind. When he shares his concerns with her, she is hurt and anxious that she might lose Jake to Vienna.

Jake has pulled no punches in his search for true love this season, but how could that search end with two women as different as Tenley and Vienna? Both women have captured his heart and both would love to share their lives with him. How and whom will he choose? Will he prove that, this time at least, nice guys don't finish last in love?

The remaining two women are:

Tenley, 25, a college admissions representative from Newberg, OR
Vienna, 23, a marketing representative from Sanford, FL

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #63 on: February 27, 2010, 11:21:46 AM »
The Bachelor’s Chris Harrison: Jake Is ‘Very Much In Love’

While on his way to Jason and Molly’s wedding weekend, Bachelor host Chris Harrison chatted with PEOPLE exclusively about Monday’s upcoming finale, the scandalous season, Jake Pavelka’s top two and his happy ending. (“He’s still with the woman he chose, very much in love, and they’re doing great,” Harrison says!) He also dignified with a response our question about the state of his marriage, which on the Women Tell All special Rozlyn suggested was rocky. –Carrie Bell

It has been a fairly tumultuous season of The Bachelor.
It has been a bumpy ride, and it seems to have flown by because of all the scandals and controversies we’ve overcome. This one feels like it started a week ago.

Is it possible to find true love amid all that drama?
Considering I just pulled up to Jason and Molly’s wedding, I’m going to say yes. They went through their fair share of drama. As did Jillian and Ed who are here too, so, absolutely, Jake and the girl he chose can survive. 100 percent.

Does the first Bachelor wedding give you renewed belief in the show?
I’ve never put much stock in creating happy couples that last. We don’t guarantee anything. It’s up to these people. Some have been happy and some ended horribly. That’s life and love. It’s unpredictable. I have plenty of good friends who aren’t on TV, that don’t even watch TV, that are getting divorced. But that doesn’t mean I’m not ecstatic that they’re getting married. I pray all these couples last and get married. It reinforces what we do on the show.

Did you anticipate that Vienna and Tenley would be Jake’s final two?
Towards the end, yes. But had you put a gun to my head halfway through and told me to guess, absolutely not. Jake would probably say the same thing. He’s admitted that he had to convince himself several times to keep Vienna around because she was such a lightening rod for controversy. In the finale even, when he’s talking to his mom, he wonders about her. He knows how important it is for whoever he chooses to be able to mix with the family. She often made it easy to let her go.

Had Ali not left, do you think she’d be in the final two?
That’s the million-dollar question. She chose work over Jake. He got the answer he needed Jake has no regrets and he showed that by not taking her back.

What are the pros and cons of the final two?
With Tenley, it seems like something’s missing. They’re fun and nice together and the friendship is there, but she doesn’t challenge him enough. Jake’s a guy who likes to be challenged, and Vienna definitely does that. His parents’ concern is did she challenge too much or just to push his buttons? Is that sincere? They’re pretty similar in what they give Jake — the protection, security, unconditional love that he wants. He wants that doting wife who will always be there for him and they both have that characteristic. It comes down to the question of would Tenley challenge him enough and would Vienna challenge him too much? I think all guys want to be pushed around a little. We all need our ass kicked every once in awhile.

The show finishes shooting and the decision is made before audiences see anything or the tabloids dig up the dirt. Does that media scrutiny cause waves for the new relationship?
Of course. They’re only human. As much as they try not to pay attention, it upsets them. Just watching the show is hard because they have to watch Jake fall for others and kiss other people. Then throw in the tabloids trying to dig up dirt by offering major money to people who were in their lives 10 years ago and then threatening to cover them if they don’t come up with good dirt, and it gets really nasty. Any new couple has issues to deal with. To start on TV and then to put up on the garbage that’s printed makes it even tougher.

Even you aren’t immune to being called out, as Rozlyn accusing you of flirting with the guy’s wife proved.
Yeah, but I chose this life so I’m more prepared and this was the first time I was attacked in nine years. I just wanted to get that facts out there and let people judge for themselves. Consider the source. Her taking a swipe at me and then Ella was a defense mechanism. This is all part of her master plan. She’s been auditioning and asking for money to appear on shows and now the alleged tapes being leaked. My part in this play is definitely over.

Just for the record, any truth to her accusation? Are you and your wife still happy?
No and yes. She’s my date for the wedding and we’ll be down here all weekend. It takes more than that [comment] to break up 16 years of marriage.

Will you be attending Jake’s wedding anytime soon?
People will have to watch to see if he proposes, but I can tell you he does choose somebody. He’s still with the woman he chose, very much in love, and they’re doing great.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #64 on: February 27, 2010, 11:25:10 AM »
The Bachelor’s Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney Set to Wed

Bachelor star Jason Mesnick and former contestant Molly Malaney are set to tie the knot Saturday, PEOPLE has learned.

The private ceremony and reception will be featured in a two-hour TV special, The Bachelor: Jason and Molly’s Wedding, which will air Monday, March 8 on ABC.

Successful Bachelorette couples Trista and Ryan Sutter and Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski will be on hand to see Mesnick and Malaney exchange vows. The outdoor ceremony will take place at the breathtaking Terranea Resort, located on the coast of Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.

Mesnick, 33, and Malaney, 25, got engaged in New Zealand last October after enduring a tumultuous turn of events following the season finale of The Bachelor last year.

On the show’s finale, Mesnick sent Malaney home and proposed to another finalist, Melissa Rycroft, before changing his mind. He then publicly dumped Rycroft on the After the Final Rose special and pledged his allegiance to Malaney.

Rycroft, a correspondent for Good Morning America, rebounded nicely by reuniting with her longtime boyfriend Tye Strickland — and the couple married in December.

Mesnick and Malaney currently reside in Seattle.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #65 on: February 28, 2010, 11:12:27 AM »
It’s Official: Bachelor’s Jason And Molly Get Hitched!

Controversial Bachelor couple Jason Mesnick  and Molly Malaney officially said “I do” on Saturday, PEOPLE has learned.

An estimated 300 guests witnessed Mesnick, 33, and Malaney, 25, exchange vows at the breathtaking Terranea Resort on the coast of Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. The nuptials will be televised on the March 8 ABC special The Bachelor: Jason and Molly’s Wedding.

Despite periodic evening rains and a morning tsunami warning (a result of the 8.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Chile early Saturday), the outdoor ceremony took place at the resort’s Palos Verdes Meadows Lawn bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

“We’re really excited for them,” former Bachelorette Jillian Harris tells PEOPLE. Harris who vied for Mesnick’s affection on The Bachelor, attended the nuptials with Ed Swiderski, to whom she became engaged last year on The Bachelorette.

“They are very ‘normal’ in one sense, but on the other hand both of us have been through things in terms of the tabloids and drama after our shows were over,” says Harris. “We’re so sympathetic to each other’s relationships that we’re huge supporters of each other.”

Former Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants Trista and Ryan Sutter (the first couple from the ABC franchise to ever wed), DeAnna Pappas, Jesse Csinsak and Kiptyn Locke were among the guests seated in white linen ottomans and sofas on the lawn. They watched Malaney, bedecked in a $45,000, strapless Monique Lhuillier gown and Neil Lane jewelry walk down a 200-ft. aisle to “Over the Rainbow,” sung by American Idol’s Jason Castro, toward Mesnick, who wore a dark suit with a black tie. The ceremony lasted 15 minutes — and concluded with the release of white doves into the rainy skies, as Mesnick tried to shield Molly’s hair from the dampness.

The couple, who became engaged last October, said their vows under a driftwood-covered arbor decorated and designed by event and floral designer Eden Rodriguez of End Design. Antique butterfly cages were set throughout the ceremony area, which was also decorated with white orchids and pieces of driftwood for a rustic beach-inspired look.

Following the ceremony, guests enjoyed cocktails before entering the resort for an indoor ballroom reception. Before going inside, everyone received an escort card with a love coin to toss in a wishing fountain.

The couple worked with wedding planner Jo Gartin of Love Luck and Angels to create a reception that was a mix of Molly’s love for modern style and Jason’s love for vintage touches. The couple chose a mostly white decor with green and black touches. Guests enjoyed a candle-lit dinner at square and rectangular tables decorated with centerpieces of white tulips, orchids and Casablanca lilies and black pepper berries.

Other touches included romantic European-style dinnerware in different designs, 15-ft. tall trees, a custom lacquer dance floor and thousands of candles.

After a tropical honeymoon, Mesnick and Malaney will return to Seattle, where they’ve lived together since last September.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #66 on: March 01, 2010, 11:55:21 AM »
Bachelor Jake Hopes ‘Everybody Understands the Decision I Made’

Jake Pavelka, 32, will hand out his final rose (or maybe not!) on Monday’s season finale of The Bachelor on ABC. He spoke with PEOPLE exclusively about the last two ladies, Vienna and Tenley, in the running to become his co-pilot, Rozlyn-gate and whether he is happy with the outcome of his second reality TV trip. –Carrie Bell

Your season caused a lot of drama for ABC.
I guess it did, but I saved them a bunch of money on the alcohol budget. I’m not a big drinker and the women followed my lead. That was pretty neat to see. Everything is more real and honest when people aren’t sloppy. I’m not the kind of guy who seeks out drama but sometimes it finds me.

The biggest scandal was obviously the alleged Rozlyn/producer hookup. How’d you feel about her Women Tell All segment?
Wow, true colors. I can understand being a little bitter, but these are consequences of the decisions you made. I don’t respect her trying to place blame on the show or calling them liars or acting inappropriately toward Chris Harrison who is happily married. I felt bad for his wife. It made for great TV, but it was very hard for me. I understand it as a storyline but people were shocked behind the scenes. She rid the show of a high-level producer in the process.

Are you angry at her?
You can’t help who you fall in love with. All I wanted was for her to be honest. Don’t take roses that could be given to someone who is interested. Tell me what happened and get out of the way of my love life. I took a lot of crap when I said I got cheated on. But how had I not been cheated on? Had I gone for a staffer, I would have been labeled a cheater. She came to meet me and agreed to be one of the 25 women. I can’t believe she couldn’t keep her head in the game for six weeks. It is not a surprise that I am going to be dating multiple women. That is the premise of the show. Also the staffer was supposed to be helping me make my choices. But I have moved on. There’s no ill will towards either of them.

Are they still together?
I don’t know honestly. I really hope they are in love.

More importantly, are you in love and is there a wedding in your future?
Marriage in my future? Hopefully. I can’t say whether it will come from someone I met on the show, but that is a life experience I don’t want to miss out on. And I would like to have it soon. That’s why I did the show in the first place.

Let me rephrase: Are you happy with your final decision?
I just hope that everybody understands the decision I made because I’m the one who has to live with it. The show will keep going, another season will get under way and the public will move on to being obsessed with another person’s budding romance, but my life will keep going so I tried to make the best decision I could, the one that I could live with. I still feel like I made the right decision now a few months later. I’m happy because of that.

The final two seem like complete opposites.
Everyone says they’re apples and oranges, but they really aren’t. They are more like an orange and a tangerine. The way they express love is very different but when you get them down to their cores, they’re exactly the same girl. I think people will probably see that by the end. That was comforting to me actually because it would be strange if I had fallen hard for two opposites. Both of the women are fun and have a ton of energy and big hearts. Vienna and I connected fiercely over conquering our fear of bungee jumping together. Tenley has been hurt before but has done a great job of being unguarded and showing me who she is like when she danced for me. They have the same family values. They just express them differently.

Were you concerned about Vienna butting heads with the other women?
Vienna got a raw deal from the girls. When other girls I knew cared about me were telling me that she was horrible, I gave it some thought. I wanted to know why but no one ever told me a valid reason to question her. Obviously I saw something. I finally said, “We’re worrying too much about what other people think and are wasting the time we could be getting to know each other better.”

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #67 on: March 02, 2010, 03:17:38 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor' finale and After the Final Rose

It’s hard to believe this season is over. Maybe it’s because there have been a few things that have distracted our attention this time around, but it really seems like this season has flown by. I’m glad you all got a chance to be introduced to Jake’s family. I think once you see them and how they interact as a family it’s easy to see why Jake is the way he is. They are all such good communicators and you can see where Jake has gotten his skills. His parents fell in love with Tenley the moment she walked in the door. That’s not hard to believe as everybody who has met Tenley this season loves her and has nothing but good things to say about her. Jake’s family quickly put her in front and I honestly don’t think they gave Vienna much of a chance to succeed at first. The fact that Vienna was able to sway their opinion and convince them otherwise was really impressive. It’s actually ironic that what happened to Vienna in the house with the girls, happened again with Jake’s family. The only difference is that Vienna was able to make it right with Jake’s family.

This show has given me the opportunity to go to some pretty special and beautiful places. The island of Saint Lucia is high on that list. The people and the beauty of the island are just about as good as it gets. With that said, several of the crew kept trying to get me to go to those sulphur springs that Jake and Vienna went to. I know it looked romantic on TV, but that’s only because you couldn’t smell it. Everybody who came back from the sulphur springs said it was cool, but the sulphuric odor smelled like rotten eggs and it pretty much ruined whatever you were wearing. Needless to say, I passed. The crew gave me a bottle of the mud as a gift.

We spent the final week of our trip at the Jalousie resort. It sits in this beautiful cove nestled between the two pitons (those big mountains you see in all the shots). Between the scenery, the beach, the people, the food, and, of course, the rum, the Jalousie resort is easily one of the best we visited over the eight years we’ve been doing this show.

In my opinion, the last chance dates were very telling of Jake’s final decision. You could tell how easy it was between Jake and Vienna. You can also clearly see that he was always defending her and got very defensive when anybody didn’t see what he saw in her. Tenley is a wonderful woman and Jake did love her, but not nearly in the same way he loves Vienna. Even Tenley admitted on the AFR special that watching the show she too sees that what Jake has with Vienna is different than what they shared.

The proposal site was at a resort called Jade Mountain. This is the place where you saw Jake spending his final day and picking out his ring. We had to get to this site by water which meant bringing in the women by chopper (another Bachelor first). One thing that wasn’t shown was the choppers pulling right over my head and landing about twenty yards away from me. I was really hoping we had good pilots flying for us.

Walking Tenley over to meet Jake was tough. She was nervous and I knew she was very much in love with Jake. I’ve always been impressed by Tenley. But the way she handled herself that day, the poise she showed under that pressure was astounding. Having the grace to actually thank Jake for showing her how to love again is remarkable. Tenley is another person who has left this show with a new clear understanding of who they truly are and what they want. More importantly, I think she now knows what she deserves in return and that’s a big step for her.

Vienna got out of the helicopter shaking like a leaf. She was so nervous she could barely breathe. You could tell she had completely fallen in love with Jake and felt incredibly vulnerable. I have to say that bit where he gave her back that promise ring was a little cruel and it had her going but he quickly redeemed himself. It was easily one of the most beautiful proposals we’ve ever had on the show. I realize Jake’s choice and his proposal to Vienna surprised some of you and it’s even been called controversial. While I respect all of your opinions there is one thing I don’t get. How could anybody possibly have a problem with two people falling in love with one another and finding happiness together? I’m not saying you can’t be surprised or even think that one of the other women might have been better but now that he’s made his final decision and you see they are together and very much in love, how can you fault that? I can’t imagine telling anybody they’re an idiot for falling in love and finding happiness. How can that be wrong? I’ve already been asked if I think it will last. The answer is “I don’t know,” and to pretend that I do would be ignorant as well as presumptuous. What I do know is that Jake is a good and decent man and Vienna is a good woman. They love each other very much and are committed to making this work. I wish them the best in life and love and hope to see them walk down the aisle. I hope you will all wish them the same.

For some reason lately it’s become easy and somewhat in vogue to take shots at people and try to tear them down. I know happiness doesn’t sell magazines and it doesn’t make for sexy headlines but try to keep a little perspective. Congrats to Jake and Vienna, a happy couple who will now begin their life together.

A couple notes before I let you go this season. I loved having Jeffrey Osborne on the show to sing “On the Wings of Love.” The guy was awesome and still sounds amazing. Also, I was extremely excited to announce Ali as our next Bachelorette. She is a strong woman and will give the next group of guys a run for their money for sure.

Finally, next Monday night please be sure to tune in to see Jason and Molly’s wedding. This is going to be a wonderful event that will bring together many of your favorite former bachelors and bachelorettes. I was very pleased to be a part of their special day. Then, on Monday, March 15th I hope you’ll tune in to ABC to watch the two-hour 20/20 special that will take you behind-the-scenes of the Bachelor franchise like never before. While you have you’re calendar out, I also hope you’ll join me on the Oscar red carpet live from the Kodak Theatre this Sunday on TV Guide Network. Okay, I think that’s it!  From the bottom of my heart, I’d like to thank our entire crew. On behalf of that crew, thank you so much for your support and for tuning in each week. Goodbye for now. I hope to see you this spring for the next season of The Bachelorette and see ya next season with my blogs right here on

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #68 on: March 02, 2010, 10:16:52 AM »
Jake’s Bachelor Blog: ‘I Am So In Love!’

Well, it has all come to a very successful end. This journey has been the most amazing experience of my life! I can’t express how much it has meant having all the people, fans and friends giving me their support during this emotional roller coaster.

I was looking for a girl that is compassionate, romantic, passionate and protective, not to mention wild fireworks, and I found it. I am so in love — more than I have ever been. A nice guy found a great girl! As everyone gets to know Vienna for who she truly is, you will see how wonderfully compassionate she is. I am sooo happy, and what more can I ask for?

It was wonderful seeing the beautiful Tenley at After the Final Rose. We solidified a great friendship.

I have received all of your messages and fan mail and please be patient as my schedule is CRAZY right now. I will try to get back to everyone!!

Thank you so much for such a successful season!!!

Remember, flying is the safest means of transportation! Fly safe everyone!

Again, THANK YOU for making my dream of finding love come true! –Jake Pavelka

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #69 on: March 04, 2010, 02:29:28 AM »
ABC press release in regards of Jason and Molly's wedding next Monday 3/8 @8pm

"The Bachelor" Couple Celebrate Their Union with a Spectacular Event in Los Angeles;

Gavin DeGraw and Jason Castro Perform

Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney, the first "Bachelor" couple to ever walk down the aisle, will share a dramatic new chapter of their love story with millions of viewers when ABC televises their much anticipated wedding on "The Bachelor: Jason and Molly's Wedding," MONDAY, MARCH 8 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Weeks of planning and anticipation culminate with former "Bachelor" star Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney declaring their love for one another before family, friends, past "Bachelor" and "Bachelorette" couples, stars and participants, who are all there to help them celebrate. The guest list includes Trista and Ryan Sutter, Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski, Charlie O'Connell and Sarah Brice, DeAnna Pappas, Kiptyn Locke, Jesse Csincsak, and Natalie Getz, Stephanie Hogan and Nikki Kaapke, all bachelorettes from Jason's edition of "The Bachelor."

Jason requested that platinum recording artist and singer/songwriter Gavin DeGraw sing his hit, "Follow Through," from his J Records debut album, "Chariot," for the couple's first dance. Atlantic recording artist and 2008 "American Idol" third runner-up Jason Castro performs his rendition of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," a favorite of the bride, at the ceremony. He also will premiere his new single, "That's What I'm Here For," from his soon-to-be released self-titled debut album during the wedding celebration.

In the special, the couple, who were married this past weekend and announced their engagement in October, let viewers in on all the exciting festivities. Jason and Molly begin their wedding planning by visiting a Macy's store and will be shown registering at the Macy's Wedding & Gift Registry for their nuptials. Additionally, Leslie, Jason's sister-in-law, shows Molly how she put together her outfit for the couple's special rehearsal dinner using the Macy's Fashion Director online tool (launching for consumers on March 8).

Then follow Molly to her dress fitting for her dazzling custom-made gown by Monique Lhuillier, and the couple planning the big day with their wedding planner, Jo Gartin, and event designer Eden Rodriguez. Then it's on to their bachelor and bachelorette parties in Las Vegas, and the next stage of their romantic journey with a beautiful wedding ceremony before almost 300 guests at Terra Nea Resort in Palos Verdes, California.

The wedding party includes Molly's sister, Katie, her maid of honor, and four additional bridesmaids. On Jason's side, his brothers, Larry and Sean, are both his best men. He has two additional groomsmen. Jason and his best men and groomsmen are wearing Kenneth Cole suits.

Jason and Molly have had a rocky road on their way to happily ever after, which makes this momentous event that much sweeter for them. Jason's journey goes back more than a year, when he was one of the final two bachelors on DeAnna Pappas' edition of "The Bachelorette." Although ultimately rejected by DeAnna, he was the overwhelming fan favorite and the first ever single dad on "The Bachelor" to try his luck at finding love again. He proposed to Melissa Rycroft in the finale, only to find that he had a change of heart. In a heartbreaking and shocking "After the Final Rose" special, he broke up with Melissa - and hoped it was not too late to beg Molly to give him a second chance to win her love. Good thing he took the gamble - despite the intense scrutiny from fans and media, his risk was rewarded. The couple took slow and steady steps to build their relationship, including Molly's building a bond with Jason's son, Ty, as they saw their connection develop into a real, lasting union.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition-A Couple of game players..
« Reply #70 on: March 26, 2010, 08:33:36 PM »

They make a great couple, a couple of :lies: Those 2 are on the show for the wrong reasons.. :stare 

Roslyn: :luvx 
A floozy who probably makes out with every Tom, Dick, & Harry.  I can't believe she's messing around with 1 of the shows staff members. :eww  So she got the :boot:

Wes: :ahat: 
He's on the show to promote his new song. :wtf:  All I can say Wes > :dick  I wouldn't by his stupid CD for all the money in the world. :noway:  I wonder how his girlfriend reacted to all this?  I hope she gives him the :boot:

What a couple of losers! :nopoints   Where do they get these people? :idgit  Don't they bother  screening those contestants before putting them on the show!! :puter:  Good riddens to the both of them.. :waves:  I feel so bad for Jake & Jillian having to suffer through their BS..
« Last Edit: March 27, 2010, 08:23:25 PM by LauraJ »

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #71 on: June 22, 2010, 08:18:25 AM »
Bachelor's Jake Pavelka & Vienna Girardi Split

Many viewers of The Bachelor groaned when Jake Pavelka picked Vienna Girardi amid tabloid rumors about Girardi's wild past and accusations of betrayal and plastic surgery.

Pavelka defended her – and his decision – but just over three months later, something has gone wrong.

“Jake and Vienna have split,” says Janice Lee, a rep for the couple. “They appreciate the respect for their privacy at this time.”

No reason was given. After Pavelka, 32, was eliminated from Dancing With the Stars in late April, he spoke of needing to spend time with Girardi to "focus on our relationship and just see where life takes us right after that."

At the moment, Pavelka is in Atlanta, taping a guest stint on the Lifetime series Drop Dead Diva; Girardi is in Los Angeles.,,20396018,00.html

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #72 on: June 23, 2010, 12:28:56 PM »
Jake Pavelka: I Feel Betrayed by Vienna

Former "The Bachelor" Jake Pavelka explains his side of his break-up with former fiancée Vienna Girardi, the woman he proposed to in front of millions of TV viewers.

Pavelka tells People magazine in a new interview that he feels betrayed by Girardi. He tells People that Girardi craved fame, saying, "She was watching these doors open for me, and it was causing an intense amount of jealousy."

According to People, Pavelka says he financially supported Girardi while she slept in "until 10:30 a.m. every day" and that he was the one to pull the plug on the relationship, over the phone. He tells People, "In my mind it's over," when it comes to any hope of a reconciliation.

When it comes to his future love life, Pavelka says, "I do want to get married, but I want to marry the right girl."

The issue of People featuring Jake hits newsstands on Friday.